HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.1 - 7505 Dublin BlvdPage 1 of 7 STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: January 23, 2018 TO: Planning Commission SUBJECT: 7505 Dublin Blvd Prepared by: Amy Million, Principal Planner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Dave Johnson of Johnson Lyman Architects has requested a Site Devel opment Review Permit to demolish a vacant 5,442 square foot restaurant building and construct a new 9,383 square foot multi-tenant commercial building located within the Dublin Place Shopping Center. The application includes related improvements including two new outdoor dining patios, landscaping and parking. Tenants have not been identified for the buildings; however, it is anticipated to be four tenant spaces with a mix of retail and restaurant uses. RECOMMENDATION: Disclose ex-parte contacts, conduct the public hearing, deliberate and adopt a Resolution approving a Site Development Review Permit for the demolition of an existing commercial building and construction of a 9,383 square foot commercial building at 7505 Dublin Boulevard. DESCRIPTION The project site is an irregular shaped parcel located at 7505 Dublin Boulevard at the northwest corner of Dublin Boulevard and Amador Plaza Road within the Dublin Place Shopping Center as shown in Figure 1. The Dublin Place Shopping Center is located on the west side of Amador Plaza Road between Dublin Boulevard and Amador Valley Boulevard. The subject property is 80,266 square feet and currently occupied by three commercial buildings totaling 20,452 square feet including a vacant restaurant building (formerly Coco’s/Carrows) planned for demolition as part of the proposed project, Bank of the West and a multi-tenant building with Pieology and Aquarium Concepts. Page 2 of 7 Figure 1. Project Site The subject property is located within the Downtown Dublin Spe cific Plan and has a General Plan land use designation of Downtown Dublin - Retail District. This designation allows a range of residential, commercial, and mixed uses consistent with the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan. Proposed Project The Applicant is requesting a Site Development Review Permit to demolish an existing 5,442 square foot restaurant building and construct a new 9,383 square foot multi - tenant commercial building. Tenants have not been identified for the buildings; however, it is anticipated to be four tenant spaces with a mix of retail and restaurant uses. The layout of the building provides for pedestrian access from Amador Plaza Road and Dublin Boulevard with outdoor patios on the north and south sides of the building serving the end tenant suites. The proposed site plan is shown in Figure 2 below. The proposal includes related improvements including landscaping, a storm water retention area, parking and a new trash enclosure. Page 3 of 7 Figure 2. Proposed Site Plan ANALYSIS The Zoning Ordinance requires Site Development Review for the demolition and construction of new structures. Approval of a Site Development Review Permit is subject to findings related to compliance with General Plan policies, impacts to general safety and welfare, site layout, impacts to views, impacts to topography, architectural considerations and landscape considerations as shown in the draft resolution included as Attachment 1. Site Layout The existing restaurant building is located near the corner of Dublin Bou levard and Amador Plaza Road and is oriented to the parking area interior to the site. Site topography and the proposed orientation of the new building provides for access from three sides; Amador Plaza Road, Dublin Boulevard and the parking area. The layo ut of the project provides for two outdoor patios, one on the south side of the building adjacent to Dublin Boulevard and one on the north side of the building. The patios are designed with outdoor seating areas for the adjacent tenants and are enhanced wi th pavers and landscaping. The patio adjacent to Dublin Boulevard also includes a trellis. The site layout implements the vision of the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and creates a walkable environment by incorporating pedestrian-scale plazas and connections, where appropriate, throughout the project area. The proposed site plan, floor plan, elevations, and landscape plans are shown in the Project Plans (Attachment 2). The proposed site layout would necessitate a reconfiguration of the parking area immediately adjacent to the proposed building. This results in eliminating parking spaces on the north side of the proposed building to accommodate the outdoor patio. Page 4 of 7 The parking spaces will be redistributed so that the total number of parking spaces adjacent to the proposed building increases from 44 to 48 spaces. Refer to the Parking section below for additional information on the total parking requirements for the shopping center. The proposed project also accommodates the planned widening of Amador Plaza R oad as shown on Sheet A1 of the Project Plans (Attachment 2). The widening is for an additional right turn lane on Amador Plaza Road. Architecture The architectural vision for the Retail District as outlined in the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan is that new buildings “will complement the existing uses with designs that are compatible with adjacent structures and the district as a whole.” In addition, buildings shall use high-quality materials while utilizing creative and unique designs. The project’s architectural design and material palette is consistent with this vision. The architectural concept for the development is clean and contemporary. The project offers a variety of contemporary building materials such as wood, cement fiber, composite panels, aluminum panels, metal and plaster. The single -story building forms are horizontally oriented with varying roof lines that create a unique design statement for this shopping center while blending well with the surrounding development. The building form is highlighted with the use of horizontal wood siding, vertical wood slats, aluminum panels, corrugated metal awnings, cement fiber, steel canopies, steel trellis and storefront systems with simple black-framed windows and doors. Figure 3. Amador Plaza Road Elevation A color and material palette has been provided that illustrates the variety of colors and textures for the buildings on Sheet CB of the Project Plans (Exhibit A to Resolution). A colors and materials board will be presented at the Planning Commission meeting for review and consideration. Landscaping The landscape palette and layout have been designed to be consistent with the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan by utilizing enhanced hardscape and a variety of plant materials. The overall landscape concept is on Sheet L1 of the Project Plans (Exhibit A to Resolution). Page 5 of 7 The preliminary landscape plan shows the removal of all existing on -site landscaping in the area of the proposed project and installation of new landscaping in the parking lot and around the building. The street trees along Dublin Boulevard will remain and the trees along the Amador Plaza Road frontage will be replaced to accommodate the street widening. A preliminary tree survey was conducted for the project area which identified the species and size for the all the trees present on -site. The trees are a variety of species and range in size from 6” to 47”. None of the trees are considered to be Heritage Trees as defined by DMC 5.60. The preliminary landscape plan includes a conceptu al plant pallet with a variety of trees, including 24” box trees along Amador Plaza Road, 15 gallon trees in the parking area as well as a mix of 5 gallon shrubs and a combination of 5 gallon and 1 gallon groundcover plants. A storm water treatment planter is located on the southeast corner of the site and planters are proposed along the building façade facing the parking area. New landscape areas are proposed with a variety of drought tolerant plants suitable for low maintenance and water conserving efforts. Parking: The Applicant anticipates a mix of restaurant and retail tenants for the proposed building. Since the tenants and the floor plans of the restaurant spaces are unknown at this time, a conservative mix of uses (75% restaurant / 25% retail) was used to calculate the estimated parking requirement in order to ensure the parking requirement is met. Conservatively, it is estimated that 60 parking spaces will be required for the future tenant mix as shown in Table 1 below: Table 1. Parking Requirement Land Use Parking Requirement Restaurant 1 parking space per 100 square feet of floor area accessible to customers; and 1 parking space per 300 square feet of floor area not accessible to customers Retail 1 parking space per 300 square feet The Dublin Place Shopping Center is comprised of multiple parcels that are owned by several entities. However, the center has a reciprocal parking easement which means that all of the buildings share the parking spaces within the shopping center. Based on the existing and recently approved mix of commercial uses in the shopping center, a total of 1,807 parking stalls are required to support the entire shopping center. With the construction of the proposed project, a total of 1,933 parking stalls would be provided, which is a surplus of 126 parking stalls throughout the shopping center. Public Art Compliance The applicant intends to satisfy the City’s public art requirement through the payment of in-lieu fees. Condition of Approval No.16 confirms this intention. Page 6 of 7 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The project is located within the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan area, which was the subject of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), State Clearinghouse number 20100022005. The Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Final EIR was certified b y City Council Resolution No. 08-11 dated February 1, 2011. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines section 15168(c)(2), the proposed project was examined to determine if another environmental document should be prepared. The proposed project is the redevelopment of an existing commercial property in the Retail-District and is within the development potential identified and examined in the Draft EIR. There is no substantial evidence in the record that any new effects would occur, that any new mitigation measures would be required, or that any of the conditions triggering supplemental environmental review under CEQA Guidelines section 15162 exists. CONSISTENCY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING ORDINANCE: The General Plan designation is Downtown Dublin- Retail District. The proposed uses are permitted within the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Retail District. The project is consistent with Development Regulations for this zoning district as described in Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and Dublin Municipal Code. The proposed building size and configuration would not exceed the allowable building area or create adverse conditions on-site or for surrounding properties, but would enhance the existing shopping center and expand shopping options in the area. The proposed project is consistent with the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and the vision for the Retail District. REVIEW BY APPLICABLE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES: The Building Division, Fire Prevention Bureau, Public Works Department, and Dublin San Ramon Services District have reviewed the project and provided Conditions of Approval (Attachment 1) where appropriate to ensure that the project is established in compliance with all local ordinances and regulations. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH A notice of this public hearing was mailed to all property owners and occupants within 300-feet of the proposed project. The Public Notice was also published in the East Bay Times and posted at several locations throughout the City. A copy of this Staff Report was provided to the Applicant. The Staff Report for this public hearing was also available on the City’s website. ATTACHMENTS: Page 7 of 7 1. Resolution Approving a Site Development Review Permit for the Demolition of an Existing Commercial Building and Construction of a 9,383 Square Foot Commercial Building 2. Exhibit A to Attachment 1 Project Plans RESOLUTION NO. 17-xx A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING A SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PERMIT FOR THE DEMOLITION OF AN EXISTING COMMERCIAL BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION OF A 9,383 SQUARE FOOT COMMERCIAL BUILDING AT 7505 DUBLIN BOULEVARD (APN 941-0305-038-00) PLPA-2017-00048 WHEREAS, Dave Johnson of Johhnson Lyman Architects is requesting approval to demolish an existing 5,442 square foot restaurant building and construct a new 9,383 square foot multi-tenant commercial building located at 7505 Dublin Boulevard within the Dublin Place Shopping Center; and WHEREAS, the project site is located in Downtown Dublin, within the Retail District of the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act certain projects are required to be reviewed for environmental impacts and when applicable, environmental documents prepared; and WHEREAS, the project is located within the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan area, which was the subject of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), State Clearinghouse number 20100022005. The Downtown Dublin Specific Plan Final EIR was certified by City Council Resolution No. 08-11 dated February 1, 2011. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines section 15168(c)(2), the proposed project was examined to determine if another environmental document should be prepared. The proposed project is the redevelopment of an existing commercial property in the Retail-District and is within the development potential identified and examined in the Draft EIR. There is no substantial evidence in the record that any new effects would occ ur, that any new mitigation measures would be required, or that any of the conditions triggering supplemental environmental review under CEQA Guidelines section 15162 exists. WHEREAS, the Site Development Review Project Plan Set, attached as Exhibit A to this Resolution illustrates the proposed site layout, driveway and parking circulation system, building architecture, access to public streets, site amenities, and landscaping for the proposed project; WHEREAS, a Staff Report was submitted recommendi ng that the Planning Commission approve a Site Development Review Permit for the proposed project; and WHEREAS, proper notice of said public hearing was given in all respects as required by law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and use independent judgment and considered all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Dublin hereby makes the following findings and determinations regarding the proposed Site Development Review for 7505 Dublin Boulevard: 2 A. The proposal is consistent with the purposes of Chapter 8.104 of the Zoning Ordinance, with the General Plan and any applicable Specific Plans and design guidelines because: 1) The project is in compliance with the development standards of the Downtown Dublin Zoning District and Downtown Dublin Specific Plan (DDSP) and is consistent with the DDSP design guidelines for commercial uses including compliance with setbacks, height and materials; 2) the site layout implements the vision of the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan and creates a walkable environment by incorporating pedestrian-scale patios and connections, where appropriate, throughout the project area; and 3) the project is consistent with the DDSP Retail District and development standards. B. The proposal is consistent with the provisions of Title 8, Zoning Ordinance because: 1) the project contributes to orderly, attractive, and harmonious site and structural development compatible with the intended use, the existing shopping center and the surrounding properties; 2) the project provides a high degree of design and landscaping to complement the area; and 3) the project complies with the development regulations set forth in the Downtown Dublin Zoning District and accompanying DDSP. C. The design of the project is appropriate to the City, the vicinity, surrounding properties, and the lot in which the project is proposed because: 1) the design of the proposed buildings and associated improvements provides for a seamless transition with the existing development and circulation pattern for the larger shopping center in which is it located; 2) the size and mass of the proposed buildings are consistent with the requirements of the DDSP, which guides commercial development in the Retail District and the greater DDSP area; 3) the project will expand the commercial opportunities in the DDSP area. D. The subject site is suitable for the type and intensity of the approved development because: 1) the project provides additional commercial development in an existing shopping center that can support commercial uses; 2) the project is consistent with the Downtown Dublin Zoning District in which it is located; 3) the project site will be fully served by a network of infrastructure of public roadways, services, and facilities ; and 4) the proposed building size and configuration would not exceed the al lowable building area or create adverse conditions on-site or for surrounding properties E. Impacts to existing slopes and topographic features are addressed because : 1) the project site is generally flat; and 2) landscaping along the street frontage and throughout the project will be complete. F. Architectural considerations including the character, scale and quality of the design, site layout, the architectural relationship with the site and other buildings, screening of unsightly uses, lighting, building materials and colors and similar elements result in a project that is harmonious with its surroundings and compatible with other developments in the vicinity because: 1) the Project provides a high degree of design and landscaping to provide a unique, urban, contemporary-themed commercial opportunity in the DDSP; 2) the proposed building reflects a similar and compatible architectural style and development pattern of other commercial buildings within the DDSP; 3) the materials proposed will be high -quality and long-lasting; and 4) the color 3 and materials proposed are appropriate to the contemporary architectural design proposed for the project and complementary to other commercial buildings in the project vicinity. G. Landscape considerations, including the location, type, size, color, texture and coverage of plant materials, and similar elements have been incorporated into the project to ensure visual relief, adequate screening and an attractive environment for the public because: 1) the landscaping, hardscape and amenities are designed in the contemporary style to complement the architecture of the building ; and 2) the project is also required to confirm to the requirements of the City’s Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. H. The site has been adequately designed to ensure the proper circulation for bicyclist, pedestrians, and automobiles because: 1) the proposed layout of the parking area has been reviewed for safety and adequate circulation; and 2) development of this project will integrate into the existing circulation and development pattern of the larger shopping center. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Dublin hereby approves the Site Development Review Permit for 7505 Dublin Boulevard as shown on the project plans date stamped received December 1, 2017 and included as Exhibit A, subject to the following conditions: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of building permits or establishment of use, and shall be subject to Planning Department review and approval. The following codes represent those departments/agencies responsible for monitoring compliance of the conditions of approval. [PL.] Planning, [B] Building, [PO] Police, [PW] Public Works [P&CS] Parks & Community Services, [ADM] Administration/City Attorney, [FIN] Finance, [F] Alameda County Fire Department, [DSR] Dublin San Ramon Services District, [CO] Alameda County Department of Environmental Health, [Z7] Zone 7. # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: PLANNING 1. Approval. This Site Development Review (SDR) approval is for the commercial project at 7505 Dublin Boulevard (PLPA-2017- 00048). This approval shall be as generally depicted and indicated on the SDR project plans, attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A, prepared by Johnson Lyman Architects dated received December 1, 2017 consisting of 14 sheets, on file in the Community Development Department, and other plans, text, color and materials boards relating to this SDR and as specified by the following Conditions of Approval for this project. PL Ongoing 2. Effective Date. This SDR approval becomes effective 10 days after action by the Planning Commission unless otherwise appealed to the City Council. PL Ongoing 3. Permit Expiration. Construction or use shall commence within one (1) year of Permit approval or the Site Development Review shall lapse and become null and void. If there is a dispute as to PL One Year After Effective Date 4 whether the Permit has expired, the City may hold a noticed public hearing to determine the matter. Such a determination may be processed concurrently with revocation proceedings in appropriate circumstances. If a Permit expires, a new application must be made and processed according to the requirements of this Ordinance. 