HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.2 - 2537 2018-23 CIP Update Page 1 of 9 STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL DATE: April 2, 2019 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Christopher L. Foss, City Manager SUBJECT: 2018-2023 Five-Year Capital Improvement Program Update Prepared by: Lisa Hisatomi, Assistant Administrative Services Director EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The City Council will receive an update of the 2018 -2023 Five-Year Capital Improvement Program adopted in Fiscal Year 2018-19. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Receive the report and provide direction to Staff for the Capital Improvement Program Update to be presented to the City Council on May 21, 2019. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Any financial impact resulting from City Council direction will be included in the Fiscal Year 2019-20 budget proposal scheduled for the May 21, 2019 City Council meeting. DESCRIPTION: Every two years, the City Council adopts a new Five -Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP), following a review of certain projects by the Planning Commission, the Parks and Community Services Commission, and /or the Heritage and Cultural Arts Commission. In the in-between years, Staff provides an update to the CIP with updated project costs. The current CIP, for years 2018-2023, was adopted by the City Council on May 18, 2018, therefore the CIP included in this report serves as an update. A new CIP cycle will start in Fiscal Year 2020-2021. 2018-2023 Capital Improvement Projects The 2018-2023 CIP Update summary is provided as Attachment 1, which includes total project costs and funding sources. Projects in the CIP are identified in three major categories. Below is a summary of Page 2 of 9 2018-2023 CIP expenditures by category, followed by highlights of major projects in each category. 2018-2023 CIP Expenditures Category 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 Total General $23,603,672 $3,585,900 $656,550 $6,600,250 $1,706,480 $36,152,852 Parks 32,271,702 8,110,304 8,609,195 3,748,391 52,739,592 Streets 32,747,786 15,709,405 19,547,827 2,823,856 2,823,856 73,652,730 Total $88,623,159 $27,405,609 $28,813,572 $13,172,497 $4,530,336 $162,545,173 General Improvements • Civic Center HVAC and Roof Replacement (GI0119): This project provides for the design and replacement of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system and controls, roof replacement, associated building modifications, and code compliance upgrades for City Hall and the Poli ce Services Building within the Civic Center complex. The total project cost is $5,200,000, funded by a General Fund Reserve and Internal Service Funds. • Cultural Arts Center (GI0001): This project provides for the design and construction of a 13,000-square-foot Cultural Arts Center on the first floor of Civic Center, which is currently occupied by Dublin Police Services. The Parks & Recreation Master Plan identifies a Cultural Arts Center that would serve as a multi-use facility that affords cultural, educational and social opportunities for the community. The total project cost is $5,576,800 and is subject to available funds in the Public Facility Fees Program. • Financial System Replacement (GI0319): This project provides for the selection, and implementation of a replacement for the City’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, which serves as the primary software platform for Finance, Human Resources, Public Works, and Community Development functions, and all other core transactions. A Request for Proposals for consulting services was issued in March 2019 and the selection of the consultant is planned for April 2019. The total estimated project cost is $2,500,000, funded by the General Fund and Internal Service Funds. • Library Tenant Improvements (GI0002): This project provides for the design and construction of tenant improvements to the library, including completion of 5,150 square feet of currently unoccupied space within the library building. The project is consistent with the 2016 Alameda County Library Space Plan. The total project cost is $1,706,480 and is subject to available funds in the Public Facility Fees Program. • Public Safety Complex - Police Services Building (GI0116): This project provides for the design and reconstruction of the Public Safety Complex to accommodate the expansion of Dublin Police Services. The project includes demolition of two existing buildings, renovation