HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-12-1991 PCSC Approved Minutes CITY OF DUBLIN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING DATE: MARCH 12 , 1991 The March 12 , 1991 meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7: 30p.m. at the Civic Center, Dublin, California, by Chairperson Dan Downey. Roll Call Present: Commissioner Jones , Cahn, Lockhart and Downey Absent: Commissioner Donnell Oral Communications Zev Kahn, Dublin resident, submitted a letter to the Commission to be included under oral communications. He expressed his concerns as well as those of other groups in regards to the scheduling process and fees charged for the use of school and City facilities. Diane stated that she is currently reviewing all the Facility Use Policies at this time and suggested that when this item is placed on the agenda for review by the Commission, that Mr. Kahn attend that meeting. Approval of Minutes IT WAS MOVED BY COMMISSIONER LOCKHART AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER JONES TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 12 , 1991 AS SUBMITTED. (UNANIMOUS) New Business 1991 Aquatics Program Stephanie Mein, Aquatics Coordinator, briefly reviewed a draft of the scheduled programs for the Commission. She stated that the additional one hour of pool time per day created by the relocation of the Tri-Valley S.E.L.P.A. swim program will meet the demand for additional swim lessons. Staff is prepared to make individualized lessons available to those S.E.L.P.A. participants or other adaptive students who wish to continue instruction at the Swim Center. Staff is proposing that family swim evenings be reduced to two evenings per week for the upcoming season, as the average past season attendance was 12 for three evenings per week. The extra evening will be made available for private pool rentals which have decreased each season due to lack of pool space. Additionally, staff is recommending fee changes for the following programs during the upcoming season: RECREATIONAL SWIM FEES CURRENT PROPOSED Youth $ . 75 $ 1 . 00 RECREATIONAL PASS FEES CURRENT PROPOSED Youth $ 7 . 50 $10. 00 SWIM LESSON FEES CURRENT PROPOSED Parent-Tot $15. 00 $17. 00* Preschool $15.00 $17.00 Youth $15. 00 $16. 00 Adult $15.00 $18 .00 *$1. 00 of fee covers the cost of Red Cross Parent Manual issued to each student. • • MINUTES - MARCH 12 , 1991 PAGE TWO SWIM FEES CURRENT PROPOSED One Family Member $50 . 00 $ 60 . 00 Two Family Member $75 .00 $ 85 . 00 Three or more Family Members $90 . 00 $100. 00 LAP SWIM FEES CURRENT PROPOSED Adult $ 1 . 50 $ 1.75 The current fees at the Dublin Swim Center have been unchanged during the past three seasons. After surveying other local agencies and determining costs involved in providing these programs, staff feels that these fee increases are reasonable. Commissioner Cahn asked if there is a separate fee for non-residents. Diane stated that the City does not have a non-resident fee at this time, however we do give Dublin residents priority in registration. Commissioner Downey asked if the relocation of SELPA will be permanent or temporary? Diane indicated that in previous discussions with Livermore and Pleasanton regarding a shared program, these cities were not interested or able to take on the program. Consequently SELPA was investigating the availability of school pools. Commissioner Jones asked if the City has fees for low income families? Diane replied no. IT WAS MOVED BY COMMISSIONER JONES AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LOCKHART TO APPROVE THE NEW RATES AS PROPOSED BY STAFF FOR THE 1991 SUMMER AQUATIC PROGRAMS AS SUBMITTED. (UNANIMOUS) Summer Recreation Program Sites Tracy O'Shea, Recreation Supervisor, reported that for the past several Summers the Recreation Department has offered a drop-in recreation program for 6-12 year old children at a number of locations in Dublin. Staff proposes to change the focus of the program to incorporate an outdoor nature theme and relocate the majority of program sites to park locations . Proposed program sites include Dolan Park, Alamo Creek Park, Kolb Park and Frederiksen Elementary School . For the past three years Arroyo Vista has been one of the program sites . Staff has been informed that Y.M.C.A. intends to offer Summer programs for Arroyo Vista residents at that site, and therefore feel that their recreational needs are being met. This however would not preclude Arroyo Vista residents from attending the program at Alamo Creek Park. The Commission concurred with staffs proposed program sites for the 1991 Summer Recreation Program. Afterschool Recreation Survey Tracy O'Shea, Recreation Supervisor reported that in an effort to determine the Afterschool Recreation needs of the Dublin community, staff developed a survey instrument which was distributed to children attending Nielsen, Murray and Frederiksen schools , as well as to parents attending Parent Faculty Club meetings at Nielsen and Frederiksen. A total of 2 ,116 surveys were distributed; 375 were returned for a return rate of 18% . Tracy briefly summarized the survey information provided by the parents for the Commission. She indicated that the data will be used to help with budget development and program planning for the 1991-92 school year. The Commission accepted the survey information as presented. MINUTES - MARCH 12 , 1991 PAGE THREE Teen Program Development Tracy O'Shea, Recreation Supervisor, reported that plans are underway for the development of overall teen programming for next year. Proposed program activities include a Summer Drop-In Center, Pool Bashes, On-Site Activities and a School Year Afterschool Program. Staff has prepared a summary of the proposed teen program for review by the Commission. Summer Teen Drop-In Center - Staff proposes to offer the drop-in center at Wells Middle School this Summer on Monday-Wednesday 2 :00-8 : 3p.m. , and Thursday-Friday 2 : 00-6: 30p.m. In addition, staff would like to offer a drop-in gym night on Thursdays from 6 : 30-8 : 30p.m. , and pool bashes on alternating Fridays from 6 : 30-9 : OOp.m. The number of major excursions offered would be greatly reduced to possibly one excursion at the end of the Summer with staff focusing it's energies on the development of on-site local special events. Staff is also looking to establish an Afterschool Program for middle school teens next year. Offering the drop-in program at Wells this Summer will be a step towards the development of consistency in our teen program, something that has been lacking in the past. In addition, program staff could begin offering "Build-up" activities to promote the program before school is out. This would help alleviate the problem of losing the teens once Summer begins. Youth Employment Program - The Youth Employment Program (YEP) began in 1986 to help local teens find Summer employment. In 1987 , 246 youths registered with the YEP and 140 jobs orders were filled, in 1988 , 125 students registered and 94 job orders were filled, and in 1989 , numbers dropped considerably, with 54 students registered and 23 job orders were filled. In 1990 , 47 teens registered and 20 job orders were filled. The largest amount of program usage this last Summer was from teens under 18 who needed work permits. Staff recommends scaling down the YEP to the issuing of work permits and posting of job openings at the drop-in center. The Commission accepted the proposed program components for the Teen program for next year as presented. Old Business Commissioner inquired as to the status of the appointment of a Commission Student Representative. Diane replied that she plans to followup with the school administration and promote through the school bulletin. Other Business Commissioner Cahn reported on the East Bay Regional Park District Liaison Committee meeting. The Iron Horse Trail was discussed and it's possible expansion into Dublin. He felt the City and Commission should endorse the project. Diane stated that the best plan of action is to endorse the trail route as part of the masterplan, then determine a plan of action. Commissioner Lockhart agreed. Dan Downey asked when the Commission will be conducting their annual visit to the parks. Diane indicated that the Commission can discuss this at their next meeting. Commissioner Lockhart stated that he attended the conference in Santa Clara and thought it was great. • MINUTES - MARCH 12 , 1991 PAGE FOUR Staff Reports Diane reminded the Commission of the St. Patrick's celebration scheduled for Saturday, March 16 . A copy of the Spring brochure was distributed to the Commissioners. The City is going to be required to cut back on water usage by 50% . The Public Works Department has prepared a report for the City Council with ways to meet the 50% cut back. The worst case scenerio would be to select areas that would have to be completely excluded. Mape Park could be cut as it is not renovated yet, and the remainder of the high school renovation could be deferred. At this time, the fountains at the Civic Center and Shannon have been turned off. The Annual Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled for March 30 at Kolb Park and Shannon Center has been designated as a backup facility in case of rain. Diane reminded those Commissioners that attended the conference to turn in their reimbursements by next Monday for City Council approval . Adjournment Being no further business , the meeting was adjourned at 9 :10p.m. Respectfully submitted, Char J. You / Recreation 'Secretary