HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-10-1995 Approved P&CSC Minutes ::ii::;;:�� :Sf �Ef'.Iiul y •`•::::%?::::::::::::::::::'::'i:'i:::':::'�:2:i:::::i>::::::i:::::::::::::::::::::::•`::::5:::::::::::::::::::::::::':::`::':::::::::::2:::is::::2::::::::::::::::::
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The June 20, 1995 meeting of the Parks and Community Services Commission was called to order at 7:10 p.m. at the Dublin
Civic Center,Dublin,California,by Chairman Trimble.
Pledge of Allegiance
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairperson Trimble.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present: Chapman,Trimble,Jones,Wong-Gillmore,Cramer
Commissioner(s)Absent: Lampe
Oral Communications-None
• Approval of Minutes
May 9. 1995
Commissioner Wong-Gilimore referred to Page 3,Paragraph 4, Sentence 4, indicating that it should be corrected to read"the
consensus of DLL at that time was that they were not interested in moving the field".
May 25. 1995
Commissioner Chapman referred to page 4, Paragraph 7, indicating that the name of the Commissioner who seconded the
motion was deleted. It was determined that Commissioner Jones seconded the motion.
Written Communications
Written Correspondence Regarding Dolan Park Basketball Court
Parks & Community Services Director Lowart reported that correspondence has been received from Diane Meadows, 11502
Soleado Court, requesting that something be done about the noise from the basketball court at Dolan Park. The Meadows'
backyard is adjacent to the basketball court and because of the constant basketball playing and resulting noise, they can no
longer enjoy their backyard. Mrs.Meadows was unable to attend the meeting this evening but submitted her written statement
which the Chair distributed to the Commission. Mrs. Meadows suggests the following solutions: 1) fence off the basketball
court and establish hours of play,2)adjust the hours of the park lights,or 3)remove the court from the park. As this is the first
complaint that has been received since the basketball court was built in 1989, and prior to taking any action on it, Staff feels
that it would be necessary to notify all of the neighborhood residents to obtain their input and establish a consensus. It should
be noted that the design phase and construction phase for Dolan Park was noticed to the public and there were also two public
meetings conducted on each phase to receive input. Staff has talked to landscape architects for solutions, and even though
additional landscaping along the fence was suggested, it would not buffer the sound. There is not any surfacing that could be
used to deaden the sound without affecting playability, and installing a sound wall would only bounce the sound to the other
side of the park.
Commissioner Wong-Gillmore asked if the Meadows' were already living there when the park was built? Ms.Lowart replied,
that Phase I began in August 1987 and they had purchased their home in November 1987. The basketball court was included
in Phase II.
Commissioner Trimble stated that he talked to both the Meadows' and their neighbors.At that time,the basketball courts were
in use and the sound of the bouncing balls was quite loud. He agreed with the Meadows'that the noise was a real nuisance and
a problem.
Commissioner Chapman stated that there are special surfaces available that would restrict the sound but not the bounce of the
ball,at approximately$.69-$1.00 per sq.ft.
.MINUTES-JUNE 20, 1995
Commissioner Wong-Gillmore felt that more cost effective steps should be taken first. She suggested adjusting the hours of
the park lights, install signage indicating the hours the courts are available for play, and direct the Police to enforce the rules.
In addition, she felt that the neighbors need to come up with solutions of their own and that they would be responsible for any
expense incurred by the City
Commissioner Chapman agreed with Commissioner Wong-Gillmore. He felt that a letter should be sent to the neighbors
informing them what the City plans to do, and look at the matter again in 30-60 days. In addition,the Police should also be
more thorough in patrolling of the park and issue citations if necessary.
Commissioner Trimble stated that Municipal Code 5100 which relates to park hours, should be amended to include the hours
the basketball courts would be available for play.
The Commission directed Staff to 1)post signs at the basketball court with the rules,hours and court etiquette,2)adjust park
lights, 3) prepare a mailing to all residents in the area indicating the problem, the initial steps to be taken and request their
presence at a neighborhood meeting to provide input, 4) talk to Police about increasing patrol of the park, and 5) send a
personal letter to the Meadows'.
