HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.2 YAC Work Plan for 2016-2017 Term �����r �-'l��i //' I r�►/ \�11, �����- �,�� ��`�,,`���� STAFF REPORT ��'�"��"=�`�'� YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE DATE: Wednesday, September 28, 2016 TO: Honorable Chair and Committee Members �� FROM: i isa McPherson, Recreation Supeivisor Re��ic�a.��d/��Mic,��Cronrn,�9.r.rt.rlartl Dirnctoi�of Pan(.�-a�zd Con�nuriaz��Scrr�ice.r SUBJECT: Youth r\dvisorv Committce ��1ork Plan for dic 201 C-2017 Tcrm � EXECUTiVE SUMMARY: The Co��inittce will establish thc Youth tldvisor�� Conlmittec ��1ork Plan for thc 2016-2017 term. � FINANCIAL IMPACT: � None. RECOMMENDATION: Rcccivc Rcport:�nd establish thc Youth Advisorp Committce Work Plan for thc 201C-2017 term. � DESCRIPTION: Y�uth f\d��isor_�� Committee Nlembers will be asked to establish the Work Plan for their term of service. A � Work Plan provides a framcwork for establishing goais and objcctivcs and servcs as a guide during a spccific ' time period for accomp1is11ing die goals and objecrives. 'I'11e Worl: Plan also includes a schedule of events and �� responsibilities that dctails the action to be tal;en to accomplish the �;oals and objectiaes laid out in the plan. Staff is suggestin�; that the Youtl� c1d��isor�- Com�i�ittee rc�ricw, discuss and approve the following proposed Work Plan for the 201 C-2017 tcrm: \X�ORK PLAN GOAL #] Plan 1nd coordinar� cvcnts �nd pro�;rams that sup��ort the Youth I�ee Assistance Pro�;ram. Objective 1.1 l��(anage the Cit�•'s Parks and Convnunit�� Scrvices booth at the St. Patrick's Da�� Pestival at Ci��ic Center on March 18 & 19, 2017. nbjective 1.2 Partner with the Senior Center t�d�-isor�� Committee on hosting � a Benefit Cc�ncert at the Senic�r Center scheduled for Apri) 9, � 2017. ITEM NO: 7.2 Page 1 of 2 WORK PLAN GOAL #2 Promore ��olunreer opportunities for teens in the communit5� to volunteer at scheduled Cit�� Special L��ents. Provide leadership to voLunteer teens and assist Staff with�-ari�>us planned activities at the events. Obj�etivc 2.1 Dublin 7�'rec I.i�htin� Ceremom� at Civic Center on December 1, 2016. Objcctivc 2.2 Tri-Vallc�� Tccn )ob F�2ir at Cit�� of San Ramon Community Center on Nlarch 4, 2017. nbjectivc 2.3 St. Patricl;'s Day Tcstival at Ci��ic Centcr on March 18 & 19, 20 l 7. � Objective 2.4 Sprin�;T��gstrava�anra on April 15, 2017. C)bjective 2.5 Dublin Pride }'����� volunteer project. WC�RK PI.AN GnAL #3 (�ffer the Youd� Mini Grant Program, which wi11 provide funds to help Dublin- bascd �-outh or�;anizati�>ns/clubs �>r pr��grams that provide performing arts, multicultural awareness or other ��outh related activities. Objective 3.1 l=?stablish a timcline and revic�v and approve the program al�plication at the September 28, 2016 meeting. Begin � �dvert�sin�; the pro�;ram on October 3, 2016 at the High � Schools, Middle Schools, and Dublin-based youth �� organizations. �� Objective 3.2 I3egin receiving applications on October 17, 2016. �� Objective 33 Review applicants at the November 1 C, 2016 Special l�feeting. Objcctivc 3.4 tlpplicants' prescntations at thc Dcccmbcr 7, 2016 Special � Meeting. Ubjective 3.5 f\ward �;rants c�n December 9, 2016. �� WORK PI_.f1N GOAl,#4 Gcnerare an annual report hi�;hlightin� the accomplishments of d�e Youdz Advisor�� Committce durin�; d�e 2016-2017 term. Youth t�dvisory Committee i�Iembcrs �vill l�resenr the reporr to t11e Parks and Communit�� Services C�»»missi��n ancl Cit�- CounciL � Objective 4.1 Create a Po�x�erPoint presentation on accomplishments oE � thc 2016 -2017 Youth Advisor�� Cornmittec b5� April 20, 2017. Objectivc 4.2 Provicle Parks and Community Scrvices Staff the Annual � Report for review b5� ��pril 26, 2017. � Objective 4.3 Present the Annual Rep�>rt to the Packs and Community � Serviccs Commission and Cit�� Council in MaS- 2017. �� NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: None. ATTACHMENTS: � None. Page 2 of 2