HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.3 - 2060 Public Hearing - Master Fee Schedule
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DATE: June 19, 2018
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers
Christopher L. Foss, City Manager
Public Hearing: Adoption of Master Fee Schedule
Prepared by: Jay Baksa, Financial Analyst
The City Council will consider adoption of a new Master Fee Schedule (MFS), based on
information contained in the User Fee Study and Cost Allocation Plan presented to the
City Council on June 5, 2018. The proposed MFS also includes an annual adjustment to
Parks and Recreation Fees, which were reviewed by the Parks and Community
Services Commission at its May 21, 2018 meeting. The City Council, as part of its
action, will be asked to amend Municipal Code Section 4.04 and 5.24 to address fees
related to Business Registration and Fireworks respectively.
Conduct the public hearing, deliberate, and, 1) Adopt the Resolution Adopting a Master
Fee Schedule for Services Provided by the City; and, 2) Waive the reading and
INTRODUCE an Ordinance of the City of Dublin Amending Dublin Municipal Code
Sections 4.04 - Business Registration and 5.24 - Fireworks Relating to Fees-For-
The financial impact of fee adjustments will be based on the activity levels after the new
fees are adopted and in place. Based on the activity levels from Fiscal Year 2017 -2018,
an additional $63,918 would be recovered if the proposed fees , excluding Parks and
Community Services (PCS) fees, were adopted and effective for Fiscal Year 2018-19.
An additional estimated $100,000 will be recovered through adjustments to PCS fees.
At its meeting of June 5, 2018, the City Council received an informational report
covering the results of the City’s comprehensive User Fee Study and Cost Allocation
Plan (CAP) (Attachment 1).
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The City’s current fee and cost recovery model was developed using budgetary data
from Fiscal Year 2011-12 and was adopted by the City Council in September 2012.
Certain fees have been updated an nually to keep pace with increases in the City’s
costs for providing services, based on changes in the preceding December Consumer
Price Index (CPI - Bureau of Labor Statistics, San Francisco-Oakland Urban Wage
Earners and Clerical Workers) as prescribed by the City’s User Fee Policy.
The updated User Fee Study and CAP will allow the City to establish fees based on
actual current costs, which ensures fairness and equity of fees, and ensures fee
amounts are defendable against an audit.
In addition to the fees included in the User Fee Study, the Master Fee Schedule
contains the Parks and Community Services (PCS) fees. PCS fees are not required to
be included as part of the User Fee Study and are set at a market rate. These fees are
reviewed and updated annually according to the PCS Pricing Policy, adopted by the
City Council in June 2016. The Parks and Community Services Commission reviewed
the recommended fee adjustments for Fiscal Year 2018-19 at its May 21, 2018 meeting
and recommended them for City Council’s approval. The Staff Report provided to the
Commission, which highlights proposed adjustments, is included as Attachment 2 to this
Master Fee Schedule
The Master Fee Schedule (MSF) is a consolidation of the information from the updated
User Fee Study as well as the PCS fees compiled into a single comprehensive
document. Implementing the updated MSF with the proposed changes requires the City
Council to take two actions:
1) Adopt the Resolution adopting the MFS (Attachments 3 and 4).
Adopting the Resolution will allow the City to implement all fees not currently
codified within the City’s Municipal Code. As discussed at the June 5, 2018
meeting, Staff is recommending that all non-development related fees
become effective July 1, 2018, and all development fees become effective for
work performed beginning September 1, 2018. State Law dictates “Any
action adopting a fee or charge, or increasing a fee or charge adopted, upon
a development project, which applies to the filing, accepting, reviewing,
approving, or issuing of an application, permit, or entitlement to use shall be
effective no sooner than 60 days following the final action on the adoption of
the fee or charge or increase in the fee or charge.” Staff is recommending
that development fees go into effect at the beginning of the month to
minimize additional administrative work for both City staff and City
2) Amend the Municipal Code to update fees that are codified therein
(Attachment 5).
Adjusting any fees that are identified in the Municipal Code (specifically Code
Sections 4.04 - Business Registration, and 5.24 - Fireworks Relating to Fees-
For-Service) requires the introduction of an Ordinance. Furthermore, Staff is
recommending that the Municipal Code be amended to not list a specific fee
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amount, but to add language which would allow the City Council to update
fees by resolution. This recommendation is consistent with other fees
identified in the Municipal Code. The second reading for the Ordinance will
be heard at the July 17, 2018 Council meeting. These fees will become
effective September 1, 2018.
With the exception of certain fees, (those set by statute and PCS fees) the MFS will be
updated annually to reflect changes in CPI, per the City’s User Fee Policy.
A notice was placed in the East Bay Times on June 9, 2018 and June 16, 2018,
notifying the community of the City Council’s consideration of proposed changes to
existing fees and overhead rates as well as new fees resulting from the fee study.
The City mailed notices to “Interested Parties” who have informed the City Clerk of their
interest in fee changes.
1. June 5, 2018 Staff Report and Attachments: User Fee Study and Cost Allocation Plan
2. May 21, 2018 PCSC Staff Report (no attachments) - Master Fee Schedule for PCS
Programs and Services
3. Resolution Adopting a Master Fee Schedule for Services Provided by the City
4. Exhibit A to the Resolution - City of Dublin Master Fee Schedule, FY 2018-19
5. Ordinance Amending Dublin Municipal Code Sections 4.04 - Business Registration
and 5.24 - Fireworks Relating to Fees-For-Service
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DATE: June 5, 2018
TO: Honorable MayorandCityCouncilmembers
FROM: Christopher L. Foss, CityManager
SUBJECT: Review of UserFeeStudy and CostAllocation Plan
Prepared by: Jay Baksa, Financial Analyst
TheCity’s User FeeCost Recovery Policy calls for a comprehensive user fee study to
be conducted at least every five years to assure that user fees reflecttheCity’s
underlying costs. Thecurrent fee andcostrecovery model was adopted by theCity
Council in September2012. On February 21, 2017, the CityengagedMGTof America
Consulting, LLC to conductbothaUser Fee Study and aCostAllocationPlan. The City
Councilwill receive the resultsofthe two reportsprior to considering adoptionof a new
master fee schedule. A publichearing to adopt the masterfee schedule is scheduled for
June 19, 2018.
Receive the reports andprovideinput.
Thefinancial impact will be based on theactivityleve ls after the newfees are adopted
and in place. Based on the activity levels from Fiscal Year 2017 -18, an additional
63,918 wouldberecovered if the proposed fees wereadoptedandeffective for Fiscal
Year 2018-19.
Thepurposeof this report is to provide an overviewof the City's comprehensive User
FeeStudyandCostAllocationPlan conducted by MGTConsulting Group (MGT).
User Fee Study and Cost Allocation Plan (CAP) Background
TheCity’s currentfeeandcost recovery modelwas develop ed usingbudgetary data
fromFiscal Year 2011-12and wasadopted bythe CityCouncil in September 2012.
Certain fees havebeen updated annually to keeppace with increases in theCity’s
costs for providingservices, based on changes inthe preceding December Consumer
Price Index (BureauofLaborStatistics, San Francisco -OaklandUrban Wage Earners
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andClerical Workers), as prescribed bythe City’s UserFeePolicy.
Localgovernments inCalifornia are permitted by Statelaw to charge no morethanthe
fullcost of providing the fee-related services to thosewhoreceive the benefit ofthe
particularservice. Fullcost is defined as including boththe indirect (i.e., administrative
cost) and the directcost of serviceprovision.
Theupdated User FeeStudy (Attachment1) and CAP (Attachment 2) willallowtheCity
toestablish fees based on actualcurrentcosts, whichensures fairness and equity of
fees, and ensures fee amountsare defendable againstanaudit. WithCityCouncil's
direction, the fees in the reportwill be incorporatedinto the Proposed MasterFee
Schedule, to be presented to the CityCouncil on June 19, 2018.
The User FeeStudyandCAP did notincludeParksand CommunityServices (PCS)
programs, facilitiesrentals, or field use. Rates for PCS areset using theCityPricing
Policy for ParksandCommunityServices approved bythe CityCouncil on June 21,
2016. Anyproposed changes to these will be includedwith the ProposedMaster Fee
I. Overview – User Fee Study Results
Inthefeestudy (titled CostRecovery Study Report of Findings - Attachment 1) MGT
lists the currentrecovery rate for each department. It is importanttounderstand that the
protocol forthefee study used the FiscalYear 2017-18AdoptedBudgetforestimating
costs and activitylevels for services provided; therefore the identification of cost
recovery levels is a snapshot based onthedatafrom that specificyear. Ifcostsarenot
fullyrecoveredfromthe fees collected, then the differencewould be a subsidy fromthe
City's GeneralFund. A summary of costs compared to revenuesrecovered is shown
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Theabove table shows that theCity’s full coststoprovide fee-relatedservices is $9.357
million, which is $222,907 lower thantheCity’s revenuecollected, equating to an
overallrecoveryrate of 98%. The current costrecoverylevel for individualdepartments
rangesfrom 0% in Public Works - Environmental Programsto116% in Administrative
Proposed Application of Fee Study Results
The fee studyincludeslists of user fees by department (User FeeStudySummary
Sheet - Attachment 1, Section 2). The Summary Sheetsshow the current fee, the full
costofprovidingtherelatedservice, and the proposed new fee. New fees being
proposed as aresult of thisstudy are denoted as “New” in the Fee Descriptioncolumn.
Feesbeing recommended for removalshow “Remove” in theFeeDescriptioncolumn.
Therational for removing fees is related to one of the followingfactors:
1. The service for which the feeis collected isno longer performed; or
2. Thefee structure is changing (i.e., consolidati ng multiple fees into one or vice
Theabove table shows thattotal revenue fromthe recommended fee adjustments is
projected at $9.192 million (column C), which is $63 ,918 higher than currentrevenue
collected (column B). Overall cost recoveryratewouldremain at 98%, thenet result of
adjustingmultiplefeeswithin each department. Whilefull cost recovery, identified in
Column A, wouldresult in additionalrevenue, it should be notedthatsomefeesareset
by statute andcannot be adjusted to full cost recovery. In addition, Staff has identified
fees, consistent with the City’s UserFee Policy, thatarebeing recommended tobe
Notable Items
Because fee studies are typically conducted everythree-to-five years, agencies can
see dramaticdifferences in fees. Thestudiesincorporate not only current personnel
costs, but currentdepartmentstaffing structures, as well as currentsoftwareandother
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technologiesused in providing the services.
TheCity of Dublin’s new fee study identifies several items or areas reflecting notable
changes, includingTimeandMaterialsBillingRates, OverheadRates, and
EnvironmentalProgram Fees. Theseare discussed below.
Time and Materials Billing Rates
TheCitychargeshourlyrates for its employeesperformingservices on atimeand
materialsbasis. The following table shows the hourly rates currently beingcharged for
City staff work, the fullcurrent hourly cost of providing the relatedservices, and the
percentage change between thetwo.
Classification Current
Full Cost
Based on Fee Study)% Change
Planning $233 $276 18%
Building $180 $213 18%
Engineering $234 $292 25%
Engineering Inspection $166 $233 40%
Thehourlyrates in the table above includetheactualblendedhourly rates of Staff
performingthework in these functions, as well asan indirectcostrate as identifiedin
the CAP (discussed below). Indirect ratesreflectthe costs ofcentral service
departments, suchas Finance and HumanResources, as applicabletoeach
ManyofDublin’s development-relatedservices areprovided by externalcontractors. In
thesecases, thecustomer pays the cost incurred by theCityplus an overhead rate to
covertheCity cost of overseeing the contractor and theworkperformed.
The following table shows the overhead ratescurrentlybeing charged for development
work, the full currentoverhead cost of providing the relatedservices, andthe
percentagechange between the two.
Category Current
Full Cost
Based on Fee Study)Proposed % Change
Off-Site - Consultants
On Site - Consultants
BUILDING 44.0%30.0%30.0%(31.8%)
Off Site - Consultants
On-Site - Consultants
Aspreviously stated, Dublin’s last comprehensive fee studywas basedonFiscal Year
2011-12budgetdata. Theresultof the updated fee study is that the overhead rate
added to all contractservices is lower, while the Staff hourly rates arehigher. In
addition, it is recommended thatcontractor overhead rates are no longer categorized
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into on-site and off-site contractors, but thatonerateper department be charged.
Environmental Program Fees
TheCity’s currentMasterFee Schedule does not identify anyfeesrelated toservices
provided bythe Environmental Programs Division in Public Works. In the lastseveral
years, the costs of complying withnewand increased requirements fromtheRegional
Water QualityControlBoardhave been borneentirely bythe GeneralFund. Thefive
newfees andone pass-through fee recommended in this areawillalleviate some of
those costs, generating an estimated $42,765 in newrevenue.
II. Overview – Cost Allocation Plan
A Cost Allocation Plan (CAP) isan accounting reportthat calculates the City’s indirect,
or overhead, costs as expressed by a percentagerate. Thisrate is then appliedto fee -
related service coststoidentifythe total cost of providingservices. Administrative costs
arethose cost derived fromdepartmentsthatsupportmorethanoneprogramarea and
arenoteasilyidentifiabletospecific activities (e.g. Financeand HumanResources).
The indirect rate is alsoutilized for new fees thatare developed beforethe next user fee
study is conducted, and for overhead charges on other services not shown inthe
MasterFeeSchedule. With the newCAP, theupdatedCity-wide and attorneyoverhead
rateincreasedfrom 44.0% to64.8%. Staff recommends utilizing the new rate for City-
wideservices, whilekeeping the City Attorney rate at44.0%. The City Attorneyrate is
most often utilizedwith development-related services, in addition totheseparate
contractor overheadrate. Theserates arepart of the CAP report, separate from the
UserFeeStudyreport. They willultimately be included inthe comprehensive Master
Fee Schedule.
III. Conclusion
Staff willincorporatethefeesshown in this report, subjectto any adjustments the City
Councilmakes, into the new MasterFee Schedule. The PublicHearing to adopt the
MasterFee Schedule hasbeennoticed for June 19, 2018. Per StateLaw, allnew or
increased development-related fees cannotbecomeeffective until 60 daysafter their
adoption. Therefore, atthe June 19, 2018PublicHearing, Staffwillrecommendthat all
non-development fees become effective on July 1, 2018, andthat development fees
becomeeffectiveSeptember 1, 2018.
1. CostRecovery StudyReport of Findings
2. CostAllocation Plan
2251 Harvard Street, Suite 134 | Sacramento, CA 95815
916.443.3411 | mgtconsulting.com
Cost Recovery Study
Report of Findings
May 2018
MGT Consulting Group (MGT) is pleased to present the City of Dublin with this summary of findings for the recentlycompleted cost of services (user
fee) study for related city departments.
TheCity of Dublin’s mostrecent comprehensive (city-wide) study was completed in 2012. Since that time, certain feeshave beenadjusted annually,
per the City’s User Fee Policy, to keep pace with increases in the City’s costs for providing services, based on changes in the Consumer Price Index.
In 2017, the City contracted with MGT to perform this review usingfiscal year2017/2018 budgeted figures, staffing and operationalinformation.
The current City fees represent the fees being charged at the beginning of this study.
This report is the culmination of anextensive studyconductedby MGT in collaboration with City management and staff. MGT would like to take this
opportunity to gratefully acknowledge all management and staff who participated on this project for their efforts and coordination.
This studyincluded a review of fee-for-service activities withinthe following areas:
Administrative Services
Public Works: Engineering
Public Works: Environmental Programs
The study was performedunder the general direction of the Finance department with participation from representatives from each department.
The primary goals of the study were to:
Define what it costs the City to provide various fee-related services.
Determine whetherthere are any services where a fee should be collected.
Identify service areas where the City might adjust fees based on the full cost of services and other economic or policy considerations.
Develop revenue projections based on recommended increases (or decreases) to fees.
The information summarized in this report addresses each of these issues and provides the City with the tools necessary to make informed decisions
about any proposed fee adjustments and the resultingimpact on city revenues.
While the purpose of this study is to identify the cost of fee -related activities, one of the outcomes of the analysisis to provide a complete picture
of the full cost of all services offered. It isnecessary to identify all costs, whether fee-related or not, so that there is a fair and equitable distribution
of all indirect or overhead costs (discussed in a later section of this report) across all activities, thereby ensuring a definitive relationship between
the cost of the service and the fee that is charged. No service should be burdened with costs that cannot be directly or ind irectly linked to that
service. Therefore, thefirst task in this study is to separate the fee-for-service activities from the non-fee activities. Some non-fee related activities
are appropriately funded bygeneral fund monies (or other special revenue sources), such as public safety. Thecosts of these other services are
identified and set aside from the user fee services.
The study's primary objective is to provide the City's decision-makers with basic data needed for setting fees. This report details the full cost of
services, andpresents fees and potential revenues. MGT, in general, recommends full cost recovery on all fees with someexceptions.
The exhibiton the following page displays the costs and revenues of each department/division into the following categories:
Column A, User Fee Costs –$9,357,976 million of the City’s costs are related to user fee services. It is this $9,357,976 million that is the focus of this
study and represents the total potential for user fee-related revenues for the City.
Column B, Current Revenues – Based on current individual fee levels, the Citygenerates fee-related revenues of $9,135,069 million and is
experiencing a 98% overall cost recovery level. Current cost recovery levels for the departments range from 48% for Fire to 116% for Administrative
Column C, Current Subsidy – Current fee revenues recover 98% of full cost, leaving 2% or $222,907 to be funded by other funding sources. This
222,907 representsan opportunity for the City to adjust fees and revenues withinthe various departments. Note, some fees are set by statute and
cannot be adjusted.
Column D, Recommended Recovery – Adjusting fees to the proposed costrecovery, based on the City’s User Fee Policy would balance the specified
fee revenue to $9,192,015. This would keep the overallcost recovery level at 98%.
Column E, Increased Revenue – $63,918 in potential new revenue could be generated. This would represent a minor increase in the revenue currently
being collected for these activities by the City on an annualized basis.
User Fee Department (
A) Costs, User
Fee Services
Admin. Services 173,517$ 200,430$ 116%(26,913)$ -16%161,978$ 93%(38,452)$
Fire 918,718$ 618,317$ 67%300,401$ 33%918,718$ 100%300,401$
Police 84,658$ 61,293$ 72%23,365$ 28%69,600$ 82%8,307$
Building 3,233,397$ 3,490,044$ 108%(256,647)$ -8%3,233,377$ 100%(256,667)$
Planning 1,698,953$ 1,546,157$ 91%152,796$ 9%1,559,609$ 92%13,452$
Housing 81,282$ 39,200$ 48%42,082$ 52%81,282$ 100%42,082$
PW: Engineering 3,124,561$ 3,179,503$ 102%(54,942)$ -2%3,124,561$ 100%(47,970)$
PW: Environmental Programs 42,890$ 125$ 0%42,765$ 100%42,890$ 100%42,765$
Totals: 9,357,976$ 9,135,069$ 98%222,907$ 2%9,192,015$ 98%63,918$
B) Current Revenue (
C) Current
D) Cost Recovery
City of Dublin
User Fee Cost & RevenueAnalysis
FY 2017/2018
Below is a brief discussion of findings for each department’s analysis. Please see the user fee summary sheets (in subsequent sections of this report)
for detailon each fee calculation and cost analysis.
Administrative Services – The cost analysis for the Administrative Services department is showing an overall cost recovery of 116% ($200,430).
Individual cost recoveriesrange from 8% to over100%. MGT’s recommendation would be to lower those fees that are currently over recovering so
they do not exceed the 100% cost recovery leveland to increase those fees that areunder recovering. There are several new fees being
recommended to be added to the schedule. By implementing these recommendations, the recovery ratewould be93% or $161,978, which is a
decrease of $38,452.
Business Licenses – TheCity charges a fee of $50 for new business licenses and an annual fee of $50 for business license renewals. Since
businesslicenses are renewed every October, the City charges a pro-rated fee ranging from $4 to $50 for new business licenses depending
onwhen in the year the license was purchased. Our study found the City’s cost for processing a new license is $89 and $25 for a renewal.
MGT recommends the City set the recoverylevel for both annualrenewalsand new licenses at 100% cost recovery. Th e result would be a
decrease in revenue of $48,770. It should be noted that the current City policy waives the business license fees for non-profit groups.
Fire – The cost analysis for the Fire department is showing an overall cost recovery of 67% ($618,317) and a 33% ($300,401) subsidy rate. Individual
cost recoveries range from 35% to over100%. MGT’s recommendation would be to lower those fees that are currently over recovering so they do
not exceed the 100% costrecovery level and to increase those fees that are under recovering. The City has recommendedsimplifying the fire fee
schedule by consolidating43 annual permit fees into 7fee categories, grouped according to their cost. By implementing these fee adjustments, the
overall department recovery rate would increase to 100% or $917,196 which would increase revenue by $300,401.
Police – The cost analysis for the Police department is showing an overall cost recovery of 72% ($61,293) and a 28% ($23,365) subsidy rate. Individual
cost recoveries range from 7% to over 100%. MGT’s recommendation would be to lower those fees that are currently over recovering so they do
not exceed the 100% cost recoveryleveland to increase those fees that are under recovering. There are several fees that the division has requested
beremoved from the fee schedule since those services are no longer necessary. By implementing these recommendations, thecurrent recovery
rate would increase to 82% or $69,600 which is an increase in revenue of $8,307, leaving an 18% or $15,058 subsidy. It should be noted that there
are several fees withinthe department’s fee schedule that are set through the State or City’s code. These recovery levels are set to reflect the cost
identified within those codes.
Building and Safety – The Buildingdivision charges its fees by using flat (or fixed) fees or based on valuation. MGT analyzed all fees and determined
a newhourly billing rate. The division does utilize contractstaffon some of their services, these costs are incorporated into the recommended fees
The cost analysis for the Building division is showing an overallcost recovery of 109% ($3,490,044). Individual fee cost recoveries range from 32% to
over 100%.
MGT recommends:
Restructuring the residentialand non-residential solar roof mount fee structure to mirror what is outlined in AB1414.
Remove the 8% surcharge for the CAL Green Title24 regulations from the fee schedule and incorporate the additional time needed to
comply with the regulations directly into the valuation fees themselves. The State-enacted CAL Green Title24 regulations from 2014 initially
required additional time on jobsites by inspectorsand added additional checks by planreview staff. Since 2014, these new requirements
have become integrated into the daily functions of the inspectionand plan review staff and the additional time spent has decreased from
when the regulations were first introduced.
Health and Safety Code 17951allowscities and counties to recover a portion of code enforcement costs via development applic ations and
permits. MGThas incorporated25% of code enforcement into the proposed building permit and plan checkfees. Code enforcement activity
benefits future developmentprojects by improving property values for land owners.
MGT recommends lowering any fee that is currently overrecovering so theydo not exceed 100% costrecovery and to increase those fees that are
under recovering. By adjusting fees to 100% cost recovering, the result would be $3,233,377 in revenue which is a $256,667 decrease, primarily due
to a reduction in staff time and costs related to the CAL Green permit.
Planning – The Planning division charges its fees by using flat (or fixed) fees or by charging time and materials on an hourly (or actual cost) basis.
MGT analyzed all fees and determined a new hourly billing rate. The division does utilize contractstaff on some of their services.
The cost analysis for the Planning division is showing an overallcost recovery of 91% or $1,546,157, with a 9% ($152,795) subsidy rate. Whilemost
of the current flat (or fixed) fees appear to be subsidized, a majority of the services being performed in Planning are based on time and materials
which are revenue neutral by nature. Individual cost recoveries range from 2% to over 100%. MGT’s recommendation would be to lower any fee
that is currently over recovering so they do not exceed 100% costrecoveryand to increase those fees that are under recoveri ng, as provided for in
the City’s User Fee policy. In addition, MGT recommends consolidating the on-site and off-site contractor overhead rates into one rate.
Housing – The cost analysis for the Housing division is showing an overallcost recovery of 48% or $39,200 with a 52% ($42,082) subsidy rate. MGT
reviewed the current fee structure with staff and determined that two new fees should beimplemented and that the currentmonitoring fee should
be broken down into 3 tiers. Individualcost recoveries range from 21% to 83%. MGT recommends too increase those fees that are under recovering.
If all fees wereimplemented at 100% cost recovery, Housing revenues would increase $42,082.
Public Works: Engineering – The Engineering department charges its fees by using flat (or fixed) fees or by charging time and materials on an hourly
or actual cost) basis. MGT analyzed all flat fees as well as determiningnewhourly billing rates. The department does utilize contractstaffon some
of their services.
The cost analysis for the Engineering division is showing an overall cost recovery of 102% ($3,179,503). Whilemost of the current flat (or fixed) fees
are under recovering, a majority of the services being performed by Engineering are based on time and materials which arerevenue neutral by
MGT recommends that several fees be restructured. These fees are currently based on time and materials; however, the new structure would
establishvarious deposit levels allowing staff to take in smaller or larger deposits depending on the size of the project. In addition, there are 11 new
fees being recommended. These new fees are a mixture of flat fees and time and material fees.
Individualcost recoveries on flat rate fees range from 37% to 100%. MGT’s recommendation would be to increase those fees that are under
recovering. We also recommendreducing andconsolidating the on-site and off-site contractor overheadrates into one rate. If all fees were
implemented at 100% costrecovery and the contractor overhead reduced, Engineering revenues would be essentially neutral.
Public Works: Environmental Programs – There are fivenew fees and one pass through fee being recommended for the Environmental Programs
division. Currently, the department does not charge fees, with the exception of the Storm Drain Medallion costs. This costrepresen ts the $125 in
revenue for this division. MGT recommends implementing all new fees. If all fees wereimplemented, the Environmental Programs revenues would
increase to $42,765.
A cost of service study is comprised of two basic elements:
Hourly rates of staff providing the service.
Time spent to provide the service.
The product of the hourly rate calculation times the time spent yields the cost of providing the service.
The hourly rate methodology used in this study builds indirect costs into City staffhourly salary and benefit rates to arrive at fully burdened hourly
rates. Fully burdened hourly rates are a mechanism used to calculate the total cost of providing services. Totalcost is generally recognized as the
sum of the direct cost together with a proportionate share of allowable indirect costs. The proper identification of all costs (including labor, operating
expense, department administration and Citywide support) as “direct” or “indirect” is crucial to the determination of the total cost of providing
Direct costs aretypically defined as those that can be identified specifically to a particular function or activity, including labor, and possibly materials
or supplies. Indirect costs are those that support more than one program area and are not easily identifiable to specific activities. Examples of indirect
costs are: departmental administrative and support staff, training and education time, public counter and telephone time, some service and supply
costs, and Citywide overhead costs from outside of the department as identified in the City’s cost allocation plan.
MGT’s hourly rate calculation methodology includes the following:
Personnel Services Analysis – each staff classification within the department or division is analyzed in the study. The first burden factor is comprised
of compensated absences such as vacation/holidays/sick leave days taken in ayear’s time. Staff classifications are then categorized as eitherdirect
operational) or indirect (administrative or supervisory) labor. In some cases, a classification will have both direct and indirect duties. The total
indirect portion of staff cost is incorporated into hourly overhead rates.
Indirect CostRate – a ratio of indirect cost to direct labor (salaries plus benefits) is established. There are three elements of indirect cost incorporated,
Indirect Labor – includes compensated absences, administrative and supervisory staff costs.
Other Operating Expenses – most services and supplies are included as a second layer of indirect cost. There are some service and supply
expenses classified as “allowable direct”; these expendituresare not part of the indirect cost rate but will be included as directly supporting
specific program areas.
External Indirect Allocations – this representsCitywideoverhead (from the City’s cost allocation plan).
Cost Allocation Plan. Many of the costs that support all City programsand services are budgeted in centralizedactivities such as 1) Finance, which
provides payroll, budgeting, accounting and financial reporting, 2) Human Resources, which provides services in support of the City’s workforce, and
3) City Manager, which provides administrative oversight to all City operations. The costs of these activitiesand other centralized services are
considered indirect overhead that support fee-for-service activities, as well as other programsand functions withinthe City.
Fully Burdened Hourly Rates – incorporates all the elements that comprise the hourly rates used in this cost analysis.
Each direct or operational staff classification is listed, together with the average annual salary and benefits.
The hourly salary and benefitrate is calculated by taking the annual salary andbenefits and dividing it by 2,080 available hours in a
The overhead rate is derivedby multiplying the internal and external indirect cost rates against the salary and benefit rates.
The total combines the salary, benefits andoverheadrates. This is the fully burdened rate for each staff classification.
MGT prepared indirect overhead rates andcorresponding hourly rate calculationsusing FY 2017/2018 budgeted staffing expenditures and budgeted
operating expenditures. The hourly rate schedules may be seen in Section III of this report.
Contractor Overhead Rate. The City uses contract staff on many of its cost-for-services. MGTanalyzed the staff time spent of activities such as
interviewing/selecting the list of qualified contractors, reviewing/revising/approving work doneby the contractor, and time spent interfacing
between the developerand the contactor to develop an appropriate overhead rate for each department.
Once fully burdened hourly rates were developed for City staff, the next step in the processwas to identify staff time spent directly on each of the
user fee activities. Each staff person involved in the user fee services identified time spent to complete each task associa ted with all user fee services.
Annual volume statistics were also gathered in order to develop total annual workload information. This information is provided in detailed user fee
workbooks which will be provided to the City upon completion of the study.
Given this information, MGTwas able to calculate the cost of providing each service, both on a per-unit and total annual basis (per-unit cost multiplied
by annual volume equals total annual cost). As mentioned above, costs were calculated by multiplyingper -unit time estimates by the hourly labor
rates; additional operating expenses directly associated with certain services were also added in. Finally, if other departments or divisions provided
support into certain user fee activities, this time was accounted for and added intothe analysis as a crossover su pport activity. Full costs are then
compared to current fees/revenues collected, and subsidies (or over-recoveries) are identified. User fee summaries by department may be seen in
Section II of this report.
Calculating thetrue cost of providing City services is a critical step in the process of establishinguser fees and corresponding cost recovery levels.
Although it is a principal factor, other factors must also be given consideration. City decision-makers must also consider the effects that establishing
fees for services will have on the individuals purchasing those services, as well as the community as a whole.
The following legal, economicand policy issues help illustrate theseconsiderations.
Legal restrictions – InCalifornia user fees are limited to the "estimated reasonable cost of providing a service" byGovernment Code section
66014(a) and other supplementary legislation. Proposition 26 was approved by California voter in November of 2010 and clarified which
charges are considered user fees and which are considered taxes. The significance of this distinction is that user fees may be raised by
Council action up to the limitof actualcost, whereas taxes may not be increased without a majority vote of the public. None of the fee
adjustments recommended by MGT are considered taxes per Proposition 26 guidelines. It should be noted that fees charged for the use of
government property are exempt from Proposition26. These include fees for parks and facility rentals as well as green fees, cart and other
equipment rental fees. All of these fees may be set at a price the market will bear.
Economic barriers - It may be a desired policy to establish fees at a level that permits lower income groups to use services that they might
not otherwisebe able to afford.
Community benefit - If a user fee service benefits the community as a whole to some extent, it is appropriate to subsidize a portion of the
fee. Many public health fees have very moderate cost recovery levels. Some programs are provided free of charge orfor a minimal fee
regardless of cost. Culture and recreation programs also tend to have the low recovery levels.
Private benefit - If a user fee primarily benefits the fee payer, the fee is typically set at, or close to, 100% full costrecovery. Development
related fees generally fall into this category; however, exceptions are sometimes made for services such as appealfees or fees charged
exclusively to residential applicants.
Service driver - Inconjunction with the third point above, the issue of who is the service recipient versus the service driver should also be
considered. For example, code enforcement activities benefit the community as a whole, butthe service is driven by the individual or
business owner that violates City code.
Managing demand - Elasticity of demand is a factor in pricing certain City services; increasing the price of some services results in a reduction
of demand for those services, and vice versa.
Competition - Certain services, such as park usage or facility rentals, may be provided byneighboringcommunities or the private sector, and
therefore demand for these services can be highly dependenton what else may be available at lower prices. Furthermore, if the City's fees
are too low, demandenjoyed by private-sector competitors could be adversely affected.
Incentives - Fees can be set low to encourage participation in a service, such as obtaining a water heater permit.
Disincentives - Penaltiescan be instituted to discourage undesirable behavior. Examples includefines for construction without a building
permit and fines for excessive false alarms within a one-year period.
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
Administrative Services - Finance1601
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost
Annual Subsidy
Fee @
Policy Level %
MGT Notes
1 General & Administrative
2 Photocopies – (first page or 1-page document)
Reproduction of documents /
cost for first page - 1.00$ 0.50$ 200%-$ -$ -$ 100%0.50$ -50%-$ -$ -$
3 Photocopies – (each additional page )
Reproduction of documents /
cost per page after first page - 0.10$ 0.10$ 100%-$ -$ -$ 100%0.10$ 0%-$ -$ -$
4 Mailing of photocopies Actual postage - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ 0%-$ -$ -$
5 Retrieval of public documents
No charge - (Info Only -
Established by State Law)
Costs incurred for locating or
collecting records / staff time - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ 0%-$ -$ -$
Copies of Political Reform Act 1974 Documents (Ca Govt Code
Info Only - Established by
State Law), any related
documents / per page - 0.10$ 0.10$ 100%-$ -$ -$ 100%0.10$ 0%-$ -$ -$
7 PoliticalReform Act Retrieval (Ca Govt Code 81008)
Info Only - Established by
State Law) - retrieval of
documents over 5 years old /
per request includes multiple
documents requested atthe
same time - 5$ 5$ 100%-$ -$ -$ 100%5.00$ 0%-$ -$ -$
8 Bound documents, reports including Budget; CAFR; etc.
Not to exceed actual cost –
As determined by City
Manager or designee - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ 0%-$ -$ -$
SpecialCopies: Plans & Specifications for Construction, Maps, Aerial
Not to exceed actual cost –
As determined by City
Manager or designee - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ 0%-$ -$ -$
12 General Overhead
44% OH rate - Unless defined
elsewhere General City
Overhead to be used for
developing equivalent fees
and charges / applied to
actual costs - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ 0%-$ -$ -$
13 Equivalent Fees and Charges
As determined by City
Manager or designeebased
on actual costs and rates plus
general overhead - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ 0%-$ -$ -$
14 Finance
15 First Returned Check Fee (Ca. Civil Code 1719 (a)(1)
Info Only - Established by
State Law)- 25$ 25$ 100%-$ -$ -$ 100%25$ 0%-$ -$ -$
16 Subsequent Returned Check Fee (Ca. Civil Code 1719 (a)(1)
Info Only - Established by
State Law) - 35$ 35$ 100%-$ -$ -$ 100%35$ 0%-$ -$ -$
17 Annual Business Registration (License) Renewal
Annual renewals or firsttime
business license purchased in
October 3,56250$ 25$ 202%88,174$ 178,100$ (89,926)$ 100%25$ -50%88,174$ (89,926)$ -$
Current Recommendations
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
Administrative Services - Finance1601
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost
Annual Subsidy
Fee @
Policy Level %
MGT Notes
Current Recommendations
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
18 New Business Registration (License)
Code provides for less than a
full calendar year, registration
fee shall be prorated on a
monthly basis / varies based
on months remaining 80428$ 89$ 31%71,365$ 18,670$ 52,695$ 100%89$ 220%59,826$ 41,156$ 11,539$ Footnote #1
19 Itinerant Business Registration (License) Per day, max $50 per year - 10$ 37$ 27%-$ -$ -$ 100%37$ 273%-$ -$ -$
20 Temporary Business Registration (License) Per day - 10$ 43$ 23%-$ -$ -$ 100%43$ 330%-$ -$ -$
21 Master Business Registration (License) Flat Fee - per permitted event - 50$ 37$ 134%-$ -$ -$ 100%37$ -25%-$ -$ -$
22 BusinessLicense Transfer Flat Fee - 5$ 59$ 8%-$ -$ -$ 100%59$ 1077%-$ -$ -$
23Duplicate Business License Flat Fee - 5$ 22$ 23%-$ -$ -$ 100%22$ 330%-$ -$ -$
23.5 Delinquent Business LicenseProcessing Fee New flat fee 265 -$ 22$ 0%5,699$ -$ 5,699$ 100%22$ 0%5,699$ 5,699$ -$
24Contract Retention Escrow Fee
Contractors may elect to
have retention amounts paid
to a third party escrow / per
payment 8 24$ 61$ 40%486$ 192$ 294$ 100%61$ 153%486$ 294$ -$
25 Administrative Fees - Impact Fee CreditAgreement Administration
26 Original agreement to establish a Park Land/Affordable Unit Credit Remove - 603$
Original/Transfer Agreements combined
27 Transfer agreement For Park Land Credits - combine with 26 Remove - 246$
Original/Transfer Agreements combined
Original agreement to establish a Traffic Impact Fee Credit or Park
ImprovementImpact Fee Credit Remove - 788$
Original/Transfer Agreements combined
Transfer agreement For Traffic Impact Fee/Park Improvement
Impact Fee Credit Remove - 448$
Original/Transfer Agreements combined
30 Original Agreement to establish a Fire Impact Fee Credit Remove - 788$
Original/Transfer Agreements combined
31 Transfer agreement for Fire Impact Fee Credits Remove - 448$
Original/Transfer Agreements combined
Original Agreement to establish Affordable Unit Credit (combine
with Park Land credit)Remove - 603$
Original/Transfer Agreements combined
Original/Transfer agreement to establish a Park Land/Affordable
Unit Impact Fee Credit New flat fee - -$ 286$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%286$ 0%-$ -$ -$ Footnote #2
Original/Transfer agreement to establish aTraffic Impact or Park
ImprovementImpact Fee Credit New flat fee - -$ 286$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%286$ 0%-$ -$ -$ Footnote #2
32.3 Original/Transfer agreement to establish a Fire Impact Fee Credit New flat fee - -$ 286$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%286$ 0%-$ -$ -$ Footnote #2
33 Impact Fee Credit Statement
Per statement - Developers
who receive/request
statements for credit balance 6851$ 115$ 44%7,793$ 3,468$ 4,325$ 100%115$ 125%7,793$ 4,325$ -$ Footnote #3
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
Administrative Services - Finance1601
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost
Annual Subsidy
Fee @
Policy Level %
MGT Notes
Current Recommendations
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
33.1 Impact Fee Credit Application Processing Fee New - per invoice - -$ 130$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%130$ 0%-$ -$ -$
33.2 Impact Fee Credit Invoice Change Fee New flat fee - -$ 162$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%162$ 0%-$ -$ -$
TotalUser Fees $173,517 $200,430 -$26,912 $161,978 -$38,452 $11,539
of Full Cost 116%-16%93%-19%7%
1. Fee #18 - Current fee reflects average of pro-rated businesslicenses purchased during FY 16-17. Business license fees are waived for non-profits.
2. Fee #32.1, #32.2, #32.3 - Combinedseparate Original Agreements and Transfer Agreement fees into combined Original/Transfer Agreement fees.
2. Fee #33 - Removed "annual" from fee name. Fee will be charged when credit statement is requested.
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost
Annual Subsidy Recovery Level
Fee @ Policy
Level %
MGT Notes
1 Plan Review & Inspection
2 New Construction up to 5000 sq. ft. Per application 48 302$ 559$ 54%26,838$ 14,496$ 12,342$ 100%559$ 85%26,838$ 12,342$ -$
3 New Construction5000 - 45,000 sq ft Per application 48 455$ 1,204$ 38%57,786$ 21,840$ 35,946$ 100%1,204$ 165%57,786$ 35,946$ -$
4 New Construction >45,000 sq. ft.Per application - 1,097$ 1,572$ 70%-$ -$ -$ 100%1,572$ 43%-$ -$ -$
5 Tenant Improvement up to 5000 sq. ft. Per application 70 302$ 375$ 81%26,244$ 21,140$ 5,104$ 100%375$ 24%26,244$ 5,104$ -$
6 Tenant Improvement 5000 - 45,000 sq ft Per application 35 363$ 467$ 78%16,346$ 12,705$ 3,641$ 100%467$ 29%16,346$ 3,641$ -$
7 Tenant Improvement >45,000 sq. ft. Per application 8 975$ 559$ 174%4,473$ 7,800$ (3,327)$ 100%559$ -43%4,473$ (3,327)$ -$
8 Custom Single Family Residence Per application 28 363$ 283$ 128%7,919$ 10,164$ (2,245)$ 100%283$ -22%7,919$ (2,245)$ -$
Processing, Review, Inspection & Approval of Licensed Care
Facilities New flat fee - -$ 340$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%340$ 0%-$ -$ -$
8.2 Review and Approval of Improvement plans and/or maps New flat fee - -$ 230$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%230$ 0%-$ -$ -$
9 Fire Alarm Systems – (New or Tenant Improvements)
10 Fire Alarm System up to 50 devices Per application 78 669$ 559$ 120%43,612$ 52,182$ (8,570)$ 100%559$ -16%43,612$ (8,570)$ -$
11 Fire Alarm System > 50 devices Per application 8 1,281$ 1,020$ 126%8,157$ 10,248$ (2,091)$ 100%1,020$ -20%8,157$ (2,091)$ -$
12 High-Rise System Per building - 1,587$ 1,664$ 95%-$ -$ -$ 100%1,664$ 5%-$ -$ -$
13 Fixed Fire Protection Systems
14 Medical Gas System Per system - 331$ 559$ 59%-$ -$ -$ 100%559$ 69%-$ -$ -$
15Hood Duct System Per system 17 363$ 559$ 65%9,505$ 6,171$ 3,334$ 100%559$ 54%9,505$ 3,334$ -$
16 Halon or Clean Agent Per system - 423$ 651$ 65%-$ -$ -$ 100%651$ 54%-$ -$ -$
17 Spray Booth per booth Per system - 545$ 467$ 117%-$ -$ -$ 100%467$ -14%-$ -$ -$
17.1 Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems, Commercial (New or Tenant Improvements)
17.2 System up to 20 heads
Base fee per
system 78 302$ 467$ 65%36,428$ 23,556$ 12,872$ 100%467$ 55%36,428$ 12,872$ -$
17.3 System > 20 heads
Base fee per
system 30 669$ 928$ 72%27,827$ 20,070$ 7,757$ 100%928$ 39%27,827$ 7,757$ -$
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
Current Recommendations
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost
Annual Subsidy Recovery Level
Fee @ Policy
Level %
MGT Notes
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
Current Recommendations
17.4 Plus amount per head in excess of 100 heads Per head 60 6$ 6$ 98%368$ 360$ 8$ 100%6$ 2%368$ 8$ -$
17.5 Underground Water Supply - New or Tenant Improvements Per system / tap 59 455$ 928$ 49%54,726$ 26,845$ 27,881$ 100%928$ 104%54,726$ 27,881$ -$
18 Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems, Residential (New and Alterations)
19 NFPA 13D masterplan check and inspection Per system 99 423$ 743$ 57%73,591$ 41,877$ 31,714$ 100%743$ 76%73,591$ 31,714$ -$
20 Additional permits for already approved masterplan Per application 549 363$ 559$ 65%306,962$ 199,287$ 107,675$ 100%559$ 54%306,962$ 107,675$ -$
21 NFPA 13R system (per unit, per building)Per unit 20 302$ 743$ 41%14,867$ 6,040$ 8,827$ 100%743$ 146%14,867$ 8,827$ -$
22 NFPA 13 System Per unit 58 516$ 1,020$ 51%59,141$ 29,928$ 29,213$ 100%1,020$ 98%59,141$ 29,213$ -$
23 Underground Water Supply - New and Alterations Per system / tap 27 455$ 1,020$ 45%27,531$ 12,285$ 15,246$ 100%1,020$ 124%27,531$ 15,246$ -$
24Fire Prevention Services Regulated Activities
24.1 Annual Permits - Group 1 New flat fee 3 -$ 97$ 0%290$ -$ 290$ 100%97$ 0%290$ 290$ -$ Footnote #1
24.2 Annual Permits - Group 2 New flat fee 234 -$ 147$ 0%34,350$ -$ 34,350$ 100%147$ 0%34,350$ 34,350$ -$ Footnote #2
24.3 Annual Permits - Group 3 New flat fee - -$ 197$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%197$ 0%-$ -$ -$ Footnote #3
24.4 Annual Permits - Group 4 New flat fee 271 -$ 247$ 0%67,022$ -$ 67,022$ 100%247$ 0%67,022$ 67,022$ -$ Footnote #4
24.5 Annual Permits - Group 5 New flat fee - -$ 348$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%348$ 0%-$ -$ -$ Footnote #5
24.6 Annual Permits - Group 6 New flat fee - -$ 448$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%448$ 0%-$ -$ -$ Footnote #6
24.7 Annual Permits - Group 7 New flat fee - -$ 649$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%649$ 0%-$ -$ -$ Footnote #7
25 Aerosol Remove 2 276$ -$ 0%-$ 552$ (552)$ 100%-$ -100%-$ (552)$ -$
26 Aviation Facilities Remove - 157$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
27Amusement Buildings Remove - 217$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
28 Open Flames and Candles Remove 1 83$ -$ 0%-$ 83$ (83)$ 100%-$ -100%-$ (83)$ -$
29 Carnivals and Fairs Remove - 711$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
30 Cellulose Nitrate Film Remove - 196$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost
Annual Subsidy Recovery Level
Fee @ Policy
Level %
MGT Notes
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
Current Recommendations
31 Combustible Fiber Storage Remove - 276$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
32 Compressed Gases Remove 65 236$ -$ 0%-$ 15,340$ (15,340)$ 100%-$ -100%-$ (15,340)$ -$
33 Cryogenics Remove 4 236$ -$ 0%-$ 944$ (944)$ 100%-$ -100%-$ (944)$ -$
34 Dry Cleaning Plants Remove 5 276$ -$ 0%-$ 1,380$ (1,380)$ 100%-$ -100%-$ (1,380)$ -$
35 Combustible Dust Producing Operations Remove 1 276$ -$ 0%-$ 276$ (276)$ 100%-$ -100%-$ (276)$ -$
36 Exhibits and Trade Shows Remove - 217$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
37 Explosives Remove 3 278$ -$ 0%-$ 834$ (834)$ 100%-$ -100%-$ (834)$ -$
38 Fire Hydrantsand Valves Remove - 116$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
39 Flammable or Combustible Liquids Remove 80 276$ -$ 0%-$ 22,080$ (22,080)$ 100%-$ -100%-$ (22,080)$ -$
40Floor Finishing Remove - 123$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
41 Fruitand Crop Ripening Remove - 96$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
42Fumigation & ThermalInsecticidal Fogging Remove - 82$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
43 Repair Garages and Motor Fuel-Dispensing Facilities Remove 56 96$ -$ 0%-$ 5,376$ (5,376)$ 100%-$ -100%-$ (5,376)$ -$
44 Hazardous Materials Remove 9 123$ -$ 0%-$ 1,107$ (1,107)$ 100%-$ -100%-$ (1,107)$ -$
45 HPM Facilities (Hazardous Production Materials) Remove - 96$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
46 HighPiled Storage Remove 40 157$ -$ 0%-$ 6,280$ (6,280)$ 100%-$ -100%-$ (6,280)$ -$
47 Hot Work Operations Remove - 156$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
48 LP-GAS Remove 83 138$ -$ 0%-$ 11,454$ (11,454)$ 100%-$ -100%-$ (11,454)$ -$
49 Liquid or Gas Fueled Equipment in assembly buildings Remove - 138$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
50 Lumberyards and Woodworking Plants Remove - 96$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
51 Woodproducts Remove - 96$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
52Magnesium Remove - 196$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost
Annual Subsidy Recovery Level
Fee @ Policy
Level %
MGT Notes
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
Current Recommendations
53 Miscellaneous Combustible Storage Remove - 157$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
54 Open Burning Remove - 63$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
55 Open Flames and Torches Remove - 83$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
56 OrganicCoatings Remove - 157$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
57 Industrial Ovens Remove - 157$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
58 Places of Assembly Remove 130 157$ -$ 0%-$ 20,410$ (20,410)$ 100%-$ -100%-$ (20,410)$ -$
59 Pyrotechnical Special Effects Material (non display)Remove - 157$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
60 Pyroxylin Plastics Remove - 217$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
61 Refrigeration Equipment Remove - 278$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
62 Spraying and DippingOperations Remove 9 217$ -$ 0%-$ 1,953$ (1,953)$ 100%-$ -100%-$ (1,953)$ -$
63 RooftopHeliports Remove - 157$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
64 Temporary Membrane Structures and Tents >400 sq. ft. Remove - 209$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
65 Waste Handling Remove - 157$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
66 Cutting and Welding Remove 20 157$ -$ 0%-$ 3,140$ (3,140)$ 100%-$ -100%-$ (3,140)$ -$
67 Storage of Scrap Tires and Tire Byproducts Remove - 157$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -100%-$ -$ -$
68 Equivalent Fees and Charges
As determined by
CM based on
actual costs and
rates plus general - -$ 184$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%184$ 0%-$ -$ -$
69 Annual Notice of Inspection (Self Inspection)
Annual notice of inspection (Waived if business is subject to
Annual Regulated Activity Permit)
Collected as
supplement to the
Annual Business
imposed under
Dublin Municipal 295 20$ 35$ 57%10,290$ 5,900$ 4,390$ 100%35$ 74%10,290$ 4,390$ -$
71Fire Works Displays
72 Display Aerial BaseFee Per event - 160$ 300$ 53%-$ -$ -$ 100%300$ 87%-$ -$ -$
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost
Annual Subsidy Recovery Level
Fee @ Policy
Level %
MGT Notes
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
Current Recommendations
73 Additionalamount per shell group 60 shells
If applicable
added to base fee - 454$ 129$ 351%-$ -$ -$ 100%129$ -72%-$ -$ -$
74 Additionalamount per shell group 61-120 shells
If applicable
added to base fee - 405$ 230$ 176%-$ -$ -$ 100%230$ -43%-$ -$ -$
75 Additionalamount per shell group 121-181 shells
If applicable
added to base fee - 405$ 230$ 176%-$ -$ -$ 100%230$ -43%-$ -$ -$
76 Additionalamount per shell group 181-240 shells
If applicable
added to base fee - 527$ 230$ 229%-$ -$ -$ 100%230$ -56%-$ -$ -$
77 Additionalamount per shell group > 241 shells
If applicable
added to base fee - 488$ 330$ 148%-$ -$ -$ 100%330$ -32%-$ -$ -$
78Fire Works Sales -$
79 Fireworks Stand Application
Processing and
administration of
fireworks stands 14 150$ 133$ 112%1,869$ 2,100$ (231)$ 100%133$ -11%1,869$ (231)$ -$
80 Fireworks Stand Inspection
Cost to inspect
sales locations 14 151$ 184$ 82%2,578$ 2,114$ 464$ 100%184$ 22%2,578$ 464$ -$
81 Hourly Rates
82 Deputy Fire Marshal Hourly - 168$ 184$ 91%-$ -$ -$ 100%184$ 10%-$ -$ -$
83 Fire Code Compliance Officer Hourly - 92$ 101$ 92%-$ -$ -$ 100%101$ 9%-$ -$ -$
TotalUser Fees $918,718 $618,317 $300,401 $918,718 $300,401 $0
of Full Cost 67%33%100%49%0%
1. Fee #24.1 - Group 1: Aerosol, Open Flames & Candles, Fire Hydrants and Valves, OpenBurning, Open Flames and Torches
3. Fee #24.3 - Group 3: Temporary Membrane Structures and Tents >400 sq. ft.
5. Fee #24.5 - Group 5: Tire Rebuilding Plants
6. Fee #24.6 - Group 6: Waste Handling
7. Fee #24.7 - Group 7: Covered and Open Mall Buildings
2. Fee #24.2 - Group 2: Carbon Dioxide Systems, Cellulose Nitrate Film, Combustible Fiber Storage, Compressed Gases, Cryogenics, Dry CleaningPlants, Combustible Dust Producing Operations, Floor Finishing, Fruit & Crop Ripening, Fumigation, Repair Garages, HPM Facilities, Hot Work
Operations, LP Gas, Liquid or Gas Fueled Equipment in assembly buildings, Lumberyards, Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities, RooftopHeliports, Wood Products, Magnesium, Misc Combustible Storage, Organic Coatings, Industrial Ovens, Cutting andWelding, Storage of Scrap Tires
4. Fee #24.4 - Group 4: Aviation Facilities, Amusement Buildings, Carnivals & Fairs, Exhibits & Trade Shows, Explosives, Flammable or Combustible Liquids, Hazardous Materials, High Piled Storage, Places of Assembly, Pyrotechnical Special Effects Material, Pyroxylin Plastics, Refrigeration
Equipment, Spraying & DippingOperations, Production Facilities, Live Audiences
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost
Annual Subsidy Recovery Level
Fee @ Policy
Level %
MGT Notes
General (Fingerprints / Records / Vehicles/
2 Livescan (Fingerprints)
Fingerprinting /
per application 37256 47$ 29$ 161%10,868$ 2,632$ 8,236$ 100%29$ -38%1,636$ (996)$ 9,232$ Footnote #1
3 Fingerprint Card
Card / non-
electronic prints 8383 47$ 44$ 106%3,691$ 3,901$ (210)$ 100%44$ -5%3,691$ (210)$ -$
4 Police Report / Inspection Verification
release of a copy
of a Police Report
per report 792792 5$ 24$ 21%19,076$ 3,960$ 15,116$ 100%24$ 382%19,076$ 15,116$ -$
5 Records Subpoena (Subpoena Duces Tecum)
Set by State - max
hourly rate $24
hour 1717 15$ 214$ 7%3,646$ 255$ 3,391$ 11%24$ 60%408$ 153$ 3,238$ Footnote #2
6 Records subpoena: photos saved to CD
State sets fee at
actual cost for
special processing
duplication 66 67$ 67$ 100%402$ 402$ -$ 100%67$ 0%402$ -$ -$ Footnote #3
7 Visa Letter
Preparation of a
Visa letter
requested for
foreign travel /
per letter 2727 55$ 65$ 85%1,746$ 1,485$ 261$ 100%65$ 18%1,746$ 261$ -$
8 Child Safety Seat Inspection (Non-Resident).Remove - Recommend to remove
9 Fix-It Ticket Sign-Off
Sign-off on ticket
not issued by
Dublin Police
Services / per
citation 7171 10$ 41$ 24%2,913$ 710$ 2,203$ 100%41$ 310%2,913$ 2,203$ -$
10 Repossessed Vehicle Release
Set by State at
15 4545 21$ 41$ 51%1,846$ 945$ 901$ 37%15$ -29%675$ (270)$ 1,171$ Footnote #3
11 Towed / Stored Vehicle Release
Provide release
for towed and/or
stored vehicle /
per vehicle 200200 149$ 107$ 139%21,403$ 29,800$ (8,397)$ 100%107$ -28%21,403$ (8,397)$ -$
12 Permits
13 Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) – One Day Permit
Issuance of
required for an
application to
ABC / per
application 22 4 162$ 79$ 206%1,731$ 648$ 1,083$ 100%79$ -51%315$ (333)$ 1,416$ Footnote #4
Current Recommendations
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost
Annual Subsidy Recovery Level
Fee @ Policy
Level %
MGT Notes
Current Recommendations
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
14 Bingo Permit (Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 5.44)
Annual license
issuance per the
Municipal Code /
per application 22 171$ 114$ 150%228$ 342$ (114)$ 100%114$ -33%228$ (114)$ -$
15 Dance Permit (Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 5.52)
Processing of a
dance permit per
the municipal
code / per permit - - 161$ 114$ 141%-$ -$ -$ 100%114$ -29%-$ -$ -$
Fortune Teller Permit (Dublin Municipal Code Chapter
Processing of a
fortune teller
permit per the
municipal code /
per permit 11 311$ 114$ 273%114$ 311$ (197)$ 100%114$ -63%114$ (197)$ -$
17 Gun Dealer Permit
Processing of a
permit / per
permit - - 285$ 228$ 125%-$ -$ -$ 100%228$ -20%-$ -$ -$
Massage Establishment – Initial (Dublin Municipal Code
Chapter 4.20)
Processing of a
permit per the
municipal code /
per location 33 367$ 387$ 95%1,162$ 1,101$ 61$ 100%387$ 6%1,162$ 61$ -$
Massage Establishment – Yearly (Dublin Municipal
Code Chapter 4.20)
Annual permit
after initial
permit / per
permit 88 183$ 247$ 74%1,973$ 1,464$ 509$ 100%247$ 35%1,973$ 509$ -$
MassageTechnician – Yearly (Dublin Municipal Code
Chapter 4.20)Remove Recommend to remove - see footnote Footnote #5
21 Parade Permit (Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 5.12)
Processing of a
parade permit
per the municipal
code / per event 33 162$ 212$ 76%636$ 486$ 150$ 100%212$ 31%636$ 150$ -$
22 Peddler Permit (Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 4.16)
Processing of a
peddler permit
per the municipal
code / per
application 2525 255$ 228$ 112%5,700$ 6,375$ (675)$ 100%228$ -11%5,700$ (675)$ -$
Secondhand Dealer Permit (Dublin Municipal Code
Chapter 4.12)
Processing of a
dealer permit per
the municipal
code / per permit 22 288$ 228$ 126%456$ 576$ (120)$ 100%228$ -21%456$ (120)$ -$
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost
Annual Subsidy Recovery Level
Fee @ Policy
Level %
MGT Notes
Current Recommendations
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
Taxi Company (Owner) Permit - Initial (Dublin
Municipal Code Chapter 6.76)
Processing of a
taxi company
owner) permit
per the municipal
code / per initial
permit 11 288$ 228$ 126%228$ 288$ (60)$ 100%228$ -21%228$ (60)$ -$
Taxi Company (Owner) Permit – Renewal (Dublin
Municipal Code Chapter 6.76)
Annual permit
after initial Taxi
Company (owner)
permit / per
permit 1414 162$ 228$ 71%3,192$ 2,268$ 924$ 100%228$ 41%3,192$ 924$ -$
Taxi Driver (Operator) Annual Permit – (Dublin
Municipal Code Chapter 6.76)
Annual permit
Taxi Driver
operator) permit
per permit 1616 209$ 228$ 92%3,648$ 3,344$ 304$ 100%228$ 9%3,648$ 304$ -$
27 Hourly Rates
28 Sheriffs Technician Hourly - - 78$ 92$ 85%-$ -$ -$ 100%92$ 18%-$ -$ -$
29 Sheriff’s Deputy Hourly - - 156$ 184$ 85%-$ -$ -$ 100%184$ 18%-$ -$ -$
30 SheriffsSergeant Hourly - - 180$ 212$ 85%-$ -$ -$ 100%212$ 18%-$ -$ -$
Total User Fees $84,658 $61,293 $23,365 $69,600 $8,307 $15,058
of Full Cost 72%28%82%14%18%
1. Fee #2 - Livescan fees are not collected from City employees, City volunteers or independentcontractors working on behalf ofthe City.
3. Fee #10 - CA Govt Code 41612 sets fee at $15 for repossessed vehicle release
4. Fee #13 - Fees for one-day ABC permits arewaived for non-profits as well as for businesses who have annual ABC licenses .
5. Fee #20 - Due to newstate licensing requirements and the establishment of the CAMTC, the department asks for proof of license and location of work in lieu of issuing Massage Technician permits. The department recommends removing this fee.
