HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-09-1994 Approved P&CSC Minutes The August 9, 1994 meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:30p.m. at the Civic Center, Dublin, California, by Chairperson, Randy Cahn. Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of allegiance was led by Commissioner Donnell. Oath of Office In the absence of the City Clerk, Diane Lowart, Director of Recreation administered the Oath of Office to new Student Parks & Recreation Commissioner, Holly Lampe. Roll Call Present: Commissioners Jones, Donnell, Lockhart, Cahn, Trimble and Lampe. Oral Communications - None Approval of Minutes IT WAS MOVED BY COMMISSIONER JONES AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DONNELL TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JULY 12, 1994 AS SUBMITTED. (UNANIMOUS) Written Communications - None Public Hearing - None Unfinished Business - None Diane requested to change the order of the agenda, as Sean Lange, Teen Coordinator, is not here as yet to provide input on the first agenda item #8.1 Fiscal Year 1994-95 Teen Program. IT WAS MOVED BY COMMISSIONER JONES AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DONNELL TO CHANGE THE ORDER OF THE AGENDA BEGINNING WITH ITEM #8.3 ANNUAL PARK TOUR, ITEM #8.2 DEPARTMENT NAME CHANGE, AND ENDING WITH ITEM #8.1 FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 TEEN PROGRAM. (UNANIMOUS) New Business Annual Park Tour Diane stated that on an annual basis, the Parks and Recreation Commission conducts a tour of City parks and recreation facilities. Staff recommends that the Commission consider scheduling the tour for their next regular meeting on September 13 , 1994 , at 5: 30pm and ending with a short meeting in the Regional Meeting Room. In the event that agenda items come up requiring action by the Commission, a regular meeting can be held either after the tour or a special meeting can be scheduled. The Commissioners concurred with the date and time as recommended by Staff. Diane indicated that an agenda indicating the order in which the parks and recreation facilities will be toured will be sent to the Commission. Department Name Change Diane stated that one of the 1994 Goals adopted by the City Council and given a medium priority was to provide the City Council with potential name changes for the Recreation Department to more accurately reflect programs and services administered by the Department. MINUTES - AUGUST 9, 1994 PAGE TWO Diane briefly summarized the background of the services provided by the Recreation Department when it was initially established in 1984, and the services provided ten years later. In addition, the Recreation Department is also responsible for the oversight of the budget for Library Services, Cultural Activities, Heritage Center and Dublin Cemetery. Of the seven most common department names obtained from the 1993-94 California Park and Recreation Society Directory, "Parks and Recreation" continues to be the most common name for departments in California. However, the trend over years has been towards "Community Services" Departments, which is a result of the diversified services that are now being administered under the umbrella of the "Parks and Recreation" departments. It is Staff's recommendation that the Commission give consideration to changing the name of the Recreation Department to "Parks and Community Services" . Commissioner Donnell asked if there was a reason for wanting to delete "Recreation" from the title? Diane replied, its just too long. Commissioner Cahn felt that the name change is rather premature for Dublin. He stated that when he thinks of community services, he thinks of transportation and meals on wheels for seniors. Diane replied that even though transportation services are currently provided through LAFTA and various social services by other providers, it is not to say that at some point in the future that these services could be absorbed by the City. Commissioner Jones, Donnell and Trimble concurred with Staff's recommendation to rename the department to "Parks and Community Services" . Commissioner Lampe felt that "Parks, Recreation and Community Services" may be too. long of a title, but felt that it really describes what the department does. Commissioner Lockhart agreed with Commissioner Lampe, however understood the reason for wanting to delete "Recreation" from the title. IT WAS MOVED BY COMMISSIONER DONNELL AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LOCKHART TO CHANGE THE DEPARTMENTS NAME FROM "RECREATION" TO "PARKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES". (UNANIMOUS) Diane stated that this item will be on the agenda for approval by the City Council at their scheduled meeting of September 12. Fiscal Year 1994-95 Teen Program Diane recommended that the Commission proceed with the agenda item as scheduled. Tracy. O'Shea, Recreation Coordinator, reported that the primary focus of the 1993-94 program was the Teen Recreation Activity Center (TRAC) , an after school drop-in