HomeMy WebLinkAbout6. Exhibit B Findings Concerning Significant Impacts and Mitigation Measures_sup1
Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21081 and CEQA Guidelines section 15091, the City
Council hereby makes these findings with respect to the potential for significant environmental
impacts from adoption and implementation of the Kaiser Dublin Medical Center Project, City
of Dublin, Alameda County, California (“Specific Plan,” or “Project”), State Clearinghouse
No. 2015012018, and means for mitigating those impacts. For the purpose of these findings,
the term “EIR” means the Draft and Final EIR documents collectively, unless otherwise
These findings do not attempt to describe the full analysis of each environmental impact
contained in the EIR. Instead, the findings provide a summary description of each impact,
describe the applicable mitigation measures identified in the EIR and adopted by the City, and
state the findings on the significance of each impact after imposition of the adopted mitigation
measures. A full explanation of these environmental findings and conclusions can be found in
the EIR, and these findings hereby incorporate by reference the discussion and analysis in those
documents supporting the EIR’s determinations regarding mitigation measures and the Project’s
impacts and mitigation measures designed to address those impacts. The facts supporting these
findings are found in the record as a whole for the Project.
In making these findings, the City ratifies, adopts, and incorporates into these findings the
analysis and explanation in the EIR, and ratifies, adopts, and incorporates in these findings the
determinations and conclusions of the EIR relating to environmental impacts and mitigation
measures, except to the extent any such determinations and conclusions are specifically and
expressly modified by these findings.
Impact AES – 3: The proposed project may substantially degrade the existing visual character
or quality of the site and its surroundings.
Mitigation Measures:
MM AES – 3: Prior to issuance of the first building permit for either the medical campus or
commercial uses, a Master Sign Program shall be prepared and submitted to the City of Dublin
for review and approval that sets forth standards for illuminated signage. (Separate Master Sign
Programs may be pursued for the medical campus and commercial uses as appropriate). The
Master Sign Program shall set forth performance standards for illuminated signage, including (1)
limitations on the size, location, and orientation of illuminated and non-illuminated pylon,
monument, and wall signs; (2) a prohibition on digital and non-digital freeway billboards,
flashing, oscillating, animated lights or other moving sign components; and (3) the use of
dimmers or other devices intended to limit the intensity of illumination during late night and
early morning hours. The approved Master Sign Program shall be incorporated into the
proposed project.
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: Mitigation Measure AES-3 requires the Master Sign Program to place
limitations on the size, location, and orientation of illuminated and non-illuminated pylon,
monument, and wall signs; prohibit digital and non-digital freeway billboards, flashing,
oscillating, animated lights or other moving sign components; and require the use of dimmers or
other devices intended to limit the intensity of illumination during late night and early morning
hours. With the implementation of this mitigation measure, impacts would be reduced to a level
of less than significant.
Impact AES – 4: The project may create a new source of substantial light or glare which would
adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area.
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM AES – 3 and
MM AES – 4: Prior to issuance of the building permit for each project building, the project
applicant shall prepare and submit building plans to the City of Dublin for review and approval
that demonstrate that exterior lighting fixtures would not create adverse spillover effects on
adjoining land uses. The plans shall demonstrate that all exterior lighting fixtures are either fully
shielded or employ full cut-off fixtures. The approved plans shall be incorporated into the
proposed project.
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: Mitigation Measure AES-4 is proposed requiring that all exterior
lighting fixtures be either fully shielded or employ full cut-off fixtures to prevent adverse
spillover effects onto nearby land uses. Additionally, Mitigation Measure AES-3 requires a
Master Sign Program to be developed that places limits or prohibitions on various types of
illuminated signage. (Specifically, digital and non-digital freeway billboards, flashing, oscillating,
animated lights, or other moving sign components are prohibited.) With the implementation of
these mitigation measures, light and glare impacts would be reduced to a level of less than
Impact AIR – 1: The project may conflict with or obstruct implementation of the appl icable air
quality plan.
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MMs AIR – 3a, AIR – 3b, and TRANS – 1a. (see below for text of mitigation
Resulting Significance: Significant unavoidable impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR, but not to
a level of less than significant. There are no additional feasible mitigation measures and no
feasible alternatives that avoid this significant effect, as further addressed in Exhibit C, Findings
Concerning Infeasibility of Alternatives and Additional Mitigation Measures.
Rationale for Finding: The Project would not be consistent with the goals of the air quality
plan because of the exceedance of regional ozone precursor thresholds during operation.
Mitigation Measures AIR – 3a, AIR – 3b and TRANS – 1a would help to reduce ozone
precursor emissions, but not to a level of less than significant. Therefore, the project would
conflict with the implementation of the air quality plan. The impact is significant and
Impact AIR – 3: The project would result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any
criteria pollutant for which the project region is nonattainment under an applicable federal or
state ambient air quality standard (including releasing emissions which exceed quantitative
thresholds for ozone precursors).
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM TRANS – 1a and:
MM AIR – 3a During construction, the following air pollution control measures shall be
• Exposed surfaces (e.g., parking areas, staging areas, soil piles, graded areas, and unpaved
access roads) shall be watered two times per day, or more as needed.
• All haul trucks transporting soil, sand, or other loose material off-site shall be covered.
• All visible mud or dirt track-out onto adjacent public roads shall be removed using wet
power vacuum street sweepers at least once per day. The use of dry power sweeping is
• All vehicle speeds on unpaved roads and surfaces shall be limited to 15 miles per hour.
• All roadways, driveways, and sidewalks shall be paved as soon as possible.
• Idling times shall be minimized either by shutting equipment off when not in use or
reducing the maximum idling time to 5 minutes (as required by the California airborne toxics
control measure Title 13, Section 2485 of California Code of Regulations [CCR]). Clear
signage shall be provided for construction workers at all access points.
• All construction equipment shall be maintained and properly tuned in accordance with
manufacturer’s specifications. All equipment shall be checked by a certified mechanic and
determined to be running in proper condition prior to operation.
• A publicly visible sign shall be posted with the telephone number and person to contact
both at the City of Dublin and at the office of the General Contractor regarding dust
complaints. This person shall respond and take corrective action within 2 business days of a
complaint or issue notification. The Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s phone
number shall also be visible to ensure compliance with applicable regulations.
MM AIR – 3b: Prior to issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall prepare and submit
documentation to the City of Dublin that demonstrate that all off-road diesel-powered
construction equipment greater than 50 horsepower meets United States Environmental
Protection Agency Tier 4 off-road emissions standards.
Resulting Significance: Significant unavoidable impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR, but not to
a level of less than significant. There are no additional feasible mitigation measures and no
feasible alternatives that avoid this significant effect, as further addressed in Exhibit C, Findings
Concerning Infeasibility of Alternatives and Additional Mitigation Measures.
Rationale for Finding: The project would exceed the BAAQMD thresholds of significance for
ROG and NOx during operation. With the incorporation of the mitigation measures, the
emissions would be reduced, but not below the level of significance. Therefore, the impact
would be significant and unavoidable.
Impact AIR – 6: Implementation of the project would generate direct and indirect greenhouse
gas emissions that would result in a significant impact on the environment.
Mitigation Measures: Implement MM TRANS–1A, MM TRANS–40a, MM TRANS–40b,
Resulting Significance: Significant unavoidable impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR, but not to
a level of less than significant. There are no additional feasible mitigation measures and no
feasible alternatives that avoid this significant effect, as further addressed in Exhibit C, Findings
Concerning Infeasibility of Alternatives and Additional Mitigation Measures.
