HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachmt 6 DublnRnchW PlnSubm DUBLIN RANCH WEST Annexation Area Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone and General Plan/ East Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Prepared by: MacKay & Somps February, 2005 DUBLIN RANCH WEST ANNEXATION AREA TABLE OF CONTENTS Application Forms Planning Application Form Initial Study - Environmental Information Form, Part 1 Photo Key Location and Site Views Project Reference Vicinity Map Aerial View Eastern Dublin General Plan/Specific Plan Amendment Project Description General Plan/Specific Plan Amendment Exhibit General Plan Document Amendments East Dublin Specific Plan Document Amendments Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone Project Description Permitted and Conditional Land Uses Stage 1 PD Site Plan Neighborhood Phasing Plan Master Neighborhood Landscape Plan Street Sections Master Infrastructure Plan Scenic View Images 16034-40cgl-9-05DubRanchAnnex- TOC.doc CITY OF DUBLIN PLANNING APPLICATION FORM NOTE: Please discuss your proposal with Planning Staff prior to completing this form. All items on this form related to your specific type of application must be completed. Some of the items listed might not apply to your specific application. Please rint or e Ie ibl . Attach additional sheets, if necessa '. I. TYPE OF APPLICATION: Temporary Use Permit [TUP] Conditional Use Permit [CUP] Site Development Review [SDR] Variance [VAR] Tentative Subdivision Map [T MAP] x Sign/Site Development Review [SIGN/SDR] Master Sign Program [MSP/SDR] Planned Development Rezone [PD REZ] Rezone [REZ] General/Specific Plan Amendment [GPA] x II. GENERAL DATA A. Address/Location of Property: See attached description. B. Assessor Parcel Number(s): See attached description. C. Site Area: ±189 ac. D. Zoning: See attached. E. General Plan Designation: See attached F. Existing/Proposed Use of Property: See attached description. G. Existing Use of Surrounding Properties: See attached description. III. AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OWNER AND APPLICANT A. PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as Property Owner, certify that I have full/egal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application I understand that conditions of approval are binding. I agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal period. I further certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. (Note: All Property Owners must sign if property is jointly owned) Name:. Capacity Company: Phone: ( Address: Fax:( Signature: Date: B. APPLICANT (OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER): In signing this application, I, as Applicant, certify that I have obtained written authorization from the property owner and have attached separate documentation showing my full legal capacity to file this application. I agree to be bound by the conditions of approval, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal period. I further certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Mr. James TonQ Title: Authorized Representative for J. Un 4690 Chabot Drive Suite 100 easanton CA 94588 Phone: (925)463-1666 Fax: (925) 463·9330 Date: .2- It· ~- P:\16034-40\office\Submittals\Stage 1 PD\1-4-05DRWest PAFdoc Attachment to City of Dublin Planning Application Form II. General Data A. B. C. D. E. Property Owner Address/Location APN Area ZoninQ General Plan DesiQnation UN 6582 Tassajara Road 986-0004-005-01 184.1 ac. N/A Single Family Residential (DUBLIN RANCH Medium Density Residential WEST) Medium High Density Residential Neighborhood Commercial Elementary School Neighborhood Square Neighborhood Park Open Space SPERFSLAGE 6060 Tassajara Road 986-0003-001 3.2 ac. N/A Medium Density Residential Open Space BRAGG Tassajara Road 986-0004-003 1.6 ac. N/A Medium High Density Residential Neighborhood Commercial F. Existing and Proposed Uses of Property: The existing uses of the properties are firewood sales and storage, rural residential and undeveloped. There are a few homesteads and various outbuildings on the properties. Proposed uses include: Single Family Residential Medium Density Residential Medium-High Density Residential Open Space Neighborhood Commercial Neighborhood Park Public/Semi-Public G. Existing Uses of Surrounding Properties Land uses on the surrounding properties to the north and east are typical of those on the proposed project, including rural residential, a private school, landscape corporation yard, cattle grazing and limited dry land farming. To the south are residential uses, a horse stable, and an EBRPD staging area. Immediately adjacent to the project, to the west, is the US Army Parks Reserve Forces Training Center (Parks RFTA). P:\16034-40\office\Submittals\Stage 1 PD\1-4-05DRWest PAFdoc Application Name: Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area- Sta2e 1 Planned Development Rezone. General Plan/Specific Plan Amendment Initial Study (ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION FORM - PART 1) (To be completed by Applicant pursuant to City of Dublin Environmental Guidelines Section 1.6) Date Filed: Rev. January. 2005 GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Name and address of authorized representative of property owner: Mr. James Ton2. 