HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-09-1985 Approved PCSC Minutes CITY OF DUBLIN
Meeting Date : July 9, 1985
The July 9, 1985 meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission
was called to order at 7 : 30p.m. , at the Shannon Community Center,
Dublin, California, by Chairperson George Zika.
Roll . Call
Present: Commissioners Hernandez,. Ovlen, Schmitt and Zika.
Absent: Commissioner Donnell .
Approval of Minutes
It was moved by Commissioner Ovlen and seconded by Commissioner
Schmitt that the minutes of June 11, 1985 be approved as
submitted. (Unanimous )
Senior- Citizens- Center
On June 25, 1985, the City Council held a Special Meeting for the
purpose of reviewing the 1985-86 FY Budget and the 1985-86
additions to the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan.
The Council was provided with a proposal for a Dublin Senior
Citizens Center from the Senior Citizens Coordinating Council of
Dublin. Mrs . Alice Pitchford, spokesperson from the Council,
explained the proposal to the City Council and requested that
money be allocated for development of a Senior Center. On a
motion by Jeffery, seconded by Vonheeder, and passing 4-0
(Council Member Moffatt absent) , the Council added $40, 000 to the
Recreation Department budget for the potential development of a
Senior Center.
At this time, staff is currently completing the needs assessment
of Senior Citizens .
The Fallon School Multi-purpose Room has been identified as a
site for the proposed Senior Citizens Center. The Murray School
District has indicated that they would be willing to work with
the City to negotiate a long-term lease or an outright purchase
of the site.
Commissioner Schmitt asked what is included in the site and Diane
replied that we are interested in the kitchen, the multi-purpose
room and the teachers /rooms . She also questioned the way the
Senior Bond Act monies would be used, and if the City had to put
up matching funds . Monies would be used for renovation of the
facility and the City had to guarantee a 15% match.
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It was moved by Commissioner Schmitt and seconded by Commissioner
Ovlen that we approve the Fallon School Site for the proposed
Senior Center, with the understanding that this does not
include the 5 acre park site. (Unanimous )
It was moved by Commissioner Schmitt and seconded by Commissioner
Ovlen to have the City' s Building Department inspect the facility
to determine it' s condition and needed improvements/modifications
for the proposed usage . (Unanimous)
It was moved by Commissioner Ovlen and seconded by Commissioner
Hernandez that it be recommended to the City Council to purchase
the site for $1 . 00 . (Unanimous )
Fees and Charges Survey
At the June 11, 1985 meeting of the Park and Recreation
Commission, the Commission was addressed by a City resident with
the complaint that the fees charged for Recreation Department
classes and programs were too high.
Staff conducted a survey of nine area departments for the purpose
of comparing class offerings and the fees charged. In doing the
survey, staff found that our fees are higher in some cases, lower
in other cases, but for the most part, our fees are comparable
with other departments .
Staff met with Commissioners Ovlen and Zika in order to discuss
the direction the Department should pursue with regards to fees
and charges . At that meeting, it was decided that the Department
needs to develop a written philosophy about recreation
programming with specific goals designed to assist in
implementing this philosophy.
Commissioner Zika stated that we must determine what the City
Council ' s goals and philosophies are, and what we think our goals
and philosophies should be in accordance with this policy with
guidance from the City Council . In this way, we can better
respond to the residents who question our programs .
Commissioner Ovlen stated that it was his understanding that
staff would solicit some of the philosophies from established
community recreation programs, thereby providing us with a
guideline to use in setting recommendations for what the level
of support should be.
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Commissioner Zika suggested that a work session be scheduled for
the purpose of discussing recommendations . It was agreed that
Tuesday, July 23, 1985, at 7 :30p.m. would be set as a tentative
date for the work session. Commissioner Zika requested an easel
with paper be provided and that Commissioner Donnell be contacted
about the meeting. Diane stated that she would take care of
these requests .
Fall - Schedule- for- Classes
Staff is currently developing the Fall Schedule of Classes and
Programs . In order to provide the community with a wide variety
of programs to meet the needs of a diverse population, staff
would appreciate any input that the Commission could provide.
Fall classes are scheduled to begin the week of September 23,
1985 . Brochures will be mailed to City residences beginning
August 23, 1985.
Commissioner Schmitt stated that the two age groups not being
served are teens and seniors . Also, a discount for seniors would
be something to consider. Diane stated that the Quest Program
through Chabot College will co-sponsor classes through the
Recreation Department free of charge to Seniors ( $5 for credit
classes ) . Only one class will be offered this Fall.
Funding has been approved to continue the free Afterschool
Program. Staff is looking at the possibility of splitting the
budgeted money between the three elementary schools, instead of
just two. Staff has thought of perhaps modifying the program so
that it may not be five days a week at each site, but rather
rotate certain activities for specific days of the week at each
site. Commissioners Zika, Ovlen and Schmitt agreed that the idea
of rotating the programs from school to school would limit the
participation and defer from the fundamentals of the program.