Rationale of Finding: The Project’s greenhouse gas emissions would exceed the BAAQMD
significance threshold. Even with the implementation of mitigation measures, the emissions
would remain significant and unavoidable.
Impact AIR-7: Implementation of the project would conflict with any applicable plan, policy
or regulation of an agency adopted to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases.
Mitigation Measures: Implement MM TRANS–1A, MM TRANS–40a, MM TRANS–40b,
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measures, the impact will be
less than significant.
Impact BIO – 1: The proposed project may have a substantial adverse effect on special-status
plant and wildlife species.
Mitigation Measures:
MM BIO – 1a: Prior to any vegetation removal or ground-disturbing activities, focused surveys
shall be conducted to determine the presence of special-status plant species with potential to
occur in the project site. Surveys shall be conducted in accordance with the Protocols for
Surveying and Evaluating Impacts to Special Status Native Plant Populations and Natural
Communities (CDFG 2009). These guidelines require rare plant surveys to be conducted at the
proper time of year when rare or endangered species are both “evident” and identifiable. Field
surveys shall be scheduled to coincide with known blooming periods, and/or during periods of
physiological development that are necessary to identify the plant species of concern. If no
special-status plant species are found, then the project will not have any impacts to the species
and no additional mitigation measures are necessary. If any of the species are found on-site and
cannot be avoided, the following measures shall be required:
• Where surveys determine that special-status plant species are present within or adjacent
to the proposed project site, direct and indirect impacts of the project on the species (e.g.,
Congdon’s tarplant and/or San Joaquin spearscale) shall be avoided where feasible through
the establishment of activity exclusion zones, where no ground-disturbing activities shall take
place, including construction of new facilities, construction staging, or other temporary work
areas. Activity exclusion zones for special-status plant species shall be established prior to
construction activities around each occupied habitat site, the boundaries of which shall be
clearly marked with standard orange plastic construction exclusion fencing or its equivalent.
The establishment of activity exclusion zones shall not be required if no construction-related
disturbances would occur within 250 feet of the occupied habitat site. The size of activity
exclusion zones may be reduced through consultation with a qualified biologist and with
concurrence from CDFW based on site-specific conditions.
• If exclusion zones and avoidance of impacts on a special-status plant species are not
feasible, then the loss of individuals or occupied habitat of a special-status plant species shall
be compensated for through the acquisition, protection, and subsequent management of
other existing occurrences. Before the implementation of compensation measures, the
project’s applicant shall provide detailed information to the CDFW and lead agency on the
quality of preserved habitat, location of the preserved occurrences, provisions for protecting
and managing the areas, the responsible parties involved, and the other pertinent
information that demonstrates the feasibility of the compensation. A mitigation plan
identifying appropriate mitigation ratios shall be developed in consultation with, and
approved by, the CDFW and the City prior to the commencement of any activities that
would impact any special status plants.
MM BIO – 1b: No more than 14 days prior to initial ground disturbance and vegetation removal
during the nesting season (February 1 to August 31), the project applicant shall retain a qualified
biologist to perform pre-construction breeding bird surveys. If any nests are found, they shall
be flagged and protected with a suitable buffer. Buffer distance will vary based on species and
conditions at the site, but is usually at least 50 feet, and up to 250 feet for raptors. Note that this
mitigation measure does not apply to ground disturbance and vegetation removal activities that
occur outside of the nesting season (September 1 to January 31).
MM BIO – 1c: Prior to the first ground-disturbing activities for Phase 1A, the project applicant
shall implement the following measures that pertain the burrowing owl, as applicable:
1. Conduct a Burrowing Owl Survey and Impact Assessment. Prior to the first ground-
disturbing activities, the project applicant shall retain a qualified biologist to conduct two pre-
construction surveys for the burrowing owl for the entire site. The first survey shall be
conducted no more than 14 days prior to ground-disturbing activities and the second survey
shall be conducted within 48 hours of initial ground disturbance. The surveys shall be
conducted in accordance with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) Staff
Report on Burrowing Owl Mitigation. If the surveys determine owls are present, then the
measures set forth in this mitigation shall be followed.
2. Implement Avoidance Measures. If direct impacts to owls can be avoided, prior to the first
ground-disturbing activities, the project applicant shall implement the following avoidance
measures during all phases of construction to reduce or eliminate potential impacts to California
burrowing owls.
• Avoid disturbing occupied burrows during the nesting period, from February 1
through 31 August.
• Avoid impacting burrows occupied during the non-breeding season by migratory
or non-migratory resident burrowing owls.
• Avoid direct destruction of burrows through chaining (dragging a heavy chain
over an area to remove shrubs), disking, cultivation, and urban, industrial, or agricultural
• Develop and implement a worker awareness program to increase the on-site
worker’s recognition of and commitment to burrowing owl protection.
• Place visible markers near burrows to ensure that equipment and other machinery
do not collapse burrows.
• Do not fumigate, use treated bait or other means of poisoning nuisance animals
in areas where burrowing owls are known or suspected to occur (e.g., sites observed with
nesting owls, designated use areas).
3. Conduct Burrow Exclusion. If avoidance of burrowing owl or their burrows is not possible,
prior to the first ground-disturbing activities, the project applicant, in consultation with the
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, shall prepare a Burrowing Owl Relocation Plan as
indicated and following the CDFW 2012 Staff Report. Monitoring of the excluded owls shall be
carried out as per the California Department of Fish and Game 2012 Staff Report.
4. Prepare and Implement a Mitigation Plan. If avoidance of burrowing owl or their burrows is
not possible and project activities may result in impacts to nesting, occupied, and satellite
burrows and/or burrowing owl habitat, the project applicant shall consult with the CDFW and
develop a detailed mitigation plan that shall include replacement of impacted habitat, number of
burrows, and burrowing owl at a ratio approved by CDFW. The mitigation plan shall be based
on the requirements set forth in Appendix A of the CDFW 2012 Staff Report on Burrowing
Owl Mitigation and the Plan shall be reviewed and accepted by CDFW and the City prior to the
first ground-disturbing activities.
MM BIO – 1d: Prior to the first ground-disturbing activities, a wildlife exclusion fence shall be
installed along the project site boundary with the water quality basin to the west. The fence shall
be designed and installed to prevent the California red-legged frog from entering the project site.
MM BIO – 1e: Prior to ground disturbing activities for Phase 1A, the project applicant shall
implement the following measures for the California red-legged frog (CRLF), as
1. The project applicant shall retain a qualified herpetologist to conduct habitat assessments for
CRLF within the entire project area and based on the results of the habitat assessments,
determine in consultation with the USFWS if protocol level CRLF surveys will be required
within the entire project area. The project applicant can forgo the habitat assessments and
conduct protocol-level surveys. If required, the focused surveys shall follow the Revised
Guidance on Site Assessment and Field Surveys for the California Red-legged Frog (USFWS
2005). A CRLF survey report prepared to meet the protocol guidelines shall be submitted to the
USFWS. If no CRLF are found then no further mitigation is required.
2. If CRLF are found on the project site then the project applicant shall ensure no net loss of
habitat that shall be achieved through avoidance, preservation, creation and/or purchase of
credits. Mitigation may include, but would not be limited to, on-site and off-site preservation
and creation of CRLF habitat, purchase of credits at mitigation banks, payment of in lieu fees
approved by the agencies, or other agency approved and required mitigation measures.
3. Avoidance measures may include the following or equivalent protective measures:
• To minimize disturbance of breeding and dispersing CRLF, construction activity within
CRLF upland habitat shall be conducted during the dry season between April 15 and
October 15 or before the onset of the rainy season, whichever occurs first. If construction
activities are necessary in CRLF upland habitat between October 15 and April 15, the project
applicant would contact the USFWS for approval to extend the work period.
