HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.1 DRAFT YAC Minutes 08-24-2016 \`�>f /)j�% �/I! �,�\'\��� �'"��i��'I ��\� �� STAFF REPORT �-''"��'�'`� YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE DATE: Wednesday, September 28, 2016 TO: Honorable Chair and Committce ]��(embers FROM: Lisa McPher.son, Recreation Supei-�-isor Rr�vlr�a���1!���l�Gc,(,r Croirir�, �'I.r.ri.rlUal I�ir�c/or nf P�r�k;�arrd Conelre��irr��,Scn�zc�.r SUBJECT: i�Iinures of the 1�ugust 24, 2016 Rcgular N[eeting of thc Youth Advisory Committee EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Youth Advisory Committee will consider approv�l of the minutes of the �'lugust 24, 2016 Regular � Meeting of the Yc�uth f�d�risor>> Committcc. FTNANCIAL IMPAC7': None. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the minutes of the �1u�;ust 24, 2016 Re�ti�lar Meeting�f the Youth �dvisory Committee. DESCRIPTION: The Youth Advisory Committee will consider approval of the minutes of d�e t�u�ust 24, 2016 Regular Meetin�of the Youth Advisor�� Committee. NOTICING REQUTREMENTS/PUBLiC OUTRCACH: None. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Dratit i�finutcs of the August 24, 201C Regular Mccting of thc Youth fldvisor�� Committee. ITEM NO: 4.1 . �����j,� YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE /�- ��� , �"���)'?�M REGULAR MEETING � ��`;,,,.��/� Draft Minutes CITY OF DUBLIN August 24, 2016 The August 24, 2016 meeting of the Youth Advisory Committee was calied to order at 7:00 PM at the Dublin Senior Center by former Chair Bedi. PLED6E OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by the Commission, Staff and those present. ROLL CALL Committee Members (CM) Present: Alini, Batra, Brakeman, Brunckhorst, Butler, Imran, Nuruddin, Mahadeshwar, Mitr, Shangle, Tran, Wang, Wong, Zhu Committee Members Absent: Goel, Kolan Liaison Present: Bedi, Parks and Community Services Commission Liaison Staff Present: McPherson, Dublin Police Officer Blaylock ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3.1 Public Comments— None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 4.1 Minutes of the May 25, 2016 Regular Meeting On a motion by CM Butler, seconded by CM Tran, and by a vote of 13-0-0, with Committee Members Goel and Kolan absent, the Youth Advisory Committee voted to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 25, 2016 as presented. Advisory Committee Member Alini was not present at the time of the vote. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS— None. UNFINISHED BUSINE55— None. NEW �USINESS 7.1 Review of Roberts Rules of Order and Brown Act City Clerk Caroline Soto provided an overview of Robert's Rules of Order and the Brown Act. City Clerk Soto emphasized that the Brown Act ensures the Public is properly notified of all meetings and prevents Youth Advisory Committee Members from making decisions without the Public's input. ACTION The Advisory Committee received the Report. 7.2 Review of Youth Advisory Committee Bylaws and Rules of Procedure : Recreation Supervisor Lisa McPherson provided an overview of the Youth Advisory Committee Bylaws and Rules of Procedure and reviewed the responsibilities of the Youth Advisory Committee as contained therein. Staff emphasized the importance of attendance at the monthly scheduled Youth Advisory - YAC Draft Minutes—August 24, 2016—Page 2 of 3 Committee meetings and explained that if a Youth Advisory Committee Member cannot be present at the monthly meeting they should contact Ms. Lisa McPherson at least three days prior to the meeting to inform her of their planned absence. ACTION The Advisory Committee received the Report. 7.3 Election of Youth Advisory Committee Chairperson and Vice Chairperson Recreation Supervisor, Lisa McPherson presented the Staff Report. Youth resident Mr. Nikolai Peram asked the Youth Advisory Committee to consider CM Member Butler for Chairperson and CM Wang for Vice Chairperson. Parks and Community Services Commission Liaison Bedi asked the Youth Advisory Committee to consider CM Member Butler for Chairperson and CM Wang for Vice Chairperson. CM Butler nominated CM Tran for Vice Chairperson. CM Wong and CM Shangle asked the Youth Advisory Committee to consider them for Vice Chairperson. No other nominations for Youth Advisory Committee Chairperson were made. ACTION On a motion by CM Alini, seconded by CM Wong, and by a vote of 14-0-0 with Committee Members Goel and Kolan absent, the Youth Advisory Committee Members voted to elect Youth Advisory Committee Member Butler to the position of Youth Advisory Committee Chairperson for the 2016-2017 term. The Committee voted to take a silent vote for election of Vice Chairperson; however, after clarification with the City Clerk, the vote has to be conducted in the same manner in which the Chairperson was elected, which will take place at the next Youth Advisory Committee meeting. 7.4 Youth Showcase at the September 22, 2016 Farmers' Market Recreation Supervisor, Lisa McPherson, presented the Staff Report and asked for volunteers to serve on the Subcommittee. Mr. Peram provided the Youth Advisory Committee with an overview of the Youth Showcase and requested for CM Nicki Butler and Youth Advisory Committee Members with marketing experience to volunteer for the Subcommittee. CM Butler asked the Youth Advisory Committee which members were interested in volunteering; all Youth Advisory Committee Member raised their hand to volunteer. ACTION On a motion by CM Shangle seconded by CM Imran, and by a vote of 14-0-0, with Committee Members Goel and Kolan absent, Chairperson Butler and Vice Chairperson Wang were appointed to be on the Subcommittee and other Committee Members will volunteer on the day of the event. OTHER BUSINESS The Advisory Committee Members provided brief reports on upcoming events. � YAC Draft Minutes—August 24,2016—Page 3 of 3 ADJOURNMENT Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:33 PM. Minutes prepared by Lisa McPherson, Recreation Supervisor. Chairperson Butler ATTEST: Lisa McPherson Recreation Supervisor