HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-048 TOMRA RePlanet Recylng AGENDA STATEMENT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: April 27, 2004 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: PUBLIC HEARING- PA 03-048, TOMRA RePlanet Recycling Kiosk, Conditional Use Permit, Site Development Review, and Sign Site Development Review A~ Report prepared by: Pierce Macdonald, Associate Planner Resolution approving a Conditional Use Permit, Site Development Review, and Sign Site Development Review for a Recycling Kiosk at 7333 Regional Street. Applicant's Written Statement with Project Plans Vicinity Map RECOMMENDATION: 2. 3. 4. Open public hearing and hear Staff presentation. Take testimony from the Applicant and the Public. Close public hearing and deliberate. Adopt Resolution (Attachment 1) approving a Conditional Use Permit, Site Development Review, and Sign Site Development Review for a Recycling Kiosk at 7333 Regional Street. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Applicant, Mr. Kevin Bryant of TOMRA RePlanet, is requesting Planning Commission approval for a Conditional Use Permit, Site Development Review, and Sign Site Development Review for a small recycling center located in a kiosk structure in the parking lot of a commercial shopping center. Background The small recycling center is located in a kiosk consisting of two 21-foot trailers and a storefront faqade that is removed when the trailers are exchanged. This storefront provides an automated machine that exchanges recycled material for vouchers that may be redeemed at the adjacent grocery store, with an attendant also serving the site. The kiosk, including the trailers and faqade, occupies 527 square feet of the parking lot, or approximately three (3) parking spaces. The dimensions of the assembled kiosk structure are 11 feet in height, 18 feet in width, and 29.25 feet in length. The recycling center kiosk has been operating for some time without City approvals, and the Applicant has complied with Code Enforcement requests to submit an application and obtain necessary permits with this project. GS,PA#\2003x,03-048 Tomra Recycling\PCSR042704.doc COPIES TO: Applicant/Owner Applicant's Consultant In-House Distribution State Law The California Department of Conservation certifies recycling centers meeting the requirements of the California Beverage Container and Litter Abatement Act of 1986. This act was codified through the Public Resources Code Sections 14500-14599, 18000-18017, and 19500-19502. The intent of the law is to encourage increased, and more convenient, beverage container redemption opportunities for all consumers. The law states that these redemption opportunities shall include dealer and other shopping center locations, in addition to other sites. The law also urges cities, when exercising their zoning authority, to act favorably on the siting of recycling centers, reverse vending machines, mobile recycling units, or other types of recycling opportunities, as necessary for consumer convenience, and for the overall success of litter abatement and recycling in the state. ANALYSIS: Conditional Use Permit The recycling center kiosk would be located within the Retail Commercial (C-1) Zoning District. Commercial recycling operations are allowed in the C-1 District subject to a Conditional Use Permit and the findings under Zoning Ordinance Section 8.100. Vicinity and Ad/acent Uses The site is located near the southeast comer of Amador Valley Boulevard and Regional Street. The project vicinity is characterized by multi-tenant shopping centers surrounded by large, shared parking areas. The surrounding uses include the Shamrock Village commercial center to the north, a gasoline service station, to the west, the Ralph's grocery store parking lot to the south, and the Ralph's grocery store to the east. There are no residential uses in the immediate vicinity. The nearest residential use is the future Senior Housing Development which is 345 feet northeast of the project and separated from the subject site by a commercial building, landscaping, and a parking lot. A map of the project vicinity is included as Attachment 3. The project would have minimal adverse impacts on residential uses because of the distance from residential properties and the small size of the structure. Hours o_f Operation The kiosk is staffed by an attendant between the hours of 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. and the automated service operates from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. TOMRA trucks come to the site and exchange trailers when they become filled with recycling material, which occurs twice a month. Parking and Loading