of one building, reconstruction of one building, and associated site improvements. Additional appropria tion of $2,000,000 was Page 3 of 9 approved by the City Council on March 19, 2019 to include structural upgrades necessary to bring the building up to “essential facility” status, to replace the existing parking lot adjacent to the Alameda County Fire Department side of the building, and to install a solar voltaic system on top of the 55 vehicle carports located within the police parking lot. The total project cost is $23,900,000, funded by the General Fund and Dublin Crossing Community Benefit Payments , of which $13.8 million is eligible for repayment by future Public Facility Fees. Parks • Clover Park & Sunrise Park (PK0117): This project provides for the design and construction of a 10.75-acre nature community park and the adjacent 2.0-acre neighborhood square in the Irongate Development. The total project cost is $1,781,358, and the project will be built by the developer. • Don Biddle Community Park (PK0115): This project provides for the design and construction of a 30-acre community park in the Boulevard development, within the Dublin Crossing Specific Plan. The park will be located between Dublin Boulevard, Scarlett Drive, Horizon Parkway, and Columbus Street. The park will be built by the Boulevard developer, in accordance with the Dublin Crossing Development Agreement. The developer is responsible for project costs up to $12,857,142. The City is responsible for reimbursing the developer for project costs that exceed that amount. The conceptual plan was approved by the City Council on January 9, 2018. The plan includes tennis courts, basketball courts, a picnic and BBQ area, a great lawn (multi-use lawn area), playgrounds, parent paddock, community garden, and other amenities. On October 2, 2018, the City Council provided direction to use $600,000 of Community Benefit Funds for the inclusion of a specimen tree and upgraded playground equipment in the park design. Construction is anticipated to begin in Spring of 2019. The total project cost is $22,800,000, funded by the developer, Public Facility Fees, and Community Benefit Payments. • Dublin Heritage Park Cemetery Improvements (PK0215): This project provides for the renovation of the existing Pioneer Cemetery at the Dublin Heritage Park. Renovation improvements. The total project cost is $1,500,000, funded by a developer contribution from the Schaefer Ranch project. • Dublin Sports Grounds All-Abilities Playground (PK0518): This project provides for the installation of a new all-abilities playground, replacing the existing playground, and the replacement of the restroom and picnic facilities at the Dublin Sports Grounds located at Dublin Boulevard and Civic Plaza. City Council approved the concept design on February 19, 2019. Construction will begin in 2019. The total project cost is $4,000,000, funded by a General Fund reserve. • Fallon Sports Park Phase 3 (PK0119): This project provides for the design and construction of the remaining 14 acres of Fallon Sports Park, referred to as th e Upper Terrace. The concept design will include an option for a cricket f ield, in lieu of two softball fields, and options for sand volleyball and multi-sport batting cages. Fallon Sports Park is a 60 -acre community park bordered by Fallon Page 4 of 9 Road, Central Parkway, Lockhart Street and Gleason Drive. Phases 1 and 2 of the park have been completed and Phase 3 represents the final phase of design. Concept design options for Phase 3 will be completed in Fiscal Year 2018 -2019 and construction is anticipated to start in 2020. The total project cost is $10,360,000, funded by Public Facility Fees. The City Council may consider the phasing of Phase 3 based on funding available for the remaining projects covered by Public Facility Fees. • Jordan Ranch Neighborhood Square (PK0002): This project provides for the design and construction of a 2.0-acre neighborhood square in the Jordan Ranch Development. The neighborhood square will be designed in accordance with the Neighborhood Square Standards contained in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. The total project cost is $1,480,000 and is subject to available funds in the Public Facility Fee Program. • Tassajara Hills Neighborhood Square (PK0118): This project provides for the design and construction of a 1.08-acre neighborhood square in the Tassajara Hills Development. The total project cost is $1,053,000, and the project will be built by the developer. • Wallis