2. Fees #5 and #6 - Fees set in accordance w/ evid code 1563(1)(b). Maximum hourly rate is set at $24/hr and $0.10 per page for standard reproduction of documents of a size 81/2 by 14 inches or less; twenty cents ($0.20) per page for copying of documents from microfilm; actual costs for
the reproduction of oversize documents or the reproduction of documents requiring specialprocessing.
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
Community Development - Building & Safety - 8102
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost
Annual Subsidy Recovery Level
Fee @ Policy
Level %
MGT Notes
BuildingPermits Based on Valuation Formula /$
2 $0-$500 Per calculated valuation 5 50$ 86$ 58%430$ 250$ 180$ 100%86$ 41.86%430$ 180$ -$ Footnote #1
3 $501-$1,000 Per calculated valuation 13 100$ 101$ 99%1,313$ 1,300$ 13$ 100%101$ 0.99%1,313$ 13$ -$
4 $1,001-$2,000 Per calculated valuation 48 155$ 155$ 100%7,440$ 7,440$ -$ 100%155$ 0.00%7,440$ -$ -$
5 $2,001-$3,000 Per calculated valuation 63 208$ 212$ 98%13,356$ 13,104$ 252$ 100%212$ 1.89%13,356$ 252$ -$
6 $3,001-$4,000 Per calculated valuation 50 240$ 241$ 100%12,050$ 12,000$ 50$ 100%241$ 0.41%12,050$ 50$ -$
7 $4,001-$5,000 Per calculated valuation 26 298$ 293$ 102%7,618$ 7,748$ (130)$ 100%293$ -1.71%7,618$ (130)$ -$
8 $5,001-$10,000 (First $5,000)Per calculated valuation 125 298$ 293$ 102%36,671$ 37,250$ (579)$ 100%293$ -1.58%36,671$ (579)$ -$
9 $5,001-$10,000 (each additional $1,000)
for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof - 46$ 51$ 90%-$ -$ -$ 100%51$ 9.80%-$ -$ -$
10 $10,001-$50,000 (first $10,000)Per calculated valuation 140 532$ 547$ 97%76,580$ 74,480$ 2,100$ 100%547$ 2.74%76,580$ 2,100$ -$
11 $10,001-$50,000(each additional $1,000)
for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof - 27$ 28$ 96%-$ -$ -$ 100%28$ 3.57%-$ -$ -$
12 $50,001-$100,001 (First $50,000)Per calculated valuation 200 1,636$ 1,644$ 100%328,800$ 327,200$ 1,600$ 100%1,644$ 0.49%328,800$ 1,600$ -$
13 $50,001-$100,001 (each additional $1,000)
for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof - 23$ 27$ 85%-$ -$ -$ 100%27$ 14.81%-$ -$ -$
14 $100,001-$500,000 (First $100,000)Per calculated valuation 50 2,850$ 2,971$ 96%148,550$ 142,500$ 6,050$ 100%2,971$ 4.07%148,550$ 6,050$ -$
15 $100,001-$500,000 (each additional $1,000)
for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof - 19$ 22$ 86%-$ -$ -$ 100%22$ 13.64%-$ -$ -$
16 $500,001and up (First $500,000)Per calculated valuation 5011,670$ 11,690$ 100%584,500$ 583,524$ 976$ 100%11,690$ 0.17%584,500$ 976$ -$ Footnote #2
17 $500,001and up (each additional $1000)
for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof - 11$ 12$ 92%-$ -$ -$ 100%12$ 8.33%-$ -$ -$
Demolition permits and removal of underground
50% of the fee
calculation based on - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Based onvaluation --
20 Master Plan Check/Green Bldg
BuildingPermits Based on Valuation Formula /$
Single Family detached tract housing (when using
a Master Plan Check)
22 $100,001-$500,001 (First $100,000)Per calculated valuation 314 1,934$ 2,325$ 83%730,050$ 607,364$ 122,686$ 100%2,325$ 16.81%730,050$ 122,686$ -$ Footnote #2
23 $100,001-$500,001 (each additional $1000)
for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof - 8$ 11$ 73%-$ -$ -$ 100%11$ 27.27%-$ -$ -$
24 $500,001and up (First $500,000)Per calculated valuation 133 6,324$ 6,576$ 96%874,608$ 841,156$ 33,452$ 100%6,576$ 3.82%874,608$ 33,452$ -$ Footnote #2
25 $500,001and up (each additional $1000)
for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof - 3$ 4$ 75%-$ -$ -$ 100%4$ 25.00%-$ -$ -$
Current Recommendations
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
Community Development - Building & Safety - 8102
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost
Annual Subsidy Recovery Level
Fee @ Policy
Level %
MGT Notes
Current Recommendations
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
27 Cal Green Building Permit Surcharge
Surcharge applicable to permits subject to Cal
Green Standards Remove 1349,962$ -$ 0%-$ 349,962$ (349,962)$ -$ (349,962)$ -$ Footnote #2
29Building Permit State Surcharges
California Building Standards Commission Green
Building Valuation Surcharge - State fee based on
permit valuation
for ea. $25,000 or
fraction thereof - 1.00$ 1.00$ 100%-$ -$ -$ 100%1$ 0.00%-$ -$ -$ Footnote #3
Residential - California Strong Motion
Instrumentation Program (SMIP) Surcharge -
State fee based on permit valuation per $1000 - 0.13$ 0.13$ 100%-$ -$ -$ 100%0.13$ 0.00%-$ -$ -$ Footnote #3
Non-Residential - California Strong Motion
Instrumentation Program (SMIP) Surcharge -
State fee based on permit valuation per $1000 - 0.28$ 0.28$ 100%-$ -$ -$ 100%0.28$ 0.00%-$ -$ -$ Footnote #3
33 Residential Building Permits - Flat Fees
34 Bathroom Remodel or Repair per bathroom 72 385$ 374$ 103%26,928$ 27,720$ (792)$ 100%374$ -2.94%26,928$ (792)$ -$
35 ElectricalAppliances
Per Appliance -
Installation of electrical
appliances per “Service
Explanation” #1 - 80$ 104$ 77%-$ -$ -$ 100%104$ 23.29%-$ -$ -$
36 Electrical Circuits (first)
First or single circuit per
Service Explanation” #2 66 75$ 104$ 72%6,883$ 4,950$ 1,933$ 100%104$ 28.09%6,883$ 1,933$ -$
37 Electrical Circuits (each additional)
Fee for each additional
circuit per “Service
Explanation” #2 21 30$ 18$ 171%369$ 630$ (261)$ 100%18$ -70.56%369$ (261)$ -$
38 Electrical Panels (first)
First or single panel per
Service Explanation” #3 404 149$ 154$ 97%62,269$ 60,196$ 2,073$ 100%154$ 3.33%62,269$ 2,073$ -$
39 Electrical Panels (each additional)
Fee for each additional
panel per “Service
Explanation” #3 38 41$ 48$ 85%1,838$ 1,558$ 280$ 100%48$ 15.24%1,838$ 280$ -$
40 Fireplace Insert
Persingle installation /
per “Service Explanation”
4and #5 4 191$ 195$ 98%781$ 764$ 17$ 100%195$ 2.14%781$ 17$ -$
41 Garbage Disposal
Persingle installation /
per “Service Explanation”
1 - 60$ 85$ 70%-$ -$ -$ 100%85$ 29.61%-$ -$ -$
42 Gas Piping System
Persingle installation /
per “Service Explanation”
6 39 149$ 191$ 78%7,440$ 5,811$ 1,629$ 100%191$ 21.90%7,440$ 1,629$ -$
43 Hot Tub / Spa Portable
Persingle installation
Service Explanation” #7 1 149$ 191$ 78%191$ 149$ 42$ 100%191$ 21.90%191$ 42$ -$
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
Community Development - Building & Safety - 8102
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost
Annual Subsidy Recovery Level
Fee @ Policy
Level %
MGT Notes
Current Recommendations
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
44 HVAC System
Per system / “Service
Explanation” #8 259 100$ 203$ 49%52,448$ 25,900$ 26,548$ 100%203$ 50.62%52,448$ 26,548$ -$
Kitchen Remodel or Repair (w/o structural
Per permit, limited to
onekitchen 46 611$ 631$ 97%29,003$ 28,106$ 897$ 100%631$ 3.09%29,003$ 897$ -$
46 LawnSprinkler System
Per system for any lawn
sprinkler or irrigation
system 11 63$ 97$ 65%1,067$ 693$ 374$ 100%97$ 35.03%1,067$ 374$ -$
47 Motors
Per “Service Explanation”
9 - 149$ 203$ 74%-$ -$ -$ 100%203$ 26.42%-$ -$ -$
48 Plumbing Fixture
Per “Service Explanation”
1and #2 20 60$ 93$ 65%1,851$ 1,200$ 651$ 100%93$ 35.18%1,851$ 651$ -$
49 RoofingReplacement (Residential)
For re-roofing a single
family dwelling 97 189$ 216$ 88%20,922$ 18,333$ 2,589$ 100%216$ 12.38%20,922$ 2,589$ -$
50 Shower / tub replacement only Per unit 11 147$ 154$ 95%1,695$ 1,617$ 78$ 100%154$ 4.63%1,695$ 78$ -$
SolarPanel - Residential Rooftop Photovoltaic (up
to 15 Kw)Per permit 329 250$ 247$ 101%81,164$ 82,250$ (1,086)$ 100%247$ -1.34%81,164$ (1,086)$ -$ Footnote #4
SolarPanel - Residential Rooftop Photovoltaic (for
each Kwabove 15 or fraction thereof)
New: Each Kw above 15
or fraction thereof - -$ 15$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%15$ 100.00%-$ -$ -$ Footnote #4
SolarPanel - Residential Rooftop Photovoltaic
Tracts) if pulled with dwelling New: Fixed Fee - -$ 123$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%123$ 100.00%-$ -$ -$ Footnote #5
54 Solar Pool Heating System
Per system (when not
included with original
pool permit)1 100$ 298$ 34%298$ 100$ 198$ 100%298$ 66.46%298$ 198$ -$
55 Solar Water Heaters Per application - 100$ 254$ 39%-$ -$ -$ 100%254$ 60.62%-$ -$ -$
56 Ventilation Fan
Per “Service Explanation”
10 2 63$ 81$ 78%162$ 126$ 36$ 100%81$ 22.07%162$ 36$ -$
57 Water Heater
Per “Service Explanation”
8 174 60$ 93$ 65%16,107$ 10,440$ 5,667$ 100%93$ 35.18%16,107$ 5,667$ -$
58 Water Piping System
Persingle installation /
per “Service Explanation”
6 26 148$ 191$ 78%4,960$ 3,848$ 1,112$ 100%191$ 22.42%4,960$ 1,112$ -$
59 Window Replacements (first 5 windows)
Per application
containing 1-5 windows 83 189$ 185$ 102%15,348$ 15,687$ (339)$ 100%185$ -2.21%15,348$ (339)$ -$
60 Window Replacements (each additional window)
Additional perwindow
charge added to base 1-5
window charge on same
application 263 12$ 10$ 117%2,698$ 3,156$ (458)$ 100%10$ -16.96%2,698$ (458)$ -$
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
Community Development - Building & Safety - 8102
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost
Annual Subsidy Recovery Level
Fee @ Policy
Level %
MGT Notes
Current Recommendations
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
61 Non-Residential Building Permits - Flat Fees
62 Solar Systems (base) - Photovoltaic systems
Includes one inverter and
up to 100 panels -> state
law structurebelow 3 972$ -$ 0%-$ 2,916$ (2,916)$ Replace with State Fee structure below (2,916)$ -$ Footnote #6
63 Solar Systems - each additional inverter
Remove/replace: Per
each additional inverter -
state lawstructure 12 110$ -$ 0%-$ 1,320$ (1,320)$ Replace with State Fee structure below (1,320)$ -$ Footnote #6
64 Each additional 100 panels
Remove/replace: For
each additional 100
panels or fraction thereof
state lawstructure 10 125$ -$ 0%-$ 1,250$ (1,250)$ Replace with State Fee structure below (1,250)$ -$ Footnote #6
SolarPanel - Non-Residential Rooftop
Photovoltaic (up to 50 Kw)New: Per Permit 3 -$ 1,005$ 0%3,016$ -$ 3,016$ 99%1,000$ 100.00%3,000$ 3,000$ 16$ Footnote #6
SolarPanel - Non-Residential Rooftop
Photovoltaic (51 Kw-250 Kw)
New: Per kilowatt
between 51-250 10 -$ 7$ 0%73$ -$ 73$ 96%7$ 100.00%70$ 70$ 3$ Footnote #6
SolarPanel - Non-Residential Rooftop
Photovoltaic (above 251 Kw)
New: Per kilowatt above
251 12 -$ 5$ 0%62$ -$ 62$ 97%5$ 100.00%60$ 60$ 2$ Footnote #6
Replacement in-kind heating and or air
conditioning units Per unit 21 722$ 622$ 116%13,052$ 15,162$ (2,110)$ 100%622$ -16.17%13,052$ (2,110)$ -$
69 Water heaters - standard Per water heater 4 149$ 154$ 97%617$ 596$ 21$ 100%154$ 3.33%617$ 21$ -$
70 Reroof Base (Initial square)
Per initial square (10ft X
10ft) area 16 105$ 120$ 87%1,927$ 1,680$ 247$ 100%120$ 12.80%1,927$ 247$ -$
71 Reroof – additional beyond base
Each additional square
10ft x 10ft) area or
fraction thereof 1,479 16$ 12$ 132%17,993$ 23,664$ (5,671)$ 100%12$ -31.52%17,993$ (5,671)$ -$
72 Construction Debris & Demolition
73 Residential
Remove/replace with fee
75 879 125$ -$ 0%-$ 109,875$ (109,875)$ Replace with new fee below -$ (109,875)$ -$
74 Residential per C&D phase / bondrequired New: Per Phase 50 -$ 382$ 0%19,077$ -$ 19,077$ 100%382$ 100.00%19,077$ 19,077$ -$
75 Residential non bonded project New: Per application 8 -$ 211$ 0%1,685$ -$ 1,685$ 100%211$ 100.00%1,685$ 1,685$ -$
Residential Second Unit (Attached to single family
Remove/replace with fee
75 1 -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ Replace with new fee above -$ -$ -$
77 Commercial - bonded Per application 18 835$ 382$ 219%6,868$ 15,030$ (8,162)$ 100%382$ -118.85%6,868$ (8,162)$ -$
78 Commercial - non-bonded Per application 60 334$ 211$ 159%12,641$ 20,040$ (7,399)$ 100%211$ -58.53%12,641$ (7,399)$ -$
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
Community Development - Building & Safety - 8102
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost
Annual Subsidy Recovery Level
Fee @ Policy
Level %
MGT Notes
Current Recommendations
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
79 Hourly Rates & Overhead
Composite City Building & Safety Staff Hourly
Rate (Includes Overhead)Hourly - 180$ 213$ 85%-$ -$ -$ 100%213$ 15.46%-$ -$ -$
Overhead Rate – Applied to actual costs incurred
for consultant services and expenses billedunder
T&M 44% OH rate - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Replace with new 30% contractor overhead rate --
82 Contractor Management
Contractor Oversite
30% OH rate 1 -$ 597,187$ 0%597,187$ -$ 597,187$ 100%597,187$ 100.00%597,187$ 597,187$ -$
83 Other Fees
Additionalplan checking, alternate means and
methods applications, or plan revisions Time & Matls - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Time & Materials --
85 Certified Accessibility Specialist (CASp)- Meeting
Initial meetingand
review; all other work is
T&M - 663$ 1,275$ 52%-$ -$ -$ 100%1,275$ 48.01%-$ -$ -$
86 Code compliancesurvey - initial 100 sf Initial 100 sq. ft.- 523$ 631$ 83%-$ -$ -$ 100%631$ 17.05%-$ -$ -$
87 Code compliancesurvey - ea add'l 100 sf
Each additional 100sq. ft.
or fraction thereof - 41$ 23$ 175%-$ -$ -$ 100%23$ -74.82%-$ -$ -$
88 In-plant inspections Time & Matls - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Time & Materials --
89 Moved building inspection fee:
Change Per building->
T&M - 2,534$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Change to Time & Materials -- Footnote #7
90 Plan storage fee
Applies to plans required
to be prepared by a
professional engineer or
architect - 10$ 10$ 100%-$ -$ -$ 100%10$ 0.00%-$ -$ -$ Footnote #8
91 Re-inspection fee.
Pereach re-inspection;
on Multi-Family, fee is
calculated per unit - 165$ 177$ 93%-$ -$ -$ 100%177$ 6.58%-$ -$ -$
Review geologic reports requiredby the Alquist-
Priolo Special Studies Zones Act
Time & Matlsper
applicationrequest - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Time & Materials --
Service requested outside of regular working
hours / business days (4 hour min)
Hourly w/four hour
minimum - 272$ 241$ 113%-$ -$ -$ 100%241$ -13.09%-$ -$ -$
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
Community Development - Building & Safety - 8102
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost
Annual Subsidy Recovery Level
Fee @ Policy
Level %
MGT Notes
Current Recommendations
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
Special Investigations (Code compliance survey,
lockout inspection or other special investigation.)
Time & Matls - Per
investigation; cost of
investigation shall be in
addition to the fees for
any newinstallation
made as part of the
correction - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Time & Materials --
95 Equivalent Fees and Charges Actual cost - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Actual Cost --
96 AddressRequests (singleaddress)New Fixed Fee - -$ 113$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%113$ 100.00%-$ -$ -$
97 AddressRequests (subdivision/multiple)New Fee - T&M - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Time & Materials --
98 Issue permit refund New Fixed Fee - -$ 67$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%67$ 100.00%-$ -$ -$ Footnote #9
99 Temporary Certificate of Occupancy New Fixed Fee - -$ 173$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%173$ 100.00%-$ -$ -$
100 Admin Tech. Direct to Housing Non Fee 1 -$ 69,925$ 0%69,925$ -$ 69,925$ 100%69,925$ 100.00%69,925$ 69,925$ -$
NON FEE - not
included in
revenue totals.
101 Comm. Dev. Director Housing Oversite Non Fee 1 -$ 34,353$ 0%34,353$ -$ 34,353$ 100%34,353$ 100.00%34,353$ 34,353$ -$
NON FEE - not
included in
revenue totals.
Total User Fees $3,233,397 $3,490,044 -$256,647 $3,233,377 -$256,668 $20
of Full Cost 108%-8%100%-7%0%
2 The Building permit fees areshown with an added 8% for Cal Green. The new valuation based fees include the time spent to comply with Cal Green and therefore the 8% fee is being recommended for removal from the fee schedule.
3 Fee # 30-32 are set by the state. Informational Only
4 Fee #51 & 52 recommend to follow AB1414 which sets the max fee of $500 for 15Kw plus $15 per kw above 15 kw.
5 Fee # 53 Only works if the permit is pulled with the dwelling permit. If pulled afterwards by 2nd contractor, use full solar permit.
6 Fee # 65-67 recommend to follow AB1414 states lawstructure which is less than 50kW fee cannot exceed $1,000 plus $7 per kilowatt for each kilowatt between 51kW-250kW plus $5 per kilowatt above 250 kW.
7 Fee #89 - The City does not do these very often. Recommend to change the fee to time andmaterials rather than a fixed fee.
9 Fee # 98 - If costis greater then eligible refund, applicant is not billed the difference.
10 #82 represents the newcontractor overhead rate of 30%. This rate is to replace the current 44% overhead rate.
Fee #90 - PlanStorage Fee: Ordinance 7.28.510 Plan and specification storage fee states a plan and specification storage fee shall be paid atthe time of issuance of a permit for buildingare required to be maintainedby section 19850, Healthand Safety Code of the State of California ord. 25-10 Section 3
Ex. B) (part))
Municipal Code Section 7.25.440: Each application for a permit shall be accompanied by a fee equal to forty percent (40%) of the total permit feerounded off to the nearest dollar. The permit processing fee shall be credited toward the total permit fee required. After permit processing
has commenced, no portion of the permit processing fee shall be refundable. (Ord. 12-16 § 3 (Exh. B) (part): Ord. 25-10 § 3 (Exh. B) (part))
Valuation Current Base FeePlus Current Rate Per Unit Valuation Base Fee Plus Rate Per Unit
0-$500 $50.00 $0-$500 $86.00
501-$1,000 $100.00 $501-$1,000 $101.00
1,001-$2,000 $155.00 $1,001-$2,000 $155.00
2,001-$3,000 $208.00 $2,001-$3,000 $212.00
3,001-$4,000 $240.00 $3,001-$4,000 $242.00
4,001-$5,000 $298.00 $4,001-$5,000 $294.00
5,001-$10,000 (first $5000)$298.00
46.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof $5,001-$10,000 (first $5000)$294.00
51.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
10,001-$50,000 (first $10,000)$532.00
27.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof $10,001-$50,000 (first $10,000)$548.00
28.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
50,001-$100,000 (first $50,000)$1,636.00
23.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof $50,001-$100,000 (first $50,000)$1,648.00
27.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
100,001-$500,000 (first $100,000)$2,850.00
19.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof $100,001-$500,000 (first $100,000)$2,976.00
22.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
500,001 and up (first $500,000)$11,670.00*
11.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof $500,001 and up (first $500,000)$11,698.00**
12.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
Valuation Current Base FeePlus Current Rate Per Unit Valuation Base Fee Plus Rate Per Unit
100,001-$500,000 (first $100,000)$1,934.28*
8.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof $100,001-$500,000 (first $100,000)$2,327**
11.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
500,001 and up (first $500,000)$6,324.48*
3.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof $500,001 and up (first $500,000)$6,577**
4.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
These fees contains the 8% Cal Green fee that would be added to the valuation fee.
The extra time spent for Cal Green is incorporated directly into these fees.
Single Family detached tract housing (when using a Master Plan Check)
Current Fee Table Proposed Fee Table
City of Dublin
BuildingValuation Fee Table
Current Fee Table Proposed Fee Table
Master Plan Check / Building Valuation Fee Table
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
Community Development- Planning 8101
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost Annual Revenue Annual Subsidy
Fee @ Policy
Level %
Increase Annual Revenue2
MGT Notes
1 Use (TUP/CUP)
2 Minor Use Permit Per application 2 600$ 4,079$ 15%8,158$ 1,200$ 6,958$ 25%1,000$ 40.00%2,000$ 800$ 6,158$
3 Minor Use Permit – Minor Amendment Per application 1 129$ 2,989$ 4%2,989$ 129$ 2,860$ 8%250$ 48.40%250$ 121$ 2,739$
4 Minor Use Permit – Major Amendment Per application - 600$ 4,079$ 15%-$ -$ -$ 25%1,000$ 40.00%-$ -$ -$
Non-Residential Conditional Use Permit (CUP) /
Approval considered by Planning Commission)Per application 51,100$ 7,570$ 15%37,848$ 5,500$ 32,348$ 20%1,500$ 26.67%7,500$ 2,000$ 30,348$
Non-Residential Conditional Use Permit (CUP) / (Can be
approved by Zoning Administrator)Per application 11,100$ 7,297$ 15%7,297$ 1,100$ 6,197$ 21%1,500$ 26.67%1,500$ 400$ 5,797$
Residential Conditional Use Permit (CUP) / (Approval
considered by PlanningCommission)Per application - 1,939$ 7,570$ 26%-$ -$ -$ 33%2,500$ 22.44%-$ -$ -$
Residential Conditional Use Permit (CUP) / (Can be
approved by Zoning Administrator)Per application - 1,939$ 7,297$ 27%-$ -$ -$ 34%2,500$ 22.44%-$ -$ -$
Conditional Use Permit (CUP) – Daycare Center (15+
children)Per application 11,100$ 8,387$ 13%8,387$ 1,100$ 7,287$ 18%1,500$ 26.67%1,500$ 400$ 6,887$
Conditional Use Permit (CUP) – Large Family Daycare
Home Per application 1 650$ 8,387$ 8%8,387$ 650$ 7,737$ 12%1,000$ 35.00%1,000$ 350$ 7,387$
Conditional Use Permit – Minor Amendment
Administrative Determination)Per request 1 225$ 5,662$ 4%5,662$ 225$ 5,437$ 9%500$ 55.00%500$ 275$ 5,162$
Conditional Use Permit – Time Extension (Administrative
Determination)Per request - 225$ 409$ 55%-$ -$ -$ 86%350$ 35.71%-$ -$ -$
Conditional Use Permit – Time Extension (Zoning
Administrator or Planning Commission Determination)Per request - 1,125$ 4,027$ 28%-$ -$ -$ 37%1,500$ 25.00%-$ -$ -$
14 Temporary Use Permit - Minor Per application 46 200$ 545$ 37%25,073$ 9,200$ 15,873$ 46%250$ 20.00%11,500$ 2,300$ 13,573$
15 Temporary Use Permit – Major Time & Material - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Time and Material --Footnote #3
16 Zoning Clearance-General
17 Accommodations for persons with disabilities review No fee - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Recommend to continue to waive fee --
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
Current Recommendations
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
Community Development- Planning 8101
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost Annual Revenue Annual Subsidy
Fee @ Policy
Level %
Increase Annual Revenue2
MGT Notes
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
Current Recommendations
18 Banner / Balloon / Searchlight
Per sign /
balloon 133 55$ 136$ 40%18,123$ 7,315$ 10,808$ 73%100$ 45.00%13,300$ 5,985$ 4,823$
Indoor recreational Facilities / Day Care Center / Scarlett
Court Per application 8 250$ 545$ 46%4,360$ 2,000$ 2,360$ 92%500$ 50.00%4,000$ 2,000$ 360$
20 Large Family Day Care Home Per application 4 100$ 545$ 18%2,180$ 400$ 1,780$ 46%250$ 60.00%1,000$ 600$ 1,180$
Zoning Clearance-General (Letters, Cottage Food,
Tobacco, Permanent Signs)Per application 74 50$ 273$ 18%20,167$ 3,700$ 16,467$ 28%75$ 33.33%5,550$ 1,850$ 14,617$
22 Variance
23 Non-Residential Variance
Time & Material
per application - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Time and Material --Footnote #3
24 Residential Variance
Time & Material
per application - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Time and Material --Footnote #3
25 Site Development Review (SDR)
26 Site Development Review - General
Time & Material
per application 20 -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Time and Material --Footnote #3
Site Development Review – Residential Additions > 500
sq. ft.
Time & Material
per application 3 -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Time and Material --Footnote #3
Site Development Review – Single Sign (Master Sign
Program is handled as a Site Development Review-
General)Per Sign - 325$ 2,927$ 11%-$ -$ -$ 11%325$ 0.00%-$ -$ -$
29 Site Development Review Waiver Per request 81 250$ 732$ 34%59,271$ 20,250$ 39,021$ 48%350$ 28.57%28,350$ 8,100$ 30,921$
Site Development Review Waiver for Projects' with
Development DepositAccount
New - Time &
Material - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Time and Material --
Site Development Review – Time Extension
Administrative Determination)Per request - 225$ 409$ 55%-$ -$ -$ 55%225$ 0.00%-$ -$ -$
Site Development Review – Time Extension (Planning
Commission Determination)Per request - 1,125$ 3,660$ 31%-$ -$ -$ 31%1,125$ 0.00%-$ -$ -$
33Planned Development (PD) Processing
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
Community Development- Planning 8101
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost Annual Revenue Annual Subsidy
Fee @ Policy
Level %
Increase Annual Revenue2
MGT Notes
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
Current Recommendations
34 Planned DevelopmentApplication (Stage 1 / Stage 2)
Time & Material
per application 1 -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Time and Material --Footnote #3
Planned Development Minor Amendment
Administrative Determination)Per application 1 512$ 2,107$ 24%2,107$ 512$ 1,595$ 24%512$ 0.00%512$ -$ 1,595$
Planned Development Minor Amendment for Project's
with Development DepositAccount
New - Time &
Material - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Time and Material --
Planned Development Minor Amendment – (Planning
Commission Determination)
Time & Material
per application 1 -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Time and Material --Footnote #3
Planned Development Major Amendment – (City
Council Determination)
Time & Material
per application - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Time and Material --Footnote #3
40 Other Charges
41 Appeal of Action by Applicant
Time &
Materials per
appeal 1 -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Time and Material --Footnote #3
42 Appeal of Action by member of public (non-applicant)Per appeal - 200$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%200$ 0.00%-$ -$ -$ Footnote #6
43 Estoppel Certificate – DevelopmentAgreement
Per certificate
prepared when
requested by
entitynot a
party to the
Agreement - 250$ 233$ 107%-$ -$ -$ 100%233$ -7.30%-$ -$ -$
44 Heritage Tree Removal Permit Per request 6 25$ 1,549$ 2%9,296$ 150$ 9,146$ 16%250$ 90.00%1,500$ 1,350$ 7,796$
Preparation of Mailing Address Labels (Noticing
Requirements)Per set of labels - 65$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%65$ -$ -$ -$
46 Equivalent Fees and Charges
As determined
by CM based on
actual costs and
rates plus
general OH - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%-$ -$ -$ -$
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
Community Development- Planning 8101
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost Annual Revenue Annual Subsidy
Fee @ Policy
Level %
Increase Annual Revenue2
MGT Notes
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
Current Recommendations
47 General Plan Amendment
New - Time &
Material - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Time and Material --
48 Specific Plan Amendment
New - Time &
Material - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Time and Material --
49 Tentative Map
New - Time &
Material - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Time and Material --
50 DevelopmentAgreement
New - Time &
Material - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Time and Material --
51 Lotline adjustment
New - Time &
Material - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Time and Material --
52 Building division permit referral
New Fee:
Per application - -$ 136$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%136$ 100.00%-$ -$ -$ Footnote #5
53 Planning Composite Hourly Rates & Overhead
Composite City Planning Staff Hourly Rate (Includes
Per Hour for
T&M activities 1,579 233$ 276$ 85%435,236$ 367,849$ 67,387$ 100%276$ 15.48%435,236$ 67,387$ -$
Off-Site Overhead Rate – Applied to actual costs
incurred for consultant services and expenses billed
under T&M
Remove: 44%
OH Total
Revenue 1 260,364$ -$ 0%-$ 260,364$ (260,364)$ -- Replace with new30% overhead rate ---$ (260,364)$ -$ Footnote #4
56 Contractor Management
30% OH rate 1 -$ 179,897$ 0%179,897$ -$ 179,897$ 100%179,897$ 100.00%179,897$ 179,897$ -$ Footnote #4
On-Site Overhead Rate – Applied to actual costs
incurred for consultant services and expenses billed
under T&M
Remove: 54%
OH - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Replace with new30% overhead rate ---$ -$ -$
58 Contract legal services revenue Total Revenue 1 189,429$ 189,429$ 100%189,429$ 189,429$ -$ 100%189,429$ 0.00%189,429$ -$ -$ Footnote #1
58.1 Contract legal services 44% OH
44% city-wide
OH 1 83,348$ 83,348$ 100%83,348$ 83,348$ -$ 100%83,348$ 0.00%83,348$ -$ -$ Footnote #1
59 On-Site Contractor Revenue Total Revenue 1 -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Currently there are noon-site contractors --
60 Off-site Contractor Revenue Total Revenue 1 591,737$ 591,737$ 100%591,737$ 591,737$ -$ 100%591,737$ 0.00%591,737$ -$ -$
61 Housing Oversite Non Fee 1 -$ 143,265$ 0%143,265$ -$ 143,265$ -- Non User Fee. Informational only --
Non Fee - not
included in
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
Community Development- Planning 8101
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost Annual Revenue Annual Subsidy
Fee @ Policy
Level %
Increase Annual Revenue2
MGT Notes
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
Current Recommendations
63 Long Range Planning Non Fee 1 -$ 294,331$ 0%294,331$ -$ 294,331$ -- Non User Fee. Informational only --
Non Fee - not
included in
64 Code Enforcement Non Fee 1 -$ 514,115$ 0%514,115$ -$ 514,115$ -- Non User Fee. Informational only --
Non Fee - not
included in
Total User Fees $1,698,953 $1,546,157 $152,795 $1,559,609 $13,451 $139,344
of Full Cost 91%9%92%1%8%
1 The City contractsoutside legal services as they relate to development, through the City Attorney's Office. The revenuegenerated from these services areapplied to the Planning department. Contract legal services receives 44% city-wide overhead rate.
2 Note that Planningfees have been heavily subsidized in the past.
3 All time and material fee hourshave beencombinedand are listed on fee #54
4 #56 Recommend changing contract overhead to 30%. This percentage is directly related to the staff time to oversee and interact with contractors and their work.
5 Fee # 52 - This fee would take the place of the indirect cost currently being added to the building dept. fees for Planning
6 Fee #42 - This fee has likely been subsidized in the past.
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
HousingPrograms - 5701
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost
Annual Subsidy Recovery Level
Fee @ Policy
Level %
MGT Notes
1 Below Market Rate Unit - Transaction Fee Per Unit 15 1,500$ 2,550$ 59%38,253$ 22,500$ 15,753$ 100%2,550$ 41.18%38,253$ 15,753$ -$ Footnote #1
Secondary Below Market Rate Unit -
Transaction Fee Per Unit 4 872$ 1,425$ 61%5,700$ 3,488$ 2,212$ 100%1,425$ 38.81%5,700$ 2,212$ -$ Footnote #2
Annual Below Market Rate Rental Monitoring
Fee - 20 units or less Per Development 2 826$ 1,191$ 69%2,383$ 1,652$ 731$ 100%1,191$ 30.67%2,383$ 731$ -$ Footnote #3
Annual Below Market Rate Rental Monitoring
Fee - 21 to 100 units Per Development 6 826$ 1,936$ 43%11,618$ 4,956$ 6,662$ 100%1,936$ 57.34%11,618$ 6,662$ -$
Annual Below Market Rate Rental Monitoring
Fee - 101 + units Per Development 4 826$ 2,788$ 30%11,152$ 3,304$ 7,848$ 100%2,788$ 70.37%11,152$ 7,848$ -$
Annual Below Market Rate Rental Monitoring -
Follow Up Compliance Fee
New: First follow up
base fee); additional
follow up audits T&M 3 -$ 426$ 0%1,277$ -$ 1,277$ 100%426$ 100.00%1,277$ 1,277$ -$
Below Market Rate Unit - Refinance
Administrative Fee PerRequest 9 200$ 951$ 21%8,562$ 1,800$ 6,762$ 100%951$ 78.98%8,562$ 6,762$ -$ Footnote #4
Secondary Below Market Rate Unit -
Refinance Administrative Fee New: Per Request 1 -$ 537$ 0%537$ -$ 537$ 100%537$ 100.00%537$ 537$ -$
First Time Home Loan Program -
Administrative Fee PerLoan Approved 1 1,500$ 1,800$ 83%1,800$ 1,500$ 300$ 100%1,800$ 16.67%1,800$ 300$ -$
Total User Fees $81,282 $39,200 $42,082 $81,282 $42,082 $0
of Full Cost 48%52%100%107%0%
1 Fee #1 - Changed name from Below Market Rate Ownership Unit
2 Fee #2 - Changed name from Below Market Rate Secondary Rental Unit
3 Fee #3, 3.1, and 3.2 Changed name from Below Market Rate Rental Developments and split into 3 tiers.
4 Fee #4 - Changed name from Refinance Charges
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
Current Recommendations
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
PublicWorks Engineering 8301
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost Annual Revenue Annual Subsidy
Fee @ Policy
Level %
MGT Notes
2 Copies - 81/2" x 11" - black and white Remove - 1.00$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Consolidate to standard size copies below --
3 Copies - 81/2" x 11" - color Remove - 1.00$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Consolidate to standard size copies below --
4 Copies - 11" x 17" or 81/2" x 14" - black and white Remove - 1.00$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Consolidate to standard size copies below --
5 Copies - 11" x 17" or 81/2" x 14"- color Remove - 1.00$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Consolidate to standard size copies below --
6 Photocopies (standard size) - first page 1st page - 1.00$ 0.50$ 200%-$ -$ -$ 100%0.50$ -100.00%-$ -$ -$ Footnote #1
7 Photocopies (standard size) - each additional page
Each additional
page - -$ 0.10$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%0.10$ 100.00%-$ -$ -$ Footnote #1
8 Copies - 24" x 36"
New Fee: Per
sheet - -$ 4.85$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%5$ 100.00%-$ -$ -$ Footnote #2
9 Copies of Map - plotted GIS map
Not to exceed
actual cost – As
determined by City
Manager or
designee - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Recommend No Changes --
10 Research Fee
New Fee: Per 1/2
hour - -$ 146$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%146$ 100.00%-$ -$ -$ Footnote #3
12 PlanReview
Subdivision and Development Improvement Plan
Review/Revision & PlanCheck after 4th revision Time & Materials - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Time & Materials --
14 Subdivision and Development Improvement Plan/Map Check
Change Time &
Materials-> 3% of
estimated cost of
2,500 minimum
deposit; maximum
25,000)- -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ New Fee: 3% of estimated cost of improvementsdeposit Footnote #4
Current Recommendations
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
PublicWorks Engineering 8301
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost Annual Revenue Annual Subsidy
Fee @ Policy
Level %
MGT Notes
Current Recommendations
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
15 Subdivision Inspections
Change Time &
Materials-> 3% of
estimated cost of
2,500 minimum
deposit; maximum
100,000)- -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ New Fee: 3% of estimated cost of improvementsdeposit Footnote #5
16 Special Study Review (i.e., Traffic Study)
New Fee: $5,000
Initial Deposit
time & materials)- -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ New Fee: $5,000 Initial Deposit (Time & Materials)
18 Permit processing fee
Includescost of
processing grading
or encroachment
permit 132 110$ 130$ 84%17,224$ 14,520$ 2,704$ 100%130$ 15.70%17,224$ 2,704$ -$
Trenching / Road Cuts – Base Transfers and longitudinal
trenches, road cuts, 1 - 100 SF
Base Permitcost
up to 100sq. ft. 44 228$ 466$ 49%20,506$ 10,032$ 10,474$ 100%466$ 51.08%20,506$ 10,474$ -$
Trenching / Road Cuts – Over100 SF Transfers and
longitudinal trenches, road cuts, >100 SF
Additional permit
cost per additional
square foot in
excess of 100 sq.
ft.12 1$ 2.3$ 43%28$ 12$ 16$ 100%2$ 57.09%28$ 16$ -$ Footnote #6
21Constructionconcrete sidewalk, curb, and gutter 1- 100 SF
Base Permitcost
up to 100sq. ft.4 456$ 583$ 78%2,330$ 1,824$ 506$ 100%583$ 21.73%2,330$ 506$ -$ Footnote #6
Constructionconcrete sidewalk, curb, and gutter greater than
100 SF
Additional permit
cost per additional
linear foot in
excess of 100 sq.
ft.- 2$ 2$ 100%-$ -$ -$ 100%2$ 0.00%-$ -$ -$ Footnote #6
23 Constructing concretedriveways: residential
Per Driveway-
Residential 4 395$ 699$ 57%2,796$ 1,580$ 1,216$ 100%699$ 43.50%2,796$ 1,216$ -$ Footnote #7
24 Constructing concretedriveways: commercial
Per Driveway -
Commercial - 593$ 1,165$ 51%-$ -$ -$ 100%1,165$ 49.10%-$ -$ -$ Footnote #7
25 Constructing drain inlets, manholes, and connections to same Connection of inlet - 457$ 932$ 49%-$ -$ -$ 100%932$ 50.97%-$ -$ -$ Footnote #7
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
PublicWorks Engineering 8301
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost Annual Revenue Annual Subsidy
Fee @ Policy
Level %
MGT Notes
Current Recommendations
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
Encroachment Permit ResurfacingSurcharge – 100 square
feet or less
Per each permit
where roadway
asphalt is cut
impacting 100sq.
ft. or less of
roadway 32 100$ 100.00$ 100%3,200$ 3,200$ -$ 100%100$ 0.00%3,200$ -$ -$ Footnote #6
Encroachment Permit ResurfacingSurcharge – per square
foot after 100 sq. ft.
In addition to base
charge for up to
100 sq. ft. – an
additional per sq.
ft. 4 1$ 1$ 100%4$ 4$ -$ 100%1$ 0.00%4$ -$ -$
28 Transportation / OversizedVehicle Permits: Single trip
Info Only State
Limits Max. Fee
PerCalif. Vehicle
Code 35795
b)(1));per annual
permit application - 16$ 16$ 100%-$ -$ -$ 100%16$ 0.00%-$ -$ -$ Footnote #8
29 Transportation / OversizedVehicle Permits: Annual
Info Only State
Limits Max. Fee
PerCalif. Vehicle
Code 35795 (b)(1));
per single trip
application - 90$ 90$ 100%-$ -$ -$ 100%90$ 0.00%-$ -$ -$ Footnote #8
30 Block party / street closure (encroachment)
Change Per
application -> See
Encroachment Fee 84 83$ -$ 0%-$ 6,972$ (6,972)$ -- See Encroachment Fee --
Filming / Photography Within Public Right of Way -
Professional Fee Per application 4 256$ 689$ 37%2,755$ 1,024$ 1,731$ 100%689$ 62.83%2,755$ 1,731$ -$
32 Filming / Photography Within Public Right of Way - Basic Fee
See Encroachment
Fee - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- See Encroachment Fee --
33 Street Tree Permit
Fee waived per
ordinance7.56 - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Fee waivedper ordinance --
34 Building division permit referral - residential Per application - 231$ 568$ 41%-$ -$ -$ 100%568$ 59.36%-$ -$ -$
35 Personal Wireless Service Facility Permit
New Fee: $5,000
initial deposit
Time & Materials)- -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ New Fee: $5,000 Initial Deposit (Time & Materials)
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
PublicWorks Engineering 8301
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost Annual Revenue Annual Subsidy
Fee @ Policy
Level %
MGT Notes
Current Recommendations
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
36Watercourse Protection Permit
New Fee: $15,000
initial deposit
Time & Materials)- -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ New Fee: $15,000 Initial Deposit (Time & Materials)
37 Building division permit referral - non residential Per application - 463$ 853$ 54%-$ -$ -$ 100%853$ 45.69%-$ -$ -$
38 ADA site compliance review Per application - 347$ 853$ 41%-$ -$ -$ 100%853$ 59.30%-$ -$ -$
39 Newsrack Permit
Per application /
single space in City-
owned news rack - 180$ 350$ 51%-$ -$ -$ 100%350$ 48.50%-$ -$ -$
Inspection: Public improvementsconstruction; encroachment
permits Time & Materials - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Time & Materials --
41 Equivalent Fees and Charges
Fees for services or
costs not explicitly
listed in any
section inthe
Master Fee
Schedule / case by
case basis, may
include: staff costs;
contractor /
consultant costs;
expenses; general
overhead - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Recommend No Changes --
42 ENGINEERING - Cash BondRequired For Encroachment Permit (If No Surety Bond)
Transverse andlongitudinal trenches, roadcuts, and other
street excavation work – 50 square feet or less
Minimum Bond
Amount Per
Application - See
Section 8.2(A):
Conditions - 500$ 500$ 100%-$ -$ -$ 100%500$ 0.00%-$ -$ -$
Transverse and longitudinal trenches, roadcuts, and other
street excavation work – each additional sq. foot if over 50 sq.
500.00 + $5.00/
sq. ft.
in excess of 50 sq.
ft.- 5$ 5$ 100%-$ -$ -$ 100%5$ 0.00%-$ -$ -$
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
PublicWorks Engineering 8301
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost Annual Revenue Annual Subsidy
Fee @ Policy
Level %
MGT Notes
Current Recommendations
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
45 Concrete Sidewalk 50 square feet or less
Minimum Bond
Amount Per
Application - See
Section 8.2(A):
Conditions - 500$ 500$ 100%-$ -$ -$ 100%500$ 0.00%-$ -$ -$
46 Concrete Sidewalk - each additional sq. ft. if over 50 sq. ft.
500.00 + $5.00/
sq. ft.
in excess of 50 sq.
ft.- 5$ 5$ 100%-$ -$ -$ 100%5$ 0.00%-$ -$ -$
47 Concrete Curb and / or gutter of 30 linear feet or less
Minimum Bond
Amount Per
Application - See
Section 8.2(A):
Conditions - 500$ 500$ 100%-$ -$ -$ 100%500$ 0.00%-$ -$ -$
Concrete Curb and / or gutter - each additional linear foot if
over 30 linear feet
500.00 + $20.00/
linear ft. in excess
of 30 linear ft.*- 20$ 20$ 100%-$ -$ -$ 100%20$ 0.00%-$ -$ -$
49 ResidentialConcrete Driveway
Minimum Bond
Amount Per
Application - See
Section 8.2(A):
Conditions - 500$ 500$ 100%-$ -$ -$ 100%500$ 0.00%-$ -$ -$
50 Commercial Concrete Driveway
Minimum Bond
Amount Per
Application - See
Section 8.2(A):
Conditions - 1,000$ 1,000$ 100%-$ -$ -$ 100%1,000$ 0.00%-$ -$ -$
51 Dropinlets, manholes andconnections to same
Minimum Bond
Amount Per
Application - See
Section 8.2(A):
Conditions - 1,000$ 1,000$ 100%-$ -$ -$ 100%1,000$ 0.00%-$ -$ -$
52 Temporary street or lane closures
No Deposit / Bond
Required - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Recommend No Changes --
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
PublicWorks Engineering 8301
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost Annual Revenue Annual Subsidy
Fee @ Policy
Level %
MGT Notes
Current Recommendations
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
53 Miscellaneous encroachment work
Amount to be
determined by the
Public Works
Director in
accordance with
the nature and
scope of work - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Recommend No Changes --
Composite City Engineering Staff (Excludes Inspectors) Hourly
Rate (Includes Overhead)Hourly 2,683 234$ 292$ 80%784,429$ 627,822$ 156,607$ 100%292$ 19.96%784,429$ 156,607$ -$
Composite City Public Works / Engineering Inspectors Rate
Includes Overhead)Hourly 46 166$ 233$ 71%10,719$ 7,636$ 3,083$ 100%233$ 28.76%10,719$ 3,083$ -$
57On-site Contractor Revenue
Total Budgeted
Revenue 1703,612$ 703,612$ 100%703,612$ 703,612$ -$ 100%703,612$ 0.00%703,612$ -$ -$
58 Off-Site Contractor Revenue
Total Budgeted
Revenue 11,104,222$ 1,104,222$ 100%1,104,222$ 1,104,222$ -$ 100%1,104,222$ 0.00%1,104,222$ -$ -$
Off-Site Overhead Rate – Applied to actual costs incurred for
consultant services and expenses billed under T&M
OH 37%: Replace
with new OH Rate 1408,562$ -$ 0%-$ 408,562$ (408,562)$ Replace with new 26% overhead rate (408,562)$ -$
On-Site Overhead Rate – Applied to actual costs incurred for
consultant services and expenses billedunder T&M
OH 41%: Replace
with new OH rate 1288,481$ -$ 0%-$ 288,481$ (288,481)$ Replace with new 26% overhead rate (288,481)$ -$
61Contract Management
26% OH rate 1 -$ 472,735$ 0%472,735$ -$ 472,735$ 100%472,735$ 100.00%472,735$ 472,735$ -$ Footnote #10
62Amended map or certificate of correction New Fixed Fee - -$ 578$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%578$ 100.00%-$ -$ -$
Street Vacations/Abandonment, Right of Way Dedication
New Fee : $2,000
initial deposit
Time & Materials)- -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ New Fee: $2,000 Initial Deposit (Time & Materials)
64 Certificates of compliance, mergers, parcel map waivers
New Fee: $3,000
initial deposit
Time & Materials)- -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ New Fee: $3,000 Initial Deposit (Time & Materials)
65 Investigation fee/work without a permit (encroachment)
New Fee: Hourly
Rate - 1 hr
minimum (Time &
Materials)- -$ 233$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%233$ 100.00%-$ -$ -$
66Traffic control planreview (encroachment)New Fixed Fee - -$ 342$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%342$ 100.00%-$ -$ -$
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
PublicWorks Engineering 8301
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost Annual Revenue Annual Subsidy
Fee @ Policy
Level %
MGT Notes
Current Recommendations
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
Processing extension of subdivision improvement agreement
or development agreement (subdivision)
New Fee: Time &
Materials - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Time & Materials --
68 Warranty inspection and project closeout (subdivision)New Fixed Fee - -$ 853$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%853$ 100.00%-$ -$ -$
Condition of approval compliance review or single parcel
review (no improvement plans)
New Fee: Deposit
equal to one hour
staff composite
rate - -$ 292$ 0%-$ -$ -$ -- Deposit --
72 Grading PlanReview
New Fee: $5,000
initial deposit
Time & Materials)- -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ New Fee: $5,000 Initial Deposit (Time & Materials)
73 Grading Inspection
New Fee: $15,000
initial deposit
Time & Materials)- -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ New Fee: $15,000 Initial Deposit (Time & Materials)
74 Erosion Control Review and Inspection
New Fee: $1,000
initial deposit
Time & Materials)- -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ New Fee: $1,000 Initial Deposit (Time & Materials)
75 Nuisance Abatement - Tree trimming, Sidewalk Repair See muni code - -$ -$ 0%-$ -$ -$ See Muni Code Footnote #9
Total User Fees $3,124,561 $3,179,503 -$54,942 $3,124,561 -$47,970 $0
of Full Cost 102%-2%100%-2%0%
1 Copies fees (fee #2-5) will be rolled into standard size fees (fee #6 &7) for black and white or color copies. Fee will be set citywide at $0.50 for the first page and $0.10 for each additional page.
2 Fee #8 is a new copies fee for both black and white or color copies 24" X 36".
3 Fee #10isa new fee called Research Fee - first 30 minutes free, then charge by hour in 30 minute increments.
4 Fee # 14 - Subdivision and Development Improvement Plan/Map Check change from time and materials to 3% of estimated cost of improvements ($2,500 minimum deposit; maximum $25,000).
5 Fee # 15 Subdivision Inspections change time & materials to 3% deposit based on estimated cost of improvements (minimum of $2,500; maximum $100,000).
6 Fee # 20-22 & 26 the current fee lists50 sq ft to 100 sq ft to be consistent with otherfee increments. Current fee has been adjusted to reflectwhat it would cost atthe 100 sq ft.