4690 Chabot Drive. Suite 100. Pleasanton. CA 94588 2. Address of Project: Tassaiara Road. approximately 1.5 miles north of 1-580 3. Name, address and telephone number of person to be contacted concerning this project: Marty Inderbitzen Attorney at Law 7077 Koll Center. Suite 120 Pleasanton. CA 94566 (925) 485-1060 Connie Goldade MacKay & Somps 5142 Franklin Dr. . Suite B Pleasanton. CA 94588 (925) 225-0690 Roy/Eileen Sperfsla2e 6060 Tassaiara Road Pleasanton. CA 94588 Bra22 & Silva Trusts P.O. Box 1896 Sonoma. CA 95476 (707) 933-9832 4. List and describe any other related pennits and other public approvals required for this project, including those required by city, regional, state and federal agencies: City approvals: Sta2e 2 Planned Development Rezone. Vestin2 Tentative Map. Site Development Review. Request for Annexation. Pre-annexation Aereement. Development A2reement; LAFCO approval of annexation; Annexation to DSRSD; California Department of Fish and Game- Section 1603 Streambed Alteration Aereement (?); US Army Corps of En2ineers- Section 404 (?); Re2ional Water Quality Control Board- NPDES Permit and Section 401- (Clean Water Certification) (?). Existing Zoning District: Aericulture P:116034-40IofflceISubmittalsIStage 1 PD\1-4-05DRWest EIF.doc 6. Description of Project: (Include site area, uses, size and number of buildings, parking, number of dwelling units, scheduling, and any other information necessary or helpful to understand project. This attached description must be complete and accurate. Exhibits or photographs should be identified and attached. ) The Project Area is approximately 189 acres. The General Plan and East Dublin Specific Plan allows between 496-1.176 dwellinf! units for the land uses shown on the Specific Plan. Land use desie:nations include Low Density Residential. Medium Density Residential. Medium Hie:h Density Residential. Neif!hborhood Commercial. Neie:hborhood Park. Public/Semi-Public, and Open Space. Additional information concernine: the Project can be found in the Project Description and Findinf!s Statement. 7. Are the following items applicable to the project or its effects? Discuss below all items checked (attach additional sheets as necessary). All of the followinf! items are addressed in the proe:ram EIR prepared for the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment/Specific Plan. Yes No 1. Change in existing features of any bays, tidelands, beaches, lakes or hills, or substantial alteration of ground contours. 2. Change in scenic views or vistas from existing residential areas or public lands or roads. 3. Change in pattern, scale or character of general area of project. 4. Significant amounts of solid waste or litter. 5. Change in dust, ash, smoke, fumes or odors in vicinity. 6. Change in ocean, bay, lake, stream or ground water quality or quantity, or alteration of existing drainage patterns. 7. Substantial change in existing noise or vibration levels in the vicinity. 8. Site on filled land or on slope of 10 percent (10%) or more. 9. Use or disposal of potentially hazardous materials, such as toxic substances, flammables or explosives. 10. Substantial change in demand for municipal services (police, fire, water, sewage, etc.). 11. Substantial increase in fossil fuel consumption (electricity, oil, natural gas, etc.). 12. Relationship to larger project or series of projects. PI16034-40\officeISubmittals\Stage 1 PD\9-27-04DRWest EIF.doc ENVIRONMENT AL SETTING: 8. Briefly describe the project site as it exists before the project, including infonnation on topography, soil stability, plants and animals, and any cultural, historical or scenic aspects. Describe any existing structures on the site, and the use of the structures. Ifnecessary, attach photographs of the site. See DEIR for Eastern Dublin GP A/Specific Plan. pa£es 2-2 and 2-3 and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. pa£es 5 and 6. Also refer to attached photo£raphs of affected land areas for data re2ardin£ existin2 site conditions. 9. Briefly describe the surrounding properties, including infonnation on plants and animals, any cultural, historical or scenic aspects and the type of land use. Refer to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. pa2es 5 throu2h 7 and DEIR for Eastern Dublin GP AISpecific Plan. pa2es 2-2. CERTIFICA TION: I hereby certifY that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and infonnation required for this initial evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements and infonnation presented are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated: ~ - C ,.. 6 ~ e James Ton Print Name Authorized Representative for J. Lin. et. at. Title/Company P\16034-40\offlce\Submittals\Stage 1 PD\9-27-04DRWest EIF.doc Dublin Ranch West Stage I Development Plan PHOTO LOCATION KEY J"1y200r I ';034-40 ..' .. .;,\ NOR T H O' 100' 200' L......--.....I ~OO' BlAcKly Ik SOIIPS CML EN~NE£RjNC.~¡¡ PI..I>IoINlHG_lANO SURV£'YINC Pleasanlon. CA (925) - 225-1!5~C 'O~22- 2001 ~an"'" Po \160.'I4-40\,plon""'9\2001...",III\.toQt!1-phOh:>kty.d..g 1 - View along Tassajara Road looking to the southern end of the property. 2 - View looking northeast into Tassajara Creek and beyond. 3 - View along Tassajara Creek looking to the northern end ofthe property. 4 - View from the center of the property looking to the southeast. 5 - View fTom the center of the property looking to the north. 6 - View from the northwest portion ofthe property looking to the east. 7 - View from the northern portion of the property 100king south along Tassajara Creek. 8 - View from Tass~ara Road looking to the northwest. ·- ,- ,-,- .