HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.2 HighAccdntLocations CITY OF DUBLIN AGENDA STATEMENT City Council Meeting Date: April 24, 1939 SGBJ ECT : Annual Review of High Accident Locations and Downtown Intersection Monitoring Report (Report by Public Works Director L3e Thompson) EXHIBITS ATTACHED: 1) Reports from TJ~1 2) Accident map will be displayed at meeting RECOt'lI1ENDATION: ~(j'fvRecei'le report FINANCIAL STATEME~JT: No cost associated with review of report. DESCRIPTION: During a review of traffic related matters in 1987, the City Council requested that Staff prepare an annual analysis of high accident loc~tions, along with recommendations for corrective measures. The first of these annual reports '",as presented in 1988, and ',,¡as combined with the fi:-st IIdo·;.¡nto'N11 intersection moni toring" report as per the DO'dnto',m Specific P2.ael recoffiTIendations. Following are synopses of TJK1's reports, which are attach3d to this agenda statement in their entirety. HIGH ACCIDENT LOCATION ANALYSIS A review of the last four years of accident records re""'''l?d the follo"i,,£: general statistics: Tvpe of Accident 1985 1986 1987 1988 Property Damage Only 204 224 197 207 Injury 65 80 58 62 Fatal 0 1 2 0 Total Accidents 269 305 257 269 The locations having the highest incidence of acc~=eelts were identified by determining the intersections or street segments t~at had ~t least five accidents in each of the last three years. Four 1c~ations were identified. T\vo additional locations sho\.;ed an unusually hi~h :1'.::nber 0 f accidents \olhen compared to previous years and were also included iel the r3view. The six locations are as follows: Intersection 1985 1986 1987 1988 Dublin Blvd. & San Ramon Rd. 11 20 18 19 Dub 1 in Blvd. & Regional St. 12 10 --, 7 I Dublin Blvd. & Dougherty Rd. 12 8 7 10 San R3nlOn Rd. & AIP-ador Valle\" Ó 8 r 6 0 Dougherty Rd. & ~lon te r-CY D'- 1 2 8 5 ~ . ~ Village Ph)'y. & Tamar3ck Dr. 1 2 2 5 .-'\t most of these locations. some ir:,proyements hé;':e '::1212:1 CO:1structed since ., (',,""\('1 -L ~' "-' -..; . T:1.......- :'.,-~ __LL.......... ~:...,J..·LC..LL..I.E:- J.....;r-'..... ,--' '> t...jl;¡~-:ll.....;:, , c1L. uL.l.l2:l..~. :::2: ·~)l..l.ltl:.iL'V OULt1l>SP or ¡--n.~ improvements is to increase capacity. A secondarv benefit ma\" be reduction in the number of accidents. Following is a description of each intersection. Wl:n co~n3nts and recoll111~enda tions: - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - --- -- -- - - - ------- --- --- ------ - - ---- ITE:1 KO, g.:2 COPIES TO: Dublin Boulevard and San Ramon Road Thi,; 1.ntersec tion seCl(~S approximately 59,000 'lehiclE,s per day,S, 877 of ',¡hich are during the p.m. peak hour. Traffic congestion continues to be a problem. Mitigating improvements were constructed and implemented in 1988, which include constructing a new curb return and eliminating the triangular island forcing the f,astbolmd to southbound right turn to be contr:Jlled by the signal. This mitigation has eliminated a number of rear-end accidents on this movement. The accident rate at this intersection is about 0.32 accid3nts per 1,000 vehicles per day, >lhich is similar to the accident rate at other high volume intersections such as Dublin Boule'lard and Dougherty Road. Eight of the accidents were rear-end types, which are typi~al of signalized intersections. There ',¡ere five fe',:er rear-end accidents t":1an in 1987, which may be attributable to improvements to the turning lanes. The other accidents were of various types. TJYJ'I has no recommendations at this time. Dublin Boulevard and Regional Street :10st of the accidents at this intersection were rear-enders occurring during the afternoon and evening peak periods, and were therefore probably attributable to the backup from the San Ramon Road interse~tion. The westbound direction of Dublin Boulevard at Regional Street was restriped in late 1988 and should cause a decrease in this type of acci1ent in the coming year. The accident rate for 1988 at this intersection was about ).22 accidents per 1,000 daily vehicles. Dublin Boulevard and Dougherty Road Of the ten accidents occurring at this intersection in 1983, all but one were rear-end collisio!'