The recycling kiosk occupies approximately three (3) parking spaces intended for shoppers and employees of the center. However, because the use is small and does not have habitable floor area, visitors to the kiosk will likely combine recycling trips with shopping trips to Ralph's or one of the other businesses in the area. Parking needed for drop-offs at the kiosk alone is expected to be minimal with one or two customers at a time. City Staff reviewed the parking provided in the Ralph's shopping center and found that there are approximately 500 parking spaces in the northern half of the shopping center. A shared parking agreement covers the different businesses and parcels. The existing parking is adequate to meet the parking requirements of the shopping center under Zoning Ordinance Section 8.76. Because of the significant amount of shared parking and the small, incidental nature of the recycling kiosk, the parking impacts associated with the project are not significant. The recycling kiosk requires an additional three (3) parking spaces for the exchange of trailers when the trailers become full. A loading space cannot be provided for the sole use of the trucks due to the existing design of the parking lot and the parking requirements of the shopping center. However, a loading space is only necessary when the trailers are exchanged twice a month. When a loading space is needed, the 2 attendant reserves the adjacent parking spaces with traffic cones on the preceding evening. City Staff recommends a Condition of Approval limiting the number of times that trucks may be loaded and unloaded to two times a month. The Applicant is also required to coordinate the loading and unloading with the hours of operation and deliveries of the surrounding businesses to avoid parking and circulation conflicts in the shopping center (Condition #9). Site Development Review The small recycling center requires modifications to the shopping center layout. Changes to the site layout and design require a Site Development Review approval pursuant to Section 8.104 of the Zoning Ordinance. In addition, the project signage exceeds height and sign area requiring a Sign Site Development Review approval pursuant to Section 8.84 of the Zoning Ordinance. Architectural Design The structure's architectural design and orientation were reviewed for adverse impacts and Staff has determined that the design of the project is compatible with that of the shopping center because of its small size and because of its unobtrusive location at the edge of the parking lot. However, Staff recommends a Condition of Approval requiring the Applicant to apply for and obtain Building Permits for the installation of the kiosk (Conditions # 13 to 16, included in Attachment 1). Landscaping The kiosk is located in a part of the shopping center near an existing landscaping strip that is depleted. A Condition of Approval is recommended requiring the Applicant to plant fifteen (15) "Terri Escallonia" shrubs (5-gallon size) in the existing landscape area, spaced every three feet on center adjacent to the structure (included in Attachment 1 as Condition # 12). Sign Site Development Review Pursuant to Section 8.84, Sign Regulations, a business is allowed one wall sign for each business frontage with a maximum of three frontages. In addition, the sign area is limited in size by the length in lineal feet of the business' frontage. The proposed recycling kiosk has two "RePlanet" logo signs on two of the structure's sides, in addition to a mural of two figures. City Staff recommend a Condition of Approval, included in the conditions found in Attachment 1, to require the Applicant to comply with signage regulations and remove the smaller "RePlanet" logo from each of the sides (Condition # 11). The larger RePlanet logo located on the sides of the structure requires Sign Site Development Review approval as it is larger than four (4) feet in height and exceeds the allowable size by four (4) square feet. This logo is standard for the company operations and part of the trailer that transports the recycling material. It would be difficult and an economic hardship for the Applicant to change the trailer signage. Public Noticing A Public Hearing Notice was mailed to property owners, residents, and tenants within a 300-foot radius of the project property. A copy of the notice was advertised in the Valley Times. As of the writing of this report, no comments have been received from the Public. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), together with the State guidelines and City environmental regulations require that certain projects be reviewed for environmental impacts and that environmental documents be prepared. The project has been found to be Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), according to Section 15303, because the project is a small structure on a developed parcel, in a district zoned for such use, not involving hazardous substances, and with all necessary public services, and the surrounding area is not environmentally sensitive. CONCLUSION: The Conditional Use Permit, Site Development Review and Sign Site Development Review findings contained in the Resolution (Attachment 1) can be made because the recycling structure is small and will be served by an attendant daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. As conditioned, the loading and unloading of trucks will be limited, and the Applicant will be required to acquire Building Permits for the structure. As conditioned with changes to the signage and landscaping, the small structure will be attractive and harmonious with existing development and adjacent properties. Furthermore, the project will benefit the area, as it provides a necessary service to assist the City and State in achieving recycling goals at a convenient location for residents. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission (1) open the public hearing and hear the Staff presentation; (2) take testimony from the Applicant and the Public; (3) close the public hearing and deliberate; and (4) adopt a Resolution (Attachment 1) approving a Conditional Use Permit, Site Development Review, and Sign Site Development Review for a recycling kiosk at 7333 Regional Street. g:\PA#~2003~03-048\PCSR042704.doc 4 GENERAL INFORMATION APPLICANT: TOMRA Pacific, Inc. c/o Kevin Bryant 150 Klug Circle Corona, CA 92880 PROPERTY OWNER: Longs Drugs, Inc. 141 N. Civic Drive Walnut Creek, CA 94596 LOCATION: 7333 Regional Street, Dublin, CA 94568 ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 941-0305-017-01 GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Retail/Office EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USE: Zoning: C-1 (Retail Commercial)/Shopping Center 5 RESOLUTION NO. 04 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW, AND SIGN SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW FOR A RECYCLING KIOSK, LOCATED AT 7333 REGIONAL STREET, PA 03-048 WHEREAS, TOMRA Pacific, Inc., has submitted a request for Planning Commission approval for a Conditional Use Permit, Site Development Review, and Master Sign Program for a small recycling center kiosk at 7333 Regional Street in the Retail Commercial (C-l) Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on the Conditional Use Permit, Site Development Review and Sign Site Development Review on April 27, 2004; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, the application has been reviewed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines and the City Environmental Guidelines, and determined to be Categorically Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), according to Section 15303, because the project is a small structure on a developed parcel, in a district zoned for such use, not involving hazardous substances, and with all necessary public services, and the surrounding area is not environmentally sensitive; and WHEREAS, the Staff Report was submitted recommending Planning Commission approval of a resolution approving the Conditional Use Permit, Site Development Review, and Sign Site Development Review; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and use their independent judgment and considered all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby make the following findings and determinations regarding said proposed Conditional Use Permit, Site Development Review and Sign Site Development Review: The Proposed Conditional Use Permit meets the purpose and intent of Chapter 8.100 of the Zoning Ordinance because the project will be compatible with other land uses, transportation and service facilities in the vicinity as the recycling kiosk is small in size, its use will be incidental to other uses, and its location is unobtrusive to traffic and circulation in the shopping center; and The proposed use is consistent with the general provisions, intent, and purpose of the Conditional Use Permit provisions of the Zoning Ordinance in that it contains all information required by Chapter 8.100 of the Zoning Ordinance and accomplishes the objectives of Chapter 8.100, A through H, of the Zoning Ordinance; and ATTACHMENT1 The subject site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of the development being proposed because it is located within a developed downtown area and a retail shopping center, and because it is located adjacent to roadways which are designed to carry