7 Fee # 23-25are currently being subsidized.
8 Fee # 28 & 29 are set by the state.
9 Fee #76 - Nuisance Abatement: Code Section 7.52; Ordinance 25-10 §9 Exh. H, section 1.04.061.
10 Fee #61 is the new contractor overhead rate which is 26%.
User Fee Study SummarySheet
City of Dublin
PublicWorks - Environmental Programs 5201
Ord Service Name Fee Description
Current Fee Full Cost
Recovery %
Annual Cost
Annual Subsidy Recovery Level
Fee @ Policy
1 Building division permit referral Flat Fee - -$ 454$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%454$ -$ -$ -$
2 Stormwater Treatment Measure Inspection Per Hour - -$ 233$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%233$ -$ -$ -$
3 Storm Drain Medallion Each Medallion 25 5$ 10$ 50%250$ 125$ 125$ 100%10$ 250$ 125$ -$
5 Stormwater FacilityInspections: Restaurant/Commercial Flat Fee 50 -$ 382$ 0%19,100$ -$ 19,100$ 100%382$ 19,100$ 19,100$ -$
7 Trash Capture/Enclosure Inspection Flat Fee 10 -$ 194$ 0%1,940$ -$ 1,940$ 100%194$ 1,940$ 1,940$ -$
Review of AnnualMaintenance Reports of privately
maintainedpost-construction Flat Fee 100 -$ 216$ 0%21,600$ -$ 21,600$ 100%216$ 21,600$ 21,600$ -$
9 ContractorManagement
Oversite: 18.01%
OH rate - -$ 58,661$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%58,661$ -$ -$ -$
10 EnvironmentalCoordinator Per Hour - -$ 197$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%197$ -$ -$ -$
11 Environmental Technician Per Hour - -$ 169$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%169$ -$ -$ -$
12Office Assistant II Per Hour - -$ 117$ 0%-$ -$ -$ 100%117$ -$ -$ -$
Total User Fees $42,890 $125 $42,765 $42,890 $42,765 $0
of Full Cost 0%100%100%34212%0%
Per Unit Annual Per Unit Annual
Current Recommendations
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Table of Contents
ScheduleDescription AllocationBasisUnits Allocation Basis Source Page #
Table of Contents 1
Summary Schedule 4
Building Depreciation 20
1 Department Costs 21
1 Incoming Costs 22
1 CivicCenter Number of FTE's per division in theCivicCenter 23
1 Allocation Summary 24
1001-1101 City Council 25
2 Department Costs 26
2 Incoming Costs 27
2 City Council- Personnel Number of FTE's per program 29
2 City Council- Fiscal TotalOperatingBudget per program (excl capital, debt andtransfers)31
2 Council Meetings Number of Staff Reportsper program 34
2 Allocation Summary 35
1001-1201 City Manager 38
3 Department Costs 39
3 Incoming Costs 40
3 City Mgmt-Personnel Number of FTE's per program 42
3 City Mgmt-Fiscal TotalOperatingBudget per program (excl capital, debt andtransfers)44
3 Allocation Summary 47
1001-1301 City Clerk 50
4 Department Costs 51
4 Incoming Costs 52
4 Clerk - Council Support Number of Staff Reportsper program 54
4 Clerk- Personnel Number of FTE's per program 55
4 Clerk- Fiscal TotalOperatingBudget per program (excl capital, debt andtransfers)57
4 RecordsRequests Number of Records Requestsper program 60
4 Allocation Summary 61
1001-1401HumanResources 64
5 Department Costs 65
5 Incoming Costs 66
5 Recruitment Number of Recruits per program (6 year average)68
5 Trainings Number of FTE's per program 69
5 Employee Safety Number of FTE's per program 71
5 Gen'l HR Support Number of FTE's per program 73
5 Allocation Summary 75
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
1001-1402Insurance 76
6 Department Costs 77
6 Incoming Costs 78
6 Claims Number of Claims per program (5 year average)79
6 PropertyInsurance Insured PropertyValueper program 80
6 CivicCenterProp Ins Number of FTE's per division in theCivicCenter 81
6 Allocation Summary 82
1001-1501 City Attorney 84
7 Department Costs 85
7 Incoming Costs 86
7 DirectAttorney Support Amount of Supportper program 87
7 CitywideSupp-Fiscal TotalOperatingBudget per program (excl capital, debt andtransfers)88
7 CitywideSupp-Personnel Number of FTE's per program 91
7 Litigation **Not Allocated**
7 Allocation Summary 93
1001-1601Finance 96
8 Department Costs 98
8 Incoming Costs 102
8 A/P Number of A/P transactions per program 106
8 A/R Number of A/R transactions per program 109
8 Payroll Number of Payroll transactions per program 110
8 Procurement Number ofPO transactions per program 111
8 Revenue/Receipting Amount of Revenue per fund 114
8 Budgeting TotalOperatingBudget per program (excl capital, debt andtransfers)116
8 Property Tax **Not Allocated**
8 FinancialReporting TotalOperatingBudget per program (excl capital, debt andtransfers)119
8 IT Support Direct allocation toIT 122
8 Impact FeeSupport **Not Allocated**
8 Revenue/Receipting-GF TotalOperatingBudget per GF program (excl capital, debt and transfers)123
8 Allocation Summary 125
1001-1801Building Management 133
9 Department Costs 134
9 Incoming Costs 135
9 CivicCenter Number of FTE's per division in the CivicCenter 136
9 Corp Yard Allocate costs directly to Public Works for theiroffice space 137
9 MCERoom Setup **Not Allocated**
9 Allocation Summary 138
1001-3101 PW-Administration 139
10 Department Costs 140
10 Incoming Costs 141
10PW Admin-Personnel Number of FTE's per programsupported by PublicWorks Admin 143
10PW Admin- Fiscal TotalOperatingBudget per PW supported program (excl capital, debt and transfers)144
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
10 Allocation Summary 146
1001-1901 Non Departmental 148
11 Department Costs 149
11 Incoming Costs 150
11 CitywideContracts TotalOperatingBudget per program (excl capital, debt andtransfers)151
11 Unallowed **Not Allocated**
11 Allocation Summary 154
MGT Consulting Group Page 3 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Summary Schedule
Department 1001-1302
Public Safety
rt Svcs
Res Svcs
1 BuildingDepreciation $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $24,407 $0
2 1001-1101City Council 10 303 16,59529,305 3,6567,683 5,474 3,865 18,030 40,306
3 1001-1201CityManager 28 848 25,25982,005 10,23121,501 15,318 10,816 50,439112,787
4 1001-1301CityClerk 10 315 18,03930,441 3,7987,981 5,686 4,015 18,848 43,583
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 0 0 4,115 0 0 0 0 0 29,939 0
6 1001-1402Insurance 0 15,021 32,579 0 0 0607 03,987 30,837
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 10 306 21,00929,551 3,6877,748 5,520 3,898 18,071 40,644
8 1001-1601 Finance 15314,517 45,656 132,251 16,72534,865 24,913 17,538 60,437183,031
9 1001-1801 Building Management 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 66,973 0
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 541,618 48,164 156,370 19,50940,998 29,209 20,624 35,200215,067
Total CurrentAllocations $265 $32,928 $211,415 $459,923 $57,606 $120,776 $86,727 $60,756 $326,331 $666,255
MGT Consulting Group Page 4 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Summary Schedule
Department 1001-2402
Reg Fire
Station Maint
1 BuildingDepreciation $6,102 $0 $0 $2,014 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
2 1001-1101City Council 7,441 569 7441,387 4771,068 32 517 138517
3 1001-1201CityManager 11,7441,591 2,0833,880 1,3352,988 90 1,447 386 1,446
4 1001-1301CityClerk 8,103 591 7731,451 4961,109 34 537 143537
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 11,600 0 0 2,470 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 1001-1402Insurance 997 0 0 329 0 0 0 05,065 0
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 4,206 941 7511,390 4811,077 33 521 139521
8 1001-1601 Finance 7,7352,905 15,1012,128 3,2546,899 1,474 3,477 2,229 3,217
9 1001-1801 Building Management 16,743 0 0 5,525 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 0 0 0 0 0 0742 11,869 3,167 11,859
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 7,1493,034 3,9712,368 2,5475,698 172 2,759 736 2,757
Total CurrentAllocations $81,819 $9,630 $23,423 $22,941 $8,591 $18,839 $2,577 $21,128 $12,004 $20,853
MGT Consulting Group Page 5 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Summary Schedule
Department 1001-3401
Tree Maint
Waste Mgmt
Pks & CS-
Human Svcs
Pks & CS-
Library Svcs
Pks & CS-
Hist. Fac
Pks & CS-
1 BuildingDepreciation $0 $0 $2,014 $14,644 $3,051 $0 $0 $0 $915 $0
2 1001-1101City Council 5,355 695 1,1759,014 2,246 399 3,056 11,965 1,819 24
3 1001-1201CityManager 14,9841,944 3,28725,216 6,2841,118 8,553 33,483 5,089 66
4 1001-1301CityClerk 5,562 722 1,2309,435 2,348 415 3,175 12,429 1,901 25
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 0 0 2,47017,964 3,742 0 0 02,994 0
6 1001-1402Insurance 0 03292,392 498 049,107 61,581 8,438 0
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 5,400 701 1,1769,024 3,119 403 3,082 12,066 1,823 24
8 1001-1601 Finance 37,7304,062 1,40912,949 5,4814,168 26,528 69,210 13,363107
9 1001-1801 Building Management 0 0 5,52540,184 8,372 0 0 02,511 0
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 122,90615,947 0 195,538 0 0 0 274,649 0 0
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 28,5713,707 1,23711,494 4,3602,131 16,309 63,846 3,605126
Total CurrentAllocations $220,507 $27,777 $19,853 $347,853 $39,501 $8,635 $109,809 $539,230 $42,459 $371
MGT Consulting Group Page 6 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Summary Schedule
Department 1001-7611
Pks & CS-
Heritage Ctr
Pks & CS-
Pks & CS-
Events &
Pks & CS-
Pks & CS-
Pks & CS-
Pks & CS-
Pks & CS-
Pks & CS-
Senior Progs
Pks & CS-
Sports Progs
1 BuildingDepreciation $915 $3,661 $12,813 $7,627 $38,440 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
2 1001-1101City Council 4,1614,988 8,25811,520 62,8144,616 4,429 1,663 7,436 6,324
3 1001-1201CityManager 11,63913,954 23,10132,228 66,83412,915 12,390 4,653 20,801 17,692
4 1001-1301CityClerk 4,3585,220 8,64112,046 69,5544,825 4,637 1,737 7,787 6,611
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 8,9829,730 15,71819,835 109,5037,485 8,982 2,245 15,718 10,479
6 1001-1402Insurance 1509,326 2,09351,301 6,279 015,183 0 0 0
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 4,1634,994 8,27011,544 23,9194,628 4,433 1,669 7,441 6,339
8 1001-1601 Finance 16,5617,380 31,33860,462 52,62140,532 15,303 25,884 25,920 39,850
9 1001-1801 Building Management 2,51110,046 35,16120,929 105,482 0 0 0 0 0
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 3,9006,789 12,03521,055 31,3989,382 5,332 4,299 7,649 12,392
Total CurrentAllocations $57,339 $76,088 $157,428 $248,547 $566,844 $84,383 $70,687 $42,151 $92,751 $99,687
MGT Consulting Group Page 7 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Summary Schedule
Department 1001-7771
Pks & CS-
PW- Pks/Fac
CD- Planning
CD- Bldg &
ED- Econ
ED- Public
CIP- Parks
CIP Projs
CIP- Streets
1 BuildingDepreciation $0 $0 $15,864 $60,101 $45,762 $55,830 $14,034 $7,322 $0 $0
2 1001-1101City Council 0 22,444 8,40845,645 44,35131,032 15,186 4,434 0 0
3 1001-1201CityManager 0 62,792 23,51995,929 92,31586,807 24,333 12,403 0 0
4 1001-1301CityClerk 0 23,452 8,81160,053 66,35432,508 16,529 4,641 0 0
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 0 34,430 19,46198,665 81,07668,486 26,567 8,982 0 0
6 1001-1402Insurance 0 104,616 2,59110,264 8,0129,120 2,292 1,196 0 0
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 0 22,507 8,40756,653 36,94131,042 8,708 4,438 0 0
8 1001-1601 Finance 12,95948,487 10,05057,045 66,26446,775 17,262 9,606 0 0
9 1001-1801 Building Management 0 043,532 164,920 125,574 153,200 38,509 20,092 0 0
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 0 0211,113 0 0 638,545 0 0 0 0
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 0 49,607 5,20932,758 61,69326,036 11,336 5,357 0 0
Total CurrentAllocations $12,959 $368,335 $356,965 $682,034 $628,341 $1,179,381 $174,757 $78,471 $0 $0
MGT Consulting Group Page 8 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Summary Schedule
Department 1009-1501
PW- Envir
CD- Planning
PD- Opers
PD- Opers
PD- Patrol
2107-2111 2109-1901
1 BuildingDepreciation $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
2 1001-1101City Council 521 4 2,1917,132 13 3323 627 0 0
3 1001-1201CityManager 1,457 12 6,13119,958 36 7904 1,755 0 0
4 1001-1301CityClerk 541 5 2,2767,409 13 3336 651 0 0
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 1001-1402Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 525 4 2,2097,192 13 3326 632 0 0
8 1001-1601 Finance 2,179 1811,06329,840 125 44 1,495 7,360 1,651 3,073
9 1001-1801 Building Management 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 0 101 0 163,707 0 0 0 14,393 0 0
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 2,778 2311,69138,056 69 14 1,724 3,346 0 0
Total CurrentAllocations $8,001 $168 $35,562 $273,293 $269 $73 $5,107 $28,764 $1,651 $3,073
MGT Consulting Group Page 9 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Summary Schedule
Department 2109-2401
PD- Opers
PW- Traffic
PW- Street
CIP- Streets
CIP- Streets
1 BuildingDepreciation $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
2 1001-1101City Council 1,064 21 8 0 0 1,680 19 0 0 0
3 1001-1201CityManager 2,977 59 23 0 0 4,700 54 0 0 0
4 1001-1301CityClerk 1,105 22 8 0 0 1,745 20 0 0 0
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 1001-1402Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 1,073 21 8 0 0 1,694 20 0 0 0
8 1001-1601 Finance 4,622 763 802,582 1,3729,353 103 02,478384
9 1001-1801 Building Management 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 0 0 0 0 0 38,552 445 0 0 0
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 5,676 112 43 0 0 8,962 103 0 0 0
Total CurrentAllocations $16,516 $998 $170 $2,582 $1,372 $66,685 $764 $0 $2,478 $384
MGT Consulting Group Page 10 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Summary Schedule
Department 2205-3101
PW- Admin
CIP- Streets
PW- Traffic
CIP- Streets
CIP- Street
CIP- Street
CIP- Street
1 BuildingDepreciation $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
2 1001-1101City Council 58 0 0 0560 0 0 0 0 32
3 1001-1201CityManager 162 0 0 0 1,566 0 0 0 0 89
4 1001-1301CityClerk 60 0 0 0581 0 0 0 0 33
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 1001-1402Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 59 0 0 0564 0 0 0 0 32
8 1001-1601 Finance 799 0702 1 3,493 0344 120 0 324
9 1001-1801 Building Management 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 1,332 0 0 012,848 0 0 0 0 730
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 310 0 0 0 2,987 0 0 0 0 170
Total CurrentAllocations $2,780 $0 $702 $1 $22,600 $0 $344 $120 $0 $1,409
MGT Consulting Group Page 11 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Summary Schedule
Department 2302-5201
PW- Enviro
Waste Mgmt
PW- Enviro
PW- Street
PW- Street
East Bay
Cust Svc
PW- Street
1 BuildingDepreciation $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
2 1001-1101City Council 46813,163 93 0 16 16 0 0 594 37
3 1001-1201CityManager 1,30936,835 259 0 45 45 0 01,662104
4 1001-1301CityClerk 48613,674 96 0 17 17 0 0 617 38
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 1001-1402Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 47213,274 93 0 16 16 0 0 599 37
8 1001-1601 Finance 4,99559,494 2,769 3 90 90 0 05,316895
9 1001-1801 Building Management 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 10,739 0 2,128 0371 371 0 0 13,637850
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 2,49670,239 495 0 86 86 0 03,170198
Total CurrentAllocations $20,965 $206,679 $5,934 $3 $641 $641 $0 $0 $25,596 $2,159
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Summary Schedule
Department 2702-3401
PW- Street
PW- Street
PW- Street
PW- Street
PW- Street
PW- Street
PW- Street
1 BuildingDepreciation $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
2 1001-1101City Council 266 8 15 396 50 18945 87 30598
3 1001-1201CityManager 744 23 421,108 141 51 2,644 244 83 1,673
4 1001-1301CityClerk 276 8 16 411 52 19982 91 31621
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 1001-1402Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 268 8 15 399 51 18953 88 30603
8 1001-1601 Finance 3,634 816 8024,958 1,014 837 7,752 1,190 863 3,913
9 1001-1801 Building Management 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 6,101 185 3449,091 1,154 415 21,690 2,002 679 13,723
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 1,418 43 802,113 268 96 5,042 465 158 3,190
Total CurrentAllocations $12,707 $1,092 $1,314 $18,478 $2,731 $1,453 $40,008 $4,168 $1,874 $24,321
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Summary Schedule
Department 2705-8301
CIP- Streets
Pks & CS-
CIP- Parks
CIP Pojs
City Attorney
Pks & CS-
Human Svcs
CD- Hsg
1 BuildingDepreciation $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $12,203 $0
2 1001-1101City Council 30 0509 0114 194 0 26 7,103 0
3 1001-1201CityManager 83 0 1,425 0319 542 0 7219,871 0
4 1001-1301CityClerk 31 0529 0119 201 0 27 7,439 0
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,970 0
6 1001-1402Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01,993 0
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 30 0514 0115 195 0 26 7,108 0
8 1001-1601 Finance 863 0 2,608 0 1,3761,240 689 323 19,293 3
9 1001-1801 Building Management 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33,486 0
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 679 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 158 0 2,718 06091,034 0 138 7,401 0
Total CurrentAllocations $1,872 $0 $8,303 $0 $2,653 $3,408 $689 $612 $130,868 $3
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Summary Schedule
Department 2903-5501
Pks & CS-
Human Svcs
CIP- Parks
CIP Projs
CIP- Streets
CIP- Parks
CIP Projs
1 BuildingDepreciation $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
2 1001-1101City Council 266 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 1001-1201CityManager 743 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 1001-1301CityClerk 276 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 1001-1402Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 268 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 1001-1601 Finance 12,4342,445 8,0981,582 40,83921,200 2,808 148 3,808619
9 1001-1801 Building Management 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 1,417 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total CurrentAllocations $15,404 $2,445 $8,098 $1,582 $40,839 $21,200 $2,808 $148 $3,808 $619
MGT Consulting Group Page 15 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Summary Schedule
Department 4105-77024106-0000
4107-7702 4108 Aquatic
Quimby Act
Pk In-Lieu
Nature Park
Nature Pk
1 BuildingDepreciation $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
2 1001-1101City Council 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 1001-1201CityManager 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 1001-1301CityClerk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 1001-1402Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 1001-1601 Finance 3,271 848 2,524 286 165 57393 341 1,286 1,329
9 1001-1801 Building Management 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total CurrentAllocations $3,271 $848 $2,524 $286 $165 $57 $393 $341 $1,286 $1,329
MGT Consulting Group Page 16 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Summary Schedule
Department 4301-9601
CIP- Streets
CIP Projs
CIP- Streets
CIP Projs
Category 3
West Dublin
Valley TIF
CIP- Parks
1 BuildingDepreciation $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
2 1001-1101City Council 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 1001-1201CityManager 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 1001-1301CityClerk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 1001-1402Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 1001-1601 Finance 0 477 0 3712 857 458 2 18 13,119
9 1001-1801 Building Management 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total CurrentAllocations $0 $477 $0 $3 $712 $857 $458 $2 $18 $13,119
MGT Consulting Group Page 17 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Summary Schedule
Department 5101-0000
Dublin Blvd
PW- Geo
Haz Abate.
PW- Geo
n Ranch
PW- Geo
1 BuildingDepreciation $0 $0 $0 $610 $610 $0 $305 $0 $0 $0
2 1001-1101City Council 0 2,607 0 2,639 2,016 0315 0 0 6
3 1001-1201CityManager 0 7,296 0 7,383 5,642 0882 0 0 18
4 1001-1301CityClerk 0 2,708 0 2,744 2,097 0329 0 0 7
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 0 0 0 748 748 0374 0 0 0
6 1001-1402Insurance 0 0 0 100 100 0 50 0 0 0
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 0 2,629 0 2,658 2,030 0317 0 0 7
8 1001-1601 Finance 0 12,506 1,12613,055 10,741 0 2,348 5,191 299 5,078
9 1001-1801 Building Management 0 0 0 1,674 1,674 0837 0 0 0
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 0 0 0 60,091 45,805 0 7,000 0 0 0
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 0 13,912 0 12,554 9,233 0920 0 0 34
Total CurrentAllocations $0 $41,657 $1,126 $104,256 $80,697 $0 $13,677 $5,191 $299 $5,150
MGT Consulting Group Page 18 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Summary Schedule
Department 6605-1602
Admin Svcs-
Info Systems
All Other2nd
1 BuildingDepreciation $26,542 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $355,787
2 1001-1101City Council 17,0337,867 0 0 0 0533,354
3 1001-1201CityManager 47,65122,016 0 0 0 0 1,271,396
4 1001-1301CityClerk 17,8248,173 0 0 0 0596,258
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 45,029 0 0 0 0 0683,508
6 1001-1402Insurance 4,33618,934 0 0 0 0459,701
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 17,0577,934 0 0 0 0495,619
8 1001-1601 Finance 116,94836,948 322 602 3,025 0 1,876,323
9 1001-1801 Building Management 72,833 0 0 0 0 0976,295
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,915,497
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 24,54741,980 0 0 0 0 1,321,983
Total CurrentAllocations $389,799 $143,851 $322 $602 $3,025 $0 $10,485,721
Building Depreciation
Natureand Extentof Services
The BuildingDepreciation is an allowable charge for costplanpurposes. The full costallocationplandistributesthe
building depreciationto all city departmentswhich occupy spaceincity -owned buildings.
The costs of buildingdepreciation are allocatedthroughout various departments based on the followingfunction:
Civic Center - Costshave been allocatedbased on number of FTE's per division in the Civic Center.
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Building Depreciation
Natureand Extentof Services
The Building Depreciation is anallowable charge for costplan purposes. The full cost allocation plan distributes the
building depreciationto all city departmentswhich occupy spaceincity -owned buildings.
The costs of building depreciation are allocatedthroughoutvariousdepartmentsbased onthe followingfunction:
Civic Center - Costs have been allocatedbased on number of FTE's perdivision in the CivicCenter.
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
A. DepartmentCosts Dept:1 BuildingDepreciation
Description AmountGeneral
Personnel Costs
Salaries S 0 0 0
Salary % Split .00%.00%
Benefits S 0 0 0
Subtotal - Personnel Costs 0 0 0
Services & SuppliesCost
CivicCenter-Bldg Depr P 524,742 0 524,742
Subtotal - Services & Supplies 524,742 0 524,742
DepartmentCost Total 524,742 0 524,742
Adjustments to Cost
Subtotal - Adjustments 0 0 0
Total Costs After Adjustments 524,742 0 524,742
GeneralAdmin Distribution 0 0
Grand Total $524,742 $524,742
MGT Consulting Group Page 21 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
B. IncomingCosts - (DefaultSpreadExpense%)Dept:1 BuildingDepreciation
No IndirectCosts
Page Intentionally Left Blank
MGT Consulting Group Page 22 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
CivicCenter Allocations Dept:1 BuildingDepreciation
Department UnitsAllocation
2 1001-1101City Council 5.00 5.81%$30,508 $0 $30,508 $0 $30,508
3 1001-1201CityManager 4.34 5.05%26,481 026,481 026,481
4 1001-1301CityClerk 3.00 3.49%18,305 018,305 018,305
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 2.50 2.91%15,254 015,254 015,254
8 1001-1601 Finance 7.65 8.90%46,678 046,678 046,678
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 5.20 6.05%31,729 031,729 031,729
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 4.00 4.65%24,407 024,407 024,407
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 1.00 1.16%6,102 0 6,102 0 6,102
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.0.33 0.38%2,014 0 2,014 0 2,014
34 1001-5101Non-Dept-Waste Mgmt 0.33 0.38%2,014 0 2,014 0 2,014
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 2.40 2.79%14,644 014,644 014,644
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 0.50 0.58%3,051 0 3,051 0 3,051
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 0.15 0.17%915 0915 0915
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 0.15 0.17%915 0915 0915
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities 0.60 0.70%3,661 0 3,661 0 3,661
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.2.10 2.44%12,813 012,813 012,813
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals 1.25 1.45%7,627 0 7,627 0 7,627
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 6.30 7.33%38,440 038,440 038,440
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 2.60 3.02%15,864 015,864 015,864
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 9.8511.45%60,101 060,101 060,101
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 7.50 8.72%45,762 045,762 045,762
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 9.1510.64%55,830 055,830 055,830
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 2.30 2.67%14,034 014,034 014,034
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 1.20 1.40%7,322 0 7,322 0 7,322
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 2.00 2.33%12,203 012,203 012,203
155 5301-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 0.10 0.12%610 0610 0610
156 5302-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 0.10 0.12%610 0610 0610
158 5321-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 0.05 0.06%305 0305 0305
162 6605-1602 Admin Svcs- Info Systems 4.35 5.06%26,542 026,542 026,542
Subtotal 86.00100.00%524,742 0524,742 0524,742
Direct Bills 0 0
Total $524,742 $524,742
BasisUnits: Number of FTE's per division inthe CivicCenter
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:1 BuildingDepreciation
Department Civic CenterTotal
2 1001-1101City Council $30,508 $30,508
3 1001-1201CityManager 26,48126,481
4 1001-1301CityClerk 18,30518,305
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 15,25415,254
8 1001-1601 Finance 46,67846,678
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 31,72931,729
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 24,40724,407
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 6,1026,102
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.2,0142,014
34 1001-5101Non-Dept-Waste Mgmt 2,0142,014
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 14,64414,644
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 3,0513,051
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 915 915
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 915 915
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities 3,6613,661
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.12,81312,813
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals 7,6277,627
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 38,44038,440
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 15,86415,864
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 60,10160,101
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 45,76245,762
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 55,83055,830
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 14,03414,034
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 7,3227,322
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 12,20312,203
155 5301-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 610 610
156 5302-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 610 610
158 5321-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 305 305
162 6605-1602 Admin Svcs- Info Systems 26,54226,542
Total $524,742 $524,742
1001-1101 City Council
Natureand Extentof Services
The CityCouncil department consistsof the Mayorandfour City Councilmembers elected at large by the voters of
Dublin. The City Council is responsibleforenactinglegislation, establishing policie s, andprovidingguidanceand
direction for actionsthat affect the quality of life in theCity.
The City Councilcostsaredistributedby the following functions:
City Council- Personnel - Costshavebeenallocatedbasedonnumber of FTE'sperprogram.
City Council- Fiscal - Costshavebeenallocatedbased on TotalOperatingBudgetper program (exclcapital, debt and
Council Meetings - Costshavebeenallocatedbasedonnumber of StaffReports per program.
MGT Consulting Group Page 24 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
1001-1101 City Council
Natureand Extentof Services
The CityCouncil department consistsof the Mayorandfour City Councilmembers elected at large by the voters of
Dublin. The City Council is responsibleforenactinglegislation, establishing policie s, andprovidingguidanceand
direction for actionsthat affect the quality of life in theCity.
The City Councilcostsaredistributedby the following functions:
City Council- Personnel - Costshavebeenallocatedbasedonnumber of FTE'sperprogram.
City Council- Fiscal - Costshavebeenallocatedbased on TotalOperatingBudgetper program (exclcapital, debt and
Council Meetings - Costshavebeenallocatedbasedonnumber of StaffReports per program.
MGT Consulting Group Page 25 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
A. DepartmentCosts Dept:2 1001-1101 CityCouncil
Description AmountGeneral
City Council-
Personnel Costs
Salaries S1 67,123 0 22,374 22,37422,374
Salary % Split .00%33.33%33.33%33.33%
Benefits S 107,371 0 35,790 35,79035,790
Subtotal - Personnel Costs 174,494 0 58,165 58,16558,165
Services & SuppliesCost
Office Supplies S 1,500 0 500 500 500
Postage S 4,750 0 1,583 1,5831,583
Books & Publications S 200 0 67 67 67
Advertising S 400 0 133 133 133
Printing & Binding S 14,200 0 4,733 4,7334,733
Legal Notices S 1,650 0 550 550 550
Comm Promotion Supplies S 39,500 0 13,167 13,16713,167
Memb & Dues S 48,555 0 16,185 16,18516,185
Travel Conf & Mtgs S 32,600 0 10,867 10,86710,867
ISF- Equip Rplcmt S 19,525 0 6,508 6,5086,508
ISF- IT S 21,121 0 7,040 7,0407,040
Contract Svcs Gen'l S 105,000 0 35,000 35,00035,000
Contract Svcs Comm Events S 1,000 0 333 333 333
Prof Svcs Gen'l S 80,100 0 26,700 26,70026,700
Subtotal - Services & Supplies 370,101 0 123,367 123,367 123,367
DepartmentCost Total 544,595 0 181,532 181,532 181,532
Adjustments to Cost
Subtotal - Adjustments 0 0 0 0 0
Total Costs After Adjustments 544,595 0 181,532 181,532 181,532
General Admin Distribution 0 0 0 0
GrandTotal $544,595 $181,532 $181,532 $181,532
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
B. IncomingCosts - (DefaultSpread Salary%)Dept:2 1001-1101 CityCouncil
Department First
City Council-
1 CivicCenter $30,508 $0 $10,169 $10,169 $10,169
Subtotal - BuildingDepreciation 30,508 010,16910,169 10,169
2 City Council- Personnel 0 9,585 3,1953,195 3,195
2 City Council- Fiscal 0 1,197 399 399 399
Subtotal - 1001-1101 City Council 0 10,782 3,5943,594 3,594
3 City Mgmt-Personnel 0 32,400 10,80010,800 10,800
3 City Mgmt-Fiscal 0 4,047 1,3491,349 1,349
Subtotal - 1001-1201 City Manager 0 36,448 12,14912,149 12,149
4 Clerk- Personnel 0 11,290 3,7633,763 3,763
4 Clerk- Fiscal 0 1,410 470 470 470
4 Records Requests 0 6,054 2,0182,018 2,018
Subtotal - 1001-1301 City Clerk 0 18,754 6,2516,251 6,251
5 Trainings 0 10,510 3,5033,503 3,503
5 Employee Safety 0 10,510 3,5033,503 3,503
5 Gen'l HR Support 0 9,563 3,1883,188 3,188
Subtotal - 1001-1401Human Resources 0 30,583 10,19410,194 10,194
6 CivicCenterProp Ins 0 4,772 1,5911,591 1,591
Subtotal - 1001-1402Insurance 0 4,772 1,5911,591 1,591
7 DirectAttorney Support 0 42,902 14,30114,301 14,301
7 CitywideSupp-Fiscal 0 1,696 565 565 565
7 CitywideSupp-Personnel 0 13,577 4,5264,526 4,526
Subtotal - 1001-1501 City Attorney 0 58,175 19,39219,392 19,392
8 A/P 0 4,805 1,6021,602 1,602
8 Payroll 0 3,243 1,0811,081 1,081
8 Procurement 0 3,338 1,1131,113 1,113
8 Budgeting 0 3,070 1,0231,023 1,023
8 Financial Reporting 0 3,405 1,1351,135 1,135
8 Revenue/Receipting-GF 0 495 165 165 165
MGT Consulting Group Page 27 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
B. IncomingCosts - (DefaultSpread Salary%)Dept:2 1001-1101 CityCouncil
Department First
City Council-
Subtotal - 1001-1601Finance $0 $18,355 $6,118 $6,118 $6,118
9 CivicCenter 0 81,179 27,06027,060 27,060
Subtotal - 1001-1801 BuildingManagement 0 81,179 27,06027,060 27,060
11 CitywideContracts 0 9,184 3,0613,061 3,061
Subtotal - 1001-1901NonDepartmental 0 9,184 3,0613,061 3,061
Total Incoming 30,508 268,232 99,58099,580 99,580
C. Total Allocated $843,335 $281,112 $281,112 $281,112
MGT Consulting Group Page 28 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
City Council- PersonnelAllocations Dept:2 1001-1101 CityCouncil
Department UnitsAllocation
2 1001-1101City Council 5.00 5.00%$9,585 $0 $9,585 $0 $9,585
3 1001-1201CityManager 4.34 4.34%8,320 0 8,3204,085 12,404
4 1001-1301CityClerk 3.00 3.00%5,751 0 5,7512,823 8,575
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 2.50 2.50%4,793 0 4,7932,353 7,145
8 1001-1601 Finance 7.65 7.65%14,665 014,6657,200 21,865
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 5.20 5.20%9,968 0 9,9684,894 14,863
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 4.00 4.00%7,668 0 7,6683,765 11,433
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 1.00 1.00%1,917 0 1,917 941 2,858
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.0.33 0.33%633 0633 311 943
34 1001-5101Non-Dept-Waste Mgmt 0.33 0.33%633 0633 311 943
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 2.40 2.40%4,601 0 4,6012,259 6,860
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 0.50 0.50%959 0959 471 1,429
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 0.40 0.40%767 0767 376 1,143
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 1.20 1.20%2,300 0 2,3001,129 3,430
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities 1.30 1.30%2,492 0 2,4921,224 3,716
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.2.10 2.10%4,026 0 4,0261,976 6,002
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals 2.65 2.65%5,080 0 5,0802,494 7,574
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 6.30 6.30%12,077 012,0775,929 18,007
47 1001-7711 Pks & CS- FamilyProgs 1.00 1.00%1,917 0 1,917 941 2,858
48 1001-7721 Pks & CS- Recr Activities 1.20 1.20%2,300 0 2,3001,129 3,430
49 1001-7731 Pks & CS- PreschoolProgs 0.30 0.30%575 0575 282 857
50 1001-7751 Pks & CS- Senior Progs 2.10 2.10%4,026 0 4,0261,976 6,002
51 1001-7761 Pks & CS- SportsProgs 1.40 1.40%2,684 0 2,6841,318 4,001
53 1001-7772 Pks & CS- EGRAC 4.60 4.60%8,818 0 8,8184,329 13,148
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 2.60 2.60%4,984 0 4,9842,447 7,431
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 9.85 9.85%18,883 018,8839,270 28,153
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 7.50 7.50%14,378 014,3787,059 21,436
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 9.15 9.15%17,541 017,5418,612 26,152
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 2.30 2.30%4,409 0 4,4092,165 6,574
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 1.20 1.20%2,300 0 2,3001,129 3,430
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 2.00 2.00%3,834 0 3,8341,882 5,716
155 5301-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0.10 0.10%192 0192 94286
156 5302-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0.10 0.10%192 0192 94286
158 5321-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0.05 0.05%96 0 96 47143
162 6605-1602Admin Svcs- Info Systems 4.35 4.35%8,339 0 8,3394,094 12,433
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
City Council- PersonnelAllocations Dept:2 1001-1101 CityCouncil
Department UnitsAllocation
Subtotal 100.00100.00%191,701 0191,70189,411 281,112
DirectBills 0 0
Total $191,701 $281,112
Basis Units: Number of FTE's per program
MGT Consulting Group Page 30 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
City Council- Fiscal Allocations Dept:2 1001-1101 CityCouncil
Department UnitsAllocation
2 1001-1101City Council 544,595 0.62%$1,197 $0 $1,197 $0 $1,197
3 1001-1201CityManager 1,240,780 1.42%2,728 0 2,7281,280 4,008
4 1001-1301CityClerk 632,609 0.73%1,391 0 1,391 653 2,044
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 740,693 0.85%1,629 0 1,629 764 2,393
6 1001-1402Insurance 517,450 0.59%1,138 0 1,138 534 1,672
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 735,000 0.84%1,616 0 1,616 758 2,374
8 1001-1601 Finance 1,772,162 2.03%3,896 0 3,8961,829 5,725
9 1001-1801 Building Management 1,381,374 1.58%3,037 0 3,0371,425 4,463
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 1,305,265 1.50%2,870 0 2,8701,347 4,217
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 1,630,340 1.87%3,585 0 3,5851,682 5,267
12 1001-1302 Elections 3,120 0.00%7 0 7 3 10
13 1001-1802 Public Safety Complex 93,847 0.11%206 0206 97303
14 1001-2101PD- Admin/Support Svcs 2,794,028 3.20%6,143 0 6,1432,883 9,026
15 1001-2102PD-Patrol 9,071,12310.40%19,944 019,9449,361 29,305
16 1001-2103PD-Traffic 1,131,732 1.30%2,488 0 2,4881,168 3,656
17 1001-2104PD-Investigations 2,378,341 2.73%5,229 0 5,2292,454 7,683
18 1001-2105PD-CrimePrev/School Res Svcs1,694,440 1.94%3,726 0 3,7261,749 5,474
19 1001-2106PD-Comm./Dispatch 1,196,434 1.37%2,631 0 2,6311,235 3,865
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 2,041,982 2.34%4,490 0 4,4902,107 6,597
21 1001-2401 FD-Operation 12,476,21114.31%27,431 027,43112,874 40,306
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 414,694 0.48%912 0912 428 1,340
23 1001-2405 FD-Dougherty RegFire Auth176,000 0.20%387 0387 182 569
24 1001-2411 FD-FireStation Maint 230,376 0.26%507 0507 238 744
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.137,366 0.16%302 0302 142 444
26 1001-2601Non-Dept-Crossing Guards 147,729 0.17%325 0325 152 477
27 1001-2701Non-Dept-Animal Control 330,521 0.38%727 0727 341 1,068
28 1001-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 10,000 0.01%22 0 22 10 32
29 1001-2802 PW-Street Lighting 160,064 0.18%352 0352 165 517
30 1001-3201 PW-Street Maint 42,704 0.05%94 0 94 44138
31 1001-3202 PW-Street Sweeping 159,926 0.18%352 0352 165 517
32 1001-3401 PW-StreetLandscaping 1,657,447 1.90%3,644 0 3,6441,710 5,355
33 1001-3402 PW-Street Tree Maint 215,050 0.25%473 0473 222 695
34 1001-5101 Non-Dept-WasteMgmt 71,770 0.08%158 0158 74232
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 666,788 0.76%1,466 0 1,466 688 2,154
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs252,909 0.29%556 0556 261 817
37 1001-7101 Non-Dept-Comm TV 123,650 0.14%272 0272 128 399
38 1001-7301 Pks & CS- Library Svcs946,071 1.09%2,080 0 2,080 976 3,056
39 1001-7501 PW-Park Maint 3,703,783 4.25%8,143 0 8,1433,822 11,965
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 209,150 0.24%460 0460 216 676
41 1001-7602 Pks & CS- Dublin Cemetery 7,321 0.01%16 0 16 8 24
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 226,217 0.26%497 0497 233 731
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities 393,834 0.45%866 0866 406 1,272
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
City Council- Fiscal Allocations Dept:2 1001-1101 CityCouncil
Department UnitsAllocation
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.698,182 0.80%$1,535 $0 $1,535 $720 $2,256
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals1,221,401 1.40%2,685 0 2,6851,260 3,946
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 1,821,447 2.09%4,005 0 4,0051,880 5,884
47 1001-7711 Pks & CS- FamilyProgs 544,244 0.62%1,197 0 1,197 562 1,758
48 1001-7721 Pks & CS- Recr Activities 309,285 0.35%680 0680 319 999
49 1001-7731 Pks & CS- PreschoolProgs 249,413 0.29%548 0548 257 806
50 1001-7751 Pks & CS- Senior Progs 443,728 0.51%976 0976 458 1,434
51 1001-7761 Pks & CS- SportsProgs 718,889 0.82%1,581 0 1,581 742 2,322
53 1001-7772 Pks & CS- EGRAC 2,877,750 3.30%6,327 0 6,3272,970 9,297
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 302,205 0.35%664 0664 312 976
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 1,900,337 2.18%4,178 0 4,1781,961 6,139
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 3,578,841 4.10%7,869 0 7,8693,693 11,562
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 1,510,379 1.73%3,321 0 3,3211,559 4,879
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 657,637 0.75%1,446 0 1,446 679 2,125
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 310,759 0.36%683 0683 321 1,004
62 1009-1501CityAttorney 161,180 0.18%354 0354 166 521
63 1009-5201 PW- EnvirProgs 1,356 0.00%3 0 3 1 4
64 1009-8101 CD- Planning 678,203 0.78%1,491 0 1,491 700 2,191
65 1009-8301 PW- Engineering 2,207,675 2.53%4,854 0 4,8542,278 7,132
66 2101-2111PD- OpersSupport 3,980 0.00%9 0 9 4 13
67 2102-2111PD- OpersSupport 822 0.00%2 0 2 1 3
68 2103-2102PD- Patrol 100,000 0.11%220 0220 103 323
69 2106-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 194,093 0.22%427 0427 200 627
72 2109-2401Fire- Operation 329,268 0.38%724 0724 340 1,064
73 2109-2402Fire- Prevention 6,500 0.01%14 0 14 7 21
74 2111-2111PD- OpersSupport 2,500 0.00%5 0 5 3 8
77 2201-3201 PW- Street Maint 519,897 0.60%1,143 0 1,143 536 1,680
78 2201-8301 PW- Engineering 6,000 0.01%13 0 13 6 19
82 2205-3101 PW- Admin 17,961 0.02%39 0 39 19 58
86 2212-2801 PW- Traffic Signals 173,265 0.20%381 0381 179 560
91 2302-3201 PW-StreetMaint 9,840 0.01%22 0 22 10 32
92 2302-5201 PW- EnviroProgs 144,820 0.17%318 0318 149 468
93 2303-5101 Non-Dept- WasteMgmt 4,074,612 4.67%8,959 0 8,9594,205 13,163
94 2304-5201 PW- EnviroProgs 28,700 0.03%63 0 63 30 93
96 2323-3201 PW- StreetMaint 5,000 0.01%11 0 11 5 16
97 2324-3201 PW- StreetMaint 5,000 0.01%11 0 11 5 16
100 2701-2802 PW- Street Lighting 183,900 0.21%404 0404 190 594
101 2701-8301 PW- Engineering 11,468 0.01%25 0 25 12 37
102 2702-3401 PW- StreetLands.82,280 0.09%181 0181 85266
103 2702-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 2,500 0.00%5 0 5 3 8
104 2702-8301 PW- Engineering 4,641 0.01%10 0 10 5 15
105 2703-3401 PW- StreetLands.122,600 0.14%270 0270 127 396
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
City Council- Fiscal Allocations Dept:2 1001-1101 CityCouncil
Department UnitsAllocation
106 2703-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 15,563 0.02%$34 $0 $34 $16 $50
107 2703-8301 PW- Engineering 5,591 0.01%12 0 12 6 18
108 2704-3401 PW- StreetLands.292,505 0.34%643 0643 302 945
109 2704-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 27,000 0.03%59 0 59 28 87
110 2704-8301 PW- Engineering 9,161 0.01%20 0 20 9 30
111 2705-2802 PW- Street Lighting 185,061 0.21%407 0407 191 598
112 2705-8301 PW- Engineering 9,151 0.01%20 0 20 9 30
114 2801-7621 Pks & CS- Cult. Activities 157,645 0.18%347 0347 163 509
116 2811-7101Non-Dept- Comm TV 35,338 0.04%78 0 78 36114
117 2901-1501CityAttorney 60,000 0.07%132 0132 62194
119 2901-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 8,000 0.01%18 0 18 8 26
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 429,345 0.49%944 0944 443 1,387
122 2903-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs82,202 0.09%181 0181 85266
153 5171-1901Non-Departmental 807,020 0.93%1,774 0 1,774 833 2,607
155 5301-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 728,266 0.84%1,601 0 1,601 752 2,353
156 5302-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 535,616 0.61%1,178 0 1,178 553 1,730
158 5321-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 53,354 0.06%117 0117 55172
161 6305-1905Non-Departmental ISF 2,000 0.00%4 0 4 2 6
162 6605-1602 Admin Svcs- Info Systems 1,423,987 1.63%3,131 0 3,1311,469 4,600
163 6901-1905Non-Departmental ISF 2,435,307 2.79%5,354 0 5,3542,513 7,867
Subtotal 87,189,566100.00%191,701 0191,70189,411 281,112
DirectBills 0 0
Total $191,701 $281,112
Basis Units: Total OperatingBudget per program (excl capital, debt and transfers)
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
CouncilMeetingsAllocations Dept:2 1001-1101 CityCouncil
Department UnitsAllocation
3 1001-1201CityManager 24.00 9.23%$17,695 $0 $17,695 $8,253 $25,949
4 1001-1301CityClerk 60.0023.08%44,239 044,23920,633 64,872
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 4.00 1.54%2,949 0 2,9491,376 4,325
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 6.00 2.31%4,424 0 4,4242,063 6,487
8 1001-1601 Finance 34.0013.08%25,069 025,06911,692 36,761
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 59.0022.69%43,501 043,50120,289 63,791
14 1001-2101PD- Admin/Support Svcs 7.00 2.69%5,161 0 5,1612,407 7,568
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 3.00 1.15%2,212 0 2,2121,032 3,244
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 36.0013.85%26,543 026,54312,380 38,923
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 10.50 4.04%7,742 0 7,7423,611 11,353
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 10.50 4.04%7,742 0 7,7423,611 11,353
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 6.00 2.31%4,424 0 4,4242,063 6,487
Subtotal 260.00100.00%191,701 0191,70189,411 281,112
DirectBills 0 0
Total $191,701 $281,112
Basis Units: Number of Staff Reports per program
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:2 1001-1101 CityCouncil
Department City Council-
2 1001-1101City Council $9,585 $1,197 $0 $10,782
3 1001-1201CityManager 12,4044,008 25,94942,362
4 1001-1301CityClerk 8,5752,044 64,87275,490
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 7,1452,393 4,32513,863
6 1001-1402Insurance 0 1,672 0 1,672
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 0 2,374 6,4878,862
8 1001-1601 Finance 21,8655,725 36,76164,351
9 1001-1801 Building Management 0 4,463 0 4,463
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 14,8634,217 63,79182,870
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 0 5,267 0 5,267
12 1001-1302 Elections 0 10 0 10
13 1001-1802 Public Safety Complex 0 303 0 303
14 1001-2101PD- Admin/Support Svcs 0 9,026 7,56816,595
15 1001-2102PD-Patrol 0 29,305 0 29,305
16 1001-2103PD-Traffic 0 3,656 0 3,656
17 1001-2104PD-Investigations 0 7,683 0 7,683
18 1001-2105PD-CrimePrev/School Res Svcs 0 5,474 0 5,474
19 1001-2106PD-Comm./Dispatch 0 3,865 0 3,865
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 11,4336,597 0 18,030
21 1001-2401 FD-Operation 0 40,306 0 40,306
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 2,8581,340 3,2447,441
23 1001-2405 FD-Dougherty RegFire Auth 0 569 0 569
24 1001-2411 FD-FireStation Maint 0 744 0 744
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.943 444 0 1,387
26 1001-2601Non-Dept-Crossing Guards 0 477 0 477
27 1001-2701Non-Dept-Animal Control 0 1,068 0 1,068
28 1001-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 0 32 0 32
29 1001-2802 PW-Street Lighting 0 517 0 517
30 1001-3201 PW-Street Maint 0 138 0 138
31 1001-3202 PW-Street Sweeping 0 517 0 517
32 1001-3401 PW-StreetLandscaping 0 5,355 0 5,355
33 1001-3402 PW-Street Tree Maint 0 695 0 695
34 1001-5101 Non-Dept-WasteMgmt 943 232 0 1,175
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 6,8602,154 0 9,014
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 1,429 817 0 2,246
37 1001-7101 Non-Dept-Comm TV 0 399 0 399
38 1001-7301 Pks & CS- Library Svcs 0 3,056 0 3,056
39 1001-7501 PW-Park Maint 0 11,965 0 11,965
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 1,143 676 0 1,819
41 1001-7602 Pks & CS- Dublin Cemetery 0 24 0 24
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 3,430 731 0 4,161
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:2 1001-1101 CityCouncil
Department City Council-
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities $3,716 $1,272 $0 $4,988
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.6,0022,256 0 8,258
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals 7,5743,946 0 11,520
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 18,0075,884 38,92362,814
47 1001-7711 Pks & CS- FamilyProgs 2,8581,758 0 4,616
48 1001-7721 Pks & CS- Recr Activities 3,430 999 0 4,429
49 1001-7731 Pks & CS- PreschoolProgs 857 806 0 1,663
50 1001-7751 Pks & CS- Senior Progs 6,0021,434 0 7,436
51 1001-7761 Pks & CS- SportsProgs 4,0012,322 0 6,324
53 1001-7772 Pks & CS- EGRAC 13,1489,297 0 22,444
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 7,431 976 0 8,408
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 28,1536,139 11,35345,645
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 21,43611,562 11,35344,351
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 26,1524,879 0 31,032
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 6,5742,125 6,48715,186
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 3,4301,004 0 4,434
62 1009-1501CityAttorney 0 521 0 521
63 1009-5201 PW- EnvirProgs 0 4 0 4
64 1009-8101 CD- Planning 0 2,191 0 2,191
65 1009-8301 PW- Engineering 0 7,132 0 7,132
66 2101-2111PD- OpersSupport 0 13 0 13
67 2102-2111PD- OpersSupport 0 3 0 3
68 2103-2102PD- Patrol 0 323 0 323
69 2106-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 0 627 0 627
72 2109-2401Fire- Operation 0 1,064 0 1,064
73 2109-2402Fire- Prevention 0 21 0 21
74 2111-2111PD- OpersSupport 0 8 0 8
77 2201-3201 PW- Street Maint 0 1,680 0 1,680
78 2201-8301 PW- Engineering 0 19 0 19
82 2205-3101 PW- Admin 0 58 0 58
86 2212-2801 PW- TrafficSignals 0 560 0 560
91 2302-3201 PW-StreetMaint 0 32 0 32
92 2302-5201 PW- EnviroProgs 0 468 0 468
93 2303-5101 Non-Dept- WasteMgmt 0 13,163 0 13,163
94 2304-5201 PW- EnviroProgs 0 93 0 93
96 2323-3201 PW- StreetMaint 0 16 0 16
97 2324-3201 PW- StreetMaint 0 16 0 16
100 2701-2802 PW- Street Lighting 0 594 0 594
101 2701-8301 PW- Engineering 0 37 0 37
102 2702-3401 PW- StreetLands.0 266 0 266
103 2702-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 0 8 0 8
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:2 1001-1101 CityCouncil
Department City Council-
104 2702-8301 PW- Engineering $0 $15 $0 $15
105 2703-3401 PW- StreetLands.0 396 0 396
106 2703-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 0 50 0 50
107 2703-8301 PW- Engineering 0 18 0 18
108 2704-3401 PW- StreetLands.0 945 0 945
109 2704-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 0 87 0 87
110 2704-8301 PW- Engineering 0 30 0 30
111 2705-2802 PW- Street Lighting 0 598 0 598
112 2705-8301 PW- Engineering 0 30 0 30
114 2801-7621 Pks & CS- Cult. Activities 0 509 0 509
116 2811-7101Non-Dept- Comm TV 0 114 0 114
117 2901-1501CityAttorney 0 194 0 194
119 2901-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 0 26 0 26
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 5,7161,387 0 7,103
122 2903-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 0 266 0 266
153 5171-1901Non-Departmental 0 2,607 0 2,607
155 5301-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 2862,353 0 2,639
156 5302-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 2861,730 0 2,016
158 5321-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 143 172 0 315
161 6305-1905Non-Departmental ISF 0 6 0 6
162 6605-1602 Admin Svcs- Info Systems 12,4334,600 0 17,033
163 6901-1905Non-Departmental ISF 0 7,867 0 7,867
Total $281,112 $281,112 $281,112 $843,335
1001-1201 CityManager
Natureand Extentof Services
The Office of theCity Manager providessupport toall areas of Cityoperationsincluding: supervision and evaluation of
employees; evaluation ofall contractservices; theenforcement of City Ordinanc es; recommendations to the City Council
on ordinancesandpoliciesthat address the effective operation of the City; provision of advisory recommendations to the
City Council; oversight of the preparationandadministration of the City’s Budget and CapitalImprovementProgram; and
representationonbehalf of the City beforeintergovernmentalbodiesandorganizations.
The City Managercostsaredistributed by the followingfunctions:
City Management-Personnel - Costs havebeenallocatedbasedonnumber of FTE's perprogram.
City Management -Fiscal - Costshavebeenallocatedbasedon Total OperatingBudgetperprogram (excl capital, debt
and transfers).
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
1001-1201 CityManager
Natureand Extentof Services
The Office of theCity Manager providessupport toall areas of Cityoperationsincluding: supervision and evaluation of
employees; evaluation ofall contractservices; theenforcement of City Ordinanc es; recommendations to the City Council
on ordinancesandpoliciesthat address the effective operation of the City; provision of advisory recommendations to the
City Council; oversight of the preparationandadministration of the City’s Budget and CapitalImprovementProgram; and
representationonbehalf of the City beforeintergovernmentalbodiesandorganizations.
The City Managercostsaredistributed by the followingfunctions:
City Management-Personnel - Costs havebeenallocatedbasedonnumber of FTE's perprogram.
City Management -Fiscal - Costshavebeenallocatedbasedon Total OperatingBudgetperprogram (excl capital, debt
and transfers).
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
A. DepartmentCosts Dept:3 1001-1201 City Manager
Description AmountGeneral
City Mgmt-
Personnel Costs
Salaries S1 765,534 0 382,767 382,767
Salary % Split .00%50.00%50.00%
Benefits S 321,766 0 160,883 160,883
Subtotal - Personnel Costs 1,087,300 0 543,650 543,650
Services & SuppliesCost
Office Supplies S 4,000 0 2,000 2,000
Postage S 900 0 450 450
Books & Publications S 300 0 150 150
OperatingSupplies S 1,400 0 700 700
MileageReimb S 1,000 0 500 500
Printing & Binding S 2,420 0 1,210 1,210
Memb & Dues S 5,605 0 2,803 2,803
Travel Conf & Mtgs S 22,950 0 11,475 11,475
Training S 750 0 375 375
ISF- Equip Rplcmt S 16,519 0 8,260 8,260
ISF- IT S 92,636 0 46,318 46,318
Contract Svcs Gen'l S 5,000 0 2,500 2,500
Subtotal - Services & Supplies 153,480 0 76,740 76,740
DepartmentCost Total 1,240,780 0 620,390 620,390
Adjustments to Cost
Subtotal - Adjustments 0 0 0 0
Total Costs After Adjustments 1,240,780 0 620,390 620,390
GeneralAdmin Distribution 0 0 0
GrandTotal $1,240,780 $620,390 $620,390
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
B. IncomingCosts - (DefaultSpread Salary%)Dept:3 1001-1201 City Manager
Department First
City Mgmt-
1 CivicCenter $26,481 $0 $13,241 $13,241
Subtotal - BuildingDepreciation 26,481 013,24113,241
2 City Council- Personnel 8,3204,085 6,2026,202
2 City Council- Fiscal 2,7281,280 2,0042,004
2 Council Meetings 17,6958,253 12,97412,974
Subtotal - 1001-1101 City Council 28,74313,618 21,18121,181
3 City Mgmt-Personnel 0 28,123 14,06214,062
3 City Mgmt-Fiscal 0 9,222 4,6114,611
Subtotal - 1001-1201 City Manager 0 37,345 18,67218,672
4 Clerk - Council Support 0 20,843 10,42210,422
4 Clerk- Personnel 0 9,800 4,9004,900
4 Clerk- Fiscal 0 3,213 1,6071,607
4 Records Requests 0 1,211 605 605
Subtotal - 1001-1301 City Clerk 0 35,067 17,53317,533
5 Recruitment 0 7,687 3,8433,843
5 Trainings 0 9,123 4,5614,561
5 Employee Safety 0 9,123 4,5614,561
5 Gen'l HR Support 0 8,300 4,1504,150
Subtotal - 1001-1401Human Resources 0 34,233 17,11617,116
6 CivicCenterProp Ins 0 4,142 2,0712,071
Subtotal - 1001-1402Insurance 0 4,142 2,0712,071
7 CitywideSupp-Fiscal 0 3,864 1,9321,932
7 CitywideSupp-Personnel 0 11,785 5,8925,892
Subtotal - 1001-1501 City Attorney 0 15,649 7,8257,825
8 A/P 0 2,657 1,3281,328
8 A/R 0 15,654 7,8277,827
8 Payroll 0 8,486 4,2434,243
8 Procurement 0 556 278 278
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
B. IncomingCosts - (DefaultSpread Salary%)Dept:3 1001-1201 City Manager
Department First
City Mgmt-
8 Budgeting $0 $6,996 $3,498 $3,498
8 FinancialReporting 0 7,758 3,8793,879
8 Revenue/Receipting-GF 0 1,127 563 563
Subtotal - 1001-1601Finance 0 43,232 21,61621,616
9 CivicCenter 0 70,464 35,23235,232
Subtotal - 1001-1801 BuildingManagement 0 70,464 35,23235,232
11 CitywideContracts 0 20,925 10,46210,462
Subtotal - 1001-1901NonDepartmental 0 20,925 10,46210,462
Total Incoming 55,225 274,674 164,949 164,949
C. Total Allocated $1,570,679 $785,339 $785,339
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
CityMgmt-PersonnelAllocations Dept:3 1001-1201 City Manager
Department UnitsAllocation
2 1001-1101City Council 5.00 5.00%$32,400 $0 $32,400 $0 $32,400
3 1001-1201CityManager 4.34 4.34%28,123 028,123 028,123
4 1001-1301CityClerk 3.00 3.00%19,440 019,4404,545 23,985
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 2.50 2.50%16,200 016,2003,787 19,987
8 1001-1601 Finance 7.65 7.65%49,572 049,57211,589 61,161
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 5.20 5.20%33,696 033,6967,877 41,573
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 4.00 4.00%25,920 025,9206,059 31,980
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 1.00 1.00%6,480 0 6,4801,515 7,995
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.0.33 0.33%2,138 0 2,138 500 2,638
34 1001-5101Non-Dept-Waste Mgmt 0.33 0.33%2,138 0 2,138 500 2,638
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 2.40 2.40%15,552 015,5523,636 19,188
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 0.50 0.50%3,240 0 3,240 757 3,997
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 0.40 0.40%2,592 0 2,592 606 3,198
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 1.20 1.20%7,776 0 7,7761,818 9,594
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities 1.30 1.30%8,424 0 8,4241,969 10,393
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.2.10 2.10%13,608 013,6083,181 16,789
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals 2.65 2.65%17,172 017,1724,014 21,186
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 6.30 6.30%40,824 040,8249,544 50,368
47 1001-7711 Pks & CS- FamilyProgs 1.00 1.00%6,480 0 6,4801,515 7,995
48 1001-7721 Pks & CS- Recr Activities 1.20 1.20%7,776 0 7,7761,818 9,594
49 1001-7731 Pks & CS- PreschoolProgs 0.30 0.30%1,944 0 1,944 454 2,398
50 1001-7751 Pks & CS- Senior Progs 2.10 2.10%13,608 013,6083,181 16,789
51 1001-7761 Pks & CS- SportsProgs 1.40 1.40%9,072 0 9,0722,121 11,193
53 1001-7772 Pks & CS- EGRAC 4.60 4.60%29,808 029,8086,968 36,776
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 2.60 2.60%16,848 016,8483,939 20,787
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 9.85 9.85%63,828 063,82814,921 78,750
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 7.50 7.50%48,600 048,60011,361 59,962
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 9.15 9.15%59,292 059,29213,861 73,153
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 2.30 2.30%14,904 014,9043,484 18,388
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 1.20 1.20%7,776 0 7,7761,818 9,594
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 2.00 2.00%12,960 012,9603,030 15,990
155 5301-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0.10 0.10%648 0648 151 799
156 5302-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0.10 0.10%648 0648 151 799
158 5321-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0.05 0.05%324 0324 76400
162 6605-1602Admin Svcs- Info Systems 4.35 4.35%28,188 028,1886,590 34,778
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
CityMgmt-PersonnelAllocations Dept:3 1001-1201 City Manager
Department UnitsAllocation
Subtotal 100.00100.00%648,002 0648,002 137,337 785,339
DirectBills 0 0
Total $648,002 $785,339
Basis Units: Number of FTE's per program
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
CityMgmt-Fiscal Allocations Dept:3 1001-1201 City Manager
Department UnitsAllocation
2 1001-1101City Council 544,595 0.62%$4,047 $0 $4,047 $0 $4,047
3 1001-1201CityManager 1,240,780 1.42%9,222 0 9,222 0 9,222
4 1001-1301CityClerk 632,609 0.73%4,702 0 4,7021,017 5,719
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 740,693 0.85%5,505 0 5,5051,191 6,696
6 1001-1402Insurance 517,450 0.59%3,846 0 3,846 832 4,678
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 735,000 0.84%5,463 0 5,4631,182 6,645
8 1001-1601 Finance 1,772,162 2.03%13,171 013,1712,850 16,021
9 1001-1801 Building Management 1,381,374 1.58%10,267 010,2672,221 12,488
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 1,305,265 1.50%9,701 0 9,7012,099 11,800
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 1,630,340 1.87%12,117 012,1172,622 14,739
12 1001-1302 Elections 3,120 0.00%23 0 23 5 28
13 1001-1802 Public Safety Complex 93,847 0.11%697 0697 151 848
14 1001-2101PD- Admin/Support Svcs 2,794,028 3.20%20,766 020,7664,493 25,259
15 1001-2102PD-Patrol 9,071,12310.40%67,418 067,41814,587 82,005
16 1001-2103PD-Traffic 1,131,732 1.30%8,411 0 8,4111,820 10,231
17 1001-2104PD-Investigations 2,378,341 2.73%17,676 017,6763,825 21,501
18 1001-2105PD-CrimePrev/School Res Svcs1,694,440 1.94%12,593 012,5932,725 15,318
19 1001-2106PD-Comm./Dispatch 1,196,434 1.37%8,892 0 8,8921,924 10,816
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 2,041,982 2.34%15,176 015,1763,284 18,460
21 1001-2401 FD-Operation 12,476,21114.31%92,725 092,72520,063 112,787
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 414,694 0.48%3,082 0 3,082 667 3,749
23 1001-2405 FD-Dougherty RegFire Auth176,000 0.20%1,308 0 1,308 283 1,591
24 1001-2411 FD-FireStation Maint 230,376 0.26%1,712 0 1,712 370 2,083
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.137,366 0.16%1,021 0 1,021 221 1,242
26 1001-2601Non-Dept-Crossing Guards 147,729 0.17%1,098 0 1,098 238 1,335
27 1001-2701Non-Dept-Animal Control 330,521 0.38%2,456 0 2,456 532 2,988
28 1001-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 10,000 0.01%74 0 74 16 90
29 1001-2802 PW-Street Lighting 160,064 0.18%1,190 0 1,190 257 1,447
30 1001-3201 PW-Street Maint 42,704 0.05%317 0317 69386
31 1001-3202 PW-Street Sweeping 159,926 0.18%1,189 0 1,189 257 1,446
32 1001-3401 PW-StreetLandscaping 1,657,447 1.90%12,318 012,3182,665 14,984
33 1001-3402 PW-Street Tree Maint 215,050 0.25%1,598 0 1,598 346 1,944
34 1001-5101 Non-Dept-WasteMgmt 71,770 0.08%533 0533 115 649
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 666,788 0.76%4,956 0 4,9561,072 6,028
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs252,909 0.29%1,880 0 1,880 407 2,286
37 1001-7101 Non-Dept-Comm TV 123,650 0.14%919 0919 199 1,118
38 1001-7301 Pks & CS- Library Svcs946,071 1.09%7,031 0 7,0311,521 8,553
39 1001-7501 PW-Park Maint 3,703,783 4.25%27,527 027,5275,956 33,483
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 209,150 0.24%1,554 0 1,554 336 1,891
41 1001-7602 Pks & CS- Dublin Cemetery 7,321 0.01%54 0 54 12 66
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 226,217 0.26%1,681 0 1,681 364 2,045
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities 393,834 0.45%2,927 0 2,927 633 3,560
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
CityMgmt-Fiscal Allocations Dept:3 1001-1201 City Manager
Department UnitsAllocation
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.698,182 0.80%$5,189 $0 $5,189 $1,123 $6,312
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals1,221,401 1.40%9,078 0 9,0781,964 11,042
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 1,821,447 2.09%13,537 013,5372,929 16,466
47 1001-7711 Pks & CS- FamilyProgs 544,244 0.62%4,045 0 4,045 875 4,920
48 1001-7721 Pks & CS- Recr Activities 309,285 0.35%2,299 0 2,299 497 2,796
49 1001-7731 Pks & CS- PreschoolProgs 249,413 0.29%1,854 0 1,854 401 2,255
50 1001-7751 Pks & CS- Senior Progs 443,728 0.51%3,298 0 3,298 714 4,011
51 1001-7761 Pks & CS- SportsProgs 718,889 0.82%5,343 0 5,3431,156 6,499
53 1001-7772 Pks & CS- EGRAC 2,877,750 3.30%21,388 021,3884,628 26,015
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 302,205 0.35%2,246 0 2,246 486 2,732
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 1,900,337 2.18%14,124 014,1243,056 17,179
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 3,578,841 4.10%26,598 026,5985,755 32,353
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 1,510,379 1.73%11,225 011,2252,429 13,654
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 657,637 0.75%4,888 0 4,8881,058 5,945
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 310,759 0.36%2,310 0 2,310 500 2,809
62 1009-1501CityAttorney 161,180 0.18%1,198 0 1,198 259 1,457
63 1009-5201 PW- EnvirProgs 1,356 0.00%10 0 10 2 12
64 1009-8101 CD- Planning 678,203 0.78%5,040 0 5,0401,091 6,131
65 1009-8301 PW- Engineering 2,207,675 2.53%16,408 016,4083,550 19,958
66 2101-2111PD- OpersSupport 3,980 0.00%30 0 30 6 36
67 2102-2111PD- OpersSupport 822 0.00%6 0 6 1 7
68 2103-2102PD- Patrol 100,000 0.11%743 0743 161 904
69 2106-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 194,093 0.22%1,443 0 1,443 312 1,755
72 2109-2401Fire- Operation 329,268 0.38%2,447 0 2,447 529 2,977
73 2109-2402Fire- Prevention 6,500 0.01%48 0 48 10 59
74 2111-2111PD- OpersSupport 2,500 0.00%19 0 19 4 23
77 2201-3201 PW- Street Maint 519,897 0.60%3,864 0 3,864 836 4,700
78 2201-8301 PW- Engineering 6,000 0.01%45 0 45 10 54
82 2205-3101 PW- Admin 17,961 0.02%133 0133 29162
86 2212-2801 PW- Traffic Signals 173,265 0.20%1,288 0 1,288 279 1,566
91 2302-3201 PW-StreetMaint 9,840 0.01%73 0 73 16 89
92 2302-5201 PW- EnviroProgs 144,820 0.17%1,076 0 1,076 233 1,309
93 2303-5101 Non-Dept- WasteMgmt 4,074,612 4.67%30,283 030,2836,552 36,835
94 2304-5201 PW- EnviroProgs 28,700 0.03%213 0213 46259
96 2323-3201 PW- StreetMaint 5,000 0.01%37 0 37 8 45
97 2324-3201 PW- StreetMaint 5,000 0.01%37 0 37 8 45
100 2701-2802 PW- Street Lighting 183,900 0.21%1,367 0 1,367 296 1,662
101 2701-8301 PW- Engineering 11,468 0.01%85 0 85 18104
102 2702-3401 PW- StreetLands.82,280 0.09%612 0612 132 744
103 2702-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 2,500 0.00%19 0 19 4 23
104 2702-8301 PW- Engineering 4,641 0.01%34 0 34 7 42
105 2703-3401 PW- StreetLands.122,600 0.14%911 0911 197 1,108
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
CityMgmt-Fiscal Allocations Dept:3 1001-1201 City Manager
Department UnitsAllocation
106 2703-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 15,563 0.02%$116 $0 $116 $25 $141
107 2703-8301 PW- Engineering 5,591 0.01%42 0 42 9 51
108 2704-3401 PW- StreetLands.292,505 0.34%2,174 0 2,174 470 2,644
109 2704-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 27,000 0.03%201 0201 43244
110 2704-8301 PW- Engineering 9,161 0.01%68 0 68 15 83
111 2705-2802 PW- Street Lighting 185,061 0.21%1,375 0 1,375 298 1,673
112 2705-8301 PW- Engineering 9,151 0.01%68 0 68 15 83
114 2801-7621 Pks & CS- Cult. Activities 157,645 0.18%1,172 0 1,172 254 1,425
116 2811-7101Non-Dept- Comm TV 35,338 0.04%263 0263 57319
117 2901-1501CityAttorney 60,000 0.07%446 0446 96542
119 2901-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 8,000 0.01%59 0 59 13 72
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 429,345 0.49%3,191 0 3,191 690 3,881
122 2903-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs82,202 0.09%611 0611 132 743
153 5171-1901Non-Departmental 807,020 0.93%5,998 0 5,9981,298 7,296
155 5301-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 728,266 0.84%5,413 0 5,4131,171 6,584
156 5302-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 535,616 0.61%3,981 0 3,981 861 4,842
158 5321-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 53,354 0.06%397 0397 86482
161 6305-1905Non-Departmental ISF 2,000 0.00%15 0 15 3 18
162 6605-1602 Admin Svcs- Info Systems 1,423,987 1.63%10,583 010,5832,290 12,873
163 6901-1905Non-Departmental ISF 2,435,307 2.79%18,099 018,0993,916 22,016
Subtotal 87,189,566100.00%648,002 0648,002 137,337 785,339
DirectBills 0 0
Total $648,002 $785,339
Basis Units: Total OperatingBudget per program (excl capital, debt and transfers)
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:3 1001-1201 City Manager
Department City Mgmt-
City Mgmt-
2 1001-1101City Council $32,400 $4,047 $36,448
3 1001-1201CityManager 28,1239,222 37,345
4 1001-1301CityClerk 23,9855,719 29,704
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 19,9876,696 26,683
6 1001-1402Insurance 0 4,678 4,678
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 0 6,645 6,645
8 1001-1601 Finance 61,16116,021 77,182
9 1001-1801 Building Management 0 12,488 12,488
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 41,57311,800 53,373
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 0 14,739 14,739
12 1001-1302 Elections 0 28 28
13 1001-1802 Public Safety Complex 0 848 848
14 1001-2101PD- Admin/Support Svcs 0 25,259 25,259
15 1001-2102PD-Patrol 0 82,005 82,005
16 1001-2103PD-Traffic 0 10,231 10,231
17 1001-2104PD-Investigations 0 21,501 21,501
18 1001-2105PD-CrimePrev/School Res Svcs 0 15,318 15,318
19 1001-2106PD-Comm./Dispatch 0 10,816 10,816
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 31,98018,460 50,439
21 1001-2401 FD-Operation 0 112,787 112,787
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 7,9953,749 11,744
23 1001-2405 FD-Dougherty RegFire Auth 0 1,591 1,591
24 1001-2411 FD-FireStation Maint 0 2,083 2,083
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.2,6381,242 3,880
26 1001-2601Non-Dept-Crossing Guards 0 1,335 1,335
27 1001-2701Non-Dept-Animal Control 0 2,988 2,988
28 1001-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 0 90 90
29 1001-2802 PW-Street Lighting 0 1,447 1,447
30 1001-3201 PW-Street Maint 0 386 386
31 1001-3202 PW-Street Sweeping 0 1,446 1,446
32 1001-3401 PW-StreetLandscaping 0 14,984 14,984
33 1001-3402 PW-Street Tree Maint 0 1,944 1,944
34 1001-5101 Non-Dept-WasteMgmt 2,638 649 3,287
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 19,1886,028 25,216
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 3,9972,286 6,284
37 1001-7101 Non-Dept-Comm TV 0 1,118 1,118
38 1001-7301 Pks & CS- Library Svcs 0 8,553 8,553
39 1001-7501 PW-Park Maint 0 33,483 33,483
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 3,1981,891 5,089
41 1001-7602 Pks & CS- Dublin Cemetery 0 66 66
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 9,5942,045 11,639
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:3 1001-1201 City Manager
Department City Mgmt-
City Mgmt-
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities $10,393 $3,560 $13,954
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.16,7896,312 23,101
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals 21,18611,042 32,228
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 50,36816,466 66,834
47 1001-7711 Pks & CS- FamilyProgs 7,9954,920 12,915
48 1001-7721 Pks & CS- Recr Activities 9,5942,796 12,390
49 1001-7731 Pks & CS- PreschoolProgs 2,3982,255 4,653
50 1001-7751 Pks & CS- Senior Progs 16,7894,011 20,801
51 1001-7761 Pks & CS- SportsProgs 11,1936,499 17,692
53 1001-7772 Pks & CS- EGRAC 36,77626,015 62,792
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 20,7872,732 23,519
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 78,75017,179 95,929
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 59,96232,353 92,315
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 73,15313,654 86,807
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 18,3885,945 24,333
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 9,5942,809 12,403
62 1009-1501CityAttorney 0 1,457 1,457
63 1009-5201 PW- EnvirProgs 0 12 12
64 1009-8101 CD- Planning 0 6,131 6,131
65 1009-8301 PW- Engineering 0 19,958 19,958
66 2101-2111PD- OpersSupport 0 36 36
67 2102-2111PD- OpersSupport 0 7 7
68 2103-2102PD- Patrol 0 904 904
69 2106-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 0 1,755 1,755
72 2109-2401Fire- Operation 0 2,977 2,977
73 2109-2402Fire- Prevention 0 59 59
74 2111-2111PD- OpersSupport 0 23 23
77 2201-3201 PW- Street Maint 0 4,700 4,700
78 2201-8301 PW- Engineering 0 54 54
82 2205-3101 PW- Admin 0 162 162
86 2212-2801 PW- TrafficSignals 0 1,566 1,566
91 2302-3201 PW-StreetMaint 0 89 89
92 2302-5201 PW- EnviroProgs 0 1,309 1,309
93 2303-5101 Non-Dept- WasteMgmt 0 36,835 36,835
94 2304-5201 PW- EnviroProgs 0 259 259
96 2323-3201 PW- StreetMaint 0 45 45
97 2324-3201 PW- StreetMaint 0 45 45
100 2701-2802 PW- Street Lighting 0 1,662 1,662
101 2701-8301 PW- Engineering 0 104 104
102 2702-3401 PW- StreetLands.0 744 744
103 2702-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 0 23 23
MGT Consulting Group Page 48 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:3 1001-1201 City Manager
Department City Mgmt-
City Mgmt-
104 2702-8301 PW- Engineering $0 $42 $42
105 2703-3401 PW- StreetLands.0 1,108 1,108
106 2703-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 0 141 141
107 2703-8301 PW- Engineering 0 51 51
108 2704-3401 PW- StreetLands.0 2,644 2,644
109 2704-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 0 244 244
110 2704-8301 PW- Engineering 0 83 83
111 2705-2802 PW- Street Lighting 0 1,673 1,673
112 2705-8301 PW- Engineering 0 83 83
114 2801-7621 Pks & CS- Cult. Activities 0 1,425 1,425
116 2811-7101Non-Dept- Comm TV 0 319 319
117 2901-1501CityAttorney 0 542 542
119 2901-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 0 72 72
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 15,9903,881 19,871
122 2903-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 0 743 743
153 5171-1901Non-Departmental 0 7,296 7,296
155 5301-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 7996,584 7,383
156 5302-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 7994,842 5,642
158 5321-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 400 482 882
161 6305-1905Non-Departmental ISF 0 18 18
162 6605-1602 Admin Svcs- Info Systems 34,77812,873 47,651
163 6901-1905Non-Departmental ISF 0 22,016 22,016
Total $785,339 $785,339 $1,570,679
1001-1301 City Clerk
Natureand Extentof Services
The City Clerk’s Office is responsible foradministeringmunicipalelections; maintaining officialCityrecords and financial
statements, the preparationofminutes of City Councilmeetings, and coordinatingCommissionandCommittee
The CityClerk costsaredistributedby the followingfunctions:
Clerk - CouncilSupport - Costshavebeen allocated basedonnumber of Staff Reports per program.
