HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-11-1992 Approved P&CSC Mintues CITY OF DMIX
NI/0MS OP: AUGIOgr la, 1992
The August 11, 1992 meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was
called to order at 7:56p.m. at the Civic Center, Dublin, California, by
Chairperson, Steve Jones.
Roll Call
Present: Commissioners Downey, Rasmussen, Jones and Cahn
Absent: Commissioners Donnell and Lockhart
Oral Communications
Wynn Ryan, 9040 Craydon Circle, San Ramon, President, Dublin-San Ramon
Seniors, stated that she carefully reviewed the agenda statement and
proposed policy for the Shannon Community Center. She indicated to the
Commission that there is no way the group could afford to pay $10. 00 an
hour for their weekly use on Thursdays. At this time, the group has already
made plans for their upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas events.
Chairperson Jones indicated that this item would be discussed under
Unfinished Business, item 5.1, Shannon Community Center Facility Use Policy
and Fee Schedule.
Approval of Minutes
Written Communications
Diane stated that staff has received a letter from the California
Association of Park & Recreation Commissioners & Board Members, regarding
the City's current renewal of membership. A copy of the renewal letter and
the CAPRCBM'S current information pamphlet has been distributed to the
Unfinished Business
Shannon Community Center Facility Use Policy and Fee Schedule
Diane briefed the Commission and audience on the procedure that would be
followed on the proposed policy and fee schedule for the Shannon Center.
She indicated that the policy and fee schedule will be reviewed as separate
items. Staff will summarize the proposed policy first and open the agenda
item for public input. Public input will then be closed and the Commission
will conduct their discussion before making their recommendation.
Diane briefly summarized the proposed policy for the Shannon Community
Center. In addition she noted that there are three groups currently
meeting at Shannon Center on a continuous basis. The groups met at the
Center before the City took over the facility from DSRSD six years ago, and
have been exempted from the use policy and fee schedule. The fees
established prior to the time that the City acquired the Center ranged from
$34.50 per month to $57.75 per month, and have not been adjusted since
1984. The two main changes being proposed that would affect the senior
groups are; 1) if they met the 51% requirement, they would no longer have
to pay a fee to use the Center, however if they didn't meet the requirement
they would be charged $10 .00 per hour, and 2) there would be a written
contract with each group that would set a timeframe in which they could
book the facility.
Commissioner Jones asked what hours do the groups use the facility?
Diane replied, the Tuesday group meets 11am-4pm, and the Wednesday and
Thursday groups meet 11am-3pm.
'MIkUTES - AUGUST 11, 1992
Commissioner Cahn asked, from Staff's viewpoint, are the groups impeding on
other programs? Diane replied, not on a regular basis. Typically once or
twice a year the groups are requested not to meet to accommodate other
Commissioner Jones asked if Staff receives a lot of requests from
commercial groups for use of the facility? Diane replied, not very many,
but of those that have been received, most request use during the hours the
senior groups use the facility, and were consequently turned away. On an
average, Staff receives about 1-2 requests per month for commercial type
Public Input
Robert Turnbaugh, Treasurer, Senior Californians of Dublin-San Ramon, read
a prepared statement, giving a brief history of the Senior Californians and
the current membership status. He pointed out that if they were required
to pay $10.00 per hour, the yearly cost of $2080 would exceed their income.
He respectfully requested that the three senior groups currently meeting at
the Center, be grandfathered in at their present arrangements for
continuous use of the facility.
Commissioner Cahn stated that he knows that DSRSD used fee schedules for
use of their facility and also negotiated with groups on continuous use.
He indicated he is aware that senior groups in question had a prior
contract with DSRSD, use that was granted basically to keep the facility in
use. The fees that were charged then, are now very antiquated.
Morey Stott, Senior Dance Group, stated that the dance group was organized
in 1981, when they began using Shannon Center. The group pays $60 .00 for a
one-man band to play on the first three Tuesdays of the month. On the last
Tuesday of the month, the Musicians Union co-sponsor the event and pay half
of the costs. He pointed out that attendance has been declining and
consequently so has their income. It would be impossible for the group to
continue if a $10. 00 per hour fee was imposed. He asked the Commission if
it would be possible for the group to continue to use the facility until
the end of the year, until such time they could find another facility?
Commissioner Cahn asked when is it anticipated that the policy would go
into effect? Diane replied that Staff is hoping to receive a consensus
this evening regarding the proposed policy for Shannon Center, the Civic
Center and the Senior Center. At the next two meetings in September, the
policies for the Swim Center and the Dublin Sports Grounds will be reviewed
by the Commission. It is anticipated that all of the policies will go to
the City Council in October for adoption.