-,- ,- ,-,- -- 1~5ßO 11-0<4-201).1 06"11:49 ISIotg F';\'IiCJ4-4Ø\~,.¡.,q\2001''''¡'\'1''OO1-oi(:"",~-re.'.dw9 O~~'\'"'{ ,-' C ,- COC;~,~"'{ O~'\'Rf'. .-' ,.,. CO . C ,-'-1Aþ\)P _.- f'.\...f'. ~ o ~ >-< E-< ~ µ.1 6 ;::J o ¡::¡ DUBLIN ~¡::¡ ~~ >-<0 ê5~ ::r: ~'?' if: 0~ Y;>-~ PLEA SANTON GLEASON DUBLIN µ.1 > i:2 ¡::¡ Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area Stage I Development Plan VICINITY MAP March 2003 I (;034-40 --'-- ,-,- .--- .--- ,- ---- BOULEVARD 1-580 o ~~ ::r:o U~ .....¡ µ¡ . NORTH ~u.s. IlACICAY. SGIIIPS CML [)IGlN[ERIiG.lAND />LAN~INC.LAI\IO SLIfN£'I1NG Pleo_to.., CA (925) - 225-0690 Wallis Property Sta e I Development Plan AERIAL PHOTO G034-40 September 2000 P: \180J4-40\pII:ll"'l"rn'iil\P-.lo9t1-~al.dw9 i-I8-2000 œonc Dubhn Ranch West Annexation Area . Januarv, 2005 ,Project Description a. List the proposed changes to General Plan/Specific Plan designations and policies, as needed. This application applies to onlv Dublin Ranch West. No changes are proposed for either the Bragg or Sperfslage properties from the East Dublin Specific Plan. Refer to the General Plan/Specific Plan Amendment Exhibit also. 1. Redesignate various land uses (including Low Density Residential, Medium Density Residential, Medium-High Density Residential, Neighborhood Commercial, Neighborhood Square, and Neighborhood Park) that lie within the Tassajara Creek corridor to PD Open Space. 2. Convert the Tassajara Village Center use to PO Open Space. Relocate residential uses interior to the property and eliminate neighborhood commercial uses. 3. Redesignate the southerly Medium Density Residential in the "panhandle" area adjacent to Tassajara Road to PD Public/Semi-Public and PD Neighborhood Park. Additional areas in "panhandle" to be redesignated PO Open Space. 4. Redesignate southerly Low Density Residential site to PO Neighborhood Park. 5. Redesignate the PO Elementary School site to PD Medium High Density Residential as the Dublin Unified School District has determined that this site is not needed for a school. This would allow a range of 148 to 263 units as permitted by the zoning density range. 6. Redesignate western Neighborhood Park to PO Medium Density Residential. b. Reasons for proposing General Plan/Specific Plan Amendment. 1. Many of the land uses designated in the General Plan and Specific Plan are incompatible with existing site conditions, particularly with respect to Tassajara Creek and its tributaries. With the proposed Tassajara Creek and tributary creek setbacks, the proposed infringement of the realignment and ultimate width of the Tassajara Road right of way, and other associated vehicular access needs, and the configuration of many portions of this property is not viable for their currently designated uses. Proposed Open Space and Neighborhood Park uses are more consistent and compatible with the adjacent natural amenities. The Specific Plan proposes approximately 2.9acres of Low Density Residential, 7.7 acres of Medium Density Residential, 4.6 acres of Medium-High Density Resiç!ential, .8 acres of Neighborhood Commercial, 4.8 acres of Neighborhood Park, 2.4 acres of Neighborhood Square, and 2. I acres of Elementary School which would fall within Tassajara Creek or tributary corridors (for a total of 25.3 acres) to be rezoned to open space. Adherence to the existing general and specific plans would require tìlling significant portions of Tassajara Page J . General Plan/Speci(ìe Plan Amendment Project Description Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area . Januarv, 2005 Creek and/or its tributaries. Instead, the proposed development plan allows for an open space corridor along the creek and its tributaries. In order to do this, those land uses that were incompatible with the Tassajara Creek corridor are eliminated or relocated. 2. Once portions of the Neighborhood Square are eliminated to avoid the creek and tributary corridors, the resulting area is greatly reduced in size, falling below the minimum City standard size for a Neighborhood Square, and is of an awkward configuration. In addition, the parcel is land locked by other properties and land uses. For these reasons, it is proposed to eliminate this use and redesignate it as Open Space, pennitting it to become part of the stream corridor system. 3. As discussed above in item I, much of the Neighborhood Commercial area is not feasible as it is located either directly on top of the deeply incised tributary creek or within the open space corridor buffer area. The remaining portion of the designated Neighborhood Commercial area is extremely small in size, has an odd configuration, has no direct access to Tassajara Road, and is landlocked. For these reasons, this parcel is not viable for commercial uses. The East Dublin Specific Plan pennitted up to approximately 10,500 square feet of neighborhood commercial uses on the Dublin Ranch West property, which is an insignificant amount in the City's overall neighborhood commercial square footage. The neighborhood commercial uses on Dublin Ranch West are a portion of the Tassajara Village Center subarea. Originally envisioned as a higher density, socially active center at the intersection of Tassajara Road and Fallon Road, it has become apparent that this concept is not feasible for many reasons. As noted above, the majority of the overall Tassajara Village Center higher residential uses and neighborhood commercial uses fall within the Tassajara Creek and tributary creek corridors. Additionally, the intersection and alignments of Tassajara and Fallon Roads have been redesigned from the East Dublin Specific Plan per a recently approved precise alignment study. These realignments, in addition to the creek corridors, make any relocation of the Tassajara Village Center impracticable. Finally, as noted earlier, the City Council has directed that the Village Center concept be eliminated due to the environmental and design problems associated with this feature. For these reasons, it is proposed to eliminate the neighborhood commercial use and redesignate it as open space, permitting it to become part of the stream corridor system. 