HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.2 City Park Task Force CITY CLERK File # D[I][l]rï5l-C3J~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 15,1997 SUBJECT: City Park Task Force Report by: Diane Lowart, Parks & Community Services Director A. City Park Standards B. City Park Prototype C. Task Force Application RECOMMENDATION~ 1) Approve formation of City Park Task Force {1v.' 2) Direct Staff to advertise for openings FINANCIAL STATEMENT: None EXIllBITS A TT ACHED: DESCRIPTION: One of the 1997 high priority goals adopted by the City Council was to develop a master plan for the City Park on the Santa Rita property and to determine the size and access to the Sports Park. In order to assist with the development of the City Park Master Plan, Staff is proposing the formation of the City Park Task Force. The purpose of the City Park Task Force is "to provide input and direction on the development of a comprehensive master plan for the 56 ± acre community park located on the Santa Rita property". The Task Force will also be charged with the following tasks: · To identify the recreational needs of the residents who reside in the immediate vicinity of the park. · To identify the recreational needs of the overall Dublin community who will be served by the park. · To identify the recreational and sports facilities that should be included in the park. · To identify logical phases for development of the park and· determine the park and recreational amenities that should be included in each phase. · To insure that the park is designed in accordance with the standards contained in the Park and Recreation Master Plan. Staff recommends that the City Park Task Force be open to all members of the community. However, in an effort to seek balanced representation from all facets of the community, Staff would recommend that interested community members apply for the Task Force using the attached application. In order to solicit participation in the Task Force, Staff will place a display advertisement in the local newspaper and send notices of the Task Force openings to the following: 1) Dublin Unified School District; 2) Dublin San Ramon Services District; 3) Dublin Chamber of Commerce; 4) Eastern Dublin property o\\'ners and new homeowners; 5) youth and adult sports groups; 6) service clubs; and 7) local non-profit groups. ------------------------------------------------------------------- COPIES TO: ITEM NO. 8.2 F:\capIjcts\ctypkmp\ 715tskfr.doc In addition, Staff would recommend that a member from the Parks and Community Services Commission and the Senior Center Advisory Committee serve on the Task Force. (The bylaws and rules of procedure for both of these bodies provide that the Chairperson may appoint representatives to committees and task forces as appropriate.) The proposed timeline for the selection and duration of the Task Force is as follows: \1,-\ \ ¿ 7/15/97 7/20/97 8/ß/97 8/~; 3/98 City Council Approval of Task Force Newspaper Display Advertisement Application Deadline City Council Appointments to Task Force Task Force Convenes Task Force Completion Date The Parks and Community Services Director will provide staff support to the Task Force and the Task Force will work closely with the consultant team (yet to be determined) who will prepare the City Park Master Plan. With regard to the second component of the goal relating the to size and access to the Sports Park, this will be dealt with as part of the Parks Implementation Plan (anticipated for Council review on August 19, 1997). Additionally, as the Sports Park is largely on the Dublin Ranch property, Staff is also reviewing the location, size and access to the park as part of the review of the Dublin Ranch development plans which will be processed before the City Park Task Force convenes. In conclusion, it is recommended that the City Council approve the formation of the City Park Task Force and direct Staff to advertise for openings. / I ) , I" ¡, City Park Standards This park should offer a variety of recreational opportunities that attract a wide range oflocal age groups and interests. It should feature large open space areas, unique natural and cultural areas as well as group picnic areas, interpretive centers, bicycling and hiking trails, sports facilities, aquatics facility, community center, senior center and other unique features or facilities. Size: Service Area: Access/Location: Park Design: STANDARDS ~ Play Area: Potential Sports Facilities: Picnic Facilities: Natura] Areas: 50 acres minimum. Centralized within the entire City of Dublin. Highly visible and easily accessible. County land bounded by Tassajara Creek proposed parkway, Tassajara Road, and a proposed road which serves as a major spine running through Dublin. The community center should be utilized to create a central focus for the Dublin community. Create a memorable 21st century social hub and landmark public destination which would be a source of pride for the City. Facilities that maximize the recreational and leisure experience of all citizens. Provide a mixture offacilities to attract a broad spectrum of user groups. Develop a trail system along Tassajara Creek to provide links to other regional and local parks, City destinations, and BART. Provide a pedestrian spine linking the uses on the site to the surrounding existing retail, residential and recreational facilities. High quality and innovative play structures. Water feature specifically designed for children's play. Separate facilities for tots ITom those for older children. Provide parents seating area. Lighted ball fields, graded and maintained for practice and competitive baseball. (Babe Ruth, adult softball and little J~"1Ie fields arranged in triplexes and quadraplexes to take advantage of centralized score boards and similar facilities) Spectator amenities. Regulation soccer fields. Practice soccer fields (may overlap ball fields). Outdoor basketball courts. Outdoor volleyball courts. Lighted tennis courts. Shaded and secluded picnic areas with tables for 6 to 8 people located throughout the park providing available areas for spontaneous picnic use. Group picnic facilities. Open meadow zones that provide soft, green use areas for picnics, infonnal sports as well as passive group and individual uses. Restore and revegetate Tassajara Creek and develop a nature center for interpretative programs. Provide a pedestrian trail along Tassajara Creek to link with regional trail and transit systems. DUBUN PARKS ..~ STANDARDS ~ Potential Special Features: Comprehensive community center bui ¡ding with teen facilities. Senior center attached to community center. Water feature and lake for visual impact. Library. 1/2 acre maintenance yard. Aquatics center - competition pool with instructional 'L' and recreational use wading pool, potential for slides or water feature. The feeling of town square and village green should supplement the sports and open space components. Additional unique features may include an education center or museum, outdoor amphitheater, rose gardens, or outdoor wedding facilities. Restrooms: Pennanent restroom structure. Parking: Major parking lot to accommodate demand during high use periods. Lighting: Provide lighting at the park entry and parking lots to promote safe night use of the areas. A strong lighting concept is important and can establish facility presence and orient users to the site. DUBUN PARKS FIG. 9 CITY PARK PROTOTYPE TASSÞJARA ROAD Main Auto Entry Drop Off Plaza Aquatics Complex Community Center &Senior Center Musewn Library Lake Rose Garden Nodes - Seating and Concessions Park Promenade Secondary AutoEntIy o <: o c: z o VI <: w -' ~ UNK TO ~ REGIONAl PARKS DUBUN PARKS 47 1 3 Play Area 14 Water Feature 1 5 Conservatory 16 TennisCourt 1 7 BasketbaJl Court 1 8 Soccc:r Fiel d 19 BasebaJIField 20 JoggingTraiJ 21 Creek Corridor 22 Parlång 23 Pedestrian Entry Feature 24 Maintenance: Yard UNK TO COMMERCIAl/ RETAIL + STANDARDS ~ i=J'LlNK TO BART City of Dublin CITY PARK TASK FORCE APPLICATION N..<\ME : ADDRESS: TELEPHONE (Daytime): (Evening): EXPLAIN \VHY YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE ON THIS TASK FORCE: PRIOR PUBLIC SERVICE OR CMC ACTIVITY: ARE YOU ABLE TO ATIEND WEEKLY MEETINGS IF NECESSARY: ARE YOU ABLE TO A TIEND MEETINGS DURING BUSINESS HOURS: ARE YOU A RESIDENT OF DUBLIN: YES YES YES NO NO NO OTHER INFORMATION OR COMMENTS: SIGNA TURE: DATE: Please return by Friday, August 8,1997 to: Dublin Civic Center 100 Civic Plaza Dublin, California 94568 A TIN: Kay Keck, City Clerk