• To minimize disturbance and mortality of adult and juvenile CRLF in aquatic habitat and
underground burrows, the project applicant should minimize the extent of ground-
disturbing activities within these habitats by requiring the contractor to limit the work area to
the minimum necessary for construction. In addition, the project applicant should ensure
that the contractor installs temporary exclusion fence between the construction work area
and potential aquatic habitat for all construction within grasslands near aquatic habitat. A
minimum buffer zone of 150 feet shall be maintained around CRLF aquatic habitat during
construction. No staging, parking, material storage or ground disturbance shall be allowed in
the buffer zone. The buffer zone will be clearly defined with construction fencing prior to
the initiation of construction activities and shall be maintained until completion of
• The project applicant should ensure that a qualified wildlife biologist monitors all
construction activities within CRLF upland habitat to ensure no take of individual CRLF
occurs during project construction. If a CRLF is found, then the monitor would immediately
stop construction in that area and contact USFWS for development of a plan for how to
proceed with construction.
• If preservation of upland habitat is required by USFWS, the habitat land shall be within a
USFWS approved conservation area.
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measures, the impact will be
less than significant.
Impact CUL – 1: Subsurface construction activities associated with the proposed project may
damage or destroy previously undiscovered historic resources.
Mitigation Measures:
MM CUL – 1: In the event that buried historic or archaeological resources are discovered during
construction, operations shall stop within 50 feet of the find and a qualified archaeologist shall
be consulted to evaluate the resource in accordance with CEQA Guidelines 15064.5. The
applicant shall include a standard inadvertent discovery clause in every construction contract to
inform contractors of this requirement. If the resource does not qualify as a significant resource,
then no further protection or study is necessary. If the resource does qualify as a significant
resource then the impacts shall be avoided by project activities. If the resource cannot be
avoided, adverse impacts to the resource shall be addressed. The archaeologist shall make
recommendations concerning appropriate mitigation measures that shall be implemented to
protect the resources, including but not limited to excavation and evaluation of the finds in
accordance with Section 15064.5 of the CEQA Guidelines. Any previously undiscovered
resources found during construction within the project area should be recorded on appropriate
Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) 523 forms and evaluated for significance in terms
of CEQA criteria.
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measures, the impact will be
less than significant.
Impact CUL – 2: Subsurface construction activities associated with the proposed project may
damage or destroy previously undiscovered archaeological resources
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM CUL – 1.
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measures, the impact will be
less than significant.
Impact CUL – 3: Subsurface construction activities associated with the proposed project may
damage or destroy previously undiscovered paleontological resources.
Mitigation Measures:
MM CUL – 3: In the event a fossil is discovered during construction for the proposed project,
excavations within 50 feet of the find shall be temporarily halted or delayed until the discovery is
examined by a qualified paleontologist, in accordance with Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
standards. The applicant shall include a standard inadvertent discovery clause in every
construction contract to inform contractors of this requirement. If the paleontological
resources are found to be significant, they shall be avoided by project construction activities and
recovered by a qualified paleontologist. Upon completion of the recovery, a paleontological
assessment shall be conducted by a qualified paleontologist to determine if further monitoring
for paleontological resources is required. The assessment shall include (1) the results of any
geotechnical investigation prepared for the project area, (2) specific details of the construction
plans for the project area, (3) background research, and (4) limited subsurface inv estigation
within the project area. If a high potential to encounter paleontological resources is confirmed,
a monitoring plan of further project subsurface construction shall be prepared in conjunction
with this assessment. After project subsurface construction has ended, a report documenting
monitoring, methods, findings, and further recommendations regarding paleontological
resources shall be prepared and submitted to the Director of Community Development.
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measures, the impact will be
less than significant.
Impact CUL – 4: Subsurface construction activities associated with the proposed project may
damage or destroy previously undiscovered human burial sites.
Mitigation Measures:
MM CUL – 4: In the event of the accidental discovery or recognition of any human remains,
CEQA Guidelines § 15064.5; Health and Safety Code § 7050.5; Public Resources Code §
5097.94 and § 5097.98 must be followed. If during the course of project development there is
accidental discovery or recognition of any human remains, the following steps shall be taken:
1. There shall be no further excavation or disturbance of the site or any nearby area reasonably
suspected to overlie adjacent human remains until the Alameda County Coroner is contacted to
determine if the remains are Native American and if an investigation of the cause of death is
required. If the coroner determines the remains to be Native American, the coroner shall
contact the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) within 24 hours, and the NAHC
shall identify the person or persons it believes to be the “most likely descendant” (MLD) of the
deceased Native American. The MLD may make recommendations to the landowner or the
person responsible for the excavation work within 48 hours, for means of treating or disposing
of, with appropriate dignity, the human remains and any associated grave goods as provided in
PRC Section 5097.98.
2. Where the following conditions occur, the landowner or his authorized representative shall
rebury the Native American human remains and associated grave goods with appropriate dignity
either in accordance with the recommendations of the most likely descendant or on the project
site in a location not subject to further subsurface disturbance:
• The NAHC is unable to identify a most likely descendent or the most likely descendent
failed to make a recommendation within 48 hours after being notified by the commission.
• The descendant identified fails to make a recommendation.
• The landowner or his authorized representative rejects the recommendation of the
descendant, and mediation by the NAHC fails to provide measures acceptable to the
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: If human remains are discovered, implementation of Mitigation
Measure CUL – 4 would reduce impacts to a level of less than significant.
Impact GEO – 1: The proposed project may expose people or structures to potential
substantial adverse effects associated with seismic hazards.
Mitigation Measures:
MM GEO – 1: Prior to the issuance of building permits for each structure, the project applicant
shall submit a design-level Geotechnical Investigation to the City of Dublin for review and
approval. The investigation shall be prepared by a qualified engineer and identify necessary
grading and building practices necessary to achieve compliance with the latest adopted edition of
the California Building Standards Code geologic, soils, and seismic requirements. The measures
identified in the approved report shall be incorporated into the project plans.
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measures, the impact will be
less than significant.
Impact GEO – 2: The proposed project may result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM HYD – 1a.(see below for text of mitigation measure)
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measures, the impact will be
less than significant.
Impact GEO – 4: The proposed project may create substantial risks to life or property as a
result of expansive soil conditions on the project site.
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM GEO – 1.
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measures, the impact will be
less than significant.
Impact HYD – 1: Construction and operation activities associated with the proposed projects
may have the potential to degrade surface water quality in downstream water bodies.
Mitigation Measures:
MM HYD – 1a: Prior to issuance of grading permits for the proposed project, the City of
Dublin shall verify that the applicant has prepared a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
(SWPPP) in accordance with the requirements of the statewide Construction General Permit.
The SWPPP shall be designed to address the following objectives: (1) all pollutants and their
sources, including sources of sediment associated with construction, construction site erosion,
and all other activities associated with construction activity are controll ed; (2) where not
otherwise required to be under a Regional Water Quality Control Board permit, all non-
stormwater discharges are identified and either eliminated, controlled, or treated; (3) site Best
Management Practices (BMPs) are effective and result in the reduction or elimination of
pollutants in stormwater discharges and authorized non-stormwater discharges from
construction activity; and (4) stabilization BMPs installed to reduce or eliminate pollutants after
construction are completed. The SWPPP shall be prepared by a qualified SWPPP developer.
