HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-15-1997 Approved P&CSC Mintues • The December 15, 1997 meeting of the Parks and Community Services Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m.at the Dublin Civic Center,Dublin,California,by Chairperson Wong-Gillmore. Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairperson Wong-Gillmore. Roll Call Commissioners Present: Chapman,Cobb-Adams, Wong-Gillmore,Cramer, Swalwell and Schmidt Oral Communications-None Approval of Minutes The minutes of October 20, 1997 were approved as presented. Written Communications-None Public Hearing-None Unfinished Business Commissioner Wong-Gillmore requested that Item 8.4,Election of Officers,be moved up before Item 8.1. Youth Advisory Committee Michelle Wierschem reported that at the October 21, 1997 meeting of the Dublin City Council, the Council approved the formation of the Youth Advisory Committee. The City Council recommended.changes to the composition of the Committee, which included three (3) Middle School (1 representative from each grade), and eight (8) High School (2 representatives from each grade, and one (1) business representative and one (1) community member. As is done with the student representative to the Parks and Community Services Commission, Staff recommended to the City Council that the Commission serve as the initial review body for the applicants and make recommendations on potential appointments to the City Council. In order to expedite the appointment process, Parks and Community Services Commission Chairperson Wong-Gillmore appointed a subcommittee to review the applications and make recommendations to the entire Commission on potential Youth Advisory Committee appointments. The subcommittee consisted of Commissioners Cobb-Adams, Schmidt and Swalwell. Twenty(20) applications were received and each applicant was invited to address the subcommittee on why they wanted to serve on the Youth Advisory Committee. Based on the oral presentations and a review of the applications, the subcommittee is recommending the appointment of 11 youth to the Youth Advisory Committee. With regard to the adult members (or advisors) to the Youth Advisory Committee, Dublin Police Services has appointed Chief Gary Thuman and Dublin Unified School District has appointed Superintendent John Sugiyama. The Dublin Chamber of Commerce'has- not yet responded regarding a representative from the business community. One application was received. from Karen Seals for member-at-large; the sub-committee would recommend her appointment as well. There was discussion regarding the recommended appointment of Kelly Rubert, a 6th grader at Wells Middle School. Commissioners Wong-Gillmore and Swalwell were concerned that a 6th grader may not be mature enough to serve on the Committee, and may feel intimidated by the older members. However, Commissioners Cramer, Schmidt, Chapman and Cobb-Adams agreed, that as she did show for the interview and was selected, she should be given the opportunity to be on committee. . ' MINUTES-DECEMBER 15, 1997 PAGE TWO Commissioner Cramer asked if there would be a conflict with Betsy Chapman's appointment,being that her father is on the Parks and Community Services Commission? Director Lowart stated no as the Commission is only making a recommendation to the City Council. Commissioner Chapman pointed out that he was not on the subcommittee that made the appointment. Commissioner Chapman stated that he would like to see the Youth Advisory Committee make an effort to involve those kids that were not selected. Ms. Wierschem stated that the Committee will be forming subcommittees. IT WAS MOVED BY COMMISSIONER COBB ADAMS AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER CRAMER TO ACCEPT THE RECOMMENDATION OF APPOINTMENTS TO THE YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE AS PRESENTED. (UNANIMOUS) The Commission appointed Commissioner Schmidt as the Liaison to the Youth Advisory Committee. New Business Election of Officers It is the recommendation of Staff that elections for a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson be conducted. The term of office will run through November 1998. Chairperson Wong-Gilhnore opened nominations for Chairperson. Commissioner Swalwell nominated Commissioner Cramer. Commissioner Wong-Gillmore nominated Commissioner Chapman. Commissioner Chapman declined the nomination. Nominations were closed. VOTE: UNANIMOUS - Commissioner Wong-Gillmore opened nominations for Vice-Chair. Commissioner Chapman nominated Commissioner Cobb-Adams. Nominations were closed. VOTE: UNANIMOUS 15th Annual St.Patrick's D.3r Festival Ms. Lowart reported that Dublin's 15th Annual St. Patrick's Day Festival will be held on Saturday and Sunday, March 14& 15, 1998 and summarized the various components of the festival for the Commission. PANCAKE BREAKFAST-The Alameda County Firefighters have agreed to continue to organize the St. Patrick's Day Community Pancake Breakfast. The breakfast will be held on Saturday, March 14, 1998 at Fire Station #1 from 7:30-10:30 a.m. All proceeds from the event will benefit a local burn foundation. 