Clerk- Personnel - Costshavebeenallocatedbased on numberofFTE's per program.
Clerk- Fiscal - Costshavebeenallocatedbased on TotalOperatingBudgetperprogram (excl capital, debt and
RecordsRequests - Costshave been allocatedbased on numberofRecordsRequestsperprogra m.
MGT Consulting Group Page 49 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
1001-1301 City Clerk
Natureand Extentof Services
The City Clerk’s Office is responsible foradministeringmunicipalelections; maintaining officialCityrecords and financial
statements, the preparationofminutes of City Councilmeetings, and coordinatingCommissionandCommittee
The CityClerk costsaredistributedby the followingfunctions:
Clerk - CouncilSupport - Costshavebeen allocated basedonnumber of Staff Reports per program.
Clerk- Personnel - Costshavebeenallocatedbased on numberofFTE's per program.
Clerk- Fiscal - Costshavebeenallocatedbased on TotalOperatingBudgetperprogram (excl capital, debt and
RecordsRequests - Costshave been allocatedbased on numberofRecordsRequestsperprogra m.
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
A. DepartmentCosts Dept:4 1001-1301 CityClerk
Description AmountGeneral
Clerk -
Clerk- Fiscal Records
Personnel Costs
Salaries S1 321,365 0 99,891 99,89199,891 21,692
Salary % Split .00%31.08%31.08%31.08%6.75%
Benefits S 158,625 0 49,306 49,30649,306 10,707
Subtotal - Personnel Costs 479,990 0 149,197 149,197 149,197 32,400
Services & SuppliesCost
Office Supplies S 1,500 0 466 466 466 101
Postage S 100 0 31 31 31 7
Books & Publications S 50 0 16 16 16 3
OperatingSupplies S 100 0 31 31 31 7
MileageReimb S 400 0 124 124 124 27
Memb & Dues S 1,425 0 443 443 443 96
Travel Conf & Mtgs S 3,350 0 1,041 1,0411,041 226
Training S 2,200 0 684 684 684 149
ISF- Equip Replcmt S 7,528 0 2,340 2,3402,340 508
ISF- IT S 59,906 0 18,621 18,62118,621 4,044
Contract Svcs Gen'l S 67,660 0 21,031 21,03121,031 4,567
Prof Svcs Gen'l S 8,400 0 2,611 2,6112,611 567
Subtotal - Services & Supplies 152,619 0 47,439 47,43947,439 10,302
DepartmentCost Total 632,609 0 196,636 196,636 196,636 42,702
Adjustments to Cost
Subtotal - Adjustments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Costs After Adjustments 632,609 0 196,636 196,636 196,636 42,702
GeneralAdmin Distribution 0 0 0 0 0
GrandTotal $632,609 $196,636 $196,636 $196,636 $42,702
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
B. IncomingCosts - (DefaultSpread Salary%)Dept:4 1001-1301 CityClerk
Department First
Clerk -
Clerk- Fiscal Records
1 CivicCenter $18,305 $0 $5,690 $5,690 $5,690 $1,236
Subtotal - BuildingDepreciation 18,305 0 5,6905,690 5,6901,236
2 City Council- Personnel 5,7512,823 2,6652,665 2,665 579
2 City Council- Fiscal 1,391 653 635 635 635 138
2 Council Meetings 44,23920,633 20,16420,164 20,1644,379
Subtotal - 1001-1101 City Council 51,38124,110 23,46523,465 23,4655,096
3 City Mgmt-Personnel 19,4404,545 7,4557,455 7,4551,619
3 City Mgmt-Fiscal 4,7021,017 1,7781,778 1,778 386
Subtotal - 1001-1201 City Manager 24,1425,562 9,2339,233 9,2332,005
4 Clerk - Council Support 0 52,108 16,19716,197 16,1973,517
4 Clerk- Personnel 0 6,774 2,1062,106 2,106 457
4 Clerk- Fiscal 0 1,638 509 509 509 111
4 Records Requests 0 7,870 2,4462,446 2,446 531
Subtotal - 1001-1301 City Clerk 0 68,390 21,25821,258 21,2584,616
5 Recruitment 0 7,687 2,3892,389 2,389 519
5 Trainings 0 6,306 1,9601,960 1,960 426
5 Employee Safety 0 6,306 1,9601,960 1,960 426
5 Gen'l HR Support 0 5,738 1,7831,783 1,783 387
Subtotal - 1001-1401Human Resources 0 26,036 8,0938,093 8,0931,757
6 CivicCenterProp Ins 0 2,863 890 890 890 193
Subtotal - 1001-1402Insurance 0 2,863 890 890 890 193
7 CitywideSupp-Fiscal 0 1,970 612 612 612 133
7 CitywideSupp-Personnel 0 8,146 2,5322,532 2,532 550
Subtotal - 1001-1501 City Attorney 0 10,116 3,1443,144 3,144 683
8 A/P 0 961 299 299 299 65
8 Payroll 0 2,310 718 718 718 156
8 Procurement 0 1,113 346 346 346 75
8 Budgeting 0 3,567 1,1091,109 1,109 241
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
B. IncomingCosts - (DefaultSpread Salary%)Dept:4 1001-1301 CityClerk
Department First
Clerk -
Clerk- Fiscal Records
8 FinancialReporting $0 $3,955 $1,229 $1,229 $1,229 $267
8 Revenue/Receipting-GF 0 574 179 179 179 39
Subtotal - 1001-1601Finance 0 12,480 3,8793,879 3,879 842
9 CivicCenter 0 48,708 15,14015,140 15,1403,288
Subtotal - 1001-1801 BuildingManagement 0 48,708 15,14015,140 15,1403,288
11 CitywideContracts 0 10,668 3,3163,316 3,316 720
Subtotal - 1001-1901NonDepartmental 0 10,668 3,3163,316 3,316 720
Total Incoming 93,827 208,933 94,10894,108 94,10820,437
C. Total Allocated $935,369 $290,744 $290,744 $290,744 $63,138
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Clerk - CouncilSupportAllocations Dept:4 1001-1301 CityClerk
Department UnitsAllocation
3 1001-1201CityManager 24.00 9.23%$20,843 $0 $20,843 $0 $20,843
4 1001-1301CityClerk 60.0023.08%52,108 052,108 052,108
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 4.00 1.54%3,474 0 3,4741,476 4,950
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 6.00 2.31%5,211 0 5,2112,214 7,425
8 1001-1601 Finance 34.0013.08%29,528 029,52812,546 42,074
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 59.0022.69%51,239 051,23921,771 73,010
14 1001-2101PD- Admin/Support Svcs 7.00 2.69%6,079 0 6,0792,583 8,662
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 3.00 1.15%2,605 0 2,6051,107 3,712
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 36.0013.85%31,265 031,26513,284 44,549
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 10.50 4.04%9,119 0 9,1193,874 12,993
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 10.50 4.04%9,119 0 9,1193,874 12,993
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 6.00 2.31%5,211 0 5,2112,214 7,425
Subtotal 260.00100.00%225,800 0225,80064,943 290,744
DirectBills 0 0
Total $225,800 $290,744
Basis Units: Number of Staff Reports per program
MGT Consulting Group Page 54 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Clerk- Personnel Allocations Dept:4 1001-1301 CityClerk
Department UnitsAllocation
2 1001-1101City Council 5.00 5.00%$11,290 $0 $11,290 $0 $11,290
3 1001-1201CityManager 4.34 4.34%9,800 0 9,800 0 9,800
4 1001-1301CityClerk 3.00 3.00%6,774 0 6,774 0 6,774
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 2.50 2.50%5,645 0 5,6451,852 7,497
8 1001-1601 Finance 7.65 7.65%17,274 017,2745,668 22,941
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 5.20 5.20%11,742 011,7423,852 15,594
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 4.00 4.00%9,032 0 9,0322,963 11,995
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 1.00 1.00%2,258 0 2,258 741 2,999
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.0.33 0.33%745 0745 244 990
34 1001-5101Non-Dept-Waste Mgmt 0.33 0.33%745 0745 244 990
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 2.40 2.40%5,419 0 5,4191,778 7,197
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 0.50 0.50%1,129 0 1,129 370 1,499
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 0.40 0.40%903 0903 296 1,200
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 1.20 1.20%2,710 0 2,710 889 3,599
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities 1.30 1.30%2,935 0 2,935 963 3,899
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.2.10 2.10%4,742 0 4,7421,556 6,298
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals 2.65 2.65%5,984 0 5,9841,963 7,947
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 6.30 6.30%14,225 014,2254,667 18,893
47 1001-7711 Pks & CS- FamilyProgs 1.00 1.00%2,258 0 2,258 741 2,999
48 1001-7721 Pks & CS- Recr Activities 1.20 1.20%2,710 0 2,710 889 3,599
49 1001-7731 Pks & CS- PreschoolProgs 0.30 0.30%677 0677 222 900
50 1001-7751 Pks & CS- Senior Progs 2.10 2.10%4,742 0 4,7421,556 6,298
51 1001-7761 Pks & CS- SportsProgs 1.40 1.40%3,161 0 3,1611,037 4,198
53 1001-7772 Pks & CS- EGRAC 4.60 4.60%10,387 010,3873,408 13,795
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 2.60 2.60%5,871 0 5,8711,926 7,797
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 9.85 9.85%22,241 022,2417,297 29,539
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 7.50 7.50%16,935 016,9355,556 22,491
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 9.15 9.15%20,661 020,6616,779 27,440
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 2.30 2.30%5,193 0 5,1931,704 6,897
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 1.20 1.20%2,710 0 2,710 889 3,599
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 2.00 2.00%4,516 0 4,5161,482 5,998
155 5301-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0.10 0.10%226 0226 74300
156 5302-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0.10 0.10%226 0226 74300
158 5321-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0.05 0.05%113 0113 37150
162 6605-1602Admin Svcs- Info Systems 4.35 4.35%9,822 0 9,8223,223 13,045
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Clerk- Personnel Allocations Dept:4 1001-1301 CityClerk
Department UnitsAllocation
Subtotal 100.00100.00%225,800 0225,80064,943 290,744
DirectBills 0 0
Total $225,800 $290,744
Basis Units: Number of FTE's per program
MGT Consulting Group Page 56 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Clerk- Fiscal Allocations Dept:4 1001-1301 CityClerk
Department UnitsAllocation
2 1001-1101City Council 544,595 0.62%$1,410 $0 $1,410 $0 $1,410
3 1001-1201CityManager 1,240,780 1.42%3,213 0 3,213 0 3,213
4 1001-1301CityClerk 632,609 0.73%1,638 0 1,638 0 1,638
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 740,693 0.85%1,918 0 1,918 567 2,486
6 1001-1402Insurance 517,450 0.59%1,340 0 1,340 396 1,736
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 735,000 0.84%1,903 0 1,903 563 2,467
8 1001-1601 Finance 1,772,162 2.03%4,589 0 4,5891,358 5,947
9 1001-1801 Building Management 1,381,374 1.58%3,577 0 3,5771,058 4,636
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 1,305,265 1.50%3,380 0 3,3801,000 4,380
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 1,630,340 1.87%4,222 0 4,2221,249 5,471
12 1001-1302 Elections 3,120 0.00%8 0 8 2 10
13 1001-1802 Public Safety Complex 93,847 0.11%243 0243 72315
14 1001-2101PD- Admin/Support Svcs 2,794,028 3.20%7,236 0 7,2362,140 9,376
15 1001-2102PD-Patrol 9,071,12310.40%23,492 023,4926,949 30,441
16 1001-2103PD-Traffic 1,131,732 1.30%2,931 0 2,931 867 3,798
17 1001-2104PD-Investigations 2,378,341 2.73%6,159 0 6,1591,822 7,981
18 1001-2105PD-CrimePrev/School Res Svcs1,694,440 1.94%4,388 0 4,3881,298 5,686
19 1001-2106PD-Comm./Dispatch 1,196,434 1.37%3,098 0 3,098 917 4,015
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 2,041,982 2.34%5,288 0 5,2881,564 6,853
21 1001-2401 FD-Operation 12,476,21114.31%32,310 032,3109,558 41,868
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 414,694 0.48%1,074 0 1,074 318 1,392
23 1001-2405 FD-Dougherty RegFire Auth176,000 0.20%456 0456 135 591
24 1001-2411 FD-FireStation Maint 230,376 0.26%597 0597 176 773
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.137,366 0.16%356 0356 105 461
26 1001-2601Non-Dept-Crossing Guards 147,729 0.17%383 0383 113 496
27 1001-2701Non-Dept-Animal Control 330,521 0.38%856 0856 253 1,109
28 1001-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 10,000 0.01%26 0 26 8 34
29 1001-2802 PW-Street Lighting 160,064 0.18%415 0415 123 537
30 1001-3201 PW-Street Maint 42,704 0.05%111 0111 33143
31 1001-3202 PW-Street Sweeping 159,926 0.18%414 0414 123 537
32 1001-3401 PW-StreetLandscaping 1,657,447 1.90%4,292 0 4,2921,270 5,562
33 1001-3402 PW-Street Tree Maint 215,050 0.25%557 0557 165 722
34 1001-5101 Non-Dept-WasteMgmt 71,770 0.08%186 0186 55241
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 666,788 0.76%1,727 0 1,727 511 2,238
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs252,909 0.29%655 0655 194 849
37 1001-7101 Non-Dept-Comm TV 123,650 0.14%320 0320 95415
38 1001-7301 Pks & CS- Library Svcs946,071 1.09%2,450 0 2,450 725 3,175
39 1001-7501 PW-Park Maint 3,703,783 4.25%9,592 0 9,5922,837 12,429
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 209,150 0.24%542 0542 160 702
41 1001-7602 Pks & CS- Dublin Cemetery 7,321 0.01%19 0 19 6 25
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 226,217 0.26%586 0586 173 759
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities 393,834 0.45%1,020 0 1,020 302 1,322
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Clerk- Fiscal Allocations Dept:4 1001-1301 CityClerk
Department UnitsAllocation
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.698,182 0.80%$1,808 $0 $1,808 $535 $2,343
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals1,221,401 1.40%3,163 0 3,163 936 4,099
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 1,821,447 2.09%4,717 0 4,7171,395 6,113
47 1001-7711 Pks & CS- FamilyProgs 544,244 0.62%1,409 0 1,409 417 1,826
48 1001-7721 Pks & CS- Recr Activities 309,285 0.35%801 0801 237 1,038
49 1001-7731 Pks & CS- PreschoolProgs 249,413 0.29%646 0646 191 837
50 1001-7751 Pks & CS- Senior Progs 443,728 0.51%1,149 0 1,149 340 1,489
51 1001-7761 Pks & CS- SportsProgs 718,889 0.82%1,862 0 1,862 551 2,412
53 1001-7772 Pks & CS- EGRAC 2,877,750 3.30%7,453 0 7,4532,205 9,657
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 302,205 0.35%783 0783 232 1,014
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 1,900,337 2.18%4,921 0 4,9211,456 6,377
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 3,578,841 4.10%9,268 0 9,2682,742 12,010
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 1,510,379 1.73%3,912 0 3,9121,157 5,069
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 657,637 0.75%1,703 0 1,703 504 2,207
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 310,759 0.36%805 0805 238 1,043
62 1009-1501CityAttorney 161,180 0.18%417 0417 123 541
63 1009-5201 PW- EnvirProgs 1,356 0.00%4 0 4 1 5
64 1009-8101 CD- Planning 678,203 0.78%1,756 0 1,756 520 2,276
65 1009-8301 PW- Engineering 2,207,675 2.53%5,717 0 5,7171,691 7,409
66 2101-2111PD- OpersSupport 3,980 0.00%10 0 10 3 13
67 2102-2111PD- OpersSupport 822 0.00%2 0 2 1 3
68 2103-2102PD- Patrol 100,000 0.11%259 0259 77336
69 2106-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 194,093 0.22%503 0503 149 651
72 2109-2401Fire- Operation 329,268 0.38%853 0853 252 1,105
73 2109-2402Fire- Prevention 6,500 0.01%17 0 17 5 22
74 2111-2111PD- OpersSupport 2,500 0.00%6 0 6 2 8
77 2201-3201 PW- Street Maint 519,897 0.60%1,346 0 1,346 398 1,745
78 2201-8301 PW- Engineering 6,000 0.01%16 0 16 5 20
82 2205-3101 PW- Admin 17,961 0.02%47 0 47 14 60
86 2212-2801 PW- Traffic Signals 173,265 0.20%449 0449 133 581
91 2302-3201 PW-StreetMaint 9,840 0.01%25 0 25 8 33
92 2302-5201 PW- EnviroProgs 144,820 0.17%375 0375 111 486
93 2303-5101 Non-Dept- WasteMgmt 4,074,612 4.67%10,552 010,5523,122 13,674
94 2304-5201 PW- EnviroProgs 28,700 0.03%74 0 74 22 96
96 2323-3201 PW- StreetMaint 5,000 0.01%13 0 13 4 17
97 2324-3201 PW- StreetMaint 5,000 0.01%13 0 13 4 17
100 2701-2802 PW- Street Lighting 183,900 0.21%476 0476 141 617
101 2701-8301 PW- Engineering 11,468 0.01%30 0 30 9 38
102 2702-3401 PW- StreetLands.82,280 0.09%213 0213 63276
103 2702-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 2,500 0.00%6 0 6 2 8
104 2702-8301 PW- Engineering 4,641 0.01%12 0 12 4 16
105 2703-3401 PW- StreetLands.122,600 0.14%318 0318 94411
MGT Consulting Group Page 58 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Clerk- Fiscal Allocations Dept:4 1001-1301 CityClerk
Department UnitsAllocation
106 2703-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 15,563 0.02%$40 $0 $40 $12 $52
107 2703-8301 PW- Engineering 5,591 0.01%14 0 14 4 19
108 2704-3401 PW- StreetLands.292,505 0.34%758 0758 224 982
109 2704-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 27,000 0.03%70 0 70 21 91
110 2704-8301 PW- Engineering 9,161 0.01%24 0 24 7 31
111 2705-2802 PW- Street Lighting 185,061 0.21%479 0479 142 621
112 2705-8301 PW- Engineering 9,151 0.01%24 0 24 7 31
114 2801-7621 Pks & CS- Cult. Activities 157,645 0.18%408 0408 121 529
116 2811-7101Non-Dept- Comm TV 35,338 0.04%92 0 92 27119
117 2901-1501CityAttorney 60,000 0.07%155 0155 46201
119 2901-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 8,000 0.01%21 0 21 6 27
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 429,345 0.49%1,112 0 1,112 329 1,441
122 2903-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs82,202 0.09%213 0213 63276
153 5171-1901Non-Departmental 807,020 0.93%2,090 0 2,090 618 2,708
155 5301-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 728,266 0.84%1,886 0 1,886 558 2,444
156 5302-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 535,616 0.61%1,387 0 1,387 410 1,797
158 5321-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 53,354 0.06%138 0138 41179
161 6305-1905Non-Departmental ISF 2,000 0.00%5 0 5 2 7
162 6605-1602 Admin Svcs- Info Systems 1,423,987 1.63%3,688 0 3,6881,091 4,779
163 6901-1905Non-Departmental ISF 2,435,307 2.79%6,307 0 6,3071,866 8,173
Subtotal 87,189,566100.00%225,800 0225,80064,943 290,744
DirectBills 0 0
Total $225,800 $290,744
Basis Units: Total OperatingBudget per program (excl capital, debt and transfers)
MGT Consulting Group Page 59 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
RecordsRequestsAllocations Dept:4 1001-1301 CityClerk
Department UnitsAllocation
2 1001-1101City Council 1012.35%$6,054 $0 $6,054 $0 $6,054
3 1001-1201CityManager 22.47%1,211 0 1,211 0 1,211
4 1001-1301CityClerk 1316.05%7,870 0 7,870 0 7,870
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 89.88%4,843 0 4,8432,015 6,858
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 11.23%605 0605 252 857
8 1001-1601 Finance 67.41%3,632 0 3,6321,511 5,143
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 44.94%2,421 0 2,4211,007 3,429
21 1001-2401 FD-Operation 22.47%1,211 0 1,211 504 1,714
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 1316.05%7,870 0 7,8703,274 11,144
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 2227.16%13,318 013,3185,541 18,859
Subtotal 81100.00%49,035 049,03514,103 63,138
DirectBills 0 0
Total $49,035 $63,138
Basis Units: Number of Records Requestsper program
MGT Consulting Group Page 60 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:4 1001-1301 CityClerk
Department Clerk -
Clerk- Fiscal Records
2 1001-1101City Council $0 $11,290 $1,410 $6,054 $18,754
3 1001-1201CityManager 20,8439,800 3,2131,211 35,067
4 1001-1301CityClerk 52,1086,774 1,6387,870 68,390
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 4,9507,497 2,4866,858 21,790
6 1001-1402Insurance 0 0 1,736 0 1,736
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 7,425 0 2,467 857 10,749
8 1001-1601 Finance 42,07422,941 5,9475,143 76,105
9 1001-1801 Building Management 0 0 4,636 0 4,636
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 73,01015,594 4,3803,429 96,413
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 0 0 5,471 0 5,471
12 1001-1302 Elections 0 0 10 0 10
13 1001-1802 Public Safety Complex 0 0315 0315
14 1001-2101PD- Admin/Support Svcs 8,662 0 9,376 018,039
15 1001-2102PD-Patrol 0 030,441 030,441
16 1001-2103PD-Traffic 0 0 3,798 0 3,798
17 1001-2104PD-Investigations 0 0 7,981 0 7,981
18 1001-2105PD-CrimePrev/School Res Svcs 0 0 5,686 0 5,686
19 1001-2106PD-Comm./Dispatch 0 0 4,015 0 4,015
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 0 11,995 6,853 018,848
21 1001-2401 FD-Operation 0 041,8681,714 43,583
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 3,7122,999 1,392 0 8,103
23 1001-2405 FD-Dougherty RegFire Auth 0 0591 0591
24 1001-2411 FD-FireStation Maint 0 0773 0773
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.0 990 461 0 1,451
26 1001-2601Non-Dept-Crossing Guards 0 0496 0496
27 1001-2701Non-Dept-Animal Control 0 0 1,109 0 1,109
28 1001-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 0 0 34 0 34
29 1001-2802 PW-Street Lighting 0 0537 0537
30 1001-3201 PW-Street Maint 0 0143 0143
31 1001-3202 PW-Street Sweeping 0 0537 0537
32 1001-3401 PW-StreetLandscaping 0 0 5,562 0 5,562
33 1001-3402 PW-Street Tree Maint 0 0722 0722
34 1001-5101 Non-Dept-WasteMgmt 0 990 241 0 1,230
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 0 7,197 2,238 0 9,435
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 0 1,499 849 0 2,348
37 1001-7101 Non-Dept-Comm TV 0 0415 0415
38 1001-7301 Pks & CS- Library Svcs 0 0 3,175 0 3,175
39 1001-7501 PW-Park Maint 0 012,429 012,429
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 0 1,200 702 0 1,901
41 1001-7602 Pks & CS- Dublin Cemetery 0 0 25 0 25
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 0 3,599 759 0 4,358
MGT Consulting Group Page 61 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:4 1001-1301 CityClerk
Department Clerk -
Clerk- Fiscal Records
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities $0 $3,899 $1,322 $0 $5,220
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.0 6,298 2,343 0 8,641
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals 0 7,947 4,099 012,046
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 44,54918,893 6,113 069,554
47 1001-7711 Pks & CS- FamilyProgs 0 2,999 1,826 0 4,825
48 1001-7721 Pks & CS- Recr Activities 0 3,599 1,038 0 4,637
49 1001-7731 Pks & CS- PreschoolProgs 0 900 837 0 1,737
50 1001-7751 Pks & CS- Senior Progs 0 6,298 1,489 0 7,787
51 1001-7761 Pks & CS- SportsProgs 0 4,198 2,412 0 6,611
53 1001-7772 Pks & CS- EGRAC 0 13,795 9,657 023,452
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 0 7,797 1,014 0 8,811
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 12,99329,539 6,37711,144 60,053
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 12,99322,491 12,01018,859 66,354
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 0 27,440 5,069 032,508
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 7,4256,897 2,207 016,529
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 0 3,599 1,043 0 4,641
62 1009-1501CityAttorney 0 0541 0541
63 1009-5201 PW- EnvirProgs 0 0 5 0 5
64 1009-8101 CD- Planning 0 0 2,276 0 2,276
65 1009-8301 PW- Engineering 0 0 7,409 0 7,409
66 2101-2111PD- OpersSupport 0 0 13 0 13
67 2102-2111PD- OpersSupport 0 0 3 0 3
68 2103-2102PD- Patrol 0 0336 0336
69 2106-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 0 0651 0651
72 2109-2401Fire- Operation 0 0 1,105 0 1,105
73 2109-2402Fire- Prevention 0 0 22 0 22
74 2111-2111PD- OpersSupport 0 0 8 0 8
77 2201-3201 PW- Street Maint 0 0 1,745 0 1,745
78 2201-8301 PW- Engineering 0 0 20 0 20
82 2205-3101 PW- Admin 0 0 60 0 60
86 2212-2801 PW- TrafficSignals 0 0581 0581
91 2302-3201 PW-StreetMaint 0 0 33 0 33
92 2302-5201 PW- EnviroProgs 0 0486 0486
93 2303-5101 Non-Dept- WasteMgmt 0 013,674 013,674
94 2304-5201 PW- EnviroProgs 0 0 96 0 96
96 2323-3201 PW- StreetMaint 0 0 17 0 17
97 2324-3201 PW- StreetMaint 0 0 17 0 17
100 2701-2802 PW- Street Lighting 0 0617 0617
101 2701-8301 PW- Engineering 0 0 38 0 38
102 2702-3401 PW- StreetLands.0 0276 0276
103 2702-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 0 0 8 0 8
MGT Consulting Group Page 62 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:4 1001-1301 CityClerk
Department Clerk -
Clerk- Fiscal Records
104 2702-8301 PW- Engineering $0 $0 $16 $0 $16
105 2703-3401 PW- StreetLands.0 0411 0411
106 2703-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 0 0 52 0 52
107 2703-8301 PW- Engineering 0 0 19 0 19
108 2704-3401 PW- StreetLands.0 0982 0982
109 2704-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 0 0 91 0 91
110 2704-8301 PW- Engineering 0 0 31 0 31
111 2705-2802 PW- Street Lighting 0 0621 0621
112 2705-8301 PW- Engineering 0 0 31 0 31
114 2801-7621 Pks & CS- Cult. Activities 0 0529 0529
116 2811-7101Non-Dept- Comm TV 0 0119 0119
117 2901-1501CityAttorney 0 0201 0201
119 2901-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 0 0 27 0 27
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 0 5,998 1,441 0 7,439
122 2903-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 0 0276 0276
153 5171-1901Non-Departmental 0 0 2,708 0 2,708
155 5301-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 0 300 2,444 0 2,744
156 5302-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 0 300 1,797 0 2,097
158 5321-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 0 150 179 0329
161 6305-1905Non-Departmental ISF 0 0 7 0 7
162 6605-1602 Admin Svcs- Info Systems 0 13,045 4,779 017,824
163 6901-1905Non-Departmental ISF 0 0 8,173 0 8,173
Total $290,744 $290,744 $290,744 $63,138 $935,369
1001-1401 HumanResources
Natureand Extentof Services
The HumanResources Office oversees suchCity programs as humanresources (recruitment, selection, salary and
fringe benefitsadministration), risk management (general liability, claims management, propertyinsurance, workers’
compensation, andsafetytraining), employeetrainingandrecognition programs and special projects.
The HumanResources costs aredistributed by the followingfunctions:
Recruitment - Costshave been allocatedbased on number of recruits per program (6 yearaverage).
Trainings - Costs havebeenallocatedbased on number of FTE's perprogram.
Employee Safety - Costshavebeenallocatedbased on numberof FTE's per program.
GeneralHRSupport - Costshavebeenallocatedbasedon number of FTE's perprogram.
MGT Consulting Group Page 63 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
1001-1401 HumanResources
Natureand Extentof Services
The HumanResources Office oversees suchCity programs as humanresources (recruitment, selection, salary and
fringe benefitsadministration), risk management (general liability, claims management, propertyinsurance, workers’
compensation, andsafetytraining), employeetrainingandrecognition programs and special projects.
The HumanResources costs aredistributed by the followingfunctions:
Recruitment - Costshave been allocatedbased on number of recruits per program (6 yearaverage).
Trainings - Costs havebeenallocatedbased on number of FTE's perprogram.
Employee Safety - Costshavebeenallocatedbased on numberof FTE's per program.
GeneralHRSupport - Costshavebeenallocatedbasedon number of FTE's perprogram.
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
A. DepartmentCosts Dept:5 1001-1401 Human Resources
Description AmountGeneral
Gen'l HR
Personnel Costs
Salaries S1 377,744 0 89,979 98,89398,893 89,979
Salary % Split .00%23.82%26.18%26.18%23.82%
Benefits S 148,864 0 35,459 38,97338,973 35,459
Subtotal - Personnel Costs 526,608 0 125,438 137,866 137,866 125,438
Services & SuppliesCost
Office Supplies S 7,000 0 1,667 1,8331,833 1,667
Postage S 500 0 119 131 131 119
OperatingSupplies S 34,200 0 8,146 8,9548,954 8,146
MileageReimb S 500 0 119 131 131 119
Processing Fees S 8,400 0 2,001 2,1992,199 2,001
Advertising S 7,000 0 1,667 1,8331,833 1,667
Printing & Binding S 1,000 0 238 262 262 238
Memb & Dues S 1,100 0 262 288 288 262
Travel Conf & Mtgs S 12,300 0 2,930 3,2203,220 2,930
Training S 55,500 0 13,220 14,53014,530 13,220
ISF- Equip Replcmt S 4,351 0 1,036 1,1391,139 1,036
ISF- IT S 19,036 0 4,534 4,9844,984 4,534
Contract Svcs Gen'l S 63,198 0 15,054 16,54516,545 15,054
Cap Outlay- Furniture D 7,500 0 0 0 0 0
Cap Outlay- Mach & Equip D 3,000 0 0 0 0 0
Subtotal - Services & Supplies 224,585 0 50,995 56,04756,047 50,995
DepartmentCost Total 751,193 0 176,433 193,913 193,913 176,433
Adjustments to Cost
Cap Outlay- Furniture D (7,500)0 0 0 0 0
Cap Outlay- Mach & Equip D (3,000)0 0 0 0 0
Subtotal - Adjustments (10,500)0 0 0 0 0
Total Costs After Adjustments 740,693 0 176,433 193,913 193,913 176,433
General Admin Distribution 0 0 0 0 0
GrandTotal $740,693 $176,433 $193,913 $193,913 $176,433
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
B. IncomingCosts - (DefaultSpread Salary%)Dept:5 1001-1401 Human Resources
Department First
Gen'l HR
1 CivicCenter $15,254 $0 $3,634 $3,994 $3,994 $3,634
Subtotal - BuildingDepreciation 15,254 0 3,6343,994 3,9943,634
2 City Council- Personnel 4,7932,353 1,7021,871 1,8711,702
2 City Council- Fiscal 1,629 764 570 626 626 570
2 Council Meetings 2,9491,376 1,0301,132 1,1321,030
Subtotal - 1001-1101 City Council 9,3704,493 3,3023,629 3,6293,302
3 City Mgmt-Personnel 16,2003,787 4,7615,233 5,2334,761
3 City Mgmt-Fiscal 5,5051,191 1,5951,753 1,7531,595
Subtotal - 1001-1201 City Manager 21,7054,978 6,3566,986 6,9866,356
4 Clerk - Council Support 3,4741,476 1,1791,296 1,2961,179
4 Clerk- Personnel 5,6451,852 1,7861,963 1,9631,786
4 Clerk- Fiscal 1,918 567 592 651 651 592
4 Records Requests 4,8432,015 1,6341,795 1,7951,634
Subtotal - 1001-1301 City Clerk 15,8805,910 5,1905,705 5,7055,190
5 Recruitment 0 7,687 1,8312,012 2,0121,831
5 Trainings 0 5,255 1,2521,376 1,3761,252
5 Employee Safety 0 5,255 1,2521,376 1,3761,252
5 Gen'l HR Support 0 4,781 1,1391,252 1,2521,139
Subtotal - 1001-1401Human Resources 0 22,978 5,4736,016 6,0165,473
6 CivicCenterProp Ins 0 2,386 568 625 625 568
Subtotal - 1001-1402Insurance 0 2,386 568 625 625 568
7 DirectAttorney Support 0 27,802 6,6227,279 7,2796,622
7 CitywideSupp-Fiscal 0 2,307 549 604 604 549
7 CitywideSupp-Personnel 0 6,788 1,6171,777 1,7771,617
Subtotal - 1001-1501 City Attorney 0 36,897 8,7899,660 9,6608,789
8 A/P 0 6,557 1,5621,717 1,7171,562
8 Payroll 0 2,310 550 605 605 550
8 Procurement 0 3,894 9281,019 1,019 928
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
B. IncomingCosts - (DefaultSpread Salary%)Dept:5 1001-1401 Human Resources
Department First
Gen'l HR
8 Budgeting $0 $4,176 $995 $1,093 $1,093 $995
8 FinancialReporting 0 4,631 1,1031,212 1,2121,103
8 Revenue/Receipting-GF 0 673 160 176 176 160
Subtotal - 1001-1601Finance 0 22,241 5,2985,823 5,8235,298
9 CivicCenter 0 40,590 9,66810,626 10,6269,668
Subtotal - 1001-1801 BuildingManagement 0 40,590 9,66810,626 10,6269,668
11 CitywideContracts 0 12,491 2,9753,270 3,2702,975
Subtotal - 1001-1901NonDepartmental 0 12,491 2,9753,270 3,2702,975
Total Incoming 62,209 152,964 51,25456,332 56,33251,254
C. Total Allocated $955,866 $227,687 $250,246 $250,246 $227,687
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
RecruitmentAllocations Dept:5 1001-1401 Human Resources
Department UnitsAllocation
3 1001-1201CityManager 0.75 4.02%$7,687 $0 $7,687 $0 $7,687
4 1001-1301CityClerk 0.75 4.02%7,687 0 7,687 0 7,687
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 0.75 4.02%7,687 0 7,687 0 7,687
8 1001-1601 Finance 1.00 5.36%10,249 010,2492,220 12,470
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 4.0021.44%40,997 040,9978,881 49,878
14 1001-2101PD- Admin/Support Svcs 0.33 1.77%3,382 0 3,382 733 4,115
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 0.33 1.77%3,382 0 3,382 733 4,115
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 5.0026.80%51,246 051,24611,102 62,348
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 2.0010.72%20,499 020,4994,441 24,939
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 2.0010.72%20,499 020,4994,441 24,939
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 0.75 4.02%7,687 0 7,6871,665 9,352
162 6605-1602 Admin Svcs- Info Systems 1.00 5.36%10,249 010,2492,220 12,470
Subtotal 18.66100.00%191,251 0191,25136,436 227,687
DirectBills 0 0
Total $191,251 $227,687
Basis Units: Number of Recruits per program (6 year average)
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
TrainingsAllocations Dept:5 1001-1401 Human Resources
Department UnitsAllocation
2 1001-1101City Council 5.00 5.00%$10,510 $0 $10,510 $0 $10,510
3 1001-1201CityManager 4.34 4.34%9,123 0 9,123 0 9,123
4 1001-1301CityClerk 3.00 3.00%6,306 0 6,306 0 6,306
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 2.50 2.50%5,255 0 5,255 0 5,255
8 1001-1601 Finance 7.65 7.65%16,080 016,0803,597 19,678
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 5.20 5.20%10,930 010,9302,445 13,376
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 4.00 4.00%8,408 0 8,4081,881 10,289
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 1.00 1.00%2,102 0 2,102 470 2,572
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.0.33 0.33%694 0694 155 849
34 1001-5101Non-Dept-Waste Mgmt 0.33 0.33%694 0694 155 849
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 2.40 2.40%5,045 0 5,0451,129 6,173
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 0.50 0.50%1,051 0 1,051 235 1,286
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 0.40 0.40%841 0841 188 1,029
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 1.20 1.20%2,522 0 2,522 564 3,087
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities 1.30 1.30%2,733 0 2,733 611 3,344
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.2.10 2.10%4,414 0 4,414 988 5,402
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals 2.65 2.65%5,570 0 5,5701,246 6,816
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 6.30 6.30%13,243 013,2432,963 16,205
47 1001-7711 Pks & CS- FamilyProgs 1.00 1.00%2,102 0 2,102 470 2,572
48 1001-7721 Pks & CS- Recr Activities 1.20 1.20%2,522 0 2,522 564 3,087
49 1001-7731 Pks & CS- PreschoolProgs 0.30 0.30%631 0631 141 772
50 1001-7751 Pks & CS- Senior Progs 2.10 2.10%4,414 0 4,414 988 5,402
51 1001-7761 Pks & CS- SportsProgs 1.40 1.40%2,943 0 2,943 658 3,601
53 1001-7772 Pks & CS- EGRAC 4.60 4.60%9,669 0 9,6692,163 11,832
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 2.60 2.60%5,465 0 5,4651,223 6,688
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 9.85 9.85%20,705 020,7054,632 25,337
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 7.50 7.50%15,765 015,7653,527 19,292
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 9.15 9.15%19,233 019,2334,303 23,536
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 2.30 2.30%4,835 0 4,8351,082 5,916
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 1.20 1.20%2,522 0 2,522 564 3,087
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 2.00 2.00%4,204 0 4,204 940 5,144
155 5301-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0.10 0.10%210 0210 47257
156 5302-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0.10 0.10%210 0210 47257
158 5321-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0.05 0.05%105 0105 24129
162 6605-1602Admin Svcs- Info Systems 4.35 4.35%9,144 0 9,1442,046 11,189
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
TrainingsAllocations Dept:5 1001-1401 Human Resources
Department UnitsAllocation
Subtotal 100.00100.00%210,200 0210,20040,046 250,246
DirectBills 0 0
Total $210,200 $250,246
Basis Units: Number of FTE's per program
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Employee Safety Allocations Dept:5 1001-1401 Human Resources
Department UnitsAllocation
2 1001-1101City Council 5.00 5.00%$10,510 $0 $10,510 $0 $10,510
3 1001-1201CityManager 4.34 4.34%9,123 0 9,123 0 9,123
4 1001-1301CityClerk 3.00 3.00%6,306 0 6,306 0 6,306
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 2.50 2.50%5,255 0 5,255 0 5,255
8 1001-1601 Finance 7.65 7.65%16,080 016,0803,597 19,678
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 5.20 5.20%10,930 010,9302,445 13,376
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 4.00 4.00%8,408 0 8,4081,881 10,289
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 1.00 1.00%2,102 0 2,102 470 2,572
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.0.33 0.33%694 0694 155 849
34 1001-5101Non-Dept-Waste Mgmt 0.33 0.33%694 0694 155 849
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 2.40 2.40%5,045 0 5,0451,129 6,173
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 0.50 0.50%1,051 0 1,051 235 1,286
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 0.40 0.40%841 0841 188 1,029
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 1.20 1.20%2,522 0 2,522 564 3,087
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities 1.30 1.30%2,733 0 2,733 611 3,344
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.2.10 2.10%4,414 0 4,414 988 5,402
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals 2.65 2.65%5,570 0 5,5701,246 6,816
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 6.30 6.30%13,243 013,2432,963 16,205
47 1001-7711 Pks & CS- FamilyProgs 1.00 1.00%2,102 0 2,102 470 2,572
48 1001-7721 Pks & CS- Recr Activities 1.20 1.20%2,522 0 2,522 564 3,087
49 1001-7731 Pks & CS- PreschoolProgs 0.30 0.30%631 0631 141 772
50 1001-7751 Pks & CS- Senior Progs 2.10 2.10%4,414 0 4,414 988 5,402
51 1001-7761 Pks & CS- SportsProgs 1.40 1.40%2,943 0 2,943 658 3,601
53 1001-7772 Pks & CS- EGRAC 4.60 4.60%9,669 0 9,6692,163 11,832
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 2.60 2.60%5,465 0 5,4651,223 6,688
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 9.85 9.85%20,705 020,7054,632 25,337
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 7.50 7.50%15,765 015,7653,527 19,292
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 9.15 9.15%19,233 019,2334,303 23,536
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 2.30 2.30%4,835 0 4,8351,082 5,916
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 1.20 1.20%2,522 0 2,522 564 3,087
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 2.00 2.00%4,204 0 4,204 940 5,144
155 5301-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0.10 0.10%210 0210 47257
156 5302-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0.10 0.10%210 0210 47257
158 5321-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0.05 0.05%105 0105 24129
162 6605-1602Admin Svcs- Info Systems 4.35 4.35%9,144 0 9,1442,046 11,189
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Employee Safety Allocations Dept:5 1001-1401 Human Resources
Department UnitsAllocation
Subtotal 100.00100.00%210,200 0210,20040,046 250,246
DirectBills 0 0
Total $210,200 $250,246
Basis Units: Number of FTE's per program
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Gen'l HR SupportAllocations Dept:5 1001-1401 Human Resources
Department UnitsAllocation
2 1001-1101City Council 5.00 5.00%$9,563 $0 $9,563 $0 $9,563
3 1001-1201CityManager 4.34 4.34%8,300 0 8,300 0 8,300
4 1001-1301CityClerk 3.00 3.00%5,738 0 5,738 0 5,738
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 2.50 2.50%4,781 0 4,781 0 4,781
8 1001-1601 Finance 7.65 7.65%14,631 014,6313,273 17,904
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 5.20 5.20%9,945 0 9,9452,225 12,170
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 4.00 4.00%7,650 0 7,6501,711 9,361
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 1.00 1.00%1,913 0 1,913 428 2,340
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.0.33 0.33%631 0631 141 772
34 1001-5101Non-Dept-Waste Mgmt 0.33 0.33%631 0631 141 772
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 2.40 2.40%4,590 0 4,5901,027 5,617
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 0.50 0.50%956 0956 214 1,170
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 0.40 0.40%765 0765 171 936
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 1.20 1.20%2,295 0 2,295 513 2,808
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities 1.30 1.30%2,486 0 2,486 556 3,042
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.2.10 2.10%4,016 0 4,016 898 4,915
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals 2.65 2.65%5,068 0 5,0681,134 6,202
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 6.30 6.30%12,049 012,0492,695 14,744
47 1001-7711 Pks & CS- FamilyProgs 1.00 1.00%1,913 0 1,913 428 2,340
48 1001-7721 Pks & CS- Recr Activities 1.20 1.20%2,295 0 2,295 513 2,808
49 1001-7731 Pks & CS- PreschoolProgs 0.30 0.30%574 0574 128 702
50 1001-7751 Pks & CS- Senior Progs 2.10 2.10%4,016 0 4,016 898 4,915
51 1001-7761 Pks & CS- SportsProgs 1.40 1.40%2,678 0 2,678 599 3,277
53 1001-7772 Pks & CS- EGRAC 4.60 4.60%8,798 0 8,7981,968 10,766
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 2.60 2.60%4,973 0 4,9731,112 6,085
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 9.85 9.85%18,838 018,8384,214 23,053
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 7.50 7.50%14,344 014,3443,209 17,553
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 9.15 9.15%17,499 017,4993,915 21,414
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 2.30 2.30%4,399 0 4,399 984 5,383
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 1.20 1.20%2,295 0 2,295 513 2,808
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 2.00 2.00%3,825 0 3,825 856 4,681
155 5301-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0.10 0.10%191 0191 43234
156 5302-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0.10 0.10%191 0191 43234
158 5321-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0.05 0.05%96 0 96 21117
162 6605-1602Admin Svcs- Info Systems 4.35 4.35%8,319 0 8,3191,861 10,181
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Gen'l HR SupportAllocations Dept:5 1001-1401 Human Resources
Department UnitsAllocation
Subtotal 100.00100.00%191,251 0191,25136,436 227,687
DirectBills 0 0
Total $191,251 $227,687
Basis Units: Number of FTE's per program
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:5 1001-1401 Human Resources
Department RecruitmentTrainingsEmployee
Gen'l HR
2 1001-1101City Council $0 $10,510 $10,510 $9,563 $30,583
3 1001-1201CityManager 7,6879,123 9,1238,300 34,233
4 1001-1301CityClerk 7,6876,306 6,3065,738 26,036
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 7,6875,255 5,2554,781 22,978
8 1001-1601 Finance 12,47019,678 19,67817,904 69,729
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 49,87813,376 13,37612,170 88,800
14 1001-2101PD- Admin/Support Svcs 4,115 0 0 0 4,115
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 0 10,289 10,2899,361 29,939
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 4,1152,572 2,5722,340 11,600
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.0 849 849 772 2,470
34 1001-5101Non-Dept-Waste Mgmt 0 849 849 772 2,470
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 0 6,173 6,1735,617 17,964
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 0 1,286 1,2861,170 3,742
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 0 1,029 1,029 936 2,994
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 0 3,087 3,0872,808 8,982
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities 0 3,344 3,3443,042 9,730
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.0 5,402 5,4024,915 15,718
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals 0 6,816 6,8166,202 19,835
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 62,34816,205 16,20514,744 109,503
47 1001-7711 Pks & CS- FamilyProgs 0 2,572 2,5722,340 7,485
48 1001-7721 Pks & CS- Recr Activities 0 3,087 3,0872,808 8,982
49 1001-7731 Pks & CS- PreschoolProgs 0 772 772 702 2,245
50 1001-7751 Pks & CS- Senior Progs 0 5,402 5,4024,915 15,718
51 1001-7761 Pks & CS- SportsProgs 0 3,601 3,6013,277 10,479
53 1001-7772 Pks & CS- EGRAC 0 11,832 11,83210,766 34,430
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 0 6,688 6,6886,085 19,461
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 24,93925,337 25,33723,053 98,665
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 24,93919,292 19,29217,553 81,076
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 0 23,536 23,53621,414 68,486
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 9,3525,916 5,9165,383 26,567
59 1001-8405 ED- Public Info 0 3,087 3,0872,808 8,982
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 0 5,144 5,1444,681 14,970
155 5301-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0 257 257 234 748
156 5302-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0 257 257 234 748
158 5321-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0 129 129 117 374
162 6605-1602Admin Svcs- Info Systems 12,47011,189 11,18910,181 45,029
Total $227,687 $250,246 $250,246 $227,687 $955,866
1001-1402 Insurance
Natureand Extentof Services
The HumanResourcesDepartment hasfunctionaloversight of the City’s General Liability Insurance that it obtained
throughapooled risk sharingarrangementofferedthroughtheAssociationof Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Plan
Corporation. This poolcurrentlyincludes 28 citiesinthegreater Bay Area, andoffers coverage upto $30 millionper
occurrence. Inaddition to General Liability coverage, the policyalso includesProperty, aswellas Errors and Omissions
coverageforthe City.
Insurancecosts are distributed by thefollowingfunctions:
Claims - Costshave been allocatedbasedon number of claimsperprogram (5year average).
Property Insurance - Costshavebeenallocatedbased on InsuredPrope rty Valueperprogram.
Civic CenterPropIns - Costshave been allocatedbasedonnumber of FTE's perdivision in the Civic Center.
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
1001-1402 Insurance
Natureand Extentof Services
The HumanResourcesDepartment hasfunctionaloversight of the City’s General Liability Insurance that it obtained
throughapooled risk sharingarrangementofferedthroughtheAssociationof Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Plan
Corporation. This poolcurrentlyincludes 28 citiesinthegreater Bay Area, andoffers coverage upto $30 millionper
occurrence. Inaddition to General Liability coverage, the policyalso includesProperty, aswellas Errors and Omissions
coverageforthe City.
Insurancecosts are distributed by thefollowingfunctions:
Claims - Costshave been allocatedbasedon number of claimsperprogram (5year average).
Property Insurance - Costshavebeenallocatedbased on InsuredPrope rty Valueperprogram.
Civic CenterPropIns - Costshave been allocatedbasedonnumber of FTE's perdivision in the Civic Center.
