Thursday, March 7, 2019
A Regular Meeting of the Senior Advisory Committee was held on Thursday, March 7,
2019, at the Dublin Senior Center. The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m., by
Committee Chair Michele Wayland.
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Oral Communications
2.1. Open Heart Kitchen
Staff presented an overview of the Dublin Senior Center's congregate lunch
program, including history of the
Clare 'Gomes, operations director
which prepares and serves the
Kitchen's programs in Dublin and
people could get involved.
program. We also heard a presentation from
of Open Heart Kitchen, the nonprofit partner
meal. Ms. Gomes described Open Heart
throughout the TrkValley and explained how
As. Gomes provided history, information and statistics about their program in the
Tri-Valley area, and what they provide at The Dublin Senior Center. OHK started
as a soup program in Livermore in 1995 to address hunger in the Tri-Valley area.
Their services have grown to multiple senior center lunch programs with full
menus, hot meal programs, and school site programs. OHK added programs in
Dublin in 2007. In 1997 OHK served 3,000 total meals, and in 2018 served over
328,000 meals.
Senior Advisory Committee members thanked OHK for their presentation, asked
questions about volunteering for the program, and commented that seniors love
the program.
One member of the public, Rich Guarienti, attended. He introduced himself to the
Committee, thanked the Committee for the important service the Committee
provides, and offered his thoughts on some of the Senior Center Programs.
SenmrAdvisory Committee �Fe6ruary 7, 2019
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3. Consent Calendar
3.1. Approve the minutes of the February 7, 2018 Regular Senior Advisory
Committee meeting.
On a motion by CM Christine Sevier, seconded by Cm Michele Wayland and by a
vote of 5-O-0, the Senior Advisory Committee took the following action:
Approved the minutes of the February 7, 2019 Regular Meeting as presented.
4. Written Communication
5. Public Hearing
6. Unfinished Business
Lino M
7. New Business
7.1. January 2019 Monthly Report
Ms. Liz Elliott, Recreation Coordinator, presented the item as outlined in the Staff
Report. Staff explained that future reports will appear on the Consent Calendar.
The Committee received the report.
8. Other Business
The Advisory Committee members and Staff provided brief reports on meetings
attended and upcoming events.
CM Sevier agreed to attend the March Parks and Community Services Commission
meeting and provide the Senior Advisory Committee report.
CM Susan Miller informed the Committee she will be attending the upcoming Spring
Bingo Fling as a sponsor. Her organization will provide cookies and drawing prizes.
CM Connie Mack discussed the compliments received about the Dublin Senior Center
at the Teen Job fair that took place at the Center March 2.
Ms. Tegan McLane, Cultural Arts and Heritage Manager, informed the Committee about
the St. Patrick's Day Celebration shuttles. Ms. McLane also informed the Committee
the P&CS Department is embarking on a Parks and Recreation Master Plan update. A
consultant has been hired to assist the City. A public meeting will be held on April 11 at
7pm in the RMR room at Civic Center, and the public is invited to come ask questions
and offer input.
Ms. Elliott informed the Committee of upcoming City events, including the Senior
Foundation Bingo Fling, the St. Patrick's Day Celebration festivities, a current survey on
the Trips and Tours program, and other current programs. She also gave information
about the Dublin Senior Foundation and encouraged Committee members to attend
Foundation meetings which are held the first Wednesday of each month at the Dublin
Senior Center in the meeting room.
9. Adjournment
Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:36 AM.
Minutes prepared by Ms. Elliott.
for Advisory Commitft�e Chair
/1 ten,
Liz Elliott
Recreation Coordinator
Senior Centerfldvisory Committee 9Vfarc(s 7, 2Q19
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