HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-21-1996 Approved P&CSC Minutes ..........::.:.....:.:.........:..:.:.:.::.:,..:::.:...:.::....
The October 21, 1996 meeting of the Parks and Community Services Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
at the Dublin Civic Center,Dublin, California,by Chairman Chapman.
Pledge of Allegiance
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Chapman.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present: Chapman,Jones, Wong-Gillmore,Cramer,Fasulkey and Kamau
Oral Communications-None
Approval of Minutes-September 16, 1996
The minutes of September 16, 1996 were accepted as written.
Written Communications-None
Public Hearing-None
Unfinished Business-None
Chairman Chapman stated that due to a work commitment he would be required to leave by 7:40 p.m.
New Business
Dublin Elementary School Sports Field/Park Development
Director Lowart reported that the Dublin Unified School District has contacted the City regarding a potential joint
project for the renovation of the Dublin Elementary School fields. The District plans to reopen the school in the
fall of 1997 and is in the process of preparing plans and specifications for the renovation of the classrooms.
Director Lowart reviewed the colored rendering of the field renovation project and indicated that the project could
be divided into two phases. Phase 1 would include the development of a children's play area which would be used
by the school children during regular school hours and be available to the public after school, on weekends and
during the summer. It would also include a large turf area which could be used as a practice soccer field. The
preliminary cost estimate for Phase 1 is $347,325. Phase 2 would include the development of the remainder of the
site, which is the large grassy areas that borders the freeway. This area could accommodate two 60-foot baseball
diamonds and a full size soccer field. These fields would be available for public use for activities such as Little
League, soccer and/or football. The preliminary cost estimate for Phase 2 is $526,885. Director Lowart indicated
that this project was the second priority of the Community Facilities Task Force.
The design concept and cost estimate were reviewed by the City/District Liaison Committee who directed Staff to
present the design concept to the Parks and Community Services Commission and the local sports groups in order
to obtain input. The Committee will be meeting again on October 29, 1996 to discuss the feasibility of the project
in greater detail.
Chairman Chapman asked where the cost estimates came from? Jeanne Howland,Dublin Schools, replied that the
cost estimates are from Singer&Hodges Landscape Architects,who have done work with both the District and the
City. She identified two additional options for the project which entailed importing 10" of top soil on the sports
field and putting in a sub-drain system. These options would increase the cost of the project.
Director Lowart reported that the sub-drain system is similar to what was done at Dublin High School. The infields
as shown would have imported soil and would not be at a depth of 10".
Commissioner Wong-Gillmore asked would this soil be solid enough so that it would not blow away? Director
Lowart stated that if it were maintained properly, it would be fine.
Commissioner Wong-Gillmore asked who would maintain the fields? Director Lowart replied that it could be part
of an agreement that the City and School District would work out. In previous projects, there have been
agreements where the City maintained certain improvements and other agreements where the maintenance was
turned totally over to the School District.
Chairman Chapman asked for clarification on the issue of financing.
Ms.Howland stated that the District has funds to construct Phase I of the project which would serve the immediate
needs of the students anticipated for Dublin Elementary. At this time the District does not have the funds for
Phase II and does not anticipate that this area will be needed to serve the immediate needs of the students.
Chairman Chapman asked whether there were any benefits in doing both phases simultaneously in terms of cost?
Ms. Howland stated that she believes there are some positive advantages, particularly in the cost of the site
grading. Director Lowart stated that if we did it as one project instead of splitting it into phases, there would be
savings on an economy scale. The grading is a big issue, and if the entire site is graded all at once, it would save
some money.
Chairman Chapman asked what the City's role in the project would be? Director Lowart stated that the City is
being asked to contribute funds towards Phase II of the project. The School District would have no reason for
school purposes to upgrade the fields to the level that is needed for community use. The details regarding the
amount of funding would be worked out by the governing bodies, however it is necessary to determine whether or
not this project is a high enough priority to commit the types of funds that would be needed.
Commissioner Fasulkey asked how funding of this project would affect some of the other projects? Director
Lowart stated that there is currently about $335,000 in Park Dedication Funds anticipated over the next five years
which have not been earmarked for a particular project. These funds could be used towards the Dublin Elementary
project,however,there would be no funds available to renovate the Dublin Sports Grounds.