4. Time Extension. The original approving decision-maker may, upon the Applicant’s written request for an extension of approval prior to expiration, upon the determination that all Conditions of Approval remain adequate and all applicable findings of approval will continue to be met, grant an extension of the approval for a period not to exceed six (6) months. All time extension requests shall be noticed and a public hearing shall be held before the original hearing body. PL Prior to Expiration Date 5. Compliance. The Applicant/Property Owner shall operate this use in compliance with the Conditions of Approval of this Site Development Review Permit, the approved plans and the regulations established in the Zoning Ordinance. Any violation of the terms or conditions specified may be subject to enforcement action. PL On-going 6. Revocation of Permit. The Site Development Review approval shall be revocable for cause in accordance with Section 8.96.020.I of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance. Any violation of the terms or conditions of this permit shall be subject to citation. PL On-going 7. Requirements and Standard Conditions. The Applicant/ Property Owner shall comply with applicable City of Dublin Fire Prevention Bureau, Dublin Public Works Department, Dublin Building Department, Dublin Police Services, Alameda County Flood Control District Zone 7, Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority, Alameda County Public and Environmental Health, Dublin San Ramon Services District and the California Department of Health Services requirements and standard conditions. Prior to issuance of building permits or the installation of any improvements related to this project, the Developer shall supply written statements from each such agency or department to the Planning Department, indicating that all applicable conditions required have been or will be met. Various Building Permit Issuance 8. Required Permits. Applicant/Developer shall obtain all permits required by other agencies including, but not limited to Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Zone 7, California Department of Fish and Game, Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Water Quality Control Board, Caltrans and provide copies of the permits to the Public Works Department. PW Building Permit Issuance and Grading Permit Issuance 9. Fees. Applicant/Property Owner shall pay all applicable fees in effect at the time of building permit issuance, including, but not limited to, Planning fees, Building fees, Traffic Impact Fees, TVTC fees, Dublin San Ramon Services District fees, Public Facilities fees, Dublin Unified School District School Impact fees, Fire Facilities Impact fees, Alameda County Flood and Water Conservation District (Zone 7) Drainage and Water Connection fees; or any other fee that may be adopted and applicable. Approved Development Agreement supersedes where applicable. Various Building Permit Issuance 10. Indemnification. The Applicant/Property Owner shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Dublin and its agents, ADM On-going 5 officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Dublin or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City of Dublin or its advisory agency, appeal board, Planning Commission, City Council, Community Development Director, Zoning Administrator, or any other department, committee, or agency of the City to the extent such actions are brought within the time period required by Government Code Section 66499.37 or other applicable law; provided, however, that the Developer's duty to so defend, indemnify, and hold harmless shall be subject to the City's promptly notifying the Developer of any said claim, action, or proceeding and the City's full cooperation in the defense of such actions or proceedings. 11. Clarification of Conditions. In the event that there needs to be clarification to the Conditions of Approval, the Director of Community Development and the City Engineer have the authority to clarify the intent of these Conditions of Approval to the Developer without going to a public hearing. The Director of Community Development and the City Engineer also have the authority to make minor modifications to these conditions without going to a public hearing in order for the Developer to fulfill needed improvements or mitigations resulting from impacts to this project. PL, PW On-going 12. Clean-up. The Applicant/Property Owner shall be responsible for clean-up & disposal of project related trash to maintain a safe, clean and litter-free site. PL On-going 13. Modifications. Modifications or changes to this Site Development Review approval may be considered by the Community Development Director if the modifications or changes proposed comply with Section 8.104.100 of the Zoning Ordinance. PL On-going 14. Master Sign Program. An amendment to the existing Dublin Town Center Master Sign Program is required prior to installation of any project related signage. Any sign shown in the Project Plans are for illustrative purposes only and the full details of the sign sizes, content, materials, and construction shall be shown in the separate sign package. PL Installation of Project Related Signage 15. Temporary Promotional Banners and Balloons. Temporary Promotional Banner Signs and Balloons shall only be permitted after first securing an approved Temporary Promotional Sign Permit. All temporary on-site signage shall be subject to the sign regulations contained in the City of Dublin Zoning Ordinance. PL On-going 16. Public Art. The project is required to comply with Sections 8.58.05A and 8.58.05D of Chapter 8.58 (Public Art Program) of the Dublin Municipal Code. The Project will make a monetary contribution in-lieu of acquiring and installing a public art project on the property, as provided by the Dublin Municipal Code section 8.58.050D. The in-lieu contribution shall be as provided in the Dublin Municipal Code, Chapter 8.58. PL Building Permit Issuance 17. Interim Design Plan. Prior to approval of a demolition permit for the existing building, the applicant shall submit for and obtain approval of an interim design plan from the Community Development Director. The interim design plan shall show, at minimum, how the site will be designed during the interim stage between demolition of the existing building and construction of PL Demolition Permit 6 the new building. PLANNING - LANDSCAPE 18. Final Landscape and Irrigation Plan. Plans shall comply with Chapter 8.72 and be generally consistent with the project plans attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A and date stamped received on December 1, 2017. A Final Landscape and Irrigation Plan prepared and stamped by a State licensed landscape architect or registered engineer shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development Director. Landscape and irrigation plans shall provide for a recycled water system. PL Building Permit Issuance or Approval of Improvement Plans 19. Water Efficient Landscaping Regulations. The Applicant shall meet all requirements of the City of Dublin's Water-Efficient Landscaping Regulations, Chapter 8.88 of the Dublin Municipal Code. PL Building Permit Issuance or Approval of Improvement Plans 20. Sustainable Landscape Practices. The landscape design shall demonstrate compliance with sustainable landscape practices as detailed in the Bay-Friendly Landscape Guidelines by earning 60 points or more and meeting the 9 required practices in the Bay- Friendly Landscape Scorecard. PL Building Permit Issuance or Approval of Improvement Plans PLANNING – DOWNTOWN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN MITIGATION MEASURES 21. MM 3.3-1: Project applicants shall consult with a registered geotechnical engineer to prepare a design level geotechnical report that addresses the affects of seismic ground shaking and includes a quantitative evaluation of liquefaction and liquefaction- induced lateral spreading for future development in the DDSP project area. The design level geotechnical report shall specify foundations and structural elements that are designed to resist forces and potential ground settlement for liquefaction and lateral spreading. This report shall be submitted in conjunction with a Building Permit application. PL Building Permit Issuance 22. MM 3.4-1: Prior to demolition of existing structures that were constructed prior to 1980 within the project area, project applicants shall have structures proposed for demolition inspected by a qualified environmental specialist for the presence of LBPs and Asbestos (ACM) contaminating materials prior to obtaining a demolition permit from the City of Dublin. If found to be present, samples shall be collected and analyzed for ACM and lead using EPA testing methods. If actionable levels of lead and or ACM are within the structures, a remediation plan shall be prepared by a qualified consultant and implemented. Necessary permits and approvals shall be obtained from appropriate regulatory agencies including the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. Worker safety plans shall be included in any remediation plans. Any hazardous materials that are removed from the structures shall be disposed of at an approved landfill facility in accordance with federal, state, and local laws and regulations. PL Building Permit Issuance for Demolition of Existing Building 23. MM 3.5-1a: Prior to issuance of grading permit, the project proponent shall file a Notice of Intent as required by Regional Water Quality Control Board regarding storm water discharges associated with construction activities. Upon completion of construction activities, a Notice of Termination shall be filed. MM 3.5-1b: Prior to issuance of any building or grading permits, a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be PL/PW Site Work (Grading) Permit 7 prepared by the project contractors and submitted to the Regional Water Quality Control Board for review and comment and to the City of Dublin in conjunction with the Building/Grading/Site work permit and shall be found to be acceptable by the City prior to ground disturbance. The SWPPP shall be prepared to Regional Water Quality Control Board standards and Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program requirements, and shall identify erosion minimization and control provisions, pollution detection provisions, and pollution elimination/ minimization provisions appropriate to the development project and its site for construction and post- construction activities. The SWPPP shall include best available technology, engineering, and design solutions such as the use of silt screens, hay bales, modern trash screens, energy dissipaters, and/or absorbent devices. Stormwater runoff water quality monitoring procedures shall be clearly detailed in the SWPPP. 