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DATE: November 17, 2020
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers
Linda Smith, City Manager
Two-Year Strategic Plan Quarterly Update
Prepared by: John Stefanski, Assistant to the City Manager
The City Council will receive a quarterly status update on its Two-Year Strategic Plan,
which sets forth the City Council's policy priorities for 2020-2022.
Receive the report.
The City Council adopted the City’s Two-Year Strategic Plan on May 5, 2020. This Plan
sets the overall direction for the City, guiding resources and setting specific objectives to
drive City action. The Plan coincides with Fiscal Years 2020-21 and 2020-22.
This report represents the first of eight quarterly Strategic Plan updates, covering the
period of July 1, 2020 through September 30, 2020. Status updates for the strategies
and objectives are provided below:
Strategy 1: Implement the City’s Adopted Preferred Vision for Downtown Dublin
Objective Update
A Make necessary land use changes. Completed. On July 21, 2020, the City Council
adopted amendments to the Downtown Dublin
Specific Plan land uses and maximum floor area
ratio based on the Preferred Vision.
B Work with private property owners on
acquisitions that result in the creation of a
future town square.
In Progress. On October 15, 2019, the City
Council adopted a Memorandum of
Understanding with one of the property owners
of Dublin Place shopping center, creating a
partnership with the City. Through the MOU, the
property owner intends to acquire additional
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parcels of the shopping center in order to work
with the City on the siting of the town square.
C Establish the proposed street grid network,
including study of right-of-way acquisition and
the appropriate funding mechanism for
construction and maintenance.
In Progress. On July 21, 2020, the City Council
adopted amendments to the Downtown Dublin
Specific Plan to incorporate the street grid
contemplated in the Preferred Vision. The
internal Downtown Action Team continues to
evaluate the right-of-way acquisition and the
appropriate funding mechanism for construction
and maintenance.
D Conduct a parking analysis of the Transit
Oriented District and the Retail District and
proposed changes.
Not Started.
E Create certainty and provide development
rights that result in achieving the City Council’s
Preferred Vision.
Not Started.
F Develop implementation measures for the
adopted Downtown Streetscape Master Plan
and updated Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan
for the next Capital Improvement Program.
In Progress. Staff have established a project
website and held the first digital workshop
(9/14/2020) for the Bicycle and Pedestrian
Master Plan.
In Progress. On October 13, 2020, the Planning
Commission reviewed the draft Downtown
Streetscape Master Plan. City Council review is
scheduled for November 17, 2020.
G Market, in conjunction with Property owners,
the opportunity sites.
Not Started.
H Work with Downtown property owners on
updating the CC&Rs to facilitate retail
In Progress. Staff is working with property
owners of the Dublin Plaza Retail Center on
amending their CC&Rs. A draft of the changes is
being routed to the property owners for their
initial feedback.
I Work with Downtown property owners on
building/site improvements.
In Progress. Staff is working with property
owners of the Dublin Place Shopping Center on
an amendment to the Master Sign Program to
rebrand the center and add new signage to the
J Refine and provide specificity on City
development goals in the Downtown Plan and
East Transit Center Area Plan.
Not Started.
Strategy 2: Explore New City Revenue Streams for Long Term Financial Stability
Objective Update
A Explore the feasibility of increasing the City’s
current Transient Occupancy Tax.
Not Started.
B Evaluate the establishment of other fees
and/or taxes that could offset City costs in
providing services to the community.
In Progress. Staff have established new fees for
remote (online) programs and classes, outdoor
fitness classes, and the L.I.V.E. n’ Rec Program
in response to COVID-19-related restrictions.
C Explore operational efficiencies in delivering
services with other public agencies.
In Progress. Staff is exploring a partnership for
mental health crisis support with the Cities of
Livermore and Pleasanton.
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D Continue to maintain strong fiscal policies. In Progress. Staff has presented a Fiscal Year
report on November 3, 2020, that included
additional reserve designations to add funds
towards retirement liabilities as well as funding
towards IT infrastructure that will allow the City to
become more efficient in delivering services.
Strategy 3: Create More Affordable Housing Opportunities
Objective Update
A Facilitate production of affordable housing for
lower income seniors, workforce, and special
needs households by leveraging the Alameda
County Measure A-1 Bond funds and the
City’s Affordable Housing Fund.
In Progress. On July 17, 2020 Staff released a
Notice of Funding Availability for the creation of
affordable rental housing. The City received two
proposals by the October 9, 2020 deadline.
B Look for additional opportunities to facilitate
the acquisition of sites, at low or no cost, to
build housing that is affordable to lower
income households.