Commissioner Wong-Gillmore asked for clarification on the timeline for the project and, in particular, when the
fields would be completed and available for use? Director Lowart replied that if both phases were done at once,
the fields may be available as early as the Fall. Ms. Howland clarified that Spring of 1998 would probably be
more realistic.
Commissioner Wong-Gillmore asked what times the fields would be available for use. Director Lowart replied
that they would be available after regular school hours.
Commissioner Cramer questions whether fees would be charged for use? Director Lowart replied that at this point
she does not anticipate that it would be any different than any other school facilities.
Commissioner Wong-Gillmore asked if the District plans to make changes to the fee schedules? Ms. Howland
stated that the School District is in the process of reviewing their fees, however they do not have any budget
problems that would require fees to be charged.
Commissioner Wong-Gillmore asked if bathroom facilities are included in this project? Director Lowart replied
no, but it was discussed if one of the bathrooms in the school complex could be opened and made available after
Chairman Chapman asked the whether there was any input from the audience on the field design?
James Maderas, South Valley Youth Football, asked if the $525,000 preliminary cost for Phase 2, is inclusive of
lights? Director Lowart replied no. Mr. Maderas indicated that they would use most of the field area in Phase 1
and little of Phase 2,however when the time changes and it starts getting dark,they would need lights.
Commissioner Wong-Gillmore asked if there was any thought given to installing lights? Director Lowart stated
that lights were not included and that because of the proximity of the homes to the fields, she would not
recommend lighting the fields.
Commissioner Jones stated that there were previously lights on the field but that they were removed when the
lights were installed at the Sports Grounds.
James Maderas, South Valley Youth Football, stated that they would like to return to the High School which would
solve their problem. They used to always practice at Dublin High and then they went to Valley Christian, and then
to the Dublin Sports Grounds.
Commissioner Wong-Gillmore asked if it would be worthwhile to look into checking to see if the electrical
conduit for the old lights was still is usable? Commissioner Jones stated that it will probably not be up to code and
have to be redone.
Director Lowart stated that the electrical would not be the bulk of the expense, it would be the light standards and
the ongoing cost of operating the lights.
Chairman Chapman asked Ms. Howland if any thought has been given to installing lights? Ms. Howland replied
no, not for school use. Commissioner Chapman stated that he remembers that at the Task Force meetings, lights
being brought up,but cannot remember what kind of priority they were given.
Commissioner Jones stated that as a community, if we are going to put lights anywhere,we should do it at the high
school or at the sports grounds.
Margaret Garlock,Dublin Little League,stated that when it was discussed at the Task force meeting, it was to light
additional fields at the sports grounds,particularly field#4, so that schedules could be extended.
James Maderas stated that South Valley Youth Football would prefer using a lighted field at the high school
instead of at the sports grounds.
Commissioner Jones stated that lights at the high school would have to be approved by the Office of the State
Architect,which was one of the hang-ups for the lights for the stadium.
Commissioner Fasulkey asked for clarification on the cost estimate regarding the drainage improvements.
Director Lowart stated that there will be some regrading and drainage under this scenario, but no state of the art
Commissioner Fasulkey asked Dublin Little League whether these fields would be used by the League? Margaret
Garlock stated the fields would be used for games and practices during the time that the Sports Grounds was
closed for renovation. After the Sports Grounds is renovated,they would probably use them for practice fields.
Chairman Chapman left the meeting at 7:42 p.m. and turned the meeting over to Vice-Chairperson Wong-
Commissioner Cramer stated that the Soccer President is at a school meeting tonight, however has indicated that
they would like to see more fields available.
Commissioner Jones stated that if we can get these fields done, we would have two more soccer fields. There are
three fields at the high school, two at Frederiksen and one more at Wells, which does not include what they are
putting in at Camp Parks. He felt that we need to get this project done first and when money is available,begin the
sports grounds renovation. There will be enough fields available, even though the games will be at different
Commissioner Wong-Gillmore asked Mr. Maderas if they have looked into some kind of grant funding or maybe
portable lighting? Mr. Maderas stated that South Valley had planned on staying at the high school and had not
looked into funding. Commissioner Wong-Gillmore suggested that perhaps they can work with one of the lighting
companies,but there would have to be neighborhood consent for the lights.
