HomeMy WebLinkAboutReso 061-01 CCS Plan Tassajara RESOLUTION NO. 61 - 01 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ********* APPROVING AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT WITH CCS PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC., FOR CONSULTING SERVICES I-580/TASSAJARA ROAD INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENTS DESIGN WHEREAS, future freeway and inter-agency infrastructure is planned to be constructed as part of the development process in Eastern Dublin; and WHEREAS, improvements are required at the Interstate 580/Tassajara Road interchange; and WHEREAS, on November 2, 1999, the City Council of the City of Dublin approved an agreement for consulting services with CCS Planning and Engineering, Inc. for the design of said improvements; and WHEREAS, Caltrans has reviewed the project plans and specifications prepared by CCS and based on Caltrans comments, CCS is required to perform additional design and revisions ofthe plans; and WHEREAS, in order to proceed on this additional work and complete the contract documents, it is necessary to amend CCS's contract. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council ofthe City of Dublin does hereby approve Amendment NO.1 to the agreement with CCS Planning and Engineering, Inc., to include additional services, which is attached hereto as "Exhibit A". BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor is authorized to execute the amendment. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of May, 2001. AYES: Councilmembers Lockhart, McCormick, Oravetz and Mayor Houston NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmember Zika ABSTAIN: None 4ta~~ ATTEST: c"Y< . ~~ ' ~C~ . City Clerk K2/G/5-1-0l/reso-ccs-tassajara.doc (Item 4.6) g:\engr\ccs\reso_tass design amendment ," .. EXHlBITnA" QFRES4?LUTION iaL-Ol AMENDl\1ENT TQ AGREEMENT . BETWEEN CITY OF DUBLIN AND CCS PLANNING AND ENGINEERING, INC. FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES WHEREAS, the City of Dublin (hereinafter referred to as "CITY") and CCS Planning and Engineering, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "CONSULTANTII), entered into an agreement on November 2, 1999 to design. the 1-580/Tassajara Road Interchange Improvements; and .WHEREAS, the Scope of Work to be performed is proposed tobe extended; and . WHEREAS, the not-to-exceed contract aniount is proposed to be. increased to cover the cost of the additional work; . NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as fqllows: Scope of Work The Scope of Work: shaUbe extended to include additional scope of work as described in Consultant's letter dated March 16,2001 for the 1-580/TassajaraRoad InterChange Improvements Project (attached). Extension of Term The total cost for time-and-materials work under this amendment shall not exceed an additional $119,995. CITY OF DUBLIN ~ A~f~ Ci erk CCS PLANNING AND ENGINEERING, INC. - /~::,LJ~ Tom Wintch Date: 41(::../ DI r <4 CCS Protect #98105 :ilL ~r CCS PLANNING AND ENGINEERING . I .N 1;. 0 R P 0 RAT E" I) . 6 Crow Canyon coUrt San Ramon, California 94583-1'621 925/314-1220. Fax 925/314-1229 email: SRO@Ccso~e.eom . . .... March 16, 20{Jj Mr. 