The SWPPP shall include the minimum BMPs required for the identified Risk Level. BMP
implementation shall be consistent with the BMP requirements in the most recent version of the
California Stormwater Quality Association Stormwater Best Management Handbook-
Construction or the Caltrans Stormwater Quality Handbook Construction Site BMPs Manual.
MM HYD – 1b: Prior to issuance of building permits for the proposed project, the City of
Dublin shall verify that the project applicant has prepared operational stormwater quality control
measures that comply with the requirements of the current Municipal Regional Permit.
Responsibilities include but are not limited to designing BMPs into project features and
operations to reduce potential impacts to surface water quality and to manage changes in the
timing and quantity of runoff associated with operation of the project. These features shall be
included in the design-level drainage plan and final development drawings. Specifically, the final
design shall include measures designed to mitigate potential water quality degradation from all
portions of completed developments. The proposed project shall incorporate site design and
BMPs described in the current version of Alameda County Clean Water Program, C.3
Stormwater Technical Guidance manual. Low Impact Development features, including
minimizing disturbed areas and impervious cover and then infiltrating, storing, detaining,
evapotranspiring, or biotreating stormwater runoff close to its source, shall be used at each
development covered by the Municipal Regional Permit. Funding for long-term maintenance of
all BMPs must be specified. For each development project, the project sponsor shall establish a
self-perpetuating Operation and Maintenance of Stormwater Treatment Systems plan (Municipal
Regional Permit provision C.3.h). This plan shall specify a regular inspection schedule of
stormwater treatment facilities in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Reg ional
Permit. Reports documenting inspections and any remedial action conducted shall be submitted
regularly to the City for review and approval.
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measures, the impact will be
less than significant.
Impact HYD – 3: The proposed projects may create or contribute runoff water which would
exceed the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems.
Mitigation Measures:
MM HYD – 3: Prior to issuance of building permits for the proposed project, the City of
Dublin shall verify that the applicant has prepared a storm drainage and hydraulic study in
accordance with City requirements. The storm drainage and hydraulic study shall quantify the
increase in stormwater runoff peak flow rates and volumes resulting from the project, and
identify the potential to exceed the conveyance and storage capacity of the local storm drainage
system. The study shall incorporate the stormwater treatment controls and LID measures that
will be designed to capture and treat runoff. The analysis shall verify whether the existing
drainage infrastructure is adequate to receive and convey runoff from the proposed project. If
the findings of the analysis reveal that implementation of a proposed project would create
runoff beyond the capacity of the existing stormwater drainage systems, the project shall be
required to upgrade undersized components or adopt a different form of stormwater runoff
management. Prior to approval of a proposed project, the final design drainage plans shall be
reviewed and approved by the City of Dublin Public Works Department and Zone 7 Water
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project whi ch
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measures, the impact will be
less than significant.
Impact NOI – 1: The project would result in exposure of persons to or generation of noise
levels in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or
applicable standards of other agencies.
Mitigation Measures:
MM NOI – 1a: To reduce potential construction noise impacts, the following multi-part
mitigation measure shall be implemented for the proposed project:
• The construction contractor shall limit all on-site noise producing construction activities,
including deliveries and warming up of equipment, to the daytime hours of 7:30 a.m. to 5:00
p.m., Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) unless otherwise approved by the City
• The construction contractor shall ensure that all internal combustion engine-driven
equipment is equipped with mufflers that are in good condition and appropriate for the
• The construction contractor shall locate stationary noise-generating equipment as far as
possible from sensitive receptors when sensitive receptors adjoin or are near a construction
project area. In addition, the project contractor shall place such stationary construction
equipment so that emitted noise is directed away from sensitive receptors nearest the project
• The construction contractor shall prohibit unnecessary idling of internal combustion
• The construction contractor shall, to the maximum extent practical, locate on-site
equipment staging areas so as to maximize the distance between construction-related noise
sources and noise-sensitive receptors nearest the project site during all project construction.
• The construction contractor shall designate a noise disturbance coordinator who would
be responsible for responding to any local complaints about construction noise. When a
complaint is received, the disturbance coordinator shall notify the City within 24 hours of
the complaint and determine the cause of the noise complaints (starting too early, bad
muffler, etc.) and institute reasonable measures warranted to correct the problem, as deemed
acceptable by the Dublin Planning Department. The construction contractor shall
conspicuously post the contact name and telephone number for the noise disturbance
coordinator at the construction site.
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measures, the impact will be
less than significant.
Impact NOI – 4: The project may result in a substantial temporary or periodic increase in
ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project.
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM NOI – 1a.
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measures, the impact will be
less than significant.
Impact PSU-6: The proposed projects may create or contribute runoff water which would
exceed the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems.
Implement Mitigation Measure HYD-3.
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measures, the impact will be
less than significant.
Impact TRANS – 1: The proposed project would generate new trips that would contribute to
unacceptable traffic operations at Dougherty Road and Dublin Boulevard under Existing Plus
Project Conditions.
MM TRANS – 1a: Prior to occupancy of Phase 1A, the project applicant shall submit a
Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program to the City of Dublin for review and
approval. The TDM program shall be prepared by a qualified transportation consultant/
engineer and identify TDM measures. The TDM program shall contain the following
• The TDM program shall establish the following trip budgets for each project phase:
- Phases 1A and 1B: The number of trips generated should be no more than
expected based on the Trip Generation Estimate total AM and PM peak hour trips for
Phases 1A and 1B noted in Table 3.11-9 (Trips By Analysis Phase).
- Phase 2: Implementation of the TDM program shall produce a 5% reduction
from the Trip Generation Estimate total AM and PM peak hour trips for Phases 1A, 1B,
and 2 combined as noted in Table 3.11-9.
- Phase 3: Implementation of the TDM program shall produce a 10% reduction
from the Trip Generation Estimate total AM and PM peak hour trips for the total
project, as shown in Table 3.11-9.
• The TDM program may include but may not be limited to the following measures:
- Shuttle service between the project and the Dublin/Pleasanton BART station
- Public transit subsidies
- Employer-sponsored carpooling and ride-matching programs.
- Preferential carpool parking
- Guaranteed ride home
- On-site car share program
- Scheduling practices to avoid peak-hour travel (flex time, staggered shifts,
compressed work schedules, etc.)
- End of trip facilities such as lockers, showers, or storage facilities.
- Provision of kiosks, website(s), brochures, and similar items that provide
information about the TDM program.
• The effectiveness of the TDM program shall be monitored 6 months after the
completion of each phase. Monitoring shall consist of conducting peak period traffic counts
at the project driveways over a 3-day period. The cost of conducting the traffic counts shall
be paid by the project applicant or project owner. The resulting trip rates should be
normalized by employee, patient loads and/or square footage and compared the trip
generation presented to determine if the peak-hour trip budgets have been attained.
• If the TDM program is not achieving the established trip budgets, specific changes shall
be made to the TDM program to be reviewed and approved by the City to ensure that the
reductions required in the mitigation measure are met.
• Subsequent monitoring periods shall be on an annual basis until it is shown that the
TDM measures are effective in reducing vehicle trips to the budget set forth for each phase.
A report shall be provided to the City every year summarizing the program’s effectiveness
and identifying additional steps to be taken if necessary.
Resulting Significance: Significant unavoidable impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR, but not
to a level of less than significant. There are no additional feasible mitigation measures and no
feasible alternatives that avoid this significant effect, as further addressed in Exhibit C, Findings
Concerning Infeasibility of Alternatives and Additional Mitigation Measures.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, vehicle trips from
the Project will be reduced but the resulting impact will remain significant and unavoidable.
