HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-20-2000 Approved P&CSC Minutes ITY OF DIBLIN
The November 20, 2000 meeting of the Parks and Community Services Commission was called to order at
7:01p.m. at the Dublin Civic Center,Dublin, California,by Chairperson Swalwell.
Pledge of Allegiance
Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairperson Swalwell.
Roll Call
Commissioners Present: Swalwell, Cramer, Chapman, and Wong-Gillmore
Commissioners Absent: Cobb-Adams and Marcoux
Oral Communications
Approval of Minutes
• Written Communications-None
Public Hearing-None
Unfinished Business-None
New Business
8.1 Wells Middle School Noon time Program
Recreation Coordinator Lange reported that the Parks and Community Services Department Teen Program has
conducted Noon Time Programs at Wells Middle School,two days a week, for the past several years. The program
has averaged over 100 teens per day. In October of 2000, Wells Middle School Principal Wayland Sheppard
approached the City about partnering to create a Noon Time Program that could operate five days a week. In order
to provide the program five days per week, Wells Middle School would supply the necessary funding for the
remaining three days per week,and the Parks and Community Services Department in consultation with Principal
Sheppard would design the program.
Cm. Wong-Gillmore stated that in the past the school organized the lunch time activities and asked if they are not
doing it anymore. Lange replied,no as they no longer have the resources to do it.
Cm. Chapman asked if the school still have personnel on the playgrounds monitoring the program. Lange replied,
8.2 2000 Holiday Special Events
Recreation Supervisor McCreary reported that Staff is in the final stages of preparing for the City's holiday events
and programs and presented a summary of the activities that will be held during the holiday season.
17th Annual Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony - McCreary reported that the City will conduct the traditional Tree
Lighting Ceremony in the Civic Center courtyard on Thursday,November 30, emceed by the Mayor Guy Houston.
Admission to the event is one non-perishable food item for donation to a local food bank. The Dublin Chamber of
Commerce will present the Mayor with the `2000 Mayor's Ornament' for his service this past year. Following the
lighting of the community tree there will be performances by soloist Michelle Buckhout, the Wells Middle School
Jazz Band, Wells Middle School Choir, and a community sing-along. Santa will pay a special visit handing out
candy canes provided by KKIQ.
Breakfast With Santa - McCreary reported that the City partnered with the Dublin Irish Guard Band Boosters to
host the annual Breakfast with Santa at the Shannon Community Center. The event will be held on Saturday,
December 9, 2000, with seatings available at 9:00am and 10:30am. The Boosters will cook and serve a breakfast
consisting of pancakes, sausage, fruit,milk,juice and coffee. Children will have the opportunity to visit with Santa
and have a Polaroid photo taken for $2.00. Each child attending the event will receive a picture frame ornament.
Pre-registration is required.
Letters from Santa — McCreary reported that the City sponsors Letters from Santa on an annual basis.
Parents, friends or relatives simply complete an application form that provides Santa with specific information
about the recipient. Children will receive a personalized letter from Santa on special stationary before Christmas.
Requests will be accepted at the Civic Center beginning November 30 and must be received by December 15 to
ensure mailing before Christmas.
8.3 2000 Pasta Festival Evaluation
McCreary reported that the 2000 Dublin Pasta Festival was held the weekend of Saturday, October 7 and Sunday
October 8. The Festival was located on Amador Valley Boulevard between Regional Street and Donohue Drive,
and featured art and craft vendors, commercial vendors, restaurant vendors, two stages of entertainment and
children's attractions. McCreary indicated that the Festival did not meet the expectations of Staff or those of the
producer. Attendance was lower than in previous years and participation by vendors was also down. He
summarized the components of the event for the Commission.
McCreary explained that at the next meeting of the City Council, the Council will be evaluating the Pasta Festival
and considering the City's continued sponsorship of the Festival, as well as the preferred method of producing the
Festival and the location. It will be Staffs recommendation to the City Council, that City Staff takeover the
management, overall planning and operation of the Pasta Festival, contracting only for specialty services. Staff
believes that this would allow the City to plan an event that better meets the needs of the community and ensures
that the City is successful in attracting quality artists and necessary sponsors.
Cm. Chapman asked if the promoter acknowledged the shortcomings of this years event, and agrees that a change
is in order. McCreary stated that the promoter feels that they did not have an adequate amount of time to plan the
event. In as much that Good Times Productions withdrew from the event in March and that the contract was
awarded to Eckerstrom Productions in May, could have hindered their show schedule.
Cm. Chapman stated that given the short notice by Good Times, didn't Staff foresee potential problems with this
years event as a result of the late start with Eckerstrom Productions. McCreary stated that it was a concern, but it
turned out to be more of a problem than anticipated. Lowart stated that all three of the promoters interviewed
acknowledged that there was a short time frame but they assured Staff that they could do the job.