4. A small portion of low density residential designated lands in the southern portion of the property will be rezoned to allow a neighborhood park. This parcel is too small to be a stand a]one ]ow density project. The Dublin City Council held a public workshop on October 5, 2004 to discuss various issues regarding the Dublin Ranch West project, including reviewing and evaluating four plans that looked at different locations and sizes of neighborhood parks on or near the project site. The Council selected Option Four, which provided 7.66 acres of neighborhood park on site, and 1.04 acres of neighborhood park that would be located on an adjacent development parcel because "it would serve the different needs of the community". Additionally, 1.2 acres of land was set aside on the project site that could be utilized as either public/semi- public or neighborhood park uses. The Council accepted the fact that neighborhood park acreage could be moved off site if need be. Page 2 . General Plan/Specific Plan Amendment Project Description Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area . Januarv, 2005 5. The Dublin Unified School District has determined that the elementary school in this area is not needed as an educational facility and has relinquished the site. Furthermore, the City Council has concurred with this finding. Because of this, the site will be redesignated to Medium High Density residential. 6. The southerly Medium Density Residential parcel in the "panhandle" area adjacent to Tassajara Road will be redesignated to PD Public/Semi-Public and PD Neighborhood Park, while additional areas in the panhandle will be redesignated PD Open Space. As noted previously, the Council reviewed four park options for the site, and selected the plan that located and straddled a neighborhood park and public/semi-public uses across Tassajara Creek as the Council felt this option best fit the needs of the community. 7. The western Neighborhood Park will be redesignated to PD Medium Density Residential as the park is being relocated per Council directive. PD Medium Density Residential was selected as the appropriate new use as residential uses are being usurped by the new park location, and because the adjacent neighborhood is the same residential density. c. How will the General Plan/Specific Plan Amendment benefit the City of Dublin. 1. Proposed land use revisions will create a community that is compatible with existing site conditions. These amendments will enhance the natural environment by preserving hillsides, creek channels and corridors, and protecting certain animal and plant species by providing natural open areas. 2. Proposed land uses are designed in a more appropriate pattern to relate to existing site conditions and environmental constraints. The project is more sensitive and functional because of this. 3. The project's developed area is more compact, preserving more acres ofland in a natural condition. 4. By relocating and splitting the neighborhood park, these facilities will better serve the residents of both the project and surrounding neighborhoods. 5. As well as providing additional open lands, there will be an increased physical and visual continuation of open space uses along the creek corridor system. This is especially important as this is a significant environmental resource and Tassajara Road is a designated scenic corridor. 7. The proposed plan improves the planning process as land use designations are based upon more accurate and current topographic maps and environmental surveys to determine the actual limits and impacts of development. 8. The project creates a range of housing opportunities. Page 3 . General Plan/Specific Plan Amendment Project Description Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area . Januarv, 2005 d. Address each element of the General Plan and policy of an applicable Specific Plan of the City of Dublin and describe how each element/policy will be affected by the proposed amendment. General Plan Elements: Land Use Revises and adjusts land use designations within project area. Eliminates the Tassajara Village Center concept and Neighborhood Commercial, Neighborhood Square, and Elementary School uses. Provides housing closer to city center and other high activity areas. Increases Open Space designated lands. Increases housing diversity and opportunities. Adds Public/Semi-Public uses. Open Space Continues preservation of permanent open space and natural resource policies. Provides additional recreational and natural open space opportunities. Environmental Resources Management-Conservation Protects and creates riparian vegetation within creek and tributary corridors. Preserves environmental resources. Preserves and enhances aesthetic resources. Increases and provides passive recreational uses. Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Policies: Policy 4-1: Maintain a reasonable balance in residential and employment-generating land uses by adhering to the distribution of land uses depicted in Figure 4-1, Land Use Map. Proposed land uses are generally those depicted in Figure 4-1, with the exception of those uses noted above. These changes are due to the environmentally incompatible location of these designations in the Specific Plan, requiring them to be eliminated, and by direction provided by the City Council. Current site conditions and the Tassajara Road realignment do not permit the relocation or reconfiguration of these uses on the Dublin Ranch West site. The loss of this Neighborhood Commercial designated area, approximately 10,500 square feet, is not significant enough to affect the jobs/housing balance of the City or Tri- Valley area. Policy 4-5: Concentrate residential development in the less environmentally constrained portions of the plan area, and encourage cluster development as a method of reducing or avoiding impact to constrained or environmentally sensitive area. Also consider the use of Transfer of Development Rights (TDR's) in areas designated as Rural Residential/ Agriculture or Open Space. This plan proposes the concentration of residential development from more environmentally constrained areas to less environmentally constrained areas. Lands not reserved for residential or public uses will be rezoned to Open Space or Parks. Page 4 . General Phm/SìJeci(¡c Plan Amendment Project Description Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area' Januarv, 200S Policy 4-13: Encourage the development of neighborhood-serving retail and service uses in the "Village Centers" in order to reduce daily vehicle trips, and contribute to the identity and character of the outlying residential areas. As noted above, the Neighborhood Commercial uses depicted on the Dublin Ranch West site in the Specific Plan are not feasible. However, other General and Neighborhood Commercial uses are located nearby (within approximately 1.25 miles). These sites are located between the freeway and the proposed project along Tassajara Road for easy and convenient access, so the goal ofreduced daily vehicle trips can still be met. The identity and character of the outlying residential areas are still created through the preservation of open space areas and views, varied architectural styles, the provision of parks and trails, and so forth. Policy 6-1: Establish a continuous open space network that integrates large natural open space areas, stream corridors, and developed parks and recreation areas. The elimination of various development uses designated on and within the Tassajara Creek corridor will reinforce the provision and preservation of a continuous open space and park network and corridor through Eastern Dublin and the City as a whole. The Neighborhood Parks will integrate and tie together various open space uses into a cohesive whole by physically and visually enlarging the open space network. Policy 6-2: Locate development so that large, continuous open space areas/corridors are preserved. Avoid creating open space islands. Encourage single loaded streets in areas adjacent to open space, rural residential, and agricultural lands. See above comments to Policy 6-1. Single loaded streets are provided along the creek corridor open space area. Policy 6-9: Natural stream corridors, ponds, springs, seeps, and wetland areas, as shown in Figure 6.2, shall be preserved wherever possible.._ See above comments to Policy 6-1. Policy 6-10: Riparian and wetland areas shall be incorporated into greenbelt and open space areas as a means of preserving their hydrologic and habitat value... See above comments to Policy 6-1. e. Describe how the proposal will be compatible with surrounding land uses, enhance the development of the general area, and create an attractive and safe environment. Dublin Ranch West is located adjacent to the current city limits of the City of Dublin and is within the East Dublin Specific Plan area. The Specific Plan area comprises 3,300 acres of land planned as a mixed-use community that will be a vital, self-sustaining urban environment where people can live, work, play and interact in a manner that fosters a sense of community. The project area is generally adjacent to and west of Tassajara Road. The property is bordered on the south by a firewood sales site and EBRPD trailhead staging area. Tassajara Road and other approved and proposed residential, educational, and open space projects are to the east, the Alameda County line and rural residential uses are to the north, and Parks RTF A is to the west, which is used for reserve forces training. Page 5 . General Plan/,~ì)ecifìc Plan Amendment Project Description Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area . January, 2005 The proposed Project adheres to the General Plan's and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan's goals and policies. Designated ]and uses are followed where environmentally feasible, are consistent with the Specific Plan's Land Use Plan, and will be compatible with the surrounding properties as the area develops. The planned mixture of residential, open space, and park uses will be compatible with the surrounding uses of Eastern Dublin as they come to fruition. These uses will naturally blend with the neighboring developments, to create a livable and cohesive community. The