HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 6.1 - 3030 Grafton Plaza Daycare and Retail Project P Page 1 of 9 STAFF REPORT CITY COUNCIL DATE: January 14, 2020 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Linda Smith, City Manager SUBJECT: Grafton Plaza Daycare and Retail Project (PLPA-2018-00010) Prepared by: Robert Smith, Associate Planner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Applicant, Eddie Li, is requesting approval to construct three commercial buildings with a total of 31,860 square feet (sf), including two retail buildings (16,038 sf and 6,055 sf) and one daycare building (9,767 sf) on a 3.68 -acre site within the Grafton Plaza project located at the southeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Grafton Street. This project builds out the final phase of the Grafton Plaza master plan. The application includes amendments to the existing Planned Development Zoning Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans, a Site Development Review Permit for the proposed improvements, and a Minor Use Permit for a parking reduction for shared parking. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct the public hearing, deliberate and take th e following actions: a) Waive the reading and INTRODUCE an Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map and Approving a Planned Development Zoning District with Amended Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans for the Grafton Plaza Daycare and Retail Project; and b) adopt the Resolution Approving a Site Development Review Permit for Construction of Three Commercial Buildings With a Total of 31,860 Square Feet on 3.68 Acres and a Minor Use Permit to Allow a Parking Reduction for Shared Parking for the Grafton Plaza Daycare and Retail Project. FINANCIAL IMPACT: There will be no financial impact to the City. All costs associated with processing the applications are borne by the Applicant. DESCRIPTION: Background Grafton Plaza is a 12.23-acre mixed-use development located at the southeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Grafton Street (see Figure 1 below). The 3.68 -acre project site is the last remaining development area within the larger Grafton Plaza project. The project site has a General Plan Land Use Designation of Mi xed Use 2/Campus Office Page 2 of 9 and has Planned Development Zoning. The project site is relatively flat and undeveloped. In June 2010, the City Council approved a General Plan Amendment and Planned Development Zoning District with a Stage 1 Development Plan (Ord inance No. 10-10) for the 12.23-acre Grafton Plaza project to allow a mixed-use development as Option 1 and a campus/office development as Option 2. The approved development plan allows a range of commercial uses such as retail and tutoring/educational ser vices, professional and administrative offices, hotel, entertainment, and eating and drinking establishments. The property owner chose to proceed with development under Option 1 to create a mixed-use development. The City Council held several Study Sessions to review the proposed master plan for Grafton Plaza, and in April 2016, approved a Planned Development Zoning Stage 2 Development Plan (Ordinance No. 05-16) for the site. The Planned Development Zoning serves as a master plan for a coordinated and integrated mixed-use development with sites for a hotel, 115 townhomes, and a retail commercial center with 34,500-55,400 square feet of development. The Stage 2 Development Plan established the overall site plan including vehicular access and circulation, general siting of the buildings, on-site circulation, and an overarching priority to create a pedestrian -focused development. The 127-room, 63,298-square-foot Aloft hotel is complete, and the 115- unit Apex townhouse project is under construction. The Applicant, Eddie Li, is proposing to construct the third and final phase of Grafton Plaza, which is the retail commercial component. The proposed project implements the master plan and includes three commercial buildings totaling 31,860 square feet, including two retail buildings with 16,038 square feet and 6,055 square feet, respectively, and a daycare building with 9,767 square feet and an integrated outdoor play area. The current request for the proposed project includes: - Planned Development Zoning – Minor amendments to the Planned Development Zoning Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans. - Site Development Review Permit – Site Development Review Permit for three commercial buildings and associated site improvements, including landscaping, trash enclosures, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, plazas, and stormwater capture. - Minor Use Permit – Minor Use Permit to allow a reduction in parking of 16 parking stalls for shared parking. Page 3 of 9 Figure 1 – Location Map ANALYSIS: Planned Development Rezone The application includes minor amendments to the approved Planned Development (PD) Zoning Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans to amend the list of permitted uses and to make minor modifications to the site plan. The PD established permitted and conditionally permitted uses. This project proposes to amend the list of permitted and conditionally permitted uses (Attachment 1 – Exhibit A) to add daycare as a permitted use consistent with other similar City zoning districts. The use would be added with the requirement for a Zoning Clearance or Minor Use Permit to evaluate compliance with the development standards for daycare facilities contained in Dublin Municipal Code Chapter 8.82. The PD established a site plan which among other things identifies the location of buildings along Grafton Street and along the southern boundary of the commercial area. The PD also established vehicular and pedestrian access points, paseos, common gathering and open space plaza areas, and coordinated architectural elements . The intent of the PD is to create an integrated mixed-use development (see Figure 2 below). Apex Residential Aloft Hotel Grafton Plaza Page 4 of 9 The proposed project includes minor adjustments to building siting and footprints . Therefore, the application includes minor amendments to the PD to relocate the east- west pedestrian pathway shown on the approved site plan. No changes are proposed to the approved vehicular access. As proposed, this minor revision to the site plan would be consistent with the development regulations in the Stage 2 Development Plan and overall intent to maximize commercial opportunities in the area. Refer to the Site Development Review Permit, below, for further analysis of the site plan. Figure 2 – Existing and Proposed Site Plan EXISTING STAGE 2 SITE PLAN PROPOSED AMENDMENT An Ordinance approving amendments to the Planned Development Zoning Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans for Grafton Plaza is included as Attachment 1. Site Development Review Permit Site Plan The proposed site plan would provide interconnected pedestrian and vehicular circulation throughout the site and connections to adjacent developments. As previously noted, minor adjustments to building siting and footprints are proposed requiring the relocation of a pedestrian pathway that would traverse the site east to west to connect Grafton Street and the residential component of the project. The pathway would be relocated approximately 50 feet to the north and located on the north side of “Retail B” and the day care building. Additional pedestrian connections would remain for the north to south pathway from Dublin Boulevard to the Water Quality Basin. Vehicular access to the proposed surface parking lot on the project site would be provided from the driveway off Summit Road consistent with the Site Plan approved for Grafton Plaza. Summit Road is accessed from Dublin Boulevard and is designed to serve this project and the Apex residential development. Circulation for all parcels within the overall Grafton Plaza mixed-use project is interconnected including along Grafton Street, allowing both pedestrians and vehicles to navigate through the entire property. Refer to Figure 3. Page 5 of 9 The site has frontages on both Dublin Boulevard and Grafton Street. However, it is the intention of the Planned Development for buildings to be oriented along Grafton Street, adding to the ‘Main Street’ feel and contributing to the existing commercial operators on the west side of the street. Both retail buildings would be orientated toward Grafton Street and the daycare building would be located centrally on the project site without street facing frontage. Integration among the three projects that comprise the Grafton Plaza Planned Development (i.e., the Aloft Hotel, Apex residential townhouses, and proposed retail and daycare buildings) includes: 1) a motor court plaza with enhanced pavement centrally located on-site; 2) a linear ’Plaza’ element between the commercial and hotel uses that extends across Grafton Street to Summit Road; and 3) a pase o element between the hotel and residential uses. The paseo would provide a link to the trail accessing the Water Quality Basin to the south (visual open space). Architecture The proposed buildings are designed to conform to the Grafton Plaza Architectura l Guidelines and would be compatible with the Apex residential townhouse and Aloft Hotel projects. The overall form of the two buildings fronting Grafton Street are reflective of the ‘Main Street’ appearance of the existing buildings with the centrally loc ated daycare building promoting a more modern design while retaining the high design quality, theme colors, and materials of the surroundings. The retail and daycare buildings are generally single-story with architectural features providing vertical Figure 3: Site Plan Page 6 of 9 articulation, varying roof forms, heights, articulated corner elements, and changes in roof forms. The majority of buildings in the project would be single -story, 35 feet high, with taller architectural features at approximately 50 feet, which would be below the height limit evaluated for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) analysis of 55 feet. The varying forms and mass of the buildings generate interest throughout the project. The prominent colors of the buildings are natural earth tones with brick accenting throughout, along with clear glazing and projecting canopies. The daycare building is designed with graphic inserts to provide a visual queue to the educational use of the building. Figure 4 shows proposed illustrative architectural elevations. Figure 4: Architectural Elevations Retail uses are proposed to front Grafton Street, with public access for future businesses. Exterior materials include textured stucco finish, brick, and metal accents. Horizontal and vertical variation through canopies, alternating parapet heights and roof feature elements. Pedestrian entries to the commercial areas are defined with prominent glass entryways and pronounced entrances. Decorative features and materials are also added to provide interest to the building . Landscape The preliminary landscape plan includes a conceptual plant pallet with a variety of trees, including 24-inch and 36-inch box trees along the perimeter of the site, within parking islands and in front of commercial facades. The interior of t he site would be accented with a mix of one-gallon to five-gallon shrubs. New landscape areas are proposed with a variety of drought tolerant plants suitable for low maintenance and water conserving efforts. The pedestrian connections running to the east -west and north-south would be lined with landscaping to enhance the pedestrian experience. On the north -south connection to the Water Quality Basin, a bioretention area is proposed to be introduced. In order to retain the amenity value of this space, the landscaping would be enhanced to provide a planting plan, walkway, and amenity features such as benches, as provided on Sheets L1.1-L3.2 of the Project Plans (Attachment 3 – Exhibit A to Attachment 2). Page 7 of 9 Public Art Compliance The applicant intends to satisfy the City’s public art requirement through the payment of in-lieu fees secured by a condition of approval. Minor Use Permit Parking requirements for the proposed development are regulated by the Zoning Ordinance (Section 8.76.080.D). The parking requirem ents for the project are the sum of the different uses. The following table illustrates the number of parking stalls that are required for the use. Table 1: Required Parking Use Parking Requirement Total Area Required Number of Parking Stalls Daycare Center 1 per employee 1 per company vehicle 1 loading space for every 5 children 17 employees 0 vehicles 160 students 17 0 32 General Retail 1 per 300 square feet 6,193 square feet 21 Eating and Drinking Establishment 5,900 square feet accessible to customers 1 space per 100 square feet of accessible plus 1 space per 300 square feet of not accessible 59 10,000 square feet not accessible to customers 33 Total Stalls Required 162 Total Stalls Provided 146 In order to allow the proposed use with les s than the required number of parking spaces on-site, the Applicant is requesting a parking reduction. DMC Section 8.76.050 (Parking Reductions for Shared Parking) provides that when shared off -street parking is proposed between two or more adjacent use types, a reduction in off-street parking requirements (from the sum of the parking required by each use type) may be granted with a Minor Use Permit if each of the following standards are met: 1) The Minor Use Permit findings can be made; 2) A sufficient number of spaces are provided to meet the greatest parking demands of the participating use types and to ensure that there will not be a parking deficiency; 3) Satisfactory evidence is provided that the use types, by their natures and operating times, will not conflict with each other; 4) Overflow parking will not adversely affect any adjacent use; and 5) Additional documents, covenants, deed restrictions, or other agreements as may be deemed necessary by the Community Development Director are executed to assure that the requirement parking spaces provided are maintained and that uses with similar hours and parking requirements as those uses sharing the parking facilities remain for the life of the documents, covenants, deed restrictions, or other agreements. Page 8 of 9 A Shared Parking Analysis was prepared by Fehr and Peers, dated May 2019 (Attachment 4 – Exhibit B to Attachment 2), and reviewed by the City’s Transportation and Operations Manager. The Study concludes that Transportation Demand Management measures can be incorporated to ensure adequate parking is provided for the greatest parking demands at the site. Recommended measures to support the parking reduction are included as Conditions of Approval. These include a requirement that 17 off-site parking spaces along Zenith Avenue and Summit Road be designated for employees (Monday to Friday 7.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.), six spaces within the parking lot be designated loading zones with a 10 -minute stopping restriction (Monday to Friday 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.) and the remaining stalls (119 spaces) be open to visitor parking. Adjacent sites would not be affected; however, measures are included to accommodate reciprocal agreements with neighboring sites, should off -site parking be required. The recommendations of the Shared Parking Analysis have been accepted by the Applicant, including the Conditions of Approval. A Resolution approving the Site Development Review Permit and Minor Use Permit is included as Attachment 2. CONSISTENCY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN, SPECIFIC PLANS, AND ZONING ORDINANCE: The project is consistent with the General Plan land use designation of Mixed Use/Campus Office which allows a range of commercial uses including regional- and community-serving retail uses, professional and administrative offices, hotel, entertainment, and eating and drinking establishments. The General Plan encourages projects to relate well to the surrounding developments, and the proposed project is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood that includes commercial a nd residential uses. The proposed project is consistent with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan because the Plan states that regionally-oriented commercial uses should be located south of Dublin Boulevard and near freeway interchanges where convenient vehicu lar access will limit traffic impacts to the rest of Dublin and the commercial center is intended to serve the community as well as the region. REVIEW BY APPLICABLE DEPARTMENT AND AGENCIES: The Building Division, Fire Prevention Bureau, Public Works Dep artment, and Dublin San Ramon Services District reviewed the project and provided Conditions of Approval where appropriate to ensure that the Project is established in compliance with all local Ordinances and Regulations. Conditions of Approval from these departments and agencies have been included in the attached Resolution (Attachment 2). ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: In accordance with the requirements of the CEQA, two Initial Studies/Mitigated Negative Declarations (MNDs) were previously prepared and adopted to address environmental concerns associated with development of Grafton Plaza. Based on a review of the project, no further environmental document is needed because the environmental impacts of this project were fully addressed in the previous MNDs. There is no Page 9 of 9 substantial evidence in the record that any new effects would occur to trigger supplemental environmental review under CEQA Guidelines Section 15162. PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW: The Planning Commission considered this project at their meeting on D ecember 10, 2019, and by a vote of four to one recommended that the City Council deny the project. No members of the community addressed the Commission. The Planning Commission expressed concern regarding: 1) on-site circulation, including how drop-off/pick-up of children associated with the proposed daycare facility would function and the previously established point of access to the site from Dublin Boulevard via Summit Road; 2) traffic from the project particularly in the morning when parents are droppin g off children at the daycare facility, combined with residential traffic from Apex; and 3) the previously approved building locations which lack a building along Dublin Boulevard, and the orientation of buildings with access from the parking area and turning their backs on Grafton Street. The Planning Commission Resolutions recommending denial of the project are included in Attachment 5. PUBLIC NOTICING: In accordance with State law, a public notice was mailed to all property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the project site. A public notice also was published in the East Bay Times and posted at several locations throughout the City. A Planning Application sign was posted on the project site and the project was also included on the City’s development projects webpage. A copy of this Staff Report has been provided to the Applicant. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Ordinance Amending the Planned Development for Grafton Daycare and Retail 2. Resolution Approving the Site Development Review and Minor Use Permit 3. Exhibit A to Resolution - Project Plans 4. Exhibit B to Resolution - Shared Parking Assessment 5. Planning Commission Resolutions No. 19-13 and 19-14 1 ORDINANCE NO. xx – 20 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * AMENDING THE ZONING MAP AND APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICT WITH AMENDED STAGE 1 AND STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR THE GRAFTON DAYCARE AND RETAIL PROJECT APN 985-0061-018 PLPA 2018-00010 The Dublin City Council does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. RECITALS A. The Applicant, Eddy Li, is proposing to construct three commercial buildings totaling 31,860 square feet on a 3.68-acre site within a portion of the 12.23-acre Grafton Plaza site. The proposed development and applications are collectively known as the “Project.” B. The project site is located south of Dublin Boulevard between Summit Road and Grafton Street within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area, and more specifically within the Grafton Plaza Planned Development. C. On May 18, 2010, the City Council approved a Planned Development Rezone with related Stage 1 Development Plan for Grafton Plaza which included the subject site (Ordinance No. 10-10). On April 19, 2016, the City Council approved the Stage 2 Development Plan (Ordinance No. 05-16). The subject site was identified in the approved Ordinance as Commercial. D. On May 18, 2010, the City Council adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) by City Council Resolution No. 75-10 in connection with approval of the Grafton Plaza Planned Development Rezone and related Stage 1 Development Plan. E. In compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the project was examined to determine if another environmental document should be p repared. The analysis concluded that the environmental impacts of the Project were analyzed in the previous MND. There is no substantial evidence in the record that any new effect s would occur, that any new mitigation measures would be required, or that an y of the conditions triggering supplemental environmental review under CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 exists. F. Following a properly noticed public hearing on December 10, 2019, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 19-13, recommending denial of the Planned Development Rezone and related amendments to the previously approved Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans, which resolution is incorporated herein by reference and available for review at City Hall during normal business hours. G. A Staff Report dated January 14, 2020, and incorporated herein by reference, described and analyzed the Project, including the Planned Development Rezone and related amendments to the previously approved Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans, for the City Council. 2 H. On January 14, 2020, the City Council held a properly noticed public hearing on the project, including the proposed Planned Development Rezone and related amendments to the previously approved Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans, at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard. SECTION 2. FINDINGS A. Pursuant to Section 8.32.070 of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council finds as follows: 1. The Project PD-Planned Development meets the purpose and intent of Chapter 8.32 in that it provides a comprehensive development plan that creates a desirable use of land that is sensitive to surrounding land uses by virtue of the layout and design of the site plan. 2. Development of the Project under the PD-Planned Development zoning will be harmonious and compatible with existing and future development in the surrounding area in that the site will provide new commercial uses in an area that has similar uses nearby and is also adjacent to existing and future workplaces and residential neighborhoods promoting pedestrian and circulation linkages from surrounding uses. B. Pursuant to Sections 8.120.050.A and B of the Dublin Municipal Code, the City Council finds as follows. 1. The PD-Planned Development zoning for the Project will be harmonious and compatible with existing and potential development in the surrounding area in that: - The Project is planned as an integrated portion of a mixed-use community with distinct but coordinated commercial, hotel and residential uses, and with development standards tailored to the specific needs of each use while maintaining the common areas and interconnections that unite the project elements. - Unifying landscape and architectural treatments and elements link the commercial, hotel and residential uses. - The Project provides interconnected pedestrian and vehicular circulation, interspersed with public plaza’s and open spaces. This layout, in addition to the designated land uses and design guidelines, provide places to shop, stroll, and meet family and friends in a vibrant, comfortable, and contemporary setting. - Truck traffic patterns are designed to avoid any future residential area(s) and the conventional retail/commercial streetscape along the Grafton Street extension while still serving the needs of the retail tenants. 2. The project site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of the zoning district being proposed in that the project site is flat with improved streets and served by existing public utilities. The project site conditions were documented in the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) that was previously adopted, and the environmental impacts that have been identified will be mitigated to the greatest degree possible. There are no site challenges that were identified in the MND that will present an impediment to utilization of the site for the intended purposes. There are no major physical or topographic constraints 3 and, thus, the site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of the commercial uses approved through the PD zoning. 3. The PD-Planned Development zoning will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare in that the Project will comply with all applicable development regulations and standards and will implement all adopted mitigation measures. 4. The PD-Planned Development zoning is consistent with and in conformance with the Dublin General Plan, in that the proposed commercial center is consistent with the Mixed Use/Campus Office land use designation for the site. C. On May 18, 2010, the City Council adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) by City Council Resolution No. 75-10 in connection with approval of the Grafton Plaza Planned Development Rezone and related Stage 1 Development Plan. Pursuant to CEQA, the Project was examined to determine if any further environmental review is required. SECTION 3. AMENDMENTS TO THE EXISTING STAGE 1 & STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLANS 1. Statement of proposed uses: Option 1: Mixed Use Residential Development The following use is added as a permitted use with the submission of a Zoning Clearance or Minor Use Permit for Grafton Plaza: - Day Care Center (15+ persons) (see Dublin Municipal Code Section 8.82). 2. Site area, proposed densities, size and new area (Parcel 3) The square footage associated with the buildings/uses on Parcel 3 is amended to read as follows (refer to the Site Plan for the general location of these facilities): Parcel Use Acres Use Approved SF FAR Parcel 1 Residential 6.55 115 units 218,412 .20 Parcel 2 Hotel 2.00 127 rooms 63,298 .11 Parcel 3 Retail 3.68 3 buildings 31,860 Subtotal 12.23 337,110 .31 Water Quality Pond 13.10 drainage 0 0 Total 25.33 337,110 .31 Development of the project site may occur in phases over time provided that adequate parking is provided to support the development using shared parking. Modifications to the proposed size of individual buildings may be approved by the Community Development Director. Letters and numbers shown in the table above do not imply sequence of timing or phasing. 4 The remaining improvements are envisioned to be constructed in one phase as shown below and on the Site Plan. The location, size and configuration of buildings and improvements is conceptual in nature and may be adjusted. Improvements on Parcel 3 include the following: • Retail Building A; • Retail Building B; • Daycare Building. Anticipated New building area (gross square feet): • Building A: 16,038 SF • Building B: : 6,055 SF • Daycare Building: 9,767 SF Total: 31,860 SF 3. Amended Site Plan. The Site Plan is amended as shown below: 5 4. Amended Landscape Plan The landscape plan is amended as shown below: 5. Amended Vehicular and Pedestrian Circulation. The vehicular and pedestrian circulation plan is amended as shown below: 6 Commercial preliminary vehicle and pedestrian circulation plan. SECTION 4. POSTING OF ORDINANCE The City Clerk of the City of Dublin shall cause this Ordinance to be posted in at least three (3) public spaces in the City of Dublin in accordance with Section 36933 of the Government Code of the State of California. 7 SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days following its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY the City Council of the City of Dublin, on this _____ day of _______, 2020, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: _____________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________ City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 20-XX A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN APPROVING A SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THREE COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS WITH A TOTAL OF 31,680 SQUARE FEET ON 3.68 ACRES AND A MINOR USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A PARKING REDUCTION FOR SHARED PARKING FOR GRAFTON PLAZA DAYCARE AND RETAIL PROJECT APN 985-0061-018 PLPA-2018-00010 WHEREAS, the Applicant, Eddy Li, is proposing to construct three commercial buildings totaling 31,860 square feet on a 3.68-acre site within a portion of the 12.23-acre Grafton Plaza site. The proposed development and applications are collectively known as the “Project;” and WHEREAS, the applications include amendments to the Planned Development Zoning Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans, a Site Development Review Permit and a Minor Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the project site is located at the southeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Grafton Street within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area, and more specifically within the Grafton Plaza Planned Development; and WHEREAS, on May 18, 2010, the City Council adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) by City Council Resolution No. 75-10 in connection with approval of the Grafton Plaza Rezone and Stage 1 Development Plan; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the project was examined to determine if another environmental document should be prepared. The analysis concluded that the environmental impacts of the Project were analyzed in the previous MND. There is no substantial evidence in the record that any new effects would occur, that any new mitigation measures would be required, or that any of the conditions triggering supplemental environmental review under CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 exists; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was presented to Planning Commission dated December 10, 2019, recommending that the City Council approve the proposed Project; and WHEREAS, on December 10, 2019, the Planning Commission held a properly noticed public hearing on the Project, at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, on December 10, 2019, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 19-14 recommending that the City Council deny proposed amendments to the Planned Development Zoning Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans related to the Project; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 19 -14 recommending that the City Council deny the Site Development Review Permit and Minor Use Permit for the Project; and 2 of 30 WHEREAS, on January 14, 2020, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on the Project at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report dated January 14, 2020 and incorporated herein by reference, described and analyzed the Project; and WHEREAS, the City Council did hear and use its independent judgment and considered all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth before approving the Project; and WHEREAS, following the public hearing, the City Council adopted Ordinance xx -19 approving the Planned Development Rezone with amended Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans. The above Ordinance is incorporated herein by reference and is available for review at City Hall during normal business hours. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby make the following findings and determinations regarding the proposed Site Development Review Permit for the Grafton Plaza Daycare and Retail Project, located at Grafton Plaza: A. The proposal is consistent with the purposes of Chapter 8.104 of the Zoning Ordinance, General Plan and any applicable Specific Plans and design guidelines because : 1) the project is in compliance with General Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans, except as amended, related to Ordinance No. 10-10 and Ordinance No. 05-16. The project complies with the development standards of the City Council Ordinance No. 05-16, including setbacks, floor area ratio, height, and architectural standards, among other development standards. The project provides an orderly, attractive and harmonious development compatible with the site’s surrounding properties and neighborhoods. The development gives thought ful consideration to building location, architecture, design, landscaping theme, access, circulation, parking and traffic impact; 2) the project is utilizing traditional building forms with contemporary, high-quality materials and finishes in compliance with the design guidelines of the Stage 2 Development Plan, Eastern Dublin Specific Plan and Community Design and Sustainability Element of the General Plan; 3) the proposed project will conform to the design and allowable uses as stated in the Stage 2 Development Plan as required by Section 8.104.020.B of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance as amended; and 4) the project includes pedestrian and bicycle pathways providing a connection to adjacent developments. B. The proposal is consistent with the provisions of Title 8, Zoning Ordinance because: 1) the architecture and landscape design for the project provides an appropriate pedestrian scale with the proposed site planning, building layouts, landscaping and parking well suited to future uses; 2) the overall design of the project is consistent with the design requirements of the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plan; 3) the proposed project is consistent with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan in that more intensive us es are located south of Dublin Boulevard and easily accessible from nearby freeway interchanges where convenient vehicular access will limit traffic impacts to the rest of 3 of 30 Dublin; 4) the proposed development is compatible with the General Plan land use designation of Mixed Use/Campus Office with the amendment for daycare use within the Stage 1 Development Plan as a permitted use; and 5) is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood that includes residential and commercial uses and the proposed project meets the intent of the Dublin General Plan which discourages projects that do not relate well to the surrounding developments. C. The design of the project is appropriate to the City, the vicinity, surrounding properties, and the lot(s) in which the project is proposed because: 1) the design of the proposed buildings and associated improvements provide for a seamless transition with the existing development and circulation pattern of Grafton Plaza; 2) the size and mass of the proposed buildings and the overall design are appropriate; and 3) the project will expand the commercial opportunities in this area. D. The subject site is suitable for the type and intensity of the approved development because: 1) the project is within the floor area ratio requirements of the Stage 1 Development Plan; 2) the project provides for its own infrastructure and required services and is designed to include sufficient vehicular and pedestrian access, with a reduction of parking for shared parking to support the uses; and 3) the proposed building sizes and configuration would not exceed allowable building area or create adverse conditions on-site or for surrounding properties. E. Impacts to existing slopes and topographic f eatures are addressed because: 1) the project site is generally flat; 2) the roadway and utility infrastructure to serve the site already exists; and 3) future approval of grading and improvement plans will enable the site to be modified to suit the project, with landscaping throughout the project site which will be developed in accordance with City policies and regulations. F. Architectural considerations including the character, scale and quality of the design, site layout, the architectural relationship with the site and other buildings, screening of unsightly uses, lighting, building materials and colors and similar elements result in a project that is harmonious with its surroundings and compatible with other developments in the vicinity because: 1) the architectural style and materials will enhance and compliment the architectural style, colors, and materials being utilized on other commercial projects in the direct vicinity; 2) the project is utilizing traditional building forms with contemporary, high-quality materials and finishes in compliance with the design guidelines of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan; and 3) the size and scale of the development will be similar to other buildings in the project vicinity. G. Landscape considerations, including the location, type, size, color, texture and coverage of plant materials, and similar elements have been incorporated into the project to ensure visual relief, adequate screening and an attractive environment for the public because: 1) the Preliminary Landscape Plan for the project site emphasizes the pedestrian connections to the east/west and north/south with connections from the Water Quality Basin to Dublin Boulevard, as well as providing streetscape enhancements; 2) landscaping will be provided around the perimeter; and 3) the project perimeter and interior landscaping is consistent with other commercial development in the vicinity and conforms to the requirements of the City’s Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. 