However, it was agreed that if there existed a valid need to
expand to three school sites, then the Commission would
definitely support this idea.
Other Business :
Senior- Day- Care- Center
Commissioner Hernandez stated that there is a need for a senior
daycare center for those seniors whose families have to work
during the day. She suggested that perhaps Cronin could be a
possible site for this center. Also, transportation would be a
problem for these seniors .
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1985-86- FY- Budget/Capital - Improvement Plan
The Budget and Capital Improvement Plan was approved at the June
25, 1985 City Council meeting. At the next City Council meeting
scheduled for July 22 the Park Master Plan will be presented to
the City Council for their approval. We will be requesting the
Council to approve submitting RFP ' s (Request for Proposals)
for bids from landscaping architect firms .
Commissioner Ovlen asked if the Commission would be involved in
the selection process? Commissioner Zika suggested that
Commissioner Ovlen work with the City and Diane in reviewing the
proposals and giving input.
Commissioner Zika asked what the current status was on Amador
Lakes. Diane replied that they are doing a final revision from
the comments they received from the Commission in February, and
hope to have the revisions completed by our next meeting. It
will then be submitted to the City Council for approval.
The $40 , 000 for Shannon Park play equipment and $10, 000 for the
kitchen were approved.
Fourth of July Picnic and Swim Party Evaluation
Commissioner Schmitt stated that she thought the Fourth of July
Picnic and Swim Party was terrific and very well received. Diane
stated that everyone seemed to have a good time. There were at
least 400 people in attendance during the course of the day, and
several commented that they enjoyed the activities . Georgean
Vonheeder called today to apologize for not making a statement
at the City Council last night and thanking the staff and the
department for the day and thought that everything went quite
well for a first.
Teen Survey
Pat Griffes, resident of Dublin, stated that she was concerned
about the needs of teens and was interested in finding out the
results of the recent survey taken at the high school . Diane
stated that 300-400 of the surveys were completed and returned.
We are currently in the process of finishing the survey
information and will be contacting the interested teens in the
next couple of weeks and setting up a meeting to get things
started for this Fall . There has been some discussion in co-
sponsoring trips together with Livermore and Pleasanton for one
around Thanksgiving, Winter and Easter. One of the ideas behind
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co-sponsoring is that each agency could take the responsibility
for a trip. Instead of cancelling a trip because of being unable
to fill a bus, we could then draw from all three areas, and
therefore only have to worry about being responsible for it one
time a year.
Diane asked if any of the commissioners would be interested in
attending the teen meeting? Commissioner ' s Schmitt and Hernandez
stated that they would attend. Commissioner Zika suggested that
no tables be used, but rather a few chairs be set-up for a casual
type meeting.
East Dougherty Hills - Park- Site
The developers for the planned development that is proposed for
the Dougherty Hills area have come to the City with their
tentative map for approval by the Planning Commission. In this
map, they have identified the 5 acres that they would like to
dedicate to the City for the park site . There was some concern
by staff that the 5 acres the developer has identified as being
the park site may not be appropriate for a park site . In the
specifications for this development, it does state that the City
can require the developer to pay for a landscape architect to
review the plans to determine if the property is appropriate for
a park site. We have used this option and have hired a landscape
architect to look at the plans and tell us if he feels that it is
appropriate for a park site .
A report will be given to the City staff by July 16 . A joint
meeting with the Planning Commission and Recreation Commission to
review the proposed park site is scheduled for Monday, August 5
at 7 : 00p.m. at the Dublin Library. Diane stated that an agenda
and plans will be sent for review prior to the meeting.
DSRSD- Park- and Recreation- Committee- and. City Council
Shannon- Center. Subcommittee- Meeting
Diane stated that July 10 is the meeting with the Recreation
Committee for DSRSD and the City Liaison Committee. This meeting
is to discuss Shannon Center, concerns of the Services District
with the City and vice versa. Diane requested the Commissions
input as to any concerns they would like to have voiced at this
Commissioner Schmitt stated that she does not want Shannon Center
for various reasons, but feels it is a very inefficient facility.
Commissioner Hernandez stated that she likes Shannon Center and
that it is a part of Dublin. Commissioner Ovlen stated that he
felt the City is in a position to manage Shannon Center despite
its imperfections . Commissioner Zika stated that DSRSD in the
past has promised to do repairs, but there still remains several
July 9, 1985 Minutes
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liabilities surrounding the building. There are no water
fountains, no sprinklers, the building is in a state of
disrepair, its inefficient and poorly designed. We have a
limited amount of money to spend and would rather spend it on
Commissioner Ovlen suggested a long term lease with an option to
buy. This would give us the planning continuity and ability to
commit dollars and control the amount of time we perceive
ourselves being here. We can also set options in regards to the
political or financial climate. If the conditions are preset, we
can then make negotiations for purchase. Commissioners Zika,
Schmitt and Hernandez agreed that this would be something they
could accept.
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9 : 35p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Char Young, Recording Secretary