the minimal traffic that would be generated by the proposed type of use; and The Site Development Review and Sign Site Development Review meets the purpose and intent of Chapter 8.104 of the Zoning Ordinance because they will promote orderly, attractive and harmonious site, sign and structural development compatible with surrounding properties and neighborhoods because, as conditioned, the building orientation, signage and landscaping of the site layout will create visual interest and provide a convenient location for recycling to help the City and State achieve recycling goals; and o The Site Development Review is consistent with the general provisions, intent, and purpose of the Site Development Review provisions of the Zoning Ordinance in that it contains all information required by Chapter 8.104 of the Zoning Ordinance and accomplishes the objectives of Chapter 8.104, A through J, of the Zoning Ordinance; and Architectural considerations, including the character, scale, and quality of the design, the architectural relationship with the site and other buildings, building materials and colors, screening of exterior appurtenances, exterior lighting and similar elements have been incorporated into the project and as conditions of approval in order to insure compatibility of this development with the development's design concept and the character of adjacent buildings, neighborhoods, and uses; and 7. Landscape considerations have been incorporated to ensure visual relief and an attractive environment for the public; and ° The proposed project will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare because the project has been reviewed for compliance with City laws and regulations and will be reviewed for compliance with City Building Code regulations; and The proposed Conditional Use Permit, Site Development Review, and Sign Site Development Review are consistent with the Retail/Office designation of the Dublin General Plan and the proposed development standards are permitted by said designation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE Dublin Planning Commission does hereby approve the Conditional Use Permit, Site Development Review, and Sign Site Development Review for PA 03-048, as shown on Attachment 2, subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of building permits or establishment of use, and shall be subject to Department of Community Development review and approval. The following codes represent those departments/agencies responsible for monitoring compliance of the conditions of approval: [ADM] Administration/City Attorney, [B] Building Division of the Community Development Department, [DSR] Dublin San Ramon Services District, IF] Alameda County Fire Department/City of Dublin Fire Prevention, [FIN] Finance Department, [PL] Planning Division of the Community Development Department, [PO] Police, [PW] Public works Department. NO. CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN SOURCE AGENCY/ REQUIRED DEPART. 1. Approval. This Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review PL Ongoing Standard approval for TOMRA RePlanet, PA03-048, establishes the use, detailed design concepts and regulations for the recycling center kiosk project at 7333 Regional Street. Development pursuant to this Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review is conditioned upon the requirement that the development be consistent with the C-1 Zoning District and shall generally conform to the Architectural Plans drawn by JRM and stamped by Kjell A. Bo, dated received August 1, 2003; and schematic drawings prepared by TOMRA Pacific, dated received August 1, 2003, unless modified by the Conditions of Approval contained herein. 2. Standard Public Works and Site Development Review Conditions PW On-going PW of Approval. Applicant/Developer shall comply with all applicable City of Dublin Standard Public Works Conditions of Approval. 3. Term. Pursuant to Section 8.96.020.D., approval of the Conditional Use PL On-going Zoning Permit and Site Development Review shall be valid for one year from Ordinance effective date. If construction has not commenced by that time or extended per the following means, this approval shall be null and void. The approval period for Conditional Use Permit and Site Development Review may be extended six (6) additional months by the Director of Community Development upon determination that the Conditions of Approval remain adequate to assure that the above stated findings will continue to be met. Applicant/Developer must submit a written request for the extension prior to the expiration date of the Site Development review. 