HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-12-1992 Approved P&CSC Minutes .. 'r'...PARES..:A <sih1 ,C?:Jl::k:W+JtI::.. & ui..Ax3::7X0II :>::`::•:`:•>:•i>:>::: :;;:;»:;: >:;::: The May 12 , 1992 meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:40p.m. at the Civic Center, Dublin, California, by Chairperson, Steve Jones. Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of allegiance was led by Commissioner Jones. Roll Call Present: Commissioners Jones, Downey, Sbranti, Donnell, and Lockhart Absent: Commissioner Cahn (Arrived at 8:10pm) Oral Communications Rick Wendling, Dublin United Soccer League - stated that he has attended several of the Parks & Recreation Commission meetings over the past couple of years, and it is his gut feeling that the future plans for additional soccer field space is not going to come true. He indicated that there is alot of encroachment occurring between the different sports leagues now, which causes alot of confusion for the kids and conflict among the coaches. Mr. Wendling stated that more space is needed and urged the Commission that when planning the fields, they give careful consideration as to how soccer can fit into the plan. Laurie Swayze, 7520 Silvertree Lane, Dublin, asked if the idea of Community Garden plots has every been approached by the City? She indicated that the City of Concord currently has a program, and felt that ground areas located beneath power lines as well as vacant lots in Dublin could' be used by residents to plant flowers or vegetables. Marie Cronin, P.O. Box 2001, Dublin, stated that the City of Alameda also has a very successful ongoing program. Commissioner Lockhart asked if this is a program the City could possibly pursue? Diane replied that it has not been done as yet in this community, however it is being done in many neighboring communities. Staff will look into the matter. Approval of Minutes IT WAS MOVED BY COMMISSIONER LOCKHART AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DONNELL TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF APRIL 14, 1992 AS SUBMITTED. (UNANIMOUS) Written Communications - None New Business At this point in the meeting, Diane pointed out that the next two agenda items, 6.1 "Five Year Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Years 1992-97" and & 7.1 "Regional Wildlife, Open Space, Shoreline and Parks Bond - Local Grant Program" , will require two (2) of the Commissioners to excuse themselves from discussion and voting on these items. A quorum of four (4) Commissioners would be required to vote on these items, therefore it is suggested that the Commission defer these two agenda items until Commissioner Cahn arrives. The Commission concurred. Winter Quarter 1992 Recreation Report Diane briefly summarized the activities conducted during the Winter Quarter encompassing the months of January, February and March for the Commission. • MINUTES - MAY 12, 1992 PAGE TWO Adult Sports Program - Men's 3 on 3 and 5 on 5 full court leagues were offered, two of which were Women's leagues at Wells Middle School multi- purpose room. A total of "25" teams participated. Afterschool Playgrounds - Average daily attendance at Nielsen was 36 participants, with an average attendance of 33 at Murray. Leisure Classes - A total of 570 people participated in leisure classes. Seventy 70 classes were offered to the public, 32 were for youth classes and 38 for adult classes. Preschool - Registration for the final session was held in March and all three session were filled. Sixty (60) students are currently enrolled in the final session, which ends Friday, June 5. Senior Center - In January, events included the second "Bring Your Grandkids to Lunch" luncheon, a Scarf Tying Workshop, and a Caribbean Daze Luncheon. Average daily attendance was 74. In February the seniors conducted their annual Sweethearts Valentine Luncheon and celebrated leap year with a Leapin' Line Dance Party. Average daily attendance was 99. In March the Center focused on St. Patrick's Day with a afternoon luncheon and a Saturday Night Dinner Dance. Average daily attendance was 96. Special Events - The Ninth Annual St. Patrick's Day Celebration was held on Saturday, March 14, 1992 at the Dublin Place Shopping Center. Approximately 3,000 people attended the event, which was the City's longest and largest celebration. Both the committee and participants view this year's celebration as a great success. Teens - Registration for Session II of the Teen Drop-In Center began in January. Average daily attendance has increased from 5 students per day in the Fall to 12 students per day in February and March. Approximately 25 one-day passes were sold in February and March. Youth Sports - A total of 95 players participated in the basketball program, with many positive comments from the parents and coaches. Commissioner Sbranti asked if the City plans to conduct a program at Frederiksen now that YMCA has moved out? Diane replied that funding is not included in the budget for an additional site. Commissioner Downey inquired as to how Bonnie reaches out and encourages seniors to attend activities at the Senior Center. Diane stated that Bonnie mails out a monthly Senior Newsletter and information is included in each quarterly brochure, but the most effective is "word of mouth" . Commissioner Sbranti suggested utilizing church bulletins. Commissioner Donnell stated that the classes and programs seem to be successful, as fewer are