.s or sideswipes from the rear. The acr'1en~ ~ate w~s 032 accidents per 1,000 daily vehicles. The increase in accidents during 1988 is probably attribut~ble to the construction of the Eopyard/Dougherty/I-580 interchange, as eight of the accidents occurred on the south leg of the intersection. The completion of interchange construction should result in a reduction of a~cidents at this intersection. At the time TJ~l's report \-las written, interim striping was still in place, and the report recommended improvement. Restriping has n~N been done as part of the interchange ir,provements and should no longer be confusing. San Ramon Road and Amador Vallev Boulevard The yearly number of accidents at this intersection has de~reased since 1986. The six accidents that occurred in 1988 appear to be randon \-lith no common accident pattern or cause. T\vo Here right-angle âccidents involving teenagers riding their bicycles in the crosswalk, and TJ~[ recommends that bicycle safety classes be gi~en to high school and junior high schJol students. Dublin Police Services currently provides bicycle safety instruction for elementary school students but has found that older children and teenagers are not receptive to group instruction at school. The police jo cite bicyclists \J110 \~iolate traffic 1.:1í,\~s. III most cases, the ci:a.~ions ar3 not sent to the jUV0IÜL,o court but 3 Letter l3 n~alled to the [',,0:2Cl:--3 alon; ,."ith q bicvr',~ safety p::¡ckct. Dou,~hertv Road and Nonterev Drive There were five accidents at this loc3tion in l~SS, a redu2tion from the eight accidents that occurred in 1987. .-'\11 of the accic".ents \.;'ere rear-enders ,.;hich occurred primarily during peak periods. Dougherty Road is scheduled to be ,,,,icl0necl from t\W to fo\.er lm,0s d\.\rin~', the summer or 1989, ",."hich ,,¡ill create an -2- additional northbound lane, allowing the through traffic tJ pass the vehicles turning left into Arroyo Vista. At this time, it is not proposed to stripe an exclusive left turn lane because of conflicts with the existing power poles. TJVM recommends that exclusive left turn lanes be provided for traffic turning into Arroyo Vista from northbound Dougherty Road. Villa~e Parkway and Tamarack Drive The 1988 accident map shows five accidents at this interse~tion. All five were right angles and occurred during the morning or eveni~g peak periods. This intersection is a four-way STOP, with traffic signals included in the CIP for Pi 1992-93. All the accidents were unrelated with no ~ommon cause; however, two of the accidents in'lolved teenagers on bicyc13s. One was riding against the traffic flow, and the other was riding in the ~rosswalk. TJN1's recommendation, again, is for bicycle safety instru~tion. Amador Valley Boulevard and Dougherty Road This intersection has been considered a high accident location over the past three years. Between the years of 1985 through 1987, a total of 17 accidents Here reported at this location. In 1988, a traffic signal was installed. wnile it is typically unusual for a traffic signal to corr3ct accidents, there were no accidents at this intersection in 1988, DO~~TO\~ INTERSECTION MONITORI~G The City's DOHntoHn Specific Plan specifies that the Traffic Monitoring Program periodically conduct counts at key locations within and leading to the downtown area. TJK'l monitored five intersection locations and compared current conditions to previous years. TJK·l' s report, attached, provides year-to-year comparisons for p.m. peak period traffic volumes for the five intersections. A summ:lry of statistics for each of these intersections is as folloHs: Years Counted Latest rl'.'g. Annual V/C Level Intersection From To Count % of Change Ratio of Service Dublin Blvd,/ San Ramon Rd. 1984 Apr. 1989 5,884 +3.2% 0.94 E Dublin Blvd./ Dougherty Road 1984 Oct. 1988 3,853 +1. 