4. Revocation. The CUP and SDR will be revocable for cause in PL On-going Zoning accordance with Section 8.96.020.I of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Ordinance Any violation of the terms or conditions of this approval shall be subject to citation, and if non-compliance continues, potential revocation. 5. Fees. Applicant/Developer shall pay all applicable fees in effect at the FIN Prior to Municipal time of building permit issuance, including, but not limited to: Planning issuance of Code fees; Building fees; Dublin San Ramon Services District fees; Public Building Facilities fees; Dublin Unified School District School Impact fees; Permits Public Works Traffic fees; Alameda County Fire Services fees; Noise Mitigation fees; Alameda County Flood and Water Conservation District (Zone 7) Drainage and Water Connection fees; and any other fees as noted in the Development Agreement. Unissued building permits subsequent to new or revised TIF's shall be subject to recalculation and assessment of the fair share of the new or revised fees. If the Development Agreement approved for this project conflicts with this condition, the Development Agreement shall prevail. 6. Required Permits. Applicant/Developer shall obtain all necessary PL, PW, B Prior to State and applicable permits required by other agencies including, but not limited issuance of Regional to, Alameda County Public Works, Alameda County Flood Control Building Agencies District (Zone 7); California Department of Fish and Game; Army Permits Corps of Engineers; and State Water Quality Control Board, and shall submit copies of the permits to the Department of Public Works. Applicant/Developer shall also apply, pay all required fees and obtain permits from PG&E for power service connection required to energize traffic signals and streetlights. NO. CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN SOURCE AGENCY/ REQUIRED DEPART. 7. Hold Harmless/Indemnification. Applicant/Developer, and any Applicant On-going Standard parties or individuals granted rights-of-entry by Applicant/Develop<r, shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless thc City of Dublin and its agents, officers, and employ<cs from any claim, action, or proceeding against thc City of Dublin or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of thc City of Dublin or its advisory agency, appeal board, Planning Commission, City Council, Director of Community Development, Zoning Administrator, or any other department, committee, or agency of the City concerning a subdivision or other development which actions arc brought within the time period provided for in Government Code Section 66499.37. $. Clarifications and Changes to the Conditions. In the event that there PL On-going Standard needs to be clarification to these conditions of approval, the Directors of Community Development and Public Works have the authority to clarify thc intent of these conditions of approval to the Applicant/Developer by a written document signed by thc Director of Community Development and the City Engineer and placed in the project file, also have the authority to make minor modifications to th<sc conditions in order for thc Applicant/Developer to fulfill needed improvements or mitigations resulting from impacts to this project. 9. Loading and Unloading of Trucks. The Applicant/Developer shall PL On-going Standard limit loading and unloading of trucks to two times a month and shall coordinate loading and unloading with hours of operation and deliveries of the surrounding businesses to avoid conflicting with parking and circulation in the shopping center. 10. Non-Residential Security Ordinance. The Applicant/Developer shall PO On-going Standard comply with all applicable City of Dublin Non Residential Security Ordinance requirements to the satisfaction of the Police Department, including: · Addressing shall be visible from the approaches to the building. · The Applicant shall keep the site clear of graffiti vandalism on a regular and continuous basis at all times. · The Applicant shall work with the Dublin Police on an ongoing basis to establish an effective theft prevention and security program. · The Applicant shall keep the site clear of refuse on a regular and continuous basis. 11. Sign Regulations. The Applicant/Developer shall comply with signage PL, PW On-going Standard regulations, pursuant to Chapter 8.84 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. The Applicant/Developer shall remove one of the "RePlanet" logos from each of the sides of the structure. 12. Landscaping. The Applicant/Developer shall plant 15 "Terri PL Prior to Standard Escallonia" shrubs (5 gallon size) in the existing landscape area, spaced Completion every three feet on center, adjacent to the structure. 