Mr. Maderas stated that they were forced to leave the high school after the renovation. He indicated that if they
could get some funding, perhaps they could put up some bigger spot lights at the school. Ms. Howland stated that
there are lights on the woodshed which shine onto the practice field. Commissioner Jones asked if they could put
up a couple of spot lights? Ms.Howland stated that they would give off quite a bit of light.
Commissioner Fasulkey stated that maybe it would be worth investigating if it is only minimum background
lighting and at a nominal fee.
Commissioner Wong-Gillmore stated that as lighting is not included as part of the original project, it sounds like it
would be a separate issue that possibly needs to be researched further.
Commissioner Jones felt that it should be up to the individual groups to pursue.
Commissioner Cramer did not feel that the school is coming here with the intent of turning the facility into another
sports grounds.
Commissioner Wong-Gillmore closed public input. She asked the Commission if they had any concerns regarding
the design concept?
Commissioner Fasulkey stated that considering the amount of space available, he felt the group did an excellent
job with the design.
Commissioner Cramer stated that he was pleased with the design. He reported that the President of the Soccer
League called him and told him that the league is pleased with the design concept.
Commissioner Kamau felt that the project should be pursued.
Commissioner Jones stated that he likes the design,but would like the upgraded drainage system to make sure that
the grounds dry up quickly.
Commissioner Wong-Gillmore felt that we should put the process into motion. She recommended that the
Commission move forward with the concept and include the upgraded drainage system.
Commissioner Fasulkey stated that he was not particularly in favor of the increased cost associated with the
upgraded drainage system.
Commissioner Cramer agreed.
Director Lowart asked Dublin Little League, if in fact the sports grounds were renovated and these fields were
constructed, DLL would not use them for anything other than practice? Margaret Garlock stated that if Dublin
keeps growing,they would need to use them.
Commissioner Jones asked Dublin Little League, how soon is it going to be before Little League splits up?
Margaret Garlock replied that District 57 for the last two years has been requesting that she submit her proposal as
to how she intends to split Dublin. She indicated that she will be submitting a proposal to split the Dublin Little
League at Dougherty Road,however, she will ask that it be put off until the City expands further.
Margie Wong-Gillmore stated that it appeared that there was consensus on the design but not on the upgraded
drainage system.
Commissioner Fasulkey stated that he was opposed to the upgraded drainage, as he did not believe that the facility
would be used extensively and therefore would not be a good investment. He felt that the money should be used
for the sports grounds renovation.
Margie Wong-Gillmore stated that if funding should become available, the upgraded drainage system should be
Other Business
Brief INFORMATIONAL ONLY Reports from Parks& Community Services Commissioners and/or Staff
Director Lowart reported that the new Senior Center Coordinator, Patsy Rankin, started last week. She has many
years of experience. Staff will introduce Patsy to the Commission at a future meeting.
Commissioner Cramer stated that he attended the Heritage Fall Days and that despite the cold weather,that it was
fun. He indicated that he spoke to many of the vendors and their only complaint was the lack of advertising. The
dinner dance was fun and the food very good.
Commissioner Kamau stated that she was at the Heritage Fall Days in the morning and it was quite cool. She
indicated that she visited the old schoolhouse and cemetery and found it very interesting.
Commissioner Jones stated that he also attended the Heritage Fall Days and thinks that if we work on it, we can
make this event grow.
Commissioner Wong-Gillmore thanked everyone who attended the Senior Recognition Dinner and was sure that
the seniors appreciated their attendance. At the last Senior Advisory Committee meeting, discussion included
proposed senior workshops,and Bonnie's replacement.
Commissioner Fasulkey stated that he has a lot of questions regarding the Iron Horse Trail, and has noticed the
bridges that have recently been constructed. Director Lowart reported that she will bring maps and update the
Commission at their next meeting.
Commissioner Fasulkey stated he is concerned with the restoration of the hill at Dougherty Hills Park, and
understands that it will be hydro-seeded. He asked if it would be possible to do a native planting such as the
California Poppy? Director Lowart stated that she will look into the matter and report back.
Commissioner Wong-Gillmore inquired as to the status of the Schaefer Ranch Project. Director Lowart stated that
the City Council accepted the recommendation of the Commission, but indicated that the project is several years
down the road.
Being no further business,the meeting was adjourned at 8:11 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Char J.Young
Administrative Sec et ry