4 of 30 H. The site has been adequately designe d to ensure the proper circulation for bicyclist, pedestrians, and automobiles because: 1) the proposed layout of the parking area has been reviewed for circulation and safety; and 2) development of this project will integrate into the existing circulation and development pattern of the larger area. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin hereby makes the following findings and determinations regarding the Minor Use Permit to allow a parking reduction for shared parking related to a proposed daycare and retail project, located at Grafton Plaza: A. The proposed use and related structures are compatible w ith other land uses, transportation and service facilities in the vicinity in that: 1) the project is located in the PD zoning district where daycare and retail use is permitted; 2) the proposed use is adjacent to a variety of other commercial uses; and 3) transportation and services will not be impacted as evaluated in the Shared Parking Assessment. B. The proposed use meets the parking requirement for the use type in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 8.76 (Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations), which could include a parking reduction for shared parking, in that: 1) the parking regulations of DMC Section 8.76.080 require parking of 162 spaces, where 146 spaces are provided; 2) the Minor Use Permit establishes a parking reduction for shared parking based on the evidence of the Shared Parking Assessment, which provides mitigation measures sufficient to accommodate the proposed uses; 3) the site has sufficient space for the peak weekday and peak weekend demand for tenants with the implementation of a number of mitigation approaches; and 4) should the future tenants of the proposed spaces generate increased peak hour parking demand, further measures are proposed for implementation as part of a Transportation Demand Management strategy that allows operators to adopt measures to assure parking requirements are sufficient for the commercial center. C. It will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare in that: 1) the proposed use will be adequately conditioned to ensure that the operation has no recognizable negative impact on the other existing uses in the area; 2) sufficient space to accommodate increased visitors is provided within the existing parking spaces where mitigation measures are adopted; and 3) the parcel is surrounded by existing residential and hotel uses and is conforming with the City of Dublin regulations. D. It will not be injurious to property or improvements in the neighborhood in that: 1) the proposed project will comply with all the City of Dublin regulations; 2) Conditions of Approval will ensure that the use is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood; and 3) the proposed uses will be conducted within the proposed buildings on a site that will be fully developed. E. There are adequate provisions for public access, water, sanitation, and public utilities and services to ensure that the proposed use and related structures would not be detrimental to the public health and safety, and welfare in that: 1) the project site was designed to accommodate a variety of uses; 2) the site plan provides safe pedestrian and vehicle access; and 3) the project site is connected to utilities and services. 5 of 30 F. The subject site is physically suitable for the type, density, and intensity of the use and related structures being proposed in that: 1) the existing roadway network, access and parking provision is adequate to serve the proposed use; and 2) the proposed use will occur within the proposed buildings and purpose built external amenity space, on a fully developed site, without detriment to adjoining tenants. G. The proposed use will not be contrary to the specific intent clauses, development regulations, or performance standards established for the zoning district in which it is located in that: 1) the project is located in the PD zoning district and daycare and retail uses are permitted; 2) adequate parking to meet the parking demands with the inclusion of mitigations at the project site is provided; 3) parking regulations require 162 spaces and there is a deficiency of 16 spaces, which is addressed in the Shared Parking Assessment; and 4) the proposed number of parking spaces has been evaluated to be sufficient based on peak hour parking demand and the inclusion of mitigations to apply to the entire center established through the Shared Parking Assessment and included in the Conditions of Approval. H. The proposed use is consistent with the Dublin General Plan and with any applicable Specific Plans in that: 1) the proposed daycare and retail uses are permitted; and 2) the proposed project will result in improvements to the site which will provide a service to the community that is consistent with the intent of the Mixed Use/Campus Office General Plan land use designation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Dublin hereby approves the Site Development Review Permit and Minor Use Permit for the Grafton Plaza Daycare and Retail Project as shown on the project plans dated November 21, 2019, subject to the following conditions: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Unless stated otherwise, all Conditions of Approval shall be complied with prior to the issuance of building permits or establishment of use and shall be subject to Planning Department review and approval. The following codes represent those departments/agencies responsible for monitoring compliance of the conditions of approval. [PL.] Planning, [B] Building, [PO] Police, [PW] Public Works [P&CS] Parks & Community Services, [ADM] Administration/City Attorney, [FIN] Finance, [F] Alameda County Fire Department, [DSRSD] Dublin San Ramon Services District, [CO] Alameda County Department of Environmental Health, [Z7] Zone 7. # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: PLANNING 1. Approval. This Site Development Review (SDR) and Minor Use Permit (MUP) approval is for the Grafton Plaza Daycare and Retail Project proposed on vacant land (APN: 985-0061-018-00) located at the southeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Grafton Street (PLPA-2018-00010). This approval is for three commercial buildings totaling 31,860 square feet and associated site and landscape PL On-going 6 of 30 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: improvements. This approval shall be as generally depicted and indicated on the project plans, attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A, prepared by Dahlin Group Architecture|Planners, dated received November 21, 2019, consisting of 29 sheets, on file in the Community Development Department, and other plans (including colors and materials boards) relating to this SDR and as specified by the following Conditions of Approval for this project. 2. Effective Date. This SDR and MUP approval becomes effective once the Planned Development Zoning District has been approved by City Council and is effective. PL On-going 3. Permit Expiration. Construction or use shall commence within one (1) year of approval or the SDR and MUP approvals shall lapse and become null and void. If there is a dispute as to whether the SDR and MUP have expired, the City may hold a noticed public hearing to determine the matter. Such a determination may be processed concurrently with revocation proceedings in appropriate circumstances. If the SDR and MUP expire, new applications must be made and processed according to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. PL One Year After Effective Date 4. Time Extension. Prior to expiration, the Community Development Director may, upon the Applicant’s written request for an extension of approval, upon the determination that all Conditions of Approval remain adequate to assure that applicable findings of approval will continue to be met, grant a time extension of approval for a period not to exceed 12 months. The Director of Community Development may grant a maximum of two extensions of approval, and additional extensions may be granted by the original decision maker. PL Prior to Expiration Date 5. Compliance. The Applicant/Developer shall operate this use in compliance with the Conditions of Approval of this SDR and MUP, the approved plans and the regulations established in the Zoning Ordinance. Any violation of the terms or conditions specified may be subject to enforcement action. PL On-going 6. Revocation of Permit. The SDR and MUP approval shall be revocable for cause in accordance with Section 8.96.020.I of the Dublin Municipal Code. Any violation of the terms or conditions of this approval shall be subject to citation. PL On-going 7. Requirements and Standard Conditions. The Applicant/ Developer shall comply with applicable City of Dublin Fire Prevention Bureau, Dublin Public Works Department, Dublin Building Division, Dublin Police Services, Alameda Various Building Permit Issuance 7 of 30 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: County Flood Control District Zone 7, Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority, Alameda County Public and Environmental Health, Dublin San Ramon Services District and the California Department of Health Services requirements and standard conditions. Prior to issuance of building permits or the installation of any improvements related to this project, the Developer shall supply written statements from each such agency or department to the Planning Division, indicating that all applicable conditions required have been or will be met. 8. Required Permits. Applicant/Developer shall obtain all permits required by other agencies including, but not limited to Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Zone 7, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Water Quality Control Board, Caltrans and provide copies of the permits to the Public Works Department. PW Building Permit Issuance and Grading Permit Issuance 9. Fees. Applicant/Developer shall pay all applicable fees in effect at the time of building permit issuance, including, but not limited to, Planning fees, Building fees, Traffic Impact Fees, TVTC fees, Dublin San Ramon Services District fees, Public Facilities fees, Dublin Unified School District School Impact fees, Fire Facilities Impact fees, Alameda County Flood and Water Conservation District (Zone 7) Drainage and Water Connection fees; or any other fee that may be adopted and applicable. Approved Development Agreement supersedes where applicable. Various Building Permit Issuance 10. Indemnification. The Applicant/Developer shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Dublin and its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City of Dublin or its agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City of Dublin or its advisory agency, appeal board, Planning Commission, City Council, Community Development Director, Zoning Administrator, or any other department, committee, or agency of the City to the extent such actions are brought within the time period required by Government Code Section 66499.37 or other applicable law; provided, however, that the Developer's duty to so defend, indemnify, and hold harmless shall be subject to the City's promptly notifying the Developer of any said claim, action, or proceeding and the City's full cooperation in the defense of such actions or proceedings. ADM On-going 11. Clarification of Conditions. In the event that there needs to be clarification to the Conditions of Approval, the Director of Community Development and the City Engineer have the PL, PW On-going 8 of 30 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: authority to clarify the intent of these Conditions of Approval to the Applicant/Developer without going to a public hearing. The Director of Community Development and the City Engineer also have the authority to make minor modifications to these conditions without going to a public hearing in order for the Developer to fulfill needed improvements or mitigations resulting from impacts to this project. 12. Modifications. Modifications or changes to this approval may be considered by the Community Development Director if the modifications or changes proposed comply with Section 8.104.100 of the Dublin Municipal Code and with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. PL On-going 13. Clean-up. The Applicant/Developer shall be responsible for clean-up and disposal of project related trash to maintain a safe, clean and litter-free site. PL On-going 14. Equipment Screening. All electrical equipment, fire risers, and/or mechanical equipment shall be screened from public view by landscaping and/or architectural features. Any roof- mounted equipment shall be completely screened from adjacent street view by materials architecturally compatible with the building and to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. The building permit plans shall show the location of all equipment and screening for review and approval by the Director of Community Development. PL Building Permit Issuance and Through Completion/ On-going 15. Master Sign Program. A Master Sign Program/Site Development Review Permit shall be reviewed and approved for all project-related signage including, but not limited to, wall signs, monument signs, directional signage, parking signage, speed limit signage, and other signage deemed necessary by the City. The signs shown in the Project Plans are for illustrative purposes only and the full details of the sign sizes, materials, and construction shall be shown in the separate sign package. PL Installation of Project Related Signage 16. Construction Trailer. The Applicant/Developer shall obtain a Temporary Use Permit prior to the establishment of any construction trailer, storage shed, or container units on the Project site. PL Establishment of the Temporary Use 17. Public Art. The project is required to comply with Sections 8.58.05A and 8.58.05D of Chapter 8.58 (Public Art Program) of the Dublin Municipal Code. The Project will make a monetary contribution in-lieu of acquiring and installing a public art project on the property, as provided by the Dublin Municipal Code Section 8.58.050D. The in -lieu contribution shall be as provided in the Dublin Municipal Code, Chapter 8.58. PL Building Permit Issuance 9 of 30 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: 18. Lighting. Lighting is required over exterior entrances/doors. Exterior lighting used after daylight hours shall be adequate to provide for security needs. PL, PW Building Permit Issuance 19. Mitigation Monitoring Program. The Applicant/ Developer shall comply with Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) adopted by City Council Resolution No. 75-10, including all mitigation measures, action programs, and implementation measures contained therein as applicable to Grafton Plaza. The MND is on file with the Community Development Department. PL On-going 20. Short-Term Bicycle Parking (Racks). Short-term bike racks shall be designed to complement the location in which they are sited (i.e., building architecture or the landscaping areas). The number of bike racks shall be as required by the Green Building Ordinance. Design must have a two - point connection per the Dublin Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Final design and material sample shall be approved by staff. PL Building Permit Issuance 21. Long-Term Bicycle Parking (Lockers). Any exterior long- term bicycle facility (locker) shall be designed to complement the location in which it is sited (i.e. building architecture or the landscaping areas). The number of bicycle lockers shall be as required by the Green Building Ordinance. Final design and material sample shall be approved by staff. PL Building Permit Issuance PLANNING - LANDSCAPE 22. Final Landscape and Irrigation Plan. A Final Landscape and Irrigation Plan prepared and stamped by a California licensed landscape architect or registered engineer shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development Director and shall comply with Section 8.72.030 of the Dublin Municipal Code. Note that the plant species and/or location may need to be modified to comply with the Traffic Visibility Area at the driveway entrances to ensure that taller plants are placed outside the Traffic Visibility Area. PL Approval of Final Landscape Plans 23. Decorative Paving. The material, color and finish of decorative paving materials at driveway entrances shall be approved by the Planning Division (Guidelines 3.5.7). PL Approval of Final Landscape Plans 24. Water Efficient Landscaping Ordinance. The Applicant shall meet all requirements of the City of Dublin's Water - Efficient Landscaping Regulations, Section 8.88 of the Dublin Municipal Code. PL Approval of Final Landscape Plans 25. Sustainable Landscape Practices. The landscape design shall demonstrate compliance with sustainable landscape PL Building Permit 10 of 30 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: practices as detailed in the Bay-Friendly Landscape Guidelines by earning 60 points or more and meeting the 9 required practices in the Bay-Friendly Landscape Scorecard. Issuance or Approval of Improvement Plans 26. Landscape Screening. Utility areas shall be screened from roadways and walkways. Landscape shall be of a height and density so that it provides a positive visual impact within three years from the time of planting. (DMC Section 8.72.030.A.27) PL Building Permit Issuance or Approval of Improvement Plans 27. Landscape Borders. All landscaped areas in parking areas shall be bordered by a concrete curb that is at least six inches high and six inches wide. Curbs adjacent to parking spaces must be 12 inches wide. All landscaped areas shall be a minimum of six feet in width curb to curb. (DMC Section 8.76.070.A.19) PL Building Permit Issuance or Approval of Improvement Plans 28. Tree Composite Plan. Plans submitted for a building permit shall include a composite plan that shows utility, lighting, joint trench, and tree locations to resolve potential conflicts. PL Building Permit Issuance or Approval of Improvement Plans 29. Street Lights and Trees. Maintain approximately 15 feet of clearance between streetlights and street trees. Where such clearance is not practical for design considerations, the spacing between the trees shall be increased and the size of the trees shall be increased to 36-inch box minimum to reduce the conflict between the lighting and foliage. PL Building Permit Issuance or Approval of Improvement Plans 30. Root Barriers and Tree Staking. The Landscape Plans shall include details for tree root barriers and tree staking in compliance with current City Standard Specifications and Details. PL Building Permit Issuance or Approval of Improvement Plans BUILDING 31. Building Codes and Ordinances. All project construction shall conform to all building codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit. B Through Completion 32. Phased Occupancy Plan. If occupancy is requested to occur in phases, then all physical improvements within each phase shall be required to be completed prior to occupancy of any buildings within that phase except for items specifically excluded in an approved Phased Occupancy Plan, or minor handwork items, approved by the Department of Community Development. The Phased Occupancy Plan shall be submitted to the Directors of Community Development and Public Works for review and approval a minimum of 45 days prior to the request for occupancy of any building covered by said Phased B Occupancy of Any Affected Building 11 of 30 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: Occupancy Plan. Any phasing shall provide for adequate vehicular access to all parcels in each phase. No individual building shall be occupied until the adjoining area is finished, safe, accessible, and provided with all reasonable expected services and amenities, and separated from remaining additional construction activity. Subject to approval of the Director of Community Development, the completion of landscaping may be deferred due to inclement weather with the posting of a bond for the value of the deferred landscaping and associated improvements. 