New Business
Appointment of Student Representative to the Parks and Community Services Commission
Ms. Lowart reported that in accordance with the bylaws of the Parks and Community Services Commission, the student
member is appointed by the Mayor based on a recommendation from the Parks and Community Services Commission. The
Student Representative Selection Committee composed of Chairperson Trimble, and Commissioners Jones and Lampe are
recommending the appointment of Gabriela Nassar as the Student Commissioner.
Commissioner Trimble stated that,it was a great pleasure to talk to the two candidates for Student Representative, Gabriela
Nassar and Maame Arthur,both students at Dublin High School. Both applicants are actively involved in school activities and
the community,which made the decision difficult. It was the Student Representative Selection Committees decision to select
Gabriela Nassar as the Commissions new Student Commissioner. Commissioner Trimble introduced Gabriela to the
Commission and had her approach the podium to address the Commission. Gabriela thanked the Commission for giving her
the opportunity to serve on the Parks and Community Services Commission. Commissioner Chapman stated that from what he
has heard about Gabriela and her participation on the Teen Task Force, she is a welcomed addition to this Commission. Ms.
Lowart stated that the City Council will act on the Commissions recommendation at their scheduled meeting of June 27.
Winter 1995 Quarterly Report
Ms. Lowart briefly summarized the activities and programs conducted during the Winter Quarter during the months of
January,February and March.
The Afterschool Recreation Program is a drop-in program with sites located at Murray,Nielsen and Frederiksen Elementary
Schools. Enrollment at Murray was 38,Nielsen 67 and Frederiksen 27.
Session II of the Shannon Center Preschool filled up in all three classes. Special activities included an International Potluck
Dinner which was attended by 160 children and relatives and in March the preschoolers looked for the Leprechaun.
The Teen program continues to grow in popularity. While attendance figures do not show tremendous increases,the program
is more consistent this year and continues to attract new participants. Average attendance for the activities ranges from 38 per
activity at the first lunch and 27 per activity at the second lunch. T.R.A.C. is a drop-in center for teen only which utilizes a
portable classroom on the Wells campus. Average daily attendance increased from 11 to 13 students per day.
Adult Sports leagues offered during the Winter/Spring Quarter included Basketball and Volleyball. The 5-on-5 Basketball
League began play on January 15 with five (5) teams on Sunday evenings in the Wells gymnasium and concluded with a
Championship game on May 14. Men's 6-Foot and Under and Men's 30-and-Over leagues played with a total of eleven(11)
teams in two divisions. Leagues were held on Tuesdays and Sundays at Wells Middle School.
-MINUTES-JUNE 20, 1995
Coed Volleyball leagues began play on January 23 with eight (8) teams on Monday evenings in the Wells gymnasium and
concluded with playoffs on April 3.
Open gym basketball was offered at the Dublin High School gymnasium on Sunday evenings. The program began on January
8 and concluded on May 21. Average participation per evening was 19.
The Youth Basketball League was offered for 1st-4th grade boys and girls and 5th-8th grade girls and boys. A total of 223
youth participated in the leagues and each player received a trophy and certificate.
Special Events during the Winter Quarter included the Twelfth Annual St. Patrick's Day Celebration which was held on
Saturday, March 18 from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the Shamrock Village Shopping Center. Despite the inclement weather
approximately 4,000 people attended. In conjunction with the event, the Shamrock Village Shopping Center Merchants
conducted various sidewalk sales/activities and sponsored the KKIQ broadcast and giveaways. LAVTA "Wheels" provided
shuttle service from the Dublin Park Hotel to the celebration.
In January, the Dublin Senior Center welcomed the new year with an International Pot Luck. Average daily attendance for
January was 63 with 205.75 volunteer hours logged. February included a Valentines Day Luncheon served by Center
volunteers and a free spaghetti dinner hosted by the Dougherty Regional Fire Authority at the Center, opened to all seniors.