Tassajara Creek corridor defined on the Lin property is comprised of two areas, the Tassajara Creek Management Zone which is generally the creekbed and the area between the top of banks, and accounting for approximately 38 acres, and the Private Open Space/Conservation Area which is generally the area between the top of banks and a minimum of a 100' setback from the top of banks, and accounting for approximately 22 acres. A land trust will maintain the former, while a HOA or the same land trust will maintain the latter. The conservation area has been approved for mitigating environmental impacts to earlier phases of Dublin Ranch and is a permanent easement that underwent appropriate environmental assessment. While the approximately 60 acre overall conservation area is discussed and accounted for in these development applications for the GP/SP A, rezoning, and other planning entitlements, it is not part of this specific project. Only those potential impacts associated with the actual development application, including creek crossings, water quantity swales, and paths, that fall within with the conservation area are studied under CEQA for this application. The development concept for the property strives to emphasize the natural beauty of the site by creating a community that blends naturally into the existing environment. The current Development Plan includes low, medium, and medium-high density units, a neighborhood park, public/semi-public, and open space which preserves the significant natural features of the site. Refer to the Stage I PD application for greater detail. The chart below indicates the proposed land uses and densities for the project as compared to the approved land uses presented in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. Page 6 . General Plan/Specific Plan Amendment Project Description Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area . Januarv. 2005 Dublin Ranch West Proposed General Plan / East Existing General Plan/ East Dublin Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Specific Plan Land Use Plan Land Use Plan Gross Density Range Mid-point Gross Density Range Mid- Acres Density Acres point Density Low Density Residential 18.8 16-112 du 75 du 20.0 18-120 du 80 du Medium Density Residential 54.6 333-764 du 546 du 64.1 391-897 du 641 du Medium High Density Residential 20.1 283-503 du 402 du 4.8 67-120 du 96 du Neighborhood Park 8.8 N/A N/A 11.8 N/A N/A Neighborhood Square 0.0 N/A N/A 2.8 N/A N/A Open Space 79.9 N/A N/A 70.1 N/A N/A Elementary School 0 N/A N/A 9.7 N/A N/A Neighborhood Commercial 0.0 N/A N/A 0.8 8,712-20,906 sf 10,454 sf Public/Semi-Public 1.9 N/A N/A 0.0 N/A N/A TOTAL 184.1 632-1,379 du 1,023 du 184.1 476-1,137 du 817 du 8,712-20,906 sf 10,454 sf The Tassajara Creek open space area serves as a focal point for the neighborhoods within the project area and for the City in general. This corridor will function as a linear pedestrian, bicycle, and equestrian circulation route connecting neighborhoods, parks, schools and surrounding open space. [n addition, this open space will maintain and provide for wildlife passage. Tassajara Creek and its tributaries will be cleared of as much abandoned fann equipment and debris as is practical, cattle have been excluded, and disturbed areas will be revegetated. f. Discuss the physical suitability of the site for the type and intensity of the land uses proposed. The project site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of residential development proposed. An open space corridor has been created to buffer and protect Tassajara Creek. The proposed densities of the project are consistent with those approved in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. Development patterns outlined in the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan concentrate higher density uses in the lowlands near Tassajara Creek with a single-family neighborhood in the northwest comer of the property. The current proposal mimics these arrangements wherever possible while eliminating those land uses that fall directly within the Tassajara Creek corridor. The majority of the Dublin Ranch West property is mildly sloping, with slopes of less than 30%. As the property extends west beyond Tassajara Creek, the ground elevates into rolling hills where some 30% slopes begin to appear and sporadically continue to the western boundary. A preliminary geologic and geotechnical investigation of the project area, undertaken by Berlogar Geotechnical Consultants in October 200 I, concluded that the site is suitable for the development intended. Page 7 . General Plan/Specific Plan Amendment Project Description Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area . January, 2005 A more detailed "design ]evel" geotechnical report was comp]eted July 25, 2002. Based on the initial findings of this document and other investigations, it was determined that the project site is not located within a "Special Studies Zone" for active faults as defined by the State of California (1982) and that no fault zones exist on site. Additionally, investigations have been completed regarding the creek bank's stability, which support a 100' setback from top of bank as being adequate. Furthermore, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) firm map community panel No.060705 0002 B (dated Revised Novemberl, 2002) and No. 060001 0115C (dated Revised September 17, 1997) indicate that flood waters are retained within the stream