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8.2 - 2375 Informational Report on Residential Develop
Page 1 of 4 STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL DATE: January 8, 2019 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Christopher L. Foss, City Manager SUBJECT: Informational Report on Residential Development Projects Prepared by: Mandy Kang, Senior Planner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council has requested an informational report on the status of planned residential development under the City of Dublin General Plan. The General Plan identifies 5,292 planned residential units remaining to be issued buildi ng permits City- wide. Some of these units have vested development rights while others satisfy the City’s Regional Housing Needs Allocation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the report. FINANCIAL IMPACT: No financial impact. DESCRIPTION: The City Council requested that Staff prepare an informational report on the status of remaining planned residential development Citywide under the General Plan. This is the first in a series of reports to the City Council on the status of remaining residential development in Dublin. This report focuses on the remaining number of units and vested development rights. Future reports will address the City’s Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) and the City’s obligations to satisfy that requirement, as well as future housing legislation with the potential to impact Dublin. Residential Development Status Under California law, cities can generally restrict development projects from going forward up until the point where the developer has completed substantial constructi on based on a building permit. The California Legislature has developed two mechanisms to provide security to developers: development agreements and vesting tentative maps. Residential development projects that have adopted Development Agreements or Page 2 of 4 approved Vesting Tentative Maps have vested development rights. These rights provide security to developers that the City will not change its zoning and other laws applicable to the project. As of November 30, 2018, the Dublin General Plan identifies 5,292 planned residential units remaining to be issued building permits City-wide. Of those units, 2,359 units have secured development rights and are vested; this represents less than half (45%) of the remaining units planned under the Dublin General Plan. The remaining 55% (2,933 units) are considered non-vested. Of the non-vested residential units, nearly 42% (1,218 units) are located within the Downtown Dublin Specific Plan area with the remaining 58% (1,715 units) located in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area. Please refer to Table 1 below for a summary of the vested and non -vested residential units by planning area while Tables 2 and 3 provide a list of the specific vested and non - vested development projects/sites. Please refer to Attachments 1 and 2 for maps showing the location of the vested and non-vested development sites. Table 1. Remaining Vested and Non-Vested Residential Units (November 30, 2018) Planning Area Vested Non-Vested Total Planned Units Units Units Eastern Dublin Specific Plan 446 1,715 2,161 Dublin Crossing Specific Plan 1,395 0 1,395 Downtown Dublin Specific Plan 499 1,218 1,717 Historic Area Specific Plan - - - Schaefer Ranch 19 0 19 TOTAL UNITS 2,359 2,933 5,292 Percentage 45% 55% 100% Table 2 - Vested Residential Development Projects Project Name Total Units Vested Units Remaining to be Started Number Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area 446 1 Onyx @ Jordan Ranch N-7 105 29 3 Wallis Ranch 1 Bridgecroft 92 2 4 Wallis Ranch 4B Haven 75 2 6 Glen @ Tassajara Hills (Moller Ranch) 107 44 7 Knolls @ Tassajara Hills (Moller Ranch) 179 105 8 Bluffs @ Tassajara Hills (Moller Ranch) 84 39 10 Moller Ranch - custom home 1 1 11 Dublin Ranch North 4 4 12 Transit Center A-3 - Ashton 220 220 Page 3 of 4 Dublin Crossing Specific Plan 1,395 14 Boulevard - N5 - Filmore 80 22 15 Boulevard - N7 - Broadway 110 110 16 Boulevard - N8 - Skyline 114 78 17 Boulevard - N10 - Hyde Park 102 102 18 Boulevard - N11 - Mulholland 40 37 19 Boulevard - N12 - Newbury 49 1 20 Boulevard - N13 - Lincoln 45 11 21 Boulevard - N14 - Gramercy 102 102 22 Boulevard - N15 - Abbey 60 60 23 Boulevard - N16 - Downing 48 48 24 Boulevard - N17 - Huntington 37 37 25 Boulevard - N18 - Mulholland 40 40 26 Boulevard - N19 - Venice 91 91 27 Boulevard - N20 - Parc 75 75 28 Boulevard - N21 - Ivy 62 62 29 Boulevard - N22 - Vine 92 92 30 Boulevard - N23 - Avalon 90 90 31 Boulevard - N24 - Lombard 100 100 Pool of Remaining Units 237 Downtown Dublin Specific Plan 499 33 BayView Apts on St. Patrick Way 499 499 Other 19 34 Schaefer Ranch South Unit 3 19 19 (plus lot 70) TOTALS 2,359 Table 