Average daily attendance for February was 81 with 306.75 volunteer hours logged. March activities included a St. Patrick's
Day Luncheon. The seniors also participated in the City's St. Patrick's Day Celebration and sold shamrock"head-bobbers".
Average daily attendance for March was 62 with 346.24 volunteer hours logged.
Popular Fall Quarter Leisure Enrichment Classes included Children's Dance and Tumbling, Bumper Bowl, Baby-sitting and
Basic Dog Obedience. Of the classes offered,57 classes were conducted with a total of 407 participants.
Other Business
Brief Informational Only Reports from Parks and Community Services Commissioners and/or Staff
Commissioner Cramer asked if the letter from the Commission supporting the expansion at Valley was referred to the Mayor?
Ms. Lowart replied,yes. Commissioner Chapman stated that he thought the letter would be read into the minutes of the last
Council Meeting,however it was not on the agenda. In checking with Mayor Houston,he has not seen it as yet. Ms.Lowart
indicated that the letter was placed in the Councils mail box,which is sometimes not checked on a daily basis.
Commissioner Cramer stated that he was impressed with how Staff conducted the Summer class registration at Dublin High
School. They were friendly and handled the crowd and complaints very well.
Commissioner Wong-Gillmore stated that she received a letter from Tina Briggs regarding the Community Faire,and indicated
that she would like to help. Ms.Lowart requested that she should contact Tina directly at Shannon Center.
Commissioner Chapman commended John Schmitt for the quality of the Summer Girls Basketball Program at Dublin High
School. He reported that the Teen Task Force will be meeting again tonight and that Michelle Wierschem is a real asset to the
group. The Task Force is planning a swim/dance event on June 30, which is strictly for the kids in Dublin. There will be
other events planned in the future which will be opened to teens from other cities in the valley. A liaison meeting between
the School Board and City Council will be held on June 21 at the School District offices at 3:00 p.m.,to discuss the proposed
community gymnasium at Valley High School. It is his understanding that since Valley High School has already gone to the
School Board to have funds appropriated for the multi-purpose room, the City is only going to be responsible to raise the
difference. Mayor Houston has requested that Staff inform the public,particularly youth groups, of the City Council Budget
meeting on Wednesday,June 28,so that they can express their needs and gain the Councils support.
Commissioner Jones stated that at the School Board meeting scheduled for June 21,discussion will be held on the proposal to
cut$25,000 from the sports programs. He felt that all parents of students entering high school should attend. He reported that
he noticed that Dublin Little League has completed construction of the scorebooths,and felt that they should be recognized for
their contribution.
Commissioner Trimble stated that he thought the scorebooths were professionally done and felt the City should be proud of
Dublin Little League's donation. He congratulated Commissioner Jones on the prestigious award he received from the Dublin
High School senior class,for all his contributions of time and effort.He commended Staff for the mass registration conducted
at Dublin High School.
• .MINUTES-JUNE 20, 1995
Commissioner Trimble stated that the Lions Club would like to be placed on the next agenda to present their plans to upgrade
the playground at Kolb Park. Ms. Lowart requested that the Lions Club submit a written description of their plans to her
Ms. Lowart stated that copies of the Capital Improvement Program has been distributed to Commission, and copies of the
budget documents will be forthcoming. She reported that the City Council budget hearing will be conducted on Wednesday,
June 28 at 6:00 p.m. The bulk of the summer programs will start next week. Several sessions of the Tenderfoot Day Camp are
already full, and two out of three park sites for the Fun in the Sun are also full. Staff will look at these programs next year to
see whether they should be expanded. A director has been hired for the Heritage Center and will be on board by Thursday this
week, and it is planned to have the Director attend the next scheduled meeting to be introduced to the Commission. The
renovation of the church has been delayed and the project has been extended for another two weeks, it is anticipated that it
should be completed by the end of July.
Being no further business,the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Lowart
Parks and Community Services Director