corridor, and that there is no flood hazard to the developable property. Parks R IF A is recognized as a noise source that may affect areas of the East Dublin Specific Plan area and existing portions of the City. The City has addressed this type of noise source previously by requiring that homebuilders provide noise disclosure statements to potential homebuyers. g. The potential of the property where the project is proposed located to contain a hazardous waste and substances site (pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5). Eckland Consultants conducted a Phase 1 environmental site assessment of the project area in July of 2001 to investigate on-site hazardous wastes or substances. Eckland's assessment indicates that the property is not known to be on a hazardous waste or substance area list. The study concluded that the property has a low likelihood that any hazardous or toxic substances exist on the site. It was suggested that prior to demolition, asbestos and lead-based paint surveys be implemented on the existing structures as required by code, that debris be removed from the site, and that existing septic and leach field systems should be pumped out and removed. Page 8 . General Plan/Specific Plan Amendment Project Description Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area General Pian/SpeCific Plan Amendment Exhibit 2005 I G034AO Proposed General Plan / East Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Land Use Plan os ; ,/ MISSION /PEAK HOMES L RRA MOLLER January co5't~-~_/---- _~~ú~CQ' -/-----\ ~ M Agnculture MOURA ST^TES OF' AMEmCA P/SP WULTI-USE P/Sé' PROJECT ----./ BOUNDARY UN rED Of ¡ol Open Space Medium High Density Residen Medium Density Residential Law Density Residential Rural Residential/Agriculture Neighborhood Pork Neighborhood Commercia! Neighborhood Square Elementary School Public/Semi-Public LEGEND OS MH M L RRA NP NC NS ES P/SP MIisION .hAK HOMES L TfWL RRA MOLLER Existing General Plan / East Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Plan Arjnculture MOURA - P/::,é' ----- UNI'I O~· 3 NITED STnES OF' AMERICA P/SP U Proposed General Ft3n J East Dublin SpeCific Plan und Use Pial Land Use Summary Table Land USI OS 200' M SHEA HOMES/ MSSH DUDLIN . """""'"' "'- NORTH 600' 300' 0' P/sP-- j .9:= .1r~'5'" 319 West parcel. No 47G-I,137 8,712-20.908 Note: The GP/SP Amendment ol1ly affects the Dublin Rðnd other changes are proposed Lo other propertlcs BI7 0.454 54 M SHEA HOMES, MSSH DUBLIN DEVELOPMENT LLC Ilis\Annex\p -gp_ spof?ev8.dwg mACICAY & som,s ENGINEERING_lAND PlAN~~ING.lAND SURVEYING CA (925) - 225-0690 p\ 1 ¡¡O.)4- 40\plonn.ng\200 cgüldüde 5:49 2-01-200 Dublin General Plan Amendment Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area Project Application P A 02-028 Page 8, Eastern Extended Planning Area (East of Camp Parks-See Figure l-la)* Residential categories Residential: Single-family, Residential: Medium Density, Residential: Medium High Density, and Residential: High, and Combination classification: Medium-High Density Residential and Retail/Office are missing. These categories should be copied over from the Primary Planning Area (West of Camp Parks- See Figure l-la) with the exception of Residential: High which is not a category in that section. For Residential: High, insert the following: Residential: High Density (25.1 units and above per gross residential acre). Residential units in this density range will be all attached. Housing types include condominiums, townhouses, apartments, and flats, and can be either for-sale or rental. These projects typically incorporate tuck-under or under-structure parking and may have three or more living levels. Assumed household size is two persons per unit. Figure 1-1a Amend City boundary and revise land use plan per Stage 1 PO proposal. Figure 1-2 Correct City boundary; and delete Tassajara Creek Regional Park, as is in error. Figure 1-4 Amend City limits and EDSP limits. Chapter 2 EASTERN DUBLIN EXTENDED PLANNING AREA First paragraph: ... The Eastern Extended Planning Area is projected to build out over the next 30-40 years, adding roughly 13,930 new housing units to the City. Buildout is projected to increase the City's population by approximately .~2;-:';'N)32,905 people and add ]g,IOO-28,077new jobs. 1):\ 160.14-40\ofllce\SlIbmi tlats\EDS [J-(ì I) ¡\mendlllcnt\(¡ P A- WaJli s.dlK' Table 2-1: TABLE 2.1** LAND USE SUMMARY: EASTERN DUBLIN GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AREA Classification Acres Intensity*** Units Factor Yield RESIDENTIAL Du's/acre Du's Persons/du Population High Density 69.9 35 2,447 2.0 4,894 Medium-High Density U-Ufl-l9.3* 20 2.MW2,'JN6 2.0 ~,M)tJ 5, 'J 72 Medium-Density 50IHt-l9N.S* 10 ª"H~O-l, 'JNS 2.0 10,1609,970 Single Family IJ}H~~('] .011 1 A * 4 -IJIIO-l.OOS 3.2 12,s:n12,816 Rural Residential 842.5 .01 8 3.2 25 TOTAL 2,ª,S7.025,616 l·t22~I-IA31 ,B~33,6 77 Floor Area Square Feet Square Feet COMMERCIAL Acres Ratio (millions) / Employee Jobs (Gross) General Commercial 316.84 .35/.25 3.889 510 7,625 Neighborhood Commercial 69.7068.9* .35/.30 .980.968 490 2,000 1,977 Campus Office 189.36 .75/.35 3.052 260 11,739 Industrial Park 125.80 .25 1.370 590 2,322 TOT AL: 70] .70700.9 9.2919.279 B.Ú8623,663 P ARKS AND PUBLIC RECREA TION City Park 56.3 1 parks Community Park 140.6 2 parks Neighborhood Park 62.259.2* 109 parks Neighborhood Square 13.310.5* "16 parks TOTAL: 272.4266.6* 2018 parks I OPEN SPACE I ·144J)-IS4A I I I I ! PUBLIC/SEMI-PUBLIC Public/Semi-Public 101.11102.9* .25 ioU 1 0 1.120 590 1,8Ú41,899 Schools Elementary School 74.164.4* 76 schools ."