HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-11-1985 Approved PCSC Minutes CITY OF DUBLIN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING Meeting Date: June 11, 1985 The June 11, 1985 meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7 : 34p.m. , at the Shannon Community Center, Dublin, California, by Chairperson George Zika. Roll. Call Present: Commissioners Donnell, Hernandez, Ovlen, Schmitt and Zika. Approval- of. Minutes It was moved by Commissioner Ovlen and seconded by Commissioner Donnell that the minutes of May 14 , 1985 be approved as submitted. (Unanimous ) Spring Recreation Program. Evaluation Diane stated that there was an increase in the enrollment for the adult classes and a decrease in the childrens enrollment. After scheduling classes for the last three quarters, we now have a good idea of what the community is looking for. The preschool age classes we offer have been well received. The enrollment last spring and for this coming summer has shown that there are quite a few preschool age children in our area. Utilization of the center has remained steady. The social hall was utilized 24% of the hours available . Commissioner Schmitt asked if the percentage is based on a five day week? Diane replied that it is based on Sunday through Thursday, 9 : 00a.m.- 10 : 00p.m. , and Friday and Saturday, 10 : 00a.m. -12 : 00midnight. Commissioner Zika asked if there is a cancellation charge? Diane replied yes . The reservation fee is forfeited if the room cannot be rented again. Commissioner Ovlen suggested contacting businesses through the secretaries who handle the meeting arrangements and informing them of our facilities . Diane pointed out that she is currently in the process of putting together a letter to be mailed to all local businesses . At this point in the meeting, Sandy Wilhite, 8552 Briarwood Lane, Dublin, entered the meeting to discuss the City of Dublin Summer Brochure . Commissioner Zika changed the order of business to "Other Business" . Page Two Sandy Wilhite stated that she had received the summer brochure in the mail and was very upset over the fees being charged for the programs . Linda Jeffery, Dublin City Council Member, suggested that she attend a Parks & Recreation Commission meeting to express her feelings . Mrs . Wilhite stated that she is the mother of five children, and that her friends and neighbors are also concerned about the high fees charged by the City of Dublin as compared to other cities . She briefly read fees from a Mt. View recreation brochure. She stated that she personally knew Richard Ambrose, City Manager, and knew for a fact that Dublin has money just sitting around. Commissioner Zika stated that the City Council has decreed that Park & Recreation, for the most part, has to be done on a "pay as you go basis" . We have no funds of our own. We have submitted budgets to the City requesting their help to pay for certain programs . We fought to get the City to pay for part of the Latch Key Program. Commissioner Zika suggested that Mrs . Wilhite contact the City Council members . Mrs. Wilhite stated that she was advised by Linda Jeffery to attend a commission meeting, and that the commission in turn should prepare a study and submit it to the City Council . Commissioner Zika stated that the Department does not own a blade of grass in this City. We have fought since there was an advisory Park & Recreation Commission to get Fallon School which has been three years in the process . The City Council did not want a commission. Now they have determined that the classes have to be on a "pay as you go basis" . As a result, we contract with private instructors who are on a "pay as you go basis" . Commissioner Ovlen stated that Mrs . Wilhite has a valid concern which should receive an answer, and that the Commission is a capable body and should be able to obtain legitimate answers for her. Mrs . Wilhite stated that she knows several families who have left Dublin basically because it was too expensive to live here. Perhaps if there were programs available at reasonable costs for their children, they would not leave . Diane asked Mrs . Wilhite what did she consider to be reasonable fees? Mrs . Wilhite replied that the fees listed in the Mt. View brochure seem reasonable to her. Diane stated that something to look at closely is the amount of hours you are getting for the fees charged. For example, our ballet class is twice a week for eight weeks, as opposed to once a week for eight weeks as offered by Mt. View. Therefore, you would be getting twice the amount of lessons for your money. Our instructors come to us with their class proposals indicating the minimum amount of people and Page Three maximum they can take in a class . The instructors receive a percentage of the fee they set. As a department, we have not received many of complaints about the fees being too high. If we did, it would be an indication to us that we would need to approach the instructors about lowering their fees . We do have a free Afternoon Playground Program which will be offered at Cronin and Nielsen Schools . Mrs . Wilhite stated that those locations were impossible for her, as she lives near Murray School . Commissioner Ovlen noted that 40% of the youth classes did not go this past spring. Perhaps we are over charging for these classes . We never pushed the City to make a basic policy statement as to what the City feels is their commitment to the youth of the community. Commissioner Schmitt agreed that a policy statement should be definitely sought. Commissioner Zika stated that the City council has given a commitment to 1) Recreation will be "pay as you go" , and 2 ) no expense will be spared to fix the downtown area with trees and new roads . We will have the most