Ranch Community Park - Phase 1 (PK0001): The Wallis Ranch Community Park consists of three separate parcels totaling 8.85 acres in the Wallis Ranch development. The Phase 1 park project will provide for the design and construction of a community park on the two parcels adjacent to Tassajara Road totaling 4.86 acres. Design and construction of Phase 2 of the park, on the remaining 3.99-acre parcel, is planned for future years, beyond t he five-year CIP. The total cost for Phase 1 is $3,597,000 and is subject to available funds in the Public Facility Fees Program. Streets • Amador Valley Blvd - Wildwood Road & Stagecoach Intersections Improvements (ST0317): This project includes safety improvements for vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic on Amador Valley Boulevard at the intersections of Wildwood Road and Stagecoach Road. Additional appropriation was approved by City Council on December 4, 2018 to integrate green infrastructure for st ormwater treatment and to expand the use of recycled water for irrigation of public landscaping. The total project cost is $1,088,260, funded primarily by Measure B/BB and Measure D Funds. • Annual Street Resurfacing (ST0117): This project provides for a variety of pavement resurfacing treatments, from slurry seal to major rehabilitation and reconstruction. Streets are selected for improvements based on the City's Pavement Management System to optimize the pavement condition in relation to available budget. The project is an on-going annual program. The annual project cost is approximately $2.4 million, funded primarily by Measure B/BB, Gas Tax, and SB1 funds. Page 5 of 9 • Citywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements (ST0517): This project provides improvements to various pedestrian and bicycle facilities throughout the City, which includes Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan improvements, Citywide Sidewalk Repair improvements, and design and construction of improvements recommended in the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, the ADA Transition Plan, and the Class 1 Facilities Maintenance Plan. An update of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan will be undertaken in Fiscal Year 2018-19 and it is anticipated that the ADA Transition Plan update will be completed in late 2019. The total project cost is $3,175,480, funded by Measure B/BB, Transportation Development Act, and the General Fund. • Citywide Signal Communications Upgrade (ST0713): This project provides for the continued upgrades of the traffic signal communications system which includes the replacement of signal controllers, conflict monitors, and battery backup units. The project also includes managing ongoing signal operations of coordinated corridors. In Fiscal Years 2019-20 and 2020-21, the project will further expand the traffic communication network, connecting traffic signals on Fallon Road and Tassajara Road and replacing existing copper communication cables with fiber optic cables on Dublin Boulevard. Additional appropriation was approved by the City Council on February 19, 2019 to provide funding for additional design and construction costs associated with expanding the City’s fiber optic network, adaptive traffic signal software and updating the City’s Travel Demand Forecasting Model. The total project cost is $3,177,925, funded by a General Fund reserve, Vehicle Registration Fees, Traffic Impact Fees, and SB1 funds. • Dublin Boulevard Extension - Fallon Road to North Canyon Parkway (ST0216): This project provides for the environmental review, preliminary engineering, design, and construction of the 1.5-mile extension of Dublin Boulevard from Fallon Road to North Canyons Parkway in Livermore. The extension is planned to have four to six travel lanes, bike lanes, a class 1 trail, sidewalk, curb and gutter, traffic signals, street lighting, landscaped raised median islands, bus stops, and all city street utilities. This is a collaborative project between the City of Dublin and Livermore. Alameda County Transportation Commission will take the lead in final design, after the completion of the project EIR and precise roadway alignment in Summer 2019. The final cost allocation to each jurisdiction will be defined by a Cooperative Agreement which is planned to be considered by the City Council in the Summer of 2019. The total project cost is $97,068,326; of that amount, approximately $82,530,000 is beyond the 2018 -2023 CIP timeframe. The project is funded mainly by Traffic Impact Fees, Measure