8% 0.90 D Dublin Blvd./ Village Ph¡y. 1987 Oct. 1988 3,148 +2.7% 0.82 D Dub 1 in Blvd./ Regional St. 1987 Apr. 1989 3,271 +2.5% 0.72 C San Ramon Rd./ Amador Valley 1986 Apr. 1989 3,692 +5.7% 0.73 C TJKN notes that the Dublin Boulevard/Dougherty Road inters"ction experienced a decline in traffic "\·ohur.e during 1986 and 1987, probably d.le to construction of the Hopyard overcrossing. The intersection with the fastest growth rate over the last several years has been San Ramon Road and Amador Valley Boulevard. with an a~erage annual growth rate of 5.7%. Since the initial count: \vas t3ke:l in 1986 wlile can<:tru':tion ,'~dS ;...)\...-(..urlirlg \..)11 S...lr.. ~,-tL;ûn I\.":);.1\..:, ~.~ ..:..s [êll thdt.. motorists ll1U) L"1dV~ oeen avoidins the intersection at that time, and tha~ when construction ended, the traffic volume returned to normal. - 3- 1!ð1fÆ2 DATE: April 17, 1989 MEMORANDUM REC EIVEO APR 1 7 í989 PUBLIC \AIQ .YYI RKs. TO: Lee Thompson FROM: Michelle DeRobertis SUBJECT: Dublin Downtown Traffic Monitoring This memo contains the annual report of the downtown traffic monitoring program. This program is a part of the Downtown Specific Plan, which was adopted in July 1987. The Plan specifies that the Traffic Monitoring Program "periodically conduct counts at key locations within and leading to the downtown area". Five intersection locations were monitored this year and compared to traffic conditions from previous years. Four of the five intersections consist of the four intersections from the Downtown Improvement Plan which were operating at worse than LOS A: San Ramon Road/Amador Valley Boulevard, San Ramon Road/Dublin Boulevard, Dublin Boulevard/Regional Street and Dublin Boulevard/Village Parkway. The fifth intersection is that of Dublin Boulevard/Dougherty Road. In addition to the intersection counts, we will be monitoring the daily traffic counts at three locations on Dublin Boulevard using Traffic Signal Interconnect System to retrieve the data. These three locations are east of San Ramon Road, east of Regional Street and west of Dougherty Road. We retrieved data in March 1988 at these three locations. Subsequently, due to equipment problems and other reasons, we have not obtained further daily counts at these locations via the interconnect system. We plan to report more thoroughly on this issue in our next report, (1990). The results of the intersection monitoring are presented below: 1. Dublin Boulevard/San Ramon Road Total Entering Traffic Year P.M. Peak Hour Percen t Change Average Annual % Ch:wQC 1984 1985 1986 11/1987 6/1988 4/1989 5,120 5,555 5,984 7,463* 5,643 5,884 +8.5 +7.7 +24.7 +4.3 +3.: * bad count 4637 Chabot Drive, Suite 21.!, Pleasanton. California 9.!5ÕÕ . (415) 463-0611 PLEASANTON· SACRAMENTO· FRESNO·CCNCORD Mr. Lee Thompson -2- Apri] 17, 1989 2. Dublin Boulevard/Dougherty Road Total Entering Traffic Year P.M. Peak Hour Percent Change Average Ann ual % Chan2c ]984 3,587 ]985 3,745 +4.4 1986 3,640 -2.8 1987 3,528 -3.1 10/1988 3,853 +9.2 +1.8 The Hopyard/Dougherty road interchange was under construction during 1986 and 198 ï accounting for the decline in traffic volumes. The construction was virtually completed at the time of the last count, causing a reversal of the slight decline in traffic volumes at this in tersection. 