HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-14-1993 Approved P&CSC Minutes °pazToTTgnd sT apeaed aqq uegM °Azenuer aao;aq peututzagap eq oq paau pTnoM agnoz apeaed eq •gnduT aTagq epTAoad oq gnT3 suoTZ agq Aq osTe pue 'aorTod pue queutgaede sxaom oTTgnd agq Aq paMeT.naa eq oq aneq pTnoM agnoz egg. gegq pagegs aueTQ •szogegoeds aaout Meap pTnoM egnoa apeaed ae4aogs P gegq qte; eq 'uoT4TppP uI 'uteTdutoo oq sesseutsnq Teool Aueut pesneo goTgi suoTgoesaaquT aoCeut ano; paxooTq zeaA gseT pasn agnoa mu, •pabuego agnoz apeaed agq aas oq erTT pTnoM eq gegq pagegs seuor .zauoTssTuIucoD •sasseutsnq TeooT utoa; uoTgedTOTgaed .te; e. b qT°TTos oq .zapao uT .zeaA gxeu uoTgezgaTao agq uT papnTouT eq squeuodutoo oMq esagq ;eq.; spuaututooaz ;geqs 'subTs TeuoT4outo.zd aTaq; uT uoTgeagaTe3 Lea s,xoTaged 'qS agq oq paaaa;aa pup sales )TeMepts pabegs oqi sessauTsnq Teoot esoq . ao; peiTeM aaaM sae; buTsseooad agq 'aeaA gseT gegq pegegs aueTQ •uotssTuuroD agq ao; pezTzeununs a tam see; ags, • C66T UT pabaego sea; ex p. se amps agq aae uoTgedTOTgzed agq ao; sae; pasodoad eqs •aeaA gseT squego.zeuz zaqua3 aft; Aq pagaoddns ATTeotgsetsngque seM qT se 'paeAeTnog KeTTeA .zopeuV uo aaquaD abeTTTA xoozutegS agq qe pTeq eq uoTgezgaTao gegq spuaututooaa 3;e.S •qoT buTx.zed- s,uosgaagT' agq qe puegsTp pue apeaed aqq aoj eaae buTbegs aqq se pasn eq TTTM peog ezetd .zopeuty ° (paeAeTnog AaTTeA aopeuty uo gsa4 pup AeMxzed abPITTA uo tagzoN 'pzenaTnog uTTgnQ uo gsea 'peal' ezeTd aopeuty uMOp ggnoS) aeaA gseT se agnoa antes exp. 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IT WAS MOVED BY COMMISSIONER DONNELL AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER JONES TO APPROVE THE PARADE ROUTE, LOCATION AND FEES AS PROPOSED FOR THE 1994 ST. PATRICK'S DAY CELEBRATION AND PARADE. STAFF IS DIRECTED TO FORWARD THE COMMISSIONS RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL. (UNANIMOUS) The meeting was temporarily adjourned by Vice-Chairman Cahn at 7:57pm for the purpose of contacting Commissioner Lockhart, to see if he would be present for the Election of Officers. The meeting was reconvened at 8: 07pm. Diane indicated that Commissioner Lockhart should be arriving shortly. Vice-Chairman, Randy Cahn presented the next item of the agenda. Annual California and Pacific Southwest Recreation and Park Conference Diane reported that the Annual California and Pacific Southwest Recreation and Park Conference will be held February 3-6, 1994 in Anaheim, California. Due to budget reductions, the 1993-94 Budget contains conference funding for only two Commissioners. The deadline for pre-registration is December 27, 1993 . Commissioner Lockhart arrived at 8:11pm. Commissioners Trimble, Lockhart, and Donnell indicated that they would not be able to attend the conference. Commissioner Jordan felt that the other Commissioners should have priority, as they have served on the Commission longer than she has. Commissioner Cahn indicated that he was interested in attending but would have to confirm it. Commissioner Jones indicated he would let Diane know by Monday, December 20. Diane stated she would need to know by no later than December 22. She indicated that if two Commissioners were not able to attend, she would send additional staff to the conference. Election of Officers Vice-Chairman Cahn passed the gavel to Chairman Lockhart to conduct the election of officers. Commissioner Cahn stated that other than the 4 year term for Commissioner Trimble, what are the terms of office for the other Commissioners? Diane replied that the term of two Commissioners will be up in November, unless they are reappointed, which is up to the discretion of the Mayor and with approval of the City Council. Chairman Lockhart opened the nominations for Chairman. IT WAS MOVED BY COMMISSIONER LOCKHART AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER TRIMBLE TO NOMINATE COMMISSIONER CAHN FOR CHAIRMAN. (UNANIMOUS) IT WAS MOVED BY COMMISSIONER DONNELL AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER JONES TO . CLOSE THE NOMINATIONS FOR CHAIRMAN. (UNANIMOUS) Chairman Lockhart opened the nominations for Vice-Chairman. IT WAS MOVED BY COMMISSIONER DONNELL AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LOCKHART TO NOMINATE