BB Grants, and SB1 funds, with $3,300,000 remaining as an unidentified funding source. • Dublin Boulevard Improvements - Sierra Court to Dublin Court (ST1012): This project provides for the design and construction to widen Dublin Boulevard from Sierra Court to Dublin Court and for the undergrounding of existing overhead utilities within the project limits. Completion of this project will widen Dublin Boulevard from four to six lanes and install bike lanes, modif y two traffic signals, install pedestrian-scaled lights, and enhance existing landscaping. Additional Page 6 of 9 appropriation of $2,650,000 was approved by the City Council in Fiscal Year 2018-19 to cover higher construction cost and to account for the additional improvements constructed by the project, including repaving and installing video detection at the intersection of Dublin and Dougherty, installing street lighting along the Dublin Sports Grounds parking lot, and performing emergency pavement repairs on Village Parkway. The total project cost is $11,741,434, funded by Traffic Impact Fees, Measure BB Grants, State Gas Tax, and Rule 20A monies. • Intelligent Transportation System Upgrade - Connected/Autonomous Vehicle and Safety Improvements (ST0519): This project provides for improvements to the City's transportation system using emerging technologies, such as support for connected and autonomous vehicles. The project is a collaborative effort between the City of Dublin and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC). The system improvements will be completed by both the City and MTC. The project update includes additional costs in Fiscal Year 2019-20 for a bike and pedestrian detection system along Dublin Blvd near the BART station that were not funded by MTC. The total project cost is $621,200, funded by Gas Tax, Vehicle Registration Fee, and MTC. • Tassajara Road Improvements - North Dublin Ranch Drive to Quarry Lane School (ST0119): This project provides for design and construction to complete the street improvements for Tassajara Road, from North Dublin Ranch Drive to Quarry Lane School. The project will improve Tassajara Road to a four-lane arterial standard, with bike lanes, sidewalks, landscaped median, stormwater treatment areas, and other associated street improvements. Portions of the existing roadway have been improved by adjacent develop ment projects and this project will complete the street improvements to implement the General Plan and the Complete Street Policy. Design of the project will begin in Fiscal Year 2018- 19. Construction is anticipated to start in Fiscal Year 2019-20, however it is dependent upon utility relocation, right-of-way acquisition, and permitting by regulatory agencies. The updated CIP cost accounts for higher improvement costs. The total project cost is $7,500,000, funded by Traffic Impact Fees and Gas Tax. • Tassajara Road Realignment and Widening - Fallon Road to North City Limit (ST0116): This project provides for the planning and preliminary engineering to define a new roadway alignment, design cross-section and right-of-way, and environmental clearance for Tassajara Road between North Dublin Ranch Drive and the City and Contra Costa County limit. The project also provides for the design and construction of a realigned Tassajara Road from Fallon Road to the northern City limit. The project will improve Tassajara Road to a four-lane arterial standard with bike lanes, sidewalks, landscaped median, and stormwater treatment areas. The total project cost is $12,500,000, funded by Traffic Impact Fees, Gas Tax, SB1 funds, and approximately $8,500,000 remaining as an unidentified funding source with the 2018-23 CIP timeframe. Page 7 of 9 Funding Sources The funding for 2018-2023 CIP comes from variety of sources. The following is a summary of funding sources for projects within the five-year CIP timeframe: Fund Type 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 Total General Fund $15,690,746 $4,553,000 $108,000 $108,000 $108,000 $20,567,746 Special Revenues 16,321,880 5,053,879 2,807,601 2,676,961 2,676,961 $29,537,282 Special Revenue - Assessment Districts 725,176 37,285 37,285 38,895 38,895 $877,536 Special Revenue - Public Art Fund 1,211,810 335,400 160,150 $1,707,360 Traffic Impact Fees 10,591,771 9,690,241 5,600,040 $25,882,052 Public Facilities Fees 9,717,876 5,174,904 9,105,595 8,848,641 1,706,480 $34,553,496 Dublin Crossing Fund 1,303,650 1,760,900 20,000 1,500,000 $4,584,550 Internal Service Funds 14,548,250 $14,548,250 Other*1,203,443 $1,203,443 