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
A. DepartmentCosts Dept:61001-1402 Insurance
Description AmountGeneral
Claims Property
Prop Ins
Personnel Costs
Salaries S 0 0 0 0 0
Salary % Split .00%.00%.00%.00%
Benefits S 0 0 0 0 0
Subtotal - Personnel Costs 0 0 0 0 0
Services & SuppliesCost
Insurance Premiums P 437,450 0 0356,36881,082
Insurance Claims Paid P 80,000 0 80,000 0 0
Subtotal - Services & Supplies 517,450 0 80,000 356,36881,082
DepartmentCost Total 517,450 0 80,000 356,36881,082
Adjustments to Cost
Subtotal - Adjustments 0 0 0 0 0
Total Costs After Adjustments 517,450 0 80,000 356,36881,082
GeneralAdmin Distribution 0 0 0 0
Grand Total $517,450 $80,000 $356,368 $81,082
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
B. IncomingCosts - (DefaultSpreadExpense%)Dept:61001-1402 Insurance
Department First
Civic Center
Prop Ins
2 City Council- Fiscal $1,138 $534 $258 $1,151 $262
Subtotal - 1001-1101 City Council 1,138 534 2581,151 262
3 City Mgmt-Fiscal 3,846 832 7233,222 733
Subtotal - 1001-1201 City Manager 3,846 832 7233,222 733
4 Clerk- Fiscal 1,340 396 2681,196 272
Subtotal - 1001-1301 City Clerk 1,340 396 2681,196 272
7 CitywideSupp-Fiscal 0 1,612 2491,110 253
Subtotal - 1001-1501 City Attorney 0 1,612 2491,110 253
8 A/P 0 509 79 350 80
8 Budgeting 0 2,917 4512,009 457
8 FinancialReporting 0 3,235 5002,228 507
8 Revenue/Receipting-GF 0 470 73 324 74
Subtotal - 1001-1601Finance 0 7,131 1,1034,911 1,117
11 CitywideContracts 0 8,726 1,3496,010 1,367
Subtotal - 1001-1901NonDepartmental 0 8,726 1,3496,010 1,367
Total Incoming 6,32419,231 3,95117,600 4,004
C. Total Allocated $543,005 $83,951 $373,968 $85,086
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
ClaimsAllocations Dept:61001-1402 Insurance
Department UnitsAllocation
8 1001-1601 Finance 2.00 2.13%$1,723 $0 $1,723 $63 $1,786
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 38.0040.43%32,736 032,7361,202 33,938
14 1001-2101PD- Admin/Support Svcs36.0038.30%31,013 031,0131,139 32,151
48 1001-7721 Pks & CS- Recr Activities 17.0018.09%14,645 014,645 538 15,183
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 0.50 0.53%431 0431 16447
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 0.50 0.53%431 0431 16447
Subtotal 94.00100.00%80,978 080,9782,973 83,951
DirectBills 0 0
Total $80,978 $83,951
Basis Units: Number of Claims per program (5year average)
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
PropertyInsurance Allocations Dept:61001-1402 Insurance
Department UnitsAllocation
9 1001-1801 Building Management 5,910,322 5.51%$19,880 $0 $19,880 $730 $20,610
13 1001-1802 Public Safety Complex 4,307,605 4.02%14,489 014,489 532 15,021
14 1001-2101PD- Admin/Support Svcs122,652 0.11%413 0413 15428
18 1001-2105PD-CrimePrev/School Res Svcs173,928 0.16%585 0585 21607
21 1001-2401 FD-Operation 8,843,002 8.25%29,745 029,7451,092 30,837
30 1001-3201 PW-Street Maint 1,452,445 1.35%4,886 0 4,886 179 5,065
38 1001-7301 Pks & CS- Library Svcs14,082,12713.13%47,368 047,3681,739 49,107
39 1001-7501 PW-Park Maint 17,659,29416.47%59,400 059,4002,181 61,581
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 2,376,850 2.22%7,995 0 7,995 294 8,289
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities 2,502,769 2.33%8,419 0 8,419 309 8,728
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals14,354,01713.38%48,282 048,2821,773 50,055
53 1001-7772 Pks & CS- EGRAC 30,000,00027.97%100,911 0100,9113,705 104,616
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 25,809 0.02%87 0 87 3 90
163 6901-1905Non-Departmental ISF 5,429,501 5.06%18,263 018,263 671 18,934
Subtotal 107,240,321100.00%360,723 0360,72313,245 373,968
DirectBills 0 0
Total $360,723 $373,968
Basis Units: Insured Property Value per program
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
CivicCenterProp Ins Allocations Dept:61001-1402 Insurance
Department UnitsAllocation
2 1001-1101City Council 5.00 5.81%$4,772 $0 $4,772 $0 $4,772
3 1001-1201CityManager 4.34 5.05%4,142 0 4,142 0 4,142
4 1001-1301CityClerk 3.00 3.49%2,863 0 2,863 0 2,863
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 2.50 2.91%2,386 0 2,386 0 2,386
8 1001-1601 Finance 7.65 8.90%7,301 0 7,301 324 7,625
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 5.20 6.05%4,963 0 4,963 220 5,183
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 4.00 4.65%3,817 0 3,817 169 3,987
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 1.00 1.16%954 0954 42997
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.0.33 0.38%315 0315 14329
34 1001-5101Non-Dept-Waste Mgmt 0.33 0.38%315 0315 14329
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 2.40 2.79%2,290 0 2,290 102 2,392
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 0.50 0.58%477 0477 21498
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 0.15 0.17%143 0143 6150
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 0.15 0.17%143 0143 6150
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities 0.60 0.70%573 0573 25598
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.2.10 2.44%2,004 0 2,004 89 2,093
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals 1.25 1.45%1,193 0 1,193 53 1,246
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 6.30 7.33%6,012 0 6,012 267 6,279
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 2.60 3.02%2,481 0 2,481 110 2,591
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 9.8511.45%9,400 0 9,400 417 9,817
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 7.50 8.72%7,157 0 7,157 318 7,475
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 9.1510.64%8,732 0 8,732 387 9,120
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 2.30 2.67%2,195 0 2,195 97 2,292
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 1.20 1.40%1,145 0 1,145 51 1,196
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 2.00 2.33%1,909 0 1,909 85 1,993
155 5301-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 0.10 0.12%95 0 95 4100
156 5302-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 0.10 0.12%95 0 95 4100
158 5321-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 0.05 0.06%48 0 48 2 50
162 6605-1602 Admin Svcs- Info Systems 4.35 5.06%4,151 0 4,151 184 4,336
Subtotal 86.00100.00%82,073 082,0733,013 85,086
Direct Bills 0 0
Total $82,073 $85,086
BasisUnits: Number of FTE's per division inthe CivicCenter
MGT Consulting Group Page 81 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:61001-1402 Insurance
Department ClaimsProperty
Civic Center
Prop Ins
2 1001-1101City Council $0 $0 $4,772 $4,772
3 1001-1201CityManager 0 0 4,1424,142
4 1001-1301CityClerk 0 0 2,8632,863
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 0 0 2,3862,386
8 1001-1601 Finance 1,786 0 7,6259,411
9 1001-1801 Building Management 0 20,610 0 20,610
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 33,938 0 5,18339,120
13 1001-1802 Public Safety Complex 0 15,021 0 15,021
14 1001-2101PD- Admin/Support Svcs32,151 428 0 32,579
18 1001-2105PD-CrimePrev/School Res Svcs 0 607 0 607
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 0 0 3,9873,987
21 1001-2401 FD-Operation 0 30,837 0 30,837
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 0 0997 997
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.0 0329 329
30 1001-3201 PW-Street Maint 0 5,065 0 5,065
34 1001-5101Non-Dept-Waste Mgmt 0 0329 329
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 0 0 2,3922,392
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 0 0498 498
38 1001-7301 Pks & CS- Library Svcs 0 49,107 0 49,107
39 1001-7501 PW-Park Maint 0 61,581 0 61,581
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 0 8,289 1508,438
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 0 0150 150
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities 0 8,728 5989,326
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.0 0 2,0932,093
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals 0 50,055 1,24651,301
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 0 0 6,2796,279
48 1001-7721 Pks & CS- Recr Activities 15,183 0 0 15,183
53 1001-7772 Pks & CS- EGRAC 0 104,616 0 104,616
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 0 0 2,5912,591
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 447 0 9,81710,264
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 447 90 7,4758,012
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 0 0 9,1209,120
58 1001-8401 ED- Econ Development 0 0 2,2922,292
59 1001-8405 ED- Public Info 0 0 1,1961,196
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 0 0 1,9931,993
155 5301-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0 0100 100
156 5302-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0 0100 100
158 5321-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0 0 50 50
162 6605-1602Admin Svcs- Info Systems 0 0 4,3364,336
163 6901-1905 Non-Departmental ISF 0 18,934 0 18,934
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:61001-1402 Insurance
Department ClaimsProperty
Civic Center
Prop Ins
Total $83,951 $373,968 $85,086 $543,005
1001-1501City Attorney
Natureand Extentof Services
The Citycontractswith an outsidefirm for legalservices. In additiontohaving a partnerspecifically designated as City
Attorneyfor legal services, the firmhas a number of practicingattorneys specializinginvariousareasofmunicipallaw
whoare utilizedbythe City on an as-neededbasis. The City Attorney providesthefollowingservicestotheCityCouncil
and staff: legalopinionsrelated to City business; draftsandreviewsproposedordinances, resolutions, and contracts;
represents the City incertain litigation; andprovides legal counselondevelopmentreviewissues.
City Attorney costs aredistributed by the following functions:
Direct AttorneySupport - Costshave been allocated based on the amount of Support per program.
Citywide Support-Fiscal - Costshavebeenallocatedbased on TotalOperatingBudget per program (excl capital, debt
and transfers).
Citywide Support-Personnel - Costshavebeenallocatedbasedon number of FTE's per program.
Litigation - Costs for thisfunction are notallocated.
MGT Consulting Group Page 83 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
1001-1501City Attorney
Natureand Extentof Services
The Citycontractswith an outsidefirm for legalservices. In additiontohaving a partnerspecifically designated as City
Attorneyfor legal services, the firmhas a number of practicingattorneys specializinginvariousareasofmunicipallaw
whoare utilizedbythe City on an as-neededbasis. The City Attorney providesthefollowingservicestotheCityCouncil
and staff: legalopinionsrelated to City business; draftsandreviewsproposedordinances, resolutions, and contracts;
represents the City incertain litigation; andprovides legal counselondevelopmentreviewissues.
City Attorney costs aredistributed by the following functions:
Direct AttorneySupport - Costshave been allocated based on the amount of Support per program.
Citywide Support-Fiscal - Costshavebeenallocatedbased on TotalOperatingBudget per program (excl capital, debt
and transfers).
Citywide Support-Personnel - Costshavebeenallocatedbasedon number of FTE's per program.
Litigation - Costs for thisfunction are notallocated.
MGT Consulting Group Page 84 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
A. DepartmentCosts Dept:7 1001-1501 City Attorney
Description AmountGeneral
Personnel Costs
Salaries S 0 0 0 0 0 0
Salary % Split .00%.00%.00%.00%.00%
Benefits S 0 0 0 0 0 0
Subtotal - Personnel Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0
Services & SuppliesCost
Prof Svcs General P 632,000 0 102,763 264,618 264,618 0
Prof Svcs Litigation P 103,000 0 0 0 0103,000
Subtotal - Services & Supplies 735,000 0 102,763 264,618 264,618 103,000
DepartmentCost Total 735,000 0 102,763 264,618 264,618 103,000
Adjustments to Cost
Subtotal - Adjustments 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Costs After Adjustments 735,000 0 102,763 264,618 264,618 103,000
GeneralAdmin Distribution 0 0 0 0 0
Grand Total $735,000 $102,763 $264,618 $264,618 $103,000
not allocated
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
B. IncomingCosts - (DefaultSpreadExpense%)Dept:7 1001-1501 City Attorney
Department First
2 City Council- Fiscal $1,616 $758 $332 $855 $855 $333
2 Council Meetings 4,4242,063 9072,336 2,336 909
Subtotal - 1001-1101 City Council 6,0402,822 1,2393,190 3,1901,242
3 City Mgmt-Fiscal 5,4631,182 9292,392 2,392 931
Subtotal - 1001-1201 City Manager 5,4631,182 9292,392 2,392 931
4 Clerk - Council Support 5,2112,214 1,0382,673 2,6731,040
4 Clerk- Fiscal 1,903 563 345 888 888 346
4 Records Requests 605 252 120 309 309 120
Subtotal - 1001-1301 City Clerk 7,7203,029 1,5033,870 3,8701,506
7 CitywideSupp-Fiscal 0 2,289 320 824 824 321
Subtotal - 1001-1501 City Attorney 0 2,289 320 824 824 321
8 A/P 0 1,846 258 665 665 259
8 Budgeting 0 4,144 5791,492 1,492 581
8 FinancialReporting 0 4,595 6421,654 1,654 644
8 Revenue/Receipting-GF 0 667 93 240 240 94
Subtotal - 1001-1601Finance 0 11,253 1,5734,051 4,0511,577
11 CitywideContracts 0 12,395 1,7334,463 4,4631,737
Subtotal - 1001-1901NonDepartmental 0 12,395 1,7334,463 4,4631,737
Total Incoming 19,22232,970 7,29718,790 18,7907,314
C. Total Allocated $787,192 $110,060 $283,409 $283,409 $110,314
MGT Consulting Group Page 86 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
DirectAttorney SupportAllocations Dept:7 1001-1501 City Attorney
Department UnitsAllocation
2 1001-1101City Council 34,21640.68%$42,902 $0 $42,902 $0 $42,902
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 22,17326.36%27,802 027,802 027,802
14 1001-2101PD- Admin/Support Svcs 8,384 9.97%10,512 010,5121,395 11,907
23 1001-2405 FD-Dougherty RegFire Auth259 0.31%325 0325 43368
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 611 0.73%766 0766 102 868
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 15,73218.71%19,726 019,7262,617 22,343
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 2,726 3.24%3,418 0 3,418 453 3,871
Subtotal 84,101100.00%105,451 0105,4514,610 110,060
DirectBills 0 0
Total $105,451 $110,060
Basis Units: Amount of Supportper program
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Citywide Supp-Fiscal Allocations Dept:7 1001-1501 City Attorney
Department UnitsAllocation
2 1001-1101City Council 544,595 0.62%$1,696 $0 $1,696 $0 $1,696
3 1001-1201CityManager 1,240,780 1.42%3,864 0 3,864 0 3,864
4 1001-1301CityClerk 632,609 0.73%1,970 0 1,970 0 1,970
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 740,693 0.85%2,307 0 2,307 0 2,307
6 1001-1402Insurance 517,450 0.59%1,612 0 1,612 0 1,612
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 735,000 0.84%2,289 0 2,289 0 2,289
8 1001-1601 Finance 1,772,162 2.03%5,519 0 5,519 254 5,773
9 1001-1801 Building Management 1,381,374 1.58%4,302 0 4,302 198 4,500
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 1,305,265 1.50%4,065 0 4,065 187 4,252
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 1,630,340 1.87%5,077 0 5,077 234 5,311
12 1001-1302 Elections 3,120 0.00%10 0 10 0 10
13 1001-1802 Public Safety Complex 93,847 0.11%292 0292 13306
14 1001-2101PD- Admin/Support Svcs 2,794,028 3.20%8,702 0 8,702 401 9,102
15 1001-2102PD-Patrol 9,071,12310.40%28,251 028,2511,301 29,551
16 1001-2103PD-Traffic 1,131,732 1.30%3,525 0 3,525 162 3,687
17 1001-2104PD-Investigations 2,378,341 2.73%7,407 0 7,407 341 7,748
18 1001-2105PD-CrimePrev/School Res Svcs1,694,440 1.94%5,277 0 5,277 243 5,520
19 1001-2106PD-Comm./Dispatch 1,196,434 1.37%3,726 0 3,726 172 3,898
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 2,041,982 2.34%6,359 0 6,359 293 6,652
21 1001-2401 FD-Operation 12,476,21114.31%38,855 038,8551,789 40,644
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 414,694 0.48%1,292 0 1,292 59 1,351
23 1001-2405 FD-Dougherty RegFire Auth176,000 0.20%548 0548 25573
24 1001-2411 FD-FireStation Maint 230,376 0.26%717 0717 33751
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.137,366 0.16%428 0428 20448
26 1001-2601Non-Dept-Crossing Guards 147,729 0.17%460 0460 21481
27 1001-2701Non-Dept-Animal Control 330,521 0.38%1,029 0 1,029 47 1,077
28 1001-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 10,000 0.01%31 0 31 1 33
29 1001-2802 PW-Street Lighting 160,064 0.18%498 0498 23521
30 1001-3201 PW-Street Maint 42,704 0.05%133 0133 6139
31 1001-3202 PW-Street Sweeping 159,926 0.18%498 0498 23521
32 1001-3401 PW-StreetLandscaping 1,657,447 1.90%5,162 0 5,162 238 5,400
33 1001-3402 PW-Street Tree Maint 215,050 0.25%670 0670 31701
34 1001-5101 Non-Dept-WasteMgmt 71,770 0.08%224 0224 10234
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 666,788 0.76%2,077 0 2,077 96 2,172
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs252,909 0.29%788 0788 36824
37 1001-7101 Non-Dept-Comm TV 123,650 0.14%385 0385 18403
38 1001-7301 Pks & CS- Library Svcs946,071 1.09%2,946 0 2,946 136 3,082
39 1001-7501 PW-Park Maint 3,703,783 4.25%11,535 011,535 531 12,066
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 209,150 0.24%651 0651 30681
41 1001-7602 Pks & CS- Dublin Cemetery 7,321 0.01%23 0 23 1 24
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 226,217 0.26%705 0705 32737
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities 393,834 0.45%1,227 0 1,227 56 1,283
MGT Consulting Group Page 88 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Citywide Supp-Fiscal Allocations Dept:7 1001-1501 City Attorney
Department UnitsAllocation
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.698,182 0.80%$2,174 $0 $2,174 $100 $2,274
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals1,221,401 1.40%3,804 0 3,804 175 3,979
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 1,821,447 2.09%5,673 0 5,673 261 5,934
47 1001-7711 Pks & CS- FamilyProgs 544,244 0.62%1,695 0 1,695 78 1,773
48 1001-7721 Pks & CS- Recr Activities 309,285 0.35%963 0963 44 1,008
49 1001-7731 Pks & CS- PreschoolProgs 249,413 0.29%777 0777 36813
50 1001-7751 Pks & CS- Senior Progs 443,728 0.51%1,382 0 1,382 64 1,446
51 1001-7761 Pks & CS- SportsProgs 718,889 0.82%2,239 0 2,239 103 2,342
53 1001-7772 Pks & CS- EGRAC 2,877,750 3.30%8,962 0 8,962 413 9,375
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 302,205 0.35%941 0941 43985
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 1,900,337 2.18%5,918 0 5,918 272 6,191
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 3,578,841 4.10%11,146 011,146 513 11,659
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 1,510,379 1.73%4,704 0 4,704 217 4,920
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 657,637 0.75%2,048 0 2,048 94 2,142
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 310,759 0.36%968 0968 45 1,012
62 1009-1501CityAttorney 161,180 0.18%502 0502 23525
63 1009-5201 PW- EnvirProgs 1,356 0.00%4 0 4 0 4
64 1009-8101 CD- Planning 678,203 0.78%2,112 0 2,112 97 2,209
65 1009-8301 PW- Engineering 2,207,675 2.53%6,875 0 6,875 317 7,192
66 2101-2111PD- OpersSupport 3,980 0.00%12 0 12 1 13
67 2102-2111PD- OpersSupport 822 0.00%3 0 3 0 3
68 2103-2102PD- Patrol 100,000 0.11%311 0311 14326
69 2106-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 194,093 0.22%604 0604 28632
72 2109-2401Fire- Operation 329,268 0.38%1,025 0 1,025 47 1,073
73 2109-2402Fire- Prevention 6,500 0.01%20 0 20 1 21
74 2111-2111PD- OpersSupport 2,500 0.00%8 0 8 0 8
77 2201-3201 PW- Street Maint 519,897 0.60%1,619 0 1,619 75 1,694
78 2201-8301 PW- Engineering 6,000 0.01%19 0 19 1 20
82 2205-3101 PW- Admin 17,961 0.02%56 0 56 3 59
86 2212-2801 PW- Traffic Signals 173,265 0.20%540 0540 25564
91 2302-3201 PW-StreetMaint 9,840 0.01%31 0 31 1 32
92 2302-5201 PW- EnviroProgs 144,820 0.17%451 0451 21472
93 2303-5101 Non-Dept- WasteMgmt 4,074,612 4.67%12,690 012,690 584 13,274
94 2304-5201 PW- EnviroProgs 28,700 0.03%89 0 89 4 93
96 2323-3201 PW- StreetMaint 5,000 0.01%16 0 16 1 16
97 2324-3201 PW- StreetMaint 5,000 0.01%16 0 16 1 16
100 2701-2802 PW- Street Lighting 183,900 0.21%573 0573 26599
101 2701-8301 PW- Engineering 11,468 0.01%36 0 36 2 37
102 2702-3401 PW- StreetLands.82,280 0.09%256 0256 12268
103 2702-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 2,500 0.00%8 0 8 0 8
104 2702-8301 PW- Engineering 4,641 0.01%14 0 14 1 15
105 2703-3401 PW- StreetLands.122,600 0.14%382 0382 18399
MGT Consulting Group Page 89 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Citywide Supp-Fiscal Allocations Dept:7 1001-1501 City Attorney
Department UnitsAllocation
106 2703-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 15,563 0.02%$48 $0 $48 $2 $51
107 2703-8301 PW- Engineering 5,591 0.01%17 0 17 1 18
108 2704-3401 PW- StreetLands.292,505 0.34%911 0911 42953
109 2704-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 27,000 0.03%84 0 84 4 88
110 2704-8301 PW- Engineering 9,161 0.01%29 0 29 1 30
111 2705-2802 PW- Street Lighting 185,061 0.21%576 0576 27603
112 2705-8301 PW- Engineering 9,151 0.01%28 0 28 1 30
114 2801-7621 Pks & CS- Cult. Activities 157,645 0.18%491 0491 23514
116 2811-7101Non-Dept- Comm TV 35,338 0.04%110 0110 5115
117 2901-1501CityAttorney 60,000 0.07%187 0187 9195
119 2901-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 8,000 0.01%25 0 25 1 26
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 429,345 0.49%1,337 0 1,337 62 1,399
122 2903-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs82,202 0.09%256 0256 12268
153 5171-1901Non-Departmental 807,020 0.93%2,513 0 2,513 116 2,629
155 5301-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 728,266 0.84%2,268 0 2,268 104 2,373
156 5302-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 535,616 0.61%1,668 0 1,668 77 1,745
158 5321-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 53,354 0.06%166 0166 8174
161 6305-1905Non-Departmental ISF 2,000 0.00%6 0 6 0 7
162 6605-1602 Admin Svcs- Info Systems 1,423,987 1.63%4,435 0 4,435 204 4,639
163 6901-1905Non-Departmental ISF 2,435,307 2.79%7,584 0 7,584 349 7,934
Subtotal 87,189,566100.00%271,539 0271,53911,870 283,409
DirectBills 0 0
Total $271,539 $283,409
Basis Units: Total OperatingBudget per program (excl capital, debt and transfers)
MGT Consulting Group Page 90 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Citywide Supp-PersonnelAllocations Dept:7 1001-1501 City Attorney
Department UnitsAllocation
2 1001-1101City Council 5.00 5.00%$13,577 $0 $13,577 $0 $13,577
3 1001-1201CityManager 4.34 4.34%11,785 011,785 011,785
4 1001-1301CityClerk 3.00 3.00%8,146 0 8,146 0 8,146
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 2.50 2.50%6,788 0 6,788 0 6,788
8 1001-1601 Finance 7.65 7.65%20,773 020,7731,066 21,839
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 5.20 5.20%14,120 014,120 725 14,845
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 4.00 4.00%10,862 010,862 558 11,419
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 1.00 1.00%2,715 0 2,715 139 2,855
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.0.33 0.33%896 0896 46942
34 1001-5101Non-Dept-Waste Mgmt 0.33 0.33%896 0896 46942
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 2.40 2.40%6,517 0 6,517 335 6,851
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 0.50 0.50%1,358 0 1,358 70 1,427
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 0.40 0.40%1,086 0 1,086 56 1,142
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 1.20 1.20%3,258 0 3,258 167 3,426
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities 1.30 1.30%3,530 0 3,530 181 3,711
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.2.10 2.10%5,702 0 5,702 293 5,995
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals 2.65 2.65%7,196 0 7,196 369 7,565
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 6.30 6.30%17,107 017,107 878 17,985
47 1001-7711 Pks & CS- FamilyProgs 1.00 1.00%2,715 0 2,715 139 2,855
48 1001-7721 Pks & CS- Recr Activities 1.20 1.20%3,258 0 3,258 167 3,426
49 1001-7731 Pks & CS- PreschoolProgs 0.30 0.30%815 0815 42856
50 1001-7751 Pks & CS- Senior Progs 2.10 2.10%5,702 0 5,702 293 5,995
51 1001-7761 Pks & CS- SportsProgs 1.40 1.40%3,802 0 3,802 195 3,997
53 1001-7772 Pks & CS- EGRAC 4.60 4.60%12,491 012,491 641 13,132
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 2.60 2.60%7,060 0 7,060 362 7,422
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 9.85 9.85%26,747 026,7471,373 28,120
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 7.50 7.50%20,365 020,3651,045 21,411
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 9.15 9.15%24,846 024,8461,275 26,121
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 2.30 2.30%6,245 0 6,245 321 6,566
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 1.20 1.20%3,258 0 3,258 167 3,426
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 2.00 2.00%5,431 0 5,431 279 5,710
155 5301-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0.10 0.10%272 0272 14285
156 5302-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0.10 0.10%272 0272 14285
158 5321-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 0.05 0.05%136 0136 7143
162 6605-1602Admin Svcs- Info Systems 4.35 4.35%11,812 011,812 606 12,418
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Citywide Supp-PersonnelAllocations Dept:7 1001-1501 City Attorney
Department UnitsAllocation
Subtotal 100.00100.00%271,539 0271,53911,870 283,409
DirectBills 0 0
Total $271,539 $283,409
Basis Units: Number of FTE's per program
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:7 1001-1501 City Attorney
Department Direct
Litigation Total
2 1001-1101City Council $42,902 $1,696 $13,577 $0 $58,175
3 1001-1201CityManager 0 3,864 11,785 015,649
4 1001-1301CityClerk 0 1,970 8,146 010,116
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 27,8022,307 6,788 036,897
6 1001-1402Insurance 0 1,612 0 0 1,612
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 0 2,289 0 0 2,289
8 1001-1601 Finance 0 5,773 21,839 027,612
9 1001-1801 Building Management 0 4,500 0 0 4,500
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 0 4,252 14,845 019,097
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 0 5,311 0 0 5,311
12 1001-1302 Elections 0 10 0 0 10
13 1001-1802 Public Safety Complex 0 306 0 0306
14 1001-2101PD- Admin/Support Svcs11,9079,102 0 021,009
15 1001-2102PD-Patrol 0 29,551 0 029,551
16 1001-2103PD-Traffic 0 3,687 0 0 3,687
17 1001-2104PD-Investigations 0 7,748 0 0 7,748
18 1001-2105PD-CrimePrev/School Res Svcs 0 5,520 0 0 5,520
19 1001-2106PD-Comm./Dispatch 0 3,898 0 0 3,898
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 0 6,652 11,419 018,071
21 1001-2401 FD-Operation 0 40,644 0 040,644
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 0 1,351 2,855 0 4,206
23 1001-2405 FD-Dougherty RegFire Auth368 573 0 0941
24 1001-2411 FD-FireStation Maint 0 751 0 0751
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.0 448 942 0 1,390
26 1001-2601Non-Dept-Crossing Guards 0 481 0 0481
27 1001-2701Non-Dept-Animal Control 0 1,077 0 0 1,077
28 1001-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 0 33 0 0 33
29 1001-2802 PW-Street Lighting 0 521 0 0521
30 1001-3201 PW-Street Maint 0 139 0 0139
31 1001-3202 PW-Street Sweeping 0 521 0 0521
32 1001-3401 PW-StreetLandscaping 0 5,400 0 0 5,400
33 1001-3402 PW-Street Tree Maint 0 701 0 0701
34 1001-5101 Non-Dept-WasteMgmt 0 234 942 0 1,176
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 0 2,172 6,851 0 9,024
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 868 824 1,427 0 3,119
37 1001-7101 Non-Dept-Comm TV 0 403 0 0403
38 1001-7301 Pks & CS- Library Svcs 0 3,082 0 0 3,082
39 1001-7501 PW-Park Maint 0 12,066 0 012,066
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 0 681 1,142 0 1,823
41 1001-7602 Pks & CS- Dublin Cemetery 0 24 0 0 24
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 0 737 3,426 0 4,163
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:7 1001-1501 City Attorney
Department Direct
Litigation Total
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities $0 $1,283 $3,711 $0 $4,994
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.0 2,274 5,995 0 8,270
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals 0 3,979 7,565 011,544
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 0 5,934 17,985 023,919
47 1001-7711 Pks & CS- FamilyProgs 0 1,773 2,855 0 4,628
48 1001-7721 Pks & CS- Recr Activities 0 1,008 3,426 0 4,433
49 1001-7731 Pks & CS- PreschoolProgs 0 813 856 0 1,669
50 1001-7751 Pks & CS- Senior Progs 0 1,446 5,995 0 7,441
51 1001-7761 Pks & CS- SportsProgs 0 2,342 3,997 0 6,339
53 1001-7772 Pks & CS- EGRAC 0 9,375 13,132 022,507
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 0 985 7,422 0 8,407
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 22,3436,191 28,120 056,653
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 3,87111,659 21,411 036,941
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 0 4,920 26,121 031,042
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 0 2,142 6,566 0 8,708
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 0 1,012 3,426 0 4,438
62 1009-1501CityAttorney 0 525 0 0525
63 1009-5201 PW- EnvirProgs 0 4 0 0 4
64 1009-8101 CD- Planning 0 2,209 0 0 2,209
65 1009-8301 PW- Engineering 0 7,192 0 0 7,192
66 2101-2111PD- OpersSupport 0 13 0 0 13
67 2102-2111PD- OpersSupport 0 3 0 0 3
68 2103-2102PD- Patrol 0 326 0 0326
69 2106-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 0 632 0 0632
72 2109-2401Fire- Operation 0 1,073 0 0 1,073
73 2109-2402Fire- Prevention 0 21 0 0 21
74 2111-2111PD- OpersSupport 0 8 0 0 8
77 2201-3201 PW- Street Maint 0 1,694 0 0 1,694
78 2201-8301 PW- Engineering 0 20 0 0 20
82 2205-3101 PW- Admin 0 59 0 0 59
86 2212-2801 PW- TrafficSignals 0 564 0 0564
91 2302-3201 PW-StreetMaint 0 32 0 0 32
92 2302-5201 PW- EnviroProgs 0 472 0 0472
93 2303-5101 Non-Dept- WasteMgmt 0 13,274 0 013,274
94 2304-5201 PW- EnviroProgs 0 93 0 0 93
96 2323-3201 PW- StreetMaint 0 16 0 0 16
97 2324-3201 PW- StreetMaint 0 16 0 0 16
100 2701-2802 PW- Street Lighting 0 599 0 0599
101 2701-8301 PW- Engineering 0 37 0 0 37
102 2702-3401 PW- StreetLands.0 268 0 0268
103 2702-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 0 8 0 0 8
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:7 1001-1501 City Attorney
Department Direct
Litigation Total
104 2702-8301 PW- Engineering $0 $15 $0 $0 $15
105 2703-3401 PW- StreetLands.0 399 0 0399
106 2703-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 0 51 0 0 51
107 2703-8301 PW- Engineering 0 18 0 0 18
108 2704-3401 PW- StreetLands.0 953 0 0953
109 2704-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 0 88 0 0 88
110 2704-8301 PW- Engineering 0 30 0 0 30
111 2705-2802 PW- Street Lighting 0 603 0 0603
112 2705-8301 PW- Engineering 0 30 0 0 30
114 2801-7621 Pks & CS- Cult. Activities 0 514 0 0514
116 2811-7101Non-Dept- Comm TV 0 115 0 0115
117 2901-1501CityAttorney 0 195 0 0195
119 2901-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 0 26 0 0 26
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 0 1,399 5,710 0 7,108
122 2903-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 0 268 0 0268
153 5171-1901Non-Departmental 0 2,629 0 0 2,629
155 5301-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 0 2,373 285 0 2,658
156 5302-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 0 1,745 285 0 2,030
158 5321-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 0 174 143 0317
161 6305-1905Non-Departmental ISF 0 7 0 0 7
162 6605-1602 Admin Svcs- Info Systems 0 4,639 12,418 017,057
163 6901-1905Non-Departmental ISF 0 7,934 0 0 7,934
Total $110,060 $283,409 $283,409 $0 $676,878
Natureand Extentof Services
The Finance Division performs all Financerelatedfunctions which include Purchasing, Accounts Payable, Accounts
Receivable, Payroll, Treasury, Audit, andBudget. The Division is alsoresponsible for managing the collection of
developmentrelated fees andmaintainingotherrelated City financial records.
Financecostsaredistributedbythefollowing functions:
A/P - Costshavebeenallocatedbasedon number of A/P transactions perprogram.
A/R - Costshavebeenallocatedbased on number of A/R transactionsperprogram.
Payroll - Costshave been allocatedbasedonnumber of Payrolltransactions per program.
Procurement - Costshave been allocatedbased on number of PO transactions per program.
Revenue/Receipting - Costshave been allocatedbased on amount of Revenue per fund.
Budgeting - Costs have been allocatedbasedonTotalOperatingBudget per program (excl capital, debtandtransfers).
PropertyTax - Costsfor this function arenot allocated.
MGT Consulting Group Page 95 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Natureand Extentof Services
The Finance Division performs all Financerelatedfunctions which include Purchasing, Accounts Payable, Accounts
Receivable, Payroll, Treasury, Audit, andBudget. The Division is alsoresponsible for managing the collection of
developmentrelated fees andmaintainingotherrelated City financial records.
Financecostsaredistributedbythefollowing functions:
A/P - Costshavebeenallocatedbasedon number of A/P transactions perprogram.
A/R - Costshavebeenallocatedbased on number of A/R transactionsperprogram.
Payroll - Costshave been allocatedbasedonnumber of Payrolltransactions per program.
Procurement - Costshave been allocatedbased on number of PO transactions per program.
Revenue/Receipting - Costshave been allocatedbased on amount of Revenue per fund.
Budgeting - Costs have been allocatedbasedonTotalOperatingBudget per program (excl capital, debtandtransfers).
PropertyTax - Costsfor this function arenot allocated.
1001-1601Finance, cont’d
Natureand Extentof Services
FinancialReporting - Costshave been allocatedbased on Total Operating Budget per program (excl capital, debt and
IT Support - Costshavebeenallocatedbasedondirectallocation to IT.
Impact Fee Support - Costs forthis functionarenotallocated.
Revenue/Receipting-GF - Costs have beenallocatedbased on Total OperatingBudget per GFprogram (excl capital,
debtand transfers).
MGT Consulting Group Page 96 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
1001-1601Finance, cont’d
Natureand Extentof Services
FinancialReporting - Costshave been allocatedbased on Total Operating Budget per program (excl capital, debt and
IT Support - Costshavebeenallocatedbasedondirectallocation to IT.
Impact Fee Support - Costs forthis functionarenotallocated.
Revenue/Receipting-GF - Costs have beenallocatedbased on Total OperatingBudget per GFprogram (excl capital,
debtand transfers).
MGT Consulting Group Page 97 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
A. DepartmentCosts Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Description AmountGeneral
A/PA/R Payroll Procurement Revenue/Rec
BudgetingProperty Tax
Personnel Costs
Salaries S1 912,517 19,57495,478 20,73388,889 79,810 30,780 211,788 18,944
Salary % Split 2.15%10.46%2.27%9.74%8.75%3.37%23.21%2.08%
Benefits S 416,320 8,93043,560 9,45940,554 36,412 14,043 96,625 8,643
Subtotal - Personnel Costs 1,328,837 28,504 139,038 30,191 129,443 116,221 44,822 308,413 27,587
Services & SuppliesCost
Office Supplies S 4,500 97 471 102 438 394 152 1,044 93
Postage S 3,020 65 316 69 294 264 102 701 63
Books & Publications S 500 11 52 11 49 44 17116 10
OperatingSupplies S 2,000 43 209 45 195 175 67464 42
MileageReimb S 100 2 10 2 10 9 3 23 2
Software S 500 11 52 11 49 44 17116 10
Processing Fees S 1,000 21 105 23 97 87 34232 21
Printing & Binding S 8,000 172 837 182 779 700 270 1,857166
Legal Notices S 300 6 31 7 29 26 10 70 6
Memb & Dues S 2,300 49 241 52 224 201 78534 48
Travel Conf & Mtgs S 10,650 2281,114 2421,037 931 359 2,472221
Training S 3,800 82 398 86 370 332 128 882 79
ISF- Equip Replcmnt S 26,727 5732,796 6072,604 2,338 902 6,203555
ISF- IT S 89,040 1,9109,316 2,0238,673 7,788 3,003 20,666 1,848
ContractServicesGen'l S 290,888 6,24030,436 6,60928,336 25,441 9,812 67,513 6,039
Cap Outlay- Furniture D 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cap Outlay- Mach & Equip D 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Subtotal - Services & Supplies 448,825 9,50946,386 10,07243,185 38,774 14,954 102,892 9,204
DepartmentCost Total 1,777,662 38,013 185,423 40,264 172,628 154,995 59,776 411,305 36,790
Adjustments to Cost
Cap Outlay- Furniture D (5,000)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
MGT Consulting Group Page 98 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
A. DepartmentCosts Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Description AmountGeneral
A/PA/R Payroll Procurement Revenue/Rec
BudgetingProperty Tax
Cap Outlay- Mach & Equip D (500)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Subtotal - Adjustments (5,500)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Costs After Adjustments 1,772,162 38,013 185,423 40,264 172,628 154,995 59,776 411,305 36,790
GeneralAdmin Distribution (38,013)4,065 8833,784 3,398 1,310 9,016806
Grand Total $1,772,162 $189,488 $41,147 $176,412 $158,392 $61,086 $420,321 $37,597
MGT Consulting Group Page 99 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
A. DepartmentCosts Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Description AmountFinancial
IT Support Impact Fee
Personnel Costs
Salaries S1 912,517 234,85726,263 57,69927,704
Salary % Split 25.74%2.88%6.32%3.04%
Benefits S 416,320 107,14911,982 26,32412,640
Subtotal - Personnel Costs 1,328,837 342,00638,244 84,02340,344
Services & SuppliesCost
Office Supplies S 4,500 1,158 130 285 137
Postage S 3,020 777 87191 92
Books & Publications S 500 129 14 32 15
OperatingSupplies S 2,000 515 58126 61
MileageReimb S 100 26 3 6 3
Software S 500 129 14 32 15
Processing Fees S 1,000 257 29 63 30
Printing & Binding S 8,000 2,059 230 506 243
Legal Notices S 300 77 9 19 9
Memb & Dues S 2,300 592 66145 70
Travel Conf & Mtgs S 10,650 2,741 307 673 323
Training S 3,800 978 109 240 115
ISF- Equip Replcmnt S 26,727 6,879 769 1,690 811
ISF- IT S 89,040 22,9162,563 5,6302,703
ContractServicesGen'l S 290,888 74,8678,372 18,3938,831
Cap Outlay- Furniture D 5,000 0 0 0 0
Cap Outlay- Mach & Equip D 500 0 0 0 0
Subtotal - Services & Supplies 448,825 114,10012,759 28,03213,459
DepartmentCost Total 1,777,662 456,10651,003 112,05553,803
Adjustments to Cost
Cap Outlay- Furniture D (5,000)0 0 0 0
MGT Consulting Group Page 100 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
A. DepartmentCosts Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Description AmountFinancial
IT Support Impact Fee
Cap Outlay- Mach & Equip D (500)0 0 0 0
Subtotal - Adjustments (5,500)0 0 0 0
Total Costs After Adjustments 1,772,162 456,10651,003 112,05553,803
GeneralAdmin Distribution 9,9981,118 2,4561,179
Grand Total $1,772,162 $466,104 $52,121 $114,511 $54,983
not allocated
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
B. IncomingCosts - (DefaultSpread Salary%)Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department First
A/PA/R Payroll ProcurementRevenue/Rec
BudgetingProperty Tax Financial
1 CivicCenter $46,678 $0 $4,991 $1,084 $4,647 $4,172 $1,609 $11,071 $990 $12,277
Subtotal - BuildingDepreciation 46,678 0 4,9911,084 4,6474,172 1,609 11,071 990 12,277
2 City Council- Personnel 14,6657,200 2,338 508 2,1771,954 754 5,186 464 5,751
2 City Council- Fiscal 3,8961,829 612 133 570 512 197 1,358 121 1,506
2 Council Meetings 25,06911,692 3,931 854 3,6593,286 1,267 8,719 780 9,669
Subtotal - 1001-1101 City Council 43,63020,721 6,8811,494 6,4065,752 2,218 15,263 1,365 16,925
3 City Mgmt-Personnel 49,57211,589 6,5401,420 6,0885,466 2,108 14,506 1,298 16,086
3 City Mgmt-Fiscal 13,1712,850 1,713 372 1,5951,432 552 3,800 340 4,214
Subtotal - 1001-1201 City Manager 62,74314,438 8,2531,792 7,6836,898 2,660 18,306 1,637 20,300
4 Clerk - Council Support 29,52812,546 4,499 977 4,1883,760 1,450 9,979 893 11,066
4 Clerk- Personnel 17,2745,668 2,453 533 2,2842,050 791 5,441 487 6,034
4 Clerk- Fiscal 4,5891,358 636 138 592 532 205 1,411 126 1,564
4 Records Requests 3,6321,511 550 119 512 460 177 1,220 109 1,353
Subtotal - 1001-1301 City Clerk 55,02321,082 8,1381,767 7,5766,802 2,623 18,051 1,615 20,017
5 Recruitment 10,2492,220 1,333 290 1,2411,115 430 2,958 265 3,280
5 Trainings 16,0803,597 2,104 457 1,9591,759 678 4,667 417 5,176
5 Employee Safety 16,0803,597 2,104 457 1,9591,759 678 4,667 417 5,176
5 Gen'l HR Support 14,6313,273 1,914 416 1,7821,600 617 4,246 380 4,709
Subtotal - 1001-1401Human Resources 57,04112,688 7,4561,619 6,9416,232 2,404 16,538 1,479 18,340
6 Claims 1,723 63191 41178 160 62 424 38470
6 CivicCenterProp Ins 7,301 324 815 177 759 681 263 1,808 162 2,005
Subtotal - 1001-1402Insurance 9,024 387 1,006 219 937 841 324 2,232 200 2,475
7 CitywideSupp-Fiscal 5,519 254 617 134 575 516 199 1,369 122 1,518
7 CitywideSupp-Personnel 20,7731,066 2,335 507 2,1741,952 753 5,180 463 5,744
Subtotal - 1001-1501 City Attorney 26,2921,320 2,952 641 2,7492,468 952 6,549 586 7,262
8 A/P 0 2,902 310 67289 259 100 688 62763
8 Payroll 0 9,152 979 212 911 818 315 2,171 194 2,407
8 Procurement 0 3,894 416 90388 348 134 924 83 1,024
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
B. IncomingCosts - (DefaultSpread Salary%)Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department First
A/PA/R Payroll ProcurementRevenue/Rec
BudgetingProperty Tax Financial
8 Budgeting $0 $9,991 $1,068 $232 $995 $893 $344 $2,370 $212 $2,628
8 FinancialReporting 0 11,080 1,185 257 1,103 990 382 2,628 235 2,914
8 Revenue/Receipting-GF 0 1,609 172 37160 144 55 382 34423
Subtotal - 1001-1601Finance 0 38,628 4,130 897 3,8453,453 1,332 9,162 820 10,160
9 CivicCenter 0 124,204 13,2802,884 12,36411,101 4,281 29,459 2,635 32,667
Subtotal - 1001-1801 BuildingManagement 0 124,204 13,2802,884 12,36411,101 4,281 29,459 2,635 32,667
11 CitywideContracts 0 29,886 3,196 694 2,9752,671 1,030 7,088 634 7,860
Subtotal - 1001-1901NonDepartmental 0 29,886 3,196 694 2,9752,671 1,030 7,088 634 7,860
Total Incoming 300,430 263,355 60,28313,090 56,12350,390 19,434133,719 11,961148,284
C. Total Allocated $2,335,947 $249,770 $54,237 $232,535 $208,782 $80,519 $554,040 $49,558 $614,388
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
B. IncomingCosts - (DefaultSpread Salary%)Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department First
IT Support ImpactFee
1 CivicCenter $46,678 $0 $1,373 $3,016 $1,448
Subtotal - BuildingDepreciation 46,678 0 1,3733,016 1,448
2 City Council- Personnel 14,6657,200 6431,413 678
2 City Council- Fiscal 3,8961,829 168 370 178
2 Council Meetings 25,06911,692 1,0812,375 1,141
Subtotal - 1001-1101 City Council 43,63020,721 1,8934,158 1,997
3 City Mgmt-Personnel 49,57211,589 1,7993,952 1,898
3 City Mgmt-Fiscal 13,1712,850 4711,035 497
Subtotal - 1001-1201 City Manager 62,74314,438 2,2704,987 2,395
4 Clerk - Council Support 29,52812,546 1,2372,719 1,305
4 Clerk- Personnel 17,2745,668 6751,482 712
4 Clerk- Fiscal 4,5891,358 175 384 185
4 Records Requests 3,6321,511 151 332 160
Subtotal - 1001-1301 City Clerk 55,02321,082 2,2384,918 2,361
5 Recruitment 10,2492,220 367 806 387
5 Trainings 16,0803,597 5791,272 611
5 Employee Safety 16,0803,597 5791,272 611
5 Gen'l HR Support 14,6313,273 5271,157 555
Subtotal - 1001-1401Human Resources 57,04112,688 2,0514,506 2,163
6 Claims 1,723 63 53 115 55
6 CivicCenterProp Ins 7,301 324 224 493 237
Subtotal - 1001-1402Insurance 9,024 387 277 608 292
7 CitywideSupp-Fiscal 5,519 254 170 373 179
7 CitywideSupp-Personnel 20,7731,066 6421,411 678
Subtotal - 1001-1501 City Attorney 26,2921,320 8121,784 857
8 A/P 0 2,902 85 187 90
8 Payroll 0 9,152 269 591 284
8 Procurement 0 3,894 115 252 121
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
B. IncomingCosts - (DefaultSpread Salary%)Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department First
IT Support ImpactFee
8 Budgeting $0 $9,991 $294 $646 $310
8 FinancialReporting 0 11,080 326 716 344
8 Revenue/Receipting-GF 0 1,609 47 104 50
Subtotal - 1001-1601Finance 0 38,628 1,1362,496 1,198
9 CivicCenter 0 124,204 3,6538,026 3,854
Subtotal - 1001-1801 BuildingManagement 0 124,204 3,6538,026 3,854
11 CitywideContracts 0 29,886 8791,931 927
Subtotal - 1001-1901NonDepartmental 0 29,886 8791,931 927
Total Incoming 300,430 263,355 16,58236,430 17,492
C. Total Allocated $2,335,947 $68,703 $150,941 $72,475
MGT Consulting Group Page 105 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
A/P Allocations Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department UnitsAllocation
2 1001-1101City Council 255 2.17%$4,805 $0 $4,805 $0 $4,805
3 1001-1201CityManager 141 1.20%2,657 0 2,657 0 2,657
4 1001-1301CityClerk 51 0.43%961 0961 0961
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 348 2.96%6,557 0 6,557 0 6,557
6 1001-1402Insurance 27 0.23%509 0509 0509
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 98 0.83%1,846 0 1,846 0 1,846
8 1001-1601 Finance 154 1.31%2,902 0 2,902 0 2,902
9 1001-1801 Building Management 674 5.73%12,699 012,6991,776 14,475
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 165 1.40%3,109 0 3,109 435 3,544
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 122 1.04%2,299 0 2,299 321 2,620
12 1001-1302 Elections 50.04%94 0 94 13107
13 1001-1802 Public Safety Complex 107 0.91%2,016 0 2,016 282 2,298
14 1001-2101PD- Admin/Support Svcs 43 0.37%810 0810 113 923
15 1001-2102PD-Patrol 12 0.10%226 0226 32258
16 1001-2103PD-Traffic 12 0.10%226 0226 32258
17 1001-2104PD-Investigations 12 0.10%226 0226 32258
18 1001-2105PD-CrimePrev/School Res Svcs12 0.10%226 0226 32258
19 1001-2106PD-Comm./Dispatch 60.05%113 0113 16129
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 668 5.68%12,586 012,5861,760 14,346
21 1001-2401 FD-Operation 40 0.34%754 0754 105 859
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 20 0.17%377 0377 53430
23 1001-2405 FD-Dougherty RegFire Auth16 0.14%301 0301 42344
24 1001-2411 FD-FireStation Maint 341 2.90%6,425 0 6,425 898 7,323
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.60.05%113 0113 16129
26 1001-2601Non-Dept-Crossing Guards 22 0.19%415 0415 58472
27 1001-2701Non-Dept-Animal Control 90.08%170 0170 24193
28 1001-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 30.03%57 0 57 8 64
29 1001-2802 PW-Street Lighting 24 0.20%452 0452 63515
30 1001-3201 PW-Street Maint 16 0.14%301 0301 42344
31 1001-3202 PW-Street Sweeping 12 0.10%226 0226 32258
32 1001-3401 PW-StreetLandscaping 575 4.89%10,834 010,8341,515 12,349
33 1001-3402 PW-Street Tree Maint 14 0.12%264 0264 37301
34 1001-5101 Non-Dept-WasteMgmt 17 0.14%320 0320 45365
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 27 0.23%509 0509 71580
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 26 0.22%490 0490 69558
37 1001-7101 Non-Dept-Comm TV 22 0.19%415 0415 58472
38 1001-7301 Pks & CS- Library Svcs 110 0.94%2,073 0 2,073 290 2,362
39 1001-7501 PW-Park Maint 566 4.81%10,664 010,6641,491 12,155
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 245 2.08%4,616 0 4,616 645 5,262
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 201 1.71%3,787 0 3,787 530 4,317
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities 10.01%19 0 19 3 21
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.321 2.73%6,048 0 6,048 846 6,894
MGT Consulting Group Page 106 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
A/P Allocations Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department UnitsAllocation
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals 748 6.36%$14,093 $0 $14,093 $1,971 $16,064
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 336 2.86%6,331 0 6,331 885 7,216
47 1001-7711 Pks & CS- FamilyProgs 204 1.73%3,844 0 3,844 537 4,381
48 1001-7721 Pks & CS- Recr Activities 503 4.28%9,477 0 9,4771,325 10,802
49 1001-7731 Pks & CS- PreschoolProgs 102 0.87%1,922 0 1,922 269 2,191
50 1001-7751 Pks & CS- Senior Progs 306 2.60%5,765 0 5,765 806 6,572
51 1001-7761 Pks & CS- SportsProgs 507 4.31%9,553 0 9,5531,336 10,888
52 1001-7771Aquatics 60 0.51%1,130 0 1,130 158 1,289
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 49 0.42%923 0923 129 1,052
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 406 3.45%7,650 0 7,6501,070 8,719
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 144 1.22%2,713 0 2,713 379 3,093
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 528 4.49%9,948 0 9,9481,391 11,339
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 144 1.22%2,713 0 2,713 379 3,093
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 119 1.01%2,242 0 2,242 314 2,556
66 2101-2111PD- OpersSupport 30.03%57 0 57 8 64
68 2103-2102PD- Patrol 20.02%38 0 38 5 43
69 2106-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 125 1.06%2,355 0 2,355 329 2,684
70 2107-2111 18 0.15%339 0339 47387
72 2109-2401Fire- Operation 80.07%151 0151 21172
73 2109-2402Fire- Prevention 20.02%38 0 38 5 43
74 2111-2111PD- OpersSupport 20.02%38 0 38 5 43
75 2201-1901Non-Departmental 20.02%38 0 38 5 43
76 2201-2801 PW- Traffic Signals 50.04%94 0 94 13107
77 2201-3201 PW- Street Maint 20 0.17%377 0377 53430
78 2201-8301 PW- Engineering 10.01%19 0 19 3 21
82 2205-3101 PW- Admin 19 0.16%358 0358 50408
86 2212-2801 PW- Traffic Signals 13 0.11%245 0245 34279
91 2302-3201 PW-Street Maint 30.03%57 0 57 8 64
92 2302-5201 PW- Enviro Progs 112 0.95%2,110 0 2,110 295 2,405
93 2303-5101Non-Dept- Waste Mgmt 40.03%75 0 75 11 86
94 2304-5201 PW- EnviroProgs 21 0.18%396 0396 55451
96 2323-3201 PW- StreetMaint 10.01%19 0 19 3 21
97 2324-3201 PW- StreetMaint 10.01%19 0 19 3 21
100 2701-2802 PW- Street Lighting 61 0.52%1,149 0 1,149 161 1,310
101 2701-8301 PW- Engineering 50.04%94 0 94 13107
102 2702-3401 PW- StreetLands.55 0.47%1,036 0 1,036 145 1,181
103 2702-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 70.06%132 0132 18150
104 2702-8301 PW- Engineering 50.04%94 0 94 13107
105 2703-3401 PW- StreetLands.89 0.76%1,677 0 1,677 234 1,911
106 2703-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 80.07%151 0151 21172
107 2703-8301 PW- Engineering 60.05%113 0113 16129
108 2704-3401 PW- StreetLands.103 0.88%1,941 0 1,941 271 2,212
MGT Consulting Group Page 107 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
A/P Allocations Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department UnitsAllocation
109 2704-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 90.08%$170 $0 $170 $24 $193
110 2704-8301 PW- Engineering 50.04%94 0 94 13107
111 2705-2802 PW- Street Lighting 24 0.20%452 0452 63515
112 2705-8301 PW- Engineering 50.04%94 0 94 13107
116 2811-7101Non-Dept- Comm TV 50.04%94 0 94 13107
117 2901-1501CityAttorney 20 0.17%377 0377 53430
119 2901-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 10 0.09%188 0188 26215
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 78 0.66%1,470 0 1,470 206 1,675
122 2903-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 25 0.21%471 0471 66537
124 3300-9301 85 0.72%1,602 0 1,602 224 1,825
125 3400-9401 10 0.09%188 0188 26215
126 3500-9501 CIP- Parks CIPProjs 240 2.04%4,522 0 4,522 632 5,154
127 3600-9601 CIP- Streets CIP Projs 190 1.62%3,580 0 3,580 501 4,080
132 4105-7702 20.02%38 0 38 5 43
134 4107-7702 60.05%113 0113 16129
140 4301-1901Non-Departmental 70.06%132 0132 18150
141 4301-8301 30.03%57 0 57 8 64
143 4302-1901Non-Departmental 20.02%38 0 38 5 43
153 5171-1901Non-Departmental 12 0.10%226 0226 32258
154 5198-1901Non-Departmental 23 0.20%433 0433 61494
155 5301-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 26 0.22%490 0490 69558
156 5302-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 17 0.14%320 0320 45365
158 5321-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 12 0.10%226 0226 32258
159 6105-1905Non-Departmental ISF 13 0.11%245 0245 34279
161 6305-1905Non-Departmental ISF 26 0.22%490 0490 69558
162 6605-1602 Admin Svcs- Info Systems 308 2.62%5,803 0 5,803 811 6,615
163 6901-1905Non-Departmental ISF 113 0.96%2,129 0 2,129 298 2,427
165 7101-1901Non-Departmental 10.01%19 0 19 3 21
166AllOther 82 0.70%1,545 0 1,545 216 1,761
Subtotal 11,762100.00%221,611 0221,61128,159 249,770
Direct Bills 0 0
Total $221,611 $249,770
BasisUnits: Number of A/P transactions per program
MGT Consulting Group Page 108 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
A/R Allocations Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department UnitsAllocation
3 1001-1201CityManager 2732.53%$15,654 $0 $15,654 $0 $15,654
9 1001-1801 Building Management 22.41%1,160 0 1,160 218 1,378
13 1001-1802 Public Safety Complex 1315.66%7,537 0 7,5371,419 8,957
14 1001-2101PD- Admin/Support Svcs 56.02%2,899 0 2,899 546 3,445
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 67.23%3,479 0 3,479 655 4,134
38 1001-7301 Pks & CS- Library Svcs 56.02%2,899 0 2,899 546 3,445
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.11.20%580 0580 109 689
71 2109-1901Non-Departmental 44.82%2,319 0 2,319 437 2,756
75 2201-1901Non-Departmental 11.20%580 0580 109 689
80 2202-1901Non-Departmental 33.61%1,739 0 1,739 328 2,067
84 2207-8301 PW- Engineering 11.20%580 0580 109 689
118 2901-1901Non-Departmental 11.20%580 0580 109 689
122 2903-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 1113.25%6,378 0 6,3781,201 7,579
123 2904-1901Non-Departmental 33.61%1,739 0 1,739 328 2,067
Subtotal 83100.00%48,122 048,1226,115 54,237
DirectBills 0 0
Total $48,122 $54,237
Basis Units: Number of A/R transactions per program
MGT Consulting Group Page 109 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Payroll Allocations Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department UnitsAllocation
2 1001-1101City Council 73 1.57%$3,243 $0 $3,243 $0 $3,243
3 1001-1201CityManager 191 4.11%8,486 0 8,486 0 8,486
4 1001-1301CityClerk 52 1.12%2,310 0 2,310 0 2,310
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 52 1.12%2,310 0 2,310 0 2,310
8 1001-1601 Finance 206 4.44%9,152 0 9,152 0 9,152
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 114 2.45%5,065 0 5,065 734 5,799
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 104 2.24%4,620 0 4,620 670 5,290
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 25 0.54%1,111 0 1,111 161 1,272
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 40 0.86%1,777 0 1,777 258 2,035
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 12 0.26%533 0533 77610
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 176 3.79%7,819 0 7,8191,134 8,953