33. Construction Drawings. Construction plans shall be fully dimensioned (including building elevations) accurately drawn (depicting all existing and proposed conditions on site), and prepared and signed by a California licensed architect or engineer. All structural calculations shall be prepared and signed by a California licensed architect or engineer. The site plan, landscape plan and details shall be consistent with each other. B Issuance of Building Permits 34. Building Permits. To apply for building permits, Applicant/Developer shall submit electronic drawings and specifications, and the number of hard copies – as determined by the Chief Building Official – for plan check. Each set of plans shall have attached an annotated copy o f these Conditions of Approval. The notations shall clearly indicate how all Conditions of Approval will or have been complied with. Construction plans will not be accepted without the annotated resolutions attached to each set of plans. Applicant/Developer will be responsible for obtaining the approvals of all necessary non-City agencies prior to the issuance of building permits. B Issuance of Building Permits 35. As-Built Drawings. All revisions made to the building plans during the project shall be incorporated into an “As Built” electronic file and submitted prior to the issuance of the final occupancy. B Prior to Issuance of Building Permits 36. Addressing a. A site plan shall be provided with the City of Dublin’s address grid overlaid on the plans (1:30 scale). All exterior door openings shall be highlighted on plans (front, rear, garage, etc.). The site plan shall include a single large format page showing the entire project and individual sheets for each neighborhood. Three copies on full size sheets and five copies reduced sheets shall be provided. See new address application form for additional requirements. b. Address signage shall be provided as per the Dublin Municipal Code. Prior to Release of Addresses Prior to Permitting 12 of 30 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: c. Address will be required on all doors leading to the exterior of the building. Addresses shall be illuminated and be able to be seen from the street, four inches in height minimum. Prior to Occupancy 37. Engineer Observation. The Engineer of Record shall be retained to provide observation services for all components of the lateral and vertical design of the building, including nailing, hold-downs, straps, shear, roof diaphragm and structural frame of building. A written report shall be submitted to the City Inspector prior to scheduling the final frame inspection. B Prior to Scheduling Final Frame Inspection 38. Foundation. Geotechnical Engineer for the soils report shall review and approve the foundation design. A letter shall be submitted to the Building Division on the approval. B Permit Issuance 39. CAS Reports. Applicant shall obtain the services of a Certified Access Specialist for the review of the construction drawings and inspections for the building interior and site exterior. A written report shall be submitted to the City prior to approval of the permit application. Additionally, a written report shall be submitted to the City Building Inspector prior to scheduling the final inspection. B Prior to Permitting and Occupancy 40. Air Conditioning Units. Air conditioning units and ventilation ducts shall be screened from public view with materials compatible to the main building and shall not be roof mounted. Units shall be permanently installed on concrete pads or other non-movable materials approved by the Chief Building Official and Director of Community Development. B Occupancy of Building 41. Solar Zone – CA Energy Code. The location of the Solar Zone shall be shown on the site plan, including a detail of the orientation. This condition of approval will be waived if the project meets the exceptions provided in the CA Energy Code. B Through Completion 42. Parking. The required number, design and location of accessible parking stalls shall be as required by the CA Building Code. The design and number of clean air / EV ready stalls shall be as required by the CA Green Building Standards Code. The above information shall be shown on the Architectural drawings B Through Completion 43. Cool Roofs. Flat roof areas shall have their roofing material coated with light colored gravel or painted with light colored or reflective material designed for Cool Roofs. B Through Completion 13 of 30 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: 44. Accessory Structures. Building permits are required for all trash enclosures and associated amenities/structures (trellises) and are required to meet the accessibility and building codes. B Through Completion 45. Flood Plain. Applicant shall provide information showing that the parcel has been removed from the flood plain. B Issuance of Building Permit 46. Plan Ground Equipment. Applicant shall obtain the services of a Plan Ground Safety Inspector. Report from the Play Ground Safety Inspector shall be submitted to the City. B Occupancy 47. Temporary Fencing. Temporary Construction fencing shall be installed along the perimeter of a ll exterior work under construction. B Through Completion 48. Plumbing Fixture Count. The plumbing fixture count (water closets, lavatories, urinals, sinks, and drinking fountains) shall meet the minimum requirements for the new tenant as per the CA Plumbing Code, Tables A and 422.1. Provide the calculations directly on the plans. Fixture for children shall meet the suggested dimensions per CBC Table 11B-604.9. B Prior to permit issuance 49. Copies of Approved Plans. Applicant shall provide City with two reduced (1/2 size) copies of the City of Dublin stamped approved plan. B 30 Days After Permit and Each Revision Issuance FIRE PREVENTION 50. Fire Service Line Locations. No fire service lines shall pass beneath buildings. F Approval of Improvement Plans 51. New Fire Sprinkler System & Monitoring Requirements. In accordance with the Dublin Fire Code, fire sprinklers shall be installed in the building. The system shall be in accordance with the NFPA 13, the CA Fire Code and CA Building Code. Plans and specifications showing detailed mechanical design, cut sheets, listing sheets and hydraulic calculations shall be submitted to the Fire Department for approval and permit prior to installation. This may be a deferred submittal. a. Sprinkler Plans. Detailed mechanical drawings of all sprinkler modifications, including cut sheets, listing sheets and calculations shall be submitted to the Fire Department for approval and permit prior to installation. (Deferred Submittal Item). b. Sprinkler System Components. All sprinkler system components shall remain in compliance with the F Building Permit Issuance 14 of 30 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: applicable N.F.P.A. 13 Standard, the CA Fire Code and the CA Building Code. c. Underground Plans. Detailed shop drawings for the fire water supply system, including cut sheets, listing sheets and calculations shall be submitted to the Fire Department for approval and permit prior to installation. All underground and fire water supply system components shall be in compliance with the applicable N.F.P.A. 13, 24, 20, 22 Standards, the CA Fire Code and the CA Building Code. The system shall be hydrostatically tested and inspected prior to being covered. Prior to the system being connected to any fire protection system, a system flush shall be witnessed by the Fire Department. (Deferred Submittal Item). d. Central Station Monitoring. Automatic fire extinguishing systems installed within buildings shall have all control valves and flow devices electrically supervised and maintained by an approved central alarm station. Zoning and annunciation of central station alarm signals shall be submitted to the Fire Department for approval. e. Signage. Fire protection equipment shall be identified with approved signs constructed of durable materials, permanently installed and readily visible. 52. Fire Access During Construction. a. Fire Access. Access roads, turnaround, pullouts, and fire operation areas are fire lanes and shall be maintained clear and free of obstructions, including the parking of vehicles. b. Entrances. Entrances to job sites shall not be blocked, including after hours, other than by approved gates/barriers that provide for emergency access. c. Site Utilities. Site utilities that would require the access road to be dug up or made impassible shall be installed prior to construction commencing. d. Vehicular Access. Entrance flare, angle of departure, width, turning radii, grades, turnaround, vertical clearances, road surface, bridges/crossings, gates/key- switch, within a 150-foot distance to Fire Lane shall be maintained. e. Personnel Access. Route width, slope, surface and obstructions must be considered for the approved route to furthermost portion of the exterior wall. F During Construction 15 of 30 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: f. All-weather Access. Fire access is required to be all- weather access. The location of the all-weather access and a description of the construction shall be shown on plans submitted for a building permit. Access roads must be designed to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus 53. Fire Alarm (Detection) System Required. A Fire Alarm- Detection System shall be installed throughout the building so as to provide full property protection, including combustible concealed spaces, as required by NFPA 72. The system shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 72, CA Fire, Building, Electrical, and Mechanical Codes. If the system is intended to serve as an evacuation system, compliance with the horn/strobe requirements for the entire building must also be met. All automatic fire extinguishing systems shall be interconnected to the fire alarm system so as to activate an alarm if activated and to monitor control valves. Delayed egress locks shall meet requirements of C.F.C. a. Fire Alarm Plans. Detailed drawings of the fire alarm system, including floor plan showing all rooms, device locations, ceiling height and construction, cut sheets, listing sheets and battery and voltage drop calculations shall be submitted to the Fire Department for review and permit prior to the installation. Where employee work areas have audible alarm coverage, circuits shall be initially designed with a minimum 20 percent spare capacity for adding appliances to accommodate hearing impaired employees. (Deferred Submittal Item) b. Central Station Monitored Account. Automatic fire alarm systems shall be monitored by an approved central alarm station. Zoning and annunciation of central station alarm signals shall be approved by the Fire Department. c. Qualified Personnel. The system shall be installed, inspected, tested, and maintained in accordance with the provisions of NFPA 72. Only qualified and experienced persons shall perform this work. Examples of qualified individuals are those who have been factory trained and certified or are NICET Fire Alarm Certified. d. Inspection & Testing Documentation. Performance testing of all initiating and notification devices in the presence of the Fire Inspector shall occur prior to final of the system. Upon this inspection, proof that the specif ic F Occupancy 16 of 30 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: account is UL Certificated must be provided to the Fire Inspector. 54. Fire Extinguishers. Extinguishers shall be visible and unobstructed. Signage shall be provided to indicate fire extinguisher locations. The number and location of extinguishers shall be shown on the plans. Additional fire extinguishers maybe required by the Fire Inspector. Fire extinguisher shall meet a minimum classification of 2A 10BC. Extinguishers weighting 40 pounds or less shall be mounted no higher than five feet above the floor measured at the top of the extinguisher. Extinguishers shall be inspected monthly and serviced by a licensed concern annually. F Occupancy 55. Key Box. A Fire Department key box shall be installed at the main entrance to the buildings. These locations shall be noted on the plans. The key box should be installed approximately 5½ feet above grade. The box shall be sized to hold the master key to the facility as well as keys for rooms not accessible by the master key. Specialty keys, such as the fire alarm control box key and elevator control keys shall also be installed in the box. The key box door and necessary keys shall be provided to the Fire Inspector upon the final inspection. The inspector will then lock the keys into the box. F Occupancy 56. Means of Egress. Exit signs shall be visible and illuminated with emergency lighting when building is occupied. F Occupancy 57. Main Entrance Hardware Exception. All entry/exit doors shall be provided with exit hardware that allows exiting from the egress side even when the door is in the locked condition. However, an exception for A-3, B, F, M, S occupancies and all churches does allow key-locking hardware (no thumb-turns) on the main exit when the main exit consists of a single door or pair of doors. When unlocked the single door or both leaves of a pair of doors must be free to swing without operation of any latching device. A readily visible, durable sign on or just above the door stating “This door to remain unlocked” whenever the building shall be provided. The sign shall be in letters not less than one inch high on a contrasting background. This use of this exception may be revoked for cause. F Occupancy 58. Maximum Occupant Load. Posting of room capacity is required for any occupant load of 50 or more persons. F Occupancy 17 of 30 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: Submittal of a seating plan on 8.5” x 11” paper is required prior to final occupancy. 