center at Wells Middle School. Average daily attendance was "7" participants per day, with "80" participants at the pool bash in June and only "7" in July. Planning is currently underway for the 1994-95 Teen Program, and Staff has been informed that there will no longer be a room available for the sole use of the Recreation Department for TRAC. It is therefore Staff's recommendation that the teen drop-in program (TRAC) not be offered in 1994-95, as sharing a classroom would restrict the types of activities that could be offered. In _ addition, Staff recommends that lunch-time activities, special events and excursions be offered initially and that a needs assessment be conducted to determine other avenues of programming. The needs assessment could include an "ad-hoc" Teen Advisory Committee made up of teens, parents, teachers, school administrators and Staff from the City's Recreation and Police departments. MINUTES - AUGUST 9, 1994 PAGE THREE Public Input: Rose Owens, Dublin Resident, stated that her daughter Sarah participated in TRAC last year. She felt that it is a great program and was glad that Sarah had a safe place to go to after school. In July, Sarah had planned to attend the pool bash after her swim lesson, but it was cancelled at the last minute. Fortunately, a friends mother was able to take Sarah home, otherwise she would have been stranded at the pool. Tracy stated that she discussed the cancellation of the July pool bash with her Staff and also with Rhonda Goldstone. Staff has reviewed the procedures for this event to insure that this situation will not happen again in the future. Tracy asked Mrs. Owens if she had any suggestions how the program could be made more attractive to the teens to increase participation? Mrs. Owens suggested combining a study hall with the recreation program, and making sure that publicity goes out to the parents. She pointed out that more parents would have shown up to the meeting tonight, if they realized that the TRAC program may not be offered. Tracy stated that information on the TRAC and teen programs is placed in the newsletters that go home from school and flyers are passed out on campus and placed in lockers. Notices were sent to all TRAC participants regarding the meeting tonight. Mrs. Owens asked if other facilities like a gym or multi-purpose room are available or are funds available for a portable? Tracy replied that the availability of the gym and multi-purpose room on a daily basis is very limited, as they are heavily used for practices and sports activities. Unfortunately funds are not available for a portable. Rhonda Goldstone stated that her daughter Maria will be attending Wells this Fall. She indicated her concern regarding TRAC not being available this year as the kids needed a place to go. Mrs. Goldstone felt that the publicity needs to be targeted to the parents and suggested having Claudia McCormick include an article in her newspaper column about the program. She felt that if a classroom is available, it should be taken advantage of and used as a study hall two days a week and that recreational activities include good old basic games of chess and backgammon and outdoor activities like dodgeball. In closing, Mrs. Goldstone reported that when she arrived at the pool in July prior to the pool bash, ten kids had been waiting since 6:50pm, only to find that the program had been cancelled at 6:45pm. She urged the Commission to keep the TRAC program active, because the children of Dublin need to have something to hold on to and faith in what adults can offer them. Commission Discussion: Commissioner Jones stated that he has dealt with Dublin parents for 15 years now, and mailing information to them and placing ads in the newspapers, does not work. He asked Mrs. Goldstone if she had any suggestions as to how parents can be reached? Mrs. Goldstone suggested addressing the teen program to the parents at Back to School Night, Wells orientation scheduled on August 30, on Channel 30, and also at PTA meetings. Commissioner Cahn asked what is the cost associated with the TRAC program? Diane stated that she does not have a breakdown of the cost of the teen program available, however money is not the issue, but rather the availability of a facility. Staff's concern is whether kids would want to come to a classroom for the program, after being in one all day? MINUTES - AUGUST 9, 1994 PAGE FOUR Commissioner Cahn asked if the Wells gym would be available? Diane replied that it would only be available sporatically. He stated that he feels that the program should continue and suggested that Staff call Valley High School to see if they would have a room available. Commissioner Lockhart stated that he would like to see the program kept alive. Commissioner Jones stated that he would like to see Staff find a teacher that is willing to work with the Recreation Department. IT WAS MOVED BY COMMISSIONER JONES AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DONNELL TO KEEP THE TRAC PROGRAM, FOR STAFF TO WORK WITH THE