Cm. Wong-Gillmore asked if the City has to assume payment of the $13,000 deficit, or is some absorbed by the
promoter. Lowart stated that promoter receives a set management fee and percentage of the profits. Since there is
no profit,the promoter would only receive a management fee. The City would therefore absorb any loss.
Cm. Wong-Gillmore expressed concern that the event is a great undertaking and asked whether Staff really wants
to take on this event themselves. She felt that the Pasta Festival is a dying event and that maybe a new venue is
needed. Lowart stated that given the amount of time that it has taken Staff to oversee the production companies,
she believes that with the addition of part-time staff to assist,the City could do a better job.
Cm. Cramer stated that the City has the St. Patrick's Day Celebration and questioned whether we really need two
festivals. Lowart stated that one of the goals of the City Council and Downtown Task Force was to introduce a
second festival in the downtown area. It has been difficult, as the downtown businesses don't support it. However
when the survey for the Heritage Cultural Arts Commission was completed, it showed that festivals were rated as a
high priority.
Cm. Swalwell asked if there has been any thought to conducting the event in Eastern Dublin, perhaps at Emerald
Glen Park. Lowart stated that eventually Emerald Glen Park would be a terrific venue for a festival. However at
this time,it may be too premature and parking would be a problem.
Cm. Wong-Gillmore stated that the Pasta Festival has no fanfare. We need to focus on something that would make
the community want to attend.
Cm. Cramer stated that we need to get the kids involved in the event. If we do,the parents will come.
Cm. Chapman stated that nothing is a sure thing. He felt that perhaps the City should take a year off from doing
the Pasta Festival, come back the next year with some tremendous changes and make sure it is heavily promoted.
He indicated that even though he is confident that Staff can do the event, it still may not be a successful event.
Cm. Cramer stated that when the St. Patrick's Celebration is scheduled, his family generally plans to be in town to
attend. However if there was a Pasta Festival next year, he would not give a second thought about going
somewhere else and doing something else.
Lowart stated that if it were the consensus of the Commission that the event needs to be relooked at, then Staff
would pass that on to the Council.
Cm. Swalwell felt that a year off from the event would give Staff time to really re-evaluate the event and come up
ways to make the event a success the next time around.
Cm. Cramer stated that we are looking at an event that is only ten months down the road, an event that has a pretty
bad track record. A year off would give Staff time to plan reorganize and move forward in a good strong timely
Cm. Chapman stated that during the time off, Staff might determine that a Pasta Festival just is not the way to go.
Perhaps a whole new festival plan may be needed.
It was the consensus of the Commission that Staff re-look at the Pasta Festival and that it not be pursued next year.
However, if it were the Council's desire to move forward with the Pasta Festival again, the Commission would
recommend that it be done in-house,by City Staff.
Other Business
Brief INFORMATIONAL ONLY Reports from Parks & Community Services Commissioners and/or Staff
Cm. Chapman reported that he attended the St. Patrick's Liaison Committee meeting the previous week. The
Dublin Sister City Association intends to have the Green and White Gala at the Old Dublin Corral. The Pancake
Breakfast is a go, the parade route and festival location would will remain the same. The Dublin Library may or
may not have a book sale next year. The Float Building Workshop was cancelled due to no interest. Dublin Little
League has secured a dealership to provide 2-4 flatbed gated trucks to use in the parade, thereby reducing the
number of walkers in the parade. The league has talked about downsizing the leagues participation to eliminate the
monotony of seeing so many kids marching in the parade. The Liaison Committee will meet again in three months.
Cm. Swalwell stated that he met Robert Beasley who oversees the Afterschool Recreation Program. He indicated
that he is a very personable young man,and it was good to see that Staff is on-site during the program.
Lowart stated that Staff is striving to keep a presence in the office with the secretaries and principals so that Staff
can address any problems that may arise with the program.
Director Lowart reported on the following:
The East Bay Regional Park District is conducting a workshop on Proposition 12 & 13 that were passed by the
voters and includes grant money for parks. If any of the Commissioners have a desire to attend,please RSVP.
Two of the Parks and Community Service Commissioners (Swalwell and Cobb-Adams), three of the Heritage
and Cultural Arts Commissioners, and three of the Senior Advisory Committeemembers, terms will end in
December. The application period will open soon and ads will be in the local newspapers. Applications can be
obtained from the City Clerks office. People who are current incumbents may reapply as well as new people.
AThe Afterschool at Dougherty Elementary started today with 20 children registered.
Cm. Chapman asked how we could get some East Dublin participation on the Parks and Community Services
Commission. Lowart stated that the call for resident participation on the Freeway Art Committee has shown
interest from Eastern Dublin residents. In addition, when there was a call for membership on the Heritage and
Cultural Arts Commission,there was interest from Eastern Dublin as well.
Being no further business,the meeting was adjourned at 8:17p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Char J. Young / ,
Administrative Secretary