59. Interior Finish. Wall and ceiling interior finish material shall meet the requirements of Chapter 8 of the California Fire Code. Interior finishes will be field verified upon final inspection. If the product is not field marked and the marking visible for inspection, the products cut-sheets and packaging that show proof of the product’s flammability and flame-spread ratings shall be maintained. Decorative materials shall be fire retardant. F Occupancy 60. General Inspection. Upon inspection of the work for which this submittal was provided, a general inspection of the business and site will be conducted. F Occupancy 61. Addressing. Addressing shall be illuminated or in an illuminated area. The address characters shall be contrasting to their background. If address is placed on glass, the numbers shall be on the exterior of the glass and a contrasting background placed behind the numbers. The buildings shall be provided with all addresses or the assigned address range so as to be clearly visible from either direction of travel on the street the address references. The address characters shall not be less than five inches in height by one-inch stroke. Larger sizes may be necessary depending on the setbacks and visibility. Where a building has multiple tenants, address shall also be provided near the main entrance door of each tenant space. The address shall be high enough on the building to be clearly visible from the driveway, street or parking area it faces even when vehicles are parked in front of the tenant space. The address shall not be less than five inches in height with a ½-inch stroke. F Occupancy 62. Fire Safety During Construction and Demolition a. Clearance to combustibles from temporary heating devices shall be maintained. Devices shall be fixed in place and protected from damage, dislodgement or overturning in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. b. Smoking shall be prohibited except in approved areas. Signs shall be posted “NO SMOKING” in a conspicuous location in each structure or location in which smoking is prohibited. c. Combustible debris, rubbish and waste material shall be removed from buildings at the end of each shift of work. F On-going During Construction and Demolition 18 of 30 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: Flammable and combustible liquid storage areas shall be maintained clear of combustible vegetation and waste materials. DUBLIN SAN RAMON SERVICES DISTRICT (DSRSD) 63. Improvement Plans. Complete improvement plans shall be submitted to DSRSD that conform to the requirements of the Dublin San Ramon Services District Code, the DSRSD “Standard Procedures, Specifications and Drawings for Design and Installation of Water and Wastewater Facilities,” all applicable DSRSD Master Plans and all DSRSD policies. DSRSD Building Permit Issuance 64. Utility Mains. All mains shall be sized to provide sufficient capacity to accommodate future flow demands in addition to each development project's demand. Layout and sizing of mains shall be in conformance with DSRSD utility master planning. DSRSD Building Permit Issuance 65. Sewers. Sewers shall be designed to operate by gravity flow to DSRSD’s existing sanitary sewer system. Pumping of sewage is discouraged and may only be allowed under extreme circumstances following a case by case review with DSRSD staff. Any pumping station will require specific review and approval by DSRSD of preliminary design reports, design criteria, and final plans and specifications. The DSRSD reserves the right to require payment of present worth 20-year maintenance costs as well as other conditions within a separate agreement with the applicant for any project that requires a pumping station. DSRSD Building Permit Issuance 66. DSRSD Fees. Planning and review fees, inspection fees, and fees associated with a wastewater discharge permit shall be paid to DSRSD in accordance with the rates and schedules and at time of payment as established in the DSRSD Code. Planning and review fees are due afte r the 1st submittal of plans. Construction Permit and Inspection Fees are due prior to the issuance of a Construction Permit. Capacity Reserve Fees are due before the water meter can be set or the connection to the sewer system DSRSD Building Permit Issuance 67. DSRSD Review of Improvement Plans. All improvement plans for DSRSD facilities shall be signed by the District Engineer. Each drawing of improvement plans for DSRSD facilities shall contain a signature block for the District Engineer indicating approval of the sanitary sewer and/or water facilities shown. Prior to approval by the District Engineer, the applicant shall pay all required DSRSD fees, and provide an engineer’s estimate of construction costs for the sewer and water systems, a faithful performance bond, and a comprehensive general liability insurance policy in the amounts and forms that are acceptable to DSRSD. The DSRSD Building Permit Issuance 19 of 30 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: applicant shall allow at least 15 working days for final improvement drawing review by DSRSD before signature by the District Engineer 68. Water and Sewer Main Locations. Water and sewer mains shall be located in public streets rather than in off - street locations to the fullest extent possible. If unavoidable, then sewer or water easements must be established over the alignment of each sewer or water main in an off-street or private street location to provide access for future maintenance and/or replacement. DSRSD Building Permit Issuance 69. Waterline Systems. Domestic and fire protection waterline systems for tracts or commercial developments shall be designed to be looped or interconnected to avoid dead end sections in accordance with requirements of the DSRSD Standard Specifications and sound engineering practice. DSRSD Building Permit Issuance 70. Water and Sewer Line Locations. DSRSD policy requires public water and sewer lines to be located in public streets rather than in off-street locations to the fullest extent possible. If unavoidable, then public sewer or water easements must be established over the alignment of each public sewer or water line in an off-street or private street location to provide access for future maintenance and/or replacement. DSRSD Building Permit Issuance 71. Easements. The locations and widths of all proposed easement dedications for water and sewer lines shall be submitted to and approved by DSRSD. DSRSD Issuance of Grading Permit, Site Work Permit or Building Permit 72. Easement Dedications. All easement dedications for DSRSD shall be by separate instrument irrevocably offered to DSRSD or by offer of dedication on the Final Map. Prior to approval by City for Recordation, the Final Map shall be submitted to and approved by DSRSD for easement locations, widths and restrictions. DSRSD Building Permit Issuance 73. Utility Connection Fees. Prior to issuance by the City of any building permit or construction permit by DSRSD, whichever comes first, all utility connection fees including DSRSD and Zone 7, plan checking fees, inspection fees, connection fees, and fees associated with a wastewater discharge permit shall be paid to DSRSD in accordance with the rates and schedules established in the DSRSD Code. DSRSD Building Permit Issuance 74. Utility Construction Permits. No sewer line or waterline construction shall be permitted unless the proper utility construction permit has been issued by DSRSD. A construction permit will only be issued after completion of DSRSD Building Permit Issuance 20 of 30 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: the wastewater discharge permit, including the associated fees established by rates and schedules as established by DSRSD. 75. Backflow Prevention Devices/Double Detector Check Valves. Above-ground backflow prevention devices/double detector check valves shall be installed on fire protection systems connected to the DSRSD water main. The Applicant shall collaborate with the Fire Department and DSRSD to size and configure the fire system. The Applicant shall minimize the number of backflow prevention devices/double-detector check valve through strategic placement and landscaping. DSRSD Building Permit Issuance and On-going 76. Recycled Water. Recycled water is proposed for use on this project and shall be used if available. However, if available recycled water supplies are insufficient to meet the irrigation demands for the Project, the irrigation demands may be met with potable water. Upon the District’s determination that sufficient supply of recycled water is available at the time of planned connection and the connection is technologically and financially reasonable, the project shall use recycled water for irrigation of large landscape areas. DSRSD Grading Permit or Site Development Permit Issuance 77. Landscape Plans. Development plans will not be approved until landscape plans are submitted for DSRSD review and approval. DSRSD Approval of Final Landscape Plans 78. Capacity Demands. This project will be analyzed by DSRSD to determine if it represents additional water and/or sewer capacity demands on the District. Applicant will be required to pay all incremental capacity reserve fees for water and sewer services as required by the project demands. All capacity reserve fees must be paid prior to installation of water meter for water. If a water meter is not required, the capacity reserve fee shall be paid prior to issuance of a building permit. The District may not approve the building permit until capacity reserve fees are paid. DSRSD Building Permit Issuance and On-going 79. Trash Enclosures. If any trash enclosures are required to drain to the sanitary sewer, grease and sand trap interceptors shall be installed within the trash enclosure area. The trash enclosure shall be roofed and graded to minimize rainwater or stormwater from entering the trash enclosure. DSRSD Building Permit Issuance and On-going 80. Recycled Water Improvement Plans. Improvement plans shall include recycled water improvements as required by DSRSD. Services for landscape irrigation shall connect to DSRSD Grading Permit or Site Development 21 of 30 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: recycled water mains. Applicant must obtain a copy of the DSRSD Recycled Water Use Guidelines and conform to the requirements therein. Availability of recycled water will be determined by District. Permit Issuance 81. Fire Service Lines. Fire service line with hydrants are not allowed to be private fire service line. In addition, this fire service line shall also be looped and tied into the existing water main to the west of the project site to provide service reliability during fire event. DSRSD Grading Permit or Site Development Permit Issuance PUBLIC WORKS – GENERAL CONDITIONS 82. Conditions of Approval. Developer shall comply with the City of Dublin Public Works Standard Conditions of Approval contained below (“Standard Condition”) unless specifically modified by project specific Conditions of Approval below. PW On-going 83. Clarifications and Changes to the Conditions. In the event that there needs to be clarification to these Conditions of Approval, the City Engineer has the authority to clarify the intent of these Conditions of Approval to the Developer without going to a public hearing. The City Engineer also has the authority to make minor modifications to these conditions without going to a public hearing in order for the Developer to fulfill needed improvements or mitigations resulting from impacts of this project. PW On-going 84. Fees. As part of the issuance of any project permits, the Developer shall pay all applicable fees in effect at the time of permit issuance, including, but not limited to: Planning fees; Building fees; Dublin San Ramon Services District fees; Public Facilities fees; City of Dublin Fire fees; Noise Mitigation fees; Inclusionary House In-Lieu fees; Alameda County Flood and Water Conservation fees; and any other fees as noted in the Development Agreement. Various Departme nts Grading Permit or Building Permit Issuance 85. Zone 7 Impervious Surface Fees. The Developer shall complete a “Zone 7 Impervious Surface Fee Application” and submit an accompanying exhibit for review by the Public Works Department. Fees generated by this application will be due at issuance of building permit. PW Grading Permit or Building Permit Issuance PUBLIC WORKS – PERMITS 86. Encroachment Permit. Developer shall obtain an encroachment permit from the Public Works Department for all construction activity within the public right-of-way of any street where the City has accepted the street right -of-way. The encroachment permit may require surety for slurry seal and restriping. PW Start of Work 87. Grading Permit. Developer shall obtain a grading permit from the Public Works Department for all grading. PW Start of Work 22 of 30 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: 88. Permits from Other Agencies. The Developer shall obtain all permits and/or approvals that may be required by other agencies including, but not limited to: • Army Corps of Engineers • US Fish and Wildlife • Regional Water Quality Control Board • Federal Emergency Management Agency • California Department of Fish and Wildlife • California Dept. of Transportation (Caltrans) • Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) • Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) • Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Zone 7 (Zone 7) PW Start of Work PUBLIC WORKS – SUBMITTALS 89. Plan Submittals. All submittals of plans shall comply with the requirements of the “City of Dublin Public Works Department Improvement Plan Submittal Requirements”, the “City of Dublin Improvement Plan Review Check List,” and current Public Works and industry standards. A complete submittal of improvement plans shall include all civil improvements, joint trench, street lighting and on-site safety lighting, landscape plans, and all associated documents as required. The Developer shall not piecemeal the submittal by submitting various components separately. PW Improvement Plan Approval 90. Submittals to Non-City Agencies. Developer will be responsible for submittals and reviews to obtain the approvals of all participating non-City agencies. The Alameda County Fire Department and the Dublin San Ramon Services District shall review and approve Construction Plan Set. PW Improvement Plan Approval 91. Geotechnical Report. Developer shall submit a design level Geotechnical Report, which includes pavement sections and grading recommendations. PW Improvement Plan Approval, and Grading Plans 92. Building Pads, Slopes and Walls. Developer shall provide the Public Works Department with a letter from a registered civil engineer or surveyor stating that the building pads have been graded to within 0.1 feet of the grades shown on the approved grading plans, and that the top and toe of banks and retaining walls are at the locations shown on the approved grading plans. PW Acceptance of Improvements 93. Approved Plan Files. Developer shall provide the Public Works Department a PDF format file of approved site plans, including grading, improvement, landscaping and irrigation, joint trench and lighting. PW Improvement Plan Approval 23 of 30 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: 94. Master Files. Developer shall provide the Public Works Department a digital vectorized file of the “master” files for the project, in a format acceptable to the City Engineer. Digital raster copies are not acceptable. The digital vectorized files shall be in AutoCAD 14 or higher drawing format. All objects and entities in layers shall be colored by layer and named in English. All submitted drawings shall use the Global Coordinate System of USA, California, NAD 83 California State Plane, Zone III, and U.S. foot. PW Acceptance of Improvements PUBLIC WORKS - EASEMENTS AND ACCESS RIGHTS 95. Acquisition of Easements. Developer shall acquire easements, and/or obtain rights-of-entry from the adjacent property owners for any improvements not located on their property. The easements and/or rights-of-entry shall be in writing and copies furnished to the Public Works Department. PW Improvement Plan Approval 96. Emergency Vehicle Access. The Developer shall identify Emergency Vehicle Access lanes including appropriate land width for the drive aisle and R20 radius on turns. Turning geometry shall be identified on plans and subject to the approval of the City Engineer and Fire Marshal. PW Improvement Plan Approval PUBLIC WORKS - GRADING 97. Grading Plan. The Grading Plan shall be in conformance with the recommendation of the Geotechnical Report, the Site Development Review, and City design standards & ordinances. In case of conflict between the soil engineer’s recommendation and the City ordinances, the City Engineer shall determine which shall apply. PW Grading Plan Approval 98. Archaeological Finds. If archaeological materials are encountered during construction, construction within 100 feet of these materials shall be halted until a professional archaeologist who is certified by the Society of California Archaeology (SCA) or the Society of Professional Archaeology (SOPA) has had an opportunity to evaluate the significance of the find and suggest appropriate mitigation measures. PW On-going 99. Erosion Control Plan. A detailed Erosion and Sediment Control Plan shall be included with the Grading Plan submittal. The plan shall include detailed design, location, and maintenance criteria of all erosion and sedimentation control measures. PW Grading Plan Approval 100. Dust Control Measures. Developer shall be responsible for watering or other dust-palliative measures to control dust as conditions warrant or as directed by the City Engineer. PW Start of Construction and On-going 101. Retaining Walls. Tiebacks or structural fabric for retaining walls shall not cross property lines or shall be located a PW Grading Plan Approval 24 of 30 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: minimum of two feet below the finished grade of the upper lot. PUBLIC WORKS - IMPROVEMENTS 102. Public Improvements. The public improvements shall be constructed generally as shown on the SDR plans. However, the SDR approval is not an approval of the specific design of the drainage, sanitary sewer, water, traffic circulation, parking, stormwater treatment, sidewalks and street improvements. PW Improvement Plan Approval 103. Public Improvement Conformance. All public improvements shall conform to the City of Dublin Standard Plans, current practices, and design requirements and as approved by the City Engineer. PW Improvement Plan Approval 104. Site Improvements. Construction plans shall show common area improvements, including, but are not limited to: curb and gutter, pavement areas, sidewalks, access ramps, driveways, parking and circulation in and at structures; enhanced street paving; parking spaces; street lights (wired underground) and appurtenances; drainage facilities; utilities; landscape and irrigation facilities; open space landscaping; stormwater treatment facilities; striping and signage; and fire hydrants. PW Improvement Plan Approval 105. Traffic Signing and Striping. Developer shall install all traffic signage, striping, and pavement markings as required by the City Engineer. PW Certificate of Occupancy or Acceptance of Improvements 106. Water and Sewer Facilities. Developer shall construct all potable and recycled water and sanitary sewer facilities required to serve the project in accordance with DSRSD master plans, standards, specifications and requirements. PW Certificate of Occupancy or Acceptance of Improvements 107. Fire Hydrants. Fire hydrant locations shall be approved by the Alameda County Fire Department. A raised reflector blue traffic marker shall be installed in the street opposite each hydrant, and shown on the signing and striping plan. PW Certificate of Occupancy or Acceptance of Improvements 108. Storm Drain Inlet Markers. All on-site storm drain inlets must be marked with storm drain markers that read: “No dumping, drains to creek.” The stencils may be purchased from the Public Work Department. PW Certificate of Occupancy or Acceptance of Improvements 109. Utilities. Developer shall construct gas, electric, telephone, cable TV, and communication improvements within the fronting streets and as necessary to serve the project and the future adjacent parcels as approved by the City Engineer and the various Public Utility agencies. PW Certificate of Occupancy or Acceptance of Improvements 110. Utility Locations. All electric, telephone, cable TV, and communications utilities, shall be placed underground in accordance with the City policies and ordinances. All PW Certificate of Occupancy or 25 of 30 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: utilities shall be located and provided within public utility easements or public services easements and sized to meet utility company standards. Acceptance of Improvements 111. Utility Vaults and Boxes. All utility vaults, boxes, and structures, unless specifically approved otherwise by the City Engineer, shall be underground and placed in landscaped areas and screened from public view. Prior to Joint Trench Plan approval, landscape