3 - Non-Vested Residential Development Projects Number Project Name Density per the General Plan Total Studied Units Non-vested Units Remaining to be Started Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area 1,715 1 Sperfslage 45-80 64 64 2 Dimanto Property (At Dublin) 181-273+ 261 261 3 Chen Property 56-100 130 130 4 Anderson Property 99-175 108 108 5 Righetti Property 59-134 96 96 6 Branaugh Property 59-136 97 97 7 Croak Property 167-838 573 573 8 Tipper Property 50-115 82 82 9 Kobold Property 12-28 20 20 10 McCabe Property 6-14 10 10 11 Yarra Yarra Ranch 58-132 79 79 12 Transit Center D-1 195 195 Page 4 of 4 Dublin Crossing Specific Plan 0 Downtown Dublin Specific Plan 1,218 Pool of Remaining Units 1218 Other 0 TOTALS 2,933 While non-vested units do not have the same development protections as vested units, the Dublin General Plan Housing Element relies on some of these non-vested units to meet the City’s Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA). A future report will address RHNA and the City’s obligations to satisfy that requirement. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: A public notice is not required to provide an informational report to the City Council. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Vested Residential Projects Map 2. Non-Vested Residential Projects Map CREEKSI DEDRIVECEDARLANE BRIT T ANYLANEBURN H AMWAYNEWFIELDSLA N EHILLBROOKPLACELANCASTERROADSIERRA LANEKIMB A L L A V E N U E M A R W IC K DRIVE H IL L ROSEDRIV EANTO N E W A Y IGLESIADRIVE SHADOWHILLDRIVEBETLEN DRIVE YORK DRIVE V OMACROAD H A N S EN DRIV ET A MARACK DRIVE SUMMER GLEN DRI V ECROSSRIDGEROAD SIG N A L HI LLDRIVEBRIG H TON D RIV E WILDWOODROADBAY LA UR ELS TREET S C A RLETTCOURT CREEKVIEWDRIVED A V O N ADR IV E BLOOMINGTON WAYHACIENDADRIVEBRODER STREET ST A GECOACHROADG L EA SO N D R IV E A L C O S T A B O U L E V A R D CENTRAL PARKWAY GLEASON DRIVE DUBLIN BOULEVARD DUBLIN BOULEVARD VILLAGEPARKWAYD U B L IN B O U L E V A R DSANRAMONROADI-6 80 AMADORVALLEYBOULEVARDFALLONROADI-580CIVIC PLAZAC I R CLEW A YP E N N D R I VEBAN DON D R I VEFENWICKWAY MAPLEDRIVE PRINCE DRI VECASTILIANROADROYS HILL L ANE RH O DAAVENUEAMARILLOROADVIA ZAPATA IRO N WO O D D R I VEWI C K L O WL A NETU R N B E R RYDRIVE BRIGAD O ON W A Y B E V E R L Y L A N E W E ST VOMACRO ADKINGSMIL L TERRACE STARWA RDDRIVE ARNOLDROADSIERRACOURTINSPIR A TION C I RCL EROLLI N G HILLS D R IVE SILVERGATEDRIVEDOUGHERTY ROADTASSAJARAROADT A SSAJA RA ROADF ALLONROADDUBLINB O U L E VARDINSPIRA TI ONDRIVEPOSITANOPARKWAYARNOLDROADGRAFTONSTREET§¨¦580§¨¦580 §¨¦680 !WallisRanch(4 units)!Tassajara Hills (Glen, Knolls & Bluffs)(189 units)!On yx @ Jordan Ranch N-7(29 units)!Dublin Ranch North(4 un its)!Boulevard(1395 units)!Transit Center A-3 - Ashton(220 units)!BayView Apts on St Patrick Way(499 units)!Schaefer Ranch South Unit 3 (19 units) Esri, HERE, Garmin, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user community ±City of Dublin Vested Residential Development Sites 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1Miles CREEKSI DEDRIVECEDARLANE BRIT T ANYLANEBURN H AMWAYNEWFIELDSLA N EHILLBROOKPLACELANCASTERROADSIERRA LANEKIMB A L L A V E N U E M A R W IC K DRIVE H IL L ROSEDRIV EANTO N E W A Y IGLESIADRIVE SHADOWHILLDRIVEBETLEN DRIVE YORK DRIVE V OMACROAD H A N S EN DRIV ET AMARACK DRIVE SUMMER GLEN DRI V ECROSSRIDGEROAD SIG N A L HI LLDRIVEBRIG H TON D RIV E WILDWOODROADBAY LA UR ELS TREET S C ARLETTCOURT CREEKVIEWDRIVED A V O N ADR IV E BLOOMINGTON WAYHACIENDADRIVEBRODER STREET ST A GECOACHROADG L EA SO N D R IV E A L C O S T A B O U L E V A R D CENTRAL PARKWAY GLEASON DRIVE DUBLIN BOULEVARD DUBLIN BOULEVARD VILLAGEPARKWAYD U B L IN B O U L E V A R DSANRAMONROADI-6 80 AMADORVALLEYBOULEVARDFALLONROADI-580CIVIC PLAZAC I R CLEW A YP E N N D R I VEBANDON D R I VEFENWICKWAY MAPLEDRIVE PRINCE DRI VECASTILIANROADROYS HILL L ANE RH O DAAVENUEAMARILLOROADVIA ZAPATA IRO N WO O D D R I VEWI C K L O WL A NETU R N B E R RYDRIVE BRIGAD O ON W A Y B E V E R L Y L A N E W E ST VOMACRO ADKINGSMIL L TERRACE STARWA RDDRIVE ARNOLDROADSIERRACOURTINSPIR A TION C IRCL EROLLI N G HILLS D R IVE SILVERGATEDRIVEDOUGHERTY ROADTASSAJARAROADT A SSAJA RA ROADF ALLONROADDUBLINB O U L E VARDINSPIRA TI ONDRIVEPOSITANOPARKWAYARNOLDROADGRAFTONSTREET§¨¦580 §¨¦580 §¨¦680 !BranaughProperty(97 units)!RighettiProperty(96 units)!AndersonProperty(108 units)!Chen Property(130 units)!CroakProperty(573 units)!Dimanto Property(At Dublin)(261 units)!TransitCenter D-1(195 units) !YarraYarra Ranch(79 units)!Sperfslag e(64 units)!Kobold(20 units)!TipperProperty(82 units) ! McCabeProperty(10 units)!Downtown Dublin Specific Plan(1,218 units) Esri, HERE, Garmin, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user community ±City of Dublin Non-Vested Residential Development Sites 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1Miles