24. MM 3.7-1a: Project applicants within the project area shall prepare a construction noise management plan that identifies measures to be taken to minimize construction noise on surrounding sensitive receptors (e.g. residential uses and schools) and includes specific noise management measures to be included into project plans and specifications subject to review and approval by the City. These measures shall I include, but not be limited to the following:  Construction activities, including the maintenance and warming of equipment, shall be limited to Monday through Friday, and non-City holidays, between the hours of 7:30 AM and 5:30 PM except as otherwise approved by the City Engineer.  All construction equipment shall be equipped with mufflers and sound control devices (e.g., intake silencers and noise shrouds) no less effective than those provided on the original equipment and no equipment shall have an un-muffled exhaust.  The City shall require that the contractor maintain and tune-up all construction equipment to minimize noise emissions.  Stationary equipment shall be placed so as to maintain the greatest possible distance to the sensitive receptors.  All equipment servicing shall be performed so as to maintain the greatest possible distance to the sensitive receptors.  The construction contractor shall provide an on-site name and telephone number of a contact person. In the event that construction noise is intrusive to an educational process, the construction liaison will revise the construction schedule to preserve the learning environment.  Select demolition methods to minimize vibration, where possible (e.g., sawing masonry into sections rather than demolishing it by pavement breakers). MM 3.7-1b: Should the proposed project require off-site import/export of fill material during construction, trucks shall utilize a route that is least disruptive to sensitive receptors, PL/PW Issuance of Building Permits 8 preferably major roadways (Interstate 580, Interstate 680, San Ramon Road, Dublin Boulevard, and Amador Valley Boulevard). Construction trucks should, to the extent practical, avoid the weekday and Saturday a.m. and p.m. peak hours (7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.). BUILDING CONDITIONS 25. Building Codes and Ordinances. All project construction shall conform to all building codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit. B Through Completion 26. Building Permits. To apply for building permits, Applicant/Developer shall submit five (5) sets of construction plans to the Building & Safety Division for plan check. Each set of plans shall have attached an annotated copy of these Conditions of Approval. The notations shall clearly indicate how all Conditions of Approval will or have been complied with. Construction plans will not be accepted without the annotated resolutions attached to each set of plans. Applicant/Developer will be responsible for obtaining the approvals of all participation non-City agencies prior to the issuance of building permits. B Issuance of Building Permits 27. Plumbing Fixture Count - As per section 422.4 of the CA Plumbing Code, each tenant space shall be provided with toilet facilities. B Permit Issuance 28. Engineer Observation. The Engineer of record shall be retained to provide observation services for all components of the lateral and vertical design of the building, including nailing, hold- downs, straps, shear, roof diaphragm and structural frame of building. A written report shall be submitted to the City Inspector prior to scheduling the final frame inspection. B Prior to scheduling the final frame inspection 29. Foundation. Geotechnical Engineer for the soils report shall review and approve the foundation design. A letter shall be submitted to the Building Division on the approval. B Permit issuance 30. Solar Zone – CA Energy Code Show the location of the Solar Zone on the site plan. Detail the orientation of the Solar Zone. This condition of approval will be waived if the project meets the exceptions provided in the CA Energy Code. B Through Completion 31. Cool Roofs. Flat roof areas shall have their roofing material coated with light colored gravel or painted with light colored or reflective material designed for Cool Roofs. B Through Completion 32. Air Conditioning Units. Air conditioning units and ventilation ducts shall be screened from public view with materials compatible to the main building and shall not be roof mounted. Units shall be permanently installed on concrete pads or other non-movable materials approved by the Chief Building Official and Director of Community Development. B Occupancy 33. Accessory Structures. Building permits are required for all trash enclosures and associated amenities/structures (trellises) and are required to meet the accessibility and building codes. B Through Completion 34. Temporary Fencing. Temporary Construction fencing shall be installed along the perimeter of all exterior work under construction. B Through Completion 35. Addressing for Suites a) Provide a site plan with the City of Dublin’s address grid overlaid on the plans (1 to 30 scale). Highlight all exterior door openings on plans (front, rear, garage, etc.). The B Prior to release of addresses 9 site plan shall include a single large format page showing the entire project and individual sheets for each neighborhood. Three copies on full size sheets and five copies reduced sheets. b) Address signage shall be provided as per the Dublin Commercial Security Code. c) Address will be required on all doors leading to the exterior of the building. Addresses shall be illuminated and be able to be seen from the street, four inches in height minimum. Prior to permitting Prior to occupancy 36. Copies of Approved Plans. Applicant shall provide City with 2 reduced (1/2 size) copies of the City of Dublin stamped approved plan. B 30 days after permit and each revision issuance FIRE PREVENTION 37. Building and Fire Codes. The project must comply with all building and fire code requirements in affect at the time of building permit submittal. F Building Permit Issuance 38. Fire Sprinklers. Fire sprinklers are required to be installed throughout the project. F Building Permit Issuance DUBLIN SAN RAMON SERVICES DISTRICT 39. Complete improvement plans shall be submitted to DSRSD that conform to the requirements of the Dublin San Ramon Services District Code, the DSRSD “Standard Procedures, Specifications and Drawings for Design and Installation of Water and Wastewater Facilities”, all applicable DSRSD Master Plans and all DSRSD policies. DSRSD Building Permit Issuance 40. All mains shall be sized to provide sufficient capacity to accommodate future flow demands in addition to each development project's demand. Layout and sizing of mains shall be in conformance with DSRSD utility master planning. DSRSD Building Permit Issuance 41. Sewers shall be designed to operate by gravity flow to DSRSD’s existing sanitary sewer system. Pumping of sewage is discouraged and may only be allowed under extreme circumstances following a case by case review with DSRSD staff. Any pumping station will require specific review and approval by DSRSD of preliminary design reports, design criteria, and final plans and specifications. The DSRSD reserves the right to require payment of present worth 20 year maintenance costs as well as other conditions within a separate agreement with the applicant for any project that requires a pumping station. DSRSD Building Permit Issuance 42. Domestic and fire protection waterline systems for Tracts or Commercial Developments shall be designed to be looped or interconnected to avoid dead end sections in accordance with requirements of the DSRSD Standard Specifications and sound engineering practice. DSRSD Building Permit Issuance 43. DSRSD policy requires public water and sewer lines to be located in public streets rather than in off-street locations to the fullest extent possible. If unavoidable, then public sewer or water easements must be established over the alignment of each public sewer or water line in an off-street or private street location to provide access for future maintenance and/or replacement. DSRSD Building Permit Issuance 44. The locations and widths of all proposed easement dedications for water and sewer lines shall be submitted to and approved by DSRSD. DSRSD Issuance of any grading permit, site work permit or building permit 10 45. All easement dedications for DSRSD facilities shall be by separate instrument irrevocably offered to DSRSD or by offer of dedication on the Final Map DSRSD Building Permit Issuance 46. Prior to issuance by the City of any Building Permit or Construction Permit by the Dublin San Ramon Services District, whichever comes first, all utility connection fees including DSRSD and Zone 7, plan checking fees, inspection fees, connection fees, and fees associated with a wastewater discharge permit shall be paid to DSRSD in accordance with the rates and schedules established in the DSRSD Code. DSRSD Building Permit Issuance 47. Prior to issuance by the City of any Building Permit or Construction Permit by the Dublin San Ramon Services District, whichever comes first, all improvement plans for DSRSD facilities shall be signed by the District Engineer. Each drawing of improvement plans shall contain a signature block for the District Engineer indicating approval of the sanitary sewer or water facilities shown. Prior to approval by the District Engineer, the applicant shall pay all required DSRSD fees, and provide an engineer’s estimate of construction costs for the sewer and water systems, a performance bond, a one-year maintenance bond, and a comprehensive general liability insurance policy in the amounts and forms that are acceptable to DSRSD. The applicant shall allow at least 15 working days for final improvement drawing review by DSRSD before signature by the District Engineer. DSRSD Building Permit Issuance 48. No sewer line or waterline construction shall be permitted unless the proper utility construction permit has been issued by DSRSD. A construction permit will only be issued after all of the items in Condition No. 66 have been satisfied. DSRSD Building Permit Issuance 49. The applicant shall hold DSRSD, its Board of Directors, commissions, employees, and agents of DSRSD harmless and indemnify and defend the same from any litigation, claims, or fines resulting from the construction and completion of the project. The