Developer Built 17,308,557 $17,308,557 Unidentified 800,000 10,974,901 $11,774,901 Total $88,623,159 $27,405,609 $28,813,572 $13,172,497 $4,530,336 $162,545,173 * Includes Rule 20A monies for Dublin Blvd Improvement project and MTC direct funding for Intelligent Transportation System Upgrade - Connected/Autonomous Vehicle and Safety Improvements project Approximately 37% or $60.4 million of the CIP costs are funded by Traffic Impa ct Fees and Public Facility Impact Fees. It is important to note that the completion of projects funded by impact fees is contingent upon development proceeding as estimated and fees being collected as projected. The timing of projects funded by this sour ce may need to be re-evaluated if there is a slowdown of projected development activities. However, in the case of the Public Facility Fee related projects, there will be insufficient cash flow to fund all public facilities planned within the CIP, based on the development projections for the 2018-23 CIP timeframe. The City Council will still need to decide whether to proceed in whole or in part for the Fallon Sports Park Phase 3 project. If the decision, at a later date, is to proceed in whole, then it is likely that no other Public Facility Fee-funded projects will occur in the CIP timeframe. If the City Council were to proceed in part, then it is possible for the City Council to take on an additional project or projects during that time period. The following are projects and total costs funded by Public Facility Fees over prior years and the 2018-2023 CIP timeframe (excluding projects expected to be completed in FY 2018-19): Project Prior Years 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 Total Don Biddle Community Park (PK0115)$182,166 $5,099,576 $4,061,116 $9,342,858 Fallon Sports Park Phase 3 (PK0119)$2,125,776 $1,113,788 $7,120,436 $10,360,000 Cultural Arts Center (GI0001)$656,550 $5,100,250 $5,756,800 Wallis Ranch Community Park Phases 1 (PK0001)$938,095 $2,658,905 $3,597,000 Jordan Ranch Neighborhood Square (PK0002)$390,514 $1,089,486 $1,480,000 Library Tenant Improvements (GI0002)$1,706,480 $1,706,480 Total $182,166 $7,225,352 $5,174,904 $9,105,595 $8,848,641 $1,706,480 $32,243,138 Page 8 of 9 The General Fund contributes to the funding of approximately 13% or $20.6 million of the CIP costs. The following are projects funded or partially funded by General Fund: Committed Reserves: • Maintenance Yard Facility Improvements (GI0509) • Civic Center Modification Design and Construction (GI4099) • Civic Center HVAC and Roof Replacement (GI0119) • Dublin Heritage Park Cemetery Improvements (PK0215) • Shannon Center Parking Lot Improvements (PK0316) • Fallon Sports Park - Phase 2 (PK0414) • Dublin Sports Grounds All-Abilities Playground (PK0518) • San Ramon Road Landscape Renovation (ST0218) • AVB - Wildwood Road & Stagecoach Intersections Improvements (ST0317) • Citywide Signal Communications Upgrade (ST0713) • Storm Drain Trash Capture Project (ST1312) • Stormwater Trash Capture Device Installation (ST0419) Assigned Reserves: • Public Safety Complex - Police Services Building (GI0116) • Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations (GI0219) • San Ramon Road Trail Improvements (ST0514) • Citywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements (ST0517) • City Entrance Monument Signs (ST0319) Unassigned: • Financial System Replacement (GI0319) Community Benefit Payment: • Don Biddle Community Park (PK0115) Approximately 20% or $32.1 million of CIP costs are funded by Special Revenues : of this amount, the primary funding sources are Gas Tax, Measure B/BB Sales Tax, and the Public Art Fund. Other Funding Sources, which comprise improvements to be constructed by other agencies and developers, account for 11% or approximately $18.5 million in CIP costs. There is approximately $11.0 million in projects cost that do not have an identified funding source within the CIP timeframe. Future Projects The Future Projects category identifies projects that are beyond the current CIP timeframe, for which a funding source may or may not yet be identified. The total cost beyond the CIP timeframe is estimated at $199.5 million. The following are projects with future funding needs beyond the CIP timeframe: General Improvements ($285,000) • Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations (Future phase) Page 9 of 9 Parks ($46,146,000) • Croak Neighborhood Park East • Croak Neighborhood Park West • Dublin Heritage Park and Museums • Emerald Glen Recreation & Aquatic Complex - Phase 2 • Iron Horse Nature Park and Open Space • Wallis Ranch Community Park - Phase 2 • Public Art - Heritage Park and Museums Streets ($153,081,000) • Dublin Boulevard Extension (Unfunded portions of current project, future phases) • City Entrance Sign Modifications • Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee (Fee program projects) • Western Dublin Traffic Impact Fee (Fee program projects) Projects Completed During Fiscal Year 2018-19, the following project were completed, or anticipated to be completed, by the year end: • Civic Center Modification Design and Construction (GI4099) • Sean Diamond Park (PK0216) • Shannon Center Parking Lot Improvements (PK0316) • Public Art - Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatics Complex (PK0415) • Jordan Ranch Neighborhood Park (PK0514) • Storm Drain Trash Capture Project (ST1312) STRATEGIC PLAN INITIATIVE: Strategy 3: Pursue efforts to help strengthen the City’s infrastructure and tec hnology. Strategic Objective 3B: Continue to embrace technology to improve traffic, street and engineering infrastructure. NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: None. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2018-2023 CIP Update Summary PROJECT DESCRIPTION PRIOR YEARS 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS Annual ADA Transition Plan $19,972 $19,972 Civic Center HVAC and Roof Replacement 2,364,100 1,335,900 1,500,000 5,200,000 Civic Center Modification Design and Construction 4,215,580 62,711 4,278,291 Cultural Arts Center 656,550 5,100,250 5,756,800 Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations 150,000 285,000 435,000 Financial System Replacement 250,000 2,250,000 2,500,000 IT Infrastructure Improvement 643,142 256,858 900,000 Library Tenant Improvements 1,706,480 1,706,480 Maintenance Yard Facility Improvements 9,908,980 71,753 9,980,733 Public Safety Complex - Police Services Building $3,451,750 $20,448,250 $23,900,000 TOTAL COST $18,239,424 $23,603,672 $3,585,900 $656,550 $6,600,250 $1,706,480 $285,000 $54,677,276 2018-2023 CIP 2018-2023 Capital Improvement Program - General Improvements PROJECT DESCRIPTION PRIOR YEARS 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS Clover Park & Sunrise Park $1,781,358 $1,781,358 Don Biddle Community Park 182,166 17,956,718 4,661,116 22,800,000 Dublin Heritage Park Cemetery Improvements 8,263 1,491,737 1,500,000 Dublin Sports Grounds All-Abilities Playground 4,362 1,995,638 2,000,000 4,000,000 Dublin Sports Grounds Renovation 889,110 889,110 Emerald Glen Recreation & Aquatic Complex - Phase 1 $43,134,675 $1,996,270 $45,130,945 Fallon Sports Park - Phase 2 17,730,594 353,035 18,083,629 Fallon Sports Park Phase 3 2,125,776 1,113,788 7,120,436 10,360,000 Jordan Ranch Neighborhood Park 719,583 1,749,330 2,468,913 Jordan Ranch Neighborhood Square 390,514 1,089,486 1,480,000 Mape Memorial Park Playground Replacement 300,000 300,000 Public Art - Clover Park & Sunrise Park 96 35,504 35,600 Public Art - Dog Park Art Replacement 26,680 26,680 Public Art - Don Biddle Community Park 58,613 422,136 200,000 680,749 Public Art - Dublin Sports Grounds 211,920 124,920 336,840 Public Art - Emerald Glen Recreation and Aquatics Complex 360,193 72,776 432,969 Public Art - Fallon Sports Park 259,993 259,993 Public Art - Fallon Sports Park Phase 3 2,920 160,150 163,070 Public Art - Jordan Ranch Neighborhood Park 155 46,825 46,980 Public Art - Public Safety Complex - Police Services Building 330 337,970 338,300 Public Art - Sean Diamond Park 48,000 48,000 Public Art - Tassajara Hills Neighborhood Square 10,000 7,560 17,560 Sean Diamond Park 2,753,519 185,010 2,938,529 Shannon Center Parking Lot Improvements 1,077,981 72,019 1,150,000 Tassajara Hills Neighborhood Square 1,053,000 1,053,000 Wallis Ranch Community Park - Phase 1 938,095 2,658,905 3,597,000 TOTAL COST $67,179,634 $32,271,702 $8,110,304 $8,609,195 $3,748,391 $119,919,225 2018-2023 CIP 2018-2023 Capital Improvement Program - Parks PROJECT DESCRIPTION PRIOR YEARS 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS Alamo Creek Trail Repair $664,180 $664,180 Amador Plaza Road Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements 553,151 860,498 1,413,649 Amador Valley Blvd - Wildwood Road & Stagecoach Intersections Improvements 14,352 1,073,908 1,088,260 Annual Street Resurfacing 1,632,821 3,520,996 1,758,000 2,353,961 2,353,961 2,353,961 13,973,700 City Entrance Monument Signs 285,000 285,000 Citywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements 146,795 1,304,685 431,000 