5K FUN RUN- The Women's Club of Dublin has indicated interest in organizing a 5K Fun Run as part of the St.Patrick's Day festivities. This event is tentatively scheduled for Saturday morning prior to the parade,however with the expansion of the Festival to two days, it may be changed to Sunday. The Women's Club will be working with a professional race organizer and Staff from Police Services and Public Works to determine the best route for the run. The Liaison Committee has suggested several routes including Camp Parks and the areas around Dublin High School or the Dublin Civic Center. Proceeds from the Fun Run will benefit the Women's Club of Dublin. PARADE- The Dublin Lion's Club will be organizing the St. Patrick's Day Parade, which will follow the same route as in past years. The parade is tentatively scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. but the time may be changed to 10:00 a.m. depending upon the impact of the Fun Run. In an effort to improve the flow of the parade, the Lion's Club will be encouraging large groups to utilize flat bed trucks. Tentative arrangements have been made to have trucks donated. In addition they are pursuing sponsorships to help local organizations build floats for the parade. The Lion's Club is also working with the Dublin High School Band Boosters to recruit local high school bands to perform in the parade. The City Council has approved$2,000 is funding to be used as stipends to attract bands for . ' MINUTES-DECEMBER 15, 1997 - PAGE THREE the parade. There has also been discussion about setting up a reviewing stand for the parade in the Chuck E. Cheese parking lot and utilizing bleachers from the Dublin Sports Grounds for spectators. Preliminary parade information will be available in December and applications will be sent out in January. COMMUNITY CELEBRATION- Ms. Lowart reported that the City Council has approved an agreement with GoodTimes Promotions, Inc. for the overall management of the community celebration. Under the direction of GoodTimes, the celebration will be expanded to two days, both Saturday and Sunday, and will encompass the Shamrock Village Shopping Center, Almond Plaza Shopping Center and Regional Street between Amador Valley Boulevard and Dublin Boulevard. In order to reflect the expansion of the event,the St. Patrick's Day Celebration will now be known as the St.Patrick's Day Festival. Commissioner Wong-Gillmore asked if the Clampers and the Miller Girls will be allowed to march in the parade this year? Ms. Lowart replied that the Clampers have always been allowed to march in the parade, they were just asked not to have alcohol. Commissioner Chapman asked why don't we anticipate a profit this year? Ms. Lowart replied that this event always brings in revenue,but has never paid for itself. This event has been subsidized by the City. Commissioner Chapman stated that if the vendors pay a fee to participate and do not pay a percentage of their sales to the City, then how will the revenue be made? Ms. Lowart referred to the Staff report included in the November 17, 1997 packet, which included a budget for the event. It is anticipated that we will make $46,000 in revenue with$60,000 in expenditures. These figures could change if more sponsorship money is available. Summer 1997 Quarterly Report Ms. Lowart summarized the activities and programs conducted by the Parks and Community Services Department conducted during the Summer Quarter encompassing the months of June,July and August. HERITAGE CENTER In June a Fashion Show featuring bridal gowns dating from 1882-1996 was conducted at the Old St. Raymond's Church. The fashion show was followed by a dessert buffet and the grand opening of the museum's newest exhibit, The Wedding: Then and Now. Three (3) weddings were held in the church in July followed by four in August. The Parks and Community Services Department's Fun in the Sun program held their two day Wild Wild West Days at the Heritage Center. Center volunteers gave tours to the 150 children in attendance. Dublin Police Services Annual Neighborhood Watch - National Night Out was held at the Center in August. The multi- generational event was attended by approximately 70. Preceding the event members of Police Services spent several hours pulling weeds and"sprucing up"the Heritage Center grounds. PLAYGROUNDS Camp Shannon - Camp Shannon Day Camp is an all-day program offering eleven one-week sessions from 9:OOam-5:OOpm,with extended day care offered from 7-9am and 5-6pm. Activities included a variety of structured games,activities and excursions. A total of 224 children participated. Fun in the Sun-Fun In the Sun is a drop-in recreation program for children entering 1st-6th grades. The program was held at four sites including Alamo Creek Park, Kolb Park, Dolan Park, and Shannon Park. The program was held Monday through Friday from 1:00-5:OOpm, with no program on the July 4th holiday. Total registration was 77 at Alamo, 95 at Kolb, 70 at Dolan, and 92 at Shannon,for a total of 