Impact TRANS – 2: The proposed project would generate new trips that would contribute to
unacceptable traffic operations at Tassajara Road / Dublin Boulevard under Existing Plus
Project Conditions.
Mitigation Measures:
MM TRANS – 2: Prior to occupancy of Phase 1A, the south side of Dublin Boulevard shall be
widened between Tassajara Road and Brannigan Street (approximately 800 feet) to provide a
third eastbound through lane, connecting to an existing three‐lane eastbound cross section at
Brannigan Street. This improvement shall be constructed by the applicant prior to occupancy of
Phase 1A if not constructed by the City prior to that date. If the City constructs the
improvement in advance of the occupancy of Phase 1A, the applicant shall meet this obligation
through the payment of the Eastern Dublin TIF or through the payment of a fair share
contribution (if the improvement is not identified in the EDTIF program).
Resulting Significance: Less than significant
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, intersection or
roadway operations would improve to acceptable conditions resulting in a less than significant
Impact TRANS – 3: The proposed project would generate new trips that would contribute to
unacceptable traffic operations at Fallon Road / Dublin Boulevard under Existing Plus Project
Mitigation Measures:
MM TRANS – 3 : Prior to occupancy of Phase 1A, the intersection of Fallon Road/Dublin
Boulevard shall be improved to provide second left-turn lanes on both the northbound and
eastbound approaches. In addition, the signal operation shall be retimed to minimize queuing.
This improvement shall be constructed by the applicant prior to occupancy of Phase 1A if not
constructed by the City prior to that date. If the City constructs the improvemen t in advance of
the occupancy of Phase 1A, the applicant shall meet this obligation through the payment of the
Eastern Dublin TIF or through the payment of a fair share contribution (if the improvement is
not identified in the EDTIF program).
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, intersection or
roadway operations would improve to acceptable conditions resulting in a less than significant
Impact TRANS – 4: The proposed project would generate new trips that would contribute to
unacceptable traffic operations at Fallon Road / Fallon Gateway under Existing Plus Project
Mitigation Measures:
MM TRANS – 4: Prior to occupancy of Phase 1A, the City of Dublin shall retime the signal
operation at Fallon Road / Fallon Gateway to better accommodate the added traffic associated
project buildout. The applicant shall pay to the City of Dublin the cost of retiming.
Resulting Significance: Less than significant.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, intersection or
roadway operations would improve to acceptable conditions resulting in a less than significant
Impact TRANS–5: Fallon Road / I-580 Westbound Ramps under Existing Plus Project
Mitigation Measures:
MM TRANS – 5: Prior to occupancy of Phase 1A, the applicant and the City of Dublin shall
coordinate with Caltrans and the City of Pleasanton to retime the signal operation at the
intersection of Fallon Road/I-580 Westbound Ramps to better accommodate the added traffic
associated project buildout. The applicant shall provide Caltrans or the City of Pleasanton with
its fair-share cost of retiming.
Resulting Significance: Significant unavoidable impact.
Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, the impact will be reduced but
the resulting impact will remain significant and unavoidable.
Rationale for Finding: Because implementation of this mitigation measure is not within the
control of the City of Dublin, its implementation cannot be assured. Therefore, the impact will
be considered significant and unavoidable.
Impact TRANS – 6a: Dougherty Road / Dublin Boulevard queuing
Mitigation Measures:
MM TRANS – 6a: Prior to occupancy of Phase 1A, the City of Dublin shall retime the signal
operation at Dublin Boulevard/Dougherty Road to better accommodate the added traffic‐
associated project buildout. The applicant shall pay to the City of Dublin with the cost of
Resulting Significance: Significant unavoidable impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR, but not to
a level of less than significant. There are no additional feasible mi tigation measures and no
feasible alternatives that avoid this significant effect, as further addressed in Exhibit C, Findings
Concerning Infeasibility of Alternatives and Additional Mitigation Measures.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, the impact will be
reduced but the resulting impact will remain significant and unavoidable.
Impact TRANS – 6b: Fallon Road / Dublin Boulevard queuing
Mitigation Measures:
Implement Mitigation Measure TRANS – 3.
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, intersection or
roadway operations would improve to acceptable conditions resulting in a less than significant
Impact TRANS – 7a: Amador Plaza Road / Dublin Boulevard queuing
Mitigation Measures:
MM TRANS – 7a: Prior to occupancy of Phase 1A, the City of Dublin shall retime the signal
operation at Dublin Boulevard/Amador Plaza Road to better accommodate the added traffic
associated project buildout. The applicant shall pay to the City of Dublin the cost of retiming.
Resulting significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, intersection or
roadway operations would improve to acceptable conditions resulting in a less than significant
Impact TRANS – 7b: Dougherty Road / Dublin Boulevard queuing
Mitigation Measures:
Implement Mitigation Measure TRANS – 6a:
Resulting significance: Significant unavoidable impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR, but not to
a level of less than significant. There are no additional feasible mitigation measures and no
feasible alternatives that avoid this significant effect, as further addressed in Exhibi t C, Findings
Concerning Infeasibility of Alternatives and Additional Mitigation Measures.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, the impact will be
reduced but the resulting impact will remain significant and unavoidable.
Impact TRANS – 7c: Keegan Street / Dublin Boulevard queuing
Mitigation Measures:
MM TRANS – 7c: Prior to occupancy of Phase 1A, the applicant shall construct a second
minimum 250-foot westbound left-turn lane on Dublin Boulevard at Keegan Street. The
applicant shall be responsible for the full cost of the improvement.
Resulting significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, intersection or
roadway operations would improve to acceptable conditions resulting in a less than significant
Impact TRANS – 7d: Lockhart Street / Dublin Boulevard queuing
Mitigation Measures:
MM TRANS – 7d: Prior to occupancy of Phase 1A, the applicant shall extend the existing dual
westbound left-turn lanes on Dublin Boulevard to Lockhart Street to provide an additional 100
feet of vehicle storage, for a total of 350 feet. The applicant shall be responsible for the full cost
of the improvement. This is a proposed project improvement, but it has been included as a
mitigation measure to ensure implementation
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, intersection or
roadway operations would improve to acceptable conditions resulting in a less than significant
Impact TRANS – 7e: Fallon Road / Dublin Boulevard queuing
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM TRANS – 3.
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, intersection or
roadway operations would improve to acceptable conditions resulting in a less than significant
Impact TRANS – 8: Amador Plaza / Dublin Boulevard under Near-Term Plus Project
Mitigation Measures:
MM TRANS – 8: A southbound right-turn only lane shall be constructed at this intersection as
identified by the Downtown Dublin Transportation Impact Fee (October 2015). This
improvement shall be constructed by the applicant prior to occupancy of Phase 2 if not
constructed by the City prior to that date. If the City constructs the improvement in advance of
the occupancy of Phase 2, the applicant shall meet this obligation through the payment of the
Eastern Dublin or Downtown TIF or through the payment of a fair share contribution (if the
improvement is not identified in the ED or Downtown TIF program).
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, intersection or
roadway operations would improve to acceptable conditions resulting in a less than significant
Impact TRANS – 10: Dougherty Road / Dublin Boulevard under Near-Term Plus Project
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM TRANS – 1A and MM TRANS – 6a.
Resulting Significance: Significant unavoidable impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR, but not to
a level of less than significant. There are no additional feasible mitigation measures and no
feasible alternatives that avoid this significant effect, as further addressed in Exhibit C, Findings
Concerning Infeasibility of Alternatives and Additional Mitigation Measures.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, the impact will be
reduced but the resulting impact will remain significant and unavoidable.