'Kevin Van Katwyk City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dubli~ CA 94568 Mr. Ferd Del Ro'sario' . City of Dublin 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, CA 94568 . . . Mr. Eric Cordoba . Cordoba Gonsulting, Inc. 5368 Laurel Drive Concord, CA 94521 Subject: 1-580nassajara Road Interchange Additional Scope of Worlr/Design Costs Gentlemen: As requested, the ecs. Design Team has summarized the significant additional preliminary engineering, environmental and design activities required to complete the contract plans for the 1- 580n'assajara Road interchange project. These additional activities represent engineering. and' envir()nmentallevel of effort that was not included in.the original contract scope.9fwork for this project. . In .presenting this information, we have associated this increased level 'of effort with either the Project Study ReportJProject Report (pSR/PR). or the Plans. Specifications and Estimates (PS&E), as appropriate. . Each additional engineerlng or environmental activity is described and a ,corresponding. cost identified within the text of the "Additional Scope of Work" attachment. A cost breakdoWn by activity and team firm is presented on the accompanying spreadsheet The maj9rity of these cost increases .for the 1-580ITass~jara Road Interchange Proj~t are related to additional design effort to complete the contract plan~ Our original contract fee'was approxim~tely 9.8% of the estimated constructi'on.cost at the tUne.the con~ct was negotiated (June 1999). At that time the.estimated construction cost was approximately $8,640,000 with a corresponding design fee of $847,95.0. As you are aware, the effort to achiev~ Caltrans approval has, in turn, reflected in increases to' the . estimated construction cost. The current' estimated construction cost is approximately $9,225,000 based upon the last series of Caltrans Comments. Our proposed revised 'total PS&E design fee would equate to. approximately 10.0% of the current conStruction cost estimate of. $9,225,000. We feel that this design fee-to-Construction cost ratio is still extremely competitive. the majority of these additional tasks and activities have not yet been completed and it is hope<:i that the team will be able to absorb a portion of ~ese out-<;>f-s~ope efforts. We will continue to discuss a number of these requirements with Caltrans and strive to elimip.ate or reduce additional costs wherever possi,!:>le. However, at this time we ~ave attempted to present what is hopefully a "worst case" scenario. Please note thatCCS has utilized 1999 hourly rates for our wor~ and 'has excluded any subconsultant m~k-up. We will absorb these costs, estimated at approximately $22,OO~.. P:198\05IAdmi....TusPSR\Scoping-F.......lllD co....OI.3D.Ol.doc T RAN S p. 0 R TAT t O' N C I V I L ITS r . . . March 16,2001 .CCS Job #981 OS Page 2 W.e look forward to receiving comments from the constructibiIity ~view and. secut;ng caltrans approval as soo.n as possible.' . . Sincerely, . CCS Planning and Engineering; Ine. ~1-. -l-J~ . Thomas M. Wintch, PE, TE . TMW:ts Attachment (.0;- ...... 1-580lTassajara Road Ii:J.terchang~ Mod~fication Project. City of Dublin. , Additional Scope of Work PROJECT STUDY REPORTIPROJECT REPORT WSRlPR) 1. ~p MeteringITOS (CCTV) Coordination - This activity included coordination efforts, preparation of. a cost analysis, drafting of correspondence for the City, and meeting attendance. Caltrans is requiring. design and . installation of all equipment to make westbound' on-ramp meters operational. The original contract scope-of-work included underground conduits/foundations only. .Cost Increase $3,580. 2. Revised Cost Estimates - Several iterations of revising, PSR/PR cost es~tes -have been required as.' a result of .long;'life pavement, ramp metering, CCTV, median . re-' conStruction, median drainage, ditch paving and miscellaneous additions. . 'CostIncrease $3,632. 3. Additional' Hazardous Materials Studies - This activity included the preparation of a . Pesticide and Herbicide Report and the preparation of an Asbestos Report. The. original contract scope-of-work'did not include these ~o reports since they are recent Caltrans requirements. Cost Increa!i!e. $7,152. 