334. Y.E.S. (Youth Experience in Summer) The Y.E.S. program provides an opportunity for teens ages 13 to 15 to gain work experience by volunteering for Summer recreation programs. The goal of the program is to provide work experience by simulating an actual job experience. Participants earned points for every hour worked and were able to purchase prizes which were donated by local businesses. In order to be consistent with the Junior Lifeguard program the age increased this year to 13 to 15 years old. ' MINUTES-DECEMBER 15, 1997 PAGE FOUR PRESCHOOL The Tenderfoot Day Camp is a summer recreational program for children 3 years of age to entering kindergarten. Each two-week session has a special theme that includes arts and crafts, stories, songs and more. A total of 120 children participated. ADULT SPORTS Softball Leagues-A total of 19 teams participated in summer Adult Co-ed and Men's Softball Leagues: a 9 team Co-ed League and 10 team Men's"D"League. Games were held on Mondays and Wednesdays respectively. Basketball Leagues-This is the first year basketball was offered during the Summer quarter. Three leagues were conducted: Women's 5 on 5,Men's 6ft and Under and Men's 5 on 5 C/D. The leagues contained 4, 8 and 6 teams respectively. YOUTH SPORTS Summer Sports Camps- The Summer Sports Camps provided basic instruction in soccer, teeball and basketball and were conducted at Frederiksen Elementary School, which included, Pee Wee Sports Camps for children ages 4-5yrs and Peanut Sports Camps for children entering 1st-3rd grades. There were five sessions of Pee Wee Sports Camps and four sessions of Peanut Sports Camp offered. Enrollment in Pee Wee Sports Camps averaged 23 per session and Peanut Sports Camps averaged 17 per session. The additional evening Pee Wee Sports Camp (August 11 through August 21)was the most popular session with 37 participants. All Sports Day Camp - All Sports Day Camp was designed to provide instruction and game play in a variety of sports and competitive games in a day camp atmosphere. Participants in 3rd-6th grades played indoor hockey, basketball, soccer, baseball, went on excursions and enjoyed swim days. All Sports Day Camp was held at Dublin High School and enrollment averaged 19 participants per two week session with 75 registrations overall. SPECIAL EVENTS City-Wide Flea Market- One City-Wide Flea Market was conducted on Saturday, July 12, at the Dublin Sports Grounds from 8:OOam-2:OOpm. Shoppers were admitted free of charge. Approximately 250 shoppers were on hand and 68 vendors participated. Concert at the Civic - The first Concert at the Civic was held on Friday August 15 from 6:30pm-8:OOpm was a huge success with over 400 music lovers in attendance. Water Carnival- The 7th Annual Water Carnival was held at the Dublin Swim Center during regular recreational swimming hours on Saturday,July 26. Approximately 480 children and adults attended. SENIOR CENTER In July the Center conducted its 9th Birthday Celebration,Dressed to the Nines on Friday, July 11. Ninety seniors joined in the festivities. Average daily attendance for July: 77 Volunteer hours: 578.50 An"Authentic Hawaiian Luau"was held on August 21 attended by 80 seniors. Average daily attendance for August: 77 Volunteer hours: 654.50 LEISURE ENRICHMENT CLASSES Leisure classes are specialized courses which are taught by contracted instructors. Popular classes in the Summer quarter included the Terrific Twos Summer Mini-Camps, the Cartooning for Kids class, children's dance and art classes,Beginning Social Ballroom Dance and, in particular, the Summer Performing Arts Camps. A total of 508 participants attended the Summer session. AQUATICS The Dublin Swim Center opened for the Summer season on June 2, 1997 for recreational swimming, lap swimming,private pool rentals,junior lifeguard training, and swim team practice. The Swim Center was also open for other programs including learn-to-swim lessons, family nights, water aerobics, adult and teen swim lessons, and special events,with a total participation of 21,622. . ' MINUTES -DECEMBER 15, 1997 PAGE FIVE Learn to Swim-Learn to Swim classes were offered for Parent/Infant, Children and Adults. Group lessons were also provided for day care groups and private lessons for those who desired individual instruction. Total registration was 1,575. Other Aquatics Classes- A variety of other instructional programs were also offered at the Dublin Swim Center including competitive stroke classes and diving classes. Competitive stroke classes had a total of 28 participants and diving classes had 25 participants. Fitness Programs- Fitness programs offered at the Dublin Swim Center included lap swimming and water aerobics classes. Total registration was 493. Junior Aquatic Water Safety (J.A.W.S.) - After completing the Junior Lifeguard Training course, participants were eligible to volunteer at the swim center in either the Learn-to-Swim program or the snack bar. The JAWS participants volunteered a total of 429.5 hours this Summer at the Swim Center. Green Gator Swim Team-The Dublin Green Gator Swim Team