3. Dublin Boulevard/Village Parkway Average Total Entering Traffic Percen t Annual Year P.M. Peak Hour Change % Change 2/1987 3,023 10/1988 3,148 +4.1 +2.7 4. Dublin Boulevard/Regional Street Average Total Entering Traffic Percent Annual Year P.M. Peak Hour Change % Change 1/1987 3,094 4/1989 3,271 +5,7 +2.5 5. San Ramon Road/Amador VaIlev Boulevard Average Total Entering Traffic Percent Annual Year P.M. Peak Hour Change % Change 1/1986 3,087 4/1989 3,692 +19.6 +5.7 The intersection with the fastest growth rate over the last several years has been San Ramon Road/Amador Valley Boulevard, with an average annual growth rate of 5.7 percent. This may be in part due to construction on San Ramon Road in 1986 which resulted in lower than normal volumes. With the construction completed, the volumes returned to their previous levels. The other intersections in Dublin experienced growth rates in the range of 1.8 percent to 3.2 percent. Mr. Lee Thompson -3- April 17, 1989 The V/C ratios were measured using the most recent counts at all five intersections. The results are presented below: J n tersection V/C LOS 1. Dublin Boulevard/ San Ramon Road 0.94 E 2. Dublin Boulevard/ Dougherty Road 0.90 D 3. Dublin Boulevard/ Village Parkway 0.82 D 4. Dublin Boulevard/ Regional Street 0.72 C 5. San Ramon Road/ Amador Valley Blvd. 0.73 C Comparisons of the current v /c ratios with prior years may not be valid III some instances due to capacity changes that have occurred in the past year. Please feel free to call if you have any questions. MD 157-001 ;@/fg}{J MEMORANDUM DATE: April 5, 1989 RECEIVED f\PR ~ '\989 POBL\C WORKS TO: Lee Thompson, City Engineer FROM: Michelle DeRobertis SUBJECT: High Accident Location Analysis TJKM has completed its analysis of high accident locations based on the City of Dublin's accident spot maps and records. A review of the last four years of accident records revealed the following general statistics: Tvpe of Accident 1985 1986 1987 1988 Property Damage Only 204 224 197 207 Injury 65 80 58 62 Fatal ---l2 -L ---2. --.Q Total Accidents 269 305 257 269 In general, the number of accidents reported in the City of Dublin are at the 1985 accident level and slightly higher than 1987. There were no fatalities in 1988 compared to two in 1987. Accident rates at individual intersections were calculated based on 1987 traffic counts and 1988 accident records. This allows a comparison between intersections and years in terms of the magnitude of accidents. In general, high volume intersections such as Dublin Boulevard/San Ramon Road and Dublin Boulevard/Dougherty Road have an accident rate in the range of 0.3 accidents per 1,000 daily vehicles, and medium volume intersections have an accident rate of about 0.2 accidents per 1,000 daily vehicles. The locations having the highest incidence of accidents were identified by determining the intersections or street segments that had at least five accidents in each of the last three years. Four locations were identified. During our revie\v, two additional locations showed an usually high number of accidents when compared to previous years. These locations were also included for analysis. 463ì Chabot Drive, Suite 214, Pleasanton, California 94566· (415) 463-0611 PlEASANTON' SACRAMENTO' FRESNO, CONCORD Lee Thompson -2- April 5, 1989 The locations and number of accidents per year are shown in the following list: Intersection 1985 1986 1987 1988 I. Dublin Blvd. and San Ramon Rd. 11 20 18 19 2. Dublin Blvd. and Regional St. 12 10 7 7 3. Dublin Blvd. and Dougherty Rd. 12 8 7 10 4. San Ramon Rd. and Amador Vly Blvd. 6 8 6 6 5. Dougherty Rd. and Monterey Dr. I 2 8 5 6. Village Pkwy. and Tamarack Dr. I 2 2 5 Except for the intersections of Dougherty Road at Monterey Drive and Village Parkway at Tamarack Drive, there have been more than five accidents per year at each of the high accident locations. At most of these locations, some improvements ha ve been constructed during 1988. There are pending improvements at others. The primary purpose of these improvements is to provide more capacity. A secondary benefit should be a reduction in the number of accidents. The 1989 review of these locations may reveal a further reduction in accidents. Collision diagrams for each of the high accident locations were prepared and are attached to this memo. The diagrams show type of accident, severity of accident, time of day and lighting conditions. They are useful in revealing any patterns of collisions and whether or not there are any practical mitigation measures which could be implemented. Following is a description of each of the intersections with comments and recommenda tions: I. Dublin Boulevard and San Ramon Road This intersection experiences the highest traffic volumes in the City of Dublin serving approximately 59,000 vehicles per day and 5,877 vehicles during the p.m. peak hour. Traffic congestion continues to be a problem. Mitigating improvements were constructed and implemented in 1988 which include constructing a new curb return and eliminating the triangular island forcing the eastbound to southbound right turn to be under the direction of traffic signal control. This mitigation has been successful in eliminating the number of rear-end accidents on this movement. In 1986, 20 accidents were reported at this intersection. The number of accidents decreased slightly in 1987 to 18 and then increased in 1988 to 19. The 1988 accident rate is about 0.32 accidents per 1,000 vehicles per day, compared to 0.33 in 1986 and 0.30 in 1987. These rates are similar to the rates at other high volume intersections such as Dublin Boulevard/Dougherty Road (0.32), but are higher than at Dublin Boulevard/Regional Street (0.22) and San Ramon Road/ Amador Valley Boulevard (0.19). Eight of the accidents were rear-end types, a decrease of five over 1987. Rear-end type accidents are typical at signalized intersections. Prevention of this type of accident is difficult in through lanes and all seven rc:.u-end collisions in 1988 occurred in the through lane. i\1itigation measure:: :J.;:,plld ~:¡::t YCGr seen: to ~l~.C eliminated rear-end collisions in turning lanes. In 19S3. tour ot the accidents were sideswipes from the rear. two were left-turn head on collisions. one was a rear-end Lee Thompson -3- April 5, 1989 collision into a parked vehicle, and four were right angle collisions of which one involved a bicycle, one a pedestrian and one a vehicle reversing direction. Of the 19 accidents, five resulted in injuries and 15 occurred during daylight hours. No recommendations are made at this time. 2. Dublin Boulevard and Regional Street In the three year period from 1986 through 1988, there have been 24 accidents, 10 in 1986 and seven in each of 1987 and 1988. Of the seven in 1988, four were rear-end collisions in through lanes, two were right-angle co1lisions, and one was a head-on collision. All but two of the accidents occurred during daylight hours and one resulted in an injury. No pedestrian or bicycle accidents occurred at this intersection. A11 of the rear-end accidents occurred in the westbound direction between 12:45 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., the afternoon and evening peak periods which experience the heaviest congestion. Therefore, most of the accidents appear to be related to the back-up from San Ramon Road. The westbound direction of Dublin Boulevard between Regional and San Ramon Road was restriped in late 1988. Therefore, there should be a decrease in this type of accident in the coming year. The remaining three accidents appear to be random events and are not correctable by standard intersection mitigation. No recommendations are made at this time. The accident rate for 1988 at this intersection was about 0.22 accidents per 1,000 daily vehicles. 3. DubIin Boulevard and Doughertv Road Of the ten accidents occurring at this intersection in 1988, all but one were rear- end co11isions or sideswipes from the rear. Two of the ten accidents were injury accidents and seven occurred during daylight hours. No pedestrians or bicyclists were involved in any of the collisions. The 1988 accident rate was 0.32 per 1,000 daily vehicles which is similar to the rate at Dublin Boulevard/San Ramon Road. During 1986 and 1987, this intersection reported eight and seven accidents, respectively. The increase in accidents during 1988 is probably caused by the construction of the Hopyard Road/Dougherty Road interchange with 1-580. Eight of the ten accidents occurred on the south leg of the intersection where the construction is being done. The completion of the interchange construction should result in a reduction of accidents at this intersection. In addition, unclear lane striping could be causing confusion to motorists in the southbound direction. It is recommended that the striping be made c1earer to provide better direction to motorists. (This section of Dougherty Road/Hopyard Road may be restriped as part of the completion of the construction project.) 4. San Ramon Road and Amador Vallev Boulevard The number of accidents at this intersection has decreased from eight in 1986 to six in each of 1987 and 1988. Of the six accidents, three were right-angle collisions of which two involved bicyclists, two were rear-end collisions and one involved a fixed object. Of the six reported, three resulted in injuries and three occurred during dayIight hours. The bicyclists w.;.,',:: bù:b tccnagcrsii¿i,1g, th,,:. bicycles in a crosswalk. Lee Thompson -4- April 5, 1989 These accidents appear to be random with no common accident pattern or cause. However, it is recommended that bicycle safety classes be given to high school and junior high school students. The 1988 accident rate at this intersection was 0.19 accidents per 1,000 daily vehicles. 5. Dougherty Road and Monterey Drive Monterey Drive intersects Dougherty Road just north of the railroad tracks on Dougherty Road and provides access to Arroyo Vista. Although the accident history at this intersection in previous years had a low number of accidents, the 1987 map showed eight accidents and the 1988 map showed five. All five were rear-end collisions of which one resulted in an injury. All occurred during daylight hours primarily in either the morning or the evening peak periods when traffic congestion is heaviest. All but one collision involved northbound vehicles on Dougherty Road. Dougherty Road is scheduled to be widened from two lanes to four lanes by July of 1989. The existing two lanes will become the two northbound lanes. This may reduce the number of northbound rear-end collisions by creating an extra lane for northbound through traffic currently being blocked by the northbound left-turners. The improvements scheduled for 1989 do not currently call for a northbound exclusive left-turn lane. However, in view of the accident history at this in tersection, it is recommended that one of the northbound lanes be striped exclusively for left-turns into Monterey Drive, Mariposa Drive, and Ventura Drive. 6. Village Parkwav and Tamarack Drive Although the accident history at this intersection in previous years had a low number of accidents, the 1988 map showed five accidents at this residential intersection. All five were right angles of which three resulted in injuries and all occurred during daylight hours primarily in either the morning or the evening peak periods when traffic congestion is heaviest. The intersection is controlled by STOP signs on all four approaches. Traffic signals are included in the 5-year Capital Improvement Program for the fiscal year 1992-1993. Two of the right angle collisions involved teen-aged bicyclists. One was a bicyclist riding against traffic and the other was a bicyclist riding in the crosswalk. All of the accidents are random and unrelated with no common cause. Therefore, no in tersection recommendations are made at this time. To help reduce bicycle accidents, it is recommended that bicycle safety instruction classes be giyen at the high school and junior high school levels. 7. Amador Valle\' Boulevard and Doughertv Road Over the past three years, this intersection was considered to be a high accident location. Between the years of 1985 through 1987, a total of 17 accidents were reported at this intersection: six in 1985, five in 1986, and six in 1987. In 1988, a traffic signal was installed at this intersection. Although it is typically unusual for a traffic signal to correct accidents, the accidents reported at this intersection in 1988 were zero. mah¡ Attachments 157-00 I M.I EW ACC DATE (~ l J¡ - O~- ß b IS:40 (L) 2 ~ - \~ - ~ Z GZ :)0 (L) j 5 -03 - 6 Z 115: 55 (L) ~ iO-O~ - 3 ~ I : 7 ; lO (L) r:::. 11 -lG - <¿ l 14 : os IJ--) ....J 2, - >- >- ~ ....-- lJJ h ..:I:. -l .-J - - --- ~- CD -0 ! ~I 4 ;: I .,...-- elK¡=' ..~ ~ '---" 1 U) 1= -0- -0- :() . () . ,~~ fBIKE PÉQO ~ -'-/",.....- (L) (D) o o ~ . D> ~ LEGEND: RIGHT ANGLE LEFT TURN REAR-END HEAD-ON SIDE SWIPE, REAR- EN SIDE SWIPE, HEAD-Or\ PEDESTRIAN, BICYCLE BACKING DAYUGHT DARKNESS PROPERTY DAMAGE FIXED OBJECT INJURY FATAL PARKED CAR OUT OF CONTROL TR\'I\HehCK ::DR. CITY OF ìì: \ b" I ¡ \1 J.} 'J ,L I ¡'J LOCATION VILLnGE PK~'JV, ,\tJ:D T0\,í\Cû-:-' tï I"rl\r\,~ ::01\ ' PERIOD C;OVt8FD' '1-1- \ q" t ';L-:"I - \ C\ ~ '\ -.. - 0·-", v ~... "'" DATE COMPILED' 2- -=- \ - S S I COLLISION DIAGRAM I FO~\ CD- 2 ACC DATE ME ¡ 5-15-'27) 1\5:~O (l) 1 11-07-'23 r'7'lí (L) 'j . ....I'.J 2- \I-IS-ßZ I·~:SC)CD) -J I I I I CD : C) :3 -- ;> ~ a... ~ ~ ~ - -! - --.. I --- r ~ -0- -0-- :() . () ~ ,~~ fBIKE P.fQQ -Q5- (L) (D) o o ø . D> 'l/tIt-- LEGEND: RIGHT ANGLE LEFT TURN REAR-END HEAD-ON SIDE SWIPE, REAR- E: SIDE SWIPE, HEAD-O PEDESTRIAN, BICYCLE BACKING DAYLIGHT DARKNESS PROPERTY DAMAGE FIXED OBJECT IN JURY FATAL PARKED CAR OUT OF CONTROL ~MH1JQR \!HLLE'i' bL'I"D, .. rvVLf --0 \ - o· ~ CITY OF ::DUbL\N LOCATION \/ \ L LnG E P < ~'h'. ~N-:0 PMnJ)OR '."~LL::/ t~\j PERIOD COVF.:RE!)· \- \ - \00 \Z 1 J - :, 'I - i a ::::. '\ ..... ~). to ,'"" J ~ , _ ::-- 'JI- SS DATE COMPILED' fCOLLISION DIAGRAM' FOR.\ CD- 2 Accl DATE IME I 11-1~-3~ I::': 05 (L.) Î !; - 06 - ~ 8 i1-'J- rL) d, v· ,':) '- 1. 5-11 -62 I G ]: 50 (L) v ~ 7-/7- ß8 I!S:OOfL.) - 7-20 - 2ß ll: 17 IL) .J ForN CD- 2 CD ! ~ 0 0 ! I I ..., , ¡ '~ ' , y ! 1 ¢~ I 6 I _! , .~ 'y y 1 I I (-=: f I I 0 I ~ \".. GO I --- I .. 1 L- ~ , I ! ~ w..l '-....-... ....... :r::. i . .-\ ~ ~. .. 1 . ....., I '-' c.~, " ¡--. I COLLISION DIAGRAM J T ~ -0-- --0- --: ( ) .. ( ) ~ ,...~ fBIKE P.s£o --or- (L) (D) o o ø . D> 'Z/tIl...- LEGEND: RIGHT ANGLE LEFT TURN REAR-END HEAD-ON SIDE SWIPE, REAR- Ej SIDE SWIPE) HEAD-O, PEDESTRIAN) BICYCLE BACKING DAYLIGHT DARKNESS PROPERTY DAMAGE FIXED OBJECT INJURY FATAL PARKED CAR OUT OF CONTROL "Ar"jTE0'Ç\¡ \,:0 -l .) ¡\ r'\ \..- I '" í\ . CITY OF T' I) C, ¡ \ 'J '.:.-J, c.... I LOCATION "D 'ìl \.~ ~ ;: ¡'¡'.! c;\ ''ì ---"-\'\.)"'. t'., , I\,--f-'~ ~jN}) r: Q¡\)TE ¡::, ~\/ 2'~ \V ~. PERIOD CC\lC:\CJ. !-1-19S3 to \.~-3\-13SS ':.,.:::, I - Y. () ....- ......... I l........ DATE COMPilED:.. ACC DATE V1E \ /"-13- 36 I ilea (]'¡ ^ ?:;-l9-~ß kl:.25 (]) J) ~ ~-O7--:¿~ 1),\: ¡~ (JJ) .~ G-23-Z~ lis :OO(L) I -- 2 - 03 - Z c¿ I ' 'J..r\ (L\ ,... ....) '"' J , I 6 1) - ¡ 4 - 9- 9- I ;:::, : ?::-. r L-) . " ~ -' -...) ....J-J, I LEGEND: J= -0- -0- :() . ( ) . : .....~ tSIKE P..sQo ~ (L) (D) o o ø . D> RIGHT ANGLE LEFT TURN REAR-END HEAD-ON SIDE SWIPE, REAR- E, SIDE SWIPE) HEAD· 0 PEDESTRIAN, BICYCLE BACKING DAYLIGHT DARKNESS PROPERTY DAMAGE FIXED OBJECT INJURY FATAL PARKED CAR OUT OF CONTROL CD 1 -I , 'I 0"Ô\'<:: I Ò V . b?\(::: r'\ I ~ -a. U t ? I 'V1I1-- R~H~J)CP- '¡RLLEY cLVJ;. G.....~ - I ~ ,..,1 ~, CITY OF \" -"\':>.~ :1c r ., \....l. ¡ :_ '~I__ .~ ) \ i \) :.DUßL\N ----.---::=-- , ,. ~ --. t~~ \ "re C0'~' ~',C\f~~-\.'\ ",,- ~".),;: . \,'-., , . .., 1 -." '.- 'c:\ "'tf L'\..jC.~è \ \ '-"': 1,1 L \..d·,,·_...... , . \~. u...., ¡ ",'," ~_, 0:- n,,';,) ~',1d ,~ ,"l..1 ..) , '. " " .", '''1 - " . - <.~i~'l\~~ .\ ;": l.t\" \.