HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-11-2016 PC Minutes III :\\ Ct�,; Planning Commission Minutes Tuesday, October 11, 2016 1. CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIENCE TO THE FLAG A regular meeting of the City of Dublin Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, October 11, 2016, in the City Council Chambers located at 100 Civic Plaza Chair Kohli called the meeting to order at 7:00 p m. Present Chair Kohli, Vice Chair Mittan, Commissioners Bhuthimethee and Goel; Jeff Baker, Assistant Community Development Director; Tim Cremin, Assistant City Attorney; Martha Aja, Associate Planner, and Debra LeClair, Recording Secretary Absent. Cm. Do 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS — NONE 3. CONSENT CALENDAR— 3.1 Minutes of the September 13, 2016 Planning Commission Meeting. On a motion by Cm. Goel and seconded by Cm Bhuthimethee, on a vote of 3-0-2, both Cm Do and Cm. Mittan were absent from that meeting, the Planning Commission approved the minutes of the September 13, 2016 meeting. 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS — NONE 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS — 5.1 PLPA 2014-00034 Sierra Business Center Rezone from the current M-1 (Light Industrial) Zoning District to the M-P (Industrial Park) Zoning District. Martha Aja, Associate Planner, presented the project as outlined in the Staff Report. Cm. Bhuthimethee asked if there is an advantage to the Applicant in changing the zoning to M-P (Industrial Park) versus adopting Planned Development (PD) zoning. Ms Aja answered that the Applicant requested the change to the M-P (Industrial Park) versus a PD amendment Cm Goel asked about the site to the west of the project site. Ms. Aja pointed out the Sierra Trinity Business Center and stated that the buildings in that center have similar design attributes to those on the project site. Cm Goel asked if the Sierra Trinity Business Center currently has occupied office space. Ms Aja answered yes, the change in zoning has resulted in the successful tenanting of those buildings She stated that leasing spaces had been a challenge for the property owner prior to the zoning change Cm. Goel asked if the letter of support from the Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) was included in the Staff Report Ms. Aja answered that it was not included in the Staff Report. Cm Goel asked for the information included in the letter of support. Ms. Aja responded that DSRSD agreed with the conclusions of the Initial Study and the analysis and would be able to provide water and wastewater services to the site if the zoning change was approved Cm. Goel felt that the letter was not necessarily in support of approving the zoning change but DSRSD felt that there were no negative impacts associated with the zoning change and confirmed the study. Cm Mittan asked if the project site could still have a light industrial use. Ms. Aja answered yes; this zoning change will add the office space use, but some of the heavier industrial uses currently allowed in the Light Industrial zoning district, would no longer be permitted Cm. Mittan asked if the zoning change is being done with a specific tenant in mind or in order to enable the property owner to open their building to other potential tenants Ms. Aja referred the question to the Applicant. Chair Kohli asked about the parking situation at the project site. He was concerned with overflow parking at adjacent buildings and asked if there was a parking study done. Ms. Aja responded that there is currently more parking on the site than is required per the code. She stated that, whenever a potential office use comes into the City, Staff would evaluate the use to ensure that there is adequate parking to support a more intensive office use Chair Kohli asked if the adjacent businesses are aware of the requested zoning change He felt that they might be concerned about overflow parking Ms Aja stated that the City has received no letters regarding the request and the property owners and tenants within 300 feet were notified of this public hearing Chair Kohli opened the public hearing. Edward Pike, Applicant, spoke in favor of the project. Cm Mittan asked how many tenant spaces are currently in the building. ':YS rlt y r'emr.ry ;m U.Lrca^l1 JUI rI Mr Pike stated that there are approximately 9-10 tenant spaces, currently occupied with long- term tenants Chair Kohli closed the public hearing Cm Bhuthimethee felt that the building was set up for office space and that this is an appropriate change. She asked if the building or the zoning came first. Ms. Aja responded that the building was built in the 1970's, which was prior to the City's incorporation. Cm. Bhuthimethee asked if the zoning for the area was assigned by the City Ms Aja answered yes Cm. Goel asked if the Industrial Park zoning allows for residential uses. Ms Aja answered no, the Industrial Park zoning does not allow for residential uses. Cm. Goel asked if the zoning change will open up the business center as an office suite complex. Ms. Aja answered yes; the only land use that is not allowed, that would be allowed with the zoning change, is the office use She stated that there are other uses that would no longer be allowed Cm. Goel asked what uses would no longer be allowed. Ms. Aja stated that the uses that would no longer be allowed are auto uses, repair services, sales, cemetery, impound yard, service station, storage yard, salvage and wrecking yard and trucking terminals which are the heavier industrial or outdoor uses Cm. Goel asked if the Applicant is planning any rehabilitation to the property site. Ms. Aja responded that the only rehabilitation would be tenant improvements to the spaces. Cm Goel asked if it was the Applicant who initiated the request for zoning change. Ms. Aja answered yes. Cm. Mittan asked how the zoning for the current project affects the surrounding buildings Ms. Aja pointed out the adjacent zoning and the allowed uses. Chair Kohli stated that the surrounding parcels are zoned PD but the project site has requested a zoning change to M-P and asked for an explanation of the difference. Jeff Baker, Assistant Community Development Director, responded that the zoning is technically different but practically speaking, it is the same Both zoning districts allow virtually the same uses Yl.na;rrr�r ocnm.,cn YmlArr 1 1, 'ule BW:rer Vaned r'v q r UPI On a motion by Cm Goel and seconded by Cm Mitten, on a vote of 4-0-1, with Cm. Do being absent, the Planning Commission adopted RESOLUTION NO. 16- 23 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE REZONING OF THE SIERRA BUSINESS CENTER FROM THE M-1 TO THE M-P ZONING DISTRICT - RESOLUTION NO. 16- 24 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A REZONING FROM THE M-1 (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) ZONING DISTRICT TO THE M-P (INDUSTRIAL PARK) ZONING DISTRICT FOR THE SIERRA BUSINESS CENTER LOCATED AT 6549 SIERRA LANE _ 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS — NONE 7. NEW BUSINESS - NONE 8. OTHER BUSINESS - 81 Mr. Baker informed the Planning Commission that the Community Development Department has a new Principal Planner, Amy Million, to replace Kristi Bascom who has left the City for a new opportunity 8.2 Mr Baker informed the Planning Commission that there will be no meeting on October 25{" and that there are no items on the schedule for the rest of the year, but that could change Chair Kohli felt that if this is the last meeting of the year he wanted to thank Staff and the other Planning Commissioners for a great year 9. ADJOURNMENT—The meeting was adjourned at 7:18.58 PM Respectfully submitted, Pla?g Commission Chair Nanning in . ,au. ,rr Liner li,'tl!r. N{q far 9ltmnl , ATTEST: Jeff Baker Assistant Community Development Director G:IMINUTES120161PLANNING COMMISSIOM10.11.16 DRAFT PC MINUTES.docx (Planning Commission October 11,2016 Rcgular!Meeting ( age 1 111