drawings shall be submitted to the City showing the location of all utility vaults, boxes, and structures and adjacent landscape features and plantings. The Joint Trench Plans shall be signed by the City Engineer prior to construction of the joint trench improvements. PW Certificate of Occupancy or Acceptance of Improvements PUBLIC WORKS - CONSTRUCTION 112. Construction Activities. Construction activities, including the idling, maintenance, and warming up of equipment, shall be limited to Monday through Friday, and non -City holidays, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. except as otherwise approved by the City Engineer. Extended hours or Saturday work will be considered by the City Engineer on a case-by-case basis. Note that the construction hours of operation within the public right -of- way are more restrictive. PW On-going 113. Temporary Fencing. Temporary construction fencing shall be installed along the perimeter of all work under construction to separate the construction operation from the public. All construction activities shall be confined within the fenced area. Construction materials and/or equipment shall not be operated or stored outside of the fenced area or within the public right-of-way unless approved in advance by the City Engineer. PW Start of Construction and On-going 114. Construction Noise Management Plan. Developer shall prepare a construction noise management plan that identifies measures to be taken to minimize construction noise on surrounding developed properties. The plan shall include hours of construction operation, use of mufflers on construction equipment, speed limit for construction traffic, haul routes and identify a noise monitor. Specific noise management measures shall be provided prior to project construction. PW Start of Construction and On-going 115. Traffic Control Plan. Closing of any existing pedestrian pathway and/or sidewalk during construction shall be implemented through a City-approved Traffic Control Plan and shall be done with the goal of minimizing the impact on pedestrian circulation. PW Start of Construction and On-going 26 of 30 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: 116. Construction Traffic Interface Plan. Developer shall prepare a plan for construction traffic interface with public traffic on any existing public street. Construction traffic and parking may be subject to specific requirements by the City Engineer. PW Start of Construction and On-going 117. Pest Control. Developer shall be responsible for controlling any rodent, mosquito, or other pest problem due to construction activities. PW On-going PUBLIC WORKS - EROSION CONTROL & STORMWATER QUALITY 118. Storm Water Treatment Measures Maintenance Agreement. Developer shall enter into an Agreement with the City of Dublin that guarantees the property owner’s perpetual maintenance obligation for all stormwater treatment measures installed as part of the project, including those on-site and within any public right-of-way surrounding the project. Said Agreement is required pursuant to Provision C.3 of the Municipal Regional Stormwater NPDES Permit, Order No. R2-2015-0049. Said permit requires the City to provide verification and assurance that all treatment devices will be properly operated and maintained. The Agreement shall be recorded against the property and shall run with the land. PW Occupancy or Acceptance of Improvements 119. Stormwater Treatment. Consistent with Provision C.3 of the Municipal Regional Stormwater NPDES Permit (MRP) Order No. R2-2015-0049, the Developer shall submit documentation including construction drawings demonstrating all stormwater treatment measures and hydromodification requirements as applicable are met. PW Approval of Grading Plans 120. Media Filters. All media filters used for stormwater treatment shall be certified under the Washington State Department of Ecology Technical Assessment Protocol – Ecology (TAPE) General Use Level Designation (GULD) for Basic Treatment. All media filters shall be hydraulically sized based on the criteria specified in the Municipal Regional Permit Provision C.3.d and the design operation rate for which the product received TAPE GULD certification for Basic Treatment. PW Building Permit Issuance and Grading Permit Issuance 121. NOI and SWPPP. Prior to any clearing or grading, Developer shall provide the City evidence that a Notice of Intent (NOI) has been sent to the California State Water Resources Control Board per the requirements of the NPDES. A copy of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be provided to the Public Works Department and be kept at the construction site. PW Start of Any Construction Activities 122. SWPPP. The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall identify the Best Management Practices PW SWPPP to be Prepared Prior 27 of 30 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: (BMPs) appropriate to the project construction activities. The SWPPP shall include erosion and sediment control measures in accordance with the regulations outlined in the most current version of the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook or State Construction Best Management Practices Handbook. The Developer is responsible for ensuring that all contractors implement all storm water pollution prevention measures in the SWPPP. to Improvement Plan Approval; Implementation Prior to Start of Construction and On-going 123. Erosion Control Implementation. The Erosion and Sediment Control Plan shall be implemented prior to start of onsite construction activities. The Developer will be responsible for maintaining erosion and sediment control measures for one year following the City’s acceptance of the improvements. PW On-going 124. Stormwater Management Plan. Construction plans shall include a Stormwater Management Plan subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. PW Building Permit Issuance 125. Trash Capture. Specific information is required on the construction plan set demonstrating how MRP Provision C.10 (trash capture) requirements are met. Trash capture devices existing at the site shall be inspected and replaced if necessary, as determined by the Public Works Department. The Developer/contractor shall install trash capture devices in all inlets not currently containing one. Trash capture devices to be used shall be listed and details shown on the construction plan set as applicable. Trash capture devices shall be the consistent with the approved list provided on the City’s website: http://dublin.ca.gov/1656/Development-Permits--- Stormwater-Require PW Building Permit Issuance PUBLIC WORKS - SPECIAL CONDITIONS 126. Easements. The Developer shall be responsible for obtaining all dedications of easements on-site and off-site. PW Improvement Plan Approval 127. Construction on Adjacent Properties. The Developer shall be responsible for obtaining written authorization for right-of-entry and construction of improvements on adjacent property sites. The Developer shall submit a copy of the written authorization to the City. PW Improvement Plan Approval 128. Minor Use Permit. This Minor Use Permit approval is based on assumptions for parking demand from specific users at the project site based on the Shared Parking Assessment prepared by Fehr and Peers, dated May 3, 2019. Should the use types and associated floor areas deviate from those assumptions for any portion of any building, a Minor Use Permit shall be submitted, and an PW Certificate of Occupancy 28 of 30 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: additional Parking Assessment shall be carried out to ensure sufficient parking provision at the site . 1. The applicant and or the future operators of the development shall restrict the Quality Restaurants, as defined in the Shared Parking Assessment, to no more than 6,000 square feet of area accessible by customers. Transportation Demand Management Measures such as time restricted parking spaces; designated employee parking; reciprocal parking agreements; transit subsidies; or valet parking can be incorporated to reduce parking demand to accommodate future users. 129. Drop-off/Pick-up Parking Restriction. Parking shall be prohibited for six spaces to the north of the main entrance to the daycare building for a drop-off/pick-up area. The parking spaces for drop-off and pick-up shall be time restricted (10 minutes) between 7:00 am to 6:00 pm, from Monday to Friday. PW Certificate of Occupancy 130. Off-Site Parking Restriction. Parking shall be prohibited to employee parking only for daycare employees along the south side of Zenith Avenue within nine on -street parking spaces and along the west side of Summit Road within eight on-street parking spaces. This permit parking restriction will be No Parking Tow Away Monday to Friday. On weekends and public holidays, parking will be allowed without restriction. PW Certificate of Occupancy 131. Parking Lot Signing and Striping. Construction plan set shall include a signing and striping plan for the site. All parking lot drive aisles with “stop” locations shall have standard STOP signs, in accordance with the current MUTCD - CA. Similarly, disabled parking areas shall have standard ADA signs, markings, and slopes in accordance with the current building code. PW Building Permit Issuance 132. On-Site Lighting. Developer shall provide a photometric plan and calculations within the site to demonstrate that the minimum 1.0-foot candle lighting is provided in accordance with the City of Dublin’s requirements. PW Improvement Plan Approval 133. Pavement Treatment. A pavement treatment, such as a slurry seal, shall be required after utility trenching, as determined by the Public Works Department. PW Prior to Occupancy or Acceptance of Improvements 134. Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalk. Existing curb, gutter and sidewalk along the project frontages within the public right- of-way shall be evaluated for condition and compliance with current Public Works standards and shall be repaired or replaced with the development of the site, as determined by PW Building Permit Issuance 29 of 30 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: the Public Works Department. Construction drawings shall show repair or replacement required. 135. Streetscape Trees. Street trees along project frontages shall be in conformance with the City of Dublin Streetscape Master Plan. Construction plan set shall show tree and irrigation improvements required. PW Building Permit Issuance 136. Trash Enclosure. a. Trash enclosure shall meet all the requirements set forth in DMC Section 7.98 and the “Waste Handling Standards for Commercial Properties and Multi-Family Properties with Shared Service,” which can be obtained from the City’s website: http://dublin.ca.gov/1932/Development- Resources. The construction plan set shall show additional information demonstrating these requirements are met. Design of trash enclosure for sizing and servicing is subject to review and approval by the Public Works Department. b. Developer shall submit a completed Waste Enclosure Requirements Checklist with the submittal of the construction plan set, which can be obtained from the City’s website: http://dublin.ca.gov/1932/Development- Resources c. The area around and inside the enclosure must be lit with a minimum of 1.0 foot candle with motion sensor lighting. d. Developer shall drain the interior of the trash enclosur e to the sanitary sewer system or incorporate the following revisions to the landscaped area the enclosure is proposed to drain into: i. Landscaped area accepting drainage from the trash enclosure directly adjacent to the enclosure shall be designed with no gap between the enclosure wall and the landscaped area. ii. Planting shall be provided in the area in addition to the river rock cobble. PW Building Permit Issuance 137. Construction Plans. Construction plan set shall include City of Dublin General Notes and project specific notes, fully dimensioned Horizontal Control plan, Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Clean Bay Blueprint (see City’s website: http://dublin.ca.gov/1656/Development-Permits--- Stormwater-Require), details and sections of all improvements to be constructed. PW Building Permit Issuance 138. Hydrology and Hydraulics. Developer shall submit hydrology and hydraulic calculations for review and approval. Construction plan set shall show grate, invert and PW Building Permit Issuance 30 of 30 # CONDITION TEXT RESPON. AGENCY WHEN REQ’D Prior to: hydraulic grade line information at all storm drain structures, slope and design flow at all storm drain pipes. 139. Drainage. Runoff from roofs, including the trash enclosure, shall be collected by roof drains and drain to stormwater treatment areas. PW Building Permit Issuance 140. Hydromodification (HM) Requirements. Developer shall submit an updated “Stormwater Requirem ents Checklist” and accompanying required documentation. This project is subject to Hydromodification (HM) requirements. Consistent with Provision C.3 of the Municipal Regional Stormwater NPDES Permit, Order No. R2-2015-0049, the Developer shall submit documentation including construction drawings demonstrating HM requirements are met. PW Improvement Plan Approval 141. Landscape Areas. Construction plan set shall provide grading and drainage in all landscaped areas. All runoff shall be collected and conveyed upstream of sidewalks. PW Building Permit Issuance 142. Concrete Step-Out. Construct an additional six-inch step- out at landscaped areas adjacent to driver side and passenger side of parking stalls. PW Building Permit Issuance 143. Landscape Strips. Landscaped strips adjacent to parking stalls shall be unobstructed as such to allow for atwo2 -foot vehicular overhang at front/rear of vehicles. PW Building Permit Issuance 144. Surface Slopes. Pavement surface slopes in parking lot shall not exceed five percent in any direction. PW Building Permit Issuance PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this __ day of ___ 2020 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ______________________________ Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________ City Clerk 758(1257+-2%12'$7(2ZHQV'ULYH3OHDVDQWRQ&$7,7/(6+((7*5$)72135(6&+22/$1'5(7$,/$ 6,7(3/$1$ )/2253/$15(7$,/$ 522)3/$15(7$,/$ )/2253/$135(6&+22/ 75$6+(1&/2685($ 522)3/$135(6&+22/ 75$6+(1&/2685($ &2'($1$/<6,635(6&+22/(;,67,1*$ (/(9$7,2165(7$,/$$ (/(9$7,2165(7$,/%$ (/(9$7,21635(6&+22/$ (/(9$7,21675$6+(1&/2685($ 675((7(/(9$7,21 0$7(5,$/6&+('8/($ 3(563(&7,9(6$ 3(563(&7,9(6$ 352'8&7&876+((76$1''(7$,/6 7,7/(6+((7& 6,7(3/$1& 3$5.,1*3/$1& ),5($&&(663/$1& $&&(66,%,/,7<3/$1& *$5%$*(3,&.833/$1& 35(/,0,1$5<87,/,7<3/$1& 35(/,0,1$5<*5$',1*3/$1& 35(/,0,1$5<67250:$7(50$1$*(0(173/$1/ 6,7(3/$1/ 3/$<63$&((1/$5*(0(17/ 6,7(&,5&8/$7,21/ 6,7()($785(6/ 3/$17,1*3/$1/ 3/$17,1*3/$1352-(&7$''5(66*5$)72167 '8%/,1%/9''8%/,1&$$31352-(&7'(6&5,37,219,&,1,7<0$3*5$)7213/$=$&200(5&,$/67$*(,,*5$)72167'8%/,1&$/,)251,$7+(352-(&7:,//&216,672)7+(6,7($1'%8,/',1*'(9(/230(17217+((;,67,1*9$&$17/27$77+(&251(52)*5$)721675((7$1''8%/,1%/9'7+(6,7(:25.:,//,1&/8'(1(:$&3$5.,1*$5($61(:*5$',1*$1''5$,1$*(1(:+$5'6&$3,1*1(:87,/,7,(6$6:(//$6/$1'6&$3($1',55,*$7,21,03529(0(176)257+(29(5$//$5($$1'35(6&+22/3/$<<$5'7+($5&+,7(&785$/'(9(/230(17:,//,1&/8'(7+5((%8,/',1*6216,7(21(“6)&2/'6+(//5(7$,/5(67$85$17%8,/',1*21(“6)&2/'6+(//5(7$,/5(67$85$17%8,/',1*$1'21(“6)35(6&+22/%8,/',1*3/$11,1*6+((7,1'(; TFMRNORTHPROJECT2040 80SCALE: 1" = 40'JOB NO.DATE5142 Franklin Drive, Suite BPleasanton, CA 94588925-251-7200GRAFTON PRESCHOOL AND RETAILSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW19747.0007/01/190Commercial Parcel Area: 3.68± acC.1SITE PLANSITE SUMMARY TFMRNORTHPROJECT20 40 80SCALE: 1" = 40'JOB NO.DATE5142 Franklin Drive, Suite BPleasanton, CA 94588925-251-7200GRAFTON PRESCHOOL AND RETAILSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW19747.0007/01/190PARKING SPACESEV CHARGING LOCATIONSCLEAN AIR/VANPOOL SPACECOMPACT SPACEC.2PARKING PLANLEGEND TFMRBASINLEGENDNORTHPROJECT2040 80SCALE: 1" = 40'JOB NO.DATE5142 Franklin Drive, Suite BPleasanton, CA 94588925-251-7200GRAFTON PRESCHOOL AND RETAILSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW19747.0007/01/190EXISTING FIRE HYDRANTPROPOSED FIRE HYDRANTFIRE DEPARTMENT ON-SITE ACCESS ROUTEFIRE ACCESS PLANC.3 TFMRBASINACCESSIBLE PARKINGLEGENDACCESSIBLE PATHNORTHPROJECT20 40 80SCALE: 1" = 40'JOB NO.DATE5142 Franklin Drive, Suite BPleasanton, CA 94588925-251-7200GRAFTON PRESCHOOL AND RETAILSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW19747.0007/01/190C.4ACCESSIBILITY PLAN TFMRBASINPROPOSED TRASH ENCLOSURE LOCATIONLEGENDGARBAGE PICK UP ROUTENORTHPROJECT2040 80SCALE: 1" = 40'JOB NO.DATE5142 Franklin Drive, Suite BPleasanton, CA 94588925-251-7200GRAFTON PRESCHOOL AND RETAILSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW19747.0007/01/190NOTE: REFER TO ARCHITECTURE SHEETS FOR TRASH ENCLOSURESTRUCTURE DETAILSC.5GARBAGE PICKUP PLAN TFMRNORTHPROJECT2040 80SCALE: 1" = 40'JOB NO.DATE5142 Franklin Drive, Suite BPleasanton, CA 94588925-251-7200GRAFTON PRESCHOOL AND RETAILSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW19747.0007/01/190LEGENDC.6PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLANNOTES:1. PROPOSED UTILITIES SHOWN WILL BE ADJUSTED WITH FINAL DESIGN.2. BASED ON PRELIMINARY SIZING REQUIREMENTS, IT APPEARS THATSILVA CELLS (OR SIMILAR FACILITIES) WILL BE RQUIRED TO MEET THEWATER QUALITY REQUIREMENTS. SIZING OF FACILITIES WILL BEADDRESSED DURING FINAL DESIGN3. WATER QUALITY PIPING HAS NOT BEEN SHOWN ON THIS PLAN TFMRNORTHPROJECT2040 80SCALE: 1" = 40'JOB NO.DATE5142 Franklin Drive, Suite BPleasanton, CA 94588925-251-7200GRAFTON PRESCHOOL AND RETAILSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW19747.0007/01/190C.7NOTES:1. MINIMUM PAVEMENT SLOPE: 0.5%2. MAXIMUM PAVEMENT SLOPE: 3%3. GRADES TO BE ADJUSTED DURING FINAL DESIGN4. END OF SUMMIT ROAD TO BE RECONFIGURED WITH THIS PROJECT5. A NEW AERIAL TOPO WILL BE REQUIRED FOR DESIGN. EXISTING SITEIS GRADED TO ELEVATION 349-350.6. THE PROJECT SITE HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM THE FEMA FLOODPLAIN BY THE PROPERTY OWNER.PRELIMINARY GRADING PLANABBREVIATION TFMRNORTHPROJECT2040 80SCALE: 1" = 40'JOB NO.DATE5142 Franklin Drive, Suite BPleasanton, CA 94588925-251-7200GRAFTON PRESCHOOL AND RETAILSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW19747.0009/05/190C.8PRELIMINARY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN '$7(1257+352-(&7  6&$/(  -2%12'$7(2ZHQV'ULYH3OHDVDQWRQ&$7,7/(6+((7*5$)72135(6&+22/$1'5(7$,/$*5$)72135(6&+22/ 5(7$,/6,7( '(9(/230(17 5(9,(:'8%/,1&$01530 6001530 606,7(3/$1//2:/2:/2:*5$)72167'8%/,1%/9'5(7$,/5(7$,/33333335(((((((6666&&++22//+27(/6800,75'(QKDQFHG3DYLQJ)LUH(OHPHQW$FFHQW&RORUHG&RQFUHWH%LNH5DFNV6SHFLPHQ7UHH5DLVHG6SHHG7DEOH &URVVZDON3HGHVWULDQ3URPHQDGH'ULYH$LVOH6FUHHQLQJ3UHVFKRRO3OD\<DUG 6HH/ 6HDW3DG$UWLVWLF3ODQWHUVZLWK6HDWLQJ'LQLQJ7DEOH6HWDQG8PEUHOOD3RWV7UDVK5HFHSWDFOHV7UDVK(QFORVXUH7UHH*UDWH)OH[3OD]DDQG3DUNLQJ$UHD3HGHVWULDQ&URVVZDON3DVHR 6HH/ 6WDPSHG$VSKDOW/DQGVFDSH%XIIHU([LVWLQJ%XV6WRS6LOYD&HOO6WRUPZDWHU7UHDWPHQW/DQGVFDSH'HVLJQ1DUUDWLYH7KHODQGVFDSHFRQFHSWRIWKH*UDIWRQ3OD]DXWLOL]HVRXWGRRUJDWKHULQJVSDFHVGLQLQJDUHDVPDLQVWUHHWSURPHQDGHVDQGSOD]DVWRFUHDWHDORFDOGHVWLQDWLRQIRUFRPPXQLW\LQWHUDFWLRQ7KHUHWDLOSURPHQDGHDORQJ*UDIWRQ:D\VHWVDUK\WKPZLWKGLIIHULQJDUFKLWHFWXUHWRSURPRWHD´PDLQVWUHHWµIHHO,QVWHDGRIWKHSHUFHSWLRQRIRQHORQJEXLOGLQJWKHDUWLFXODWLRQPDNHVLWIHHODVWKRXJKWKHLQGLYLGXDOVKRSVZHUHDGGHGRYHUWLPHLQDWUXH´PDLQVWUHHWµIDVKLRQ7KHSDUNZD\DQGVWUHHWWUHHVHQFRXUDJHZDONDELOLW\ZLWKDVHSDUDWLRQIURPYHKLFXODUWUDIILF$WWZRQRGHVYLVLWRUVDUHDEOHWREUHDNWKURXJKWKHDUFKLWHFWXUHDQGDUHLQYLWHGLQWRWKHLQWHUQDOSRUWLRQRIWKHSURMHFW7KHVHQRGHVDUHSURJUDPPHGZLWKVHDWLQJILUHHOHPHQWVDQGHQKDQFHGSDYLQJWRLQFUHDVHWKHVHQVHRISODFHDQGHVWDEOLVKKXPDQVFDOH7KHRXWGRRUVSDFHVDUHWHDVHGZLWKEXLOGLQJHGJHVWKDWDUHVRIWHQHGZLWKODQGVFDSHRUHQHUJL]HGZLWKRXWGRRUGLQLQJ$FHQWUDOVSLQHDOORZVIRUDSUHGLFWDEOHFRQQHFWLRQEHWZHHQWKHUHVLGHQWLDODUHDSURMHFWVLWHDQG*UDIWRQ6WDWLRQ7RWDOODQGVFDSHDUHDZLWKLQSDUNLQJORW VTXDUHIHHW7RWDOSDUNLQJORWDUHD    VTXDUHIHHW/DQGVFDSLQJRIWRWDOSDUNLQJDUHD  DATE1257+352-(&7148 16SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"-2%12'$7(2ZHQV'ULYH3OHDVDQWRQ&$7,7/(6+((7*5$)72135(6&+22/$1'5(7$,/$GRAFTON PRESCHOOL & RETAILSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DUBLIN, CA 6/25/2019PLAY SPACE ENLARGEMENT L1.2111266106377448859101211111313131415161718195Synthetic Turf MoundsSynthetic Turf Play Space Egress/Maitanenc Gate Flamed-retardant Sunami ShadePicnic TablesPlay Structure: LSI Smart Motion Trike Track Sand Play Accent Paving Play Structure: Berlimer Spaceball Flamed-retardant Skyway Shade CanopyConcrete Paving LSI Musical Sensory Play Chalkboard Wall Mounted Drinking Fountain Specimen Tree ADA Transfer Station Flex Plaza and Parking AreaHand Sink Veggie Garden6’ Ornamental Metal Fence, Screened w/ Tall Shrubs6’ Concrete WallStormwater Treatment Area11225911117812121381220141433171616131518236101921PRESESESESESSSCHOOOOOOOOOL0 8 16 322044212222212223 DATE1257+352-(&7148 16SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"-2%12'$7(2ZHQV'ULYH3OHDVDQWRQ&$7,7/(6+((7*5$)72135(6&+22/$1'5(7$,/$GRAFTON PRESCHOOL & RETAILSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DUBLIN, CA 6/25/2019L2.1L.O.W L.O.W Bike Circulation Bike Rack Limit Of Work GRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGGGAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAATOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOOOTOOOTOTOTOTOTNNNNNNNNNNNNNNSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTTSSTTTSTTSSS.. .... ..BIKE CIRCULATION LEGEND DUDUDUDUUDUDUDUUUBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLLININININININININNNBBBBBLVLVLVLVLVLVLVLVLVDD.DD RETAIL RETAILPRESPRESPRERESSCHOOCHOOCHOOHOOLLLL HOTEL01530 60SITE CIRCULATION L.O.W L.O.W L.O.W L.O.W Pedestrian Circulation Limit Of Work GRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGGAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAATOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOOOOOOTOTOTOTONNNNNNNNNNNNNNSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSSTTSTTTTSTTSSS.. ... ..SUMMITRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDDDD.DDDDDDDDDDD SUMMITRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDDD.D.D.DDDDDDDDDD PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION LEGEND DUDUDUDUDUDUDUUUUBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLINININIINININININNBBBBBLVLVLVLVLVLVLVLVLVDD.DD RETAIL RETAIL PRESPRESPRERESSCHOOCHOOCHOOCHOOLLLL HOTEL DATE1257+352-(&7148 16SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"-2%12'$7(2ZHQV'ULYH3OHDVDQWRQ&$7,7/(6+((7*5$)72135(6&+22/$1'5(7$,/$GRAFTON PRESCHOOL & RETAILSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DUBLIN, CA 10/03/2019L2.2SITE FEATURES L.O.W L.O.W L.O.W Low Wall (S.A.D) Cast in Place Concrete Wall, 18”HPrecast Concrete Seat Wall, 18”HOrnamental Metal Fence, 6’HConcrete Wall, 6’ H Existing Fence at Ajacent Hotel 6’ H Limit of Work GRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGGAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAAFATOTOTOTOOTOOTOTOOTOTOTOTOOTNN NN N N NN N NNNNNSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTSTTTSTTSTSTSSSSS..... .WALLS AND FENCES LEGEND DUDUDUDUDDDUDUUUUBLBLBLBLBLBLBLLINININININIININNBBBBBBBBLVLVLVLVLLLLVVDD.D 01630 60RETAETATAETAETETATTTTATATAIL ILIL ILILLRETAIL PRESSSSSCHOOCHOOCHOOCHOOCHOL HOTELL.O.W L.O.W L.O.W Light Pole Bollard Light Limit Of Work Light Pole To Match Existing Street Lights String Lights Note: All lighting is shown conceptually; a photometric study will be done prior to construction documents. GRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGRGGGAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAFAATOTOTOTOTOOOTOTOOTOTOOTOTONN NN NNN NNNNNNNSTSTSTSTSTSTTSTSTSTTSTSTSSTSS....LIGHTING LEGEND DUDUDUDUDUDUDUUUUBLBLBLBLBLBLBLININININININININNBBBBBBBBLVLVLVLVLLLVLVLDD.D RETAETAETATTATATATTAAIL ILILILILILILRETAILPRESSSSSCHOOCHOOCHOOCHOCHOOHL HOTELSUMMITRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRDDDDDDD.DDDDDDDDDDDDD SUMMITRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDDDD.D.DD.DD.DDDDDDDD DATE1257+352-(&7148 16SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"-2%12'$7(2ZHQV'ULYH3OHDVDQWRQ&$7,7/(6+((7*5$)72135(6&+22/$1'5(7$,/$GRAFTON PRESCHOOL & RETAILSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DUBLIN, CA 6/25/2019L3.1 PLANTING PLAN PLANT SCHEDULE Phoenix dactylifera Quercus agrifoliaTilia cordata ’Greenspire’Cercis Candensis ‘Heart of Gold’ Lagerstroemia indicaPlatunus X AcerifoliaRobinia ambiguaAcer BurgerianunHeart of Gold Redbud Forest Pansy Redbud Coast Live OakLittleleaf LindenTrident Maple Crepe MyrtleLondon Plane Tree Locust0 5 10 20TREES MATCHLINE SEE SHEET L3.2LINE SENote: See Sheet L3.2 for images of shrub planting. DATE1257+352-(&7148 16SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"-2%12'$7(2ZHQV'ULYH3OHDVDQWRQ&$7,7/(6+((7*5$)72135(6&+22/$1'5(7$,/$GRAFTON PRESCHOOL & RETAILSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DUBLIN, CA 10/03/2019L3.2PLANTING PLAN PLANT SCHEDULE SHRUBS & GROUNDCOVERS Lomondra longinfolia ‘Breeze’ Drawf Mat Rush Rosa ‘Noamel’ Myoporum parvifolium ‘Pink’Dietes grandifloraHemerocallis x ‘Pretty In Pink’Carex divulsa Flower Carpet Appleblossom Pink Australian Racer Fortnight LilyPretty in Pink DaylilyBerkeley Sedge Leucadendron x “Cloudbank Ginny’ Coleonema ‘Sunset Gold’ Golden Breath of HeavenChondropetalum tectorumCeanothus ‘Yankee Point’ Cape Rush Yankee Point CA Lilac 0 5 10 20MATCHLINE SEE SHEET L3.1Note: See Sheet L3.1 for images of tree planting. SUMMITROADZENITHAVEVSUMMITROADZENITHAVEV5(7$,/$5(7$,/%35(6&+22/LONG-TERM BICYCLE PARKINGPRESCHOOL STAFF PARKING (TOTAL OF 9)SHORT-TERM BICYCLE PARKINGFLEX PLAZA/ PARKING(TOTAL OF 8 PARKING W/ ENHANCED PAVING)75$6+(1&/2685(75$6+(1&/2685(SHORT-TERM BICYCLE PARKINGAPPROVED PLAZA LANDSCAPE a GAS METERGAS METERGAS METER(E) SIDEWALK TO BE REMOVEDSIDEWALK BY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPERPEDSTRIAN CROSSING WITH ENHANCED PAVINGa SHORT-TERM BICYCLE PARKINGEXISTING BUS STOP72$'-$&(175(6,'(17,$/3523(57</,1( ',67$1&()520&(17(52)7+(3/$<$5($a SHORT-TERM BICYCLE PARKING35(6+22/3/$<<$5'a 352-(&7'$7$=21,1*3'*(1(5$/3/$1*(1(5$/&200(5&,$/$66(6625 63$5&(/180%(5727$/1(:*5266648$5()227$*(5(7$,/%8,/',1*$6)5(7$,/%8,/',1*%6)35(6&+22/6)727$/$5($6)5(48,5('3$5.,1*9(+,&/(3$5.,1*3(5&,7<2)'8%/,1081,&,3$/&2'(6(&7,217$%/('5()(572&,9,/'5$:,1*6&/($1$,5(93$5.,1*67$//65(48,5('3(5&*%6&7$%/(,1&+$37(56,7('(9(/230(175()(572&,9,/'5$:,1*6$&&(66,%/(3$5.,1*63$&(63(5&%&7$%/(%2)6(&7,21$&&(66,%/(3$5.,1*5(48,5('5()(572&,9,/'5$:,1*6%,&<&/(3$5.,1*3(5&*%6&6(&7,213529,'(3(50$1(17/<$1&+25('%,&<&/(5$&.6:,7+,1)((72)7+(9,6,7256(175$1&()253(5&(172)9,6,72502725,=('9(+,&/(3$5.,1*7(1$17)7(  /21*7(50%,&<&/(67$//61(('('3$5.,1*63$&(6  6+2577(50%,&<&/(67$//61(('('/21*7(50%,&<&/(3$5.,1*67$//63529,'('6+2577(50%,&<&/(3$5.,1*67$//63529,'('%8,/',1*,1)250$7,215(7$,/$7<3(2)&216758&7,21 7<3(9%635,1./(5('2&&83$1&<&/$66,),&$7,21 %0180%(52)6725,(6 %8,/',1*$5($ 6)5(7$,/%7<3(2)&216758&7,21 7<3(9%635,1./(5('2&&83$1&<&/$66,),&$7,21 %0180%(52)6725,(6 %8,/',1*$5($ 6)35(6&+22/7<3(2)&216758&7,21 7<3(9%635,1./(5('2&&83$1&<&/$66,),&$7,21 (180%(52)6725,(6 %8,/',1*$5($ 6)758(1257+352-(&71257+-2%12'$7(2ZHQV'ULYH3OHDVDQWRQ&$6,7(3/$1*5$)72135(6&+22/$1'5(7$,/$  6,7(3/$1 A3.0.1A3.0.3A3.0.4A3.0.25(7$,/$$65(/(&(/(&           RETAIL ARETAIL BPRESCHOOL758(1257+A3.1.1A3.1.2A3.1.3A3.1.4      5(7$,/%$65 (/(&14 816SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0"-2%12'$7(2ZHQV'ULYH3OHDVDQWRQ&$)/2253/$15(7$,/*5$)72135(6&+22/$1'5(7$,/$  )/2253/$15(7$,/$352-(&71257+  )/2253/$15(7$,/% A3.0.1A3.0.3A3.0.4A3.0.2$5($)25)8785(7(1$170(&+$1,&$/3+27292/7$,&(48,30(17)8785(7(1$1766+$//6&5((1$1<$//(48,30(177+$7:28/'%(6((1)520675((7/(9(/   A3.1.1A3.1.2A3.1.3A3.1.4$5($)25)8785(7(1$170(&+$1,&$/3+27292/7$,&(48,30(17 )8785(7(1$1766+$//6&5((1$1<$//(48,30(177+$7:28/'%(6((1)520675((7/(9(/RETAIL ARETAIL BPRESCHOOL758(1257+TRASH ENCLOURE ATRASH ENCLOURE B14 816SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0"-2%12'$7(2ZHQV'ULYH3OHDVDQWRQ&$522)3/$15(7$,/*5$)72135(6&+22/$1'5(7$,/$352-(&71257+  522)3/$15(7$,/$  522)3/$15(7$,/% A3.2.4A3.2.3A3.2.2A3.2.1/2%%<&21)52205(&(37,21$'0,1),/(&/$665220&/$665220&+,/'&/$66522072''/(5&+,/'&/$665220&/$665220-$1,62&+,/'&/$665220+$//:$<+$//:$<&+,/'81,6(;6)3/$<<$5'      (E) 15'-0" EASEMENT&/$66522072''/(5,7(/(&77($&+(5 6/281*(.,7&+(1PLAY YARD FENCE ALL AROUND,5'-0" MIN. PRODUCT TO BE AMERISTAR MONTAGE COMMERCIAL FENCE, STYLE TO BE MAJESTIC.FENCE GATE.FENCE GATE6'-0" WALL6'-0" WALL6'-0" WALLCM2175$6+(1&/2685($/21*7(50%,.(6725$*(A3.3.3A3.3.4A3.3.2A3.3.1                        12" DEEP AB COMPACTED TO 95% UNDER SLAB OUTSIDE ENCLOSURE GATE. (6" DEEP AB REQUIRED UNDER ENCLOSURE SLAB)3'-0" ACCESIBLE MAN DOOR6" CONCRETE CURB AROUND ALL INTERIOR WALL,TYP.TRASH GREASE / SAND INTERCEPTOR+%HOSE BIBSLOP TO DRAIN,2% MAXSLOP TO DRAIN,2% MAXSLOP TO DRAIN,2% MAXSLOP TO DRAIN,2% MAX4 CUBIC YARDS TRASH BIN4 CUBIC YARDS TRASH BIN3 CUBIC YARDS TRASH BIN3 CUBIC YARDS TRASH BIN 0,1&/54 x 4 TS JAMB POST AT 16'-0"WIDE GATE OPENING, TYP.75$6+(1&/2685(%  A3.3.5A3.3.6A3.3.7A3.3.8       4 CUBIC YARD TRASH BIN4 CUBIC YARD TRASH BIN3 CUBIC YARD TRASH BIN3 CUBIC YARD TRASH BIN       4 x 4 TS JAMB POST AT 16'-0" WIDE GATE OPENING, TYP.TRASH GREASE / SAND INTERCEPTOR6" CONCRETE CURB AROUND ALL INTERIOR WALL,TYP.SLOP TO DRAIN, 2% MAXSLOP TO DRAIN, 2% MAXSLOP TO DRAIN, 2% MAX3'-0" ACCESIBLE MAN DOOR12" DEEP AB COMPACTED TO 95% UNDER SLAB OUTSIDE ENCLOSURE GATE. 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The project proposes to provide 146 surface parking spaces, a 16-space reduction from the City of Dublin municipal code requirement of 162 spaces. The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate the potential for shared parking between various site uses to determine if the proposed parking supply would be sufficient to support the proposed land uses. Results of the assessment indicate that insufficient parking would be provided to meet typical peak parking demands around the lunch hour and in the evening hours. Potential options to better align parking demand with the parking supply include changing the mixture of land use types, reducing the overall level of development, and/or implementing parking demand management strategies. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project is the development of a commercial center that would include a preschool building and two retail/restaurant buildings. The site is currently undeveloped and bound by Grafton Street to the west, A-Loft Hotel to the south, and an approved high-density residential project to the east. Dublin Boulevard forms the northern boundary of the site. As currently proposed, an approximately 10,000 square-foot building would be constructed to house a preschool in addition to outside play areas. The program would support up to 160 children with 17 program teachers and administrators. Hours of operation for the preschool are 7:00 AM to Obaid Khan May 3, 2019 Page 2 of 9 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday, with the primary hours for drop-off expected between 7:00 and 8:30 AM, and the expected primary pick-up hours between 4:30 and 6:00 PM. Two additional commercial buildings are also proposed for the site, totaling approximately 22,000 square feet. Although the final tenants have not yet been identified, it is expected that a general retail and/or personal service type businesses would encompass 6,193 square feet of retail, with the remainder of the square footage devoted to restaurants. A mixture of restaurant types could be provided, including high-turnover sit-down, fast casual or quality restaurants. CITY OF DUBLIN PARKING REQUIREMENTS The City of Dublin Municipal Code 8.76.80D outlines the parking requirements for commercial uses within the City. For the purposes of determining parking requirements, 5,900 square-feet of restaurant area is assumed to be accessible to customers, and 10,000 square-feet is assumed to not be accessible to customers. Should outdoor seating in excess of 12 seats be proposed, additional parking would be required. Based on the outline of use types for this project, the minimum required parking supply is 162 spaces, as detailed in Table 1, which is 16 spaces more than the proposed supply. The project proposes to obtain a condition use permit to share half of the retail parking spaces with the proposed day care. Should a conditional use permit be granted or the development standards in the Planned Development document amended, the proposed parking would meet City requirements. A factor in this decision is the ability of the proposed parking study to accommodate peak parking demand Obaid Khan May 3, 2019 Page 3 of 9 Source: City of Dublin Municipal Code; Fehr & Peers, 2019. The City of Dublin municipal code references the California Green Building Standards (CGBS) Code for accessible (ADA), Electric Vehicle (EV) and Clean Air Vehicle parking requirements: • California Building Code Table 11B-208.2 requires that 6 ADA accessible spaces be provided for projects with 151-200 parking spaces, one of which must be van parking space. Projects with 101-150 parking spaces are required to provide 5 ADA accessible spaces, one of which must be van parking space. Based on the proposed parking supply of 146 spaces, the project would meet these requirements. • California Green Building Standards Code Table outlines the requirements for EV charging spaces and requires 10 EV charging spaces be provided for projects with 151- 200 parking spaces. Projects with 101-150 parking spaces are required to provide 7 EV charging spaces. Based on the proposed parking supply of 146 spaces, the project would meet these requirements. • California Green Building Standards Code Table notes that 16 parking spaces shall be designated for clean air vehicle parking in projects with 151-200 parking spaces. Projects with 101-150 parking spaces are required to provide 11 clean air vehicle spaces. Based on the proposed parking supply of 146 spaces, the project would meet these requirements. Table 1: City of Dublin Municipal Code Requirements Use Type Size Municipal Code Requirement Parking Spaces Day Care Center 17 employees 160 students 1 per employee 1 per company vehicle 1 loading space for every 5 children 17 0 32 General Retail 6,193 square feet 1 per 300 square feet 21 Eating and Drinking Establishment 5,900 square feet accessible to customers 1 parking space per 100 square feet of floor area accessible to customers plus 1 parking space per 300 square feet of floor area not accessible to customers 59 10,000 square feet not accessible to customers 33 Total Spaces Required under Dublin Municipal Code: 162 With Condition Use Permit to share loading spaces with retail 146 Obaid Khan May 3, 2019 Page 4 of 9 PARKING DEMAND A parking demand assessment was conducted for a typical weekday (Monday through Thursday), Friday, and Saturday to determine if the proposed shared parking is reasonable based on City Code and if the proposed project would provide sufficient parking to meet peak demand. This demand assessment considers the potential for parking to be shared between the various site uses, as different uses have different peak parking demands and parking can be shared between uses. The Institute of Transportation Engineers’ Parking Generation Manual, 5th Edition provides time-of-day distribution for parking demand for each of the potential land-uses, as presented in Table 2. The time-of-day distributions were applied to the City Code requirements with the results presented in Table 3. Based on the land-use composition of the proposed project, and City Code requirements adjusted based on potential parking demand accumulations, the parking requirement could be up to 37 spaces less than the City Code requirement. However, the City Code requirements may not adequately reflect the expected parking demand for the project, especially when time of day factors are applied. The peak parking demand was estimated using the Parking Generation Manual, 5th Edition, which provides parking demand data collected at similar land-uses surveyed across the United States. The hourly parking demand based on observed demand at similar land-uses are presented in Table 4. The parking demand rates presented in Table 4 are reflective of average observed parking demand at similar uses to those proposed as part of the project. • The day care would be operational Monday through Friday. Parking demand typically peaks in the morning during drop-off and in the afternoon and evening during pick-up hours, with peak levels of activity largely based on the operating characteristics of the facility. • Retail parking demand was estimated using data for General Shopping Center (Land Use 820). Retail parking demand typically peaks in the afternoon, with demand tapering in the evening but remaining high overall. • Restaurant parking demand was calculated assuming a variety of restaurant types would be provided, including one Quality Restaurants (Land Use 931) occupying up to 6,000 square-feet, and the remaining restaurant space occupied by a High-Turnover Sit-Down Restaurants (Land Use 932). It was assumed that both restaurant types would be open for lunch and dinner service only. Obaid Khan May 2, 2019 Page 5 of 9 Table 2: Time-of-Day Distribution for Parking Demand Time of Day Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday Day Care1 Retail2 Quality Resturant3 High Turnover4 Day Care1 Retail2 Quality Resturant3 High Turnover4 Day Care1 Retail2 Quality Resturant3 High Turnover4 6:00 – 7:00 AM 13% - - - 13% - - - - - - - 7:00 – 8:00 AM 100% - - - 100% - - - - - - - 8:00 – 9:00 AM 50% 15% - - 50% 32% - - - 27% - - 9:00 – 10:00 AM 29% 32% - - 29% 50% - - - 46% - - 10:00 – 11:00 AM 34% 54% - 26% 34% 67% - 26% - 67% - 87% 11:00 – 12:00 PM 29% 71% 20% 43% 29% 80% 11% 43% - 85% 11% 90% 12:00 – 1:00 PM 24% 99% 51% 95% 24% 100% 37% 95% - 95% 37% 100% 1:00 – 2:00 PM 24% 100% 56% 95% 24% 98% 54% 95% - 100% 54% 98% 2:00 – 3:00 PM 26% 90% 40% 49% 26% 90% 29% 49% - 98% 29% 85% 3:00 – 4:00 PM 34% 83% 27% 39% 34% 78% 22% 39% - 92% 22% 73% 4:00 – 5:00 PM 74% 81% 27% 37% 74% 81% 14% 37% - 86% 14% 58% 5:00 – 6:00 PM 92% 84% 39% 62% 92% 86% 18% 62% - 79% 18% 63% 6:00 – 7:00 PM 24% 86% 71% 99% 24% 84% 42% 99% - 71% 42% 76% 7:00 – 8:00 PM - 80% 100% 100% - 79% 91% 100% - 69% 91% 78% Notes: 1. ITE land-use category 565 – Day Care Center Estimated from time-of-Day distribution for trips to/from site found in Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition. Adjustments were made to account for employee parking demand and to the time-of-day distribution in the evening to reflect the peak pick-up period to be between 4:30 and 6:00 PM. 2. ITE land-use category 820 – Shopping Center (Non-December) Time-of-day distribution provided in Parking Generation Manual, 5th Edition. 