being cancelled. Commissioner Jones indicated that he is pleased to see participation in the Teen Center picking up. Summer 1992 Schedule of Recreation Classes and Programs Diane reported that the 24-page Summer brochure is scheduled to be mailed to Dublin residents on Monday, May 18. Included in this issue is information on the City-Wide Flea Market scheduled for Saturday, August 15; the City of Dublin's Night with the Oakland A's on Tuesday, June 2; the Summer Playground Program "Fun in the Sun" and the new Summer Program "Camp Shannon" . In addition, information on Summer Softball Leagues and tournaments, Coed Volleyball, and Open Gym for basketball is also included. Commissioner Cahn arrived at 8:10p.m. Chairperson Steve Jones presented Old Business, Agenda Item No. 6.1, "Five Year Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 1992-97" . MINUTES - MAY 12, 1992 PAGE THREE • Old Business Five Year Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Years 1992-97 Commissioner Lockhart stated that as a member of the Board of Dublin Historical Preservation Association, he would have to disqualify himself from participating in discussion and voting on agenda items 6 .1 and 7.1. Commissioner Downey stated that as a member of the Board of Dublin Historical Preservation Association, he would also have to disqualify himself from participating in discussion and voting on agenda items 6.1 or 7 .1. Diane stated that at the February 11, 1992 meeting of the Parks & Recreation Commission, the Commission determined priorities for park capital projects for inclusion in the 1992-97 Capital Improvement Program. Since that meeting, the City Council has directed Staff to prepare purchase agreements for the Heritage Center which includes the Old St. Raymond's Church, the original Murray Schoolhouse and the Dublin Cemetery. Once the acquisition is complete, the buildings will require renovation to address code compliance issues and to repair areas to prevent further deterioration of the buildings. As the estimated renovation exceeds $5,000 .00, it is considered a capital project, and thus, needs to be prioritized as part of the park capital projects. Commissioner Cahn stated that he wanted to remind the voting members of the Commission that when they prioritized the projects for inclusion in the 1992-97 Capital Improvement Program, they gave five (5) projects high priority. Public Input: Mark King, President, Dublin United Soccer League, stated that he is not clear as to why the Dublin Historical Preservation Association wants the City to purchase these facilities, but felt that the monies available should be spent on those recreational activities that serve the majority of the community. He indicated that the current facilities lack bleachers, shaded dugouts, permanent soccer goals, and sidewalk access for the handicap. He urged the Commission to carefully consider the number of people that would be served, as well as the greater need of the community. Laurie Swayze, 7520 Silvertree Lane, Dublin, handed Diane a copy of the master plan for Mape Park with her comments and suggestions. Marie Cronin, President Dublin Historical Preservation Association, stated that she has been active in the DHPA since 1959. Several years ago the Heritage Center was scheduled to be burned down and Caltrans wanted to destroy the old schoolhouse, however DHPA pursued saving these two pieces of Dublin's history and heritage. The schoolhouse now houses a museum and library, which is currently used by the local schools for class programs. The cemetery which dates back to 1840 has been maintained by the people for over 100 years. She stated that with the funding available through the Measure AA bond, an opportunity is available to enter into an arrangement with the City of Dublin to own everything, which would include acquisition and preservation. Commissioner Cahn stated that the Commission faces a dilemma, because if it includes the Heritage Center in the priorities of the CIP, it would dictate the action that would have to be taken on agenda item 7.1. Commissioner Jones stated he had very mixed feelings. First of all, he did not want to change the priorities of those projects that took the Commission several months to do. Secondly, he felt that the Heritage project would only serve a small portion of the community. • MINUTES - MAY 12, 1992 PAGE FOUR Commissioner Donnell stated that the priority list was bounced around for a long time, and to be directed to incorporate the Heritage Center into the list now is a real dilemma. Commissioner Cahn suggested to the Commission that the Heritage Center not be incorporated into the priority list, as it is not currently owned by the City. When it has officially become a part of the City, it can then be added to the list. He felt that the projects that have already been prioritized should not lose their priority to a facility that is not owned by the City. Commissioner Sbranti agreed with Mark King, DUSL, that the money should be used towards those facilities that are used by the majority of the community. IT WAS MOVED BY COMMISSIONER CAHN AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DONNELL THAT THE HERITAGE CENTER NOT BE ADDED TO THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PRIORITY LIST, UNTIL SUCH TIME IT HAS BEEN ACQUIRED BY THE CITY_ IN FAVOR - COMMISSIONERS JONES, CAHN AND DONNELL NOT IN FAVOR - COMMISSIONER SBRANTI Regional Wildlife, Open Space, Shoreline