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02-03-2011 SCAC draft Minutes
CITY OF DUBLIN SENIOR.CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF EBR ARY3, 2011 r_ DDT a ©o Call to Order Vice Chairperson Bonetti called the meeting to order at 9:36 a.m. Roll Call: Committee Members (CM) Present: Eddie Jo (EJ) Mack, Diane Bonetti, Sue Cervantes Committee Members Absent: Tim Pedersen Parks and Community Services Commission Liaison Present: Connie Mack Staff Present: Paul McCreary, Assistant Director of Parks and Community Services; Diane Guenther, Office Assistant Oral Communications RECOGNITION OF OUTGOING COMMITTEE MEMBERS Vice Chairperson Bonetti presented outgoing Committee Members Vanderpool and Baron with Certificates of Appreciation. CM Bonetti reviewed their accomplishments and thanked Vanderpool and Baron for their dedicated service to the Senior Center. She also presented Rich Guarienti, the outgoing Parks and Community Services Commission Liaison, with a Certificate of Appreciation. ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBER INTRODUCTIONS Susan Cervantes was appointed to the Senior Center Advisory Committee effective January 2011 and Connie Mack is the new representative from the Parks and Community Services Commission. Each of the Committee members and Staff introduced themselves and gave a brief overview of their background. Public Comments Guarienti commented on the Senior Center's glossy, colored tri-fold pamphlet that provides information about the Senior Center, Advisory Committee and the Foundation. He noted how well done it is and that it is reflective as to what the Senior Center is about. Approval of the.Minutes— CM MACK WAS THE ONLY REMAINING CM THAT WAS AT THE DECEMBER 2, 2010 MEETING. CM EDDIE JO MACK MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER MINUTES; THE ADIVSORY COMMITTEE UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 2, 2010 MEETING WITH CM BONETTI AND CER VANTES ABSTAINING. Written Communication—None Unfinished Business—None New Business ELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON AND VICE CHAIRPERSON Since there was not a full slate of Committee Members at the meeting, CM Bonetti made the motion to POSTPONE THE ELECTION OF THE CHAIRPERSON AND VICE CHAIRPERSON TO THE CITY OF DUBLIN SENIOR CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 3,2011 PAGE 2 OF 3 MARCH ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING. CM Cervantes seconded the motion and the Advisory Committee unanimously approved. 2010 FALL QUARTERLY REPORT McCreary presented the information as outlined in the Staff report. McCreary discussed the decrease in attendance at the daily lunch program. He noted this was primarily due to the change in providers in July. Staff will be looking at ways of increasing attendance. Guarienti suggested looking at program scheduling before and after lunch and promote the program in those activities. CM Cervantes suggested identifying target groups and offer a package of a free lunch with a free activity. She suggested targeting groups such as residents of the Groves and Wicklow Square. CM Mack suggested seeking corporate donors to sponsor a free lunch day. Las Positas Community College cancelled the Quest Program which offered classes at the Senior Center; this change contributed to the decrease in attendance for these classes. The Trips and Tours Program that was suspended in July also affected participation at the Senior Center. Staff is searching for ways to bring this program back in a cost-neutral manner. CM Bonetti and Commissioner Mack thanked Staff for an excellent report. 2011-2012 PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES WORK PLAN McCreary reviewed the existing process of the City's Strategic Plan and the Goals and Objectives process which resulted in the development of a draft Department Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2011-2012. Staff is seeking recommendations from the Advisory Committee on the Work Plans. McCreary pointed out that any Advisory Committee recommendations must be cost neutral. CM Bonetti commented she was impressed with the Work Plan. Connie Mack suggested seeking corporate sponsorships. McCreary noted the City does have an employee that works on corporate sponsors for the Depaitnient. CM Cervantes suggested adding senior camping trips and overnight trips. She also suggested offering one - or two movies in the summer outdoor movie program geared more toward adults. McCreary noted the average attendance is 700 to 1,000 and family-oriented movies are the most popular. He also noted Staff is considering offering the movies at an additional location, such as the new Dublin Historic Park and Museums. CM Cervantes suggested Emerald Glen and Bray Commons for movies geared toward seniors. • Guarienti suggested offering a second Path Wanderers Program on Saturdays. He suggested the Saturday program could explore Dublin Parks and could be coordinated with the Heritage Staff. CITY OF DUBLIN SENIOR CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 3,2011 PAGE 3 of 3 Other Business CM Bonetti gave an update on the Dublin Senior Center Foundation. On April 23 a Car Show will be sponsored by the Senior Center Advisory Committee, the Youth Advisory and the Foundation at Fallon Sports Park. The Car Show will be kept simple, any car is welcome. Up to 50 cars can be accommodated. The Foundation will sell hot dogs, soda,water and chips. A DJ will also be at the event. CM Mack reminded the Advisory Committee that a Black History Event will be held at the Senior Center on Saturday,February 5th As the new Parks and Community Services Commission liaison to the Advisory Committee, Connie Mack reported the Commission held their elections and Committee appointments. They have a joint meeting with the Youth Advisory Committee on February 23r1 at the Civic Center. CM Mack will represent the Advisory Committee at the upcoming Parks and Community Services Commission meeting on February 23r1 at 6:30 PM. Adjournment Being no further business,the meeting was adjourned at 11:22 a.m. Respectfully submitted, • Diane Guenther Office Assistant APPROVED: Diane Bonetti Vice Chairperson