beautiful downtown area in the world, but we will not have one blade of grass for a park. Commissioner Ovlen stated that as a Commission of the council, we must approach the council as to how we are to respond to the people they refer to us . Commissioner Ovlen suggested appointing two members of the Commission to meet with the Director to develop some potential questions which would address some of our concerns, and to come back to the Commission at the next meeting for approval. It could then be brought before the City Council . The purpose is to clarify our human services position within the structure of the city government. It was moved by Commissioner Schmitt and seconded by Commissioner Hernandez that two Commission members be appointed. Commissioners Ovlen and Zika volunteered. (Unanimous ) Commissioner Zika thanked Mrs . Wilhite for coming and stated that she was welcome to attend the next scheduled commission meeting on July 9 and to bring her neighbors and friends . Summer- Quarter. Update Registration for summer classes and programs is underway. Flyers have been printed and will be distributed to the schools and instructors . Arrangements have been made with the sites that were listed as "to be arranged" . The Afternoon Playground will be held at Cronin and Nielsen. The rate for the summer will be $25 per site. Page Four The Basketball Camp advertised is strictly for boys . If enough input is received from girls, a camp will be arranged. Commissioner Schmitt asked if there was a possibility of setting up a sports clinic for older children with advanced skills? Diane requested to have this matter brought to her attention in March next year. Commissioner Zika questioned the $32 charged for the Tenderfoot Camp for the two hour sessions . Diane stated that the fee includes two paid instructors totaling $9-$10 per hour, with a minimum enrollment of 10, and the cost of supplies . Zika asked what the cost would be if the City picked up the cost of the instructors? Diane replied that possibily $5 for supplies, however does not feel that the City picking up the cost of instructors is the answer. July 4th Celebration Commissioner Hernandez stated that it was her understanding that the 4th of July celebration was to be an old fashioned celebration held at Shannon Center. Diane stated that it was her understanding that the consensus of the commission was to check into the availability of the Valley Swim Center, and if available, to pursue obtaining use of the pool . Commissioners Zika, Schmitt, Ovlen & Donnell agreed. The theme will be a Family Picnic and Swim Party with both water activities and outside relay races, i.e . sack races, 3-legged race, etc . Time will be set aside for free swimming as well . BBQ' s will be provided for those who want to BBQ. Letters will be sent to local merchants for donations of prizes for the various activities . Participation will be stressed rather than competition. An ice cream social or watermelon feed was discussed, and it was decided that an ice cream social would be more within the "old fashion" theme and less messy. Commissioner Zika asked if the activities scheduled for outside the pool would run simultaneously? Diane stated that the wading pool would be utilized as well as the regular pool including the surrounding deck and grass areas for activities . The activities would be arranged by age groups, father/son, mother/daughter, etc . The schedule is planned to be informal, however very organized. Commissioner Ovlen asked what is going to be done for publicity? Diane stated that flyers will be circulated through the schools, announcments on television and radio, and in newspapers . Page Five Commissioner Zika asked what input or assistance would be needed from the commission. Diane stated that she would like to see everyone at the celebration and to encourage their neighbors to . attend as well, and perhaps to assist in the activities planned. It was moved by Commissioner Ovlen and seconded by Commissioner Schmitt to extend invitations to the City Council members for the 4th of July Celebration. (Unanimous) Senior- Citizens- Needs Assessment Diane stated that at the February 25. meeting of the City Council, the staff was approached about the possibility of the City funding a Senior Citizens Center . Staff was directed to do a needs assessment of the seniors to determine if there was a need and desire of the seniors in the community for a Senior Center. If so, how would it be utilized and what would they like to see there? A survey form was prepared which not only requested information in regards to a Senior Center, but also information as to what activities the seniors were currently involved in now and what types of things they would like to be involved in. When the original project was presented, it was stated that it had to be a needs assessment of Dublin seniors . Therefore, the survey included a section to indicate their addresses . If a center was built or developed, there would be no constraints placed on the residency of a senior. The forms will be circulated through the various senior club meetings that meet at the center, as well as the outreach program, home delivered meals, gold card directory recipients, and senior apartment complexes . Preschool. Classes Preschool classes at Shannon Center are currently being conducted by the San Ramon Valley Community Center. At the time that the City took over the lease on the building, they were granted a continuance for the school year with the stipulation that the City of Dublin receive a financial statement of their program for the 1983-84 school year, as well as 1984-85 school year to-date. The statement was to include a quarterly breakdown of participants, fees paid, program costs, and revenues generated. A portion of the information was received. The instructor was contacted to find out what she felt were problems with the program, as well as information regarding the number of kids in the program, residency, etc . The three day week program averaged "12" children throughout the year ( 6- Dublin/6-San Ramon) . The two day week program was between 15-18 throughout the year. The instructor felt that one of the reasons for the declining enrollment was the cost and another the lack of publicity. Page Six Diane stated that she believed the department could run a viable preschool program. The options are as follows : 1) To have the community center run the program at the rental rate we are charging them - estimated revenue $1, 400 ; 2 ) Raise the community centers rate to $8 . 