Impact TRANS – 11: Tassajara Road / Dublin Boulevard under Near-Term Plus Project
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM TRANS – 2.
Resulting Significance: Significant unavoidable impact (City of Dublin); Less than significant
impact (TVTC).
Finding: Under City of Dublin Standards, changes or alterations have been required in, or
incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental
effect identified in the EIR, but not to a level of less than significant. There are no additional
feasible mitigation measures and no feasible alternatives that avoid this significant effect, as
further addressed in Exhibit C, Findings Concerning Infeasibility of Alternatives and Additional
Mitigation Measures.
Under TVTC Standards, Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the
project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the
Rationale for Finding:
For City of Dublin Standards, with the implementation of the mitigation measure, the impact will
be reduced but the resulting impact will remain significant and unavoidable.
For TVTC Standards, With the implementation of the mitigation measure, intersection or
roadway operations would improve to acceptable conditions resulting in a less than significant
Impact TRANS – 12: Santa Rita Road / I-580 Eastbound Ramps under Near-Term Plus
Project Conditions
Mitigation Measures:
MM TRANS – 12: Prior to occupancy of Phase 2, the applicant shall provide its fair-share cost
contribution to the Santa Rita/I-580 Eastbound ramp improvements. The interchange
improvements include constructing a second southbound left turn lane and upgrading the traffic
signal intersection of the Santa Rita/I-580 Eastbound ramp. An escrow account where fair-
share funds can be deposited for interchange improvements not included in local or regional fee
programs shall be established in coordination with the cities of Livermore, Pleasanton, and the
Alameda CTC. The City will ensure that the fair-share costs are collected for the escrow
account and maintained for the needed improvements. The fair-share payments would be above
the required local and regional fee payments, unless the identified improvements are included or
added to a local or regional fee program prior to occupancy of Phase 2. If the identified
improvements are added to a local or regional fee program prior to occupancy of Phase 2, then
the applicant shall pay the fee established under the fee program prior to occupancy of Phase 2
as satisfaction of this mitigation measure.
Resulting Significance: Significant unavoidable impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR, but not to
a level of less than significant. There are no additional feasible mitigation measures and no
feasible alternatives that avoid this significant effect, as further addressed in Exhibit C, Findings
Concerning Infeasibility of Alternatives and Additional Mitigation Measures.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, the impact will be
reduced but the resulting impact will remain significant and unavoidable.
Impact TRANS – 13: Brannigan Street / Dublin Boulevard under Near-Term Plus
Project Conditions
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM TRANS – 2.
Resulting Significance: Less than significant.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, intersection or
roadway operations would improve to acceptable conditions resulting in a less than significant
Impact TRANS – 14: Keegan Street / Dublin Boulevard under Near-Term Plus Project
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM TRANS – 7c.
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, intersection or
roadway operations would improve to acceptable conditions resulting in a less than significant
Impact TRANS – 15: Lockhart Street / Dublin Boulevard under Near-Term Plus Project
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM TRANS – 7d and MM TRANS – 15: Prior to occupancy of Phase 3, the
applicant shall construct a second northbound right-turn lane, providing a four-lane northbound
cross-section on Lockhart Street at Dublin Boulevard.
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, intersection or
roadway operations would improve to acceptable conditions resulting in a less than significant
Impact TRANS – 16: Fallon Road / Dublin Boulevard under Near-Term Plus Project
Mitigation Measures:
MM TRANS – 16: Prior to the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy for Phase 2, a
second northbound left-turn lane shall be constructed at Fallon Road/ Dublin Boulevard. This
improvement shall be constructed by the applicant prior to occupancy of Phase 2 if not
constructed by the City prior to that date. If the City constructs the improvement in advance of
the occupancy of Phase 2, the applicant shall meet this obligation through the payment of the
Eastern Dublin TIF or through the payment of a fair share contribution (if the improvement is
not identified in the EDTIF program).
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, intersection or
roadway operations would improve to acceptable conditions resulting in a less than significant
Impact TRANS – 17: Fallon Road / Fallon Gateway under Near-Term Plus Project
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM TRANS – 4.
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, intersection or
roadway operations would improve to acceptable conditions resulting in a less than significant
Impact TRANS – 18: Fallon Road / I-580 Westbound Ramps under Near-Term Plus
Project Conditions
Mitigation Measures:
MM TRANS – 18: Prior to occupancy of Phase 2, the applicant shall provide its fair-share cost
contribution to the Phase 2 Fallon/I-580/El Charro interchange improvements. The
interchange improvements include: (1) Reconstruction of overcrossing to provide four-lanes in
each direction; (2) reconstruction of the southbound to eastbound loop on-ramp; (3) widening
of the eastbound off-ramp to provide two exit lanes with two left turn and two right tum lanes;
(4) widening of the eastbound on-ramp; (5) widening of the westbound off-ramp to provide two
left tum and two right tum lanes; and (6) widening of the westbound on-ramp. An escrow
account where fair-share funds can be deposited for interchange improvements not included in
local or regional fee programs shall be established in coordination with the cities of Livermore,
Pleasanton, and the Alameda CTC. The City will ensure that the fair-share costs are collected
for the escrow account and maintained for the needed improvements. The fair-share payments
would be above the required local and regional fee payments, unless the identified
improvements are included or added to a local or regional fee program prior to occupancy of
Phase 2. If the identified improvements are added to a local or regional fee program prior to
occupancy of Phase 2, then the applicant shall pay the fee established under the fee program
prior to occupancy of Phase 2 as satisfaction of this mitigation measure.
Resulting Significance: Significant unavoidable impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR, but not to
a level of less than significant. There are no additional feasible mitigation measures and no
feasible alternatives that avoid this significant effect, as further addressed in Exhibit C, Findings
Concerning Infeasibility of Alternatives and Additional Mitigation Measures.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, the impact will be
reduced but the resulting impact will remain significant and unavoidable.
Impact TRANS – 19: Amador Plaza Road/Dublin Boulevard -Vehicle Queues Through
Phase 2 and Phase 3
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM TRANS – 1A and MM TRANS – 8.
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, intersection or
roadway operations would improve to acceptable conditions resulting in a less than significant
Impact TRANS – 19b: Village Parkway / Dublin Boulevard -Vehicle Queues Through
Phase 2 and Phase 3
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM TRANS – 1A and MM TRANS – 19b: The project applicant shall work with the
City of Dublin to adjust signal timings subsequent to the completion of the Phase 2 and Phase 3
project to minimize the effects of vehicle queue spillback.
Resulting Significance: Significant unavoidable impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR, but not to
a level of less than significant. There are no additional feasible mitigation measures and no
feasible alternatives that avoid this significant effect, as further addressed in Exhibit C, Findings
Concerning Infeasibility of Alternatives and Additional Mitigation Measures.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, the impact will be
reduced but the resulting impact will remain significant and unavoidable.
Impact TRANS – 19c: Dougherty Road / Dublin Boulevard -Vehicle Queues Through
Phase 2 and Phase 3
Mitigation Measures:
Implement Mitigation Measure TRANS – 1A and MM TRANS – 19c: The project applicant
shall pay the TIF (which would satisfy its obligation for the Scarlett Drive extension) and work
with the City of Dublin to adjust signal timings subsequent to the completion of the Phase 2 and
Phase 3 project to minimize the effects of vehicle queue spillback. The applicant shall pay the
costs for the adjustment of the signal timing.