¡\::..~ . . t _ "'2. j 1,".-,. ., ,"e, _ .(\"'¿ (4 .~ ......., LOCATION SAN KA~'1C~,J ~0P? ?~J]) ~~"P2C'~ ',ÙltcY cL\!¿ -ç- ~ -~ PERIOD (:OVERF~' \-\-\3S'3. to ~ v. I DATE COMPILED, 1'-~\-10'''' 'J'\.- ,-,I ~'0:) 2'-31- 33 I COLLISION DIAGRAM J FOR\! CD- 2 ACC DATE I 1 .E i 5-05-Z<6 1\'6:(0 (J)) }; 6 - 0 \ - ~ ll17 : GO \L) '1 (.]-),1- ~~ I :1:~5 (L) :J ~ 5 - ;; 7 - 3 ~ I ; /1 : Jo \L) ;:::, 9;-0)1- 6tJ ')'~"fì(L\ ..) 'v '~J '·..,1 \ ) ç \0 í 9."I>·:;:;'h) v I -J~-:.Jt 7.:.)·....JI','-" 7 IO-C7-Z~ I 'S: )Q[L) I I I CD K;\ . C\ .-0--0---1- ------\..:=r-\.::> -\0'- I..¿> ~Q I~ ~f l\ ,\ ~.", _ -=- í' cC' 0,'( ',\,; s , _J ,- "- - '-..-.:0 0) , . .. I ~ , \ " ~" "~ ,,' '\ : j' I'-'--~' -., I- ,.' \ -. ì. " ~\ C\ ~... ,'\ '\ i__' 'I: ~~ \~\ 1= -0- -0-- ~() '0.. ,~~ fBIKE PiQ() ~ (L) (D) o o ø . D> 'l/lI'L- LEGEND: RIGHT ANGLE LEFT TURN REAR-END HEAD-ON SIDE SWIPE, REAR- EI SIDE SWIPE, HEAD-or PEDESTRIAN, BICYCLE BACKING DAYLIGHT DARKNESS PROPERTY DAMAGE FIXED OBJECT INJURY FATAL PARKED CAR OUT OF CONTROL ]) U b l... \ ¡\J b L \j]) . í\ I -·--v......- . 0- : ( ) 7 " cJJ CITY OF J)UÓL\Ì\) LOCATION ,..... r- -- I 0 ~ I ~ I " - '"' - - ~ h U~TÏ' !'J It ,....... -0 i k. t::.::' I R ~J.D J) \.1 S L.!~) b L. V-.) . PERiOD COVf-R¡:: I" \-\-10'3';) to \2-'2\-'¡'3'S'[¡ ':' -. :, n _ "lì '-" .............. 1........ DATE COMPILED' I COLLISION DIAGRAM I FOR') CD- 2 Ace DATE .V1E I '>!,-1 - ?;'6 1'1: )0 \ LJ l 1- 1% - H 21:10 CI)) -. 7 - 07 - 8(', \E,:!¡(j {L.. v 4 7-rjS-<¿S IS: 55 (L) .J 7-01 - Z~ i~ <3~ (L-j C; 6- \G- ?:,~ Ie : is fL.] 7 C; -07- ~~ (7: 40 ILl '6 5 - 05 - ~ 9; 1\<) '30 (L) 'Ã 8-;¿~ 't, ~, ') \ 'éO CD I ..) 1(' "'-2~-S6 IS-05 IL.) ~ ¡I ii- 15 - 'î~ 10: 5::J !Lì I::' )o-IS-~l ¡q : .:Ü l::J ) ~ .... v 2- ¡O- U 14 : 10 1'-1 j.¡ S-13-'U, \3: 05 'LJ ¡~ 3 - (;4 - ~'l 12 :Á5 (L) )6 î-C:)-'l:9 14: ~o IL~ ,7 :;-1~-8?> ',0: 2C ([.1 'i. 2-.lo-i,Q. !b~C5~~] ~ I 0(;- .;'-' :'3 :5C{)) '-" ~"< :. ~"\ - . // "'-..-; 15 ~o (~. ~ --, ,- ..:r. ~ ~~ I I _! ¡---' ¡ I ÒÓ I :v ¡ I , i f , .~. CD 'J ~ ð""; J ! 1 ! I 'B~ IY ¡::2 I 9/ 1= --0-- -0- --:() . ( ) . ,~~ fBIKE P..s£o ~ (L) (D) o o ø . D> 'l/tIl.- LEGEND: RIGHT ANGLE LEFT TURN REAR-END HEAD -ON SIDE SWIPE, REAR- Er SIDE SWIPE, HEAD-Of PEDESTRIAN, BICYCLE BACKING DAYLIGHT DARKNESS PROPERTY DAMAGE FIXED OBJECT INJURY FATAL PARKED CAR OUT OF CONTROL J)\)~LltV SLVJ). ~ CITY OF 1)UlJLIN LOCATION c.,,) ,I (µ t\ \ (\ fJ I' I' ~ '" '-- i 11\1 i\ \; I I ..... _ f--... \.. í;........., \~N:D ]UGl1 0J t ~ V] PERIGO COVERF.[J. \ - \ - \ g '6 ?, to: 2 -:+ \ 9 5 ~ :"-;O-,-ü DATE COMPILED' ~ ~ ~ ~ ó ó-: \£ : . ¡ ¡~ () : . ! t ! I II () . I I ~i '" ,,~!cnl ¿ I ~ (COLLISION FOR\! CD- 2 DIAGRAM ACC DATE .ME I I \- OJ- 36 r .::::r t]) "..) J L 3-05-2'g 17: )r-: r ' , .~ : L. ) 3 £1-\6- 33 I r} ;( (' (L) J ~ .".j ~ 5-11 Z'6 11-:2. . r r: r \ - Iv' 'JJ \LJ 7- 1.0 - ~'6 I:)· . tr:. IL oJ ' ..) , I r 'Î-)r\ _ 38 Ii! :l~ íJ '. J C .',j '-'J ,..-) 7 0-1'7 - <¿ 9. I !7 : \0 : I' '-' ..... '- ,;,j ß r' 7 ,-- I ^~ : r --,\ J_ 7..,-/'1 .:J \..:..;i '-:1-'--'" ~.-- "'--' " ¡'J- t~ - l<6 I ~ r . :::'í '-;')\ '. -Jç, v'a \....J) U :8 :Ii -I'L~S I' A :Oi r L \ , d.. J ; }. " I LEGEND: 1= --0- -0- :() 4 () L ,~~ tSIKE p~ --or.- (L) (D) o o ø o D> RIGHT ANGLE LEFT TURN REAR-END HEAD-ON SIDE SWIPE, REAR- Et\ SIDE SWIPE, HEAD-m PEDESTRIAN, BICYCLE BACKING DAYLIGHT DARKNESS PROPERTY DAMAGE FIXED OBJECT INJURY FATAL PARKED CAR OUT OF CONTROL CD '!/tIL- Ì\u r-,I \\1 c...: ,)11) ...y V L-- IV U _ -.../. 1 ! A I ~$ ¡~ ! I 7 r'\ ·U -x--- '-...Y 9' r '---..-_. S f""\ -Y' I I WA f t CITY OF ....--.'; T: \ C-:... ¡ \:,! _¡ '-- _. t '" "' l-~ Q.... >- \- LOCATION "':'"',,\.~ ';-C-\\j ..1'\.) \) ',-~ t'-1 ~ t--.. , ...... C \~, I',!' 1\ ''-~_ UJ ~~'l 0ì ~ ¡ " ? 1 '-, I Å " , i 'Cr, f COLLISION - ~ \\1 \' ¿; \ \ t' 1 \ \! :-=--' \ ''''' f . __ ...! '- _ 'J "- . ,1"\ '- ., ,---- PERiOú CUV i:.REi)· D~~~- ~:~:IL:~ !~ í;', I! -~~" " !,--.' DIAGRAM J FOR,\ CD- 2