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities 32 0.69%1,422 0 1,422 206 1,628
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.143 3.08%6,353 0 6,353 921 7,274
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals 337 7.26%14,972 014,9722,171 17,143
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 297 6.40%13,195 013,1951,913 15,108
47 1001-7711 Pks & CS- FamilyProgs 55511.95%24,657 024,6573,575 28,232
49 1001-7731 Pks & CS- PreschoolProgs 382 8.23%16,971 016,9712,461 19,432
50 1001-7751 Pks & CS- Senior Progs 241 5.19%10,707 010,7071,552 12,259
51 1001-7761 Pks & CS- SportsProgs 314 6.76%13,950 013,9502,023 15,973
52 1001-7771Aquatics 217 4.67%9,641 0 9,6411,398 11,038
53 1001-7772 Pks & CS- EGRAC 130 2.80%5,776 0 5,776 837 6,613
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 78 1.68%3,465 0 3,465 502 3,968
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 307 6.61%13,639 013,6391,977 15,617
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 156 3.36%6,931 0 6,9311,005 7,935
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 190 4.09%8,441 0 8,4411,224 9,665
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 78 1.68%3,465 0 3,465 502 3,968
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 42 0.90%1,866 0 1,866 271 2,136
162 6605-1602 Admin Svcs- Info Systems 100 2.15%4,443 0 4,443 644 5,087
Subtotal 4,644100.00%206,319 0206,31926,216 232,535
Direct Bills 0 0
Total $206,319 $232,535
BasisUnits: Number of Payrolltransactions per program
MGT Consulting Group Page 110 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
ProcurementAllocations Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department UnitsAllocation
2 1001-1101City Council 61.80%$3,338 $0 $3,338 $0 $3,338
3 1001-1201CityManager 10.30%556 0556 0556
4 1001-1301CityClerk 20.60%1,113 0 1,113 0 1,113
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 72.10%3,894 0 3,894 0 3,894
8 1001-1601 Finance 72.10%3,894 0 3,894 0 3,894
9 1001-1801 Building Management 15 4.50%8,344 0 8,3441,139 9,483
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 30.90%1,669 0 1,669 228 1,897
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 61.80%3,338 0 3,338 456 3,793
13 1001-1802 Public Safety Complex 30.90%1,669 0 1,669 228 1,897
14 1001-2101PD- Admin/Support Svcs 10.30%556 0556 76632
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 11 3.30%6,119 0 6,119 835 6,954
21 1001-2401 FD-Operation 10.30%556 0556 76632
24 1001-2411 FD-FireStation Maint 72.10%3,894 0 3,894 532 4,426
26 1001-2601Non-Dept-Crossing Guards 10.30%556 0556 76632
27 1001-2701Non-Dept-Animal Control 30.90%1,669 0 1,669 228 1,897
28 1001-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 20.60%1,113 0 1,113 152 1,264
29 1001-2802 PW-Street Lighting 10.30%556 0556 76632
30 1001-3201 PW-Street Maint 20.60%1,113 0 1,113 152 1,264
31 1001-3202 PW-Street Sweeping 10.30%556 0556 76632
32 1001-3401 PW-Street Landscaping 20.60%1,113 0 1,113 152 1,264
33 1001-3402 PW-Street Tree Maint 10.30%556 0556 76632
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 10.30%556 0556 76632
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 10.30%556 0556 76632
37 1001-7101Non-Dept-Comm TV 30.90%1,669 0 1,669 228 1,897
38 1001-7301 Pks & CS- Library Svcs 11 3.30%6,119 0 6,119 835 6,954
39 1001-7501 PW-Park Maint 51.50%2,781 0 2,781 380 3,161
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 82.40%4,450 0 4,450 607 5,058
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.10 3.00%5,563 0 5,563 759 6,322
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals 15 4.50%8,344 0 8,3441,139 9,483
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 61.80%3,338 0 3,338 456 3,793
49 1001-7731 Pks & CS- PreschoolProgs 10.30%556 0556 76632
50 1001-7751 Pks & CS- SeniorProgs 10.30%556 0556 76632
51 1001-7761 Pks & CS- Sports Progs 41.20%2,225 0 2,225 304 2,529
52 1001-7771Aquatics 10.30%556 0556 76632
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/Fac Development 10.30%556 0556 76632
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 82.40%4,450 0 4,450 607 5,058
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 51.50%2,781 0 2,781 380 3,161
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 61.80%3,338 0 3,338 456 3,793
58 1001-8401 ED- Econ Development 10.30%556 0556 76632
59 1001-8405 ED- Public Info 41.20%2,225 0 2,225 304 2,529
64 1009-8101 CD- Planning 30.90%1,669 0 1,669 228 1,897
69 2106-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 30.90%1,669 0 1,669 228 1,897
MGT Consulting Group Page 111 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
ProcurementAllocations Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department UnitsAllocation
70 2107-2111 20.60%$1,113 $0 $1,113 $152 $1,264
73 2109-2402Fire- Prevention 10.30%556 0556 76632
75 2201-1901Non-Departmental 10.30%556 0556 76632
76 2201-2801 PW- Traffic Signals 20.60%1,113 0 1,113 152 1,264
77 2201-3201 PW- Street Maint 30.90%1,669 0 1,669 228 1,897
86 2212-2801 PW- Traffic Signals 10.30%556 0556 76632
92 2302-5201 PW- Enviro Progs 10.30%556 0556 76632
93 2303-5101Non-Dept- Waste Mgmt 20.60%1,113 0 1,113 152 1,264
94 2304-5201 PW- Enviro Progs 30.90%1,669 0 1,669 228 1,897
100 2701-2802 PW- Street Lighting 20.60%1,113 0 1,113 152 1,264
101 2701-8301 PW- Engineering 10.30%556 0556 76632
102 2702-3401 PW- StreetLands.20.60%1,113 0 1,113 152 1,264
103 2702-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 10.30%556 0556 76632
104 2702-8301 PW- Engineering 10.30%556 0556 76632
105 2703-3401 PW- StreetLands.20.60%1,113 0 1,113 152 1,264
106 2703-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 10.30%556 0556 76632
107 2703-8301 PW- Engineering 10.30%556 0556 76632
108 2704-3401 PW- StreetLands.20.60%1,113 0 1,113 152 1,264
109 2704-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 10.30%556 0556 76632
110 2704-8301 PW- Engineering 10.30%556 0556 76632
111 2705-2802 PW- Street Lighting 10.30%556 0556 76632
112 2705-8301 PW- Engineering 10.30%556 0556 76632
116 2811-7101Non-Dept- Comm TV 10.30%556 0556 76632
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 41.20%2,225 0 2,225 304 2,529
122 2903-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 51.50%2,781 0 2,781 380 3,161
124 3300-9301 92.70%5,007 0 5,007 683 5,690
125 3400-9401 20.60%1,113 0 1,113 152 1,264
126 3500-9501 CIP- Parks CIPProjs 24 7.21%13,351 013,3511,822 15,173
127 3600-9601 CIP- Streets CIP Projs 22 6.61%12,238 012,2381,670 13,909
132 4105-7702 10.30%556 0556 76632
134 4107-7702 10.30%556 0556 76632
141 4301-8301 20.60%1,113 0 1,113 152 1,264
154 5198-1901 Non-Departmental 10.30%556 0556 76632
155 5301-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 30.90%1,669 0 1,669 228 1,897
156 5302-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 41.20%2,225 0 2,225 304 2,529
158 5321-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 20.60%1,113 0 1,113 152 1,264
159 6105-1905 Non-Departmental ISF 72.10%3,894 0 3,894 532 4,426
161 6305-1905 Non-Departmental ISF 61.80%3,338 0 3,338 456 3,793
162 6605-1602Admin Svcs- Info Systems 23 6.91%12,795 012,7951,746 14,541
166All Other 20.60%1,113 0 1,113 152 1,264
MGT Consulting Group Page 112 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
ProcurementAllocations Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department UnitsAllocation
Subtotal 333100.00%185,244 0185,24423,538 208,782
DirectBills 0 0
Total $185,244 $208,782
Basis Units: Number ofPO transactions per program
MGT Consulting Group Page 113 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Revenue/ReceiptingAllocations Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department UnitsAllocation
66 2101-2111PD- OpersSupport 7,739 0.01%$6 $0 $6 $1 $7
67 2102-2111PD- OpersSupport 37,224 0.04%29 0 29 4 33
68 2103-2102PD- Patrol 115,006 0.12%89 0 89 11101
69 2106-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 177,761 0.19%138 0138 18155
70 2107-2111 356 0.00%0 0 0 0 0
71 2109-1901Non-Departmental 362,333 0.39%281 0281 36317
74 2111-2111PD- OpersSupport 3,742 0.00%3 0 3 0 3
75 2201-1901Non-Departmental 1,393,759 1.51%1,081 0 1,081 137 1,218
80 2202-1901Non-Departmental 470,000 0.51%364 0364 46411
81 2204-9601 CIP- StreetsProjs 439,682 0.48%341 0341 43384
82 2205-3101 PW- Admin 169,545 0.18%131 0131 17148
84 2207-8301 PW- Engineering 14,500 0.02%11 0 11 1 13
85 2211-0000FederalTransp (TIGER)579 0.00%0 0 0 0 1
86 2212-2801 PW- Traffic Signals 274,783 0.30%213 0213 27240
88 2214-9601 CIP- StreetProjs 393,253 0.43%305 0305 39344
89 2215-9601 CIP- StreetProjs 137,801 0.15%107 0107 14120
91 2302-3201 PW-Street Maint 144,935 0.16%112 0112 14127
93 2303-5101Non-Dept- Waste Mgmt 3,512,723 3.81%2,724 0 2,724 346 3,070
94 2304-5201 PW- Enviro Progs 38,772 0.04%30 0 30 4 34
95 2322-0000 Box Culvert 3,282 0.00%3 0 3 0 3
96 2323-3201 PW- Street Maint 770 0.00%1 0 1 0 1
97 2324-3201 PW- Street Maint 571 0.00%0 0 0 0 0
99 2511-0000 CustSvc Committee 21 0.00%0 0 0 0 0
100 2701-2802 PW- Street Lighting 293,223 0.32%227 0227 29256
102 2702-3401 PW- StreetLands.87,040 0.09%67 0 67 9 76
105 2703-3401 PW- StreetLands.143,345 0.16%111 0111 14125
108 2704-3401 PW- StreetLands.367,890 0.40%285 0285 36322
111 2705-2802 PW- Street Lighting 301,925 0.33%234 0234 30264
114 2801-7621 Pks & CS- Cult. Activities 546,436 0.59%424 0424 54478
116 2811-7101Non-Dept- Comm TV 181,685 0.20%141 0141 18159
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 8,180,518 8.88%6,343 0 6,343 806 7,149
121 2902-0000Noise Mitigation 3,343 0.00%3 0 3 0 3
122 2903-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs53,226 0.06%41 0 41 5 47
123 2904-1901 Non-Departmental 432,450 0.47%335 0335 43378
124 3300-9301 666,477 0.72%517 0517 66582
125 3400-9401 117,104 0.13%91 0 91 12102
126 3500-9501 CIP- ParksCIP Projs 23,469,84725.47%18,199 018,1992,312 20,511
127 3600-9601 CIP- Streets CIP Projs 3,674,308 3.99%2,849 0 2,849 362 3,211
128 4101-1901 Non-Departmental 3,213,325 3.49%2,492 0 2,492 317 2,808
129 4102-0000Nghbd Park Land 169,349 0.18%131 0131 17148
130 4103-9501 CIP- Parks CIPProjs 4,357,484 4.73%3,379 0 3,379 429 3,808
131 4104-0000Nghbd Park Imprmt 708,778 0.77%550 0550 70619
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Revenue/ReceiptingAllocations Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department UnitsAllocation
132 4105-7702 2,969,995 3.22%$2,303 $0 $2,303 $293 $2,596
133 4106-0000 Library 969,981 1.05%752 0752 96848
134 4107-7702 2,016,794 2.19%1,564 0 1,564 199 1,763
135 4108 Aquatic Center 327,264 0.36%254 0254 32286
136 4109-0000QuimbyAct Pk In-Lieu Fees188,790 0.20%146 0146 19165
137 4110-0000CommNature Park Land 65,768 0.07%51 0 51 6 57
138 4111-0000CommNature Pk Imprmts 450,207 0.49%349 0349 44393
139 4201-1901Non-Departmental 390,513 0.42%303 0303 38341
140 4301-1901Non-Departmental 1,299,092 1.41%1,007 0 1,007 128 1,135
143 4302-1901Non-Departmental 496,502 0.54%385 0385 49434
145 4303-0000 EDTIF Category 3 3,655 0.00%3 0 3 0 3
146 4304-0000West Dublin TIF 814,274 0.88%631 0631 80712
147 4305-0000Dougherty Valley TIF 980,952 1.06%761 0761 97857
148 4306-0000TVTD 524,055 0.57%406 0406 52458
149 4309-0000 MitigationContrib 2,854 0.00%2 0 2 0 2
150 4313-0000Transp Mitigation 20,271 0.02%16 0 16 2 18
151 4401-9501 CIP- Parks CIPProjs 15,011,27616.29%11,640 011,6401,479 13,119
152 5101-0000 Dublin Blvd Est Trust/Agency 87 0.00%0 0 0 0 0
153 5171-1901Non-Departmental 1,533,167 1.66%1,189 0 1,189 151 1,340
154 5198-1901Non-Departmental 212 0.00%0 0 0 0 0
155 5301-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 865,473 0.94%671 0671 85756
156 5302-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 695,048 0.75%539 0539 68607
158 5321-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 119,992 0.13%93 0 93 12105
159 6105-1905Non-Departmental ISF556,608 0.60%432 0432 55486
160 6205-1905Non-Departmental ISF342,044 0.37%265 0265 34299
161 6305-1905Non-Departmental ISF799,893 0.87%620 0620 79699
162 6605-1602 Admin Svcs- Info Systems 3,152,860 3.42%2,445 0 2,445 311 2,755
163 6901-1905Non-Departmental ISF 1,836,483 1.99%1,424 0 1,424 181 1,605
164 6951-0000PERS Side FundPayoff 368,056 0.40%285 0285 36322
165 7101-1901Non-Departmental 664,702 0.72%515 0515 65581
Subtotal 92,133,758100.00%71,442 071,4429,078 80,519
Direct Bills 0 0
Total $71,442 $80,519
BasisUnits: Amount of Revenue perfund
MGT Consulting Group Page 115 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
BudgetingAllocations Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department UnitsAllocation
2 1001-1101City Council 544,595 0.62%$3,070 $0 $3,070 $0 $3,070
3 1001-1201CityManager 1,240,780 1.42%6,996 0 6,996 0 6,996
4 1001-1301CityClerk 632,609 0.73%3,567 0 3,567 0 3,567
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 740,693 0.85%4,176 0 4,176 0 4,176
6 1001-1402Insurance 517,450 0.59%2,917 0 2,917 0 2,917
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 735,000 0.84%4,144 0 4,144 0 4,144
8 1001-1601 Finance 1,772,162 2.03%9,991 0 9,991 0 9,991
9 1001-1801 Building Management 1,381,374 1.58%7,788 0 7,7881,065 8,853
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 1,305,265 1.50%7,359 0 7,3591,006 8,366
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 1,630,340 1.87%9,192 0 9,1921,257 10,449
12 1001-1302 Elections 3,120 0.00%18 0 18 2 20
13 1001-1802 Public Safety Complex 93,847 0.11%529 0529 72601
14 1001-2101PD- Admin/Support Svcs 2,794,028 3.20%15,753 015,7532,154 17,907
15 1001-2102PD-Patrol 9,071,12310.40%51,143 051,1436,995 58,138
16 1001-2103PD-Traffic 1,131,732 1.30%6,381 0 6,381 873 7,253
17 1001-2104PD-Investigations 2,378,341 2.73%13,409 013,4091,834 15,243
18 1001-2105PD-CrimePrev/School Res Svcs1,694,440 1.94%9,553 0 9,5531,307 10,860
19 1001-2106PD-Comm./Dispatch 1,196,434 1.37%6,746 0 6,746 923 7,668
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 2,041,982 2.34%11,513 011,5131,575 13,087
21 1001-2401 FD-Operation 12,476,21114.31%70,341 070,3419,620 79,961
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 414,694 0.48%2,338 0 2,338 320 2,658
23 1001-2405 FD-Dougherty RegFire Auth176,000 0.20%992 0992 136 1,128
24 1001-2411 FD-FireStation Maint 230,376 0.26%1,299 0 1,299 178 1,477
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.137,366 0.16%774 0774 106 880
26 1001-2601Non-Dept-Crossing Guards 147,729 0.17%833 0833 114 947
27 1001-2701Non-Dept-Animal Control 330,521 0.38%1,863 0 1,863 255 2,118
28 1001-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 10,000 0.01%56 0 56 8 64
29 1001-2802 PW-Street Lighting 160,064 0.18%902 0902 123 1,026
30 1001-3201 PW-Street Maint 42,704 0.05%241 0241 33274
31 1001-3202 PW-Street Sweeping 159,926 0.18%902 0902 123 1,025
32 1001-3401 PW-StreetLandscaping 1,657,447 1.90%9,345 0 9,3451,278 10,623
33 1001-3402 PW-Street Tree Maint 215,050 0.25%1,212 0 1,212 166 1,378
34 1001-5101 Non-Dept-WasteMgmt 71,770 0.08%405 0405 55460
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 666,788 0.76%3,759 0 3,759 514 4,274
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs252,909 0.29%1,426 0 1,426 195 1,621
37 1001-7101 Non-Dept-Comm TV 123,650 0.14%697 0697 95792
38 1001-7301 Pks & CS- Library Svcs946,071 1.09%5,334 0 5,334 729 6,063
39 1001-7501 PW-Park Maint 3,703,783 4.25%20,882 020,8822,856 23,738
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 209,150 0.24%1,179 0 1,179 161 1,340
41 1001-7602 Pks & CS- Dublin Cemetery 7,321 0.01%41 0 41 6 47
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 226,217 0.26%1,275 0 1,275 174 1,450
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities 393,834 0.45%2,220 0 2,220 304 2,524
MGT Consulting Group Page 116 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
BudgetingAllocations Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department UnitsAllocation
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.698,182 0.80%$3,936 $0 $3,936 $538 $4,475
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals1,221,401 1.40%6,886 0 6,886 942 7,828
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 1,821,447 2.09%10,269 010,2691,404 11,674
47 1001-7711 Pks & CS- FamilyProgs 544,244 0.62%3,068 0 3,068 420 3,488
48 1001-7721 Pks & CS- Recr Activities 309,285 0.35%1,744 0 1,744 238 1,982
49 1001-7731 Pks & CS- PreschoolProgs 249,413 0.29%1,406 0 1,406 192 1,599
50 1001-7751 Pks & CS- Senior Progs 443,728 0.51%2,502 0 2,502 342 2,844
51 1001-7761 Pks & CS- SportsProgs 718,889 0.82%4,053 0 4,053 554 4,607
53 1001-7772 Pks & CS- EGRAC 2,877,750 3.30%16,225 016,2252,219 18,444
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 302,205 0.35%1,704 0 1,704 233 1,937
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 1,900,337 2.18%10,714 010,7141,465 12,179
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 3,578,841 4.10%20,178 020,1782,760 22,937
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 1,510,379 1.73%8,516 0 8,5161,165 9,680
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 657,637 0.75%3,708 0 3,708 507 4,215
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 310,759 0.36%1,752 0 1,752 240 1,992
62 1009-1501CityAttorney 161,180 0.18%909 0909 124 1,033
63 1009-5201 PW- EnvirProgs 1,356 0.00%8 0 8 1 9
64 1009-8101 CD- Planning 678,203 0.78%3,824 0 3,824 523 4,347
65 1009-8301 PW- Engineering 2,207,675 2.53%12,447 012,4471,702 14,149
66 2101-2111PD- OpersSupport 3,980 0.00%22 0 22 3 26
67 2102-2111PD- OpersSupport 822 0.00%5 0 5 1 5
68 2103-2102PD- Patrol 100,000 0.11%564 0564 77641
69 2106-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 194,093 0.22%1,094 0 1,094 150 1,244
72 2109-2401Fire- Operation 329,268 0.38%1,856 0 1,856 254 2,110
73 2109-2402Fire- Prevention 6,500 0.01%37 0 37 5 42
74 2111-2111PD- OpersSupport 2,500 0.00%14 0 14 2 16
77 2201-3201 PW- Street Maint 519,897 0.60%2,931 0 2,931 401 3,332
78 2201-8301 PW- Engineering 6,000 0.01%34 0 34 5 38
82 2205-3101 PW- Admin 17,961 0.02%101 0101 14115
86 2212-2801 PW- Traffic Signals 173,265 0.20%977 0977 134 1,110
91 2302-3201 PW-StreetMaint 9,840 0.01%55 0 55 8 63
92 2302-5201 PW- EnviroProgs 144,820 0.17%816 0816 112 928
93 2303-5101 Non-Dept- WasteMgmt 4,074,612 4.67%22,973 022,9733,142 26,115
94 2304-5201 PW- EnviroProgs 28,700 0.03%162 0162 22184
96 2323-3201 PW- StreetMaint 5,000 0.01%28 0 28 4 32
97 2324-3201 PW- StreetMaint 5,000 0.01%28 0 28 4 32
100 2701-2802 PW- Street Lighting 183,900 0.21%1,037 0 1,037 142 1,179
101 2701-8301 PW- Engineering 11,468 0.01%65 0 65 9 73
102 2702-3401 PW- StreetLands.82,280 0.09%464 0464 63527
103 2702-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 2,500 0.00%14 0 14 2 16
104 2702-8301 PW- Engineering 4,641 0.01%26 0 26 4 30
105 2703-3401 PW- StreetLands.122,600 0.14%691 0691 95786
MGT Consulting Group Page 117 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
BudgetingAllocations Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department UnitsAllocation
106 2703-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 15,563 0.02%$88 $0 $88 $12 $100
107 2703-8301 PW- Engineering 5,591 0.01%32 0 32 4 36
108 2704-3401 PW- StreetLands.292,505 0.34%1,649 0 1,649 226 1,875
109 2704-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 27,000 0.03%152 0152 21173
110 2704-8301 PW- Engineering 9,161 0.01%52 0 52 7 59
111 2705-2802 PW- Street Lighting 185,061 0.21%1,043 0 1,043 143 1,186
112 2705-8301 PW- Engineering 9,151 0.01%52 0 52 7 59
114 2801-7621 Pks & CS- Cult. Activities 157,645 0.18%889 0889 122 1,010
116 2811-7101Non-Dept- Comm TV 35,338 0.04%199 0199 27226
117 2901-1501CityAttorney 60,000 0.07%338 0338 46385
119 2901-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 8,000 0.01%45 0 45 6 51
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 429,345 0.49%2,421 0 2,421 331 2,752
122 2903-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs82,202 0.09%463 0463 63527
153 5171-1901Non-Departmental 807,020 0.93%4,550 0 4,550 622 5,172
155 5301-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 728,266 0.84%4,106 0 4,106 562 4,668
156 5302-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 535,616 0.61%3,020 0 3,020 413 3,433
158 5321-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 53,354 0.06%301 0301 41342
161 6305-1905Non-Departmental ISF 2,000 0.00%11 0 11 2 13
162 6605-1602 Admin Svcs- Info Systems 1,423,987 1.63%8,028 0 8,0281,098 9,126
163 6901-1905Non-Departmental ISF 2,435,307 2.79%13,730 013,7301,878 15,608
Subtotal 87,189,566100.00%491,577 0491,57762,463 554,040
DirectBills 0 0
Total $491,577 $554,040
Basis Units: Total OperatingBudget per program (excl capital, debt and transfers)
MGT Consulting Group Page 118 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
FinancialReportingAllocations Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department UnitsAllocation
2 1001-1101City Council 544,595 0.62%$3,405 $0 $3,405 $0 $3,405
3 1001-1201CityManager 1,240,780 1.42%7,758 0 7,758 0 7,758
4 1001-1301CityClerk 632,609 0.73%3,955 0 3,955 0 3,955
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 740,693 0.85%4,631 0 4,631 0 4,631
6 1001-1402Insurance 517,450 0.59%3,235 0 3,235 0 3,235
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 735,000 0.84%4,595 0 4,595 0 4,595
8 1001-1601 Finance 1,772,162 2.03%11,080 011,080 011,080
9 1001-1801 Building Management 1,381,374 1.58%8,637 0 8,6371,181 9,818
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 1,305,265 1.50%8,161 0 8,1611,116 9,277
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 1,630,340 1.87%10,193 010,1931,394 11,587
12 1001-1302 Elections 3,120 0.00%20 0 20 3 22
13 1001-1802 Public Safety Complex 93,847 0.11%587 0587 80667
14 1001-2101PD- Admin/Support Svcs 2,794,028 3.20%17,469 017,4692,389 19,858
15 1001-2102PD-Patrol 9,071,12310.40%56,714 056,7147,756 64,470
16 1001-2103PD-Traffic 1,131,732 1.30%7,076 0 7,076 968 8,043
17 1001-2104PD-Investigations 2,378,341 2.73%14,870 014,8702,034 16,903
18 1001-2105PD-CrimePrev/School Res Svcs1,694,440 1.94%10,594 010,5941,449 12,043
19 1001-2106PD-Comm./Dispatch 1,196,434 1.37%7,480 0 7,4801,023 8,503
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 2,041,982 2.34%12,767 012,7671,746 14,513
21 1001-2401 FD-Operation 12,476,21114.31%78,003 078,00310,668 88,671
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 414,694 0.48%2,593 0 2,593 355 2,947
23 1001-2405 FD-Dougherty RegFire Auth176,000 0.20%1,100 0 1,100 150 1,251
24 1001-2411 FD-FireStation Maint 230,376 0.26%1,440 0 1,440 197 1,637
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.137,366 0.16%859 0859 117 976
26 1001-2601Non-Dept-Crossing Guards 147,729 0.17%924 0924 126 1,050
27 1001-2701Non-Dept-Animal Control 330,521 0.38%2,066 0 2,066 283 2,349
28 1001-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 10,000 0.01%63 0 63 9 71
29 1001-2802 PW-Street Lighting 160,064 0.18%1,001 0 1,001 137 1,138
30 1001-3201 PW-Street Maint 42,704 0.05%267 0267 37304
31 1001-3202 PW-Street Sweeping 159,926 0.18%1,000 0 1,000 137 1,137
32 1001-3401 PW-StreetLandscaping 1,657,447 1.90%10,363 010,3631,417 11,780
33 1001-3402 PW-Street Tree Maint 215,050 0.25%1,345 0 1,345 184 1,528
34 1001-5101 Non-Dept-WasteMgmt 71,770 0.08%449 0449 61510
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 666,788 0.76%4,169 0 4,169 570 4,739
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs252,909 0.29%1,581 0 1,581 216 1,797
37 1001-7101 Non-Dept-Comm TV 123,650 0.14%773 0773 106 879
38 1001-7301 Pks & CS- Library Svcs946,071 1.09%5,915 0 5,915 809 6,724
39 1001-7501 PW-Park Maint 3,703,783 4.25%23,157 023,1573,167 26,324
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 209,150 0.24%1,308 0 1,308 179 1,486
41 1001-7602 Pks & CS- Dublin Cemetery 7,321 0.01%46 0 46 6 52
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 226,217 0.26%1,414 0 1,414 193 1,608
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities 393,834 0.45%2,462 0 2,462 337 2,799
MGT Consulting Group Page 119 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
FinancialReportingAllocations Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department UnitsAllocation
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.698,182 0.80%$4,365 $0 $4,365 $597 $4,962
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals1,221,401 1.40%7,636 0 7,6361,044 8,681
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 1,821,447 2.09%11,388 011,3881,557 12,945
47 1001-7711 Pks & CS- FamilyProgs 544,244 0.62%3,403 0 3,403 465 3,868
48 1001-7721 Pks & CS- Recr Activities 309,285 0.35%1,934 0 1,934 264 2,198
49 1001-7731 Pks & CS- PreschoolProgs 249,413 0.29%1,559 0 1,559 213 1,773
50 1001-7751 Pks & CS- Senior Progs 443,728 0.51%2,774 0 2,774 379 3,154
51 1001-7761 Pks & CS- SportsProgs 718,889 0.82%4,495 0 4,495 615 5,109
53 1001-7772 Pks & CS- EGRAC 2,877,750 3.30%17,992 017,9922,461 20,453
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 302,205 0.35%1,889 0 1,889 258 2,148
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 1,900,337 2.18%11,881 011,8811,625 13,506
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 3,578,841 4.10%22,375 022,3753,060 25,436
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 1,510,379 1.73%9,443 0 9,4431,291 10,735
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 657,637 0.75%4,112 0 4,112 562 4,674
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 310,759 0.36%1,943 0 1,943 266 2,209
62 1009-1501CityAttorney 161,180 0.18%1,008 0 1,008 138 1,146
63 1009-5201 PW- EnvirProgs 1,356 0.00%8 0 8 1 10
64 1009-8101 CD- Planning 678,203 0.78%4,240 0 4,240 580 4,820
65 1009-8301 PW- Engineering 2,207,675 2.53%13,803 013,8031,888 15,690
66 2101-2111PD- OpersSupport 3,980 0.00%25 0 25 3 28
67 2102-2111PD- OpersSupport 822 0.00%5 0 5 1 6
68 2103-2102PD- Patrol 100,000 0.11%625 0625 86711
69 2106-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 194,093 0.22%1,213 0 1,213 166 1,379
72 2109-2401Fire- Operation 329,268 0.38%2,059 0 2,059 282 2,340
73 2109-2402Fire- Prevention 6,500 0.01%41 0 41 6 46
74 2111-2111PD- OpersSupport 2,500 0.00%16 0 16 2 18
77 2201-3201 PW- Street Maint 519,897 0.60%3,250 0 3,250 445 3,695
78 2201-8301 PW- Engineering 6,000 0.01%38 0 38 5 43
82 2205-3101 PW- Admin 17,961 0.02%112 0112 15128
86 2212-2801 PW- Traffic Signals 173,265 0.20%1,083 0 1,083 148 1,231
91 2302-3201 PW-StreetMaint 9,840 0.01%62 0 62 8 70
92 2302-5201 PW- EnviroProgs 144,820 0.17%905 0905 124 1,029
93 2303-5101 Non-Dept- WasteMgmt 4,074,612 4.67%25,475 025,4753,484 28,959
94 2304-5201 PW- EnviroProgs 28,700 0.03%179 0179 25204
96 2323-3201 PW- StreetMaint 5,000 0.01%31 0 31 4 36
97 2324-3201 PW- StreetMaint 5,000 0.01%31 0 31 4 36
100 2701-2802 PW- Street Lighting 183,900 0.21%1,150 0 1,150 157 1,307
101 2701-8301 PW- Engineering 11,468 0.01%72 0 72 10 82
102 2702-3401 PW- StreetLands.82,280 0.09%514 0514 70585
103 2702-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 2,500 0.00%16 0 16 2 18
104 2702-8301 PW- Engineering 4,641 0.01%29 0 29 4 33
105 2703-3401 PW- StreetLands.122,600 0.14%767 0767 105 871
MGT Consulting Group Page 120 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
FinancialReportingAllocations Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department UnitsAllocation
106 2703-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 15,563 0.02%$97 $0 $97 $13 $111
107 2703-8301 PW- Engineering 5,591 0.01%35 0 35 5 40
108 2704-3401 PW- StreetLands.292,505 0.34%1,829 0 1,829 250 2,079
109 2704-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 27,000 0.03%169 0169 23192
110 2704-8301 PW- Engineering 9,161 0.01%57 0 57 8 65
111 2705-2802 PW- Street Lighting 185,061 0.21%1,157 0 1,157 158 1,315
112 2705-8301 PW- Engineering 9,151 0.01%57 0 57 8 65
114 2801-7621 Pks & CS- Cult. Activities 157,645 0.18%986 0986 135 1,120
116 2811-7101Non-Dept- Comm TV 35,338 0.04%221 0221 30251
117 2901-1501CityAttorney 60,000 0.07%375 0375 51426
119 2901-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 8,000 0.01%50 0 50 7 57
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 429,345 0.49%2,684 0 2,684 367 3,051
122 2903-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs82,202 0.09%514 0514 70584
153 5171-1901Non-Departmental 807,020 0.93%5,046 0 5,046 690 5,736
155 5301-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 728,266 0.84%4,553 0 4,553 623 5,176
156 5302-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 535,616 0.61%3,349 0 3,349 458 3,807
158 5321-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 53,354 0.06%334 0334 46379
161 6305-1905Non-Departmental ISF 2,000 0.00%13 0 13 2 14
162 6605-1602 Admin Svcs- Info Systems 1,423,987 1.63%8,903 0 8,9031,218 10,121
163 6901-1905Non-Departmental ISF 2,435,307 2.79%15,226 015,2262,082 17,308
Subtotal 87,189,566100.00%545,121 0545,12169,266 614,388
DirectBills 0 0
Total $545,121 $614,388
Basis Units: Total OperatingBudget per program (excl capital, debt and transfers)
MGT Consulting Group Page 121 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
IT SupportAllocations Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department UnitsAllocation
162 6605-1602 Admin Svcs- Info Systems 100100.00%$60,957 $0 $60,957 $7,746 $68,703
Subtotal 100100.00%60,957 060,9577,746 68,703
DirectBills 0 0
Total $60,957 $68,703
Basis Units: Direct allocation toIT
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Revenue/Receipting-GFAllocations Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department UnitsAllocation
2 1001-1101City Council 544,595 0.77%$495 $0 $495 $0 $495
3 1001-1201CityManager 1,240,780 1.75%1,127 0 1,127 0 1,127
4 1001-1301CityClerk 632,609 0.89%574 0574 0574
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 740,693 1.05%673 0673 0673
6 1001-1402Insurance 517,450 0.73%470 0470 0470
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 735,000 1.04%667 0667 0667
8 1001-1601 Finance 1,772,162 2.50%1,609 0 1,609 0 1,609
9 1001-1801 Building Management 1,381,374 1.95%1,254 0 1,254 175 1,429
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 1,305,265 1.84%1,185 0 1,185 165 1,350
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 1,630,340 2.30%1,481 0 1,481 206 1,687
12 1001-1302 Elections 3,120 0.00%3 0 3 0 3
13 1001-1802 Public Safety Complex 93,847 0.13%85 0 85 12 97
14 1001-2101PD- Admin/Support Svcs 2,794,028 3.95%2,537 0 2,537 353 2,891
15 1001-2102PD-Patrol 9,071,12312.81%8,238 0 8,2381,147 9,385
16 1001-2103PD-Traffic 1,131,732 1.60%1,028 0 1,028 143 1,171
17 1001-2104PD-Investigations 2,378,341 3.36%2,160 0 2,160 301 2,461
18 1001-2105PD-CrimePrev/School Res Svcs1,694,440 2.39%1,539 0 1,539 214 1,753
19 1001-2106PD-Comm./Dispatch 1,196,434 1.69%1,087 0 1,087 151 1,238
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 2,041,982 2.88%1,854 0 1,854 258 2,113
21 1001-2401 FD-Operation 12,476,21117.62%11,330 011,3301,577 12,907
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 414,694 0.59%377 0377 52429
23 1001-2405 FD-Dougherty RegFire Auth176,000 0.25%160 0160 22182
24 1001-2411 FD-FireStation Maint 230,376 0.33%209 0209 29238
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.137,366 0.19%125 0125 17142
26 1001-2601Non-Dept-Crossing Guards 147,729 0.21%134 0134 19153
27 1001-2701Non-Dept-Animal Control 330,521 0.47%300 0300 42342
28 1001-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 10,000 0.01%9 0 9 1 10
29 1001-2802 PW-Street Lighting 160,064 0.23%145 0145 20166
30 1001-3201 PW-Street Maint 42,704 0.06%39 0 39 5 44
31 1001-3202 PW-Street Sweeping 159,926 0.23%145 0145 20165
32 1001-3401 PW-StreetLandscaping 1,657,447 2.34%1,505 0 1,505 210 1,715
33 1001-3402 PW-Street Tree Maint 215,050 0.30%195 0195 27222
34 1001-5101 Non-Dept-WasteMgmt 71,770 0.10%65 0 65 9 74
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 666,788 0.94%606 0606 84690
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs252,909 0.36%230 0230 32262
37 1001-7101 Non-Dept-Comm TV 123,650 0.17%112 0112 16128
38 1001-7301 Pks & CS- Library Svcs946,071 1.34%859 0859 120 979
39 1001-7501 PW-Park Maint 3,703,783 5.23%3,364 0 3,364 468 3,832
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 209,150 0.30%190 0190 26216
41 1001-7602 Pks & CS- Dublin Cemetery 7,321 0.01%7 0 7 1 8
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 226,217 0.32%205 0205 29234
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities 393,834 0.56%358 0358 50407
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Revenue/Receipting-GFAllocations Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department UnitsAllocation
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.698,182 0.99%$634 $0 $634 $88 $722
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals1,221,401 1.72%1,109 0 1,109 154 1,264
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 1,821,447 2.57%1,654 0 1,654 230 1,884
47 1001-7711 Pks & CS- FamilyProgs 544,244 0.77%494 0494 69563
48 1001-7721 Pks & CS- Recr Activities 309,285 0.44%281 0281 39320
49 1001-7731 Pks & CS- PreschoolProgs 249,413 0.35%226 0226 32258
50 1001-7751 Pks & CS- Senior Progs 443,728 0.63%403 0403 56459
51 1001-7761 Pks & CS- SportsProgs 718,889 1.02%653 0653 91744
53 1001-7772 Pks & CS- EGRAC 2,877,750 4.06%2,613 0 2,613 364 2,977
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 302,205 0.43%274 0274 38313
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 1,900,337 2.68%1,726 0 1,726 240 1,966
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 3,578,841 5.05%3,250 0 3,250 452 3,703
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 1,510,379 2.13%1,372 0 1,372 191 1,563
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 657,637 0.93%597 0597 83680
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 310,759 0.44%282 0282 39321
Subtotal 70,809,393100.00%64,304 064,3048,171 72,475
DirectBills 0 0
Total $64,304 $72,475
Basis Units: Total OperatingBudget per GF program (excl capital, debtand transfers)
MGT Consulting Group Page 124 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department A/PA/R Payroll ProcurementRevenue/Rec
BudgetingProperty Tax Financial
IT Support ImpactFee
2 1001-1101City Council $4,805 $0 $3,243 $3,338 $0 $3,070 $0 $3,405 $0 $0
3 1001-1201CityManager 2,65715,654 8,486 556 0 6,996 07,758 0 0
4 1001-1301CityClerk 961 0 2,3101,113 0 3,567 03,955 0 0
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 6,557 0 2,3103,894 0 4,176 04,631 0 0
6 1001-1402Insurance 509 0 0 0 0 2,917 03,235 0 0
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 1,846 0 0 0 0 4,144 04,595 0 0
8 1001-1601 Finance 2,902 0 9,1523,894 0 9,991 0 11,080 0 0
9 1001-1801 Building Management 14,4751,378 0 9,483 0 8,853 09,818 0 0
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 3,544 0 5,7991,897 0 8,366 09,277 0 0
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 2,620 0 0 3,793 0 10,449 0 11,587 0 0
12 1001-1302 Elections 107 0 0 0 0 20 0 22 0 0
13 1001-1802 Public Safety Complex 2,2988,957 0 1,897 0 601 0 667 0 0
14 1001-2101PD- Admin/Support Svcs 9233,445 0 632 0 17,907 0 19,858 0 0
15 1001-2102PD-Patrol 258 0 0 0 0 58,138 0 64,470 0 0
16 1001-2103PD-Traffic 258 0 0 0 0 7,253 08,043 0 0
17 1001-2104PD-Investigations 258 0 0 0 0 15,243 0 16,903 0 0
18 1001-2105PD-CrimePrev/School Res Svcs258 0 0 0 0 10,860 0 12,043 0 0
19 1001-2106PD-Comm./Dispatch 129 0 0 0 0 7,668 08,503 0 0
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 14,3464,134 5,2906,954 0 13,087 0 14,513 0 0
21 1001-2401 FD-Operation 859 0 0 632 0 79,961 0 88,671 0 0
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 430 0 1,272 0 0 2,658 02,947 0 0
23 1001-2405 FD-Dougherty RegFire Auth344 0 0 0 0 1,128 01,251 0 0
24 1001-2411 FD-FireStation Maint 7,323 0 0 4,426 0 1,477 01,637 0 0
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.129 0 0 0 0 880 0 976 0 0
26 1001-2601Non-Dept-Crossing Guards 472 0 0 632 0 947 01,050 0 0
27 1001-2701Non-Dept-Animal Control 193 0 0 1,897 0 2,118 02,349 0 0
28 1001-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 64 0 0 1,264 0 64 0 71 0 0
29 1001-2802 PW-Street Lighting 515 0 0 632 0 1,026 01,138 0 0
30 1001-3201 PW-Street Maint 344 0 0 1,264 0 274 0 304 0 0
31 1001-3202 PW-Street Sweeping 258 0 0 632 0 1,025 01,137 0 0
32 1001-3401 PW-StreetLandscaping 12,349 0 0 1,264 0 10,623 0 11,780 0 0
33 1001-3402 PW-Street Tree Maint 301 0 0 632 0 1,378 01,528 0 0
34 1001-5101 Non-Dept-WasteMgmt 365 0 0 0 0 460 0 510 0 0
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 580 0 2,035 632 0 4,274 04,739 0 0
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 558 0610 632 0 1,621 01,797 0 0
37 1001-7101 Non-Dept-Comm TV 472 0 0 1,897 0 792 0 879 0 0
38 1001-7301 Pks & CS- Library Svcs 2,3623,445 0 6,954 0 6,063 06,724 0 0
39 1001-7501 PW-Park Maint 12,155 0 0 3,161 0 23,738 0 26,324 0 0
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 5,262 0 0 5,058 0 1,340 01,486 0 0
41 1001-7602 Pks & CS- Dublin Cemetery 0 0 0 0 0 47 0 52 0 0
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 4,317 0 8,953 0 0 1,450 01,608 0 0
MGT Consulting Group Page 125 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department A/PA/R Payroll ProcurementRevenue/Rec
BudgetingProperty Tax Financial
IT Support ImpactFee
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities $21 $0 $1,628 $0 $0 $2,524 $0 $2,799 $0 $0
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.6,894 689 7,2746,322 0 4,475 04,962 0 0
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals 16,064 017,1439,483 0 7,828 08,681 0 0
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 7,216 015,1083,793 0 11,674 0 12,945 0 0
47 1001-7711 Pks & CS- FamilyProgs 4,381 028,232 0 0 3,488 03,868 0 0
48 1001-7721 Pks & CS- Recr Activities 10,802 0 0 0 0 1,982 02,198 0 0
49 1001-7731 Pks & CS- PreschoolProgs 2,191 019,432 632 0 1,599 01,773 0 0
50 1001-7751 Pks & CS- Senior Progs 6,572 012,259 632 0 2,844 03,154 0 0
51 1001-7761 Pks & CS- SportsProgs 10,888 015,9732,529 0 4,607 05,109 0 0
52 1001-7771Aquatics 1,289 011,038 632 0 0 0 0 0 0
53 1001-7772 Pks & CS- EGRAC 0 0 6,613 0 0 18,444 0 20,453 0 0
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 1,052 0 3,968 632 0 1,937 02,148 0 0
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 8,719 015,6175,058 0 12,179 0 13,506 0 0
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 3,093 0 7,9353,161 0 22,937 0 25,436 0 0
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 11,339 0 9,6653,793 0 9,680 0 10,735 0 0
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 3,093 0 3,968 632 0 4,215 04,674 0 0
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 2,556 0 0 2,529 0 1,992 02,209 0 0
62 1009-1501CityAttorney 0 0 0 0 0 1,033 01,146 0 0
63 1009-5201 PW- EnvirProgs 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 10 0 0
64 1009-8101 CD- Planning 0 0 0 1,897 0 4,347 04,820 0 0
65 1009-8301 PW- Engineering 0 0 0 0 0 14,149 0 15,690 0 0
66 2101-2111PD- OpersSupport 64 0 0 0 7 26 0 28 0 0
67 2102-2111PD- OpersSupport 0 0 0 0 33 5 0 6 0 0
68 2103-2102PD- Patrol 43 0 0 0101 641 0 711 0 0
69 2106-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 2,684 0 0 1,897 1551,244 01,379 0 0
70 2107-2111 387 0 0 1,264 0 0 0 0 0 0
71 2109-1901Non-Departmental 0 2,756 0 0317 0 0 0 0 0
72 2109-2401Fire- Operation 172 0 0 0 0 2,110 02,340 0 0
73 2109-2402Fire- Prevention 43 0 0 632 0 42 0 46 0 0
74 2111-2111PD- OpersSupport 43 0 0 0 3 16 0 18 0 0
75 2201-1901 Non-Departmental 43 689 0 632 1,218 0 0 0 0 0
76 2201-2801 PW- TrafficSignals 107 0 0 1,264 0 0 0 0 0 0
77 2201-3201 PW- StreetMaint 430 0 0 1,897 0 3,332 03,695 0 0
78 2201-8301 PW- Engineering 21 0 0 0 0 38 0 43 0 0
80 2202-1901 Non-Departmental 0 2,067 0 0411 0 0 0 0 0
81 2204-9601 CIP- Streets Projs 0 0 0 0384 0 0 0 0 0
82 2205-3101 PW- Admin 408 0 0 0148 115 0 128 0 0
84 2207-8301 PW- Engineering 0 689 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0
85 2211-0000FederalTransp (TIGER)0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
86 2212-2801 PW- TrafficSignals 279 0 0 632 2401,110 01,231 0 0
88 2214-9601 CIP- StreetProjs 0 0 0 0344 0 0 0 0 0
MGT Consulting Group Page 126 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department A/PA/R Payroll ProcurementRevenue/Rec
BudgetingProperty Tax Financial
IT Support ImpactFee
89 2215-9601 CIP- StreetProjs $0 $0 $0 $0 $120 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
91 2302-3201 PW-Street Maint 64 0 0 0127 63 0 70 0 0
92 2302-5201 PW- Enviro Progs 2,405 0 0 632 0 928 01,029 0 0
93 2303-5101Non-Dept- Waste Mgmt 86 0 0 1,264 3,07026,115 0 28,959 0 0
94 2304-5201 PW- Enviro Progs 451 0 0 1,897 34 184 0 204 0 0
95 2322-0000 Box Culvert 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
96 2323-3201 PW- Street Maint 21 0 0 0 1 32 0 36 0 0
97 2324-3201 PW- Street Maint 21 0 0 0 0 32 0 36 0 0
99 2511-0000 CustSvc Committee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
100 2701-2802 PW- Street Lighting 1,310 0 0 1,264 2561,179 01,307 0 0
101 2701-8301 PW- Engineering 107 0 0 632 0 73 0 82 0 0
102 2702-3401 PW- StreetLands.1,181 0 0 1,264 76 527 0 585 0 0
103 2702-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 150 0 0 632 0 16 0 18 0 0
104 2702-8301 PW- Engineering 107 0 0 632 0 30 0 33 0 0
105 2703-3401 PW- StreetLands.1,911 0 0 1,264 125 786 0 871 0 0
106 2703-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 172 0 0 632 0 100 0 111 0 0
107 2703-8301 PW- Engineering 129 0 0 632 0 36 0 40 0 0
108 2704-3401 PW- StreetLands.2,212 0 0 1,264 3221,875 02,079 0 0
109 2704-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 193 0 0 632 0 173 0 192 0 0
110 2704-8301 PW- Engineering 107 0 0 632 0 59 0 65 0 0
111 2705-2802 PW- Street Lighting 515 0 0 632 2641,186 01,315 0 0
112 2705-8301 PW- Engineering 107 0 0 632 0 59 0 65 0 0
114 2801-7621 Pks & CS- Cult. Activities 0 0 0 04781,010 01,120 0 0
116 2811-7101Non-Dept- Comm TV 107 0 0 632 159 226 0 251 0 0
117 2901-1501CityAttorney 430 0 0 0 0 385 0 426 0 0
118 2901-1901Non-Departmental 0 689 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
119 2901-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 215 0 0 0 0 51 0 57 0 0
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 1,675 0 2,1362,529 7,1492,752 03,051 0 0
121 2902-0000Noise Mitigation 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
122 2903-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 5377,579 0 3,161 47 527 0 584 0 0
123 2904-1901 Non-Departmental 0 2,067 0 0378 0 0 0 0 0
124 3300-9301 1,825 0 0 5,690 582 0 0 0 0 0
125 3400-9401 215 0 0 1,264 102 0 0 0 0 0
126 3500-9501 CIP- ParksCIP Projs 5,154 0 0 15,173 20,511 0 0 0 0 0
127 3600-9601 CIP- Streets CIP Projs 4,080 0 0 13,909 3,211 0 0 0 0 0
128 4101-1901 Non-Departmental 0 0 0 0 2,808 0 0 0 0 0
129 4102-0000Nghbd Park Land 0 0 0 0148 0 0 0 0 0
130 4103-9501 CIP- ParksCIP Projs 0 0 0 0 3,808 0 0 0 0 0
131 4104-0000Nghbd Park Imprmt 0 0 0 0619 0 0 0 0 0
132 4105-7702 43 0 0 632 2,596 0 0 0 0 0
133 4106-0000 Library 0 0 0 0848 0 0 0 0 0
MGT Consulting Group Page 127 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department A/PA/R Payroll ProcurementRevenue/Rec
BudgetingProperty Tax Financial
IT Support ImpactFee
134 4107-7702 $129 $0 $0 $632 $1,763 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
135 4108 Aquatic Center 0 0 0 0286 0 0 0 0 0
136 4109-0000QuimbyAct Pk In-Lieu Fees 0 0 0 0165 0 0 0 0 0
137 4110-0000CommNature Park Land 0 0 0 0 57 0 0 0 0 0
138 4111-0000CommNature Pk Imprmts 0 0 0 0393 0 0 0 0 0
139 4201-1901Non-Departmental 0 0 0 0341 0 0 0 0 0
140 4301-1901Non-Departmental 150 0 0 0 1,135 0 0 0 0 0
141 4301-8301 64 0 0 1,264 0 0 0 0 0 0
143 4302-1901Non-Departmental 43 0 0 0434 0 0 0 0 0
145 4303-0000 EDTIF Category 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
146 4304-0000West Dublin TIF 0 0 0 0712 0 0 0 0 0
147 4305-0000Dougherty Valley TIF 0 0 0 0857 0 0 0 0 0
148 4306-0000TVTD 0 0 0 0458 0 0 0 0 0
149 4309-0000 MitigationContrib 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
150 4313-0000Transp Mitigation 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0
151 4401-9501 CIP- Parks CIPProjs 0 0 0 013,119 0 0 0 0 0
152 5101-0000 Dublin Blvd Est Trust/Agency 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
153 5171-1901Non-Departmental 258 0 0 0 1,3405,172 05,736 0 0
154 5198-1901Non-Departmental 494 0 0 632 0 0 0 0 0 0
155 5301-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 558 0 0 1,897 7564,668 05,176 0 0
156 5302-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 365 0 0 2,529 6073,433 03,807 0 0
158 5321-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 258 0 0 1,264 105 342 0 379 0 0
159 6105-1905Non-Departmental ISF 279 0 0 4,426 486 0 0 0 0 0
160 6205-1905Non-Departmental ISF 0 0 0 0299 0 0 0 0 0
161 6305-1905Non-Departmental ISF 558 0 0 3,793 699 13 0 14 0 0
162 6605-1602 Admin Svcs- Info Systems 6,615 0 5,08714,541 2,7559,126 0 10,121 68,703 0
163 6901-1905Non-Departmental ISF 2,427 0 0 0 1,60515,608 0 17,308 0 0
164 6951-0000PERS Side FundPayoff 0 0 0 0322 0 0 0 0 0
165 7101-1901Non-Departmental 21 0 0 0581 0 0 0 0 0
166AllOther 1,761 0 0 1,264 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total $249,770 $54,237 $232,535 $208,782 $80,519 $554,040 $0 $614,388 $68,703 $0
MGT Consulting Group Page 128 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department Revenue/Rec
2 1001-1101City Council $495 $18,355
3 1001-1201CityManager 1,12743,232
4 1001-1301CityClerk 57412,480
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 67322,241
6 1001-1402Insurance 4707,131
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 66711,253
8 1001-1601 Finance 1,60938,628
9 1001-1801 Building Management 1,42945,436
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 1,35030,232
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 1,68730,136
12 1001-1302 Elections 3 153
13 1001-1802 Public Safety Complex 9714,517
14 1001-2101PD- Admin/Support Svcs 2,89145,656
15 1001-2102PD-Patrol 9,385 132,251
16 1001-2103PD-Traffic 1,17116,725
17 1001-2104PD-Investigations 2,46134,865
18 1001-2105PD-CrimePrev/School Res Svcs 1,75324,913
19 1001-2106PD-Comm./Dispatch 1,23817,538
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 2,11360,437
21 1001-2401 FD-Operation 12,907 183,031
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 4297,735
23 1001-2405 FD-Dougherty RegFire Auth1822,905
24 1001-2411 FD-FireStation Maint 23815,101
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.1422,128
26 1001-2601Non-Dept-Crossing Guards 1533,254
27 1001-2701Non-Dept-Animal Control 3426,899
28 1001-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 101,474
29 1001-2802 PW-Street Lighting 1663,477
30 1001-3201 PW-Street Maint 442,229
31 1001-3202 PW-Street Sweeping 1653,217
32 1001-3401 PW-StreetLandscaping 1,71537,730
33 1001-3402 PW-Street Tree Maint 2224,062
34 1001-5101 Non-Dept-WasteMgmt 741,409
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 69012,949
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 2625,481
37 1001-7101 Non-Dept-Comm TV 1284,168
38 1001-7301 Pks & CS- Library Svcs 97926,528
39 1001-7501 PW-Park Maint 3,83269,210
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 21613,363
41 1001-7602 Pks & CS- Dublin Cemetery 8 107
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 23416,561
MGT Consulting Group Page 129 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department Revenue/Rec
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities $407 $7,380
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.72231,338
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals 1,26460,462
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 1,88452,621
47 1001-7711 Pks & CS- FamilyProgs 56340,532
48 1001-7721 Pks & CS- Recr Activities 32015,303
49 1001-7731 Pks & CS- PreschoolProgs 25825,884
50 1001-7751 Pks & CS- Senior Progs 45925,920
51 1001-7761 Pks & CS- SportsProgs 74439,850
52 1001-7771Aquatics 0 12,959
53 1001-7772 Pks & CS- EGRAC 2,97748,487
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 31310,050
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 1,96657,045
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 3,70366,264
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 1,56346,775
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 68017,262
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 3219,606
62 1009-1501CityAttorney 0 2,179
63 1009-5201 PW- EnvirProgs 0 18
64 1009-8101 CD- Planning 0 11,063
65 1009-8301 PW- Engineering 0 29,840
66 2101-2111PD- OpersSupport 0 125
67 2102-2111PD- OpersSupport 0 44
68 2103-2102PD- Patrol 0 1,495
69 2106-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 0 7,360
70 2107-2111 0 1,651
71 2109-1901Non-Departmental 0 3,073
72 2109-2401Fire- Operation 0 4,622
73 2109-2402Fire- Prevention 0 763
74 2111-2111PD- OpersSupport 0 80
75 2201-1901 Non-Departmental 0 2,582
76 2201-2801 PW- TrafficSignals 0 1,372
77 2201-3201 PW- StreetMaint 0 9,353
78 2201-8301 PW- Engineering 0 103
80 2202-1901 Non-Departmental 0 2,478
81 2204-9601 CIP- Streets Projs 0 384
82 2205-3101 PW- Admin 0 799
84 2207-8301 PW- Engineering 0 702
85 2211-0000FederalTransp (TIGER)0 1
86 2212-2801 PW- TrafficSignals 0 3,493
88 2214-9601 CIP- StreetProjs 0 344
MGT Consulting Group Page 130 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department Revenue/Rec
89 2215-9601 CIP- StreetProjs $0 $120
91 2302-3201 PW-Street Maint 0 324
92 2302-5201 PW- Enviro Progs 0 4,995
93 2303-5101Non-Dept- Waste Mgmt 0 59,494
94 2304-5201 PW- Enviro Progs 0 2,769
95 2322-0000 Box Culvert 0 3
96 2323-3201 PW- Street Maint 0 90
97 2324-3201 PW- Street Maint 0 90
99 2511-0000 CustSvc Committee 0 0
100 2701-2802 PW- Street Lighting 0 5,316
101 2701-8301 PW- Engineering 0 895
102 2702-3401 PW- StreetLands.0 3,634
103 2702-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 0 816
104 2702-8301 PW- Engineering 0 802
105 2703-3401 PW- StreetLands.0 4,958
106 2703-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 0 1,014
107 2703-8301 PW- Engineering 0 837
108 2704-3401 PW- StreetLands.0 7,752
109 2704-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 0 1,190
110 2704-8301 PW- Engineering 0 863
111 2705-2802 PW- Street Lighting 0 3,913
112 2705-8301 PW- Engineering 0 863
114 2801-7621 Pks & CS- Cult. Activities 0 2,608
116 2811-7101Non-Dept- Comm TV 0 1,376
117 2901-1501CityAttorney 0 1,240
118 2901-1901Non-Departmental 0 689
119 2901-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 0 323
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 0 19,293
121 2902-0000Noise Mitigation 0 3
122 2903-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 0 12,434
123 2904-1901 Non-Departmental 0 2,445
124 3300-9301 0 8,098
125 3400-9401 0 1,582
126 3500-9501 CIP- ParksCIP Projs 0 40,839
127 3600-9601 CIP- Streets CIP Projs 0 21,200
128 4101-1901 Non-Departmental 0 2,808
129 4102-0000Nghbd Park Land 0 148
130 4103-9501 CIP- ParksCIP Projs 0 3,808
131 4104-0000Nghbd Park Imprmt 0 619
132 4105-7702 0 3,271
133 4106-0000 Library 0 848
MGT Consulting Group Page 131 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:8 1001-1601 Finance
Department Revenue/Rec
134 4107-7702 $0 $2,524
135 4108 Aquatic Center 0 286
136 4109-0000QuimbyAct Pk In-Lieu Fees 0 165
137 4110-0000CommNature Park Land 0 57
138 4111-0000CommNature Pk Imprmts 0 393
139 4201-1901Non-Departmental 0 341
140 4301-1901Non-Departmental 0 1,286
141 4301-8301 0 1,329
143 4302-1901Non-Departmental 0 477
145 4303-0000 EDTIF Category 3 0 3
146 4304-0000West Dublin TIF 0 712
147 4305-0000Dougherty Valley TIF 0 857
148 4306-0000TVTD 0 458
149 4309-0000 MitigationContrib 0 2
150 4313-0000Transp Mitigation 0 18
151 4401-9501 CIP- Parks CIPProjs 0 13,119
152 5101-0000 Dublin Blvd Est Trust/Agency 0 0
153 5171-1901Non-Departmental 0 12,506
154 5198-1901Non-Departmental 0 1,126
155 5301-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 0 13,055
156 5302-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 0 10,741
158 5321-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 0 2,348
159 6105-1905Non-Departmental ISF 0 5,191
160 6205-1905Non-Departmental ISF 0 299
161 6305-1905Non-Departmental ISF 0 5,078
162 6605-1602 Admin Svcs- Info Systems 0 116,948
163 6901-1905Non-Departmental ISF 0 36,948
164 6951-0000PERS Side FundPayoff 0 322
165 7101-1901Non-Departmental 0 602
166AllOther 0 3,025
Total $72,475 $2,135,449
Natureand Extentof Services
The Building Management Division is responsible for the maintenance andoperations of theDublin Civic Center andthe
Public WorksCorporationYard. Components of this budgetincludes supplies, utilities, telephone costs for most of the
City system, contractservices, minor improvements, and repairsassociatedwith these buildings.
Building Managementcosts are distributedbythe following functions:
Civic Center - Costs have been allocatedbasedon number of FTE's per division in the CivicCenter.
CorpYard - Costshavebeenallocateddirectly to PublicWorks fortheir office space.
MCE Room Setup - The costs forthis function arefor MCE Maintenancestaff's time and costs for setup and teardownof
roomsthat our rented in theCivic Center and Library. Thesecosts will not be allocated out in the costplansince thiswil l
be charged out as afee.
MGT Consulting Group Page 132 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Natureand Extentof Services
The Building Management Division is responsible for the maintenance andoperations of theDublin Civic Center andthe
Public WorksCorporationYard. Components of this budgetincludes supplies, utilities, telephone costs for most of the
City system, contractservices, minor improvements, and repairsassociatedwith these buildings.
Building Managementcosts are distributedbythe following functions:
Civic Center - Costs have been allocatedbasedon number of FTE's per division in the CivicCenter.
CorpYard - Costshavebeenallocateddirectly to PublicWorks fortheir office space.
MCE Room Setup - The costs forthis function arefor MCE Maintenancestaff's time and costs for setup and teardownof
roomsthat our rented in theCivic Center and Library. Thesecosts will not be allocated out in the costplansince thiswil l
be charged out as afee.
