HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC Minutes 07-10-2018PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Tuesday, July 10, 2018 A Regular Meeting of the Dublin Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, July 10, 2018, in the City Council Chamber. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM., by Commission Chair Bhuthimethee. 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Attendee Name Title Status Tara Bhuthimethee Commission Chair 6-hair Present Stephen Wright Commission Vice Chair Present Am it Kothari Planning C_o_mmissioner Present Samir Qureshi Planning Commissioner Absent Scott Mittan Planning Commissioner Present 2. Oral Communications 2.1 Public Comment No public comments were made. 3. Consent Calendar 3.1. Approve the Minutes of the May 22, 2018 Planning Commission Meeting 3.2. Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 18-17 RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBLIN AND ASHTON AT DUBLIN STATION, LLC RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVED BY: Stephen Wright, Commission Vice Chair SECOND: Amit Kothari, Planning Commissioner AYES: Wright, Bhuthimethee, Mittan, Kothari ABSENT: Samir Quereshi, Planning Commissioner 4. Written Communication - None. 5. Public Hearing — None. 6. Unfinished Business — None. Planning Commission July 10, 2018 4tggular Meeting (Page 11 7. New Business — None. 8. Other Business Jeff Baker, Assistant Community Development Director, informed the Commission that the City Council approved the Safari Kid project on appeal at their meeting held on June 19, 2018. Commissioner Wright mentioned that under Item 9 on June 19, 2018, City Council discussed the idea of Planning Commission training, mentoring, and communication practices between the various Commissions and Council. 9. Adiournment The meeting was adjourned by Commission Chair Bhuthimethee at 7:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, d� Planning Commission Chair ATTEST: Jeff Baker Assistant Community Development Director Tlanning Commission jufy 10, 2018 fgufar Meeting (P a g e 12