HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.1 DRAFT of PC MInutes from 03-13-2018Page 1 of 1 STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: March 27, 2018 TO: Planning Commission SUBJECT: Approval of the March 13, 2018 Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes Prepared by:Danielle Diaz, Senior Office Assistant EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Draft Minutes of the March 13, 2018 Planning Commission Meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Minutes of the March 13, 2018 Planning Commission Meeting. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Planning Commission will consider approval of the minutes of the March 13, 2018 Regular Planning Commission Meeting. PUBLIC NOTICING: N/A ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Minutes of the March 13, 2018 Planning Commission Meeting PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Tuesday, March 13, 2018 Planning Commission March 13, 2018 Regular Meeting Page | 1 A Regular Meeting of the Dublin Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, March 13, 2018, in the City Council Chamber. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM., by Commission Chair Bhuthimethee. 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Attendee Name Title Status T ara Bhuthim ethee Comm ission Chair Present Stephen W right Comm ission Vice Chair Present Am it Kothari Planning Comm issioner Present Sam ir Qureshi Planning Comm issioner Present Scott Mittan Planning Comm issioner Present 2. Oral Communications 2.1 Commission Chair Bhuthimethee requested a moment of silence to honor the life and service of the late Vice Mayor Biddle. 2.2 Public Comment No public comments were made. 3. Consent Calendar 3.1. Approval of the Minutes of the February 13, 2018 Planning Commission Meeting. RESULT: ADOPTED WITH AMENDMENT [UNANIMOUS] MOVED BY: Amit Kothari, Planning Commissioner SECOND: Samir Qureshi, Planning Commissioner AYES: Wright, Bhuthimethee, Mittan, Kothari, Quereshi Amendment – Item 5.1 Safari Kid Daycare Center: Revise first bullet of adopted motion to continue as follows: Planning Commission March 13, 2018 Regular Meeting Page | 2 • Address the feedback from the Planning Commission and revise the project plans to address project circulation and pedestrian and traffic safety concerns. 4. Written Communication - None. 5. Public Hearing 5.1. PUBLIC HEARING: Volvo Cars of Dublin—Site Development Review and Conditional Use Permit (PLPA-2017-00053) Mandy Kang, Senior Planner, made a presentation and responded to questions posed by the Commission. Matthew Mead, Architect with FCGA Architecture, gave a presentation and answered questioned posed by the Commission. David Meese, Managing Partner with Volvo Cars Walnut Creek, answered questions posed by the Commission. Commission Chair Bhuthimethee closed the public hearing and deliberations began. Commission Chair Bhuthimethee re-opened the public hearing. David Meese, Managing Partner with Volvo Cars Walnut Creek, addressed the Commission. Commission Chair Bhuthimethee closed the public hearing. Jeff Baker, Assistant Community Development Director, answered questions posed by the Commission. Adopted with the following conditions added to the resolution approving the Site Development Review Permit: • Applicant shall incorporate a planter and landscape at the southeast corner of the building to soften the frontage of the building. Planning Commission March 13, 2018 Regular Meeting Page | 3 • Incorporate decorative concrete at two main driveway entry points to match the building entry. RESOLUTION NO. 18 – 05 APPROVING A SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PERMIT FOR A FAÇADE REMODEL, ADDITION OF 3,560 SQUARE FEET TO AN EXISTING 20,120 SQUARE FOOT BUILDING, AND DEMOLITION OF A 2,480 SQUARE FOOT EXISTING BUILDING (PLPA-2017-00053) RESOLUTION NO. 18 – 06 APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO OPERATE AN AUTOMOBILE/VEHICLE SALES AND SERVICE FACILITY (VOLVO CAR DEALERSHIP) at 6430 & 6440 DUBLIN COURT. (PLPA-2017-00053) RESULT: ADOPTED WITH CONDITIONS [UNANIMOUS] MOVED BY: Stephen Wright, Commission Vice Chair SECOND: Samir Qureshi, Planning Commissioner AYES: Wright, Bhuthimethee, Mittan, Kothari, Quereshi 6. Unfinished Business – None. 7. New Business – 7.1. Report on Dublin Unified School District’s Proposed Acquisition of the Dublin Ranch Area G Property and General Plan Conformity Commissioner Mittan recused himself from participating as a Planning Commissioner on this item and stepped down from the dais after stating that he owns property within 500 feet of the site. Mandy Kang, Senior Planner, made a presentation and answered questions posed by the Commission. Lauren Quint, City Attorney, answered questions posed by the Commission. Jeff Baker, Assistant Community Development Director, answered questions posed by the Commission. Planning Commission March 13, 2018 Regular Meeting Page | 4 Planning Commissioners proposed revisions to the Written Report to the Dublin Unified School District. Lisa Yang, Dublin resident, provided public comment. Approve the Written Report to be sent to Dublin Unified School District with the following modifications and recommendations to DUSD: • Written edits to the draft Written Report that were provided to the Planning Commission. • Recommend that DUSD engage the surrounding residents prior to the design and CEQA phases of the project. • Recommend that DUSD notify the surrounding residents within 500’ and the adjacent homeowner’s associations, and utilize social media to notify the larger community to engage the community in a discussion regarding the design of a school on the subject property. • Recommend that DUSD design the school site to be transit friendly and support existing bus lines on Dublin Boulevard and Central Parkway to facilitate efficient use of the roadway network and include items such as bus turnouts where appropriate. • Recommend that DUSD ensure that the school design provide emergency vehicles with adequate access to the proposed school and the neighborhoods surrounding the proposed school. RESULT: ADOPTED WITH MODIFICATIONS [UNANIMOUS] MOVED BY: Amit Kothari, Planning Commissioner SECOND: Stephen Wright, Commission Vice Chair AYES: Wright, Bhuthimethee, Mittan, Kothari, Quereshi 8. Other Business – Brief information only reports from Planning Commission and/or Staff, including committee reports and reports by Planning Commission related to meetings attended at City expense (AB1234). Planning Commission March 13, 2018 Regular Meeting Page | 5 Commission Chair Bhuthimethee encouraged fellow Commissioners to attend the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day festivities put on by the City of Dublin on the weekend of March 17th-18th 2018. 9. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned by Commission Chair Bhuthimethee at 8:46 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Planning Commission Chair ATTEST: Jeff Baker Assistant Community Development Director