00 per hour - estimated revenue $5, 568; and 3 ) If the City conducted their own classes - estimated revenue $2, 400, with parent participation as opposed to the non-parent participation. Diane concluded by stating that one of the things we need to consider is whether we can run the program more efficiently and effectively. It is staffs recommendation to adopt option #3 and to initiate plans to hire staff and begin publicity for Fall classes . It is further recommended that the San Ramon Valley Community Center be notified of this decision in order for them to have adequate time to relocate their program. Commissioner Ovlen stated that he supported staffs recommendation, but would like staff to look into other alternatives for financing and lowering the fees, as well as to make it an parent/child participation program. It was moved by Commissioner Ovlen and seconded by Commissioner Donnell to accept staffs recommendation of conducting City sponsored preschool classes at Shannon Center. (Unanimous ) Other Business Commissioner Hernandez stated that she was approached by Reverend Howard Upton of Dublin for the need of a senior daycare center for those seniors who live with family members who work. The daycare would only be for a few hours each day. Commissioner Zika suggested handing out the senior questionnnaire to the seniors Reverend Upton is concerned about and for them to indicate on the form their interest in having a senior daycare center. Commissioner Hernandez stated that it would be possible to include this daycare within the senior center itself. Staff Reports Teen - Survey: The survey was circulated at Dublin High School, Wells and Frederickson. Dublin High School ' s questionnaires have been received, and we are currently in the process of sorting and compiling the information. There were a few names listed of those interested in helping develop a Teen Center. Senior. Gold Card- Directory: The directories were printed and are being distributed. The seniors are very excited about it, and several copies have already have been issued. Page Seven Joint. Meeting. of Dublin- City- Council- &. - Murray- School- District Board- -of - Di recto-rs-: A joint meeting was conducted with the Dublin City Council and the Murray School District directors on May 30 . Kolb Park, recreation programs, use of empty school facilities, school district grounds maintenance and crossing guards were the items discussed. A study on unused school properties was completed, and was to be presented at the next school board meeting the folowing Monday. The status of Kolb Park is 1) Sell off the property for single family dwellings (except the 5 acre park) ; or 2) Sit on the land and let it ride. The City was asked if they would accept the tennis courts as part of the 5 acres without knowing what the other 5 acres would be. It was City Councils opinion, that we would accept the tennis courts . After the meeting, the City was to receive a letter stating where the 5 acres was to be located. As of this date, no letter has been received. There was also discussion regarding the Fallon School site. One idea was to move the school district offices to Fallon. Beth Howard, Chairperson of the Seniors Coordinating Council, indicated to the council that we should go for the Fallon multi- purpose room as a possible location for a Senior Center. Three members of the coordinating council were present at this meeting and all presented reasons why Dublin seniors need a center and why Fallon would be an ideal location. The Superintendent of Schools suggested that we offer the Fallon multi-purpose room to the City for $1 . 00 . After discussion it was questioned whether the City would want Fallon, and if so, would they be willing to lease it for $1 . 00 or purchase it outright for $1. 00 . Budget Hearing: Diane stated that the budget hearing has been scheduled for Tuesday, June 25 at 6 : 00pm, at Homestead Savings . Discussion will include the 1985-86 Budget and Campital Improvement Plan. The park master plan is in the Capital Improvement Plan and will be discussed at the meeting and will be on the City Council agenda in July. Dublin Sports Park Improvement Plan: DSRSD forwarded a copy of Phase I of their $350, 000 renovation of the Dublin Sports Grounds to the City. There are three phases of the plan with Phase I scheduled to begin in the Fall of 1985. Phase I includes : 1) Fitness court, 2 ) Sunken picnic area with amphitheatre seating, 3 ) Additional trees, and 4 ) Additional picnic tables around the park. Page Eight All Commission members were in favor of the improvements, however indicated their concerns on the following: 1 ) Will there be restrooms in the back of the park, 2 ) Water & Barbecues, and 3 ) Picnic tables are too far from the parking area. The plan will reviewed by the City Council and their comments forwarded to DSRSD. Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9 : 20pm. Respectfully submitted, Char Young, R, reation Secretary