applicant shall hold DSRSD, its Board of Directors, commissions, employees, and agents of DSRSD harmless and indemnify and defend the same from any litigation, claims, or fines resulting from the construction and completion of the project. DSRSD Ongoing 50. Improvement plans shall include recycled water improvements as required by DSRSD. Services for landscape irrigation shall connect to recycled water mains. Applicant must obtain a copy of the DSRSD Recycled Water Use Guidelines and conform to the requirements therein. DSRSD Building Permit Issuance 51. Above-ground backflow prevention devices/double detector check valves shall be installed on fire protection systems connected to the DSRSD water main. The Applicant shall collaborate with the Fire Department and DSRSD to size and configure the fire system. The Applicant shall minimize the number of backflow prevention devices/double-detector check valve through strategic placement and landscaping. DSRSD Building Permit Issuance and ongoing 52. Development plans will not be approved until landscape plans are submitted for DSRSD review and approval. DSRSD Approval of Final Landscape Plans 53. Grading for construction shall be done with recycled water. DSRSD Ongoing 11 54. Temporary potable irrigation meters in areas with recycled water service shall only be allowed for cross-connection and coverage testing for a maximum of 14 days. DSRSD Ongoing 55. This parcel is partially bisected by a sewer main with easement. Care should be taken not to encroach on any existing sewer easements; or on any easements necessitated by the construction of this project. DSRSD Building Permit Issuance 56. If any trash enclosures are to be connected to the sanitary sewer, they must have a grease and sand trap and the areas must be covered to prevent the entry of rainwater. DSRSD Building Permit Issuance and ongoing PUBLIC WORKS GENERAL CONDITIONS 57. Developer shall comply with the City of Dublin Public Works Standard Conditions of Approval contained below (“Standard Condition”) unless specifically modified by Project Specific Conditions of Approval above. PW On-going 58. Developer shall comply with the City of Dublin Title 7 Public Works Ordinance, which includes the Grading Ordinance, the City of Dublin Public Works Standards and Policies, the most current requirements of the State Code Title 24 and the Americans with Disabilities Act with regard to accessibility, and all building and fire codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit. All public improvements constructed by Developer and to be dedicated to the City are hereby identified as “public works” under Labor Code section 1771. Accordingly, Developer, in constructing such improvements, shall comply with the Prevailing Wage Law (Labor Code. Sects. 1720 and following). PW On-going PUBLIC WORKS – AGREEMENTS AND BONDS 59. Developer shall enter into an Improvement Agreement with the City for all public improvements including any required offsite storm drainage or roadway improvements that are needed to serve the development, as determined by the City Engineer. PW Grading Permit issuance 60. Developer shall provide faithful performance security to guarantee the improvements, as determined by the City Engineer (Note: The performance security shall remain in effect until one year after final inspections). PW Grading Permit issuance 61. O&M Agreement. The requirements of Provision C.3 of the Municipal Regional Stormwater NPDES Permit, Order No. R2- 2015-0049, require the property owner to enter into an Agreement with the City of Dublin to provide verification and assurance that all treatment devices will be properly operated and maintained and to guarantee the owner’s perpetual maintenance obligation for all storm drain inlet filters installed as part of the project. The Agreement shall be recorded against the property and shall run with the land. PW Occupancy or Acceptance of Improvements PUBLIC WORKS – FEES 62. Developer shall dedicate parkland or pay in-lieu fees in the amounts and at the times set forth in City of Dublin Resolution No. 60-99, or in any resolution revising these amounts and as implemented by the Administrative Guidelines adopted by Resolution 195-99. PW Building Permit issuance PUBLIC WORKS – PERMITS 63. Developer shall obtain an Encroachment Permit from the Public Works Department for all construction activity within the public right-of-way of any street where the City has accepted the street PW Start of Work 12 right of way. The encroachment permit may require surety for slurry seal and restriping. At the discretion of the City Engineer an encroachment for work specifically included in an Improvement Agreement may not be required. 64. Developer shall obtain a Grading Permit from the Public Works Department for all grading. PW Start of Work 65. Developer shall obtain all permits required by other agencies including, but not limited to Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Zone 7, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Army Corps of Engineers, US Fish and Wildlife, Regional Water Quality Control Board, Caltrans, DSRSD, BART, as applicable, and provide copies of the permits to the Public Works Department. PW Start of Work PUBLIC WORKS - SUBMITTALS 66. All submittals of plans shall comply with the requirements of the “City of Dublin Public Works Department Improvement Plan Submittal Requirements”, the “City of Dublin Improvement Plan Review Check List,” current Public Works and industry standards. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 67. Developer will be responsible for submittals and reviews to obtain the approvals of all participating non-City agencies. The Alameda County Fire Department and the Dublin San Ramon Services District shall approve and sign the Improvement Plans. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 68. Developer shall submit a Geotechnical Report, which includes street pavement sections and grading recommendations for the development for the development. PW Approval of Improvement Plans, and Grading Plans 69. Developer shall provide the Public Works Department a digital vectorized file of the “master” files for the project. Digital raster copies are not acceptable. The digital vectorized files shall be in AutoCAD 14 or higher drawing format. All objects and entities in layers shall be colored by layer and named in English. All submitted drawings shall use the Global Coordinate System of USA, California, NAD 83 California State Plane, Zone III, and U.S. foot. PW Acceptance of Improvements PUBLIC WORKS - EASEMENTS AND ACCESS RIGHTS 70. Developer shall obtain abandonment from all applicable public agencies of existing easements and right of ways within the development that will no longer be used. Prior to completion of abandonment, the City Engineer may approve the improvement plans if the developer can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that the abandonment process has been initiated. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 71. Developer shall acquire easements, and/or obtain rights-of-entry from the adjacent property owners for any improvements on their property. The easements and/or rights-of-entry shall be in writing and copies furnished to the City Engineer. PW Approval of Improvement Plans PUBLIC WORKS - GRADING 72. A detailed Erosion and Sediment Control Plan shall be included with the Grading Plan submittal. The plan shall include detailed design, location, and maintenance criteria of all erosion and sedimentation control measures. PW Issuance of Grading Permit 73. Tiebacks or structural fabric for retaining walls shall not cross property lines, or shall be located a minimum of 2’ below the finished grade of the upper lot. PW Approval of Grading Plans PUBLIC WORKS - IMPROVEMENTS 74. The public improvements shall be constructed generally as PW Approval of 13 shown on the Site Development Review. However, the approval of the Site Development Review is not an approval of the specific design of the drainage, sanitary sewer, water, and street improvements. Improvement Plans 75. All public improvements shall conform to the City of Dublin Standard Plans and design requirements and as approved by the City Engineer. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 76. Public streets shall be at a minimum 1% slope with minimum gutter flow of 0.7% around bumpouts. Private streets and alleys shall be at minimum 0.5% slope. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 77. Curb Returns on arterial and collector streets shall be 40-foot radius, all internal public streets curb returns shall be minimum 30-foot radius (36-foot with bump outs) and private streets/alleys shall be a minimum 20-foot radius, or as approved by the City Engineer. Curb ramp locations and design shall conform to the most current Title 24 and Americans with Disabilities Act requirements and as approved by the City Traffic Engineer. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 78. Any decorative pavers/paving installed within City right-of-way shall be done to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Where decorative paving is installed at signalized intersections, pre- formed traffic signal loops shall be put under the decorative pavement. Decorative pavements shall not interfere with the placement of traffic control devices, including pavement markings. All turn lane stripes, stop bars and crosswalks shall be delineated with concrete bands or color pavers to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Maintenance costs of the decorative paving shall be the responsibility of the developer or future property owner. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 79. Developer shall install all traffic signage, striping, and pavement markings as required by the City Engineer. PW Certificate of Occupancy or Acceptance of Improvements 80. Street light standards and luminaries shall be designed and installed or relocated as determined by the City Engineer. The maximum voltage drop for streetlights is 5%. PW Certificate of Occupancy or Acceptance of Improvements 81. Developer shall construct all potable and recycled water and sanitary sewer facilities required to serve the project in accordance with DSRSD master plans, standards, specifications and requirements. PW Certificate of Occupancy or Acceptance of Improvements 82. Fire hydrant locations shall be approved by the Alameda County Fire Department. A raised reflector blue traffic marker shall be installed in the street opposite each hydrant, and shall be shown on the signing and striping plan. PW Certificate of Occupancy or Acceptance of Improvements 83. Developer shall furnish and install City standard street name signs for the project to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. PW Certificate of Occupancy or Acceptance of Improvements 84. All on-site storm drain inlets must be marked with storm drain markers that read: “No dumping, drains to creek.” The stencils may be purchased from the City of Dublin Public Work Department. PW Certificate of Occupancy or Acceptance of Improvements 85. Developer shall construct gas, electric, telephone, cable TV, and communication improvements within the fronting streets and as necessary to serve the project and the future adjacent parcels as PW Certificate of Occupancy or Acceptance of 14 approved by the City Engineer and the various Public Utility agencies. Improvements 86. All gas, electric, telephone, cable TV, and communications utilities, shall be placed underground in accordance with the City policies and ordinances. All utilities shall be located and provided within public utility easements or public services easements and sized to meet utility company standards. PW Certificate of Occupancy or Acceptance of Improvements 87. All utility vaults, boxes, and structures, unless specifically approved otherwise by the City Engineer, shall be underground and placed in landscaped areas and screened from public view. Prior to Joint Trench Plan approval, landscape drawings shall be submitted to the City showing the location of all utility vaults, boxes, and structures and adjacent landscape features and plantings. The Joint Trench Plans shall be signed by the City Engineer prior to construction of the joint trench improvements. PW Certificate of Occupancy or Acceptance of Improvements 88. Storm Drain Inlet Markers. All on-site storm drain inlets must be marked with storm drain markers that read: “No dumping, drains to creek.” The stencils may be purchased from the Public Work Department. PW Certificate of Occupancy or Acceptance of Improvements 89. Developer shall construct bus stops and shelters at the locations designated and approved by the LAVTA and the City Engineer. The Developer shall pay the cost of procuring and installing these improvements. PW Certificate of Occupancy or Acceptance of Improvements PUBLIC WORKS - CONSTRUCTION 90. The Erosion and Sediment Control Plan shall be implemented between October 15th and April 15th unless otherwise allowed in writing by the City Engineer. The Developer will be responsible for maintaining erosion and sediment control measures for one year following the City’s acceptance of the subdivision improvements. PW On-going as needed 91. If archaeological materials are encountered during construction, construction within 100 feet of these materials shall be halted until a professional Archaeologist who is certified by the Society of California Archaeology (SCA) or the Society of Professional Archaeology (SOPA) has had an opportunity to evaluate the significance of the find and suggest appropriate mitigation measures. PW On-going as needed 92. Construction activities, including the idling, maintenance, and warming up of equipment, shall be limited to Monday through Friday, and non-City holidays, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. except as otherwise approved by the City Engineer. Extended hours or Saturday work will be considered by the City Engineer on a case-by-case basis. Note that the construction hours of operation within the public right of way are more restrictive. PW On-going as needed 93. Developer shall prepare a construction noise management plan that identifies measures to be taken to minimize construction noise on surrounding developed properties. The plan shall include hours of construction operation, use of mufflers on construction equipment, speed limit for construction traffic, haul routes and identify a noise monitor. Specific noise management measures shall be provided prior to project construction. PW Start of Construction Implementation, and On-going as needed 94. Developer shall prepare a plan for construction traffic interface with public traffic on any existing public street. Construction traffic and parking may be subject to specific requirements by the City PW Start of Construction; Implementation, 15 Engineer. and On-going as needed 95. Developer shall be responsible for controlling any rodent, mosquito, or other pest problem due to construction activities. PW On-going 96. Developer shall be responsible for watering or other dust- palliative measures to control dust as conditions warrant or as directed by the City Engineer. PW Start of Construction; Implementation On-going as needed 97. Developer shall provide the Public Works Department with a letter from a registered civil engineer or surveyor stating or certifying that the building pads have been graded to within 0.1 feet of the grades shown on the approved Grading Plans, and that the top & toe of banks and retaining walls are at the locations shown on the approved Grading Plans. PW Issuance of Building Permits or Acceptance of Improvements 98. Temporary Fencing. Temporary Construction fencing shall be installed along the perimeter of all work under construction to separate the construction operation from the public. All construction activities shall be confined within the fenced area. Construction materials and/or equipment shall not be operated or stored outside of the fenced area or within the public right-of-way unless approved in advance by the City Engineer. PW Start of Construction and On-going as needed PUBLIC WORKS - NPDES 99. Prior to any clearing or grading, Developer shall provide the City evidence that a Notice of Intent (NOI) has been sent to the California State Water Resources Control Board per the requirements of the NPDES. A copy of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be provided to the Public Works Department and be kept at the construction site. PW Start of Any Construction Activities 100. The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall identify the Best Management Practices (BMPs) appropriate to the project construction activities. The SWPPP shall include the erosion and sediment control measures in accordance with the regulations outlined in the most current version of the ABAG Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook or State Construction Best Management Practices Handbook. The Developer is responsible for ensuring that all contractors implement all storm water pollution prevention measures in the SWPPP. PW SWPPP to be Prepared Prior to Approval of Improvement Plans; Implementation Prior to Start of Construction and On-going as needed PUBLIC WORKS - SPECIAL CONDITIONS 101. Applicant shall provide photometric plan and calculation within the site to demonstrate that the minimum 1.0 foot candle lighting is provided in accordance with the City of Dublin’s requirements. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 102. A pavement treatment, such as a slurry seal, shall be required after utility trenching within Amador Plaza Road and Dublin Boulevard rights of way, as determined by the Public Works Department. PW Prior to Occupancy or Acceptance of Improvements 103. Existing curb, gutter and sidewalk along the project frontages within the public rights-of-way shall be evaluated for condition and compliance with current Public Works standards, and shall be repaired or replaced with the development of the site, as determined by the Public Works Department. Construction drawings shall show repair or replacement required. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 104. Existing driveway into the parking lot just north of the site along PW Approval of 16 Amador Plaza Road shall be evaluated for condition and compliance with current Public Works standards, and shall be repaired or replaced with the development of the site, as determined by the Public Works Department. Construction drawings shall show repair or replacement required. Improvement Plans 105. Existing street trees along the project’s public street frontages shall be evaluated, and shall be planted or replaced with the development of the site, as determined by the Public Works Department. The existing tree grates and irrigation of street trees shall also be evaluated and improvements made as needed. Construction drawings shall show tree, tree grates, and irrigation improvements required. Irrigation of all street trees along project frontages shall be irrigated by on-site irrigation and shall be the responsibility of the property owner. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 106. Street trees along project frontages shall be in conformance with the City of Dublin Streetscape Master Plan. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 107. Existing pavement within parking lot just outside of the project limits shall be evaluated and repaired with the development of the site, as determined by the Public Works Department. Construction drawings shall show pavement to be repaired. Proof of access rights on the adjacent property shall be provided to Public Works prior to commencing construction on the adjacent property. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 108. Trash Enclosure. a. Design of trash enclosure for sizing and servicing is subject to review and approval by the Public Works Department. The applicant shall complete and submit for review the Waste Enclosure Requirements Checklist which can be found at the following link on the City’s website. http://www.ci.dublin.ca.us/DocumentCenter/View/17027 The applicant shall also refer to the Waste Handling Standards for design of the trash enclosure on the City’s website at the following link: http://www.ci.dublin.ca.us/DocumentCenter/View/17026 b. Provide water and sanitary service connections to trash enclosure. Applicant shall verify with DSRSD and obtain the necessary permits. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 109. Construction drawing set shall include City of Dublin General Notes and project specific notes, the Clean Bay Blueprint (available on the City’s website) shall be included, and details showing typical details of all improvements to be constructed. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 110. Construction drawing set shall provide typical pavement sections. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 111. The construction drawing set shall provide additional existing information along project perimeter and public street frontages, including but not limited to gutter slopes along adjacent streets and sidewalk slopes (longitudinal and cross-slopes), and existing pavement slopes within parking lot. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 112. Construction drawing set shall include necessary sections and details to clarify construction, as determined by the Public Works Department. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 17 113. Applicant shall submit an updated “Stormwater Requirements Checklist” and accompanying required documentation. This project is subject to Hydromodification (HM) requirements. Consistent with Provision C.3 of the Municipal Regional Stormwater NPDES Permit, Order No. R2-2015-0049, the applicant shall submit documentation including construction drawings demonstrating HM requirements are met. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 114. Details of the biotreatment areas shall be consistent with MRP Provision C.3 requirements. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 115. Specific information is required on the construction drawing set demonstrating how MRP Provision C.10 (trash capture) requirements are met. Trash capture devices existing at the site shall be inspected and replaced if necessary, as determined by the Public Works Department. The applicant/contractor shall install trash capture devices in all inlets not currently containing one. Trash capture devices to be used shall be listed and details shown as applicable, and shall be in compliance with the approved list provided on the City’s website. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 116. Construction drawing set shall include a signing and striping plan for the site. All parking lot drive aisles with “stop” locations shall have standard STOP signs, in accordance with CA MUTCD. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 117. Accessible or Disabled Parking areas shall have standard ADA signs, in accordance with the current California building code. PW Approval of Improvement Plans or Issuance of Building Permit 118. Provide grading and drainage in all landscaped areas. All runoff shall be collected and conveyed upstream of sidewalks. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 119. Construct an additional 6” step-out at landscaped areas adjacent to driver side and passenger side of parking stalls. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 120. Parking stalls next to walls, fences and obstructions to vehicle door opening shall be an additional 4’ in width per DMC 8.76.070.A.16. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 121. Landscaped strips adjacent to parking stalls shall be unobstructed as such to allow for a 2-foot vehicular overhang at front/rear of vehicles. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 122. All improvements within the sight visibility triangle at all intersections, including but not limited to walls and landscaping, shall be a maximum height of 30” from the roadway surface elevation at the nearest lane. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 123. Runoff from roofs, including the trash enclosure, shall be collected by roof drains and drain to stormwater treatment areas. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 124. Pavement surface slopes in parking lot shall not exceed 5% in any direction. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 125. Construction drawing set shall clearly identify extents of demolition for the project. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 126. Construction drawing set shall provide additional horizontal dimensions, dimensioning all new improvements and existing features. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 18 127. Construction drawing set shall provide additional information on utility plans, including hydraulic grade line at storm drain inlets. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 128. Construction drawing set shall provide additional spot elevations and slopes on plans, including new planter areas and existing elevations at all conform areas. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 129. Construction drawing set shall include a Conflict Exhibit, showing all site improvements, above ground and underground utilities, and trees, on one sheet. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 130. Provide a minimum clearance of 4-feet between the open doors at the Tenant 2 site along the west side of the building and the top of curb ramp, in conformance with current California Building Code. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 131. Applicant shall dedicate public right-of-way along Amador Plaza Road along the project frontage consistent with the design of the off-site improvement plans. Applicant shall submit for review and approval the Grant Deed, Legal Description, Plat Map and closure calculations for the area to be dedicated as public street right-of-way. The applicant is eligible for reimbursement for right- of-way dedication in this area as stated in the Western Dublin (Downtown) Traffic Impact Fee Update. The amount of reimbursement shall be based upon the square footage of right- of-way dedicated, not to exceed 2,735 square feet as set forth in the Western Dublin (Downtown) Traffic Impact Fee Update. PW Approval of Improvement Plans 132. Construction drawing set for the site improvements shall be coordinated with the off-site improvement plans for the widening of Amador Plaza Road. Construction scheduling shall be coordinated and approved by the Public Works Department. The applicant is eligible for reimbursement of costs associated with construction of off-site improvements as set forth in the Western Dublin (Downtown) Traffic Impact Fee Update, should the applicant construct the off-site improvements with this project. PW Approval of Improvement Plans PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 23th day of January 2017 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ______________________________ Planning Commission Chair ATTEST: ____________________________ Assistant Community Development Director FA X : 9 2 5 . 9 3 0 . 9 0 3 9 ST A F F @ J O H N S O N L Y M A N . C O M PH O N E : 9 2 5 . 9 3 0 . 9 6 9 0 EM A I L : WW W . J O H N S O N L Y M A N . C O M WE B P A G E : 11-28-17A0Sheet Index A0Cover Sheet P1Rendering P2Rendering PHExisting Photos A1Site Plan L1Preliminary Landscape Plan L2Tree Images and Calculations A2Elevations CBColors & Materials C01Boundary and Existing Conditions A M A D O R P L A Z A SI T E Pr o j e c t T e a m Vi c i n i t y M a p Ow n e r Jo h n s o n L y m a n A r c h i t e c t s 13 7 5 L o c u s t S t r e e t S u i t e 2 0 2 Wa l n u t C r e e k , C A 9 4 5 9 6 92 5 . 9 3 0 . 9 6 9 0 At t n : D a v e J o h n s o n Da v e @ J o h n s o n L y m a n . c o m Ar c h i t e c t 75 0 5 Du b l i n B o u l e v a r d Du b l i n C a l i f o r n i a Ci v i l E n g i n e e r La n d s c a p e A r c h i t e c t Pr o j e c t S u m m a r y Vi e w l o o k i n g N o r t h w e s t Th o m a s B a a k & A s s o c i a t e s 16 2 0 N o r t h M a i n S t r e e t Wa l n u t C r e e k , C A 9 4 5 9 6 92 5 . 9 3 3 . 2 5 8 3 At t n : R i c k S t o v e r rs t o v e r @ t b a a k . c o m D U B L I N B O U L E V A R D Pr o p o s e d P a r k i n g St a n d a r d 2 9 s t a l l s Co m p a c t 1 4 s t a l l s EV C h a r g i n g 2 s t a l l s Cl e a n A i r 1 s t a l l Ac c e s s i b l e 2 s t a l l s To t a l 48 s t a l l s ( 5 c a r s / 1 , 0 0 0 S F ) (1 9 5 S F / c a r ) ( 3 0 0 S F / c a r r e q u i r e d ) Hu m a n n C o m p a n y , I n c . 10 2 1 B r o w n A v e n u e La f a y e t t e , C A 9 4 5 4 9 51 0 . 2 8 3 . 5 0 0 0 At t n : H a n y N a o o m hu m a n n @ p a c b e l l . n e t Bu i l d i n g A r e a : 9 , 3 8 3 S F Am e r i c a n R e a l t y A d v i s o r s 20 5 0 M a i n S t r e e t S u i t e 9 8 0 Ir v i n e , C A 9 2 6 1 4 94 9 . 2 7 1 . 2 0 9 8 94 9 . 9 3 3 . 1 7 8 4 c e l l At t n : D i a n e S c o t t ds c o t t @ a r a c a p i t a l . c o m Ex i s t i n g P a r k i n g St a n d a r d 52 s t a l l s Ac c e s s i b l e 2 s t a l l s To t a l 54 s t a l l s I N T E R S T A T E 6 8 0 R O A D Bi k e P a r k i n g 4 s h o r t -te r m b i k e s ( b i k e r a c k s ) (8 % o f p a r k i n g p r o v i d e d ) 4 l o n g -te r m b i k e s ( b i k e l o c k e r s ) (8 % o f p a r k i n g p r o v i d e d ) As s e s s o r ' s P a r c e l N u m b e r : 9 4 1 -03 0 5 -03 8 Si t e A r e a : 8 0 , 2 6 8 S F + / - ( 1 . 8 A C ) ( 1 2 % s i t e c o v e r a g e ) Pr o j e c t D e s c r i p t i o n Th e a r c h i t e c t u r a l v o c a b u l a r y h a s a n i n t e r p l a y o f r o o f f o r m s a n d fa c a d e t r e a t m e n t , c r e a t i n g a c o n t e m p o r a r y s t a t e m e n t t h a t co n t e x t u a l l y b l e n d s i n w i t h t h e su r r o u n d i n g a r e a . T h e d e s i g n t h e m e pr e s e n t s a p l a y f u l i n t e ra c t i o n a n d l a y e r i n g o f a r c h i t e c t u r a l f o r m s . Th e b u i l d i n g f o r m s a r e b r o k e n d o w n b o t h h o r i z o n t a l l y a n d ve r t i c a l l y , w i t h v a r i a t i o n i n c o l o r a n d m a t e r i a l s . M a t e r i a l s i n c l u d e a m i x o f p l a s t e r , c o m p o s i t e s i d i n g , r u s t i c m e t a l , t r e l l i s e l e m e n t s , a n d de c o r a t i v e p a v i n g a n d f l a t w o r k . Pe d e s t r i a n a m e n i t i e s p l a y a v i t a l r o le i n t h e o v e r a l l e x p e r i e n c e a n d we h a v e i n c o r p o r a t e d o u t d o o r p l a z a s a t e i t h e r e n d s o f t h e b u i l d i n g , wi t h d e c o r a t i v e l i g h t i n g , p l a n t e r p o t s a n d o u t d o o r s e a t i n g t o en h a n c e t h e p e d e s t r i a n e x p e r i e n c e . At t h e i n t e r s e c t i o n o f D u b l i n B o u l e v a r d a n d Am a d o r P l a z a Ro a d , a l o w s e a t w a l l a n d m e t a l t r e l l i s d e f i n e s t h e e d g e o f t h e p l a z a an d a l s o p r o v i d e s a b u f f e r fr o m t h e b u s y i n t e r s e c t i o n . C02Preliminary Improvement Plan C03Preliminary Utility Plan C04Stormwater Control Plan Exhibit C05Sections and Details FA X : 9 2 5 . 9 3 0 . 9 0 3 9 ST A F F @ J O H N S O N L Y M A N . C O M PH O N E : 9 2 5 . 9 3 0 . 9 6 9 0 EM A I L : WW W . J O H N S O N L Y M A N . C O M WE B P A G E : 11-28-17P1 75 0 5 D u b l i n B o u l e v a r d Du b l i n C a l i f o r n i a Rendering Vi e w l o o k i n g S o u t h w e s t t o T e n a n t 4 FA X : 9 2 5 . 9 3 0 . 9 0 3 9 ST A F F @ J O H N S O N L Y M A N . C O M PH O N E : 9 2 5 . 9 3 0 . 9 6 9 0 EM A I L : WW W . J O H N S O N L Y M A N . C O M WE B P A G E : 11-28-17P2 75 0 5 D u b l i n B o u l e v a r d Du b l i n C a l i f o r n i a Rendering Vi e w l o o k i n g S o u t h w e s t t o n e w s t a i r s a n d r a m p Ne w s t a i r s a n d r a m p r a i l i n g Du n n E d w a r d s D E 6 3 8 5 Bl a c k B e a n FA X : 9 2 5 . 9 3 0 . 9 0 3 9 ST A F F @ J O H N S O N L Y M A N . C O M PH O N E : 9 2 5 . 9 3 0 . 