HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.1 Conduct Elections for YAC Vice Chair i,; ,,���\�Llf�l)%\�if. �I ,�>�°_���2+ ��`�� � STAFF REPORT ���f,l��,�. YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE DATE: Wednesday, Scptember 28, 2016 TO: Honorable Chair and Committee Members FROM: I_.isa McPherson, Recreation Supervisor Rez�ie���c�l I���11�1zc,�i Cr�oi�in,Ar.ri.rla�zl I�irector of P�r,h..�and Co»�maiizity S�rvicPr SUBJECT: Conduct I�.Iections for the Youtl�Advisor�� Co���mittec Vice Chairperson EXECU'CIVE SUMMARY: Thc Adeisor�� Committcc will conduct cicctions for Vicc Chairperson for thc 2016-2017 tcr�n. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Nonc. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct elecuons for Vice Chairperson Eor the 2016-2017 term. � DESCRIPTION: At the August 24, 2016 1'outh Advisory Committee Meeting, Conlrnittcc �icmbers Shangle, Tran, Wang and Wong were interested in running For_ Vice C1lairperson. Candidates shared a nvo-minute, or less, personal � stateincnt e��laining tc� the Committcc wh5- thcy should bc electcd Vicc Chairperson. A ballot shcet E�r Comrnittee 1Vlembers to mal:e their selection tor Vice Chairperson was provided. Staff and Parks and � Communit�� Ser��ices Commission Liaison Bedi tallied thc ballot sheets; Committee Nlember Wang received � the majorit�� of vc�tes for Vicc Chairperson for the 2016-2017 term at the mceting. StaEf�vas later notitied th�t elections for bc�th Chairperson and Vicc Chairperson must be condueted in public � with each Cominittee Member votin�;a��e (}'es) or no, and not b}' sec�-et or silent ballot. NO'1'ICiNC REQUiRF,MENTS/PURLIC OU'I'REACH: None. ATTACHMENTS: None. ITEM NO: 7.1 Pagc I of 1