13. Building Codes and Ordinances. All project construction shall B Through Standard conform to all building codes and ordinances in effect at the time of Completion building permit. 14. Building Permits. To apply for building permits, Applicant/Developer B Issuance of Standard shall submit eight (8) sets of construction plans to the Building Building NO. CONDITION TEXT RESPON. WHEN SOURCE AGENCY/ REQUIRED DEPART. Division for plan check. Each set of plans shall have attached an annotated copy of these Conditions of Approval. Thc notations shall clearly indicate how all Conditions of Approval will or have been complied with. Construction plans will not be accepted without the annotated resolutions attached to each set of plans. Applicant/Developer will be responsible for obtaining the approvals of all participation non-City agencies prior to the issuance of building permits. 15. Construction Drawings. Construction plans shall be fully B, PL, PW On-going Standard dimensioned (including building elevations) accurately drawn (depicting all existing and proposed conditions on site), and prepared and signed by a California licensed Architect or Engineer. All structural calculations shall be prepared and signed by a California licensed Architect or Engineer. The site plan, landscape plan and details shall be consistent with each other. (Prior to issuance of building permits). The Applicant shall provide details for power requirements and hook-up and provide details for water requirements and source hook-up. 16. Temporary Fencing. Temporary Construction fencing shall be B, PL, PW Through Standard installed along perimeter of all work under construction. Completion PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of April, 2004. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Planning Commission Chairperson Planning Manager G:~PA#\2003\03-048 Tomra Recycling~PC Reso.doc Do More Than Recycle. DESCRII~ION OF OPERATION Tomra Pacific Inc. operates a small recycling collection facility, certified by the CA Dept. of Conservation and meeting the requirements of the CA Beverage Container & Litter Abatement Act of 1986 (AB2020). The location consists of two light gray colored roll-off containers which are 21' x 8 and one light gray roll-off container which is 18' x 8'. The containers are 9' high. The containers are situated in an area of 496 square feet. The two large bins remain on the site and are exchanged when full and the small roll-off serves as storefront and houses the automated redemption machines. Our normal hours for the staffed operation are Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm (lunch I to 1:30). The automated beverage container identification unit will operate in accordance with local ordinances. Upon arrival at the site, the customer's commodities are weighed and placed directly in the appropriate bin. The value of the commodity is entered into the computer and the customer is given a voucher that can be cashed or used towards purchases in the host store. During staffed or unstaffed hours the customer may use the automated beverage container identification unit which scans the object inserted, places a value on it and issues a voucher. Truckinq information The individual 21' roll-off storage containers are picked up using a standard roll-off truck. The total length of the truck is 29' while carrying a 21' roll -off container. The roll-off truck picks up the container by backing up to the back end, lowering the truck rails so as to enable the container to be pulled up onto the truck with the steel cable that is controlled by the driver from inside the truck. Roll-off containers are picked up when they have been filled with recyclable beverage containers. They are scheduled for pickup at times that are in compliance with local ordinances so not to create noise or nuisance. The roll-off containers are placed such that the truck can back into them with approx. 50' running room for the truck. Prinled on 100% Recyclea Paper Roll-off pickups at the recycling center occur about 3-5 times per month. ~ECEIVE[~. ATTACHMENT,& ' !'JJ~ 0 I ZOO,?:', !?U~LIN PLANNING: TOMRA RECYCLING NETWORK 97z6 6~:h $:ree[, ]~,~ncho CucaJnon§a, CA. 91730 Telephone 9o9 ~4~-o~o? F~ ~o9 9~-z-og4c rePLfifiET RECYCLING CENTERS RIGHT; 5HOT DAY ~ SHOT ©2001 Tomra Pacific Inc. rePl. finET RECYCLING CENTER5 SIDE/' VIEW VINYL LETTERS SIZE: 8' 6"w x 8"h COLOR: SAPPHIRE BLUE FONT: META PLUS MEDIUM VINYL LETTERS SIZE: 6' 3"w x 8"h COLOR: SAPPHIRE BLUE FONT: META PLUS MEDIUM VINYL LOGOS SIZE: 2' 10'w x 2' 2"h COLORS: SAPPHIRE BLUE DARK TEAL, LIGHT TEAL & WHITE REPLANET GRAPHIC LARGE FORMAT VINYL GRAPHIC PRINT WITH ANTI-GRAFFITI LAMINATE SIZE: 11'10"w x 6'h COLORS: 4 COLOR PROCESS VINYL LOGOS SIZE: 5' l"w x 4'h COLORS: SAPPHIRE BLUE DARK TEAL, LIGHT TEAL & WHITE 12' Do More Than Recycle. 