HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-08-1992 Approved P&CSC Minutes •
The December 8, 1992 meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was
called to order at 7:35p.m. at the Civic Center, Dublin, California, by
Chairperson, Steve Jones.
Pledge of Allegiance
Pledge of allegiance was led by Commissioner Jones.
Roll Call
Present: Commissioners Donnell, Lockhart, Rasmussen, Cahn, Downey and
Oral Communications - None
Approval of Minutes
Written Communications - None
Unfinished Business
Dublin Sports Grounds Facility Use Policy and Pee Schedule
As a result of input provided by the sports groups at the Parks &
Recreation Commission meeting of October 13 , 1992, the Commission deferred
consideration of the policy and fee schedule, and directed Staff to meet
with the sports groups to address their concerns. On November 9, 1992, a
meeting was held with representatives from Dublin Little League, Dublin
United Soccer League, the Parks & Recreation Commission, as well as the
City Manager, Public Works Director, Maintenance Superintendent, Recreation
Director and Recreation Coordinator.
Diane reported that it was the consensus of those in attendance to support
the proposed fee schedule with exception of Dublin Little League, who
indicated that they would be willing to take on additional field
maintenance responsibilities in exchange for reduced or eliminated fees.
In view of the fact that they had already determined their budget for 1993
and accepted registration, it was agreed that their fees would remain at
$2.50 per hour for the 1993 season, and be re-evaluated when the league
submitted their maintenance proposal. In addition, it was understood that
if an agreement was not reached regarding assumption of additional field
maintenance, fees for the 1994 and subsequent seasons would be assessed in
conformance with the proposed fee schedule.
Commissioner Cahn stated that during the tour of the sports grounds, it was
obvious that there was a gopher problem. In addition, the groups pointed
out other negative conditions. He indicated that he would not want the
Commission to be confronted every year with the same situation, and would
therefore like to see something adopted.
Commissioner Lockhart stated that if the Commission is considering to offer
an exception for Dublin Little League, then other groups should also have
the opportunity to request an exception. He felt that if Dublin Little
League were able to support or prove to the City that they have the
manpower to perform annual maintenance of the fields in lieu of fees, then
he had no problem with reducing or eliminating their fees.
MINUTES - December 8, 1992
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Diane pointed out that there are three possible scenarios at this time;
1) Charge Dublin Little League $2.50 per hour for their 1993 season, 2)
Assess the fees in accordance with the proposed schedule if an agreement is
not reached, or 3) increase the fees on a gradual basis.
Commissioner Jones opened the agenda item to public input.
Public Input
Margie Wong-Gillmore, 11815 Bloomington Way, Dublin, President Dublin
Little League - thanked Diane and the Commission for the process they have
gone through to address Dublin Little Leagues concerns, and to give them
the opportunity to serve on a subcommittee to work with the City.
Ms. Gillmore stated that the article which appeared in the Valley Times in
regards to what was understood and agreed upon between the sports groups
and the City, was not accurate. She pointed out that it was her
understanding that there would be no increase but rather that the fee would
remain at $2.50/hr for Dublin Little League. The leagues proposal to
assume additional field maintenance was not to only reduce or eliminate
fees, but included to perform annual ball field maintenance utilizing part
of the $18,000 budgeted for field maintenance. She felt that what the City
is trying to do is to establish an overall increase in the fees. In
addition, it was not her understanding that if an agreement was not reached
that Dublin Little League would be looking at $5/hr in 1994 automatically.
In closing, Ms. Gillmore asked Diane if she was correctly quoted in the
article? Diane replied, no.
Mark Pace, 7149 Dublin Meadows, Dublin Little League - felt that the
increase proposed is an insult to Dublin Little League and to the
community. The issue here is the condition of the fields which are
unacceptable. The City is basically asking the league to pay "something
for nothing". He felt that the City should take a good look at the
maintenance that is currently being done and see whether they are getting
their monies worth. He stated that the question is not whether Dublin
Little League is going to deliver, but is the City of Dublin going to
Dale Skinner, 6936 Portage Road, Dublin, Dublin Little League - Mr. Skinner
felt that Dublin Little has proven themselves to the City. When the league
requested to have the backboards replaced, it was done on the contingency
that the league would paint them, which they did. The league continually
monitors the fields for safety hazards, picks up debris and fills potholes.
He pointed out that he knows that the City cannot charge more than what it
costs to maintain the fields. He indicated that if there was an accurate
breakdown of the cots, he may not be so hesitant to pay the proposed fees.
Commissioner Jones closed public comment.