431,000 431,000 431,000 3,175,480 Citywide Signal Communications Upgrade 580,863 2,295,782 150,640 150,640 3,177,925 Dougherty Road Improvements - Sierra Lane to North City Limit 18,165,725 4,863,722 23,029,447 Dublin Boulevard Extension - Fallon Road to North Canyon Parkway 660,524 1,596,576 6,190,241 6,100,040 82,520,945 97,068,326 Dublin Boulevard Improvements - Sierra Court to Dublin Court 3,008,695 8,732,739 11,741,434 Dublin Boulevard Pavement Rehabilitation 737,000 737,000 Dublin Ranch Street Light Improvements 844 725,176 37,285 37,285 38,895 38,895 878,380 Intelligent Transportation System Upgrade – Connected/Autonomous Vehicle and Safety Improvements 510,000 111,200 621,200 Iron Horse Trail Bridge at Dublin Blvd 83,014 1,438,986 1,522,000 San Ramon Road Arterial Management 408,377 259,103 667,480 San Ramon Road Landscape Renovation 405 238,660 239,065 San Ramon Road Trail Improvements 72,051 101,410 173,461 Storm Drain Trash Capture Project 741,698 118,303 860,001 Stormwater Trash Capture Device Installation 1,010,000 1,010,000 Tassajara Road Improvements - North Dublin Ranch Drive to Quarry Lane School 1,798,020 5,701,980 7,500,000 Tassajara Road Realignment and Widening - Fallon Road to North City Limit 127,376 1,305,664 592,059 10,474,901 12,500,000 Traffic Sign Inventory and Safety Review 89,545 44,378 133,923 TOTAL COST $26,286,236 $32,747,786 $15,709,405 $19,547,827 $2,823,856 $2,823,856 $82,520,945 $182,459,911 2018-2023 CIP 2018-2023 Capital Improvement Program - Streets FUND #FUND DESCRIPTION PRIOR YEARS 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 1001 General Fund $11,956,696 $15,690,746 $4,553,000 $108,000 $108,000 $108,000 $285,000 $34,638,445 1005 Community Benefit Payment (GF)1,800,000 1,800,000 2106 Traffic Safety 88,350 44,378 133,923 2201 State Gas Tax 3,957,279 1,901,980 690,000 580,000 580,000 8,198,389 2202 Federal Transportation Grant 661,000 661,000 2203 Transportation Development Act 210,000 210,000 2204 Measure B Sales Tax - Local Streets Fund (ACTC)131,230 997,344 506,640 500,640 500,000 500,000 3,651,314 2205 Measure B Sales Tax - Bike & Pedestrian Fund (ACTC)721,872 123,000 23,000 23,000 23,000 928,224 2207 TFCA/Transportation for Clean Air 19,752 146,352 2212 Vehicle Registration Fee (ACTC)423,789 180,463 181,200 70,000 887,946 2214 Measure BB Sales Tax - Local Streets Fund (ACTC)768,160 442,000 380,000 430,000 430,000 3,240,160 2215 Measure BB Sales Tax - Bike & Pedestrian Fund (ACTC)264,217 120,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 579,321 2216 Measure B Grants 5,147,190 37,007 6,267,000 2217 Measure BB Grants 2,049,267 7,531,204 15,994,000 2220 Road Maint. & Rehab Account (RMRA)1,338,294 1,118,059 1,123,961 1,123,961 1,123,961 5,886,659 2302 Measure D 61,696 120,000 2304 Local Recycling Programs 170,000 170,000 2705 Street Light District East Dublin 1999-1 725,176 37,285 37,285 38,895 38,895 878,380 2801 Public Art Fund 474,309 1,211,810 335,400 160,150 2,386,741 2811 Cable TV Facilities 77,843 39,966 613,000 2904 Housing-Related Parks Grant Fund 652,524 831,100 3600 Streets CIP Projects 250,680 818,443 2,684,000 4100 Public Facility Fees 52,393,627 9,717,876 5,174,904 9,105,595 8,848,641 1,706,480 95,599,714 4301 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee - Category 1 319,722 2,966,839 6,190,241 2,300,000 12,043,121 4302 Eastern Dublin Traffic Impact Fee - Category 2 157,961 4,410,648 4,873,107 4303 Traffic Impact Fee - Category 3 1,159,000 409,263 1,568,263 4304 Western Dublin Traffic Impact Fee 497,117 1,059,498 1,612,649 4305 Traffic Impact Fee - Dougherty Valley 1,705,418 1,242,507 1,300,040 4,310,770 2018-2023 CIP 2018-2023 Capital Improvement Program - Funding Sources FUND #FUND DESCRIPTION PRIOR YEARS 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 FUTURE YEARS TOTALS 2018-2023 CIP 2018-2023 Capital Improvement Program - Funding Sources 4306 Tri-Valley Transportation Development 503,017 3,500,000 2,000,000 6,003,017 4309 Mitigation Contributions 1,360,625 1,483,559 4401 Dublin Crossing Development Fee 1,590,429 14,548,250 18,000,000 6205 Internal Service Fund - Facilities Replacement 3,082,856 664,100 1,335,900 1,500,000 6,887,606 6305 Internal Service Fund - Equipment 89,474 275,425 425,000 20,000 809,899 6605 IT Fund 643,142 364,125 1,049,999 9997 Other 385,000 385,000 9998 Unidentified 800,000 10,974,901 82,520,945 94,295,846 9999 Developer Built 17,308,557 17,308,557 TOTAL FINANCING $86,071,001 $88,623,159 $27,405,609 $28,813,572 $13,172,497 $4,530,336 $82,805,945 $357,137,061