Resulting Significance: Significant unavoidable impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR, but not to
a level of less than significant. There are no additional feasible mitigation measures and no
feasible alternatives that avoid this significant effect, as further addressed in Exhibit C, Findings
Concerning Infeasibility of Alternatives and Additional Mitigation Measures.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, the impact will be
reduced but the resulting impact will remain significant and unavoidable.
Impact TRANS – 19d: Tassajara / Dublin Boulevard -Vehicle Queues Through Phase 2
and Phase 3
Implement MM TRANS – 11 and MM TRANS – 19d: The project applicant shall also work
with the City of Dublin to adjust signal timings subsequent to the completion of the Phase 2 and
Phase 3 project to minimize the effects of vehicle queue spillback. The applicant shall pay the
costs for the adjustment of the signal timing.
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, intersection or
roadway operations would improve to acceptable conditions resulting in a less than significant
Impact TRANS – 19e: Keegan Street / Dublin Boulevard -Vehicle Queues Through
Phase 2 and Phase 3
Implement MM TRANS – 7c
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, intersection or
roadway operations would improve to acceptable conditions resulting in a less than significant
Impact TRANS – 19f: Lockhart Street / Dublin Boulevard -Vehicle Queues Through
Phase 2 and Phase 3
Implement Mitigation Measure TRANS‐7d and Mitigation Measure TRANS‐15, which
requires extending the existing dual westbound left‐turn lanes on Dublin Boulevard to
Lockhart Street to provide an additional 100 feet of vehicle storage, for a total of 350 feet.
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, intersection or
roadway operations would improve to acceptable conditions resulting in a less than significant
Impact TRANS – 19g: Fallon Road / Dublin Boulevard -Vehicle Queues Through Phase
2 and Phase 3
Implement MM TRANS – 3.
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, intersection or
roadway operations would improve to acceptable conditions resulting in a less than significant
Impact TRANS – 20: Amador Plaza Road / Dublin Boulevard under Cumulative Plus
Project Conditions
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM TRANS – 7a and MM TRANS – 8.
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rational for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, intersection or
roadway operations would improve to acceptable conditions resulting in a less than significant
Impact TRANS – 22: Dougherty Road / Dublin Boulevard under Cumulative Plus
Project Conditions
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM TRANS – 1A.
Resulting Significance: Significant unavoidable impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR, but not to
a level of less than significant. There are no additional feasible mitigation measures and no
feasible alternatives that avoid this significant effect, as further addressed in Exhibit C, Findings
Concerning Infeasibility of Alternatives and Additional Mitigation Measures.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, the impact will be
reduced but the resulting impact will remain significant and unavoidable.
Impact TRANS – 23: Scarlett Drive / Dublin Boulevard under Cumulative Plus Project
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM TRANS – 1A.
Resulting Significance: Significant unavoidable impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR, but not to
a level of less than significant. There are no additional feasible mitigation measures and no
feasible alternatives that avoid this significant effect, as further addressed in Exhibit C, Findings
Concerning Infeasibility of Alternatives and Additional Mitigation Measures.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, the impact will be
reduced but the resulting impact will remain significant and unavoidable.
Impact TRANS – 24: Hacienda Drive / Dublin Boulevard under Cumulative Plus
Project Conditions
Mitigating Measures:
Implement MM TRANS – 1A.
Resulting Significance: Significant unavoidable impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR, but not to
a level of less than significant. There are no additional feasible mitigation measures and no
feasible alternatives that avoid this significant effect, as further addressed in Exhibit C, Findings
Concerning Infeasibility of Alternatives and Additional Mitigation Measures.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, the impact will be
reduced but the resulting impact will remain significant and unavoidable.
Impact TRANS – 25: Tassajara Road / Dublin Boulevard under Cumulative Plus
Project Conditions
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM TRANS – 1A.
Resulting Significance: Significant unavoidable impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR, but not to
a level of less than significant. There are no additional feasible mitigation measures and no
feasible alternatives that avoid this significant effect, as further addressed in Exhibit C, Findings
Concerning Infeasibility of Alternatives and Additional Mitigation Measures.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, the impact will be
reduced but the resulting impact will remain significant and unavoidable.
Impact TRANS – 26: Santa Rita Road / I-580 Eastbound Ramps
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM TRANS – 12.
Resulting Significance:
Under Caltrans and TVTC Standards – Less than Significant without mitigation
Under City of Pleasanton Standards - Significant unavoidable impact.
Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR. However, because
implementation of this mitigation measure is not within the control of the City of Dublin, its
implementation cannot be assured. Therefore, the impact will be considered significant and
Rationale for Finding: Because implementation of this mitigation measure is not within the
control of the City of Dublin, its implementation cannot be assured. Therefore, the impact will
be considered significant and unavoidable.
Impact TRANS – 27: Brannigan Street / Dublin Boulevard under Cumulative Plus
Project Conditions
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM TRANS – 1A.
Resulting Significance: Significant unavoidable impact under City of Dublin Standards.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR, but not to
a level of less than significant. There are no additional feasible mitigation measures and no
feasible alternatives that avoid this significant effect, as further addressed in Exhib it C, Findings
Concerning Infeasibility of Alternatives and Additional Mitigation Measures.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, the impact will be
reduced but the resulting impact will remain significant and unavoidable.
Impact TRANS – 28: Keegan Street / Dublin Boulevard under Cumulative Plus Project
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM TRANS – 1A and MM TRANS – 7c.
Resulting Significance: Significant unavoidable impact (City of Dublin); Less than significant
impact (TVTC).
Finding: For TVTC, changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the
project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the
For City of Dublin, changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the
project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the
EIR, but not to a level of less than significant. There are no additional feasible mitigation
measures and no feasible alternatives that avoid this significant effect, as further addressed in
Exhibit C, Findings Concerning Infeasibility of Alternatives and Additional Mitigation Measures.
Rationale for Finding:
For TVTC, with the implementation of the mitigation measure, intersection or roadway
operations would improve to acceptable conditions resulting in a less than significant impact..
For City of Dublin, with the implementation of the mitigation measure, the impact will be
reduced but the resulting impact will remain significant and unavoidable.
Impact TRANS – 29: Lockhart Street / Dublin Boulevard under Cumulative Plus Project
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM TRANS – 1A and MM TRANS – 7c.
Resulting Significance: Significant unavoidable impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR, but not to
a level of less than significant. There are no additional feasible mitigation measures and no
feasible alternatives that avoid this significant effect, as further addressed in Exhibit C, Findings
Concerning Infeasibility of Alternatives and Additional Mitigation Measures.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, the impact will be
reduced but the resulting impact will remain significant and unavoidable.
Impact TRANS – 30: Fallon Road / Dublin Boulevard under Cumulative Plus Project
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM TRANS – 1A.
Resulting Significance: Significant unavoidable impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR, but not to
a level of less than significant. There are no additional feasible mitigation measures and no
feasible alternatives that avoid this significant effect, as further addressed in Exhibit C, Findings
Concerning Infeasibility of Alternatives and Additional Mitigation Measures.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, the impact will be
reduced but the resulting impact will remain significant and unavoidable.
Impact TRANS – 31: Jack London Boulevard/Isabel Avenue under Cumulative Plus
Project Conditions
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM TRANS – 1A.
Resulting Significance: Significant unavoidable impact under City of Livermore standards
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR, but not to
a level of less than significant. There are no additional feasible mitigation measures and no
feasible alternatives that avoid this significant effect, as further addressed in Exhibit C, Findings
Concerning Infeasibility of Alternatives and Additional Mitigation Measures.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, the impact will be
reduced. The City of Dublin cannot make the determination of whether the exemption under
the City of Livermore General Plan applies. That decision is in the control of the City of
Livermore, which is a separate agency from the City. Since the determination is in the control of
another agency, the impact is significant and unavoidable.