In Progress. Staff continues to coordinate with
the developer of the St. Patrick Way project
regarding the acquisition of the adjacent parcel
for development of an affordable housing project
by Eden Housing. On July 21, 2020, the City
Council adopted a Resolution authorizing the
City Manager to submit an application for up to
$3,333,333 in grant funds from the State of
California’s Local Housing Trust Fund (LHTF)
Program for the Eden Housing project. Grant
awards are anticipated to be announced in late
Staff continues to work with Alameda County to
acquire the remainder of Transit Center Parcel
D-1 once the proposed parking garage footprint
has been established.
C Facilitate the production of accessory dwelling
units throughout the community.
In Progress. On November 3, 2020 the City
Council introduced an amendment to the Zoning
Ordinance and approved related Impact Fee
reductions to relax development standards and
restrictions, and to address changes to state law
to facilitate the production of accessory dwelling
In addition, Staff has engaged RRM Consulting
to assist with preparing pre-approved design and
construction drawings to facilitate and streamline
the production of accessory dwelling units.
D Seek opportunities to preserve the stock of
housing that is affordable to moderate- and
middle-income households.
In Progress. On September 1, 2020, the City
Council authorized the City to become an
additional member of the California Community
Housing Agency (CalCHA) Joint Powers
Authority for the production, preservation, and
protection of essential middle-income rental
housing, and authorized the City Manager to
enter into purchase option agreements with
CalCHA for middle-income rental housing.
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E Update the City’s General Plan Housing
Element in accordance with state law and to
ensure an adequate supply of sites to
accommodate the City’s Regional Housing
Needs Allocation for the period 2023-31.
In Progress. On July 21, 2020, the City Council
approved a consulting services agreement with
Kimley-Horn to assist Staff with preparing the
current Housing Element Update. The Housing
Element Update is underway.
Strategy 4: Become a 24/7 City Hall to Enhance Resident and Business Engagement
Objective Update
A Reduce/eliminate the need for paper
transactions where feasible.
In Progress. Staff instituted Docusign and
Laserfische Forms for electronic workflow and
contracts processing, and Public Works plan
check applications, reviews, and permit issuance
can now be done electronically.
B Provide more opportunities for residents to
complete transactions with the City online, with
appropriate security measures.
In Progress. All planning, building, and business
license permit applications can now be applied
for and processed online, and Staff have
instituted electronic review of fire system plans
and online payments. Public Works implemented
online payment for encroachment permits and is
working to expand online payment for other
Public Works permits. The Senior Center has
transitioned from cash to pre-paid passes.
C Enhance citizen online interaction via reporting
of issues and transparent data.
In Progress. On September 1, 2020 the City
Council approved an agreement with OpenGov
for financial transparency, budgeting, and citizen
engagement software.
D Continue to utilize all appropriate methods to
share and exchange information with the
public, including social media, at events and at
the City’s website.
In Progress. Staff continues to add to and
enhance information on the City’s online
recreation webpages (Virtual Recreation Center
and Shelter-In-Fun activities).
E Explore additional social media platforms and
expanding use of Facebook to other
In Progress. With the addition of the digital
media staff resource, Staff is preparing to
consolidate many of its existing platforms on
Facebook to a main City of Dublin account in
early 2021.
F Explore more exciting and user-friendly
presentation of information, and a periodic
report from the City Manager’s Office.
In Progress. Staff is working with a focus group
to create a more user-friendly experience on the
City’s website. The redesign will begin by end of
calendar year.
Strategy 5: Large Land Tract Development and Open Space
Objective Update
A Look to establish an Economic Development
Zone to prioritize commercial and industrial
development east of Fallon Road.
In Progress. On September 15 and October 20,
2020, the City Council received reports on a
conceptual land use framework and incentive
package for a new Economic Development Zone
east of Fallon Road.
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B Work with the area property owners in
conjunction with the Dublin Boulevard
extension project on issues such as road and
project mitigation, entitlements, as well as
supporting infrastructure.
In Progress. Staff continue to hold meetings with
property owners regarding the Dublin Boulevard
Extension and proposed Economic Development
Zone. On September 17, 2020 the Alameda
County Transportation Commission awarded a
not-to-exceed $6M agreement to BKF Engineers
for the design phase of the Dublin Boulevard
Extension project. The design phase is
estimated to take 24 months. The City continues
working with resource agencies to secure
National Environmental Policy Act clearance of
the project to facilitate potential Federal funding
opportunities for project construction.
C Begin discussions regarding required reporting
under the Open Space Initiative of 2014 for the
provisions of commercial and industrial
development in the unincorporated area.
Not Started.