March 20, 1984
A regular meeting of the City of Dublin Park and Recreation
Commission was held on March 20, 1984 . The meeting was called to
order at 7 : 30 p.m. by Chairman Zika, at the Homestead Savings
Community Room, 7889 Dublin Boulevard.
Roll Call - Chairman Zika called the roll with all members
present, except Commissioner Schmitt, who requested an excused
Introduction of Recreation Director - The new Recreation
Director, Gaylynn Firth, was introduced to the Commission members
and the public in attendance at the meeting.
Approval of Minutes - The approval of the minutes of the meeting
of February 21, 1984 was moved by Commissioner Donnell and
seconded by Commissioner Hernandez with all members present
voting for the approval as submitted.
Joint Use of School Facilities -
The Commission received a staff report related to joint use of
school district facilities for recreation programing. It was
noted that due to the fact that the City does not own facilities,
it would be necessary to negotiate use agreements with other
governmental entity. It was noted that the provision of
recreation programs at school facilities would locate the
services in close proximity to the residents being served. The
Commission members suggested that the investigation of this type
of programing should include both the high school and the
elementary schools . The motion was moved by Commissioner
McCormick and seconded by Commissioner Donnell . On a. unanimous
vote of those Commission members present the Commission
recommended to the City Council that staff be authorized to
commence discussions and negotiations with the school districts
for joint use of school district facilities for recreation
programing for the summer 1984 .
Alamilla Spring Potential Designation for Public Use -
The Commission received a staff report which investigated, at the
request of Commissioner McCormick, the potential acquisition of
the area know as the Alamilla Spring. The preliminary report
indicated that the area had been set aside as a public easement
and offered to Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) . DSRSD
had indicated that they did not show a record of accepting the
easement. The Commission was asked to evaluate three prime
areas, including whether the site is something they would like
the City to pursue, including the maintenance and reliabilitys
associatedwith City ownership. Also, the types of uses they saw
for the area and finally, how this related to goals and
objectives previously identified by the Commission.
Commissioner McCormick explained some of the historical
significants of the spring. He indicatd that it would be a good
opportunity to provide a small park. Commissioner Donnell
inquired as to the provision of parking adjacent to the actual
spring. It was indicated that there is not parking available to
the general public and that any developement of the area as a
park would be accessed by pedestrians and bicyclists . The
Commission also discussed the area north of the public easement
denoted on the approval for the development at 7100 San Ramon
Road. The Commission indicated an interest in determining
whether both parcels could be legally acquired by the City. They
suggested that staff investigate through the County Planning
Commission the status of the easement as provided when the
development was approved. The Commission indicated they foresaw
the area as a passive park. They indicated that it would be
included in their goals and objectives along with monitoring the
City' s purchase and development of Kolb Park. On a motion made
by Commissioner McCormick and seconded by Commissioner Hernandez
the Park and Recreation Commission unanimously requested that the
City Council authorize staff to investigate this matter as
outlined in their discussion.
Commissioner Hernandez indicated that some people had approached
her to discuss the possibility of a community fourth of July
celebration. The Commission discussed the need to establish
priorities for programing and the provision of recreational
services throughout the community. Recreation Director, Firth,
noted that a good deal of time is necessary to establish these
programs . Chairman Zika noted that surrounding communities
already hold fourth of July celebrations and this limits the
City' s opportunity to generate a broad base of support for a
large scale celebration.
Commissioner Hernandez also informed the Commission that several
seventh and eighth grade residents had visited with her and
requested that Dublin youth be provided with a place to practice
- Break Dancing. She submitted a list of the names to the
Recreation Director .
Commissioner Donnell commended Commissioner Hernandez and
Commissioner Schmitt for their work on the sub-Committee
organizing the St. Patrick ' s Day community celebration. It was
also suggested that some sort of formal commendation be developed
by staff to provide to the Dublin youth football organization
which provided a great deal of assistance to the St. Patrick' s
Day event.
Commissioner Hernandez also suggested that the staff investigate
the possibility of the City purchasing a generator and public
address system for the use at future events .
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8: 50 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Gaylynn Firth
Recreation Director