4. Historic Properties Survey Report (HPSR) - This activity includes the preparation of a Historic Properties. Survey Report (HPSR) to satisfy NEPA. This report is required to secure federal funding. This. effort to prepare this repoI:t has been:. discusSed previously and received verbal approval. Cost Increase $12,9~0. PLANS. SPECIFICATION & ESTIMATES (PS&E) A. CaItrans Required Additions: 1.. Long-Life Pavement - As a result of the incorporation of long-life pavement for . auxiliary lanes into the' contract plans, a. series of design modifications became . necessmy. These modifications included revisions tQ typical sections, layout plans, construction. details, pavement quantity calculations,. edge drain plans and construction cost estimates. Cost Increase $14;412. P:\98 JOSv.dmin-TassPSlllScopingol'eeo\d..iSll C(JIIJ,OI.30,Ol.ckic " ~ 1-580lTassaiara Road Interchange 3. TOS (CCTV) - Caltrans has required the installation of a closed-Circuit television ' camera.(CCTV) as part of the interchange modifi,cations. This design element was not included in the priginal scope,-of-work. Cost Increase $3,220. 4. Reconstruct Median Shoulders - Caltrans has required the reconstruction of median shQulders as a result of their deflection testing. The shoulders are being used during -the construction of the auxiliary lanes. This reconstruction was not anticipated in the contract scope-or-work. Cost Increase $4,780. 5. Reconstruct Median Drainage - Caltrans has required the'design of a "Slotted-Drain" system within the median. This requirement was brought up dUring the 100% review. Cost Increase $lS~,210. 6. Add AC-Iined Ditches - Caltrans has required the'lining of all earthen ditches within the project 'limits. this requirement was brought up during the 100% review; , Cost Increase $9,36'8., 7. Add, PCC PavinglRevise Landscaping -' During the 100% review, Caltrans has 'directed the removal of previously-designed landscaping and replacing it withPCC Paving. This requirement is based upon'maintenance concerns. " Cost Increase $6,300. 8. Expanded SWPPP - Caltrans has expanded their requirements for preparation of a Storm VI ater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). It is our underStanding that the requirements are ~til1 being modified, however we have attempted to estimate' the required level of effort Our original scope-of-work included only a minor effort. Cost Increase $10,644. P;\9tJOS\Aclarin-'f.usl'SR,ISoopiag-P_ldaign COJII.OJ,30.0!,cloo r' I-S80/Tassaiara Road Interchange 9. Additional Caltrans Review - As a result of the constructability review, it is anticipated that ari, additional' Caltrans review will occur. At a mjnimum, it will. be necessary to identify changes as a result oftlie construc't8:bility review for subsequent Cal~ comment. Cosf Increase $7,574. B. City Required Additions; 1. Incorporation of Federal Specifications - As a conditiO'n O'f the receipt of federal funds for this project, state specifications will n~ed to be supplem~nted with federal specifications. ' ' , Cost Increase $3,630. 2.Constru~tibility Review - The Ciiy has requested a constructibility review by the , selected Construction Management firm. This review and the subsequent response to' comments was not included in the original scope. Cost Increase $5,054. . 3. Cost Estimate for 3n1 }IT.B. Lane on Tassajara Road - The City has requested the preparationQf 'a construction cost estimate, for a third nO'rthbound ,lane along Tassajara Road from the westbound' off-ramp to Northside Road. Cost Increase $2,020. 4., Traffic S~gna1 Redesign for N.E. Quac:trant - As a result of theu1.timate lane configuration along Tassajara Road north of the 1-580 westboqnd off-iamp~ the. 1 00% pians for the off-r~p traffic signal modifications will need to be modi,fied. Cost Increase $1,692. 5. Slurry Seal/Overlay - The City haS requested providing a slurry seal/overlay to existing and ramp roadways. This effO'rt was not included in the original contract scope-of-work. Cost Increase .$3,199. TOTAL ADDITIONAL DESIGN COSTS - $119,995. P:I981051Admi... TwPSR.\ScophiS-F.........ip CIOStO.OI.30,Ol ,doc 1- 580 I TlISSIIjara Road Inter City of , ADDmONAL'SCOPEOF WOR CCS STAFF cCS t - .. 0 2! <> % = :5 l:: af :z: ~ ~= 1-= < :! s ~Il3 ",'ffi ffi <w %w 0 'wta ! '3 ~ ~~ >w' ~z 8~' ~w =- ?: . ~ Il325 o:z: ' % 0% ~'~ az ~~ .~~ .~~ -= 0.0 ~~ ' m~ *c. rn g ~~ ~~ ~ ~ l Rate (SIb!') 5150.00 $140.00 SI30.00 m.DO $80.00 ,$62.00 $80.00 $45.00 S ' i ADDmONAL' ENGINEERING 'SERVICES , ' . , PROJECT STUDY REPORTJPROJECl' REPORT (PSRIPR) 0 SO I. Ramo Meterinl!ll'OS (CCTV) Coordination 4, 12 20 4 40 ' $3,580 2: ,ReviSe Cost Estimates 8 12 16 8 44 $3.632 , 3. Additional HlIZlirdous Materials Studies 6 6 12 $1,152 '4. Historic Procerties Swvey Report (HPSR) . 4 4 30 38 $2,980 0 $0 PLANS, SPECIl"tcAll0NS & ES'IlMATES (PS&E) 0 $0 A, OIltrans Required Additions 0 SO l. LOlI2-Life,Pavement 10 4 24 20 12 24 94 S9.444 ' 2. RamP Meterin!! 6 12 24 20 62 SS,s48 3. TOS(CCTV) , 4' 6 20 8 ' 38 $3,220 4. Reconstruct Median Shoulders 2 2 10 6 18 ' 10 2 SO $4.780 5. Reconstruct Median Dl1Iinage' , 4 4 14 10 12 6 ' SO S5,010 6. Add AC-Lined Ditches 2 ,8 4 14 12 40 $3.780 7. Add Pee Pavirla:laevise LandsCapina 2 6 12 16 36 s3;300 8. ExDanded SWPPP 2 6 16 8 30 32 24 '8 126 SIO,644 9. Additional Caltnlns ReView.. 3 9 3 14 20 3 52 $4,760 0 SO i 0 SO B. C"rty Requested Additions 0 SO 1. IncorDciration of Federal Specifications 12 8 8 6 34 $3.630 2.. ConsttUetabili~R.eview 4 6 4 8 10 32 SJ,ibO , 3. Cost Estimate for 3rd NB Lane on Tassaiam 2 6 12 20 S2,020 4. Traffic Signal Redesign for NE Ouadrant 4 6 10 20- SI,692 5. SIUlTV SeaU Overlay 8 8 7 7 ' I 31, $3.199 SIIb- Total, - Additional StiIft' Hours Sub-Total . Additional Labor ,Cost (S) BI9 $75,571 1 819 I 515.5711 I ccs I Total Additional Labor ,II S75;571, I Total Additionai Direct Expenses II so I Sub-Consultant Admin Costs II SO I .. Assume slope staking notes will not be ~uired for the Survey Engineer File , I I I , IPS&E AcId Fees1.x1s .> dlange Modlfieation Project: Dublin KI DESIGN COST SUMMARY 1/29/2001 CCS TEAM - SUBCONSULTANTS Subconsultanu CML GEOTECH ,DRAINAGE LANDSCAPE SURVEY ENVIR. HQE Parikh WRECO ' AAM M&S David Power - Ul~ ~ Z ~ l- i! i! 0:: zm tdfi ~~ ~ 0:: < Team Total ~~ 0 ~ 0 0:: z21 2; ll,g Team Total ~t: ~ ~!f 0::- to) gs i~ I~ Hours Amount 0% I<lZ C1:t: ,0$ Q 56 ~~ a~ sa ~~ z= ~~ 6i >&1 ~~ i~ 8:m f g:,ffi ~~ ;: m~ $126.00 , $10.00 $100.00 $90.00 $15.00 $45.00 $118.00 $76.00 , $172.00 $100.00 - $ - S 0 so 0 , so · 0 $0 40 53,580 0 ' SO 44 $3;632 60 60 $6 000 72 $7,152 100 100 $10.000 138 112,980 0 so 0 so 0 'SO 0 so 0 SO 0 SO 8 48 6 62 $4.968 156 $14,412 " ' 0 so 62 5S.S48 0 so 38 53.220 0 SO SO $4.780 8 80 16 4 4 8 120 ' 510,200 170 $IS,210 8 SO 12 . 70 $5.588 ' no $9,368 . 28 20 48 $3,000 '84 S6,300 0 SO 126 $10,644 4 33 37 $2.814 8~ $7,S74 0 so 0 SO 0 so 0 SO , 0 so 0 $0 0 so ' 34 $3,630 4 6 ,; 4 4 23 ' $1854 55 $5.054 0 $0 20 $2.020 0 $0 20. $1,692 '0 SO 31' ' ' $3,199 520 ~, so ~24 1339 I 1339 544,424 L 5119,995 fso I IIm5 , 5119,995 I I I I I, t Subconsultaut I S-U,424 J so I so Team so TOTAL ADDITIONAL COST - FINAL DESIGN :