Commissioner Cahn asked Diane what was the cost to maintain the fields and
revenue collected last year? Diane replied that in FY91-92 , it cost
$25,000 for ballfield maintenance and $6-7,000 for Staff time for field
scheduling. The revenue collected totalled $10,760, with approximately
$3,400 from Dublin Little League, $3 ,900 from Dublin United Soccer, and
$3,460 from other users groups.
Commissioner Rasmussen asked if the City has a schedule they follow to
check field conditions? Diane replied that maintenance has a regular
schedule for performing daily and weekly maintenance tasks, and concentrate
their efforts on certain items each year. She suggested establishing a
field liaison between the sports groups and the Maintenance Department to
address on-going maintenance problems.
MINUSES - December 8, 1992
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Commissioner Jones asked if anything has been done to address the gopher
problem? Diane replied that the City has entered into a contract with a
professional exterminator, who performed the first treatment last Friday.
Treatments will continue on a monthly basis.
Diane stated that if the Commission was in favor of reducing the fee for
Dublin Little League, the City Council would adopt a resolution approving
the Facility Use Policy and Fee Schedule as proposed, and prepare a second
resolution identifying the exception to the fees for Dublin Little League.
In addition, the resolution would outline the procedures developed for
maintenance responsibility in the future.
Commissioner Jones stated that the avenues of communication have been
opened between the City and Dublin Little League. The City has addressed
the gopher problem. He urged the sports groups to use the maintenance
forms available from the Maintenance Department.
Diane stated that the next scheduled City Council meeting is scheduled for
December 28, 1992, however it is anticipated that it may be cancelled.
The next regular scheduled meeting will be January 11, 1993 . Commissioner
Jones suggested that the subcommittee and Dublin Little League meet to
review the proposed resolution before it goes before the Council.
Diane indicated that she will be in contact with Dublin Little League.
New Business
Heritage Task Force
Diane reported that one of the 1992 goals given high priority by the City
Council was to establish a Heritage Task Force to determine the best way to
operate programs at the Heritage Center and report back to the Council.
As acquisition of the church and cemetery is nearing completion, it is
necessary to pursue establishment of the Heritage Task Force.
Commmissioner Jones felt that the exposure to the Task Force would be good
for Commissioner Rasmussen. Commissioner Rasmussen concurred and
volunteered to serve on the Heritage Task Force. Commissioner Jones
indicated he would be the alternate if Commissioner Rasmussen's school
schedule did not permit him to attend.
Election of Officers
In conformance with the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure for the Parks and
Recreation Commission, officers are to be elected at the first meeting of
the Commission in December of each year.
Commissioner Jones opened nominations for Chairperson. Commissioner Downey
nominated Commissioner Lockhart. Nominations were closed. VOTE: UNANIMOUS
Commissioner Jones opened nominations for Vice-Chairperson. Commissioner
Donnell nominated Commissioner Cahn. Nominations were closed.
Other Business
Commissioner Rasmussen reported that the school district has set the term
of the student member to begin January-December for 1993 and December to
December every year thereafter.
Commissioner Lockhart inquired as to when the annual park tour will be next
year, as we did not have one this year. Commissioner Downey suggested that
the same month each year be scheduled for the tour.
MINUTES - December 8 , 1992
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Commissioner Lockhart stated that the Tree Lighting Ceremony this year was
the best yet. He indicated that the entertainment was wonderful,
especially the Pot O'Gold Chorus. He complimented Staff on a job well
done. He reminded the Commission that the Breakfast With Santa is this
Saturday, December 12 at Shannon Center, with seatings at 9:00a.m. and
Commissioner Cahn reported large weeds growing in the back trail area of
Shannon Center, which he felt may eventually break through the asphalt,
causing it to crack. Diane indicated that she will followup on the matter.
Commissioner Downey reported that he attended a meeting of the Dublin Fine
Arts Foundation earlier this evening. Lynn Baer is proposing to bring art
to the parks and involving the community. In addition, he indicated that
the Rotary Environmental Group will be sending a letter to Diane regarding
their plan to sow wildflower seeds in the Dougherty Hills.
Staff Reports
Diane reported that the City Council will be making their final
recommendations on the budget at their meeting of December 14. There is no
anticipated recommendation to cut the level of service for Recreation this
year. However, cost savings were identified, with the number one cut for
Recreation being the Teen Program.
Commissioner Jones passed the gavel to newly appointed Chairperson
Lockhart. Commissioner Cahn complimented Commissioner Jones on a job well
done as Chairperson for 1992. The Commission concurred.
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Char J. Young �'/
Administrati a Se. etary I