HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.3 2016-2017 Youth Mini Grant Prog Timeline and Work Plan \�\�,r—�)1%J// ,,;�r� �l� ��,,, �.�������;�; ����,,��1� STAFF REPORT � ''"�"'� YOUTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE DATE: Wednesday, September 28, 2016 TO: Honorable Chair and Committee Membcrs FROM: Lisa McPherson, Recreation Supei-��isor Rr��ic�����1 I��Mic,h,i Crouit2,_�1.r.ri.rta��t Dir�cior•of Pa�;h,.�ai�d Contnla�rtzl��S�rt�ice.r SUBJ�CT: 2016-2017 Youth l��fini Grant Program Timclinc and �`C�ork Plan : EXECUTiVE SUMMARY: The Advisory Committec will cstablish tlic 2016-2017 Youth Mini Grant Pro�ram Tiinel�ne and Wock Plan. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. RECOMMENDATION: Receive Report and establish the 2016-20"17�"outh l�Iini Gr�nt Program "Timclinc and Work Plan. DESCRIPTION: The Youth Advisor�� Committee shall recomrnen<1 a Timclinc anc� �Y�orl: Plan Eor thc 2016-2017 Youth Mini � Grant Pro�ram. "1'he '1'irneline and Work Plan should include deadlines for the adverdsing and marketing and open and close dates for the application per-ic>d. 'Che Timeline and ��'��rk Plan shc�uld alsc� indicate when the � applicants will be inforined of the application status and whether their application has advanced to the neYt � step in the process. The final step in the application �rocess will bc a presentation by the applieant(s) to the � Youth Advisor}' Committee with the Youth Ad��isor�- Committec dctermining wl�ich applicants will be granted funding. The Tiineline and Worl: Plan should include specific dates to ensure each step in the applicltion process is followcd. � The f�llo�ving is the pr�p�sed tirneline and u�c>rk plan dates: � • September 28, 201C �� o I��stablish a tiineline and work plan o Review, revise and approve the Yc>uth Mini Grant Program application � • C�ctobcr 3, 201 G � o Staff will post the Youth i��iini Grant Pro�;r�m ap�lication on the Cit��of Dublin Website 0 1'outh f\dvisorv C:�mmittee i�Iembcrs and Staff �vill advertise ancl market the Youth Mini Grant Program applicati�>n ar thc Hi�h Schools, A�[iddle Schools, and Dublin-based youth or�anizations �� ITEM N0: 7.3 Page 1 of 2 • October 17 to Noveinber 4, 2016 o ��pplication submission opcn datc on October 17 � o �pplication subrnission closc clatc on Novei�ber 4 � • No��ember 1 C, 2016 � o Re��ic�v a���lications at thc Y<�uth t\clvis��r•�� C�>inmittcc Mccrin�; • November 21, 2016 �� o Contact applicants on the next steps in the process ■ Approval or denial oE applications � • Prepare fc�r the presentatic>ns �f applicants at the Youth Advisory Cou�mittee � Dcccmbcr 7, 2016 i�lccting � • December 7, 201 C � o Applicant prescntations at thc Youth A<Ivisor�� Cominittcc 1�T�etin� • Deceinber 9, 2016 o N�tify awarded grant applicants b}'phone and cmail �� NOT[C1NC REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: Nonc. ATTACHMF,N'I'S: 1. Draft Youth 1��Iini Grant rcc�uest for proposals and application. Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT 1 Dear Youth Program Provider: Each year the City of Dublin Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) provides grant opportunities to support projects and programs serving or benefiting Dublin youth. The Youth Mini Grant program provides funds to help organizations or programs that provide services such as: current youth events, performing arts programs, athletic teams, multicultural awareness, health awareness and many other youth activities. The value of the grants will vary in range depending on the proposed applications and community need. Criteria for the Youth Mini Grant • Youth benefiting from or involved with the project must include at least 75% Dublin residents who are of middle or high school age. • Organization/Club must have an adult sponsor. • Organization/Club must be based within the City of Dublin. Criteria for Evaluation • Organization/Management • Needs/Benefit • Funding/Budget • Presentation Previous Year Follow-up (if applicable) • How the funds were used • Were the goals met • What was the impact Thank you for sharing the opportunity to assist the youth in Dublin. If you should need any further clarification, please contact Lisa McPherson at (925)556-4516 or at lisa.mcpherson@dublin.ca.gov. Sincerely, Youth Advisory Committee Enclosures: 2016-2017 Youth Mini Grant Request for Proposals 2016-2017 Youth Mini Grant Application City Of Dublin Youth Advisory Committee 2016-2017 Youth Mini Grant Request for Proposals General Information A. Qualifications 1. Youth benefiting from or involved with the project must include at least 75% Dublin residents who are of middle or high school age. 2. Organization/Club must have an adult sponsor. 3. Organization/Club must be based within the City of Dublin. B. Proposal The proposal must be no longer than two and a half pages, double-spaced. The proposal should include the following: 1. A brief description of your organization. 2. Describe the project and how it will benefit Dublin youth. 3. Describe what the funds/grant will be used for. ' 4. Explain what proof will be given to the Youth Advisory Committee that funds were used as proposed. 5. Should a grant have been awarded, in the past, to the same organization, a brief review of how the money was spent and how it benefited the group needs to be highlighted in this year's presentation. C. Submission The application and proposal will be accepted from Monday, October 17, 2016, starting at 9:00 AM ; through Friday, November 4, 2016, ending at 5:00 PM. Early applications are encouraged. ' Applications that do not meet the criteria or do not contain a proposal will be disqualified. Three ways to submit an application and proposal: 1. Emailed to lisa.mcpherson@dublin.ca.�ov 2. Mail: Shannon Community Center Youth Advisory Committee Attention: Lisa McPherson 11600 Shannon Avenue, Dublin CA, 94568 3. Submit the application packet in-person at the Shannon Community Center D. Presentation (limited to five minutes) Selected applicants will be notified on November 21, 2016 to present their proposal at the Youth Advisory Committee December 7, 2016 meeting between 7:15-8:00 PM. A youth member or members along with the Adult Sponsor of the organization or club must conduct the presentation. City Of Dublin Youth Advisory Committee 2016-2017 Youth Mini Grant Application The application and proposal will be accepted until Friday, November 4, 2016 at 5:00 PM Early applicarions are encouraged. Application Form Name of Organization/Club: Organization Address: City/Zip: Phone: Primary Contact Person (Name &Title): Phone: Adult Sponsor (Name &Title): Phone: Amount Requesting: Number of People in Organization: Percent of Dublin Youth Participants: I have reviewed the proposal and to the best of my knowledge the funds requested from the City of Dublin will be used to provide the services described in this Request for Proposal. I also attest that the above named organization/club have not received a grant from the City of Dublin within the past year. Adult Sponsor (Signature): Date: