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03-23-1993 Adopted CC Minutes G&O Mtg
ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING -March 23, 1993 An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Dublin was held on Tuesday, March 23, 1993, in the Council Chambers of the Dublin Civic Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:31 p.m., by Mayor Snyder. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Councilmembers Burton, Houston, Howard, Moffatt, and Mayor Snyder ABSENT: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ( 61 0- 20 ) The Mayor led the Council, Staff and those present in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. STATUS REPORT ON 1992 GOALS & OBJECTIVES (100-80) Mr. Ambrose, City Manager, stated the purpose of the meeting was for Council and Staff to discuss the Goals & Objectives for the City so Council and Staff would be working in the same direction using the resources available for the items which were designated high priority. Mr. Ambrose indicated that the 1992 Goals & Objectives Plan, as adopted, included a total of 101 objectives. Of those objectives, 66 objectives were assigned a high priority; 27 objectives were assigned a medium priority; and 8 objectives were assigned a low priority. In addition to thoSe objectives included in the adopted Goals & Objective Plan, 13 other objectives were assigned to Staff by Council or were necessary due to circumstances beyond the City's control. Of the total adopted 1992 objectives, 51 (50.5%) have been completed or nearly completed during 1992. Of the 66 objectives which were designated high priority in 1992, 40 (60.6%) have been completed or nearly completed. There were four high priority objectives in which no action was taken, including: 1) report to Council on development of a Strategic Plan for the City; 2) monitor Storm Water Runoff from new development, industrial, & auto related uses; 3) prepare a report on potential means of implementing commercial recycling program; and 4) monitor Dublin's impact on regional transportation network. During 1992, there were several factors which impacted the Staff's ability to make further progress on the 1992 objectives. These included: 1) reduction and freezing of City personnel; 2) significant Staff time allocated toward developing a process to revise the 1992-93 #%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#% CM - VOL 11 - 124 Adjourned Regular Meeting March 23, 1993 Budget as a result of the State Budget cuts; 3) a significant amount of time spent in monitoring and responding to proposals and actions taken by other agencies; and 4) a total of 13 major assignments were added after the 1992 Goals & Objectives were adopted. Of the 13 additional objectives, 7 (53.8%) have been completed. CAPITAL PROJECTS The Fiscal Year 1992-93 Capital Improvement Program included funding for 14 Capital Projects/items. Since July 1992, 9 of the 14 projects have been completed or will be completed this Fiscal Year; 3 projects have been deferred due to budget reductions; and 2 projects are behind schedule (Bathhouse Renovation Dublin Swim Center & Heritage Center Acquisition Renovation). There were no comments or questions from the public. 1993 GOALS & OBJECTIVES Mr. Ambrose requested that if the Council gives a high priority to different objectives, the Council should understand the potential impact the high objective may have on the 1993-94 Budget. He indicated this meeting was to also solicit public input. Cm. Burton asked what High, Medium, and Low meant. Mr. Ambrose responded that a high priority objective is one which siqnificantl¥ improves the City's ability to affect the overall quality of life in the community, provide basic services, or is required by law. It would be a matter of degree below the high priority. Medium would have some impact on the community, but not as measurable. Low would get very little attention. Mr. Ambrose advised that for 1993, 92 objectives are proposed. This includes 45 new objectives for 1993. The remaining objectives have been carried over from the previous year, or are recommended for deletion. The proposed 1993 Obljectives are identified in priority order as viewed by Staff. The Parks~& Recreation Commission has alSo prioritized the Recreation objectives. Mr. Ambrose indicated the focus was that the basic functions and basic needs of the City need to be taken care of first. Cm. Burton questioned what had to be done in regard to the Americans with Disabilities Act Self-Evaluation process. Mr. Ambrose stated that accommodations for employment and access to public facilities and parks had to be.examined Job descriptions would #%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#% CM - VOL 11 - 125 Adjourned Regular Meeting March 23, 1993 have to be reexamined and parks and facilities would need to be examined to see if they were handicap accessible. Cm. Houston asked why the Public Works Director could not examine the parks to determine methods to make them handicap accessible. Mr. Ambrose responded that the Public Works Director was not an expert on the ways and means of making parks and playground facilities handicap accessible. Cm. Burton suggested the City operate on a complaint basis only rather than start nitpicking every possibility. Mr. Rankin responded that by not addressing the facilities and parks and making them handicap accessible, the City was opening itself to possible liability. If the City could not show an effort was made to comply with the ADA requirements, there would be greater possibility for liability. Cm. Houston indicated that if it must be done, it must be done, but he did not want to have to hire an architect. Mr. Thompson stated that the Public Works Department could examine the parks and facilities in regard to ramps and sidewalks, but that the requirements stated that equipment had to be modified so handicapped were able to use the same equipment as other people. There would also be costs associated with making the equipment accessible to the handicapped. Cm. Burton felt the City should meet the law, but not anticipate more than needed. Mr. Ambrose responded that the law gave a specific process to follow and if the City did not follow the requirements, the City would be in a lot more jeopardy. There was an undue economic hardship clause, but there would be the need for documentation to back up the request. Cm. Burton stated he wanted to meet the law so he would change his priority to a "3" so that the Council priority on the Americans with Disabilities Act Self-Evaluation process was changed to "High." Cm. Burton had added the additional objective of establishing a Business Commission to work on #1 and #2 of the Administration Objectives section and also wanted a review of Dublin's Business Climate. Cm. Houston added the objective of organizing with citizen and local groups such as the Chamber of Commerce. Cm. Burton questioned if preparing a report on the feasibility of developing a Local Economic Development Program would not be able to be accomplished unless the Finance Manager position was filled. Mr. Ambrose responded that was true because the Assistant City Manager would be the Staff person to coordinate the report on the Local Economic Development Program and at this time he was overseeing the Finance #%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#% CM- VOL 11 - 126 Adjourned Regular Meeting March 23, 1993 Department activities. He indicated that the report had almost been ready to submit to the Council two years ago, but the Business Task Force had been formed so the report had been held off until the Business Task Force finished its study. Cm. Burton indicated the need for a business commission which would create a more pro-active group to deal with businesses and their concerns. He wanted more input from the business community in the development of Eastern Dublin. Mr. Ambrose questioned if a business commission was established, would the developer have to go through the Planning Commission and/or the Business Commission. Cm. Burton responded the Business Commission would deal with business issues. Appointments would be made by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council. Signage and frontage issues could be dealt with by the Business Commission. He felt momentum has been lost in the business community. Mr. Ambrose indicated that the Planning Director and City Manager meet on a regular basis with the Executive Director and President of the Chamber of Commerce to exchange information and'discuss strategy. Cm. Burton indicated he has been a member of the Chamber of Commerce for many years and the President and Board may not be in retail business. He felt this was an opportunity to show an interest in the retail and wholesale part of the business community. Cm. Houston felt the special committees utilized by the Business Task Force had been very helpful. He did not want the Business Commission taking over planning, but he wanted the City more involved in retention of businesses in our community. All talents should be used constructively, and it would give an opportunity to free up some Staff time. Mr. Ambrose indicated that commissions do not reduce Staff time, but instead increase Staff time because a Staff member is needed to coordinate information and produce agendas. Cm. Burton wanted to upgrade the Business Task Force and haVe long term objectives set. Cm. Houston stated Staff cannot do it all. He stated that a Finance Manager should be hired. He wanted to keep the business community going and felt it was the number one priority. Mayor Snyder asked what Cm. Houston meant by recruiting businesses to our community. Cm. Houston responded that he wanted an inventory of available space in Dublin taken so that space could be marketed to draw businesses to the community. He felt just putting up for lease signs did not accomplish the goal. Active recruitment had to be made. #%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#% CM - VOL 11 - 127 Adjourned Regular Meeting March 23, 1993 Cm. Moffatt asked if Cm. Houston wanted the City to act as a commercial realtor. Cm. Houston responded that the City would not be the lead, but that the City could give money to the Chamber of Commerce and let them develop an Economic Development Plan. Cm. Moffatt suggested the Council look at other cities, but that the City should go through the League of California Cities or have several Councilmembers visit other areas to see how they are 'dealing with their business communities. Mr. Ambrose felt the Council and Staff were on the same wave length and Staff would be looking at different options and different ways to approach revitalizing our business community. There were several agencies available such as the Economic Development Corporation and the Alameda County Economic Development Council that can be used to obtain information, Dublin was not the only City struggling with business retention. The entire corridor had a high vacancy rate. He agreed that the City wanted to be pro-active and there was a number of things out there so the City could get an overview of what other agencies were doing. Cm. Burton stated he wanted to see the business people involved so that they had a feeling that they were part of the program. Mr. Ambrose indicated the Assistant City Manager would need more time to develop the Local Economic Development Program, but as issues come up, the City will deal with them. For example, he indicated that the Mayor and City Manager were in contact with several people in regard to the possibility of a Target/Meryvn's opening in San Ramon. Cm. Moffatt suggested that instead of going through item by item that to expedite the goals & objectives, that only items that the Council and Staff did not agree upon or items that Council or the public wished to address should be highlighted. By consensus of the Council, addressing each objective was discontinued. Mr. Ambrose indicated the update to the Five Year Capital Improvement Program was necessary in order for the City to collect any impact fees and he also felt the CIP was a good planning document for the City. Mr. Ambrose stated that the City did not have enough manpower to undertake a comprehensive review of charges for services rendered by all departments. By consensus of the Council, the objective of improving expense reporting forms was deleted. Cm. Houston had added the objective of identifying budget cuts & priority of personnel to the Finance Objectives. #%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#% CM - VOL 11 - 128 Adjourned Regular Meeting March 23, 1993 Mr. Ambrose explained that would be handled~ in May when the Council started the budget process. Mr. Ambrose stated that during his City Manager evaluation by the Council, it was recommended that the City Manager spend more time on distributing information to the public. He felt the Spring 1993 Newsletter was a good tool to inform the public of the budget crisis facing the City and to allow the public to respond to whether the residents wanted services cut or taxes raised to balance the City Budget. There were adequate funds included in the 1992-93 Budget to cover the expense for the 1993 Spring Newsletter. Cm. Houston indicated he felt use of the Spring Newsletter to inform the residents of the budget crisis and to gauge the residents' feelings was wise and he changed his priority to a "3" so the Council priority was changed to "High." Cm. Moffatt added the objective of holding quarterly informal Town Hall meetings to the Public Relations Objectives. He explained that Staff would not have to become involved and that it would be on a one to one basis with Councilmembers and residents. It would be an opportunity to meet the public and answer any of their questions. Cm. Burton indicated that in the old days people would meet in restaurants and talk with Councilmembers. He felt people liked the Community Television ShOw where residents called in and asked questions of the Councilmembers. Mayor Snyder felt that was because they did not have to leave the comfort of their homes. Mr. Ambrose indicated the only expense would be the cost of a building attendant and the newspaper notice. On consensus of the Council, holding quarterly informal Town Hall meetings was added to the 1993 Goals & Objectives as a "Medium" priority. Mr. Ambrose explained the deletion of the General Engineering and Traffic Engineering Contract Review meant to eliminate it from an annual contract review and not to permanently eliminate it. He felt it would be better to place the different contract reviews on a multi-year review basis so Staff was not overloaded every year with the contract reviews. The costs would continue to be examined annually. On consensus by the Council, General Engineering and Traffic Engineering were deleted from the Contract Review for 1993-94. Cm. Houston asked when the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment/Specific Plan was completed, wouldn't that also resolve the Eastern Sphere of Influence with Livermore. #%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#% CM - VOL 11 - 129 Adjourned Regular Meeting March 23, 1993 Mr. Ambrose explained the City would still have to go before LAFCO even after the City adopted the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment/ Specific Plan. Mr. Ambrose pointed out to the Council the number of high priority objectives that were designated in Planning and With frozen Staff positions, there would be a problem in completin~ all the high priority objectives. Cm. Houston indicated his preference to revising the sign ordinance over the zoning ordinance amendments. Mr. Ambrose responded that there was no time to Undertake either the sign ordinance or the zoning ordinance. Eastern Dublin was taking up a lot of Staff time. On consensus by Council, implementing Miscellaneous Housing Strategies was deleted from the Planning Objectives · On consensus by Council, processing General Plan! Amendment & necessary enabling ordinance to include County Hazardous Waste Management Plan was deleted from the Planning Objectives. Cm. Moffatt asked that inspection of springs & wiaterways for rubbish & pollution be added to the~Engineering Objectives. Mr. Ambrose asked for clarification from Cm. Moffatt. Cm. Moffatt indicated that old tires, beer cans,i etc., were thrown in Alamilla Springs and he felt the springs should ibe periodically inspected and cleaned up. Mr. Thompson responded that Alamilla Springs was! on private property so the City did not have jurisdiction over it. Mr. Tong indicated the Property Maintenance Ordinance could be used t© clean-up the area. Ms. Lowart addressed the need for a report to the City Council on the appropriate level of cost recovery for recreation programs. She explained that the City did not have an actual policy to justify to the public why fees were what they were. The Recreation Commission and City Council gave this a medium objective while Staff rated it high. The · , Recreation Commission preferred to continue with the old routine. Mr. Ambrose indicated the Parks & Recreation Commission did not want programs cut · Ms. Lowart responded to the objective of working with EBRPD and Alameda County on development of Iron Horse Trail, which Staff and Council rated medium while the Parks & Recreation Commission rated high. The Iron Horse Trail is two-thirds of the way completed in Contra Costa County, but is not anticipated to reach the Alameda County line until the end of 1994. There is Measure AA funds for Alameda C~Unty, as well as Measure #%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#% CM - VOL 11 130 Adjourned Regular Meeting March 23, 1993 D funds and Transportation monies, but EBRPD cannot apply for those funds. The application for funds must come from a City. The Recreation Commission recommended the City start to negotiate with the County. Mayor Snyder asked about the Southern Pacific Right-of-Way lines. Ms. Lowart indicated the County has a straight line for the Iron Horse Trail while Contra Costa County has an easement if the need for transportation arose. Cm. Burton stated it would be nice if the Trail was done by the time BART arrived in the Valley. Mr. Ambrose indicated the objective of complete renovation of DHS Athletic Fields may change depending on the outcome of the school bond issue. Cm. Moffatt requested that the development of a Sport Group in Arroyo Vista be added to the Recreation Objectives. He felt the opportunity for intramural sports was.lacking. He wanted to see volunteer groups and the City developing sports activities at Arroyo Vista. Cm. Burton felt it was a good idea, but there were difficulties. Ms. Lowart explained it would take money and there already existed a current youth sports program open to anyone in the community which was held at the schools. Cm. Burton indicated it was a worthy goal. Cm. Houston felt it was a good idea and the Council should see the facilities and get input from the residents of Arroyo Vista. Ms. Lowart responded that the City had the expertise to conduct such a program, but it would need funding. Mr. Ambrose stated that the non-profit sports groups have funding so low income families may participate. Ms. Wong-Gillmore, a representative of Dublin Little League, indicated there was a "hardship" program, where participants were asked to volunteer time in other ways, but Little League would not turn anyone away. Cm. Moffatt felt the residents of Arroyo Vista might resist because they felt it was welfare or charity. MaYor Snyder suggested the Council address the issue at the upcoming Arroyo Vista meeting on March 29, 1993 with the residents of Arroyo Vista. Cm. Moffatt suggested the addition of implementing strategy to license other animals like cats to the Animal Control Objectives. He felt if the City could get 10% of the cats licensed, the City would be ahead. #%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#% CM - VOL 11 - 131 Adjourned Regular Meeting March 23, 1993 Cm. Burton responded no to the suggestion. By consensus of the Council, it was decided not to add licensing of other animals to the Goals & Objectives. Cm. Moffatt requested the addition of development of agreements with Camp Parks regarding disaster preparedness to the Disaster Preparedness Objectives. He felt Camp Parks would be a perfect place to set up a tent city and to feed people if necessary. Mr. Rankin explained the goal was to formulate shelter agreements with the Red Cross and school sites with access to kitchens and showers were being considered. He indicated Ms. Lowart was working with the Community Safety Assistant. Cm. Moffatt felt with Camp Parks being a reserves training area, it would be an asset as a disaster preparedness site. Mr. Ambrose indicated in a major disaster, there was a process to be followed in contacting the different Office of Emergency Services from the County, State, and Federal levels. Mr. Rankin stated that in order for the shelter to be sanctioned by the Red Cross, Management Staff had to be trained by the Red Cross. If the shelter was not sanctioned by the Red Cross, the City would be left with paying for the costs of the shelter. Mayor Snyder requested Staff keep the Council informed of the progress on the agreements for the shelters and that Camp Parks should be included as a possible shelter. On consensus of the Council, establishing City Policy to direct inert substances was deleted from Waste Management Objectives. On consensus of the Council, presenting a report to the City Council on Model Recycled Content Procurement Policy was deleted from Waste Management Objectives. Cm. Houston indicated he felt undertaking Corporation Yard Facilities Studies should be deleted because of the need for consulting services. Mr. Ambrose indicated the Staff's desire to change its rating to High in regard to monitoring the BART Extension. Contracts were being delayed and he felt it best if Staff monitored the situation. On consensus by the Council, no new capital improvements were added to the 1993 Goals & Objectives. Cm. Burton felt there was enough on the plate. Mayor Snyder agreed that there were not a lot of dollars to do improvements. He indicated that money comes with deVelopment. #%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#% CM - VOL 11 - 132 Adjourned Regular Meeting March 23, 1993 Ms. Wong-Gillmore suggested the City approach Camp Parks. Mayor Snyder responded in the past the City had developed wOrking agreements with Camp Parks for use of facilities. Ms. Lowart indicated a land swap had taken place with the Federal Government in regard to the Sports Grounds. Mayor Snyder clarified that the land swap had nothing to do with the Army, but involved the Department of Interior. Mr. Ambrose explained the Dublin San Ramon Services District had been granted title for park and recreational use only. If that type of use was discontinued, the land would revert back to the Federal Government and the Department of Interior would expect full market value for the property. Ms. Wong-Gillmore expressed the hope for better volunteer assistance in the maintenance of the Sports Grounds so there could be better ownership of the field. She indicated the need to establish a new snack bar area at the Dublin Sports Grounds. On motion by Cm. Burton, seconded by Cm. Moffatt, and by unanimous vote, the Council adopted the 1993 Goals & Objectives as attached. TRI-VALLEY COUNCIL MEETING Cm. Howard asked for clarification on the Tri-Valley Council meeting. Mayor Snyder responded that the Tri-Valley Council meeting would be held in the Regional Meeting Room on Wednesday, March 24, 1993 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:39 p.m. Minutes prepared by Sandie Hart. ATTEST: Mayor #%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#% CM - VOL 11 - 133 Adjourned Regular Meeting March 23, 1993 CITY OF DUBLIN ADOPTED---GO~SS--&--OBjECTIVE. S FROM MARCH 23, 1993 CITY COUNCIL MEETING COUNCIL PRIORITY GENERAL GOVERNMENT - ADMINISTRATIVE High I · High · High · High · Medium · LOW · Low · PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL (89) Prepare report on the feasibility of developing a Local Economic Development Program. (93) Pursue the development of a major commercial center in Eastern Dublin. (93) Implement the reorganization of the City Manager's Office & the Finance Department. (93) Undertake American Disabilities Act Self Evaluation. (92) Implement Employee Brown Bag Training Program. (90) Report to Council on development of a Strategic Plan for the City. (91) Complete Employee Handbook. GENERAL GOVERNMENT - FINANCE High High High I · · · (93) Identify revenue options available to balance City Budget & implement those selected by the City Council. (93) Update Five Year Capital Improvement Program. (93) Evaluate desirability of defeasing and/or refinancing Civic Center March 23, 1993 City Council Minutes Adopted Goals & Objectives Page 135 COUNCIL PRIORITY High 4. Medium 5. Medium 6. Medium 7. Low 8. Low 9. PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL Certificates of Participation. (85) Undertake comprehensive review of charges for services rendered by all departments. (93) Assume transfer of Parking Fine Collection from Courts. (93) Review & update City's Investment Policy. (92) Complete early call of San Ramon Road Specific Plan Assessment District Bonds. (90) Select & install Community Development Data Processing System. (91) Update Purchasing Ordinance (includes recycled product procurement ) GENERAL GOVERNMENT - INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS High 1. (93) Aggressively monitor activities of other regional/local agencies which directly impact the City. Medium 2. (93) Meet jointly with representatives from other agencies. GENERAL GOVERNMENT - PUBLIC RELATIONS High 1. Medium 2. (93) Prepare Spring 1993 Newsletter. (93) Hold quarterly informal Town Hall meetings. March 23, 1993 City Council Minutes Adopted Goals & Objectives Page 136 COUNCIL PRIORITY PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT - CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION (93) Performance Contract Review High 1. High 2. High 3. High 4. Medium 5. Building & Safety Public Works Maintenance Traffic Signal Maintenance Library Services Crossing Guards COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - PLANNING High I. High 2. High Low · High 4. High 5. High 6. High 7. (87) Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment/Specific Plan. (93) Carry out Eastern Dublin Implementation Program. (89) Implement Management Audit Recommendations a. Convert records system to' street address based system. be Develop more effective handouts & brochures. (87) Resolve Eastern Sphere of Influence with Livermore. (93) Revise Sign Ordinance. (92) Implement Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance Modification. (92) Zoning Ordinance Amendment - Auto Dealer Signage (not necessary if #5 above is undertaken). March 23, 1993 City Council Minutes Adopted Goals & Objectives Page 137 COUNCIL PRIORITY High 8. High 9. Medium 10. Medium 11. Medium 12. Medium 13. Low 14. Low 15. Low I 6. PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL (93) Zoning Ordinance Amendment Outdoor Sales. (91) Zoning Ordinance Amendment - Sign & Banners (not necessary if #5 above is undertaken ) (91) Conduct Land Use Study for Southern Portion of Camp Parks. (85) Revise Zoning Ordinance (except Sign Ordinance). (90) Prepare Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance. (93) Establish Site Specific Land Use Data Base. (91) Zoning Ordinance Amendment - Outdoor Storage (not necessary if #11 above is undertaken ) (92) Zoning Ordinance Amendment - Recreational Uses in C-N Zones (not necessary if #11 above is undertaken). (93) Zoning Map Update. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING & SAFETY High 1. High 2. Medium 3. (88) Continue follow-up of enforcement of nonconforming signs. (93) Adopt 1993 Edition of National Electrical Code. (93) Provide two homeowner' education program seminars. March 23, 1993 City Council Minutes Adopted Goals & Objectives Page 138 COUNCIL PRIORITY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - ENGINEERING I · High High Medium · LOW · PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL (93) Implement Non-Point Source Drainage Measures a· Inspect all creeks/outfalls for illegal discharges. b® Inspect 25% of all industrial site as required under the NPDES industrial permit. (92) Complete NPDES Pilot Project - Shannon Park (92) Update City's Subdivision Ordinance. CULTURE & LEISURE - RECREATION High High High High Medium High High I · · · · · · (92) Prepare a report from the Heritage Task Force with recommendations on the best way to operate programs at the Heritage Center. (93) Renovate Heritage Center. (93) Complete Park & Recreation Master Plan. (92) Prepare report from Library Task Force. (93) Report to the City Council on the appropriate level of cost recovery for recreation programs. (93) Complete renovation of Swim Center Bathhouse. (93) Establish liaison committee with local youth sports organizations. March 23, 1993 City Council Minutes Adopted Goals & Objectives Page 139 COUNCIL PRIORITY Medium · Medium · Medium 10. Medium 11. Low 12. Low 13. PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL (92) Work with EBRPD & County on development of Iron Horse Trail. (91) Complete renovation of DHS Athletic Fields. (93) Work with Dublin Fine Arts Foundation to implement 1993 projects, provided funding is available. (93) Report to the City Council on potential name for Recreation Department to more accurately reflect programs and services administered by the Department. (91) Complete Dougherty Hills Park Plan in order that service clubs can adopt a portion of the project. (89) Develop a vandalism awareness program in cooperation with Public Works & Police. PUBLIC SAFETY - POLICE High High Medium I · · · (93) Coordinate inclusion of all Dublin City apartment compleXes into ongoing Neighborhood Watch Program. (92) ImproVe the effectiveness of existing cost recovery program for jail booking fees. (89) Report to Council on effectiveness of commercial alarm ordinance. March 23, 1993 City Council Minutes Adopted Goals & Objectives Page 140 COUNCIL PRIORITY PUBLIC SAFETY - ANIMAL CONTROL High 1. Medium 2. PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL (92) Represent Valley Cities in developing Tri-Valley Animal Shelter. (91) Implement strategy to increase dog licensing. pUBLIC SAFETY - DISASTER PREPAREDNESS High 1. High 2. High 3. Medium 4. Medium 5. (93) Present revised Multi- Functional Hazard Plan for City Council approval pursuant to SB 1841. (93) Complete Emergency Preparedness Training for all Departments. (93) Formalize shelter agreements with Red Cross & identify how trained personnel can be available to initiate a Red Cross Shelter. (91) Develop a Public Works Tri- Valley Mutual Aid Agreement. (93) Prepare a report on the effectiveness of the Neighborhood Preparedness Program & identify alternative means to provide information. PUBLIC SAFETY - WASTE MANAGEMENT High 1. (93) Prepare report on implementing collection of basic garbage service on tax bill. March 23, 1993 City Council Minutes Adopted Goals & Objectives Page 141 COUNCIL PRIORITY High High Medium Low · · · · PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL (91) Prepare a report on potential means of implementing commercial/ institutional recycling program; i.e. targeted commodities, franchised vs. non-franchised. (93) Evaluate the City's continued participation in the Joint Rate Refuse Committee. (92) Participate in Countywide studies which benefit Dublin's SRRE goals & prepare a report to City Council on options available. (93) Conduct public survey to determine participation in curbside/multi-family recycling programs. TRANSPORTATION - MAINTENANCE High Low I · · (93) Implement 4 new community volunteer projects. (92) Undertake Corporation Yard Facilities Studies. TRANSPORTATION - TRANSPORTATION High High I · · (93) Work with Caltrans & Alameda County Transportation Authority on design of 1-580/I-680 Interchange improvement and Downtown Hook Ramps. (92) Work with Tri-Valley Council to develop a Subregional Transportation Plan. March 23, 1993 City Council Minutes Adopted Goals & Objectives Page 142 COUNCIL PRIORITY PROPOSED OBJECTIVE FOR ACCOMPLISHING GOAL High High High Medium High a: 93ag&o. mi nutes · · · · Report to Council on Traffic Impact Fee. Coordinate 1-580/I-680 E1 Charro Interchange Improvements with Pleasanton, Alameda County & CalTrans. (92) Implement elements of Congestion Management Plan. a. Implement Trip Reduction Ordinance. be Report to Council on County Transportation Plan. (93) Monitor BART Extension.