Impact TRANS – 33: Vehicle Queues under Cumulative Plus Project Conditions
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM TRANS – 1A and other Mitigation Measures identified for Impacts 6a, 6b, 7a,
7b, 7c, 7d and 7e above.
Resulting Significance: Significant unavoidable impact for certain impacts.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR, but not to
a level of less than significant. There are no additional feasible mitigation measures and no
feasible alternatives that avoid this significant effect, as further addressed in Exhibit C, Findings
Concerning Infeasibility of Alternatives and Additional Mitigation Measures.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, the impact will be
reduced but the resulting impact will remain significant and unavoidable.
Impact TRANS – 34: Site Access Vehicle Queues With Buildout
Mitigation Measures:
Carnmore Place/Future Project Driveway/Dublin Boulevard - MM TRANS – 34a: . Prior to the
issuance of the first building permit for Phase 1B, the northbound approach at Carnmore
Place/Future Project Driveway/Dublin Boulevard shall provide adequate storage capacity for
northbound left turns. The plans shall be reviewed and approved by the City and incorporated
into the proposed project.
Keegan Street/Dublin Boulevard - Implement Mitigation Measure TRANS‐7c.
Lockhart Street/Dublin Boulevard - Implement Mitigation Measure TRANS‐7d and Mitigation
Measure TRANS‐15
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, site access roadway
operations would improve to acceptable conditions resulting in a less than significant impact.
Impact TRANS – 35: The proposed project would generate new trips that would
contribute to unacceptable operations on Interstate 580
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MM TRANS – 1A.
Resulting Significance: Significant unavoidable impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR, but not to
a level of less than significant. There are no additional feasible mitigation measures and no
feasible alternatives that avoid this significant effect, as further addressed in Exhibit C, Findings
Concerning Infeasibility of Alternatives and Additional Mitigation Measures.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, the impact will be
reduced but the resulting impact will remain significant and unavoidable.
Impact TRANS – 36: The proposed project would generate new trips that would
contribute to unacceptable operations on Congestion Management Plan facilities
Mitigation Measures:
Implement Mitigation Measure TRANS – 1A and MM TRANS – 36: The project applicant
shall contribute funding to roadway improvements through the payment of City of Dublin and
Tri Valley regional traffic impact fees.
Resulting Significance:
Dublin Boulevard between Keegan and Fallon (2025) - Significant unavoidable impact.
Dougherty Road between I‐580 and Dublin Boulevard (2025): - Less than significant impact with
implementation of TDM Program under Mitigation Measure TRANS‐1.
Isabel Avenue between Stanley Boulevard and Concannon Boulevard (2025) - Significant unavoidable
Vallecitos Road between I‐580 and Isabel Avenue (2025) - Less than significant impact with
implementation of mitigation to pay regional traffic fee, which provides fair share payment for
planned improvement of Vallecitos Road to two travel lanes in each direction.
Dublin Boulevard between Camp Parks Blvd and Fallon Road (2040): -significant unavoidable impact.
Dougherty Road between I‐580 and Dublin Boulevard (2040): Significant unavoidable impact.
Isabel Avenue between Airway Boulevard and Jack London Boulevard (2040): Significant unavoidable
Isabel Avenue between Stanley Boulevard and Concannon Boulevard (2040): Significant unavoidable
For significant and unavoidable impacts -Changes or alterations have been required in, or
incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental
effect identified in the EIR, but not to a level of less than significant. There are no additional
feasible mitigation measures and no feasible alternatives that avoid this significant effect, as
further addressed in Exhibit C, Findings Concerning Infeasibility of Alternatives and Additional
Mitigation Measures.
For less than significant impacts - Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into,
the project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in
the EIR.
Rationale for Finding:
For significant and unavoidable impacts -With the implementation of the mitigation measure, the
impact will be reduced but the resulting impact will remain significant and unavoidable.
For less than significant impacts - With the implementation of the mitigation measure, intersection or
roadway operations would improve to acceptable conditions resulting in a less than significant
Impact TRANS – 38: The proposed project may create roadway safety hazards associated
with design features
Mitigation Measures:
Implement MMs TRANS – 7c, TRANS – 7d, TRANS – 15, TRANS – 34b, and
MM TRANS – 38a - Prior to issuance of building permits for Phase 1A, the project applicant
shall prepare and submit plans to the City of Dublin that depict the internal roadway extending
south from Dublin Boulevard/Lockhart Street as a 1-lane (each direction) facility south of the
northern east-west roadway with turn pockets at parking area access locations. The approved
plans shall be incorporated into the project.
MM TRANS – 38b: Prior to issuance of building permits for Phase 2, the project applicant shall
prepare and submit plans to the City of Dublin that limit or avoid the number of skewed
intersections in the vicinity of the drop-off area and the parking lot to the south. The approved
plans shall be incorporated into the project.
MM TRANS – 38c: Prior to issuance of building permits for Phase 2, the project applicant shall
prepare and submit plans to the City of Dublin that demonstrates that adequate truck access can
be provided to the loading area. The approved plans shall be incorporated into the project.
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, potential site
access and circulation issues will be improved to acceptable conditions resulting in a less than
significant impact.
Impact TRANS – 40: The proposed project may conflict with plans and policies
associated with public transit, bicycles, and pedestrians.
Mitigation Measures:
MM TRANS – 40a: Prior to completion of Phases 1A, 1B, 2, and 3, the project applicant shall
coordinate with the City of Dublin and Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority to review
the adequacy of bus service in the project vicinity and inside the development. As part of this
review process, service hours, service frequency, bus stop location and amenities, and related
issues shall be evaluated with the objective of ensuring that transit service is accessible and
convenient for project employees, patients, customers, and visitors. Service and facility
improvements shall be implemented in conjunction with the opening of each phase as approved
by the City and Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority.
MM TRANS – 40b: Prior to issuance of building permits for Phases 1A, 1B, 2, and 3, the
project applicant shall prepare and submit plans to the City of Dublin depicting the following
bicycle facilities and improvements. Note that the items listed below are intended only for new
facilities developed within the project site; existing bicycle facilities would not need to be
replaced. The approved plans shall be incorporated into the proposed project.
• Off-street paths (Class I) or on-street bicycle lanes on internal roadways (Class II/III)
within the project site
• Short-term (bike racks) and long-term bicycle (lockers) parking facilities
• Bicycle loop detectors at the modified Dublin Boulevard/Keegan Street and Dublin
Boulevard/Lockhart Street intersections
MM TRANS – 40c: Prior to issuance of building permits for Phases 1A, 1B, 2, and 3, the
project applicant shall prepare and submit plans to the City of Dublin depicting the following
pedestrian facilities and improvements. The approved plans shall be incorporated into the
proposed project.
• Provide passive detection of pedestrians at all signals serving the development access
• Pedestrian facilities shall provide direct linkages between buildings, parking areas, plazas,
and adjoining land uses.
• Pedestrian facilities shall be physically separated from vehicular circulation where
possible and the number of roadway pedestrian crossings shall be minimized.
• Roadway pedestrian crossings shall include safety features such as markings, signage,
pavement treatments, or warning devices as appropriate.
• Pedestrian facilities linking the bus stop(s) on Dublin Boulevard with project buildings
shall include wayfinding signage and lighting.
Resulting Significance: Less than significant impact.
Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which
avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the EIR.
Rationale for Finding: With the implementation of the mitigation measure, impacts on transit,
bicycles and pedestrians would be reduced to a less than significant impact.