Thursday, August 7, 2019
A Regular Meeting of the Dublin Senior Advisory Committee was held on Thursday,
August 1, 2019, at the Dublin Senior Center. The meeting was called to order at 9:36
AM, by Chairperson Michele Wayland.
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Attendee Name _ _Title Status'
Michele Wayland Committee Chair Present
_Christine_ Sevier Committee Vice Chair Present
Susan Miller Committee Member Present
Connie Mack Committee Member Present (arrived
late at 9:46am
Susan Woods Committee Member Absent
_Kristin deck Commission Liaison Present
2. Oral Communications
2.1. Kristin Speck, Parks and Community Services Commissioner, attended the
meeting. After introductions, she reported on the current activities of the Parks
and Community Services Commission.
3. Consent Calendar
3.1. May 2019 Senior Center Monthly Report.
Received the report.
3.2. Minutes of the June 6, 2019 Regular Meeting of the Dublin Senior Center
Advisory Committee.
Approved as presented in the report.
3.3. June 2019 Senior Center Monthly Report.
Received the report.
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4. New Business
5. Other Business
5.1 The Advisory Committee members and Staff provided brief reports on
meetings attended and upcoming events.
CM Susan Miller will attend the August Parks and Community Services Commission
meeting and provide the Senior Advisory Committee report.
Recreation Coordinator Liz Elliott informed the committee that the City's Fall/Winter
2019/20 Recreation Activity Guide was released and that resident registration for
classes began on July 30. Non-resident registration begins on August 13.
Ms. Elliott reported that she attended the inaugural bi-monthly Senior Center directors
and staff meeting on June 21 at the Pleasanton Senior Center. She also attended the
CPRS District 3 Board Meeting on July 11 in her position as the Aging Representative.
On July 24, Ms. Elliott gave a presentation at the Senior Annual BBQ to about 40 senior
residents at Dublin Ranch.
6. Adjournment
Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:26 AM.
Minutes prepared by Ms. Elliott.
for Advisory Coml�iittee Chair
Liz Elliott
Recreation Coordinator
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