HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-10-1987 Approved PCSC Minutes CITY OF DUBLIN
MEETING DATE: March 10, 1987
The March 10, 1987 meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission
was called to order at 7 : 30p.m. at the Shannon Community Center,
Dublin, California, by Chairperson Norb Hudak.
Roll Call
Present: Commissioner Hudak, Schmitt, Hernandez , and Zika
Absent: Commissioner Donnell
Oral Communications
Dr. Zev Kahn, resident, voiced his concern on the green pump
house located in front of Shannon Park, and that the Dublin-San
Ramon Services District has not done anything to lessen the
visual impact. Dr. Kahn requested that the Commission pursue
having something done. The Commission directed Diane Lowart to
write a letter to the Dublin San Ramon Services District
regarding this matter.
Gail Loperena, Elder, John Knox Presbyterian Church, requested to
be added to the agenda to present their request for
reclassification from a Resident Group to a Community Group for
their rental of Shannon Center on April 11, 1987 .
It was moved by Commissioner Schmitt and seconded by Commissioner
Hernandez to add John Knox Presbyterian Church at the end of the
agenda. (UNANIMOUS)
Approval of Minutes
It was moved by Commissioner Zika and seconded by Commissioner
Schmitt to approve the minutes of February 10, 1987 as submitted.
Written Communications - None -
Old Business :
Dublin High School Grounds Improvement Task Force
At the February 9 , 1987 meeting of the Dublin City Council, the
Council approved formation of the Dublin High School Improvement
Task Force. The purpose of the Task Force is to investigate the
community need for additional outdoor and indoor facilities, and
to identify those areas at Dublin High School that could be
upgraded to fulfill this need.
On February 18, 1987, letters and applications were mailed to
sports groups and cultural organizations . The Council requested
that the Commission be represented on the Task Force. As
Commissioners Hudak and Schmitt are currently on the
Sports/Facilities Subcommittee, it would be staffs recommendation
that they be assigned to the Task Force. The Commission
Minutes - March 10, 1987
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Kolb Park
At the April 28, 1986 meeting of the Dublin City Council, the
Council adopted the Park Masterplan for Dolan, Dougherty Hills,
East Dougherty Hills, Kolb, Mape and Shannon Parks . The landscape
architectural firm of Singer & Hodges, Inc. was selected to
prepare the final design and construction documents for Kolb Park
based on the Masterplan.
Philip Singer presented the plans for Kolb Park and solicited
input from the Commission and the public on the final design.
Mr. Singer presented slides of various parks with both metal &
wood play structures, as well as fencing, game & picnic tables,
sitting areas, etc . The Landscape Architect will prepare the
final design incorporating the recommendations of the Commission
and present it to the City Council at their regular meeting of
March 23, 1987 .
Resident and Commission Input
Dr. Zev Kahn stated that the spring toys are not popular among
the younger children and are therefore not used. He recommended
that the spring toys be deleted from the park. Mr. Dyer
commented that the spring toys isolated the children from
interaction with other children and therefore should be omitted
from the plan.
Dr. Zev Kahn and Alice Pitchford were concerned that there was no
fencing around the tot lot located near Brighton Drive .. Phil
Singer suggested installing a 2-1/2 foot fence around the tot
The Commission and residents favored the wood play structures
instead of metal because of its aesthetic and life expectancy
T.J. Walder, resident, stated that there was some discussion of
lowering the berms at previous meetings, what was the decision at
that time? Phil Singer stated that it was the consensus of the
residents that the berms should be lowered for security
surveillance, however to do so may involve the removal of some of
the trees.
Commissioner Schmitt stated that she would like . to see as many
trees preserved as possible.
Dr. Zev Kahn felt that a drinking fountain should be installed in
the tot lot. Without one, the children would have to be taken
out of the tot lot and to another area for a drink of water.
It was moved by Commissioner Schmitt and seconded by Commissioner
Zika to remove the spring toys from the plan for Kolb Park.
(Vote: Zika - Aye, Schmitt - Aye, Hernandez - Aye, Hudak - Nay)
Minutes - March 10, 1987
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It was moved by Commissioner Schmitt and seconded by Commissioner
Hernandez to have a 2-1/2 foot fence installed around the tot
It was moved by Commissioner Schmitt and seconded by Commissioner
Hernandez to request a wood design for the play areas, and that a
roller slide be added to the plan. (Vote: Zika - Nay, Schmitt -
Aye, Hernandez - Aye, Hudak - Aye) . (PASSED)
It was moved by Commissioner Schmitt and seconded by Commissioner
Hernadez that Singer & Hodges, Inc. preserve the existing trees
as much as possible . (UNANIMOUS)
It was moved by Commissioner Schmitt and seconded by Commissioner
Hernandez to install a drinking fountain in the tot lot.
It was moved by Commissioner Zika and seconded by Commissioner
Hernandez to accept the Kolb Park design in concept as presented
by Singer & Hodges, Inc. , with the exceptions as voted in the
previous motions . (UNANIMOUS)
1987-88 Master Planning Calendar
At the February 11, 1987 meeting of the Park and Recreation
Commission, Chairperson Ovlen introduced the concept of a
Department Master Planning Calendar. The Master Planning
Calendar would include all the Department related activities
including brochure deadlines, program starting dates, special
events, park development, commission meetings etc.