MGT Consulting Group Page 133 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
A. DepartmentCosts Dept:9 1001-1801 BuildingManagement
Description AmountGeneral
CivicCenterCorpYard MCERoom
Personnel Costs
Salaries S1 0 0 0 0 0
Salary % Split .00%.00%.00%.00%
Benefits S 0 0 0 0 0
Subtotal - Personnel Costs 0 0 0 0 0
Services & SuppliesCost
Office Supplies S 11,976 0 11,497 479 0
OperatingSupplies S 15,000 0 14,400 600 0
Processing Fees S 3,705 0 3,557 148 0
Repairs & Maint S 13,500 0 12,960 540 0
ISF- Equip Replcmnt S 14,552 0 13,970 582 0
ISF- BuildReplcmnt S 172,292 0 165,400 6,892 0
ISF- SolarEquipReplcmnt S 127,805 0 122,693 5,112 0
Telephone S 29,505 0 28,325 1,180 0
Gas S 24,466 0 23,487 979 0
Electric S 126,636 0 121,571 5,065 0
SolarEnergyRebates S (47,825)0 (45,912)(1,913)0
Utilities/DebtChev Ener Lease S 210,573 0 202,150 8,423 0
PotableWater S 30,947 0 29,709 1,238 0
Sewer S 3,267 0 3,136 131 0
Contract Svcs-BldgMaint S 137,300 0 131,808 5,492 0
MCE Base Contract Svcs S 217,057 0 208,375 8,682 0
MCE Base Contract- Room Setup P 37,699 0 0 0 37,699
MCE Addt'l Contract Svcs S 252,919 0 242,802 10,117 0
Improvements NotBldg S 32,000 0 30,720 1,280 0
Subtotal - Services & Supplies 1,413,374 0 1,320,648 55,02737,699
DepartmentCost Total 1,413,374 0 1,320,648 55,02737,699
Adjustments to Cost
Subtotal - Adjustments 0 0 0 0 0
Total Costs After Adjustments 1,413,374 0 1,320,648 55,02737,699
General Admin Distribution 0 0 0 0
GrandTotal $1,413,374 $1,320,648 $55,027 $37,699
not allocated
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
B. IncomingCosts - (DefaultSpreadExpense%)Dept:9 1001-1801 BuildingManagement
Department First
Civic Center Corp YardMCE Room
2 City Council- Fiscal $3,037 $1,425 $4,170 $174 $119
Subtotal - 1001-1101 City Council 3,0371,425 4,170 174 119
3 City Mgmt-Fiscal 10,2672,221 11,669 486 333
Subtotal - 1001-1201 City Manager 10,2672,221 11,669 486 333
4 Clerk- Fiscal 3,5771,058 4,332 180 124
Subtotal - 1001-1301 City Clerk 3,5771,058 4,332 180 124
6 PropertyInsurance 19,880 730 19,258 802 550
Subtotal - 1001-1402Insurance 19,880 730 19,258 802 550
7 CitywideSupp-Fiscal 4,302 198 4,205 175 120
Subtotal - 1001-1501 City Attorney 4,302 198 4,205 175 120
8 A/P 12,6991,776 13,525 564 386
8 A/R 1,160 218 1,288 54 37
8 Procurement 8,3441,139 8,861 369 253
8 Budgeting 7,7881,065 8,273 345 236
8 FinancialReporting 8,6371,181 9,174 382 262
8 Revenue/Receipting-GF 1,254 175 1,335 56 38
Subtotal - 1001-1601Finance 39,8825,554 42,4551,769 1,212
11 CitywideContracts 0 23,296 21,767 907 621
Subtotal - 1001-1901NonDepartmental 0 23,296 21,767 907 621
Total Incoming 80,94634,483 107,8564,494 3,079
C. Total Allocated $1,528,803 $1,428,504 $59,521 $40,778
MGT Consulting Group Page 135 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
CivicCenter Allocations Dept:9 1001-1801 BuildingManagement
Department UnitsAllocation
2 1001-1101City Council 5.00 5.81%$81,179 $0 $81,179 $0 $81,179
3 1001-1201CityManager 4.34 5.05%70,464 070,464 070,464
4 1001-1301CityClerk 3.00 3.49%48,708 048,708 048,708
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 2.50 2.91%40,590 040,590 040,590
8 1001-1601 Finance 7.65 8.90%124,204 0124,204 0124,204
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 5.20 6.05%84,426 084,4262,638 87,065
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 4.00 4.65%64,943 064,9432,029 66,973
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 1.00 1.16%16,236 016,236 507 16,743
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.0.33 0.38%5,358 0 5,358 167 5,525
34 1001-5101Non-Dept-Waste Mgmt 0.33 0.38%5,358 0 5,358 167 5,525
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 2.40 2.79%38,966 038,9661,218 40,184
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 0.50 0.58%8,118 0 8,118 254 8,372
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 0.15 0.17%2,435 0 2,435 76 2,511
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 0.15 0.17%2,435 0 2,435 76 2,511
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities 0.60 0.70%9,742 0 9,742 304 10,046
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.2.10 2.44%34,095 034,0951,065 35,161
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals 1.25 1.45%20,295 020,295 634 20,929
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 6.30 7.33%102,286 0102,2863,196 105,482
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 2.60 3.02%42,213 042,2131,319 43,532
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 9.8511.45%159,923 0159,9234,997 164,920
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 7.50 8.72%121,769 0121,7693,805 125,574
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 9.1510.64%148,558 0148,5584,642 153,200
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 2.30 2.67%37,342 037,3421,167 38,509
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 1.20 1.40%19,483 019,483 609 20,092
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 2.00 2.33%32,472 032,4721,015 33,486
155 5301-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 0.10 0.12%1,624 0 1,624 51 1,674
156 5302-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 0.10 0.12%1,624 0 1,624 51 1,674
158 5321-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 0.05 0.06%812 0812 25837
162 6605-1602 Admin Svcs- Info Systems 4.35 5.06%70,626 070,6262,207 72,833
Subtotal 86.00100.00%1,396,283 0 1,396,28332,220 1,428,504
Direct Bills 0 0
Total $1,396,283 $1,428,504
BasisUnits: Number of FTE's per division inthe CivicCenter
MGT Consulting Group Page 136 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
CorpYard Allocations Dept:9 1001-1801 BuildingManagement
Department UnitsAllocation
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 100100.00%$58,178 $0 $58,178 $1,343 $59,521
Subtotal 100100.00%58,178 058,1781,343 59,521
DirectBills 0 0
Total $58,178 $59,521
Basis Units: Allocate costs directly to PublicWorks for their officespace
MGT Consulting Group Page 137 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:9 1001-1801 BuildingManagement
Department Civic Center Corp Yard MCERoom
2 1001-1101City Council $81,179 $0 $0 $81,179
3 1001-1201CityManager 70,464 0 0 70,464
4 1001-1301CityClerk 48,708 0 0 48,708
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 40,590 0 0 40,590
8 1001-1601 Finance 124,204 0 0 124,204
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 87,06559,521 0 146,586
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 66,973 0 0 66,973
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 16,743 0 0 16,743
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.5,525 0 0 5,525
34 1001-5101Non-Dept-Waste Mgmt 5,525 0 0 5,525
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 40,184 0 0 40,184
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 8,372 0 0 8,372
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 2,511 0 0 2,511
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 2,511 0 0 2,511
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities 10,046 0 0 10,046
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.35,161 0 0 35,161
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals 20,929 0 0 20,929
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 105,482 0 0 105,482
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 43,532 0 0 43,532
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 164,920 0 0 164,920
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 125,574 0 0 125,574
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 153,200 0 0 153,200
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 38,509 0 0 38,509
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 20,092 0 0 20,092
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 33,486 0 0 33,486
155 5301-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 1,674 0 0 1,674
156 5302-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 1,674 0 0 1,674
158 5321-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 837 0 0 837
162 6605-1602 Admin Svcs- Info Systems 72,833 0 0 72,833
Total $1,428,504 $59,521 $0 $1,488,025
Natureand Extentof Services
The PublicWorks Department is responsiblefor developing, operating and maintaining City infrastructure and is
comprised of severalfunctionalareasincludingAdministration, BuildingManagement, Engineering, Environmental
Services, Geologic HazardousAbatement Districts, Facilities Development, Street Landscaping, StreetMaintenance,
Park MaintenanceandStreetSafety.
Public WorksAdministration is responsibleforoversight of thedepartment and its relatedfunctions in theareasof
engineering, building maintenance, streetsandstreetslandscapingandmaintenance, assessments, etc. The
administrativefunction includes the budgeting, as well as revenue and expensemanagementon work related tocapital
projectsand development.
The Public Works Administrationcosts are distributed by thefollowingfunctions:
PW Admin-Personnel - Costs have beenallocatedbased on numberofFTE's per program supportedby Public Works
PW Admin- Fiscal - Costshave been allocatedbased on Total OperatingBudget (excl capital, debt andtransfers) per
programsupported by PublicWorks Admin.
MGT Consulting Group Page 138 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Natureand Extentof Services
The PublicWorks Department is responsiblefor developing, operating and maintaining City infrastructure and is
comprised of severalfunctionalareasincludingAdministration, BuildingManagement, Engineering, Environmental
Services, Geologic HazardousAbatement Districts, Facilities Development, Street Landscaping, StreetMaintenance,
Park MaintenanceandStreetSafety.
Public WorksAdministration is responsibleforoversight of thedepartment and its relatedfunctions in theareasof
engineering, building maintenance, streetsandstreetslandscapingandmaintenance, assessments, etc. The
administrativefunction includes the budgeting, as well as revenue and expensemanagementon work related tocapital
projectsand development.
The Public Works Administrationcosts are distributed by thefollowingfunctions:
PW Admin-Personnel - Costs have beenallocatedbased on numberofFTE's per program supportedby Public Works
PW Admin- Fiscal - Costshave been allocatedbased on Total OperatingBudget (excl capital, debt andtransfers) per
programsupported by PublicWorks Admin.
MGT Consulting Group Page 139 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
A. DepartmentCosts Dept:101001-3101 PW-Administration
Description AmountGeneral
PW Admin-
PW Admin-
Personnel Costs
Salaries S1 668,693 0 334,347 334,347
Salary % Split .00%50.00%50.00%
Benefits S 304,354 0 152,177 152,177
Subtotal - Personnel Costs 973,047 0 486,524 486,524
Services & SuppliesCost
Office Supplies S 2,950 0 1,475 1,475
Postage S 4,670 0 2,335 2,335
Books & Publications S 200 0 100 100
OperatingSupplies S 500 0 250 250
MileageReimb S 1,412 0 706 706
Fuel S 4,549 0 2,275 2,275
Printing & Binding S 460 0 230 230
Repair/Main- Vehicles S 29,361 0 14,681 14,681
Memb & Dues S 1,250 0 625 625
Travel Conf & Mtgs S 6,210 0 3,105 3,105
Training S 2,950 0 1,475 1,475
ISF- Equip Replcmnt S 54,691 0 27,346 27,346
ISF- Veh Replcmnt S 31,730 0 15,865 15,865
ISF- IT S 191,285 0 95,643 95,643
Subtotal - Services & Supplies 332,218 0 166,109 166,109
DepartmentCost Total 1,305,265 0 652,633 652,633
Adjustments to Cost
Subtotal - Adjustments 0 0 0 0
Total Costs After Adjustments 1,305,265 0 652,633 652,633
General Admin Distribution 0 0 0
GrandTotal $1,305,265 $652,633 $652,633
MGT Consulting Group Page 140 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
B. IncomingCosts - (DefaultSpread Salary%)Dept:101001-3101 PW-Administration
Department First
PW Admin-
PW Admin-
1 CivicCenter $31,729 $0 $15,864 $15,864
Subtotal - BuildingDepreciation 31,729 015,86415,864
2 City Council- Personnel 9,9684,894 7,4317,431
2 City Council- Fiscal 2,8701,347 2,1082,108
2 Council Meetings 43,50120,289 31,89531,895
Subtotal - 1001-1101 City Council 56,34026,530 41,43541,435
3 City Mgmt-Personnel 33,6967,877 20,78720,787
3 City Mgmt-Fiscal 9,7012,099 5,9005,900
Subtotal - 1001-1201 City Manager 43,3979,976 26,68726,687
4 Clerk - Council Support 51,23921,771 36,50536,505
4 Clerk- Personnel 11,7423,852 7,7977,797
4 Clerk- Fiscal 3,3801,000 2,1902,190
4 Records Requests 2,4211,007 1,7141,714
Subtotal - 1001-1301 City Clerk 68,78327,631 48,20748,207
5 Recruitment 40,9978,881 24,93924,939
5 Trainings 10,9302,445 6,6886,688
5 Employee Safety 10,9302,445 6,6886,688
5 Gen'l HR Support 9,9452,225 6,0856,085
Subtotal - 1001-1401Human Resources 72,80315,997 44,40044,400
6 Claims 32,7361,202 16,96916,969
6 CivicCenterProp Ins 4,963 220 2,5912,591
Subtotal - 1001-1402Insurance 37,6981,422 19,56019,560
7 CitywideSupp-Fiscal 4,065 187 2,1262,126
7 CitywideSupp-Personnel 14,120 725 7,4227,422
Subtotal - 1001-1501 City Attorney 18,185 912 9,5499,549
8 A/P 3,109 435 1,7721,772
8 Payroll 5,065 734 2,8992,899
8 Procurement 1,669 228 948 948
MGT Consulting Group Page 141 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
B. IncomingCosts - (DefaultSpread Salary%)Dept:101001-3101 PW-Administration
Department First
PW Admin-
PW Admin-
8 Budgeting $7,359 $1,006 $4,183 $4,183
8 FinancialReporting 8,1611,116 4,6384,638
8 Revenue/Receipting-GF 1,185 165 675 675
Subtotal - 1001-1601Finance 26,5483,684 15,11615,116
9 CivicCenter 84,4262,638 43,53243,532
9 Corp Yard 58,1781,343 29,76029,760
Subtotal - 1001-1801 BuildingManagement 142,6053,981 73,29373,293
10PW Admin-Personnel 0 239,220 119,610 119,610
10PW Admin- Fiscal 0 76,844 38,42238,422
Subtotal - 1001-3101 PW-Administration 0 316,064 158,032 158,032
11 CitywideContracts 0 22,012 11,00611,006
Subtotal - 1001-1901NonDepartmental 0 22,012 11,00611,006
Total Incoming 498,087 428,209 463,148 463,148
C. Total Allocated $2,231,560 $1,115,780 $1,115,780
MGT Consulting Group Page 142 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
PW Admin-Personnel Allocations Dept:101001-3101 PW-Administration
Department UnitsAllocation
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 5.2026.53%$239,220 $0 $239,220 $0 $239,220
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 2.4012.24%110,409 0110,40935,684 146,093
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 3.1015.82%142,612 0142,61246,092 188,704
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 8.6544.13%397,933 0397,933 128,611 526,545
155 5301-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 0.10 0.51%4,600 0 4,6001,487 6,087
156 5302-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 0.10 0.51%4,600 0 4,6001,487 6,087
158 5321-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 0.05 0.26%2,300 0 2,300 743 3,044
Subtotal 19.60100.00%901,676 0901,676 214,104 1,115,780
DirectBills 0 0
Total $901,676 $1,115,780
Basis Units: Number of FTE's per programsupported by Public WorksAdmin
MGT Consulting Group Page 143 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
PW Admin- Fiscal Allocations Dept:101001-3101 PW-Administration
Department UnitsAllocation
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 1,305,265 8.52%$76,844 $0 $76,844 $0 $76,844
28 1001-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 10,000 0.07%589 0589 153 742
29 1001-2802 PW-Street Lighting 160,064 1.05%9,423 0 9,4232,446 11,869
30 1001-3201 PW-Street Maint 42,704 0.28%2,514 0 2,514 653 3,167
31 1001-3202 PW-Street Sweeping 159,926 1.04%9,415 0 9,4152,444 11,859
32 1001-3401 PW-Street Landscaping 1,657,44710.82%97,577 097,57725,328 122,906
33 1001-3402 PW-Street Tree Maint 215,050 1.40%12,660 012,6603,286 15,947
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 666,788 4.35%39,255 039,25510,190 49,445
39 1001-7501 PW-Park Maint 3,703,78324.18%218,049 0218,04956,600 274,649
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 302,205 1.97%17,791 017,7914,618 22,410
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 1,510,379 9.86%88,919 088,91923,081 112,000
63 1009-5201 PW- EnvirProgs 1,356 0.01%80 0 80 21101
65 1009-8301 PW- Engineering 2,207,67514.41%129,970 0129,97033,737 163,707
69 2106-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 194,093 1.27%11,427 011,4272,966 14,393
77 2201-3201 PW- Street Maint 519,897 3.39%30,607 030,6077,945 38,552
78 2201-8301 PW- Engineering 6,000 0.04%353 0353 92445
82 2205-3101 PW- Admin 17,961 0.12%1,057 0 1,057 274 1,332
86 2212-2801 PW- Traffic Signals 173,265 1.13%10,200 010,2002,648 12,848
91 2302-3201 PW-Street Maint 9,840 0.06%579 0579 150 730
92 2302-5201 PW- Enviro Progs 144,820 0.95%8,526 0 8,5262,213 10,739
94 2304-5201 PW- Enviro Progs 28,700 0.19%1,690 0 1,690 439 2,128
96 2323-3201 PW- Street Maint 5,000 0.03%294 0294 76371
97 2324-3201 PW- Street Maint 5,000 0.03%294 0294 76371
100 2701-2802 PW- Street Lighting 183,900 1.20%10,827 010,8272,810 13,637
101 2701-8301 PW- Engineering 11,468 0.07%675 0675 175 850
102 2702-3401 PW- StreetLands.82,280 0.54%4,844 0 4,8441,257 6,101
103 2702-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 2,500 0.02%147 0147 38185
104 2702-8301 PW- Engineering 4,641 0.03%273 0273 71344
105 2703-3401 PW- StreetLands.122,600 0.80%7,218 0 7,2181,874 9,091
106 2703-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 15,563 0.10%916 0916 238 1,154
107 2703-8301 PW- Engineering 5,591 0.04%329 0329 85415
108 2704-3401 PW- StreetLands.292,505 1.91%17,220 017,2204,470 21,690
109 2704-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 27,000 0.18%1,590 0 1,590 413 2,002
110 2704-8301 PW- Engineering 9,161 0.06%539 0539 140 679
111 2705-2802 PW- Street Lighting 185,061 1.21%10,895 010,8952,828 13,723
112 2705-8301 PW- Engineering 9,151 0.06%539 0539 140 679
155 5301-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 728,266 4.75%42,874 042,87411,129 54,004
156 5302-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 535,616 3.50%31,533 031,5338,185 39,718
158 5321-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 53,354 0.35%3,141 0 3,141 815 3,956
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
PW Admin- Fiscal Allocations Dept:101001-3101 PW-Administration
Department UnitsAllocation
Subtotal 15,315,875100.00%901,676 0901,676 214,104 1,115,780
DirectBills 0 0
Total $901,676 $1,115,780
Basis Units: Total OperatingBudget perPW supported program (excl capital, debt and transfers)
MGT Consulting Group Page 145 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:101001-3101 PW-Administration
Department PW Admin-
PW Admin-
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration $239,220 $76,844 $316,064
28 1001-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 0 742 742
29 1001-2802 PW-Street Lighting 0 11,869 11,869
30 1001-3201 PW-Street Maint 0 3,167 3,167
31 1001-3202 PW-Street Sweeping 0 11,859 11,859
32 1001-3401 PW-Street Landscaping 0 122,906 122,906
33 1001-3402 PW-Street Tree Maint 0 15,947 15,947
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 146,09349,445 195,538
39 1001-7501 PW-Park Maint 0 274,649 274,649
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 188,70422,410 211,113
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 526,545 112,000 638,545
63 1009-5201 PW- EnvirProgs 0 101 101
65 1009-8301 PW- Engineering 0 163,707 163,707
69 2106-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 0 14,393 14,393
77 2201-3201 PW- Street Maint 0 38,552 38,552
78 2201-8301 PW- Engineering 0 445 445
82 2205-3101 PW- Admin 0 1,332 1,332
86 2212-2801 PW- Traffic Signals 0 12,848 12,848
91 2302-3201 PW-Street Maint 0 730 730
92 2302-5201 PW- Enviro Progs 0 10,739 10,739
94 2304-5201 PW- Enviro Progs 0 2,128 2,128
96 2323-3201 PW- Street Maint 0 371 371
97 2324-3201 PW- Street Maint 0 371 371
100 2701-2802 PW- Street Lighting 0 13,637 13,637
101 2701-8301 PW- Engineering 0 850 850
102 2702-3401 PW- StreetLands.0 6,101 6,101
103 2702-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 0 185 185
104 2702-8301 PW- Engineering 0 344 344
105 2703-3401 PW- StreetLands.0 9,091 9,091
106 2703-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 0 1,154 1,154
107 2703-8301 PW- Engineering 0 415 415
108 2704-3401 PW- StreetLands.0 21,690 21,690
109 2704-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 0 2,002 2,002
110 2704-8301 PW- Engineering 0 679 679
111 2705-2802 PW- Street Lighting 0 13,723 13,723
112 2705-8301 PW- Engineering 0 679 679
155 5301-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 6,08754,004 60,091
156 5302-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 6,08739,718 45,805
158 5321-3901 PW- Geo Haz Abate. Dist 3,0443,956 7,000
MGT Consulting Group Page 146 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:101001-3101 PW-Administration
Department PW Admin-
PW Admin-
Total $1,115,780 $1,115,780 $2,231,560
1001-1901Non Departmental
Natureand Extentof Services
There arevarious costs withintheNon-DepartmentalDivision that areeither for citywideuse or theyare department
Non Departmentalcosts are distributed by the following functions:
CitywideContracts - Costshave been allocatedbased on Total OperatingBudget per program (excl capital, debt
and transfers).
Unallowed - Costs for thisfunctionare not allocatedout.
MGT Consulting Group Page 147 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
1001-1901Non Departmental
Natureand Extentof Services
There arevarious costs withintheNon-DepartmentalDivision that areeither for citywideuse or theyare department
Non Departmentalcosts are distributed by the following functions:
CitywideContracts - Costshave been allocatedbased on Total OperatingBudget per program (excl capital, debt
and transfers).
Unallowed - Costs for thisfunctionare not allocatedout.
MGT Consulting Group Page 148 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
A. DepartmentCosts Dept:11 1001-1901 NonDepartmental
Description AmountGeneral
Personnel Costs
Salaries S 0 0 0 0
Salary % Split .00%.00%.00%
Benefits P 1,060,000 0 1,060,000 0
Subtotal - Personnel Costs 1,060,000 0 1,060,000 0
Services & SuppliesCost
ISF-Supplies Copiers/Fax P 20,000 0 20,000 0
CS- AlamedaProp Tax Admin P 300,000 0 300,000 0
CS- Bank Fee P 30,000 0 30,000 0
CS- PARS Admin Fee P 7,140 0 7,140 0
CS- FSA Admin Fee P 6,000 0 6,000 0
CS- PERS Admin Fee P 7,200 0 7,200 0
Prof Svcs- Lew Edwards P 200,000 0 0200,000
Budgeted Contingency P 210,000 0 0210,000
Transfers Out D 857,557 0 0 0
Subtotal - Services & Supplies 1,637,897 0 370,340 410,000
DepartmentCost Total 2,697,897 0 1,430,340 410,000
Adjustments to Cost
Transfers Out D (857,557)0 0 0
Subtotal - Adjustments (857,557)0 0 0
Total Costs After Adjustments 1,840,340 0 1,430,340 410,000
GeneralAdmin Distribution 0 0 0
Grand Total $1,840,340 $1,430,340 $410,000
not allocated
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
B. IncomingCosts - (DefaultSpreadExpense%)Dept:11 1001-1901 NonDepartmental
Department First
2 City Council- Fiscal $3,585 $1,682 $4,094 $1,173
Subtotal - 1001-1101 City Council 3,5851,682 4,0941,173
3 City Mgmt-Fiscal 12,1172,622 11,4553,284
Subtotal - 1001-1201 City Manager 12,1172,622 11,4553,284
4 Clerk- Fiscal 4,2221,249 4,2521,219
Subtotal - 1001-1301 City Clerk 4,2221,249 4,2521,219
7 CitywideSupp-Fiscal 5,077 234 4,1281,183
Subtotal - 1001-1501 City Attorney 5,077 234 4,1281,183
8 A/P 2,299 321 2,036 584
8 Procurement 3,338 456 2,948 845
8 Budgeting 9,1921,257 8,1212,328
8 FinancialReporting 10,1931,394 9,0062,581
8 Revenue/Receipting-GF 1,481 206 1,311 376
Subtotal - 1001-1601Finance 26,5023,634 23,4226,714
11 CitywideContracts 0 27,494 21,3696,125
Subtotal - 1001-1901NonDepartmental 0 27,494 21,3696,125
Total Incoming 51,50336,915 68,72019,698
C. Total Allocated $1,928,758 $1,499,060 $429,698
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Citywide Contracts Allocations Dept:11 1001-1901 NonDepartmental
Department UnitsAllocation
2 1001-1101City Council 544,595 0.62%$9,184 $0 $9,184 $0 $9,184
3 1001-1201CityManager 1,240,780 1.42%20,925 020,925 020,925
4 1001-1301CityClerk 632,609 0.73%10,668 010,668 010,668
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 740,693 0.85%12,491 012,491 012,491
6 1001-1402Insurance 517,450 0.59%8,726 0 8,726 0 8,726
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 735,000 0.84%12,395 012,395 012,395
8 1001-1601 Finance 1,772,162 2.03%29,886 029,886 029,886
9 1001-1801 Building Management 1,381,374 1.58%23,296 023,296 023,296
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 1,305,265 1.50%22,012 022,012 022,012
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 1,630,340 1.87%27,494 027,494 027,494
12 1001-1302 Elections 3,120 0.00%53 0 53 1 54
13 1001-1802 Public Safety Complex 93,847 0.11%1,583 0 1,583 35 1,618
14 1001-2101PD- Admin/Support Svcs 2,794,028 3.20%47,119 047,1191,045 48,164
15 1001-2102PD-Patrol 9,071,12310.40%152,976 0152,9763,394 156,370
16 1001-2103PD-Traffic 1,131,732 1.30%19,086 019,086 423 19,509
17 1001-2104PD-Investigations 2,378,341 2.73%40,108 040,108 890 40,998
18 1001-2105PD-CrimePrev/School Res Svcs1,694,440 1.94%28,575 028,575 634 29,209
19 1001-2106PD-Comm./Dispatch 1,196,434 1.37%20,177 020,177 448 20,624
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 2,041,982 2.34%34,436 034,436 764 35,200
21 1001-2401 FD-Operation 12,476,21114.31%210,399 0210,3994,668 215,067
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 414,694 0.48%6,993 0 6,993 155 7,149
23 1001-2405 FD-Dougherty RegFire Auth176,000 0.20%2,968 0 2,968 66 3,034
24 1001-2411 FD-FireStation Maint 230,376 0.26%3,885 0 3,885 86 3,971
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.137,366 0.16%2,317 0 2,317 51 2,368
26 1001-2601Non-Dept-Crossing Guards 147,729 0.17%2,491 0 2,491 55 2,547
27 1001-2701Non-Dept-Animal Control 330,521 0.38%5,574 0 5,574 124 5,698
28 1001-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 10,000 0.01%169 0169 4172
29 1001-2802 PW-Street Lighting 160,064 0.18%2,699 0 2,699 60 2,759
30 1001-3201 PW-Street Maint 42,704 0.05%720 0720 16736
31 1001-3202 PW-Street Sweeping 159,926 0.18%2,697 0 2,697 60 2,757
32 1001-3401 PW-StreetLandscaping 1,657,447 1.90%27,951 027,951 620 28,571
33 1001-3402 PW-Street Tree Maint 215,050 0.25%3,627 0 3,627 80 3,707
34 1001-5101 Non-Dept-WasteMgmt 71,770 0.08%1,210 0 1,210 27 1,237
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 666,788 0.76%11,245 011,245 249 11,494
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs252,909 0.29%4,265 0 4,265 95 4,360
37 1001-7101 Non-Dept-Comm TV 123,650 0.14%2,085 0 2,085 46 2,131
38 1001-7301 Pks & CS- Library Svcs946,071 1.09%15,955 015,955 354 16,309
39 1001-7501 PW-Park Maint 3,703,783 4.25%62,461 062,4611,386 63,846
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 209,150 0.24%3,527 0 3,527 78 3,605
41 1001-7602 Pks & CS- Dublin Cemetery 7,321 0.01%123 0123 3126
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 226,217 0.26%3,815 0 3,815 85 3,900
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities 393,834 0.45%6,642 0 6,642 147 6,789
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Citywide Contracts Allocations Dept:11 1001-1901 NonDepartmental
Department UnitsAllocation
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.698,182 0.80%$11,774 $0 $11,774 $261 $12,035
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals1,221,401 1.40%20,598 020,598 457 21,055
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 1,821,447 2.09%30,717 030,717 681 31,398
47 1001-7711 Pks & CS- FamilyProgs 544,244 0.62%9,178 0 9,178 204 9,382
48 1001-7721 Pks & CS- Recr Activities 309,285 0.35%5,216 0 5,216 116 5,332
49 1001-7731 Pks & CS- PreschoolProgs 249,413 0.29%4,206 0 4,206 93 4,299
50 1001-7751 Pks & CS- Senior Progs 443,728 0.51%7,483 0 7,483 166 7,649
51 1001-7761 Pks & CS- SportsProgs 718,889 0.82%12,123 012,123 269 12,392
53 1001-7772 Pks & CS- EGRAC 2,877,750 3.30%48,531 048,5311,077 49,607
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 302,205 0.35%5,096 0 5,096 113 5,209
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 1,900,337 2.18%32,047 032,047 711 32,758
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 3,578,841 4.10%60,354 060,3541,339 61,693
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 1,510,379 1.73%25,471 025,471 565 26,036
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 657,637 0.75%11,090 011,090 246 11,336
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 310,759 0.36%5,241 0 5,241 116 5,357
62 1009-1501CityAttorney 161,180 0.18%2,718 0 2,718 60 2,778
63 1009-5201 PW- EnvirProgs 1,356 0.00%23 0 23 1 23
64 1009-8101 CD- Planning 678,203 0.78%11,437 011,437 254 11,691
65 1009-8301 PW- Engineering 2,207,675 2.53%37,230 037,230 826 38,056
66 2101-2111PD- OpersSupport 3,980 0.00%67 0 67 1 69
67 2102-2111PD- OpersSupport 822 0.00%14 0 14 0 14
68 2103-2102PD- Patrol 100,000 0.11%1,686 0 1,686 37 1,724
69 2106-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 194,093 0.22%3,273 0 3,273 73 3,346
72 2109-2401Fire- Operation 329,268 0.38%5,553 0 5,553 123 5,676
73 2109-2402Fire- Prevention 6,500 0.01%110 0110 2112
74 2111-2111PD- OpersSupport 2,500 0.00%42 0 42 1 43
77 2201-3201 PW- Street Maint 519,897 0.60%8,768 0 8,768 195 8,962
78 2201-8301 PW- Engineering 6,000 0.01%101 0101 2103
82 2205-3101 PW- Admin 17,961 0.02%303 0303 7310
86 2212-2801 PW- Traffic Signals 173,265 0.20%2,922 0 2,922 65 2,987
91 2302-3201 PW-StreetMaint 9,840 0.01%166 0166 4170
92 2302-5201 PW- EnviroProgs 144,820 0.17%2,442 0 2,442 54 2,496
93 2303-5101 Non-Dept- WasteMgmt 4,074,612 4.67%68,714 068,7141,524 70,239
94 2304-5201 PW- EnviroProgs 28,700 0.03%484 0484 11495
96 2323-3201 PW- StreetMaint 5,000 0.01%84 0 84 2 86
97 2324-3201 PW- StreetMaint 5,000 0.01%84 0 84 2 86
100 2701-2802 PW- Street Lighting 183,900 0.21%3,101 0 3,101 69 3,170
101 2701-8301 PW- Engineering 11,468 0.01%193 0193 4198
102 2702-3401 PW- StreetLands.82,280 0.09%1,388 0 1,388 31 1,418
103 2702-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 2,500 0.00%42 0 42 1 43
104 2702-8301 PW- Engineering 4,641 0.01%78 0 78 2 80
105 2703-3401 PW- StreetLands.122,600 0.14%2,068 0 2,068 46 2,113
MGT Consulting Group Page 152 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Citywide Contracts Allocations Dept:11 1001-1901 NonDepartmental
Department UnitsAllocation
106 2703-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 15,563 0.02%$262 $0 $262 $6 $268
107 2703-8301 PW- Engineering 5,591 0.01%94 0 94 2 96
108 2704-3401 PW- StreetLands.292,505 0.34%4,933 0 4,933 109 5,042
109 2704-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 27,000 0.03%455 0455 10465
110 2704-8301 PW- Engineering 9,161 0.01%154 0154 3158
111 2705-2802 PW- Street Lighting 185,061 0.21%3,121 0 3,121 69 3,190
112 2705-8301 PW- Engineering 9,151 0.01%154 0154 3158
114 2801-7621 Pks & CS- Cult. Activities 157,645 0.18%2,659 0 2,659 59 2,718
116 2811-7101Non-Dept- Comm TV 35,338 0.04%596 0596 13609
117 2901-1501CityAttorney 60,000 0.07%1,012 0 1,012 22 1,034
119 2901-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 8,000 0.01%135 0135 3138
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 429,345 0.49%7,240 0 7,240 161 7,401
122 2903-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs82,202 0.09%1,386 0 1,386 31 1,417
153 5171-1901Non-Departmental 807,020 0.93%13,610 013,610 302 13,912
155 5301-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 728,266 0.84%12,282 012,282 272 12,554
156 5302-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 535,616 0.61%9,033 0 9,033 200 9,233
158 5321-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 53,354 0.06%900 0900 20920
161 6305-1905Non-Departmental ISF 2,000 0.00%34 0 34 1 34
162 6605-1602 Admin Svcs- Info Systems 1,423,987 1.63%24,014 024,014 533 24,547
163 6901-1905Non-Departmental ISF 2,435,307 2.79%41,069 041,069 911 41,980
Subtotal 87,189,566100.00%1,470,369 0 1,470,36928,691 1,499,060
DirectBills 0 0
Total $1,470,369 $1,499,060
Basis Units: Total OperatingBudget per program (excl capital, debt and transfers)
MGT Consulting Group Page 153 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:11 1001-1901 NonDepartmental
Department Citywide
Unallowed Total
2 1001-1101City Council $9,184 $0 $9,184
3 1001-1201CityManager 20,925 020,925
4 1001-1301CityClerk 10,668 010,668
5 1001-1401 Human Resources 12,491 012,491
6 1001-1402Insurance 8,726 0 8,726
7 1001-1501CityAttorney 12,395 012,395
8 1001-1601 Finance 29,886 029,886
9 1001-1801 Building Management 23,296 023,296
10 1001-3101 PW-Administration 22,012 022,012
11 1001-1901Non Departmental 27,494 027,494
12 1001-1302 Elections 54 0 54
13 1001-1802 Public Safety Complex 1,618 0 1,618
14 1001-2101PD- Admin/Support Svcs48,164 048,164
15 1001-2102PD-Patrol 156,370 0156,370
16 1001-2103PD-Traffic 19,509 019,509
17 1001-2104PD-Investigations 40,998 040,998
18 1001-2105PD-CrimePrev/School Res Svcs29,209 029,209
19 1001-2106PD-Comm./Dispatch 20,624 020,624
20 1001-2111PD-Oper Support 35,200 035,200
21 1001-2401 FD-Operation 215,067 0215,067
22 1001-2402 FD-Prevention 7,149 0 7,149
23 1001-2405 FD-Dougherty RegFire Auth 3,034 0 3,034
24 1001-2411 FD-FireStation Maint 3,971 0 3,971
25 1001-2501Non-Dept-DisasterPrep.2,368 0 2,368
26 1001-2601Non-Dept-Crossing Guards 2,547 0 2,547
27 1001-2701Non-Dept-Animal Control 5,698 0 5,698
28 1001-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 172 0172
29 1001-2802 PW-Street Lighting 2,759 0 2,759
30 1001-3201 PW-Street Maint 736 0736
31 1001-3202 PW-Street Sweeping 2,757 0 2,757
32 1001-3401 PW-StreetLandscaping 28,571 028,571
33 1001-3402 PW-Street Tree Maint 3,707 0 3,707
34 1001-5101 Non-Dept-WasteMgmt 1,237 0 1,237
35 1001-5201 PW-EnvironProgs 11,494 011,494
36 1001-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 4,360 0 4,360
37 1001-7101 Non-Dept-Comm TV 2,131 0 2,131
38 1001-7301 Pks & CS- Library Svcs 16,309 016,309
39 1001-7501 PW-Park Maint 63,846 063,846
40 1001-7601 Pks & CS- Hist. Fac Opers 3,605 0 3,605
41 1001-7602 Pks & CS- Dublin Cemetery 126 0126
42 1001-7611 Pks & CS- HeritageCtrProgs 3,900 0 3,900
MGT Consulting Group Page 154 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:11 1001-1901 NonDepartmental
Department Citywide
Unallowed Total
43 1001-7621 Pks & CS- CulturalActivities $6,789 $0 $6,789
44 1001-7631 Pks & CS- CommEvents & Fest.12,035 012,035
45 1001-7701 Pks & CS- Facility Ops & Rentals 21,055 021,055
46 1001-7702 Pks & CS- Admin 31,398 031,398
47 1001-7711 Pks & CS- FamilyProgs 9,382 0 9,382
48 1001-7721 Pks & CS- Recr Activities 5,332 0 5,332
49 1001-7731 Pks & CS- PreschoolProgs 4,299 0 4,299
50 1001-7751 Pks & CS- Senior Progs 7,649 0 7,649
51 1001-7761 Pks & CS- SportsProgs 12,392 012,392
53 1001-7772 Pks & CS- EGRAC 49,607 049,607
54 1001-7901 PW- Pks/FacDevelopment 5,209 0 5,209
55 1001-8101 CD- Planning 32,758 032,758
56 1001-8102 CD- Bldg & Safety 61,693 061,693
57 1001-8301 PW- Engineering 26,036 026,036
58 1001-8401ED- Econ Development 11,336 011,336
59 1001-8405ED- Public Info 5,357 0 5,357
62 1009-1501CityAttorney 2,778 0 2,778
63 1009-5201 PW- EnvirProgs 23 0 23
64 1009-8101 CD- Planning 11,691 011,691
65 1009-8301 PW- Engineering 38,056 038,056
66 2101-2111PD- OpersSupport 69 0 69
67 2102-2111PD- OpersSupport 14 0 14
68 2103-2102PD- Patrol 1,724 0 1,724
69 2106-2801 PW-Traffic Signals 3,346 0 3,346
72 2109-2401Fire- Operation 5,676 0 5,676
73 2109-2402Fire- Prevention 112 0112
74 2111-2111PD- OpersSupport 43 0 43
77 2201-3201 PW- Street Maint 8,962 0 8,962
78 2201-8301 PW- Engineering 103 0103
82 2205-3101 PW- Admin 310 0310
86 2212-2801 PW- TrafficSignals 2,987 0 2,987
91 2302-3201 PW-StreetMaint 170 0170
92 2302-5201 PW- EnviroProgs 2,496 0 2,496
93 2303-5101 Non-Dept- WasteMgmt 70,239 070,239
94 2304-5201 PW- EnviroProgs 495 0495
96 2323-3201 PW- StreetMaint 86 0 86
97 2324-3201 PW- StreetMaint 86 0 86
100 2701-2802 PW- Street Lighting 3,170 0 3,170
101 2701-8301 PW- Engineering 198 0198
102 2702-3401 PW- StreetLands.1,418 0 1,418
103 2702-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 43 0 43
MGT Consulting Group Page 155 of 156
Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
City of Dublin, CA
Full Cost Allocation Plan
Allocation Summary Dept:11 1001-1901 NonDepartmental
Department Citywide
Unallowed Total
104 2702-8301 PW- Engineering $80 $0 $80
105 2703-3401 PW- StreetLands.2,113 0 2,113
106 2703-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 268 0268
107 2703-8301 PW- Engineering 96 0 96
108 2704-3401 PW- StreetLands.5,042 0 5,042
109 2704-3402 PW- Street Tree Maint 465 0465
110 2704-8301 PW- Engineering 158 0158
111 2705-2802 PW- Street Lighting 3,190 0 3,190
112 2705-8301 PW- Engineering 158 0158
114 2801-7621 Pks & CS- Cult. Activities 2,718 0 2,718
116 2811-7101Non-Dept- Comm TV 609 0609
117 2901-1501CityAttorney 1,034 0 1,034
119 2901-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 138 0138
120 2901-5701 CD- HsgProgs 7,401 0 7,401
122 2903-5501 Pks & CS- Human Svcs 1,417 0 1,417
153 5171-1901Non-Departmental 13,912 013,912
155 5301-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 12,554 012,554
156 5302-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 9,233 0 9,233
158 5321-3901 PW- GeoHaz Abate. Dist 920 0920
161 6305-1905Non-Departmental ISF 34 0 34
162 6605-1602 Admin Svcs- Info Systems 24,547 024,547
163 6901-1905Non-Departmental ISF 41,980 041,980
Total $1,499,060 $0 $1,499,060
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Attachment #2ATTACHMENT 1
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DATE: May 21, 2018
TO: Honorable Chair and Commissioners
Colleen Tribby, Interim Parks & Community Services Director
Master Fee Schedule for Parks and Community Services Department
Programs and Services
Prepared by: Rhonda Franklin, Management Analyst,and Lisa McPherson,
Recreation Manager
The Commission will receive a report on the Master Fee Schedule update for Fiscal
Year 2018-19 for the Parks and Community Services Department. The proposed fees
support the implementation and quality of services, while lessening the cost impact on
the General Fund.
Receive the Report.
The Parks and Community Services Department’s Fiscal Year 2018-19 expenditure
budget totals $9,330,603, with revenues budgeted at $5,769,202. This targets a cost
recovery rate of 62% department-wide.
The Parks and Community Services Department (PCS) offers a multitude of facility
space for rental use, as well as programs and activities in the areas of aquatics, sports,
youth, and senior programs to support the Dublin community’s quality of life. PCS,
which is primarily supported by the General Fund, partially offsets the costs of these
activities largely through user fees.
On an annual basis, Staff undertakes a review of current expenditures and revenues of
the various Department programs to assess whether fee adjustments are needed in
order to maintain service levels. Based on these findings and a market survey of
comparable programs and activities in the local area, fee proposals are adjusted
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The PCS Master Fee Schedule (Attachment 1) provides a list of Department fees and
the proposed fee adjustments, subject to the guideline provided in the Pricing Policy for
PCS Programs, Facilities, and Field Use. Fees are primarily adjusted to keep up with
direct costs of the program, to maintain a high level of service for the program (staffing,
supplies, facilities, etc.), and to provide regular maintenance and improvements
services where needed. Below is a summary of the proposed adjustments :
Facility Rentals, Preschool, Senior Center, and Sports
• Afterschool care, full-day camps and preschool services increased by a range of
10% to 15%, with the exception of half-day camps (such as Camp Sunrise),
which increased 40%, to cover actual staffing and supply costs. A market survey
showed that comparable camps and activities in the area that have the same
hours/days per week and the same types of activities have fees that are
significantly higher than Dublin’s. With this increase, Dublin continues to remain
at the low end of the scale, providing an affordable camp option.
• No adjustments are being proposed to fees for Senior Center and Sports
• No changes are being proposed to facility rental fees at this time. Staff will bring
a report to the City Council at a future meeting discussing this topic. Staff will
include an option for rental of the bocce cour ts at Emerald Glen Park and Fallon
Sports Park.
• The majority of picnic rental fees were established in 2010 and have remained
unchanged since then. The proposed fee schedule reflects a 20% increase
across the board (which translates to an increase from $1.25 per seat to $1.50
per seat for resident pricing), which is still lower than rental fees in comparable
cities. This increase is to keep up with staffing and maintenance costs of existing
sites. Staff is also including fees for new picnic rental locations at Alamo Creek
Park, Heritage Park and Shannon Park. In the coming year, Staff will be looking
at rental options for the new Fallon Sports Park picnic area.
The Wave at Emerald Glen Park
Fees for The Wave at Emerald Glen Park remain largely unchange d with the exception
of a new Resident Pass, an enhanced birthday party package, and a 33 percent
increase in Cabana rentals. These fees were considered and approved by the City
Council at the April 17, 2018 meeting in order for Staff to begin advertising and
promoting these fees in April, as the facility opens for the summer season in May. The
City Council approved fee adjustments are included in Attachment 1.
In addition to fees listed above, a new Land and Sea Camp at The Wave was added in
the current Fiscal Year with both half- and full-day options.
Heritage and Cultural Arts
A half-day option for Camp Dublin (Heritage Park) has been added as a result of
customer feedback.
Fees for casket burials were adjusted upwards, as the previous fees were
far below actual costs.
The City Council will consider the Citywide Master Fee Schedule, which includes PCS
fees, at the June 19, 2018 City Council meeting.
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1. Proposed PCS Fiscal Year 2018-19 Master Fee Schedule
2. Pricing Policy for Parks and Community Services Programs, Facilities, and Field Use
* * * * * * * * * * *
WHEREAS, the City Dublin seeks to efficiently manage limited resources and in order
to respond to increased service demands, it needs a variety of tools. These tools provide
assurance that the City has the best information and the best resources available to make
sound decisions, fairly and legitimately set fees, maintain compliance with st ate law and local
policies, and meet the needs of its constituency; and
WHEREAS, California local governments may charge fees for a number of services
that they provide, including for processing applications for development of real property.
These fee amounts may not exceed a reasonable estimate of the cost of providing the
services. Fees in California are required to conform to the statutory requirements of the
California Constitution, particularly provisions added by Proposition 218 and 26, and the
California Code; and
WHEREAS the City retained the services of MGT Consulting Group (“MGT”) to assist
with a comprehensive update of the fees-for-service for administrative services, fire, police,
building, planning, housing and public works: engineering and environmental services.
Working with City staff, MGT calculated the full cost associated with providing those services,
which includes both indirect and direct costs of labor and materials; and
WHEREAS, once the costs of providing services had been determined, City staff and
MGT were able to update fees to reflect the total recoverable amount that reflects the
estimated reasonable cost of providing each service. The methodology for developing all fees
is provided in a Cost Recovery Study, dated May 2018 (the “Report”). The Report is on file
with the City Clerk. The proposed fees are set forth in Exhibit A to this Resolution; and
WHEREAS, fees and charges for recreation programs set forth in Exhibit A were
reviewed by the Parks and Community Services Commission on May 21, 2018, prior to being
presented to the City Council for consideration; and
WHEREAS, a public hearing has been noticed and held in accordance with
Government Code Sections 6062a, 66016, 66017 and 66018. At least 10 days prior to the
public hearing, the City made available to the public data indicating the estimated cost
required to the services for which the fees are charged and the revenue sources anticipated
to provide the service; and
WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) does not apply to the
amendment of these fees, pursuant to Sections 15061 and 15273 of the State CEQA
Guidelines because the fees will be collected for the purposes of meeting operational
expenses and maintaining service to those that re quest it. W hile development fees will be
collected at the application stage of the project, CEQA review will take place during the
processing of the project. Therefore, it can be seen with certainty that the adoption of this
Resolution establishing processing fees will not have a significant effect on the environment.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin
adopts the Master Fee Schedule attached as Exhibit A.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that fees identified as Non-Development fees in said
Master Fee Schedule, shall be effective beginning July 1, 2018. Fees identified as
Development fees and fees requiring a change in the City Ordinance in said Master Fee
Schedule shall be effective September 1, 2018. For those items billed as “time and
materials,” the fees and overhead rates shown in Exhibit A shall be applicable to services
provided beginning September 1, 2018.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon adoption of this Resolution it shall supersede
fees identified in the following Resolutions previously adopted by the City Council:
Resolution 200-12 (Amending the City of Dublin Master Fee Schedule for Services Provided
by the City to include a Tobacco Retailer License Fee); Resolution 167 – 13 (Amending
Resolution 49-06 to Revise the Adopted Fee Schedule and Add a Fee for a Day Care Center
Zoning Clearance and remove the Current Fee for a Day Care Center Conditional Use
Permit); Resolution 123 – 16 (Amending the City of Dublin Master Fee Schedule by Modifying
the Electric Vehicle Charging Station Fee); and Resolution 75-17 (Adopting an Update to the
Master Fee Schedule for Services Provided by the City).
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that except as otherwise designed in Exhibit A, the
fees therein shall be automatically adjusted annually using the adjustment methodology in
Resolution No. 160-12 Establishing a User Fee Cost Recovery Policy adopted by the City
Council on September 4, 2012.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 2018, by the following
City Clerk
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 1 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
Section 1.0: General & Administrative
120 Photocopies – (first page or 1-page document) Reproduction of documents / cost for first page $1.00* $0.50* 121 Photocopies – (each additional page ) Reproduction of documents / cost per page after first page $0.10* $0.10*
Mailing of photocopies
Documents where a physical copy is requested to be mailed / per mailing
Actual Postage
Actual Postage
Retrieval of public documents
(Info Only - Established by State Law) Costs incurred for locating or
collecting records / staff time
No Charge – Is included in
per page cost
No Charge – Is included in
per page cost
Copies of Political Reform Act 1974 Documents (Ca Govt Code 81008)
(Info Only - Established by State Law), any related documents / per page
Political Reform Act Retrieval (Ca Govt Code 81008)
(Info Only - Established by State Law) - retrieval of documents over 5 years
old / per request includes multiple documents requested at the same time
Bound documents, reports including Budget; CAFR; etc.
General documents which shall not exceed the combined cost if the per page
rate in #120 is used / per document
Not to exceed actual cost –
As determined by City
Manager or designee
Not to exceed actual cost –
As determined by City
Manager or designee
Special Copies:
Construction project plans and specifications; maps; may include oversized
pages / per document
Not to exceed actual cost –
As determined by City
Manager or designee
Not to exceed actual cost –
As determined by City
Manager or designee
· Plans and Specifications For Construction
· Maps
· Aerial Photographs
General Overhead Unless defined elsewhere General City Overhead to be used for developing
equivalent fees and charges / applied to actual costs
Equivalent Fees and Charges
Fees for services or costs not explicitly listed in any section in the Master Fee
Schedule / Case by case basis, may include: staff costs; contractor /
consultant costs; reimbursable expenses; general overhead.
As determined by City
Manager or designee based
on actual costs and rates
plus general overhead
As determined by City
Manager or designee based
on actual costs and rates
plus general overhead
Electric Vehicle Charging Station Fee
Per kilowatt Hour fee (kWh) to help recover the cost of electricity to the City
28 cents per kWh while
plugged in to City-owned EV
charging stations
28 cents per kWh while
plugged in to City-owned
EV charging stations
Section 1.1: Finance / Business License
First Returned Check Fee (Ca. Civil Code 1719 (a)(1)
(Info Only - Established by State Law) Payments received via check when
the payment is declined is declined by the bank / per check
Set by State Law**
Set by State Law**
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 2 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
Subsequent Returned Check Fee (Ca. Civil Code 1719 (a)(1) (Info Only - Established by State Law) Payments received via check when
the payment is declined is declined by the bank / per check after first
Set By State Law**
Set By State Law**
162 Annual Business Registration (License) Dublin Municipal Code Chapter
(Info Only - Established by City Ord/Code) Annual Business License / per
Prorated Annual Business Registration (License) Dublin Municipal Code
Chapter 4.04.260
Remove - No longer Prorating Fee (Info Only- Established by City Ord/Code)
Code provides for less than a full calendar year, registration fee shall be
prorated on a monthly basis / varies based on months remaining
Per Code**
Per Code**
164 New Business Registration (License) New registration fee New New $89.00
Itinerant Business Registration (License) Dublin Municipal Code Chapter
(Info Only - Established by City Ord/Code) Daily to a maximum of 5 days /
per day
$10.00/ day – Max. $50.00
per year**
$10.00/ day – Max. $50.00
per year**
$37.00/day - Max.
$185 per year
166 Temporary Business Registration (License) Dublin Municipal Code
Chapter 4.04.250(C)
(Info Only - Established by City Ord/Code) Temporary places of sale / daily
$10.00/ day**
$10.00/ day**
167 Master Business Registration (License) Dublin Municipal Code Chapter
(Info Only - Established by City Ord/Code) Master license for organizer / per
permitted event
Business License Transfer Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 4.04.280 (Info Only - Established by City Ord/Code) Transfer is substantially similar to
the ownership existing before the transfer / per transfer
Duplicate Business License Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 4.04.290 (Info Only - Established by City Ord/Code) Replace any license previously
issued license
170 Delinquent Business License Processing Fee New New 22.00*
Contract Retention Escrow Fee Contractors may elect to have retention amounts paid to a third party
escrow / per payment
Section 1.2: Administrative Fees - Impact Fee Credit Agreement Administration
401 Original agreement to establish a Park Land Credit Remove - Original/Transfer Agreements combined $621.00 Remove 402 Transfer agreement For Park Land Credits Remove - Original/Transfer Agreements combined $253.00 Remove 403 Original agreement to establish a Traffic Impact Fee Credit Remove - Original/Transfer Agreements combined $811.00 Remove 404 Transfer agreement For Traffic Impact Fee Credits Remove - Original/Transfer Agreements combined $462.00 Remove 405 Original Agreement to establish a Fire Impact Fee Credit Remove - Original/Transfer Agreements combined $811.00 Remove 406 Transfer agreement for Fire Impact Fee Credits Remove - Original/Transfer Agreements combined $462.00 Remove 407 Original Agreement to establish Affordable Unit Credit Remove - Original/Transfer Agreements combined $621.00 Remove
Impact Fee Credit Statement
Per statement - Developers who request statements for credit balance
409 Original/Transfer agreement to establish a Park Land/Affordable Unit
Impact Fee Credit
New flat fee
410 Original/Transfer agreement to establish a Traffic Impact or Park
Improvement Impact Fee Credit
New flat fee
Original/Transfer agreement to establish a Fire Impact Fee Credit
New flat fee
412 Impact Fee Credit Application Processing Fee New - per invoice New $130.00 413 Impact Fee Credit Invoice Change Fee New flat fee New $162.00
Section 2.0: Police Services- General (Fingerprints / Records / Vehicles/ Development)
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 3 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
Livescan (Fingerprints) Fingerprinting / per application - Outside Agency /DOJ Fees charged
Fingerprint Card
Card / non-electronic prints - Outside Agency/DOJ Fees charged seperately
203 Police Report / Inspection Verification Authorized release of a copy of a Police Report / per report $5.00 Flat* $24.00
204 Records Subpoena (Subpoena Duces Tecum) Ca. Govt Code 6254(f) (1)
and (2)
(Info Only - Established by State Law) Response to subpoena / Max hourly
rate $24 per hour
205 Records subpoena: photos saved to CD Duplication of photo records / per CD $69.00 $67.00 206 Visa Letter Preparation of a Visa letter requested for foreign travel / per letter $56.00 $65.00
Child Safety Seat Inspection (Non-Resident)
Remove - No longer provide service
208 Fix-It Ticket Sign-Off Sign-off on ticket not issued by Dublin Police Services / per citation $10.00* $41.00
Repossessed Vehicle Release - Ca. Govt Code 41612 (Info Only - Established by State Law) -Process and provide release
document / per release
210 Towed / Stored Vehicle Release Provide release documentation for towed and/or stored vehicle / per vehicle $153.00 $107.00
Section 2.1: Police Services- Permits
220 Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) – One Day Permit Issuance of documents required for an application to ABC / per application
(Police Chief may waive for Dublin-based non-profit) $167.00 $79.00
221 Bingo Permit (Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 5.44) Annual license issuance per the Municipal Code / per application $177.00 $114.00 222 Dance Permit (Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 5.52) Processing of a dance permit per the municipal code / per permit $165.00 $114.00
Fortune Teller Permit (Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 4.08)
Processing of a fortune teller permit per the municipal code / per permit
224 Gun Dealer Permit Processing of a Gun Dealer permit / per permit $293.00 $228.00
Massage Establishment – Initial (Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 4.20) Processing of a massage establishment permit per the municipal code / per
Massage Establishment – Yearly (Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 4.20)
Annual permit after initial massage establishment permit / per permit
Massage Technician – Yearly (Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 4.20)
Remove - Due to new state licensing
Parade Permit (Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 5.12) Processing of a parade permit per the municipal code / per event (permit
only - service charges per 5.12.100 additional)
229 Peddler Permit (Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 4.16) Processing of a peddler permit per the municipal code / per application $262.00 $228.00
230 Secondhand Dealer Permit (Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 4.12) Processing of a secondhand dealer permit per the municipal code / per
permit $297.00 $228.00
231 Taxi Company (Owner) Permit - Initial (Dublin Municipal Code Chapter
Processing of a taxi company (owner) permit per the municipal code / per
initial permit
232 Taxi Company (Owner) Permit – Renewal (Dublin Municipal Code Chapter
Annual permit after initial Taxi Company (owner) permit / per permit
233 Taxi Driver (Operator) Annual Permit – (Dublin Municipal Code Chapter
Annual permit Taxi Driver (operator) permit / per permit
234 Tobacco Retailer License (Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 4.40) Annual license issuance per the Municipal Code / per license $287.00 $287.00
Section 2.2: Police Services- Hourly Rates
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 4 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
PS1 Sheriffs Technician Hourly rate for special services not otherwise defined / per hour $81.86 $92.00 PS2 Sheriff’s Deputy Hourly rate for special services not otherwise defined / per hour $164.59 $184.00 PS3 Sheriffs Sergeant Hourly rate for special services not otherwise defined / per hour $189.58 $212.00
Section 4.1: Fire Prevention Services Plan Review & Inspection
The fees for all plan review and inspection, fire alarm systems, fixed fire systems, and automatic fire sprinkler systems include one inspection and one re-inspection for each inspection type (e.g. weld, hydro, rough, pre-pour, functional, final,
etc.). If a permit applicant elects to split inspections into small pieces such as by floor or by system; additional inspection fees will be due based upon the hourly rate.
Plan Review & Inspection
240 New Construction up to 5000 sq. ft. Per application $311.00 $311.00 $559.00
241 New Construction 5000 sq. ft. to 45,000 sq. ft. Per application $468.00 $468.00 $1,204.00
242 New Construction >45,000 sq. ft. Per application $1,130.00 $1,130.00 $1,572.00
243 Tenant Improvement up to 5000 sq. ft. Per application $311.00 $311.00 $375.00
244 Tenant Improvement 5000 sq. ft. to 45,000 sq. ft. Per application $374.00 $374.00 $467.00
245 Tenant Improvement >45,000 sq. ft. Per application $1,004.00 $1,004.00 $559.00
246 Custom Single Family Residence Per application $374.00 $374.00 $283.00
Processing, Review, Inspection & Approval of Licensed Care Facilities
New Fee
248 Review and Approval of Improvement plans and/or maps New Fee New New $230.00
Fire Alarm Systems – (New or Tenant Improvements)
250 Fire Alarm System < 50 devices Per application $689.00 $689.00 $559.00
251 Fire Alarm System > 50 devices Per application $1,319.00 $1,319.00 $1,020.00
252 High-rise System Per building $1,634.00 $1,634.00 $1,664.00
Fixed Fire Protection Systems
260 Medical Gas System Per system $341.00 $341.00 $559.00
261 Hood Duct System Per system $374.00 $374.00 $559.00
262 Halon or Clean Agent Per system $436.00 $436.00 $651.00
263 Spray Booth per booth Per system $562.00 $562.00 $467.00
Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems, Commercial– (New or Tenant Improvements)
270 System < 20 heads Base fee per system $311.00 $311.00 $467.00
271 System > 20 heads Base fee per system $689.00 $689.00 $928.00
272 Plus amount per head in excess of 100 heads Per head $6.00 $6.00 $6.00
273 Underground Water Supply Per system / tap $468.00 $468.00 $928.00
Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems, Residential– (New and Alterations)
275 NFPA 13 D master plan check and inspection Per system $436.00 $436.00 $743.00
276 Additional permits for already approved master plan Per application $374.00 $374.00 $559.00
277 NFPA 13R system (per unit, per building) Per unit $311.00 $311.00 $743.00
278 NFPA 13 System Per unit $532.00 $532.00 $1,020.00
279 Underground Water Supply Per system / tap $468.00 $468.00 $1,020.00
Section 4.2: Fire Prevention Services Regulated Activities
Annual Permits - Group 1 Aerosol, Open Flames & Candles, Fire Hydrants and Valves, Open Burning,
Open Flames and Torches
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 5 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
Annual Permits - Group 2
Carbon Dioxide Systems, Cellulose Nitrate Film, Combustible Fiber Storage,
Compressed Gases, Cryogenics, Dry Cleaning Plants, Combustible Dust
Producing Operations, Floor Finishing, Fruit & Crop Ripening, Fumigation,
Repair Garages, HPM Facilities, Hot Work Operations, LP Gas, Liquid or Gas
Fueled Equipment in assembly buildings, Lumberyards, Motor Fue
Dispensing Facilities, Rooftop Heliports, Wood Products, Magnesium, Misc
Combustible Storage, Organic Coatings, Industrial Ovens, Cutting and
Welding, Storage of Scrap Tires
302 Annual Permits - Group 3 Temporary Membrane Structures and Tents >400 sq. ft. New $197.00
Annual Permits - Group 4
Aviation Facilities, Amusement Buildings, Carnivals & Fairs, Exhibits & Trade
Shows, Explosives, Flammable or Combustible Liquids, Hazardous Materials,
High Piled Storage, Places of Assembly, Pyrotechnical Special Effects
Material, Pyroxylin Plastics, Refrigeration Equipment, Spraying & Dipping
Operations, Production Facilities, Live Audiences
304 Annual Permits - Group 5 Tire Rebuilding Plants New $348.00 305 Annual Permits - Group 6 Waste Handling New $448.00 306 Annual Permits - Group 7 Covered and Open Mall Buildings New $649.00 Aerosol Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $285.00 Remove Aviation Facilities Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $162.00 Remove Amusement Buildings Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $223.00 Remove Open Flames and Candles Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $85.00 Remove Carnivals and Fairs Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $732.00 Remove Cellulose Nitrate Film Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $202.00 Remove Combustible Fiber Storage Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $285.00 Remove Compressed Gases Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $243.00 Remove Cryogenics Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $243.00 Remove Dry Cleaning Plants Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $285.00 Remove Combustible Dust Producing Operations Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $285.00 Remove Exhibits and Trade Shows Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $223.00 Remove Explosives Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $287.00 Remove Fire Hydrants and Valves Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $120.00 Remove Flammable or Combustible Liquids Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $285.00 Remove Floor Finishing Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $126.00 Remove Fruit and Crop Ripening Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $99.00 Remove Fumigation & Thermal Insecticidal Fogging Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $84.00 Remove Repair Garages and Motor Fuel-Dispensing Facilities Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $99.00 Remove Hazardous Materials Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $126.00 Remove HPM Facilities (Hazardous Production Materials) Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $99.00 Remove High Piled Storage Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $162.00 Remove Hot Work Operations Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $162.00 Remove LP-GAS Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $142.00 Remove Liquid or Gas Fueled Equipment in assembly buildings Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $142.00 Remove Lumberyards and Woodworking Plants Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $99.00 Remove Wood products Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $99.00 Remove Magnesium Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $202.00 Remove
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 6 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
Miscellaneous Combustible Storage Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $162.00 Remove Open Burning Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $65.00 Remove Open Flames and Torches Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $85.00 Remove Organic Coatings Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $162.00 Remove Industrial Ovens Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $162.00 Remove Places of Assembly Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $162.00 Remove Pyrotechnical Special Effects Material (non display) Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $162.00 Remove Pyroxylin Plastics Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $223.00 Remove Refrigeration Equipment Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $287.00 Remove Spraying and Dipping Operations Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $223.00 Remove Rooftop Heliports Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $162.00 Remove Temporary Membrane Structures and Tents >400 sq. ft. Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $216.00 Remove Waste Handling Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $162.00 Remove Cutting and Welding Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $162.00 Remove Storage of Scrap Tires and Tire Byproducts Remove - Consolidated into groups by cost $162.00 Remove
Equivalent Fees and Charges
Fees for services or costs not explicitly listed in any section in the Master Fee
Schedule / Case by case basis, may include: staff costs; contractor /
consultant costs; reimbursable expenses; general overhead.