Vincent Dilworth, Senior Dance Group, 115 Neptune Place, San Ramon, stated
that of the facilities in this area, Shannon Center is the one that suits
the dance groups needs the best. He asked that the Commission take the
special needs of the senior citizens into account and set the policy on a
straight path.
Commissioner Cahn asked if there is any way that this kind of activity
could be incorporated at the Senior Center? Diane indicated that at one
time there was discussion to bring the dance group to the Senior Center.
The group however elected to remain independent and stayed at Shannon
Diane pointed out the difficulty associated with "club" use of the Center,
as there is really only one room available for use at the Senior Center.
If it is opened for use by outside groups, Staff would not be able to
accommodate City sponsored programs. The decision that was made at the
time the Center was opened was to offer a variety of activities and not
limit it to the use of clubs.
'MIMUTES' - AUGUST 11, 1992
Commissioner Downey asked Mr. Dilworth what he thought would be a
reasonable fee, and also would the dance group be willing to compromise
from their current position? Mr. Dilworth indicated that he could not
answer for either his group or the others, and felt that they would have to
get together to discuss it.
Morey Stott, Senior Dance Group, stated that they charge a $2.00 membership
fee, which pays for rent, insurance and the band. The group feels that
they could probably come up with some type of a compromised figure that
they could afford to pay. Currently, attendance has been declining very
rapidly which has affected their income. With the time schedule that the
policy is anticipated to be adopted, the group could probably raise their
membership fee.
Ray Silva, 8387 Norris Canyon, Castro Valley, stated that the group is very
appreciative of the way the Staff at Shannon has treated them, and would
certainly like to stay at Shannon Center. The dance group could probably
afford $60/month.
Jim Carskaddon, 396 Adell Street, Livermore, stated that he has been
connected with the dance group ever since its inception. He indicated he
was a little perturbed about the way the Commission refers to Dublin
residents and outsiders. He indicated that as an outsider, he attends the
dance at Shannon Center every week and also conducts a bridge group at the
Dublin Senior Center.
Commissioner Cahn stated that he did not believe that any of the
Commissioners would discriminate against anyone because of age or where
they live. The Commission wants to be fair to everyone, no matter what the
age is or type activity that is conducted, as long as it is not against the
policy. He pointed out that whatever decision the Commission should make
this evening, would not be binding, as the Council may change it.
Mr. Turnbaugh, Senior Californians, assured the Commission that 90% of the
people that attend their meetings, do their shopping in Dublin.
Mr. Dilworth asked the Commission if they could incorporate a break for the
seniors groups in their recommendation? Commissioner Jones stated that the
Commission is going to discuss the proposed policy now and will make their
Public input was closed by Chairperson Jones.
Discussion: Commissioner Cahn felt that the senior groups fees should be
consistent with the policy and suggested incorporating a steady increase
that would bring their fees up to the current policy over a period of time.
Commissioner's Downey and Rasmussen agreed.
Commissioner Jones stated that the businesses in Dublin have been here a
long time, and they have had to conform with the City's current
requirements and ordinances. The senior groups in question have been
paying the same fees for over ten years. He pointed out that Staff and the
Commission has put a lot of effort and time, over a year, into revising the
facility use policies. He felt that the Commission should stick to what
they originally proposed. He felt that the Commission has a responsibility
to it's tax payers, and that the fees need to be imposed. In addition, the
City has a senior center, and suggested that perhaps the groups could be
incorporated into the existing activities at the Center, at no fee.
Commissioner Cahn asked if there were any other groups grandfathered in?
Diane replied, that when the City took over the Shannon Center from DSRSD,
there were approximately 8-10 groups that came with the Center.
'MIMUTES - AUGUST 11 , 1992
Over the years all of the groups, through changes in policy or procedures,
found other locations. The senior groups have always been treated
separately from the rest of the groups.
Commissioner Jones asked if any of the other cities have a senior rate for
any of their facilities other than their senior centers? Diane stated that
San Ramon offers a 20% discount on rates to resident seniors, however they
do not permit continuous use.
Discussion: Diane stated that the policy as presented does not allow
continuous use on weekends. If the Commission wants to consider the
request from the Salvation Army and other groups requesting continuous use
on weekends, the language will need to be revised to expand the hours of
availability. She strongly recommended that continuous use on Saturdays
not be allowed, as Saturdays are booked up to a year in advance for private
Commissioner Downey amended the motion to include a correction in the
policy language:
Diane addressed the senior groups stating that the Commission on a majority
vote, has recommended that the policy and fees as proposed be adopted.