21' 29' SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" ©1999 Tomra Pacific Inc. rePLfifiET I~ECYCLING CENTER5 FROIIT ViEW VINYL STOREFRONT SIGN SIZE: 3' 2"w x 2' 7'h COLORS: SAPPHIRE BLUE ARUBA BLUE & TEAL MACHINE HOURS VINYL SIGNS-- sIZE: 30"w x 13"h COLORS: SAPPHIRE BLUE & WHITE VINYL LETTERS ~ -- SIZE: 5'w x 6'h COLOR: SAPPHIRE BLUE FONT: META PLUS MEDIUM STAFF HOURS VINYL SIGN SIZE: 18"w x 18"h COLOR: SAPPHIRE BLUE & WHITE RVM VINYL STICKER SIZE: 23"w x 11 'h SCREENPRINTED ON WHITE VINYL COLORS: SAPPHIRE BLUE, TEAL & RED Recycling Center GRAPHIC REPLANET LARGE FORMAT VINYL GRAPH C PR NTWTH ANTI-GRAFFITI LAMINATE SIZE: 6'w x 6'h COLORS: 4 COLOR PROCESS 18' MEETS ADA REQUIREMENTS SCALE: 1/4" = 1 '-0" "~ (~1 g.q.q Tnmrm PmrtJfJn In~ rePLfinET RECYCLING CENTER5 ~ REflR ~ VIEW STATE REQUIRED CONTACT SIGN VINYL LETTERS SIZE: 3'h LE~-FERS COLOR: SAPPHIRE BLUE FONT: META PLUS MEDIUM For Toll Free Please Do Not For Tot[ Free Recycling Information Leave Material Unless Recycling InformaUon C~II: (87'/) ~ Attendant Is Present r-Il: (877) ~ 737.5~t 737-5263 Please Do Not Leave Materia[ Unless Attendant Is Present 16'-6" SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" ~ ©1999 Tomra Pacific Inc.. rePLfifiET RECYCLING CENTER5 VIEW 496 TOTAL SQ. FT. SCALE: 1/4"= 1'-0" "~ ~l.q.q.q T~nrnP-~ P~.ffln Inn rePLfinET RECYCLING CENTER5 STANCHION5 INSPECTION WEIGHING E, ARREL5 TRASH TOP; STORAGE WOP, KSTATIO N --~ SCALE SCHEMATIC FLASTIC BOTTLE5 PLASTIC DOTTLE5 STANCHION5 Three roll-off containers with Steel pre-fabricated roof ©f999 Tomra Pacific Inc. rePLfilIET RECYCLING CENTEF, 5 PItRRIliG LOT/' CONFIGURATIONS SIDE ACCESS / ,/ / / / / ' / //// M '" , // // i // / ©2001 Tomra Pacific Inc. rePLfiRET P-,ECYCLING CE NTE F.,5 ~ I~ROIIT CEIITER/ GI~AFHIC VINYL LOGO SIZE: 3' 2"w x 2' 7"h COLORS: SAPPHIRE BLUE ARUBA BLUE & TEAL MATERIAL: VINYL / STOREFRONT SIGN FACE ~ ---~/ SIZE: 5' 11.5"w x 2' 11"h / COLOR: WHITE / MATERIAL: ABS SIGN WHITE re 5'-11.5" Storefront Sign SCALE: 3/4"= 1'-0"-'~ (~2001 Tomra Pacific Inc. rePLfinET F, ECYCLING CENTEF, 5 mflTERIflLS MATERIALS PURCHASED / STATE REQUIRED PRICE SIGN MATERIALS PURCHASED SIGN LOCATED INSIDE STORE FRONT PRICE SIGN WITH PUNCH PRESS NUMBERS 72" x 25" SCREENPRINTED SIGN ON .063 WHITE ALUMINUM COLORS: SAPPHIRE BLUE & TEAL FONT.- META PLUS BLACK / MEDIUM / BOOK ALLCRV"SEGREGATED" "COMMINGLED" MIXED __to ___lbs. S--.--Z--lib. $ Z.- ZZ lib. __to ___lbs. $_-.ZZ_-/Ib. S_-._-_--lib. to lbs. $ -. _- _- _-/Ih. $ _-. - _- _-/lb. to lbs. $_-.- ZZ/Ib. $-.-_- Z/Lb. (Over 5oo lbs. State Certification Required) Non-Redemption Cans (.on crv) $ ...../lb. IPET plastic I :!1111 IIII~!' AL[CRV "SEGREGATED" "COMMINGLED" MIXED S_-._-_-Z/Lb. $ Z._---/Lb. ~ I_qlass I:i~l/Iq~l' ALL CRV "SEGREGATED .... COMMINGLED" MIXED $Z.---/Ib. bi-metal PI:IILI AU. CRV "SEGREGATED" "COMMINGLED" MIXED S-._-_--lib. CRV ONLY ~ I news I'J:l'Jt:! sZ.ZZZ/r~ :: ~ Rec¥cling~ [ payment Illil;l~]illl'J~ll~I[]:lllll:l~ll' Aluminum, Glass, Bi-Metal $. _- - _- ~ PET Plastic $. Z Z Z ~.~ HDPE (Hi. Dens. Polyethylene) $ .-ZZ ~'~ LDPE ~, Density Polyethylene) $ . ~-- ~-- Z ~ PS ~,~ S .::: UNDER 24 oz. 24 oz. & OVER /ea. $.-_--/ea. /ea. $ .-_--/ea. /ea. $ .--_-/ea. /ea. $ .---/ea. /ea. $ .---/ea. /ea. $ ._- _~ _- /ea. /ea. /ea. ©1999 Tomra Pacific Inc. (~) rePLfilIET I~ECYCLING CENTEI~5 MACHINE HOURS VINYL SIGNS SIZE: 30"w x 13"h COLORS: SAPPHIRE BLUE & WHITE ~ Rom / 51GN5 STATE REQUIRED HOURS SIGN Automated 7am Machines RVM VINYL STICKER SIZE: 23"w x 11"h SCREENPRINTED ON WHITE VINYL COLORS: SAPPHIRE BLUE, TEAL & RED SCALE: 1"= 1' ~ ©1999 Tomra Pacific Inc. rePLfifiET F, ECYCLING CENTEP.,5 ~ 6RflP.IC / MURAL5 REPLANET DOOR GRAPHIC LARGE FORMAT VINYL GRAPHIC PRINT WITH ANTI~GRAFFITI LAMINATE SIZE: 6'w x 6'h COLORS: 4 COLOR PROCESS REPLANET WALL GRAPHIC LARGE FORMAT VINYL GRAPHIC PRINT WITH ANTI-GRAFFITI LAMINATE SIZE: 11' 10"w x 6'h COLORS: 4 COLOR PROCESS SCALE: 1/2"= 1'-0" '~ ©2001 Tomra Pacific Inc. rePLfinET RECYCLING CENTERS Pick-up ~ Bin/ EXCHANGE Drop-off ©2001 Tomra Pacific Inc. rePLfinET RECYCLING CENTERS ~ Bin / S~eNS GRAPHICS ARE 14% OF BINS VISIBLE SPACE VINYL LETTERS SIZE: 8' 6"w x 8"h 5.7 SQ. FT. COLOR: SAPPHIRE BLUE FONT: META PLUS MEDIUM VINYL LOGO SIZE: 5' 1 "w x 4'h 20.3 SQ. FT. COLORS: SAPPHIRE BLUE DARK TEAL, LIGHT TEAL & WHITE ........................................... Do More Than Recycle. 21' Signs On Side Of Bins SCALE: 1/4"= 1' ©2001 Tomra Pacific inc. VICINITY MAP AND PUBLIC NOTIFICATION BOUNDARY APN 941 0305 01402 7333 Regional St. Dublin, CA 94568 July 7, 2003 ATTACHMENT 3