HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-22-1996 Approved P&CSC Minutes `': : P " ND:":O. 14 ERVRESCO ' ` f <>>> > > > ><> > >?>` > > > ' •• INIIIIIEIIII.IIIIIIIIIII.1:1:IIIIIIIEIIIIIII:IIIIIIIIIII::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::lliiiiikbfiggkumnsio:wpmongmmpoommpppEmmms ..::::.....:.:................................................. ................................................................ ............................................................... The April 22, 1996 meeting of the Parks and Community Services Commission was called to order at 7:03 p.m. at the Dublin Civic Center,Dublin,California,by Chairman Chapman. Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Chapman. Roll Call Commissioners Present: Chapman,Wong-Gillmore,Cramer,Nassar,Fasulkey and Jones(arrived at 7:15 p.m.) Oral Communications-None . Approval of Minutes IT WAS MOVED BY COMMISSIONER FASULKEY AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER CRAMER TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MARCH 18,1996 AS PRESENTED. (UNANIMOUS) Written Communications-None Public Hearing Amendments to Fee Schedules Director Lowart stated that on an annual basis, Staff reviews the expenditures and revenues related to various Department programs and recommends fee adjustments as necessary. Playground Program - Staff recommends that a late fee be added to the Afterschool Recreation Program when children are not picked up promptly at the end of the program. It is proposed that there would be a five.minute grace period at the end of the program, after five minutes the parents would be assessed a fee of$1.00 per minute. The fee would be payable at the time of pickup. Commissioner Chapman asked how does Staff know who are authorized to pick up the children? Director Lowart replied that the parents indicate on their file information;those authorized to pick up their child. Commissioner Chapman asked, will Staff call the next person on the list after the five minute grace period? Director Lowart replied that Staff does not have access to a phone at the schools. Commissioner Chapman stated that he agreed with the late fee, however what if a parent is late 60 minutes and does not have $60, could they use a credit card? Director Lowart replied that at the current time, the City does not accept credit cards but this is something that is being considered. Staff also recommends that the registration fee for the Fun-in-the-Sun Program be increased to include special events, excursions and swim days (presently these activities are charged in addition to the registration fee). The proposed fee is $90.00 for the Full Session or$15.00 weekly. Commissioner Wong-Gillmore asked if there has typically been a waiting list for anything other than Shannon Park, and are we looking at a proposed increase in the amount of the fees or just the way that the fee is packaged? Director Lowart replied that there was also a waiting list at the Alamo Creek Park site. It is not an increase except for the perception they will be paying more. Commissioner Wong-Gillmore stated that $90.00 is a small sum of money for eight weeks, and felt that the one week session should be increased by$5. She proposed to adopt the resolution for the Playground Programs with the following changes: 1)Waive the 5 minute grace period and 2)increase the weekly fee for the Fun-in-the-Sun Program for residents from $15 to$20 and the non-resident from$17 to$23. The Commission concurred. Preschool Programs - Director Lowart stated that the net cost to the City for the Preschool programs is increasing by approximately 8%. In conducting•a survey of other recreational preschools, it was found that the average fee for preschool classes ranged from a low of$3.12-$5.18 per hour. The average hourly fee currently charged for the Shannon Center Preschool is$2.54. It is Staffs recommendation that the hourly class fee be increased to$2.75 per hour. MINUTES-APRIL 22, 1996 PAGE TWO The Commission was in favor of adopting the fee increase as proposed for the Preschool Programs. Teen Programs - Director Lowart stated that there is very little variation between the youth who attend T.R.A.C. and those who attend Wednesdays at Wells. To avoid having two separate fees, Staff is recommending that the two programs be merged. Commissioner Wong-Gillmore asked how many weeks does a full session include? Director Lowart replied that it is approximately 18 weeks per session. The Commission was in favor of adopting the fee schedule as proposed for the Teen Programs. Youth Sports - Director Lowart stated that Staff is proposing a new Summer Sports Day Camp for youth in grades 3-6. The camp would consist of flag football, hockey, basketball, soccer and ultimate frisbee, including two swim days and one excursion per two week session. The proposed fee is$58 for residents and$67 for non-residents. Commissioner Chapman asked, why is there no difference in the resident and non-resident fee for the Girls Summer League Basketball, and what is this program about? Director