She indicated that she will be notifying them of the date of the City
Council meeting in October, when a final decision will be made.
Dublin Civic Center Facility Use Policy and Fee Schedule
Diane briefly reviewed the facility use policy and fee schedule for the
Civic Center for the Commission.
Commissioner Rasmussen asked why the security deposit was increased an
additional $100, and also when would the policy go into effect?
Diane replied, that the cost associated with cleaning the carpets after a
rental, usually exceeds the current $100 deposit. The policy would go into
effect when the City Council adopts the resolution, which is anticipated to
be sometime in October. Any rental currently on the books would pay the
rate that was in effect when they applied.
Commissioner Downey asked if its necessary to have the hold harmless
agreement in the Facility Use Policy? Diane replied that our risk
management group and City attorney requires that the City have specific
language on all forms for class registration, sports, rentals, trips, etc.
New Business
1992-93 Teen Program Proposal
Tracy O'Shea, Recreation Supervisor, introduced Sean Lange to the
Commission, stating that he was largely responsible for the success of the
teen program.
Tracy reported that in an effort to determine the types of activities that
teens want participate in, a survey was distributed to students at Wells
Middle, Dublin High, Valley High, St. Raymonds and Valley Christian High
'MINUTES - AUGUST 11, 1992
In brief, the survey results indicated that the majority of the teens
participate in extra-curricular activities at school, whereas a limited
number of participate in community activities. However, both middle and
high school teens prefer that recreational activities be offered
afterschool and on weekend afternoons during the school year and in the
afternoon during the summer months.
In preparing plans for the 1992-93 school year, Staff is proposing two
plans. In the event that facilities will be available at Wells, Plan A
would include lunchtime activities 2 days a week and the drop-in center
would be offered on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2 : 45 - 5:30 pm.
In the event that facilities at Wells were not available, Staff would
utilize Plan B, which would include lunchtime programs on Wednesdays and
Fridays, 2:45 - 5:00 pm. The location would vary according to the
scheduled activity. Monday would be designated as "PROMO DAY" , giving
Staff the opportunity to promote upcoming activities. A "Friday Night Out"
program would be offered every other Friday. The programs would be
promoted through the distribution of a monthly newsletter.
Commissioner Cahn asked what kids are we targeting? Also, has there been
any communication with the Friday Night Live program? Tracy replied, that
Staff is primarily targeting the students at Wells Middle School.
Friday Night Live is more successful with the high school students.
Sean pointed out that when the Teen Program began, it was conducted in the
Summer at Dublin High, but all the kids that attended were from Wells.
Therefore, Staff feels that if they target the kids from Wells, when they
go into high school, Staff can move with them and pull on their resources.
Commissioner Downey asked Sean, where would he have a drop-in center?
Sean replied, on campus at Wells.
Commissioner Cahn suggested that Staff incorporate their program
information with the school packet information sent to parents.
Tracy indicated that she has already been in contact with the Assistant
Principal at Wells, Sherry Beetz, to include information in the school
Commissioner Rasmussen indicated he remembers a few years ago, there was a
program offered at Dublin High School called Family Feud. It seemed to be
very successful, however a lot of the students expected to see it the
following year, but it never was. He encouraged Staff to work closely with
the student councils at both schools.
Other Business
Commissioner Rasmussen stated that he attended the Championship Swim Meet
at the pool, and felt that the Pool Manager and Staff did a great job.
Commissioner Jones stated that he also attend the swim meet and received a
lot of good comments from people in attendance.
Commissioner Jones inquired as to the status of the baseball field at
Murray. Diane indicated that there have been some problems with insurance
and equipment, however it is anticipated the project to be completed within
the next several weeks. At this time, they are putting up the fabric
Staff Reports
Diane introduced several part-time Staff in attendance in the audience:
Paul McCreary, Pool Manager, recently a graduate from Chico State; Becky
Hopkins, Recreation Specialist, will be graduating from Hayward State; and
Sean Lange, who plans to enroll at Hayward State.
MIfiIUTt'ES' - AUGUST 11, 1992
Tracy reported that the attendance for the Tenderfoot Day Camp and Fun in
the Sun programs have exceeded Staff's expectations.
Diane stated that the Commission's meeting next month on September 8 will
include the review of the proposed policies for the Swim Center and Dublin
Sports Grounds. In addition, if the policy review is completed in
September, the annual park tour will be scheduled for October.
Diane stated that Barbara Donnell was appointed by Linda Jeffery, who is
not running for re-election, therefore Barbara's term on the Commission
will be ending soon.
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:55p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Char J. You
Administrative Secretary