SCHOOL DISTRICT AND ONE OF THE TEACHERS AT WELLS SCHOOL TO SHARE HIS/HER A CLASSROOM FOR THE PROGRAM. Commission Discussion: Commissioner Lampe stated that she liked the idea of directing information to the parents and organizing a committee, and that the administrators and teachers should be more involved. She suggested having tutors to help out during study hall. Commissioner Trimble felt strongly that the TRAC program should continue and have a special place. He suggested that Staff explore the space element a little more and perhaps look into obtaining a commercial space. The ideal setup would be to have a quiet room and a recreation or music room. Commissioner Donnell indicated that she would like to see the program promoted more to increase attendance. Commissioner Cahn stated that the motion did not emphasize the use of Wells Middle School or Valley High School and therefore should be restated to include this information. COMMISSIONER JONES WITHDREW HIS MOTION AND COMMISSIONER DONNELL WITHDREW HER SECOND. IT WAS MOVED BY COMMISSIONER JONES AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DONNELL TO KEEP THE TRAC PROGRAM. STAFF IS DIRECTED TO WORK WITH THE SCHOOL DISTRICT TO FIND A LOCATION AT EITHER VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL OR WELLS MIDDLE SCHOOL, AND IF REQUIRED TO SHARE A CLASSROOM, TO FIND A TEACHER WILLING TO WORK WITH THE RECREATION DEPARTMENT. (UNANIMOUS) Other Business - Brief Informational Only Reports from Parks and Recreation Commission and/or Staff Commissioner Jones reported that the sports field and gym renovation at Dublin High is underway, and probably won't be completed until the end of September. Diane indicated that she received a memorandum from the School District last week which reports that the bleachers and floors in the gym are scheduled to be done by the end of August. The speaker project will extend into September. Commissioner Donnell asked isn't a completion date usually scheduled on contracted work? Diane replied that school projects require contractors to work with the State Architect in Sacramento, who are notorious for slowing down projects. Commissioner Lockhart asked if Staff has heard from Jim Moran? Diane replied, no. Commissioner Cahn asked if Staff plans to pursue other sources for the scoreboards? Diane stated that it is not a high priority at this time. MINUTES - AUGUST 9, 1994 PAGE FIVE Commissioner Lockhart asked if the proposal for the renovation of the school and church were approved by the City Council? Diane indicated that the City Council directed the Architect to proceed with preparation of construction documents for the renovation of the church and schoolhouse as proposed, without the bell tower at Murray School. In addition, approval was given to incorporate alternates in the bid documents in case the project goes over budget. Commissioner Cahn inquired as to the status of the repair of the Shannon Park marquee and windows. Tracy indicated that Staff is obtaining informal bids at this time. Diane indicated that the windows at Shannon will have to be replaced and that Staff is looking into alternatives at this time. Commissioner Cahn asked if the condition of the fields has been surveyed for the upcoming soccer and softball season, and what is the status of the gopher problem? Diane reported that the soccer fields are as ready as they are going to be, and the softball fields underwent a minor renovation two weeks ago to loosen up the infields. She reported that due to the high school closing their fields to the public, South Valley Youth Football has requested use of the fields. In short, the fields are going to be heavily used and will take quite a beating. The gopher problem is under control and is serviced on a monthly basis. Commissioner Cahn inquired as to the status of the snackbar at the pool. Diane stated that the City needs to get permission from the School District, as they own the property. Diane reported that the City Council approved an agreement to install a large bronze sculpture by artist Peter Voulkis, at the Civic Center. It is scheduled to be installed within the next three weeks at no cost to the City or to the Fine Arts Foundation, and will be a long term loan. The Summer recreation programs are all going very well and many will be coming to a close within the next few weeks. Diane reported that she will be meeting with the School District tomorrow to initiate changes to the Joint Use Agreement between the City and School District. Information will be presented to the Commission at a later meeting. There has been discussion between the City and School District to reactivate a committee of City and school representatives to look at the school projects that were included in the City's Capital Improvement Program, and to determine if there are new projects that will be more beneficial to the community and to prioritize. Adjournment Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50p.m. Respectfully submitted, Char J. Young Administrativ Secr AK .