9 6 9 0 EM A I L : WW W . J O H N S O N L Y M A N . C O M WE B P A G E : 11-28-17PH 75 0 5 D u b l i n B o u l e v a r d Du b l i n C a l i f o r n i a Existing Photos UP DN A M A D O R P L A Z A R O A D Co v e r e d r e f u s e en c l o s u r e La n d s c a p i n g , t y p i c a l Ac c e s s i b l e s t a l l s Pa d 9, 3 8 3 S F g r o s s 55 ' - 0 " 9' - 0 " x 2 0 ' - 0 " s t a l l (i n c l u d i n g 2 ' o v e r h a n g ) an d 2 4 ' a i s l e Re l o c a t e e x i s t i n g p a r k i n g lo t l i g h t i n g Pe r v i o u s p a v e r s Ac c e s s i b l e r a m p Ex i s t i n g t r a n s f o r m e r t o re m a i n 18 Ne w s i d e w a l k 16 1 ' -9" To t a l p r o p o s e d c a r s = 4 8 Pr o p e r t y l i n e Pr o p e r t y l i n e Pr o p e r t y l i n e 1 6 La n d s c a p i n g , t y p i c a l La n d s c a p i n g , t y p i c a l La n d s c a p i n g , ty p i c a l 9' - 0 " x 2 0 ' - 0 " s t a l l (i n c u d i n g 2 ' o v e r h a n g ) an d 2 4 ' a i s l e D U B L I N B O U L E V A R D Ex i s t i n g R e t a i l / R e s t a u r a n t Ex i s t i n g B a n k Pl a z a 1, 2 8 0 S F Ne w 1 1 ' w i d e r i g h t - tu r n l a n e a n d b i k e la n e Ex i s t i n g s i d e w a l k Ne w s i d e w a l k FF + / - 1 0 1 . 0 0 ' +9 8 . 8 ' +9 7 . 8 ' +9 9 . 3 ' +9 9 . 8 ' Ex i s t i n g u t i l i t y b o x +9 8 . 2 ' +9 8 . 6 ' Ex i s t i n g r e f u s e en c l o s u r e t o r e m a i n Ex i s t i n g R e t a i l Pr o p e r t y l i n e Pr o p e r t y l i n e 50 0 S F Ne w s e a t w a l l Co n c r e t e f l a t w o r k Ri g h t i n Ri g h t o u t Ri g h t i n Ri g h t o u t Te n a n t 3 2, 0 0 0 S F Re l o c a t e d t r a f f i c s i g n a l po l e s Te n a n t 1 1, 8 5 0 S F Te n a n t 2 3, 2 8 0 S F Te n a n t 4 2, 0 0 0 S F 60 ' -6" 36 ' - 4 " 3 6 ' - 4 " 58 ' - 4 " 30 ' - 7 " Ut i l i t y r o o m Sw i t c h g e a r FS R Bi k e l o c k e r (2 b i k e s e a c h ) SL O P E 5% M A X Bi k e r a c k (2 b i k e s e a c h ) EVEV CLEAN AIR Cl e a n a i r d e s i g n a t e d pa r k i n g a n d f u t u r e el e c t r i c v e h i c l e c h a r g i n g st a l l s Ne w s t e e l t r e l l i s a n d co l u m n s , e x t e n t a b o v e sh o w n d a s h e d Li g h t p o s t s , t y p i c a l Li g h t p o s t s , t y p i c a l Ex i s t i n g p a r k i n g l o t li g h t i n g t o r e m a i n , t y p i c a l Ex i s t i n g p a r k i n g l o t li g h t i n g t o r e m a i n , t y p i c a l 14 9 Ne w r a m p an d s t a i r s 24'-0" 12 ' - 8 " C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 8' - 0 " x 1 7 ' - 0 " ( i n c l u d i n g 2 ' ov e r h a n g ) c o m p a c t s t a l l 50 0 S F SL O P E 5% M A X 25 ' - 6 " 5' - 4" 25' - 5"78' - 1" 28 ' - 0 " +/ -24' - 0"+/- N 69°08'15" E67.37' N 69°08'15" E 31.42' N 09°10'08" E 11.08' N 2 0 ° 4 4 ' 2 8 " W 42 . 6 9 ' N 69°08'15" E 8.84' N 2 0 ° 5 1 ' 4 5 " W 2 8 7 . 5 5 ' N 69°08'15" E55.29' S 2 0 ° 5 1 ' 4 5 " E 1 3 7 . 4 3 ' N 69°08'15" E138.71' N 2 0 ° 5 1 ' 4 5 " W 1 6 8 . 3 6 ' S 69°08'15" W335.39'S 25°0 3'39 " W 31 .92' S 3 2 ° 5 2 ' 4 2 " E 9 6 . 1 1 ' S 1 4°06'02" E 36.61' S 3 2 ° 5 2 ' 3 8 " E 1 4 8 . 7 9 ' Co n c r e t e f l a t w o r k Lo w w a l l w i t h pi l a s t e r s a n d p r e - ca s t c a p Lo w w a l l w i t h pi l a s t e r s a n d p r e - ca s t c a p Lo w w a l l w i t h pi l a s t e r s a n d p r e - ca s t c a p Lo w w a l l w i t h p i l a s t e r s a n d p r e -ca s t c a p 2' - 0" C- 3 p l a n t e r C- 3 p l a n t e r Co r t e n p l a n t e r , ty p i c a l o f 7 6' - 0 " 5' - 0" 12' - 10" (E) Building to be removed Project locationBuilt-up roofApproximate locations of future proposed mechanical equipment Standing seam roof, typical3/8" / 1'-0"3/8" / 1'-0"Steel trellis Corrugated metal awning, typicalSteel canopy, typicalSteel canopy, typical SLOPE 5% MAX 11' - 4"22' - 8"1' - 0"3' - 2"3' - 0"3' - 0"1' - 0"1' - 6"3' - 0"4 CY 56" X 81"4 CY 56" X 81"4 CY 56" X 81" FA X : 9 2 5 . 9 3 0 . 9 0 3 9 ST A F F @ J O H N S O N L Y M A N . C O M PH O N E : 9 2 5 . 9 3 0 . 9 6 9 0 EM A I L : WW W . J O H N S O N L Y M A N . C O M WE B P A G E : 11-28-17A1 75 0 5 D u b l i n B o u l e v a r d Du b l i n C a l i f o r n i a Site Plan S i t e P l a n 1" = 2 0 ' Re f e r e n c e No r t h K e y P l a nR o o f P l a n 1" = 20'F l o o r P l a n - R e f u s e E n c l o s u r e 1/8" = 1'-0" 46.2 HYDROZONE / PLANTING DESCRIPTION PLANT FACTOR (PF) IRRIGATION METHOD IRRIGATION EFFICIENCY (IE) ETAF (PF / IE) LANDSCAPE AREA (sq. ft.)ETAF x AREA ESTIMATED TOTAL WATER USE (ETWU) LOW WATER USE0.3DRIP0.810.37037034,9691840.37002152715.6 MEDIUM WATER USE0.5BUBBLER0.810.61728399961.11110611750.5 TOTALS:50681901 REC. AREA 0000 WATER FEATURE 1 0000 WATER FEATURE 2 0000 TOTALS:00 54,466 65,326 1,901 5,068 0.38 1,901 5,068 0.38 WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE WORKSHEET REFERENCE EVAPOTRANSPIRATION (ETo): REGULAR LANDSCAPE AREAS: SPECIAL LANDSCAPE AREAS: MAXIMUM ALLOWED WATER ALLOWANCE (MAWA): ETWU TOTAL: TOTAL ETAF x AREA TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA SITEWIDE ETAF NOTE: AVERAGE ETAF FOR REGULAR LANDSCAPE AREAS MUST BE 0.55 OR BELOW FOR RESIDENTIAL AREAS, AND 0.45 OR BELOW FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL AREAS. ETAF CALCULATIONS: REGULAR LANDSCAPE AREAS: TOTAL ETAF x AREA TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA AVERAGE ETAF ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS: Al u m i n u m p a n e l s Pl a s t e r Wo o d s i d i n g Al u m i n u m a n d g l a s s st o r e f r o n t s y s t e m , t y p i c a l Al u m i n u m pa n e l s o n t o w e r be y o n d 25 ' - 0 " 19 ' - 6 " Ou t d o o r s e a t i n g ar e a / p l a z a St a n d i n g s e a m m e t a l ro o f b e y o n d Fl a t s t e e l c a n o p y 36 " t a l l me t a l f e n c e 24 " t a l l w a l l w i t h pi l a s t e r s a n d p r e -ca s t ca p In t e r n a l l y i l l u m i n a t e d si g n a g e , t y p i c a l Al u m i n u m p a n e l s Fr o s t e d g l a s s Wo o d s i d i n g Corrugated metal awning, typical Composite slats In t e r n a l l y il l u m i n a t e d s i g n a g e , ty p i c a l Co m p o s i t e s l a t s Pr o j e c t i n g s t e e l c a n o p y Frosted glassWood sidingAluminum panels on tower beyondSign lighting (4 fixtures) 25 ' - 0 " 20 ' - 0 " 24' - 0" 19 ' - 6 " 19' - 6"Sloped standing seam metal roof, typical Pl a s t e r Wood siding Al u m i n u m a n d g l a s s st o r e f r o n t s y s t e m , t y p i c a l Flat steel canopy Ne w s t a i r s , ra m p 24 " t a l l w a l l w i t h pi l a s t e r s a n d p r e -ca s t ca p 24" tall wall with pilasters and pre-cast cap Al u m i n u m p a n e l s Al u m i n u m a n d g l a s s s t o r e f r o n t sy s t e m , t y p i c a l Pl a s t e r Co r r u g a t e d m e t a l aw n i n g , t y p i c a l Pl a s t e r o n f o a m t r i m , ty p i c a l Pl a s t e r In t e r n a l l y il l u m i n a t e d si g n a g e , t y p i c a l Wo o d s i d i n g Wo o d s i d i n g 23 ' - 8 " 23 ' - 0 " 25 ' - 0 " 19 ' - 0 " 19 ' - 0 " Wo o d s o f f i t p l a n k De c o r a t i v e w a l l sc o n c e , t y p i c a l St a n d i n g s e a m me t a l r o o f , t y p i c a l Fl a t s t e e l ca n o p y Fl a t s t e e l ca n o p y Co r r u g a t e d m e t a l aw n i n g , t y p i c a l Fl a t s t e e l c a n o p y Co r t e n p l a n t e r , t y p i c a l Co r t e n p l a n t e r , ty p i c a l Aluminum and glass storefront system, typicalExposed wood rafters 20" tall seat wallInternally illuminated signage Composite slats Projecting steel canopyAluminum panels on tower beyond Decorative wall sconce, typicalWood sidingWood soffit plank 23' - 8"20' - 0"Outdoor seating area/plazaSteel/wood trellisStanding seam metal roof, typical Frosted glass Light post, typical10'-6" tall steel trellis and columns Low wallwith pilasters and pre-cast cap FA X : 9 2 5 . 9 3 0 . 9 0 3 9 ST A F F @ J O H N S O N L Y M A N . C O M PH O N E : 9 2 5 . 9 3 0 . 9 6 9 0 EM A I L : WW W . J O H N S O N L Y M A N . C O M WE B P A G E : 11-28-17A2 75 0 5 D u b l i n B o u l e v a r d Du b l i n C a l i f o r n i a Elevations N o r t h E l e v a t i o n 1/ 8 " = 1 ' -0" 1/ 8 " = 1 ' -0" W e s t E l e v a t i o n 1/ 8 " = 1 ' -0" S o u t h E l e v a t i o n 1/8" = 1'-0" E a s t E l e v a t i o n 10' - 0"7' - 0"Plaster Dunn Edwards DEC760 Desert Gray Co r r u g a t e d m e t a l r o o f wi t h t u b e s t e e l f r a m e Du n n E d w a r d s D E 6 2 2 3 Mi s s i o n T r a i l Steel columns Steel gates Plaster Dunn Edwards DEC760 Desert GrayCorrugated metal roof with tube steel frame Dunn Edwards DE6223 Mission Trail Steel columns Accessible door10' - 0"7' - 0" 3 CB Ex p o s e d w o o d r a f t e r s Si g n a g e Wo o d s i d i n g Wo o d s o f f i t pl a n k 23 ' - 8 " St e e l / w o o d t r e l l i s St a n d i n g s e a m m e t a l ro o f , t y p i c a l Fr o s t e d g l a s s 23 ' - 8 " 11 ' - 0 " Al u m i n u m a n d g l a s s st o r e f r o n t Wo o d s i d i n g St e e l / w o o d t r e l l i s De c o r a t i v e w a l l s c o n c e Si g n a g e Ce m e n t f i b e r s o f f i t p l a n k Fr o s t e d g l a s s Ex p o s e d w o o d r a f t e r s St a n d i n g s e a m me t a l r o o f Al l m e c h a n i c a l un i t s t o b e s c r e e n e d fr o m v i e w FA X : 9 2 5 . 9 3 0 . 9 0 3 9 ST A F F @ J O H N S O N L Y M A N . C O M PH O N E : 9 2 5 . 9 3 0 . 9 6 9 0 EM A I L : WW W . J O H N S O N L Y M A N . C O M WE B P A G E : 11-28-17CB 75 0 5 D u b l i n B o u l e v a r d Du b l i n C a l i f o r n i a Colors & Materials Co l o r & M a t e r i a l s Tr i m , r e f u s e e n c l o s u r e r o o f Du n n E d w a r d s D E 6 2 2 3 Mi s s i o n T r a i l Pl a s t e r Du n n E d w a r d s D E C 7 6 0 De s e r t G r a y Al u m i n u m p a n e l s Dr i -De s i g n Co p p e r a n o d i z e d f i n i s h S e c t i o n A / E l e v a t i o n 3/ 1 6 " = 1 ' -0" St a n d i n g s e a m r o o f AE P S p a n Co o l W e a t h e r e d C o p p e r Ce m e n t f i b e r s o f f i t p l a n k Al l u r a C e d a r Wa l l s c o n c e Vi s a L i g h t i n g Co l o n n a d e Refuse Enclosure - Front Elevation 1/4" = 1'-0"Refuse Enclosure - Side Elevation 1/4" = 1'-0" Wo o d s i d i n g Cr o s s r o a d s R e c y c l e d Lu m b e r Si g n l i g h t i n g Lu m i e r e Ca m b r i a 9 2 0 Co m p o s i t e s l a t s Az e k Cy p r e s s f i n i s h Tr i m , c o r r u g a t e d a w n i n g s Du n n E d w a r d s D E C 7 1 2 Br i a r Light post Philips Lumec Stainless steel Co m p o s i t e p a n e l Cr e a t i v e M i n e s Mo n s o o n Wo o d s i d i n g Pr o d e m a P r o d e x Ru s t i k Metal fence at patio Hollaender Speed Rail Steel trellis Dunn Edwards DE6385 Black BeanPrecast Concrete Cap Modern Precast Honey SlateBike rack Columbia Cascade Circulo CycloopsBike locker Columbia Cascade Cyclocker standard Co n c r e t e f l a t w o r k Da v i s C o l o r s Om a h a T a n Corten planter Nice Planter Nice Corten Steel Trough 16"x46"x16"Patio Sidewalk10'-6"1'-8"1'-8" St e e l c a n o p y , s t e e l r a i l i n g , st e e l t r e l l i s Du n n E d w a r d s D E 6 3 8 5 Bl a c k B e a n Pe r v i o u s P a v e r s Be l g a r d E c o D u b l i n Ru s t i c