3. ITE land-use category 931 – Quality Restaurant Time-of-day distribution provided in Parking Generation Manual, 5th Edition. The Saturday parking distribution was not provided; therefore, Friday was parking distribution was used for Saturday. 4. ITE land-use category 932 – High-Turnover Sit-Down Restaurant assuming Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner service. Separate Friday data was not provided; therefore, the Monday through Thursday data was used for Friday. Source: Parking Generation Manual, 5th Edition (ITE), Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition (ITE), and Fehr & Peers. Obaid Khan May 3, 2019 Page 6 of 9 Table 3: Time-of-Day Distribution Applied to City Code Requirements Time of Day Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday Day Care Retail Quality Rest.1 High- Turn Rest.1 Total Parking Surplus Day Care Retail Quality Rest.1 High- Turn Rest.1 Total Parking Surplus Day Care Retail Quality Rest.1 High- Turn Rest.1 Total Parking Surplus 6:00 – 7:00 AM 7 0 0 0 7 139 7 0 0 0 7 139 0 0 0 0 0 146 7:00 – 8:00 AM 49 0 0 0 49 97 49 0 0 0 49 97 0 0 0 0 0 146 8:00 – 9:00 AM 18 3 0 0 21 125 18 7 0 0 25 121 0 6 0 0 6 140 9:00 – 10:00 AM 8 7 0 0 15 131 8 11 0 0 19 127 0 10 0 0 10 136 10:00 – 11:00 AM 11 11 0 15 37 109 11 14 0 15 40 106 0 14 0 50 64 82 11:00 – 12:00 PM 7 15 7 25 54 92 7 17 4 25 53 93 0 18 4 51 73 73 12:00 – 1:00 PM 4 21 18 54 97 49 4 21 13 54 92 54 0 20 13 57 90 56 1:00 – 2:00 PM 5 21 20 54 100 46 5 21 19 54 99 47 0 21 19 56 96 50 2:00 – 3:00 PM 7 19 14 28 68 78 7 19 10 28 64 82 0 21 10 48 79 67 3:00 – 4:00 PM 10 17 9 22 58 88 10 16 8 22 56 90 0 19 8 42 69 77 4:00 – 5:00 PM 29 17 9 21 76 70 29 17 5 21 72 74 0 18 5 33 56 90 5:00 – 6:00 PM 39 18 14 35 106 40 39 18 6 35 98 48 0 17 6 36 59 87 6:00 – 7:00 PM 6 18 25 56 105 41 6 18 15 56 95 51 0 15 15 43 73 73 7:00 – 8:00 PM 0 17 35 57 109 37 0 17 32 57 106 40 0 14 32 44 90 56 Notes: Bold indicates time period when peak parking demand occurs. 1. Restaurant parking demand was calculated assuming a variety of restaurant types would be provided, including one Quality Restaurants (Land Use 931) occupying up to 6,000 square-feet, and the remaining restaurant space occupied by a High-Turnover Sit-Down Restaurants (Land Use 932). Source: Parking Generation Manual, 5th Edition (ITE) and Fehr & Peers. Obaid Khan May 3, 2019 Page 7 of 9 Table 4: Estimated Parking Demand based on Observed Peak Parking Demand at Land-uses Time of Day Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday Day Care1 Retail2 Quality Rest.3 High- Turn Rest.4 Total5 Parking Surplus (Deficit) Day Care1 Retail2 Quality Rest.3 High- Turn Rest.4 Total5 Parking Surplus (Deficit) Day Care1 Retail2 Quality Rest.3 High- Turn Rest.4 Total5 Parking Surplus (Deficit) 6:00 – 7:00 AM 5 0 0 0 5 141 5 0 0 0 5 141 0 0 0 0 0 146 7:00 – 8:00 AM 38 0 0 0 38 108 38 0 0 0 38 108 0 0 0 0 0 146 8:00 – 9:00 AM 19 2 0 0 21 125 19 5 0 0 24 122 0 5 0 0 5 141 9:00 – 10:00 AM 11 4 0 0 15 131 11 8 0 0 19 127 0 8 0 0 8 138 10:00 – 11:00 AM 13 7 0 24 44 102 13 11 0 29 53 93 0 12 0 106 118 28 11:00 – 12:00 PM 11 9 13 40 73 73 11 13 10 48 82 64 0 15 11 109 135 11 12:00 – 1:00 PM 9 12 32 89 142 4 9 16 33 107 165 (19) 0 17 38 122 177 (31) 1:00 – 2:00 PM 9 12 35 89 145 1 9 16 48 107 180 (34) 0 18 55 119 192 (46) 2:00 – 3:00 PM 10 11 25 46 92 54 20 15 26 55 116 30 0 18 30 103 151 (5) 3:00 – 4:00 PM 13 10 17 36 76 70 19 13 20 44 96 50 0 17 22 89 128 18 4:00 – 5:00 PM 28 10 17 35 90 56 20 13 12 42 87 59 0 15 14 71 100 46 5:00 – 6:00 PM 35 10 25 58 128 18 23 14 16 70 123 23 0 14 18 77 109 37 6:00 – 7:00 PM 9 10 45 93 157 (11) 9 14 37 111 171 (25) 0 13 43 92 148 (2) 7:00 – 8:00 PM 0 10 63 93 166 (20) 0 13 81 112 206 (60) 0 12 93 95 200 (54) Notes: Bold indicates time period when parking demand exceeds proposed supply. Italics indicates time periods when practical capacity of the parking lot is reached. 1. ITE land-use category 565 – Day Care Center Weekday (M-F) Peak Period Parking Demand in a General Urban/Suburban Setting: (T) = 0.24 (X); X = 160 Students 2. ITE land-use category 820 – Shopping Center (Non-December) Weekday (M-Th)/Friday/Saturday Peak Period Parking Demand in a General Urban/Suburban Setting: (M-Th) = 1.95(X); (F) = 2.61(X); (S) = 2.91(X); X=1,000 sq. ft. 3. ITE land-use category 931 – Quality Restaurant Weekday (M-Th)/Friday/Saturday Peak Period Parking Demand in a General Urban/Suburban Setting: (M-Th) = 10.52(X); (F) = 14.84(X); (S) = 17.00(X); X=1,000 sq. ft. 4. ITE land-use category 932 – High-Turnover Sit-Down Restaurant Weekday (M-Th)/Friday/Saturday Peak Period Parking Demand in a General Urban/Suburban Setting: (M-Th) = 9.44 (X); (F) = 11.33 (X); (S) = 12.28 (X); X=1,000 sq. ft. 5. When parking demand is projected to be between 124 and 131 spaces, the practical capacity of the parking lot has been reached. Source: Parking Generation Manual, 5th Edition (ITE) and Fehr & Peers. Obaid Khan May 2, 2019 Page 8 of 9 The estimated peak parking demand for the proposed project uses, based on observed peak parking demand at similar land-uses, is 206 vehicles. This level of demand could occur in the evening on a Friday between 7:00 and 8:00 PM. Parking demand is also expected to exceed the available supply during weekday evenings and during the lunch period on Friday and Saturdays. The estimated peak parking demand exceeds both the proposal by the applicant (146 spaces) and the Dublin Municipal Code requirements (162 spaces). Additionally, the parking assessment does not consider circulation efficiency factors. When only a few spaces are remaining in a parking lot, it can be difficult for patrons to find a remaining vehicle space, which can result in the perception that a parking lot is full, even if there are a few open spaces. For commercial projects, a circulation efficiency factor of 10 to 15 percent is usually applied, meaning that at this site, the parking lot will be perceived as full when parking demand is between 124 and 131 spaces. When the circulation efficiency factor is considered, the parking lot would operate at functional capacity during most weekdays around the lunch hour. The estimated peak parking demand does not assume any reductions to account for internalized trips (i.e. a person parks once and visits multiple destinations within the project site) as future tenants of the remaining commercial space is unknown. Depending on the final tenant composition, the actual parking demand could increase or decrease. For example, high-turn over sit-down restaurants that provide breakfast service (even if they are open for dinner) tend to have lower parking demand in the evening as compared to high-turn over sit-down restaurants that only serve lunch and dinner. Additionally, it should also be noted that parking demand for retail destinations during the month of December could be higher. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the proposed land-use composition, the proposed parking supply of 146 spaces may not be adequate to meet the estimated weekday peak parking demand, even considering shared parking. Reducing the overall development size or reducing the square footage allocated to restaurant space could result in parking demand more in-line with the proposed supply. In addition to changes in overall project size and land use mix, the implementation of Parking Demand Management (PDM) strategies may also off-set peak hour parking demand. Examples of PDM strategies that could be implemented include: • Reconfigure the site plan to include a drop-off/pick-up area for the day care with curbside unloading/loading provided during periods of peak demand. This could reduce the Obaid Khan May 2, 2019 Page 9 of 9 amount of time required for individual drop-off/pick-up procedures, reducing the overall parking demand. • Implement time restricted (5 minutes) parking spaces in front of the day care during the morning and evening drop-off and pick-up periods. This would encourage turnover of these spaces during peak time periods to reduce overall parking demand. • Restrict the maximum square-footage associated with a quality restaurant to 6,000 square- feet, and provide a mix of other restaurant types to balance parking demands, such as including a restaurant that focuses on breakfast service that may have high levels of activity in the morning, but lower levels of activity around lunch and dinner hours. • For quick-service restaurants, or those with significant take-out patronage, designate time restricted spaces in front of those establishments to encourage parking turn-over. • Designate employee parking locations in more remote areas of the site to keep prime parking spaces open for business patrons; if needed, consider leasing parking from adjacent developments that may have excess parking on a typical weekday for employee parking. • Provide transit subsidies for employees to encourage rail/bus transit and shared rail-hailing services such as Uber-Pool and Lyft-Line. • Implement valet parking for the restaurant uses on Fridays and weekends, and potentially during weekday lunch periods as dictated by demand. • Monitor parking demand as the site uses are developed and occupied and implement additional strategies as necessary to manage the overall parking supply. These strategies should be examined for appropriateness and their potential to reduce parking demand as specific tenants are identified for the remainder of the project site, as specific restaurant types could have lower or higher parking demand rates on a typical weekday than assumed in this assessment. This concludes the shared-parking analysis for the proposed Grafton Preschool and commercial development. If you have any questions, please contact Diwu Zhou at (925) 930-7100 if you have questions. RESOLUTION NO. 19-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDNG THAT THE CITY COUNCIL DENY AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING MAP AND APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING DISTRICT WITH AMENDED STAGE 1 AND STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR THE GRAFTON PLAZA DAYCARE AND RETAIL PROJECT APN 985-0061-018 PLPA 2018-00010 WHEREAS, the Applicant, Eddy Li, is proposing to construct three commercial buildings totaling 31,860 square feet on a 3.68-acre site within a portion of the 12.23-acre Grafton Plaza site. The proposed development and applications are collectively known as the “Project;” and WHEREAS, the applications include amendments to the Planned Development Zoning Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans, a Site Development Review Permit and a Minor Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the project site is located at the southeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Grafton Street within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area, and more specifically within the Grafton Plaza Planned Development; and WHEREAS, the project site is located within a Planned Development Zoning District for which a Stage 1 Development Plan was approved for the subject site on May 18, 2010, (Ordinance No. 10- 10) and a Stage 2 Development Plan was approved for the subject site on April 19, 2016, (Ordinance 05-16); and WHEREAS, on May 18, 2010, the City Council adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) by City Council Resolution No. 75-10 in connection with approval of the Grafton Plaza Planned Development Rezone and related Stage 1 Development Plan; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the project was examined to determine if another environmental document should be prepared. The analysis concluded that the environmental impacts of the Project were analyzed in the previous MND. There is no substantial evidence in the record that any new effects would occur, that any new mitigation measures would be required, or that any of the conditions triggering supplemental environmental review under CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 exists; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report, dated December 10, 2019, was submitted to the Planning Commission recommending City Council approval of the Project; and WHEREAS, on December 10, 2019, the Planning Commission held a properly noticed public hearing on the Project, at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and use its independent judgement and considered all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove set forth prior to making i ts recommendation on the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Dublin Planning Commission does hereby recommend that the City Council deny an Ordinance (which includes the amended Planned Development Zoning Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans, based on a finding that development of the proposed project would not be harmonious and compatible with existing and future development in the surrounding area for the following reasons: 1) access to the site from Summit Road and on -site circulation would create unsafe conditions; 2) traffic from the project site when combined with traffic from the adjacent Apex residential townhouse project would result in conflicts; and 3) the proposed site plan with a large field of parking facing Dublin Boulevard and the proposed retail building with their backs on Grafton Street would result in an unattractive project. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 10th day of December 2019 by the following vote: AYES: Benson, Grier, Kothari, Mittan, Wright NOES: Thalblum ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ______________________________ Planning Commission Chair ATTEST: ______________________________ Assistant Community Development Director RESOLUTION NO. 19-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN RECOMMENDING ADOPT A RESOLUTION TO DENY A SITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THREE COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS WITH A TOTAL OF 31,680 SQUARE FEET ON 3.68 ACRES AND A MINOR USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A PARKING REDUCTION FOR SHARED PARKING FOR GRAFTON PLAZA DAYCARE AND RETAIL PROJECT APN 985-0061-018 PLPA-2018-00010 WHEREAS, the Applicant, Eddy Li, is proposing to construct three commercial buildings totaling 31,860 square feet on a 3.68-acre site within a portion of the 12.23-acre Grafton Plaza site. The proposed development and applications are collectively known as the “Project;” and WHEREAS, the applications include a Planned Development Rezone with related amendments to previously approved Stage 1 and Stage 2 Development Plans, a Site Development Review Permit and a Minor Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the project site is located at the southeast corner of Dublin Boulevard and Grafton Street within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan area, and more specifically within the Grafton Plaza Planned Development; and WHEREAS, on May 18, 2010, the City Council adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) by City Council Resolution No. 75-10 in connection with approval of the Grafton Plaza Rezone and Stage 1 Development Plan; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the project was examined to determine if another environmental document should be prepared. The analysis concluded that the environmental impacts of the Project were analyzed in the previous MND. There is no substantial evidence in the record that any new effects would occur, that any new mitigation measures would be required, or that any of the conditions triggering supplemental environmental review under CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 exists; and WHEREAS, a Staff Report was presented to Planning Commission dated December 10, recommending that the City Council approve the proposed Project; and WHEREAS, on December 10, 2019, the Planning Commission held a properly noticed public hearing on the Project, at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hear and use independent judgment and considered all said reports, recommendations, and testimony hereinabove herein above set forth prior to making its recommendation on the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made a part of this Resolution. 2 of 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Dublin recommends that the City Council deny a Site Development Review Permit and Minor Use Permit for the Grafton Plaza Daycare and Retail Project based on a finding that development of the proposed project would not be harmonious and compatible with existing and future development in the surrounding area for the following reasons: 1) access to the site from Summit Road and on- site circulation would create unsafe conditions; 2) traffic from the project site when combined with traffic from the adjacent Apex residential townhouse project would result in conflicts; and 3) the proposed site plan with a large field of parking facing Dublin Boulevard and the proposed retail building with their backs on Grafton Street would result in an unattractive project. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of December 2019 by the following vote: AYES: Benson, Grier, Kothari, Mittan, Wright NOES: Thalblum ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ______________________________ Planning Commission Chair ATTEST: ___________________________________ Assistant Community Development Director