is open to any child who has not reached age 18 by June 1. The Green Gators participate in the Tri-Valley Swim League. One team coordinator, two assistant coaches and two volunteer team captains are responsible for team training. A Parents Committee handles team fund-raising to offer extra incentives to the swimmers, and coordinates parent volunteers to work in the snack bar and at swim meets. Birthday Party Program-There were 36 parties scheduled this summer with a total of 331 participants. Future Meeting Dates Ms. Lowart reported that the regular meetings of the Parks and Community Services Commission are held on the third Monday of the month. The upcoming January and February meeting dates fall on City holidays, so it will be necessary to reschedule the meetings. Staff recommends that these meetings be rescheduled for the second Monday of the month as follows: January 12, 1998 and February 9, 1998. The Commission concurred with the dates as recommended by Staff. Other Business Brief INFORMATIONAL ONLY Reports from Parks& Community Services Commissioners and/or Staff Commissioner Swalwell stated that he appreciated the opportunity to serve on the subcommittee for the selection of the Youth Advisory Committee members. He asked what was the turn out for the museum display at the Heritage Center? Ms.Lowart stated that approximately 35-50 people attended. Commissioner Schmidt felt that the kids selected for the Youth Advisory Committee will do a good job. He also felt that the 6th grade member will do well and will probably learn a lot from the other members. Commissioner Chapman reported that the Dublin High School is planning to put on a Renaissance Faire this year in May. They will be looking for community involvement and plan to approach the Commission with their plans. The Commissions help will be requested,but does not know in what capacity. Commissioner Chapman stated that he would like to voice an ongoing opinion, that Bonnie and Patsy or a representative from the Senior and Heritage Center Advisory Committees, make short verbal presentations to the Commission. At this time, Staff and liaison members from the Commission have been providing reports. With the addition of the Youth Advisory Committee, he strongly felt that is important that these committees update the Commission on a regular basis Ms. Lowart stated that at the next Commission meeting, we will be making committee appointments. Staff will place this matter on the agenda for discussion. Commissioner Cramer felt that'it would be very valuable to the Commission to have Michelle or the Chair of the Youth Advisory Committee to report on their progress on an ongoing basis. • . ' MINUTES-DECEMBER 15, 1997 PAGE SIX Commissioner Cramer stated that at the last meeting of the City Park Task Force, there seemed to be a lack of understanding and knowledge on the part of the members. They do not seem to understand what each sport involves, or the master plan and the requirements that the City has to live with. If we give up fields and activities to increase buffer zones,we would have to place these somewhere else. He felt that the City should try to squeeze every bit of use into every foot that we can. Commissioner Wong-Gillmore reported that the Senior Advisory Committee reported that the Senior Center Foundation has recently obtained their non-profit status from the State. They are currently looking for donations. Commissioner Chapman reported that the Jr. Varsity Girls Volleyball coach is showing up at Wells with her players and equipment, when the school league is using the facility. Even though she knows when her practice time is, she continues to show up. She showed up tonight. Ms. Lowart stated that there has been a real effort made with the schools in working out schedules. Commissioner Wong-Gillmore asked if there are plans for building more facilities at Camp Parks? Ms. Lowart stated that the Army has approached the City regarding the possibility of building additional housing on Army land. In addition to housing, land may also be available for a park. The Community Development Department is analyzing the potential project. Commissioner Wong-Gillmore passed the gavel to the new Chair,Commissioner Cramer. Ms.Lowart reported on the following: • A City Park Task Force Workshop is scheduled for Thursday, January 8, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. in the Regional Meeting Room. She encouraged the Commissioners to attend. • The Santa Breakfast was conducted at Shannon Center on Saturday,December 13. This year Staff did not take pre-registration and the sign-up was lower than in previous years. • The Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony was conducted on Thursday, December 4 in the Civic Center lobby at 6:30 p.m. The crowd was smaller this year,which made it more comfortable. • All the leagues in the Youth Basketball League are full with waiting lists. Adjournment Being no further business,the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ' Char J.Young / Administrative Secretary 4 APPROVED: nn Chairman