COMMISSIONER TRIMBLE FOR VICE-CHAIRMAN. (UNANIMOUS) IT WAS MOVED BY COMMISSIONER JONES AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LOCKHART TO CLOSE THE NOMINATIONS FOR VICE-CHAIRMAN. (UNANIMOUS) MINUTES - DECEMBER 14, 1993 PAGE THREE Other Business Commissioner Trimble stated that the Dublin-San Ramon Lions Club is looking for a location for a sand volleyball pit. He indicated that the Dublin Sports Grounds would be their first choice for the initial project and then one of the outlining parks for a second project. He indicated that the volleyball pit at Athen Downs in San Ramon is used all day, everyday. He asked how would the Lions Club pursue these projects with the City? Diane stated that the first step would be for the Dublin-San Ramon Lions Club to submit a request in writing for consideration. Commissioner Jordan stated that she enjoyed helping with the Breakfast With Santa at Shannon Center on Saturday. Commissioner Jones asked if the Dublin Sports Grounds has officially closed as yet? He indicated that soccer field #3&4 are pretty chewed up and need to be repaired before next years soccer season. In addition, is Dublin Little League going to do anything with the old tool boxes out on the fields? Diane replied that technically the Dublin Sports Grounds will officially close on December 15. She suggested that the matter of the tool boxes be discussed at the next sports liaison meeting in January. Commissioner Jones reported that the men's bathroom by the snackbar at the Dublin Sports Grounds has no door closure. He felt that one should be installed as soon as possible. Diane indicated that she will check into the matter. Commissioner Donnell inquired as to the status of the scoreboards at the Dublin Sports Grounds. Diane stated that Staff met with the sign people and discussed their proposal. In addition, they assessed and inspected the electrical system at the sports grounds with the Public Works staff. They are going to review the park in greater detail and identify potential locations for the scoreboards. Diane indicated that she would followup to find out the status. Commissioner Cahn asked if there is a D.A.R.E. program at our schools? He referred to the major graffiti problem along San Ramon Valley Boulevard by 7-11. He felt that if the tags were done by students or citizens of Dublin, perhaps the City could direct some type of programming for them. Some communities have a wall available for free art. Diane stated that a total of 21 taggers have been arrested in the last several months, all juveniles. The juvenile courts will not prosecute them. The only hope is to try to get restitution. Commissioner Donnell felt that the arrested juveniles should be made to cleanup their own graffiti, or the parents should pay to have it cleaned by the City. Commissioner Jordan said that she liked the idea of having a wall made available for them to express their art. Commissioner Trimble stated that the groups continually retaliate with tags over tags, and one wall would only increase the retaliation. He felt that the Police seem to have a good handle on the situation. Diane indicated that she will get some more information from the Police on this matter for the Commission. Staff Reports Diane reported that there was a good turnout for the Breakfast With Santa on Saturday, December 11, with over 100 in each seating. The Tree Lighting was held at the Civic Center on Monday, December 6 and was well attended. MINUTES - DECEMBER 14, 1993 PAGE FOUR Youth basketball signups are currently underway. The league for the 3rd and 4th grades is full, as well as the league for the 5th and 6th grades. Space is available in the 1st and 2nd and 7th and 8th grade leagues. Staff anticipates to exceed 200 participants in the league and is actively seeking coaches. The Swim Center bathhouse renovation is underway. Request for proposals are out for the Heritage Center renovation and are due by December 30. The Heritage Task Force will be meeting this week and hope to wrap up their final recommendations by January. Staff is currently working on the Winter brochure. Adjournment Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8 :45p.m. Respectfully submitted, 47- Char J. Youn Administrative Secretary