Staff found the Master Planning Calendar for 1986-87 very useful
in helping to plan Recreation Department activities. Therefore,
staff is in the process of updating it for the 1987-88 Fiscal
year. It is the recommendation of staff that the Commission
review the 1986-87 calendar and give input as to any additions or
changes for the 1987-88 calendar.
Commissioner Schmitt suggested adding all school board meetings
to the calendar, and also the Valley Community Swim Center
opening date. The status of. the Valley Community Swim Center
program is not known at this time, contact will be made with
DSRSD and a status report given to the Commission at the next
Summer Youth Employment Program
At the April 14 , 1986 meeting of the Dublin City Council, the
Council approved Dublin' s participation in the Valley Area Summer
Jobs for Youth Programs . The City of Dublin' s Youth ,Employment
Program began in mid-May and continued through September 19 ,
1986 . The program was staffed by a Recreation Specialist and the
Youth Employment Office was located in Shannon Center and was
open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 12 noon to 5 : 00pm.
Minutes - March 10, 1987
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This year, we plan to have the program operating by May 4, 1987 .
It is anticipated that the Recreation Specialist will be
available four days per week instead of the three days per week
last year. We are looking for another location to house the
program as office space at Shannon Center is not available.
Dublin High School has indicated that space may be available.
Recruitment for a Recreation Specialist will begin shortly.
1987 Spring Schedule of Recreation Classes and Programs
The 1987 Spring Schedule of Recreation Classes and Programs was
delivered to the Post Office on March 6, 1987 for distribution to
Dublin residents and those San Ramon Residents residing in the
Dublin San Ramon Services District boundaries . Spring classes
are scheduled to begin the week of April 6 .
Spring quarter special events include the St. Patrick' s Day
Celebration, the Easter Egg Hunt, and the City-Wide Garage Sale.
Co-sponsored events include the Jr. High Ski Trip, the May Day
Prom for Developmentally Disabled, and the Valley-Wide Flea
Market and Garage Sale.
Scholarships for Senior Citizens
At the February 10, 1987 meeting of the Park and Recreation
Commission, Commissioner Schmitt requested that the concept of
Scholarships for senior citizens be addressed. It is her thought
that perhaps fundraisers could be done with the proceeds put into
a fund that could be used for senior citizen programs.
Additionally,- donations could be sought from local businesses and
corporations to supplement the fund.
It is the recommendation of staff that the Commission discuss the
concept of establishing scholarships for senior citizens. if the
Commission is in favor of pursuing the matter, it is recommended
that we defer further consideration of the concept until such
time the Senior Center Director is on board.
Commissioner Schmitt stated that the seniors have complained for
sometime that they cannot afford the cost of the programs
offered. She suggested having fundraisers to raise funds to
offer scholarships to senior citizens.
Alice Pitchford, resident, suggested that we have the Senior
Coordinator attend meetings of the Commission on Aging to find
out what kind of programs they have. She suggested that we
determine which seniors need the scholarships, as there are many
Dublin residents who can afford to pay.
It was the consensus of the Commission to have the Senior
Coordinator pursue this issue.
Minutes - March 10, 1987
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1987 Community Services Conference
The 1987 Services Conference, sponsored by.. the League of
California Cities, is scheduled for April 8, 9 and 10 at the
Hyatt Regency in Oakland. Funds are available for attendance by
the Commission. As the registration deadline is Friday, March
27, 1987, those Commissioners wishing to attend should notify the
Recreation Director by March 13 in order that a check can be
approved by the City Council at their March 23, 1987 meeting.
The Commissioners responded as follows : Zika - No, Schmitt - Yes,
Hudak - Maybe, and Hernandez - Yes .
Other Business :
John Knox Presbyterian Church - Reclassification Request
Gail Loperena, Elder, John Knox Presbyterian Church, requested
that the Commission consider reclassifying their group
Classification III, Community Group at the rental rate of $45 . 00
per hour for use on April 11, 1987 for a fundraiser auction. It
was the groups contention that although they do not meet the
residency requirements, they feel very strongly that they are a
big part of the Dublin community. The group also requested that
the Commission waive the hourly rental rate assessed to them
during the time they need for setup.
Commissioner Schmitt stated that John Knox supports many
community service groups that others do not support for reasons
of their own. She recommended that the Commission should approve
John Knox ' s request for reclassification due to their
contribution to the community.
It was moved by Commissioner Schmitt and seconded by Commissioner
Hernandez that John Knox Presbyterian Church be reclassified as a
Group III - Community Group at the rate of $45 per hour, but
voted against waiving the hourly rental rate for the time needed
for setup. (UNANIMOUS)
Staff Reports :
Staff Responsibilities List
The Commissioners were given a list indicating the various
program areas offered and the staff members responsible for
their execution. The Commissioners were encouraged to contact
the staff members or the Director if they had any questions,
suggestions or comments on a specific program.
Shamrock Festival Committee
Commissioner Schmitt asked what is the Shamrock Festival about?
Diane explained that the Shamrock Festival will be an expanded
version of Founders Week. A committee with representatives from
non-profit groups, the Chamber, DHPA and the City will be
planning the festival . Activities will include a Mayors
Reception, DHPA BBQ, Craft Faire and a weekend event at the
Dublin Sports Grounds.
Minutes - March 10, 1987
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At the conclusion of the meeting, Commissioner Hudak requested to
know the function and role of the Commission. Diane responded
that the Commission is advisory in nature, giving direction and
input to the City Council on policies and procedures in relation
to the Park and Recreation Department.
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Char J. Young
Recreation Secretary