As determined by City
Manager or designee based
on actual costs and rates
plus general overhead
As determined by City
Manager or designee based
on actual costs and rates
plus general overhead
Annual Notice oF Inspection (Self Inspection)
344 Annual notice of inspection (Waived if business is subject to Annual
Regulated Activity Permit)
Collected as supplement to the Annual Business Registration imposed under
Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 4.04.250 / per year
Section 4.3: Fire Works Displays & Sales
Fire Works Displays
350 Display Aerial Base Fee Per event $165.00 $300.00 351 Additional amount per shell group 60 shells If applicable added to base fee $467.00 $129.00 352 Additional amount per shell group 61-120 shells If applicable added to base fee $417.00 $230.00 353 Additional amount per shell group 121-181 shells If applicable added to base fee $417.00 $230.00 354 Additional amount per shell group 181-240 shells If applicable added to base fee $543.00 $230.00 355 Additional amount per shell group > 241 shells If applicable added to base fee $503.00 $330.00 Fire Works Sales
Fireworks Stand Application Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 5.24.070(B) (Info Only - Established by City Ord/Code) Processing and administration of
fireworks stands
357 Fireworks Stand Inspection Cost to inspect sales locations $155.00 $184.00
Section 4.4: Fire Prevention Services- Hourly Rates
FR1 Deputy Fire Marshall Hourly rate for special services not otherwise defined / per hour $173.37 $184.00 FR2 Fire Code Compliance Officer Hourly rate for special services not otherwise defined / per hour $94.60 $101.00
Section 5.1: Housing Services Program Fees
Below Market Ownership Units - Transaction Fee Administration of the “For Sale” Inclusionary units / per unit per change in
ownership – Including Initial
Secondary Below Market Rate Unit - Transaction Fee
Administration of the “Second Units” designated to meet Affordable
Program requirements / per unit per change in ownership – including Initial
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 7 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
503 Below Market Rental Developments Remove - Fee being broken into three tiers $826.00* Remove
Annual Below Market Rate Rental Monitoring Fee - 20 units or less Rental developments with Inclusionary units / per development with
restricted rent
Annual Below Market Rate Rental Monitoring Fee - 21 to 100 units Rental developments with Inclusionary units / per development with
restricted rent
Annual Below Market Rate Rental Monitoring Fee - 101 + units Rental developments with Inclusionary units / per development with
restricted rent
507 Annual Below Market Rate Rental Monitoring - Follow Up Compliance
First follow up (base fee); additional follow up audits T&M
New First Follow up $426.00
Additional - T&M
Below Market Rate Unit - Refinance Administrative Fee Administrative cost for document preparation and research when an
inclusionary unit requires City approval / per request
Secondary Below Market Rate Unit - Refinance Administrative Fee Administrative cost for document preparation and research when a
secondary inclusionary unit requires City approval / per request
First time home loan program - administrative fee Administrative charge for review and approval of first time home buyer loan
/ per loan approved
Section 6.1: Planning Division
For all activities noted as Time and Materials (T&M), the cost shall be determined using composite City Staff rates and designated overhead factors. Overhead shall also be applicable to any work contracted by the City. An initial deposit shall be
made by the applicant as determined by City Staff based on the scope and complexity of the project. Additional deposits shall be collected as necessary during processing. Any applicant funds remaining after completion of the project shall be
refunded to the applicant.
Use Permits (TUP/CUP)
550 Minor Use Permit Per application $600.00* $600.00* $1,000.00
551 Minor Use Permit – Minor Amendment Per application $129.00* $129.00* $250.00
552 Minor Use Permit – Major Amendment Per application $600.00* $600.00* $1,000.00
553 Non-Residential Conditional Use Permit (CUP) / (Approval considered by
Planning Commission)
Per application
554 Non-Residential Conditional Use Permit (CUP) / (Can be approved by
Zoning Administrator)
Per application
555 Residential Conditional Use Permit (CUP) / (Approval considered by
Planning Commission)
Per application
556 Residential Conditional Use Permit (CUP) / (Can be approved by Zoning
Per application
557 Conditional Use Permit (CUP) – Daycare Center (15+ children) Remove $1,100.00* $1,100.00* Remove
558 Conditional Use Permit (CUP) – Large Family Daycare Home Per application $650.00* $650.00* $1,000.00
559 Conditional Use Permit – Minor Amendment (Administrative
Per request
Conditional Use Permit – Time Extension (Administrative Determination)
Per request
561 Conditional Use Permit – Time Extension (Planning Commission
Per request
562 Temporary Use Permit - Minor Per application $200.00* $200.00* $250.00
563 Temporary Use Permit – Major Per application T&M T&M T&M
Zoning Clearance-General
570 Accommodations for persons with disabilities Review Per application No Fee No Fee No Fee
571 Banner / Balloon/Searchlight Per sign / balloon $55.00* $55.00* $100.00
572 Indoor recreational Facilities/Day Care Center/Scarlett Court Per application $250.00* $250.00* $500.00
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 8 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
573 Large Family Day Care Home Per application $100.00* $100.00* $250.00
574 Zoning Clearance-General Per application $50.00* $50.00* $75.00
580 Non-Residential Variance Per application T&M T&M T&M
581 Residential Variance Per application T&M T&M T&M
Site Development Review (SDR)
590 Site Development Review - General Per application T&M T&M T&M
591 Site Development Review – Residential Additions > 500 sq. ft. Per application T&M T&M T&M
592 Site Development Review – Single Sign (Master Sign Program is handled
as a Site Development Review-General)
Per Sign
593 Site Development Review Waiver Per request $250.00* $250.00* $350.00
594 Site Development Review Waiver for Projects' with Development Deposit
Time & Material
595 Site Development Review – Time Extension (Administrative
Per request
596 Site Development Review – Time Extension (Planning Commission
Per request
600 Planned Development Application (Stage 1 / Stage 2) Per application T&M T&M T&M
601 Planned Development Minor Amendment –(Administrative
Per application
602 Planned Development Minor Amendment for Project's with Development
Deposit Account
Time & Material
603 Planned Development Minor Amendment – (Planning Commission
Per application
Planned Development Major Amendment – (City Council Determination)
Per application
Section 6.2: Other Planning Fees
Other Charges
610 Appeal of Action by Applicant Per appeal T&M T&M T&M
611 Appeal of Action by member of public (non-applicant) Per appeal $200.00* $200.00* $200.00
Estoppel Certificate – Development Agreement Per certificate prepared when requested by entity not a party to the
Development Agreement
$250.00* $233.00
613 Heritage Tree Removal Permit Per tree $25.00* $25.00* $250.00
614 Preparation of Mailing Address Labels (Noticing Requirements) Per set of labels $65.00* $65.00* $65.00
Equivalent Fees and Charges
Fees for services or costs not explicitly listed in any section in the Master Fee
Schedule / case by case basis, may include: staff costs; contractor /
consultant costs; reimbursable expenses; general overhead
As determined by City
Manager or designee based
on actual costs and rates
plus general overhead
As determined by City
Manager or designee based
on actual costs and rates
plus general overhead
As determined by City
Manager or designee
based on actual costs and
rates plus general
616 General Plan Amendment Time & Material New New T&M
617 Specific Plan Amendment Time & Material New New T&M
618 Tentative Map Time & Material New New T&M
619 Development Agreement Time & Material New New T&M
620 Lot line adjustment Time & Material New New T&M
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 9 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
621 Building division permit referral Per application New New $136.00
Section 6.3: Planning Composite Hourly Rates & Overhead
PL1 Composite City Planning Staff Hourly Rate (Includes Overhead) Per Hour for T&M activities $232.00 $232.00 $276.00
PL2 Off-Site Overhead Rate – Applied to actual costs incurred for consultant
services and expenses billed under T&M
Remove - Consolidate into one overhead rate
PL3 On-Site Overhead Rate – Applied to actual costs incurred for consultant
services and expenses billed under T&M
Remove - Consolidate into one overhead rate
PL3 Overhead Rate - Applied to actual costs incurred for consultant services
and expenses billed under T&M
Percentage applied to City costs
Section 7.1: Building and Safety Division – Building Permits (Total Valuation)
Building Permits which are not established as fixed fee shall be determined using the total valuation. In this case the fee due is based on: Occupancy and Construction Type; estimated cost of services and the Building, Residential, Mechanical,
Plumbing, Electrical, Cal Green and Energy codes as adopted by the City Council including any amendments.
Calculation of the Building Permit fee to be collected shall be in accordance with the Table below. The determination of the valuation and annual adjustments to the valuation shall be made by the Building Official as authorized in Dublin
Municipal Code section 7.28.430(E).
Building Permits Based on Valuation Formula /$ Valuation
700 $0-$500 Per calculated valuation $50.00* $50.00* $86.00
701 $501-$1,000 Per calculated valuation $100.00* $100.00* $101.00
702 $1,001-$2,000 Per calculated valuation $160.00 $160.00 $155.00
703 $2,001-$3,000 Per calculated valuation $214.00 $214.00 $212.00
704 $3,001-$4,000 Per calculated valuation $247.00 $247.00 $241.00
705 $4,001-$5,000 Per calculated valuation $307.00 $307.00 $293.00
706 $5,001-$10,000 (first $5000) Per calculated valuation $307.00 $307.00 $293.00
$5,001-$10,000 (each additional $1000)
Per calculated valuation
$47.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
$47.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
$51.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
708 $10,001-$50,000 (first $10,000) Per calculated valuation $548.00 $548.00 $547.00
$10,001-$50,000(each additional $1000)
Per calculated valuation
$27.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
$27.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
$28.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
710 $50,001-$100,000 (first $50,000) Per calculated valuation $1,685.00 $1,685.00 $1,644.00
$50,001-$100,001 (each additional $1000)
Per calculated valuation
$24.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
$24.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
$27.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
712 $100,001-$500,000 (first $100,000) Per calculated valuation $2,934.00 $2,934.00 $2,971.00
$100,001-$500,000 (each additional $1000)
Per calculated valuation
$20.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
$20.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
$22.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
714 $500,001 and up (first $500,000) Per calculated valuation $11,130.00 $11,130.00 $11,690.00
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 10 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
$500,001 and up (each additional $1000)
Per calculated valuation
$12.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
$12.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
$12.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
Demolition permits and removal of underground tanks
Calculate using valuation factors above
of the fee calculation based
on valutaion
of the fee calculation based
on valutaion
of the fee calculation
based on valutaion
Section 7.2: Building and Safety Division – Master Plan Check / Green Building
Building Permits Based on Valuation Formula /$ Valuation
Single Family detached tract housing (when using a Master Plan Check)
720 $100,001-$500,000 (first $100,000) Per calculated valuation $1,844.00 $1,844.00 $2,325.00
$100,001-$500,001 (each additional $1000)
Per calculated valuation
$8.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
$8.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
$11.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
722 $500,001 and up (first $500,000) Per calculated valuation $6,031.00 $6,031.00 $6,576.00
$500,001 and up (each additional $1000)
Per calculated valuation
$3.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
$3.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
$4.00 for ea. $1,000
or fraction thereof
CalGreen Building Permit Surcharge
Surcharge applicable to permits subject to CalGreen Standards
Remove - Cost incorparated into Build Permit Fees
Building Permit State Surcharges
California Building Standards Commission Green Building Valuation
(Info Only) State fee required to be collected based on permit valuation
for ea. $25,000 or
fraction thereof
for ea. $25,000 or
fraction thereof
for ea. $25,000 or
fraction thereof
Residential - California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (SMIP)
(Info Only) State fee required to be collected based on permit valuation
per $1,000
per $1,000
per $1,000
Non-Residential - California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program
(SMIP) Surcharge
(Info Only) State fee required to be collected based on permit valuation
per $1,000
per $1,000
per $1,000
Section 7.3: Building and Safety Division – Residential Flat Fees
The provisions for residential flat fees may be applied when the specific work involved is for a single dwelling unit and /or appurtenant accessory structures where there is no other work except the item listed herein. “Service Explanations”
follow the Table.
Residential Building Permits - Flat Fees
730 Bathroom Remodel or Repair Per bathroom $396.00 $396.00 $374.00
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 11 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
Electrical Appliances Per Appliance - Installation of electrical appliances per “Service Explanation”
$80.00* $104.00
732 Electrical Circuits (first) First or single circuit per “Service Explanation” #2 $75.00* $75.00* $104.00
733 Electrical Circuits (each additional) Fee for each additional circuit per “Service Explanation” #2 $30.00* $30.00* $18.00
734 Electrical Panels (first) First or single panel per “Service Explanation” #3 $153.00 $153.00 $154.00
735 Electrical Panels (each additional) Fee for each additional panel per “Service Explanation” #3 $42.00 $42.00 $48.00
736 Fireplace Insert Per single installation / per “Service Explanation” #4 and #5 $197.00 $197.00 $195.00
737 Garbage Disposal Per single installation / per “Service Explanation” #1 $60.00* $60.00* $85.00
738 Gas Piping System Per single installation / per “Service Explanation” #6 $153.00 $153.00 $191.00
739 Hot Tub / Spa Portable Per single installation “Service Explanation” #7 $153.00 $153.00 $191.00
740 HVAC System Per system / “Service Explanation” #8 $100.00* $100.00* $203.00
741 Kitchen Remodel or Repair (w/o structural modifications) Per permit, limited to one kitchen $630.00 $630.00 $631.00
742 Lawn Sprinkler System Per system for any lawn sprinkler or irrigation system $65.00 $65.00 $97.00
743 Motors Per “Service Explanation” #9 $153.00 $153.00 $203.00
744 Plumbing Fixture Per “Service Explanation” #1 and #2 $60.00* $60.00* $93.00
745 Roofing Replacement (Residential) For re-roofing a single family dwelling $194.00 $194.00 $216.00
746 Shower / tub replacement only Per unit $151.00 $151.00 $154.00
747 Solar Panel - Residential Rooftop Photovoltaic (Up to 15Kw) Per permit $250.00* $250.00* $247.00**
748 Solar Panel - Residential Rooftop Photovoltaic (for each Kw above 15 or
fraction thereof)
Each Kw above 15 of fraction thereof
New $15.00**
Solar Panel - Residential Rooftop Photovoltaic (Tracts) if pulled with
dwelling. When incorporated into single family dwelling permit.
Fixed Fee
750 Solar Pool Heating System Per system (when not included with original pool permit) $100.00* $100.00* $298.00
751 Solar Water Heaters Per application $100.00* $100.00* $254.00
752 Ventilation Fan Per “Service Explanation” #10 $65.00 $65.00 $81.00
753 Water Heater Per “Service Explanation” #8 $60.00* $60.00* $93.00
754 Water Piping System Per single installation / per “Service Explanation” #6 $152.00 $152.00 $191.00
755 Window Replacements (first 5 windows) Per application containing 1-5 windows $194.00 $194.00 $185.00
Window Replacements (each additional window) Additional per window charge added to base 1-5 window charge on same
$13.00 $10.00
1 For installation, relocation, or replacement of any electrical appliance which requires plumbing installation such as garbage disposal, dishwasher, etc., (includes all necessary circuits, outlets, switches, receptacles, fixtures, water piping,
and waste and vent piping).
2 For installation, alteration or replacement of an electrical circuit (includes all necessary outlets, switches, receptacles, and lighting fixtures). 3 For installation, relocation or replacement of temporary power poles, power pedestals, subpanels or service upgrades (includes all necessary circuits, outlets, switches, receptacles, fixtures).
4 For the installation, relocation or replacement of each vent or factory-built chimney.
5 For the installation of a solid burning fuel appliance (includes all necessary electrical circuits, outlets, fixtures, switches, receptacles factory-built chimney).
6 For each installation or alteration of each water piping system, gas piping system, or refrigerant piping system or portion thereof where fixtures or appliances are not installed. 7 For the installation, relocation or replacement of any spa / hot tub; includes all necessary outlets, receptacles, gas piping (only for spas supported on a slab. See Valuation Table for spas located on decking).
8 For the installation, relocation or replacement of each heating, cooling or refrigeration appliance (includes all necessary electrical circuits, outlets, fixtures, switches, receptacles, gas piping vents, water piping and duct work). OR (a) For
the installation, relocation or replacement of each gas fired water heater (includes all necessary water and gas piping and vents). OR (b) For the installation relocation or replacement of each electrical water heater (includes all necessary
water piping, electrical circuits, outlets, fixtures, receptacles, and switches).
9 For installation, relocation or replacement of any motor (not an integral part of an integral part of an electrical appliance, fan, heating appliance, cooling appliance), generator, heater, electrical furnace, welding machine, transformer, and
rectified (includes all necessary circuits, outlets, fixtures, switches, controls).
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 12 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
10 For installation, relocation or replacement of ventilation fans connected to a single duct or outlets, switches, receptacles, fixtures and duct work).
Section 7.4: Building and Safety Division – Non-Residential Flat Fees
Non-Residential Building Permits - Flat Fees
Solar Systems (base)- Photovoltaic systems
Remove - Replaced with new fee structure to follow AB1414 requirements
$1,002.00 Remove
Solar Systems - each additional inverter
Remove - Replaced with new fee structure to follow AB1414 requirements
$113.00 Remove
Each additional 100 panels
Remove - Replaced with new fee structure to follow AB1414 requirements
$129.00 Remove
Solar Panel - Non-Residential Rooftop Photovoltaic (up to 50 Kw)
Per Permit
New $1,000.00**
Solar Panel - Non-Residential Rooftop Photovoltaic (51 Kw-250 Kw)
Per kilowatt between 51-250
New $7.00**
Solar Panel - Non-Residential Rooftop Photovoltaic (above 251 Kw)
Per kilowatt above 251
New $5.00**
766 Replacement in - kind Heating and or Air conditioning units Per unit - “Service Explanation” #8 $743.00 $743.00 $622.00
767 Water heaters - standard Per water heater - "Service Explanation" #8 $153.00 $153.00 $154.00
768 Reroof Base (Initial square) Per initial square (10ft X 10ft) area $109.00 $109.00 $120.00
769 Reroof – Additional beyond base Each additional square (10ft x 10ft) area or fraction thereof $16.00 $16.00 $12.00
Section 7.5: Building and Safety Division – Construction Debris & Demolition
770 Residential Remove: Replaced with new fees $129.00 $129.00 Remove
771 Residential per C&D phase/bond required Per Phase New New $382.00
772 Residential non bonded project Per application New New $211.00
773 Residential Second Unit (Attached to single family home) Remove: Replace with new fees Zero Zero Remove
774 Commercial - bonded Per application $860.00 $860.00 $382.00
775 Commercial - non-bond Per application $344.00 $344.00 $211.00
Section 7.6: Building & Safety- Composite Hourly Rates & Overhead
Composite City Building & Safety Staff Hourly Rate (Includes Overhead)
Per hour for T&M activities
$185.00 $213.00
BS2 Overhead Rate – Applied to actual costs incurred for consultant services
and expenses billed under T&M
Percentage applied to City costs
44.0%* 30.0%*
Section 7.7: Building and Safety Division – Other Fees
For all activities noted as Time and Materials (T&M), the cost shall be determined using composite City Staff rates and designated overhead factors. Overhead shall also be applicable to any work contracted by the City. An initial deposit shall be
made by the applicant as determined by City Staff based on the scope and complexity of the project. Additional deposits shall be collected as necessary during processing. Any applicant funds remaining after completion of the project shall be
refunded to the applicant.
780 Additional plan checking, alternate means and methods applications, or
plan revisions
Time and Materials
781 Certified Accessibility Specialist (CASp)- Meeting Initial meeting and review; all other work is T&M $683.00 $683.00 $1,275.00
782 Code compliance survey Initial 100 sq. ft. $538.00 $538.00 $631.00
783 Code compliance survey Each additional 100 sq. ft. or fraction thereof $42.00 $42.00 $23.00
784 In-plant inspections If inspection is required at a fabrication facility outside jurisdiction T&M T&M T&M
785 Moved building inspection fee Per building $2,610.00 $2,610.00 T&M
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 13 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
Plan storage fee Applies to plans required to be prepared by a professional engineer or
$11.00 $10.00
787 Re-inspection fee. Per each re-inspection; on Multi-Family, fee is calculated per unit $170.00 $170.00 $177.00
788 Review geologic reports required by the Alquist-Priolo Special Studies
Zones Act
Per application request
789 Service requested outside of regular working hours / business days (4
hour min)
Per hour with a four hour minimum
$280.00 $241.00
790 Special Investigations (Code compliance survey, lockout inspection or
other special investigation.)
Per investigation; cost of investigation shall be in addition to the fees for any
new installation made as part of the correction
791 Address Requests (single address) Per Request New New $113.00
792 Address Requests (subdivision/multiple) Time & Material New New T&M
Issue permit refund
Per refund
794 Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Per Application New New $173.00
Equivalent Fees and Charges
Fees for services or costs not explicitly listed in any section in the Master Fee
Schedule / case by case basis, may include: staff costs; contractor /
consultant costs; reimbursable expenses; general overhead
As determined by City
Manager or designee based
on actual costs and rates
plus general overhead
As determined by City
Manager or designee based
on actual costs and rates
plus general overhead
As determined by City
Manager or designee
based on actual costs and
rates plus general
Section 8.1: Engineering / Public Works – Other Fees
For all activities noted as Time and Materials (T&M), the cost shall be determined using composite City Staff rates and designated overhead factors. Overhead shall also be applicable to any work contracted by the City. An initial deposit shall be
made by the applicant as determined by City Staff based on the scope and complexity of the project. Additional deposits shall be collected as necessary during processing. Any applicant funds remaining after completion of the project shall be
refunded to the applicant.
800 Copies - 24" - 36" Per Sheet New $5.00*
Copies of Map - plotted GIS map
Not to exceed actual cost –
As determined by City
Manager or designee
Not to exceed actual cost –
As determined by City
Manager or designee
802 Research Fee Per 1/2 Hour New $146.00
803 Subdivision and Development Improvement Plan Review/Revision & Plan
Check after 4th revision
Time & Material
Subdivision and Development Improvement Plan/Map Check Change Time & Materials-> 3% of estimated cost of improvements ($2,500
minimum deposit; maximum $25,000)
Subdivision Inspections Change Time & Materials-> 3% of estimated cost of improvements ($2,500
minimum deposit; maximum $100,000)
806 Special Study Review (i.e., Traffic Study) New Fee: $5,000 Initial Deposit (time & materials) New T&M 807 Permit processing fee Includes cost of processing grading or encroachment permit $113.00 $130.00
808 Trenching / Road Cuts – Base Transfers and longitudinal tranches, road
cuts, 1 - 100 SF
Base Permit cost up to 100 sq. ft.
809 Trenching / Road Cuts – Over 100 SF Transfers and longitudinal tranches,
road cuts, >100 SF
Additional permit cost per additional square foot in excess of 100 sq. ft.
810 Construction concrete sidewalk, curb, and gutter 1- 50 SF Base Permit cost up to 50 sq. ft. $234.00 $583.00
Construction concrete sidewalk, curb, and gutter greater than 50 SF
Additional permit cost per additional linear foot in excess of 50 sq. ft.
812 Constructing concrete driveways: residential Per Driveway- Residential $407.00 $699.00
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 14 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
813 Constructing concrete driveways: commercial Per Driveway - Commercial $611.00 $1,165.00 814 Constructing drain inlets, manholes, and connections to same Connection of inlet $470.00 $932.00
Encroachment Permit Resurfacing Surcharge – 100 square feet or less Per each permit where roadway asphalt is cut impacting 100 sq. ft. or less of
816 Encroachment Permit Resurfacing Surcharge – per square foot after 100
sq ft.
In addition to base charge for up to 100 sq. ft. – an additional per sq. ft.
$1.00 per square foot
$1.00 per square foot
Transportation / Oversized Vehicle Permits: Annual (Info Only State Limits Max. Fee Per Calif. Vehicle Code 35795 (b)(1)); per
annual permit application
Transportation / Oversized Vehicle Permits: Single trip (Info Only State Limits Max. Fee Per Calif. Vehicle Code 35795 (b)(1)); per
single trip application
819 Block party / street closure Per application $85.00 See Encroachment Fee
Filming/Photography Within Public Right of Way - Professional Fee
Per Application
Filming / Photography Within Public Right of Way - Basic fee
Per application
$263.00 (Permit Only –
Public Service Charges At
Cost may
See Encroachment Fee
822 Building division permit referral - residential Per application $238.00 $568.00 823 Building division permit referral - non residential Per Application $477.00 $853.00 824 Personal Wireless Service Facility Permit New Fee: $5,000 Initial Deposit (time & materials) New T&M 825 Watercourse Protection Permit New Fee: $15,000 Initial Deposit (time & materials) New T&M 826 ADA site compliance review Per application $357.00 $853.00 827 Newsrack Permit Per application / single space in City-owned newsrack $180.00* $350.00
828 Inspection: Public improvements construction; grading; encroachment
Per hour
Equivalent Fees and Charges
Fees for services or costs not explicitly listed in any section in the Master Fee
Schedule / case by case basis, may include: staff costs; contractor /
consultant costs; reimbursable expenses; general overhead
As determined by City
Manager or designee based
on actual costs and rates
plus general overhead
As determined by City
Manager or designee based
on actual costs and rates
plus general overhead
Amended map or certificate of correction
New Fee
Street Vacations/Abandonment, Right of Way Dedication Review
New Fee: $2,000 Initial Deposit (time & materials)
Certificates of compliance, mergers, parcel map waivers
New Fee: $3,000 initial deposit (Time & Materials)
Investigation fee/work without a permit (encroachment)
New Fee: Hourly Rate - 1 hr minimum. Over 1 hour (Time & Materials)
New $233.00 - Base
Over 1 Hour - (T&M)
Traffic control plan review (encroachment)
New Fixed Fee
835 Processing extension of subdivision improvement agreement or
development agreement (subdivision)
New Fee: Time & Materials
Warranty inspection and project closeout (subdivision)
New Fixed Fee
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 15 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
837 Condition of approval compliance review or single parcel review (no
improvement plans)
New Fee: Deposit equal to one hour staff composite rate
Deposit - $292.00
Grading Plan Review
New Fee: $5,000 initial deposit (Time & Materials)
Grading Inspection
New Fee: $15,000 initial deposit (Time & Materials)
Erosion Control Review and Inspection
New Fee: $1,000 initial deposit (Time & Materials)
Nuisance Abatement - Tree trimming, Sidewalk Repair
See muni code
See Muni Code
See Muni Code
Section 8.2: Engineering- Cash Bond Required For Encroachment Permit (If No Surety Bond)
850 Transverse and longitudinal trenches, road cuts, and other street
excavation work – 50 square feet of less
Minimum Bond Amount Per Application - See Section 8.2(A): Conditions
Transverse and longitudinal trenches, road cuts, and other street
excavation work – in excess of 50 square feet
Minimum Bond Amount Per Application - See Section 8.2(A): Conditions
$500.00 + $5.00/ sq. ft.
in excess of 50 sq. ft.*
$500.00 + $5.00/ sq. ft.
in excess of 50 sq. ft.*
Concrete Sidewalk 50 square feet or less
Minimum Bond Amount Per Application - See Section 8.2(A): Conditions
Concrete Sidewalk more than 50 square feet
Minimum Bond Amount Per Application - See Section 8.2(A): Conditions
$500.00 + $5.00/ sq. ft.
in excess of 50 sq. ft.*
$500.00 + $5.00/ sq. ft.
in excess of 50 sq. ft.*
Concrete Curb and / or gutter of 30 linear feet or less
Minimum Bond Amount Per Application - See Section 8.2(A): Conditions
Concrete Curb and / or gutter more than 30 linear feet
Minimum Bond Amount Per Application - See Section 8.2(A): Conditions
$500.00 + $20.00/ linear ft.
in excess of 30 linear ft.*
$500.00 + $20.00/ linear ft.
in excess of 30 linear ft.*
Residential Concrete Driveway
Minimum Bond Amount Per Application - See Section 8.2(A): Conditions $500.00
Commercial Concrete Driveway
Minimum Bond Amount Per Application - See Section 8.2(A): Conditions $1,00.00
Drop inlets, manholes and connections to same
Minimum Bond Amount Per Application - See Section 8.2(A): Conditions $1.000.00
Temporary street or lane closures
Minimum Bond Amount Per Application - See Section 8.2(A): Conditions
No Deposit / Bond Required
No Deposit / Bond Required
Miscellaneous encroachment work
Minimum Bond Amount Per Application - See Section 8.2(A): Conditions
Amount to be determined
by the Public Works Director
in accordance with the
nature and scope of work
Amount to be determined
by the Public Works
Director in accordance with
the nature and scope of
Section 8.2(A): Conditions: -Cash Bond Required For Encroachment Permit
- Conditions For Release: Bonds shall be released six months after the work has been accepted by the City, provided there are no defects in the work.
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 16 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
- Annual Bonds: A minimum annual cash deposit of $5,000.00 may be posted in lieu of a cash or a surety bond for each permit. The City may require additional bonds or cash deposits
when the nature of the work is such that the amounts hereinbefore provided are insufficient to cover expenses that may be incurred in restoring the right-of-way to its former condition.
Section 8.3: Engineering- Composite Hourly Rates & Overhead
EN1 Composite City Engineering Staff (Excludes Inspectors) Hourly Rate
(Includes Overhead)
Per hour for T&M activities
EN2 Composite City Public Works / Engineering Inspectors Rate (Includes
Per hour for T&M activities
EN3 Off-Site Overhead Rate – Applied to actual costs incurred for consultant
services and expenses billed under T&M
Percentage applied to City costs
EN4 On-Site Overhead Rate – Applied to actual costs incurred for consultant
services and expenses billed under T&M
Percentage applied to City costs
EN5 Overhead Rate - Applied to actual costs incurred for consultant services
and expenses billed under T&M
Percentage applied to City costs
Section 8.4: Environmental Programs- Fees
Building division permit referral
Flat Fee
Stormwater Treatment Measure Inspection
Per Hour
Storm Drain Medallion
Each Medallion
Stormwater Facility Inspections: Restaurant/Commercial
Flat Fee
Trash Capture/Enclosure Inspection
Flat Fee
875 Review of Annual Maintenance Reports of privately maintained post-
Flat Fee
Equivalent Fees and Charges
Fees for services or costs not explicitly listed in any section in the Master Fee
Schedule / case by case basis, may include: staff costs; contractor /
consultant costs; reimbursable expenses; general overhead
As determined by City
Manager or designee based
on actual costs and rates
plus general overhead
As determined by City
Manager or designee based
on actual costs and rates
plus general overhead
Section 8.5: Environmental Programs- Composite Hourly Rates
Environmental Coordinator
Per Hour
Environmental Technician
Per Hour
Office Assistant II
Per Hour
Section 9.1: City Attorney – Development Application Processing
For all development related activities noted as Time and Materials (T&M), the cost of the City Attorney shall be determined by applying the designated overhead factor to the Cost for City Attorney services incurred by the City. An initial deposit
shall be made by the applicant as determined by City Staff based on the scope and complexity of the project. Additional deposits shall be collected as necessary during processing. Any applicant funds remaining after completion of the project
shall be refunded to the applicant.
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 17 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
Overhead Rate – Applied to City Attorney Costs associated with Planning
and Engineering Applications
Percentage applied to City costs
Equivalent Fees and Charges
Fees for services or costs not explicitly listed in any section in the Master Fee
Schedule / case by case basis, may include: staff costs; contractor /
consultant costs; reimbursable expenses; general overhead
As determined by City
Manager or designee based
on actual costs and rates
plus general overhead
As determined by City
Manager or designee based
on actual costs and rates
plus general overhead
Section 10.1: Parks & Recreation Program Fees - Activity Fees**
All Parks & Recreation Program Fees are subject to 20% increase based on the Parks & Community Services Pricing Policy.
(1) Noted activities were added during the year at the Parks & Community Services Director's discretion, per Policy; or were new fees approved byt the City Council
Family Programs
After School Recreation/Middle School Union
Full Session (3 sessions / 13 weeks each)
Resident $663
Non-Resident $796
Resident $762
Non-Resident $914
(beginning 5/1/19)
FP2 After School Recreation/Middle School Union Early Release Pass (formerly 20-day pass) Resident $192
Non-Resident $230
Discontinued; offering Full
Session only
FP3 After School Recreation/Middle School Union
Late Fee (per minute) Flat Fee $10
Plus $1 each minute
No Change
FP4 Camp Dublin Heritage ages 6-12 One week session (full day) Resident $212
Non-Resident $254
Resident $244
Non-Resident $293
FP5 Camp Dublin Heritage ages 6-12 (1) One week session (half day) Resident $150
Non-Resident $180
No Change
FP6 Camp Dublin Heritage ages 3-5 (1) One week session (half day) Resident $125
Non-Resident $150
No Change
Camp Sunrise, Camp Kolb, Camp Stager and Camp Dublin Sports Grounds
One week session Resident $72
Non-Resident $86
Resident $101
Non-Resident $121
FP6 Glen the Guide Nature Camp (East Bay Explorers) One week session (full day) Resident $212
Non-Resident $254
Resident $244
Non-Resident $293
FP7 Camp Connector AM/PM Connector (1.5 - 2 hours each) Residet $40
Non-Resident $48
No Change
FP8 Camp Connector Lunch Connector (1 hour) Resident $20
Non-Resident $24
No Change
FP9 Dublin L.E.A.D. Program Recreation Job Training Program Resident $99
Non-Resident $119
Resident $114
Non-Resident $137
Preschool Programs
PP1 Dublin Preschool - 3-Year Old Classes 2 days per week (3 sessions / 11 weks each) Resident $489
Non-Resident $587
Resident $538
Non-Resident $646
PP2 Dublin Preschool - 4-Year Old Classes 2 days per week (3 sessions / 11 weeks each) Resident $519
Non-Resident $623
Resident $571
Non-Resident $685
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 18 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
PP3 Dublin Preschool - 3-Year Old Classes 3 days per week ( 3 sessions / 11 weeks each) Resident $731
Non-Residet $877
Resident $804
Non-Resident $965
PP4 Dublin Preschool - 4-Year Old Classes 3 days per week ( 3 sessions / 11 weeks each) Resident $768
Non-Resident $922
Resident $845
Non-Resident $1,014
PP5 Dublin Preschool - 4-Year Old Classes 4 days per week ( 3 sessions / 11 weeks each) Resident $1,164
Non-Resident $1,397
Resident $1,280
Non-Resident $1,536
PP6 Little Lovies 8 classes Resident $197
Non-Resident $236
Resident $216
Non-Resident $259
PP7 Camp Shamrock 1 week session (half day) Resident $123
Non-Resident $148
No Change
PP8 Dublin Preschool Non-Participation Daily rate Resident $65
Non-Resident $65
No Change
Senior Center Programs
SC1 Activity Fee Per activity Resident $3-$15
Non-Resident $3.5-$18
No change
SC2 Special Luncheons Per Luncheon Resident $10-$20
Non-Resident $12-$24
No change
SC3 Dances Pre-Registrations Resident $10-$25
Non-Resident $13-$30
No change
SC4 Dances At the Door Resident & Non-Resident
No change
SC5 Trips and Tours Local Trips (4-hour trip) Resident $20-$25
Non-Resident $24-$30
No change
SC6 Trips and Tours - Additional fee For each hour over 4-hr/person Resident $3.50 -$5
Non-Resident $4-$6
No change
SC7 Trips and Tours Local Trips (8-hour trip) Resident $35-$45
Non-Resident $42-$54
No change
SC8 Trips and Tours Distant Trips (8-10 hour trip) Resident $40-$50
Non-Resident $48-$60
No change
Sports Programs
Adult Sports
Basketball Adult League Resident $499-$699
Non-Resident $599-$839
No Change
SP2 Bocce Ball Adult Co-ed League Resident $165-$175
Non-Resident $198-$210
No Change
SP3 Softball Adult League Resident $499-$699
Non-Resident $599-$839
No Change
SP4 Sports League Late Registration Fee Resident $25
Non-Resident $25 No Change
Youth Sports
Junior Warriors Basketball League - Winter Season Resident $183
Non-Resident $220
No Change
SP7 Junior Warriors Basketball League - Summer Season Resident $127
Non-Resident $152
No Change
SP8 Teeball League Resident $120
Non-Resident $144
No Change
SP9 Basketball Clinics Resident $51-$64
Non-Resident $61-$77
No Change
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 19 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
Waterpark Admission Fees (Full Day)
Children under 2 Resident and Non-Resident
Fee $3
No Change
WV2 Recreational Swimming Under 40" Resident Fee $13
Non-Resident Fee $15
No Change
WV3 Recreational Swimming Over 40" Resident Fee $15
Non-Resident Fee $17
No Change
WV4 Group Resident & Non-Resident
Fee $12
No Change
Military Military Personnel, veterans, reservists, active duty military (up to 3
guests) (1)
(effective 5/1/18)
No Change
Waterpark Admission Fees (Partial Day)
Recreational Swimming Under 40" Resident Fee $11
Non-Resident $13
No Change
WV6 Recreational Swimming Over 40" Resident Fee $13
Non-Resident Fee $15
No Change
WV7 Group Resident &
Non-Resident Fee $10
No Change
WV7a Waterpark Season Pass (Resident) Adminission Fees (1) (M-Th)
(effective 5/15/18)
Children under 2 Resident $20 No Change WV7b Recreational Swimming Under 40" (M-Th) Resident $75 No Change WV7c Recreational Swimming Over 40" (M-Th) Resident $85 No Change WV8 Youth Swimming Lessons Per class rate $14 No Change WV9 Pre-School Swimming Lessons Per class rate $20 No Change WV10 Semi-Private Swimming Lessons Per class rate $35 No Change WV11 Private Swimming Lessons Per class rate $55 No Change WV12 Lap Swim/Water Walking Per visit charge. Purchase of $50 punch card allows 10 visits $6 No Change
WV13 Water Aerobics Per class rate Resident and Non-Resident
Fee $12
No Change
WV14 Land and Sea Camp (Full Day) (1) Per day rate Resident $60
Non-Resident $72
No Change
WV15 Land and Sea Camp (Half Day) (1) Per day rate Resident $32
Non-Resident $39
No Change
WV16 Birthday Pary Package (1) Party Packages (Per person) $27
(effective 4/17/18)
No Change
WV17 Public Adress Announcements (1) 3 personal announcements (birthdays, renunions, personal messages) $25
(effective 4/17/18)
No Change
WV18 Natatorium Recreational Swim per visit charge. Purchase of $50 punch card allows 10 visits. $6 No Change Contract Classes
For all Contract Instructor Activities, Fees for Residents and for Non-Residents may vary. The fees are based on the contract agreements
with each instructor and are subject to change at the discretion of the Parks & Community Services Director.
Section 10.2: Parks & Recreation Program Fees - Cemetery Fees for Heritage & Cultural Arts Center**
CF1 Interment Fees Cremation/Burial $330 No change CF2 Interment Fees Earth Burial $1,533 $3,540
Section 10.3: Parks & Recreation Program Fees - Facility Rental Fees**
Civic Center Rental (Council Chambers & Regional Meeting Room) *Deposit of $250 for events with food.
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 20 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Use for the purpose of meetings
No Fee
No Change
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Use for the purpose of fundraising
No Change
Individuals or Other Groups
Resident $90/hour
Non-Resident $108/hour
No Change
Commercial Uses
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
No Change
Heritage Park & Museums Facility Rental - St. Raymond Church *Deposit of $250
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations and Youth
Sports Leagues
Use during regular business hours for the purpose of meetings - (Please
refer to the Facility Use Rental Policy)
Setup/Takedown Fee Only
of $14 per hour per Facility
Attendant. Number of
Attendants dependent on
facilities used and the setup
No Change
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations and Youth
Sports Leagues
Use During outside of business hours for the purpose of meetings - (Please
refer to the Facility Use Rental Policy)
No Change
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations and Youth
Sports Leagues
Used for the purpose of fundraising
No Change
FR8 Individuals or Other Groups Resident $60/hour
Non-Resident $72/hour
No Change
Commercial Uses
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
No Change
FR10 Individuals or Other Groups 6-Hour Package (includes Kolb Sunday School Barn) Resident $1,240
Non-Resident $1,488
No Change
FR11 Individuals or Other Groups Each hour after 6-Hour Package (includes Kolb Sunday School Barn) Resident $230/hour
Non-Resident $276/hour
No Change
Heritage Park & Museums Facility Rental - Kolb Sunday School Barn (Includes the use of the adjacent Picnic Area and a portion of the Park grounds) *Deposit of $500
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations and Youth
Sports Leagues
Use during regular business hours for the purpose of meetings - (Please refer
to the Facility Use Rental Policy)
Setup/Takedown Fee Only
of $14 per hour per Facility
Attendant. Number of
Attendants dependent on
facilities used and the setup
No Change
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 21 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations and Youth
Sports Leagues
Use during outside of business hours for the purpose of meetings - (Please
refer to the Facility Use Rental Policy)
No Change
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations and Youth
Sports Leagues
Use for the purpose of fundraising
No Change
Individuals or Other Groups Resident $170/hour
Non-Resident $204/hour
No Change
Commercial Uses
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
No Change
Individuals or Other Groups 6-Hour Package Resident $918
Non-Resident $1,101
No Change
FR 18
Individuals or Other Groups After 6 hours Resident $170/hour
Non-Resident $204/hour
No Change
Library Community Room *Deposit of $250 for events with food
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Use for the purpose of meetings
No Fee
No Change
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Use for the purpose of fundraising
No Change
FR21 Individuals or Other Groups Resident $90/hour
Non-Resident $108/hour
No Change
Commercial Uses
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
No Change
Senior Center Facility Rental - Ballroom *Deposit of $500
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Use for the purpose of meetings
No Change
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Use for the purpose of fundraising
No Change
Individuals or Other Groups
Resident $185/hour
Non-Resident $222/hour
No Change
Commercial Uses
Business $246/hour
Non Dublin-based Business
No Change
Senior Center Facility Rental - Lounge *Deposit of $500
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 22 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Use for the purpose of meetings
No Change
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Use for the purpose of fundraising
No Change
FR29 Individuals or Other Groups Resident $48/hour
Non-Resident $58/hour No Change
Commercial Uses
Business $64/hour
Non Dublin-based Business
No Change
Senior Center Facility Rental - Classroom A *Deposit of $500
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Use for the purpose of meeting
No Change
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Use for the purpose of fundraising
No Change
FR33 Individuals or Other Groups Resident $37/hour
Non-Resident $44/hour No Change
Commercial Uses
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
No Change
Senior Center Facility Rental - Meeting Room *Deposit of $500
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Use for the purpose of meeting
No Change
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Use for the purpose of fundraising
No Change
FR37 Individuals or Other Groups Resident $17/hour
Non-Resident $20/hour No Change
Commercial Uses
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
No Change
Shannon Center Facility Rental - Ambrose Hall *Deposit of $750
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Use during regular business hours - (Please refer to the Facility Use Rental
Setup/Takedown Fee Only
of $14 per hour per Facility
Attendant. Number of
Attendants dependent on
facilities used and the setup
No Change
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 23 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
Ambrose HallPublic Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-
based Charitable and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners
Associations, and Sports Leagues
Use Outside of Regular Business Hours - (Please refer to the Facility Use
Rental Policy)
No Change
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Use for the purpose of fundraising
No Change
Individuals or Other Groups
Resident $250/hour
Non-Resident $300/hour
No Change
Commercial Uses
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
No Change
Shannon Center Facility Rental - Multipurpose Room *Deposit of $750
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Use during regular business hours - (Please refer to the Facility Use Rental
Setup/Takedown Fee Only
of $14 per hour per Facility
Attendant. Number of
Attendants dependent on
facilities used and the setup
No Change
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Use outside of regular business hours - (Please refer to the Facility Use
Rental Policy)
No Change
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Use for the purpose of fundraising
No Change
FR47 Individuals or Other Groups Resident $70/hour
Non-Resident $84/hour
No Change
Commercial Uses
Business $93/hour
Non Dublin-based Business
No Change
Shannon Center Facility Rental - Classroom *Deposit of $750
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Use during regular business hours - (Please refer to the Facility Use Rental
Setup/Takedown Fee Only
of $14 per hour per Facility
Attendant. Number of
Attendants dependent on
facilities used and the setup
No Change
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Use outside of regular business hours - (Please refer to the Facility Use
Rental Policy)
No Change
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 24 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Use for the purpose of fundraising
No Change
FR52 Individuals or Other Groups Resident $30/hour
Non-Resident $36/hour
No Change
Commercial Uses
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
No Change
Stager Gym Facility Rental
Dublin Sports League Organizations, Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of
Commerce, Dublin Charitable and Social Welfare Organizations
Resident Fee Only
No Change
FR55 Individuals or Other Groups Resident $60/hour
Non-Resident $72/hour
No Change
Commercial Uses
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
No Change
Wave Rentals
Shaded Space Rentals
Cabanas (3) 10'x10' structure with privacy screening, patio furniture. $80
(effective 4/17/18)
No Change
WR2 Group Picnic Areas (5) shaded areas with picnic benches seating 50. $100 No change WR3 Luxury Lounges (10+) Portable shaded coverings with two lounges. $40 No change
Pool/Amenity Rentals
Competition Pool, Natatorium, Children's Play Pool and Waterslide Tower
Resident & Non-Profit
Non-Resident $1,440
Commercial $1,750
No change
Children's Play Pool
Resident & Non-Profit $330
Non-Resident $400
Commercial $500
No change
Lower Level of Tower
Resident & Non-Profit $380
Non-Resident $460
Commercial $560
No change
Pool/Amenity Rentals
Full Waterslide Tower
Resident & Non-Profit $450
Non-Resident $540
Commercial $680
No change
Natatorium Rental
Resident & Non-Profit $280
Non-Resident $540
Commercial $680
No change
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 25 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
Competition Pool Rental (during normal business hours)
Resident & Non-Profit $280
Non-Residential $340
Commercial $410
No change
Other Amenities & Services
Community Room Rental
Resident & Non-Profit $170
Non-Resident $200
Commercial $260
No change
Picnic Area Rental (added to other rental) Add-on Amenity, Flat
No change
Additional Staff
Add-on Staffing Charge
where appropriate, Flat
No change
Other Amenities & Services
Amenity Charge/Additional Set-up Fee
Add-on Facility Usee Fee
where appropriate for use
of amenities such as PA,
Scoreboard, Water Polo
Configuration, or other
recreational amenities not
included in standard rental
No change
WR14 Wave Locker Fees
Locker fees for the storage of guest items Storage fee based on locker
size $5-$15
No change
Section 10.4: Parks & Recreation Program Fees - Picnic Area Rental Fees**
Emerald Glen Park Picnic Area Rentals
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Emerald Glen Park - Area A (seats 56)
Use for the Purpose of
Fundraising $53/day
Use for the Purpose of
Fundraising $64/day
Emerald Glen Park - Area B (seats 48)
Use for the Purpose of
Fundraising $45/day
Use for the Purpose of
Fundraising $54/day
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Emerald Glen Park - Area C (seats 96)
Use for the Purpose of
Fundraising $90/day
Use for the Purpose of
Fundraising $108/day
Emerald Glen Park - Areas ABC (seats 200)
Use for the Purpose of
Fundraising $188/day
Use for the Purpose of
Fundraising $226/day
Emerald Glen Park - Area D (seats 36)
Use for the Purpose of
Fundraising $34/day
Use for the Purpose of
Fundraising $41/day
Emerald Glen Park - Area E (seats 24)
Use for the Purpose of
Fundraising $23/day
Use for the Purpose of
Fundraising $28/day
PR7 Emerald Glen Park - Area A (seats 56) Resident $70/day
Non-Resident $84/day
Resident $84/day
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 26 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
Individuals or Other Groups
Emerald Glen Park - Area B (seats 48) Resident $60/day
Non-Resident $72/day
Resident $72/day
Non-Resident $86/day
PR9 Emerald Glen Park - Area C (seats 96) Resident $120/day
Non-Resident $144/day
Resident $144/day
Non-Resident $173/day
PR10 Emerald Glen Park - Areas ABC (seats 200) Resident $250/day
Non-Resident $300/day
Resident $300/day
Non-Resident $360/day
PR11 Emerald Glen Park - Area D (seats 36) Resident $45/day
Non-Resident $54/day
Resident $54/day
Non-Resident $65/day
PR12 Emerald Glen Park - Area E (seats 24) Resident $30/day
Non-Resident $36/day
Resident $36/day
Non-Resident $43/day
Commercial Uses
Emerald Glen Park - Area A (seats 56)
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
Commercial Uses
Emerald Glen Park - Area B (seats 48)
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
Emeral Glen Park - Area C (seats 96)
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
Emerald Glen Park - Areas ABC (seats 200)
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
Commercial Uses
Emerald Glen Park - Area D (seats 36)
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
Emerald Glen Park - Area E (seats 24)
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
Emerald Glen Amphitheater Fees
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Daily Fee
No Change
AM2 Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber or Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare and Sport League Organizations Daily Fee $470 No Change
AM3 Individuals/Other Groups - Resident Daily Fee $625 No Change AM4 Individuals/Other Groups -Non-Resident Daily Fee $750 No Change AM5 Commercial Uses - Resident Daily Fee $832 No Change AM6 Commercial Uses - Non-Resident Daily Fee $1,000 No Change Kolb Park Picnic Area Rentals
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 27 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Kolb Park - Area A (seats 48)
Use for the Purpose of
Fundraising $45/day
Use for the Purpose of
Fundraising $54/day
Individuals or Other Groups Kolb Park - Area A (seats 48) Resident $60/day
Non-Resident $72/day
Resident $72/day
Non-Resident $86/day
Commercial Uses
Kolb Park - Area A (seats 48)
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
Schaefer Ranch Park Picnic Area Rentals
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Schaefer Ranch Park - Area A (seats 64)
Use for the Purpose of
Fundraising $61/day
Use for the Purpose of
Fundraising $73/day
PR23 Individuals or Other Groups Schaefer Ranch Park - Area A (seats 64) Resident $80/day
Non-Resident $96/day
Resident $96/day
Non-Resident $115/day
Commercial Uses
Schaefer Ranch Park - Area A (seats 64)
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
Alamo Creek Park Picnic Area Rentals
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Alamo Creek Park - Area A (seats 48)
Use for the Purpose of
Fundraising $54/day
Individuals or Other Groups Alamo Creek Park - Area A (seats 48)
N/A Resident $72/day
Non-Resident $86/day
Commercial Uses
Alamo Creek Park - Area A (seats 48)
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
Shannon Park Picnic Area Rentals
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Shannon Park - Area A (seats 48)
Use for the Purpose of
Fundraising $54/day
Individuals or Other Groups Shannon Park - Area A (seats 48)
N/A Resident $72/day
Non-Resident $86/day
Commercial Uses
Shannon Park - Area A (seats 48)
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
Heritage Park Picnic Area Rentals
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
Heritage Park - Area A (seats 80)
Use for the Purpose of
Fundraising $85/day
PR32 Individuals or Other Groups Heritage Park - Area A (seats 80)
N/A Resident $120/day
Non-Resident $144/day
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 28 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
Commercial Uses
Heritage Park - Area A (seats 80)
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
PR34 Facility Attendant (Required with Heritage Picnic Rentals) Heritage Park - Area A (seats 80)
N/A $14 per hour per Facility
Section 10.5: Parks & Recreation Program Fees - Sports Fields Rental Fees**
SR1 Public Agencies, Dublin Youth Sports Leagues Sports Fields Rental - Turf Field $7/hour No Change SR2 Public Agencies, Dublin Youth Sports Leagues Sports Fields Rental - Synthetic Turf Field $25/hour No Change SR3 Public Agencies, Dublin Youth Sports Leagues Sports Fields Rental - Lighting Charge per hour $25.40/hour No Change
SR4 Dublin Adult Sports Leagues, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-
based Charitable and Social Welfare Organizations Sports Fields Rental - Turf Field $16.80/hour No Change
SR5 Dublin Adult Sports Leagues, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-
based Charitable and Social Welfare Organizations Sports Fields Rental - Synthetic Turf Field $50/hour No Change
SR6 Dublin Adult Sports Leagues, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-
based Charitable and Social Welfare Organizations Sports Fields Rental - Lighting Charge per hour $27.20/hour No Change
Individual or Other Groups
Sports Fields Rental - Turf Field
Resident $21/hour
Non-Resident $25.20/hour
No Change
Individual or Other Groups
Sports Fields Rental - Synthetic Turf Field
Resident $62.50/hour
No Change
Individual or Other Groups
Sports Fields Rental - Lighting Charge per hour
Resident $34/hour
Non-Resident $40.80/hour
No Change
Commercial Uses
Sports Fields Rental - Turf Field
Resident $33.60/hour
Non-Resident $40.30/hour
No Change
Commercial Uses
Sports Fields Rental - Synthetic Turf Field
Resident $100/hour
Non-Resident $250/hour
No Change
Commercial Uses
Sports Fields Rental - Lighting Charge per hour
Resident $54.40/hour
Non-Resident $65.30/hour
No Change
For Tournaments, an hourly Facility Attendant fee in addition to the rental fees will be charged. Please refer to the Sports Fields Use Policy for more information.
Tennis Court Rentals
Public Agencies, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin-based Charitable
and Social Welfare Organizations, Homeowners Associations, and Sports
No Change
Individuals or Other Groups
Resident $10/hour/Court
No Change
Exhibit A
*Local Fees and Charges not subject to annual adjustment based on Consumer
Price Index (CPI)
**Fees and Charges established by separate ordinance, State Law, or another agency
and not subject to CPI adjustment Page 29 of 29
Item / Service
Description / Unit
Fees through
Fee Effective
Fee Effective
Commercial Uses
Dublin-based Business
Non Dublin-based Business
No Change
For all Facility Rentals, Picnic Area Rentals and the Sports Field Rentals a late charge and cancellation fees along with a security deposit will be charged in addition to the above fees.
WHEREAS, California local governments may charge fees for a number of services that
they provide. These fee amounts may not exceed a reasonable estimate of the cost of providing
the services; and
WHEREAS the City retained the services of MGT Consulting Group (“MGT”) to assist
with a comprehensive update of the fees-for-service for administrative services, fire, police,
building, planning, housing and public works: engineering and environmental services. Working
with City staff, MGT calculated the full cost associated with providing those services, which
includes both indirect and direct costs of labor and materials; and
WHEREAS, once the costs of providing services had been determined, City staff and
MGT were able to update fees to reflect the total recoverable amount that reflects the estimated
reasonable cost of providing each service. The methodology for developing all fees is provided
in a Cost Recovery Study, dated May 2018 (the “Report”). The Report is on file with the City
Clerk; and
WHEREAS, some of the fees in need of an update are codified in the Municipal Code;
WHEREAS, in an effort to increase efficiency, the City wishes to amend its Municipal
Code to allow these fees to be updated by City Council resolution.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby ordain as follows:
Section 1: The following sections of Dublin Municipal Code are amended as follows:
A. Section 4.04.250 of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read in its
entirety as follows:
4.04.250 Business Registration Fee
The business registration fees, which are found to be commensurate with
the cost of issuance of the license , shall be as fixed by the City Council by
B. Section 4.04.260 of the Dublin Municipal Code hereby deleted.
C. Section 4.04.280 of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read in its
entirety as follows:
4.04.280 Transferability—Change of ownership or location
No license issued pursuant to this chapter shall be transferable; provided,
that where a license is issued authorizing a person to transact and carry
on a business at a particular place, such licensee may, upon application
therefor, have the license amended to authorize the transacting and
carrying on of such business under the license at some other location to
which the business is or is to be moved. Provided further, that transfer,
whether by sale or otherwise, to another person under such
circumstances that the real or ultimate ownership after the transfer is
substantially similar to the ownership existing before the transfer, shall not
be prohibited by this section, provided application is made for transfer of
the license and a fee to the Collector in an amount as fixed by the City
Council by resolution.
D. Section 4.04.290 of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read in its
entirety as follows:
4.04.290 Duplicate license
A duplicate license may be issued by the Collector to replace any license
previously issued hereunder which has been lost or destroyed, upon the
licensee filing a statement of such fact, and at the time of filing such
statement paying to the Collector a duplicate license fee in an amount as
fixed by the City Council by resolution.
E. Section 5.24.070(B) of the Dublin Municipal Code is amended to read in its
entirety as follows:
5.24.070 Safe and sane fireworks – Permit procedure
B. Every application for a permit shall be accompanied by a fee in an
amount as fixed by the City Council by resolution to cover reasonable
costs of investigation and administration. If the application is denied for
any reason, one-half of said fee shall be refunded.
Section 2. Severability. The provisions of this Ordinance are severable and if any provision,
clause, sentence, word or part thereof is held illegal, invalid, unconstitutional, or inapplicable to
any person or circumstances, such illegality, invalidity, unconstitutionality, or inapplicability shall
not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions, clauses, sentences, sections, words or
parts thereof of the ordinance or their applicability to other persons or circumstances.
Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be enforced beginning on
September 1, 2018.
Section 4. Posting. The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be
posted in at least three (3) public places in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933
of the Government Code of the State of California.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of July, 2018
City Clerk