Lowart replied that this program is not going to be offered this summer, as no coach has come forward to organize it. However, Staff is not going to remove it from the fee schedule in case it has a resurgence. The program is a girls basketball program for high school students and the fee is per team and covers the direct cost of the program. Commissioner Wong-Gillmore asked if there is any reason why the program has to be limited to the older kids? Director Lowart stated that the City offers several sports camps available for younger kids, including a basketball camp. Director Lowart stated that she will change the fee schedule, deleting"Girls"and adding"per team"next to the fee. Aquatics - Director Lowart stated that due to increased operating costs and based on results of a recent survey of recreational swim fees, swim lesson fees and swim team fees; Staff is proposing to increase aquatic program fees by 5%. In addition, Staff is recommending that the two week sessions be changed to Monday-Thursday for both weeks for a total of 8 classes. In addition, due to the demand for private swim lessons, it is necessary to establish a fee. Commissioner Wong-Gillmore felt that that individuals with passes for Adult/Senior Lap Swim and Water Aerobics should show their I.D.at the door,and that non-residents should be assessed a non-resident fee. • Commissioner Cramer indicated his concern regarding raising fees to visiting seniors. Commissioner Wong-Gillmore stated that they are more likely coming to Dublin as an overflow from San Ramon and Pleasanton. Commissioner Chapman felt that it is more a resident/non-resident issue than a senior issue. The Commission was in favor of adopting the Admission Fees and Family Pass fees as proposed by Staff. However they felt that the pass fees for Adult/Senior Lap Swim and Adult/Senior Water Aerobics should be increased by 15% for non- residents,and that the Swim Lesson fees should be rounded off to the nearest 5 or 0. Swim Team Fees - Director Lowart stated that based on a survey of the swim teams in the Tri-Valley Swim League, the average fee is$76 per child. Of the six teams surveyed, only two offer a discount for an additional child. The average of the two teams is $50 per child. In an effort to recoup more of the program costs for the swim team, Staff recommends that the fees be increased to the average of the other teams in the league. It is proposed to increase the fee for the 1st Child from $65 to $75, and delete the separate fees of$35 for the 2nd Child and $25 for each additional child to $50 for each additional child. Commissioner Jones asked if the snackbar is going to be ready this year to help offset the cost of operating the pool? Director Lowart stated that it is almost complete. The snackbar monies go to the Swim Team Parents Committee, however the revenue is used to purchase items for the swim team. . MINUTES-APRIL 22, 1996 PAGE THREE IT WAS MOVED BY COMMISSIONER JONES AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER CHAPMAN TO ACCEPT THE RESOLUTIONS AS PRESENTED BY STAFF WITH THE CHANGES AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PARKS & COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION. (UNANIMOUS) Unfinished Business-None New Business 1996-2001 Five Year Capital Improvement Program Director Lowart reported that she is in the process of working on the development of a new Five Year Capital Improvement Program which would encompass 1996-2001. She summarized the park, school and facility projects presently included in the 1994-99 CIP, and those projects identified by Staff and the Commission for which no funding is available. The status of the five projects for Fiscal Year 1995-96 include the Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation Phase I - Completed March 1996;Dublin Swim Center Deck Repair- Out to bid November 1995,no bids received,to be reviewed as part of the development of the 1996-2001 CIP; Shannon Center Floor Coverings Replacement- Completed February 1996; Shannon Center Window Replacement- Will be put out to bid early May 1996 and work completed by June; and the Mape Park Renovation/Design- The first neighborhood meeting was held on April 15, 1996 and the second meeting is scheduled for May 7, 1996. Commissioner Wong-Gillmore inquired as to the status of the Valley High School Gym. Director Lowart stated that in talking to the District last week,the plans have been submitted to the State Architect and portions have been returned. It is planned that they will break ground in June. Commissioner Cramer stated that in regards to Mape Park,Exhibit A it shows $24,900 and Exhibit B shows $206,000 as insufficient funding. Does that mean it is estimated it will cost $230,000 to do the park and that we have only $24,000? Director Lowart replied that when the CIP was put together last year, Mape Park was not funded. However at the City Council hearing, several Mape Park neighbors attended and pleaded with the Council to come up with some money to start renovation of the park. The Council allocated $24,000 for design but no funds for construction. Commissioner Cramer asked, will we have to give up other projects to fund the Mape Park construction? Director Lowart replied that the Commission will have to review all the projects and decide which are the most important. Commissioner Wong-Gillmore asked, is the $724,000 shown for the Dublin Sports Grounds for the design only? Also, how long has the sports grounds been on the books without funding versus the time for Mape Park. Director Lowart replied that the design costs for the second phase is about$72,000. The Master Plan was adopted in 1989 and Mape Park has been on the books since 1986. Commissioner Fasulkey asked what will the design of Mape Park include? Director Lowart stated that in 1986 the City adopted a Master Plan for six parks, of which Mape was one. The Master Plan was basically a result of neighborhood meetings. The input provided ten years ago from the neighbors is pretty much what we are hearing now, with their highest priority being the play area,as well as restrooms and bridge over the creek. Director Lowart reported on the status of the Iron Horse Trail and indicated that the East Bay Regional Park District has applied for funding for the remainder of the trail. Commissioner Chapman asked when does the City have to begin their portion of the trail? Director Lowart replied, it was anticipated that the first phase would be under construction this fiscal year. However, it was delayed at the request of Zone 7. Commissioner Jones asked if Staff is going to make sure that the high school fields are available before we start renovating the sports fields? Director Lowart replied, that before we proceed with the renovation, Staff will definitely need to make sure that there are alternate facilities available. . MINUTES-APRIL 22, 1996 PAGE FOUR Commissioner Fasulkey asked if Staff receives many inquiries in regards to specialty parks in Dublin? Director Lowart stated that several years ago a group came forward requesting that the City put in a skateboard park. However they were informed that there is no land available. Given the fact that the there is limited land available to develop parks, the City has not been proactive in pursuing specialty parks. The Commission scheduled Monday, May 6 at 7:30 p.m to review the proposed 1996-2001 Five Year Capital Improvement Plan and determine project priorities. Parks Implementation Plan Director Lowart reported that at the April 9, 1996 meeting of the City Council, the Council approved a consultant services agreement with Singer, Hodges & Evans to assist Staff in the development of the Parks Implementation Plan. Staff is recommending that a sub-committee of the Parks and Community Services Commission be established to provide input during the development of the Parks Implementation Plan, and that two Commissioners be appointed to serve on the sub-committee. The subcommittee will meet with Staff and the consultant about 2-3 times over the next 6-8 weeks, and report back to the Commission for their review. Commissioners Fasulkey and Jones volunteered to serve on the Parks Implementation Plan Sub-committee. Other Business Brief INFORMATIONAL ONLY Reports from Parks&Community Services Commissioners and/or Staff Commissioner Cramer stated that he attended the first neighborhood meeting for Mape Park, and found it very interesting. He encouraged the Commission to attend the next meeting scheduled for May 7 at 7:00 p.m. in the Regional Room. Commissioner Jones asked if the City has an agreement with the Dublin High School swim team regarding cleanup of the restrooms? Also, is the City paying the Children's Theater Wing money? Director Lowart stated that they are responsible for pickup of all garbage and pretty much leaving the facility as they found it. The Children's Theater Wing came to the City Council for funding, however the Council agreed to only provide promotion of their programs in the brochure. Commissioner Wong-Gillmore apologized for missing the last Senior Advisory Committee meeting and indicated that she will attend the next meeting as scheduled. Commissioner Chapman stated that he had heard conflicting reports that the Valley Gym project may be delayed. He reported that he received a letter from Ryan McLean, of Boy Scout Troop 905, who is proposing to construct a dog park in Dublin. Director Lowart stated that she also received a copy of the letter and will be placing this item on the next agenda for discussion. Commissioner Jones asked if the Commissioners required to do anything for the barbecue? Director Lowart replied, that Staff is currently working on the decorations, setup and menu. However the committee will need to meet one more time before the event. She asked the Commission to RSVP by no later than May 10. Commissioner Cramer indicated he will be out of town, and Commissioners Jones, Chapman, Wong-Gillmore, Fasulkey and Nassar responded that they will attend. Adjournment Being no further business,the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Char J.Young, dminis ive Secr