and Parks Bond - Local Grant Program Diane reported that in November 1989 the voters of Alameda and Contra Costa Counties approved the passage of Measure AA, the Regional Wildlife, Open Space, Shoreline and Parks Bond Act of 1988, sponsored by the East Bay Regional Park District. The $225 million bond issue provides funding for acquisition and development of regional and local parks and open space. The City of Dublin's allocation under this program is $631,316. To date, the City has received $473 ,487 in funding which was utilized for the renovation of Shannon Park. The City's Phase II allocation is $157, 829 and a final project selection must be made by June 15, 1992 . Staff has identified two eligible projects for the grant funds: 1) Nape Park Renovation, and 2) Dublin Sports Ground Renovation. However, at the April 27, 1992 meeting of the City Council, the Council identified the Heritage Center Acquisition and Renovation as an additional project for these funds. Therefore, the City Council has requested that the Parks and Recreation Commission review the three eligible projects and make a recommendation as to which project should receive the funds. Commissioner Jones asked if the monies could be split three ways? Diane replied yes, however the monies cannot be used for school properties. The Commission questioned the urgency in determining which project should be selected for funding. Diane indicated that the deadline for final applications is June 15 . Commissioner Cahn suggested that this item be deferred to the Commission's next scheduled meeting of June 9. Diane pointed out that the Commission will not be able to meet on June 9, as the City Council budget hearing has been scheduled on that date. Commissioner Jones indicated that he would like to receive additional input from the public. Mark King, D.U.S.L. , stated that if the City Council has final say, they can override the Commission and place the Heritage Center on the list and use the Measure AA monies anyway. He felt that this item should be placed on a ballot for the public to vote on. In addition, he indicated that he didn't understand why the City wants to own these properties, when they have been maintained for over 100 years. He indicated that it seems to him that the City Council has a personal agenda to acquire these properties. • MINUTES - MAY 12, 1992 PAGE FIVE Laurie Swayze asked when the masterplans for Mape Park and the Dublin Sports Grounds were completed? Diane replied the Dublin Sports Grounds masterplan was completed two years ago and Mape Park, 5 years ago. Ms. Swayze suggested that the renovation for Mape Park be completed in phases, and felt that the residents would understand that these are different times and that the current recession affects everyone. Ms. Cronin, DHPA, stated that it is not DHPA's intent to take away money from other projects, and realizes that there are many things that we would like to have in our community. However, this is an opportunity that will probably not come again. Dublin's history and heritage is also a part of the community and deserves attention. She concluded by stating that she understands that it is a difficult decision for the Commission to make, however it is only sensible to preserve our City's heritage. IT WAS MOVED BY COMMISSIONER CAHN AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DONNELL THAT THE COMMISSION NOT IDENTIFY USE OF THE MEASURE AA BOND FUNDS AT THIS TIME. HOWEVER, IF THE CITY COUNCIL DECIDES TO MARE THE HERITAGE CENTER A HIGH PRIORITY, THE COMMISSION WILL SCHEDULE A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION TO MEET AFTER THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF MAY 26. (UNANIMOUS) Commissioner Lockhart expressed dissatisfaction being told upon his arrival to the meeting that he was not allowed to participate in the discussion relating to the Heritage Center. He further stated that he had alot of information regarding the subject and would have made arrangements to have someone in attendance to speak on his behalf. Diane apologized for the late notice and explained that the Heritage Center acquisition is a complicated matter. Both she and the City Attorney have spent numerous hours trying to sort through all of the issues. She reminded the Commission that Steve Jones was not able to speak on behalf of the Lions during the discussions related to the handicapped playground. Other Business Commissioner Cahn inquired as to what Staffs final decision was on the enrollment that would be required to run the Shannon Camp Program all Summer. Diane stated that the program will be conducted with the minimum enrollment to offset program costs. Commissioner Sbranti stated that he is happy to see the increase in participation in the Teen Center. He felt that the City should consider purchasing the portables from the School District to keep the program alive. In addition, he indicated that his term on the Commission will end in June, and he has therefore placed information in the bulletin at the high school publicizing the opening to the students. Staff Reports Diane reminded the Commission that they need to reschedule their regular meeting of June 9, due to the budget hearings scheduled that date for the City Council. The Commission scheduled Wednesday, June 3 at 7:30p.m. , for their next meeting. Adjournment Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10 :10p.m. Respectfully submitted, p/7•1/0 Char J. Yo g