?: Junior High School 25.2 t school High School 0 o school School Subtotal !)9~3S9.6 8 schools TOTAL: :WH.,1 ¡ 92.5 TRANSIT CENTER (Total) 90.7 - Campus Office (including 38.3 ancillary retail) - High-Density Residential 31.5 - Park 12.2 - Public/Semi-Public (Transit- 8.7 Related) GRAND TOTAL 4,266.7 * DubllilRanch West revisions. Februarv 2005cper Cìeneral Plan/Spccific Plan /\mcndlllcnt PI\02-028. '~Table 2.1 appears as Table '"2A" in the Eastern Dublin GP A. It was relabeled herein for fonnatting purposes. "'Numbers represent a mid-range considered reasonable given the permitted density range. ""Partial school sites represent sites that lie partially outside the Specific Plan area, but within the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment area. P:\ I Ú~L~...¡-...¡rJ'\() llice\Subm ill;Jls\EDSP-(ìP AIl1t'llulllent'.(j PA. - W¡)I) ì~.d{)c Section 4.4 Delete last two sentences of first paragraph. Section 5.l.1 RESIDENTIAL STREETS Right-of-way j~ 46' Cul-de-sacs Curb to curb- W36' Right-of-way- :W246' minimum The length of cul-de-sacs shall not exceed WO-l ,000 feet. Chapter 7 Environmental Resources Management, Conservation Element Page 58, Eastern Extended Planning Area Revise text to state that the majority of the lands are not in Williamson Act contracts. Appendix A Add this project to list of Amendments and Approvals: Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area, Resolution No., Date Adopted, and GP updated. P:\ 1 ()((;4-4()\unìc('\'Sllbl11ít!nls\l~ DS P-(ìP Amenarncm\(ìPA- \\'all is.doc DUBLIN GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP * 1 1 a) December (Figure through ll'S NP '. NP NP IJnn ......... Eastem Extended Planning Area Bou!'\dary ..".."" Primary PlðnninQ Area Boundary .... Sphere of Influence _.-- Urna" limit Line ........ W~5tern Extended Plenning Area Boundary L:]Cftyllmil Note Future Ammendments: RJlsidentij Rurlll Residenti!l!/AQric:ulture ¡0.01 duo Estðte Residential (0.01 - 0.8 du/ðC) _ Low-Density Single Fan'ily (0.5 . 3.8 du/a low Density Residential (0,0·6.0 du/ac) Single Family RE"s'dE'nt'ill (O,q - 6.0 du/ac; _ Medium-Density Residential (6.1' 14.0 dUJ _ Medlum/....igh·Denslty Residential (14.1 . 25,0 du/a, _ High-Density ReslC1entlat (25.0 + dl ® - C!lmmlr~j;lj.LIß IJwrli!L_ _ General Commemal Retð!l¡Office ðnd AU:011otive Retail/Office Neighbor/mod Commericial C"~mpll'; Offlcf' _rndI.LstriêI1Pðrk _ ausiness Park/lndustr;al _ Business ParK/Industrial and Outdoor Storage _ Indl.:strial Park/Campus Office Medium/HIgn-Denslty Residential af'!d Retail OfficI _ General CommcricaVCampus Office _Mixed Use 2004 7 ,.= ,~ t amended ,l'·.................. l .......... / ..................... ,. ....." /' "'''''"',.0.", / ( "..;.. I ., '..of , +v I ~~ ./ ð;{O~ ..... ""'~1' ...... (> ~,....(' ~ ~~ ~ .~ 13 ~,~ .... I ~ J. "........ ii';' Western Extended Planning Area I~ ,.. ,'I ....... ..... ..,# " .... ¡- :. ..... .......... ........ -..... ..... ..............-. -.... ..... '. '. as ~~ oF 4JS/ ., ~~~ U -- ·V ,~ 61 B> 82 ~ (> ""-\\'?'-- <11.¡ FOR \"'" 9 >wUçLSlmlol'LII2Ik10JHU1.5JlilC.~ __~_ _ Regional Perk P.Jblic/Semi-PubUc Faci!itil ES Elementary Scl'ool JH Ju,.,ior High HS High 5thoot SP Semi-Public Facilities F Fire Station ParksJ Public Recreatlo p p,,,, cø Community Park: N;> Nel~t1borhood Park fl.P Regional Park Open Spðce Stream Corridor Public Lands Nelgnborhood square "' ~S<.-.! m ,·,>tnbinati"n "jlh lb~ (;\.~wr~1 .;<>nlain pl'lio:H:~ arK! Jo:\çl"l"ncrt \\ IlIk 1m: {jcnc:ral ....m! l'~ \br ' ¡(''<IS c"Mmt; J~... cI"pmcrt IIrnJ lay,'ul. (>Illy lit.: lurn.! ~Ii.· J,:_ill,wni"n, 1i"lh~ bmJ <>1\ ",hi"h ~lKh J,....·d..pn1Cnl ~~i.l.are P"" dill.: (,~ncral Plaol Ç'"Hal Par~"'JY is rl'llpu",'d h' ~01nn,'<.·1 \\,111 [>Uhlin n,¡'¡¡}.:\'Jrd ·...¡Ih ,h., (i!~ 1.10111, In Ihe ful11r~ H<",~,..,.. 1'1<.' \''''0;1 .¡;)!orn,.,., "ill ¡",. d~·.;rmi,,,--d 1;,'1"", ir¡~ r.H,h~·r ¡¡!il!'lm,'n\ ,111,.11." eU'" h..·m.~· Pn'p.'ni..'" p('r<-d" ith d,,:\! .1~1<'ri,~, "ill ,-"M\ ,'t1 II' hnuf\' 'II 41¢1'"¡.:n.'ulluf\·"¡",n;J<:tC;:'lnino;J'IK,,""¡'knl..ilhlho:L.i,,,,nll<'O: \tl'f'\'r, I'roC~'1.IIKl t\f\' , (j'-ner.'¡I'.:alio.ø,,,fl'uhll'<·I·,,U,·"II:I1....I<·,.III<...·I"'nl"r",hli IIc\UI..., "rd. 1\1>"'~\l.'T, Ih'.."ac·\ali¡:nmcnt\I III<...d..".'rmin..'II L,II""in~ lunh.:r¡¡I'lII1111<:n1 '<Iud;';_. >(.n,1 ¡:¡'..'r R~lIIil :11"!1~ I."n !h'I'iC I'''",\lay. 10,' .\{>p,<,-....IIIII<:lIû"plnlb' " Gc;:neral Pllln LanJ U-.: \J"r ,b..,~lû¡"" 1'1.\T1 "rid j rrh~ill>lc S ><.·,·;!i. Plan'll1at "CMIU.larJ. r", "p..,iti~ 1-lannUIlI a'~"1I' "" " Ci mh, ,,,,, ...:\-1; ø,d it\{·"",,, F~-t>ru;l'1 ,n<.: l.",· \1,,1' »~, '''''01",1 ~, ¡mo.! l':n:.¡lW .¡~~ ('0:11'" ,·I'a,-.J l'i~l'Ilr\;l"\¡"J L.and [),·",·",II-'I.." """.",-,,,,,..,,(:, All PI;,,' ""wml",...,·, "1'1""\" dUI flCI aIJ>lanuJ<':1Ol1 [~,,,mb.:1 ~.i(l !12!n; ,~~'~r~1 h.' ,,"~:n¡1 ...,,[Ii!,w '<\.:m ~,k", I)ui' li<.~""rul Pia, ''''Sq>\l-rn....·r Churches, Parks, Public Schools and City Facilitie 1 \;III.·\(hml:tm{,',u,·' ~ )<,h. ;';'n(., t"";h-I~"a' (1,,;1'<" .. 'id....·" l'I"In"~\;;"" \"'i~", 4 S:_I\,,,,,,,,,,d·,{·ulll..,i..{-I!\,,.·" '; S'_I'h; ip', l.u'h,·r;u. ClIII,d It \Iu",,, !,I.·,·....nw" ""0,,,1 l"lhl,n t'k:I1""I"m~ <';;:h,,,· .~ ."1.·",,, { 10",,.1, "r,!,.. R,""'''''U,'' l "'c""I!tlt>IT s:;u'....,R\I<II..Jti..IHj! 10 INt>hn('i<lç( ~""'"tand P"II." ,,'T\i';~1i I I \;¡jj,.y Ui¡¡h S,-h"ul MJ ~I~ I~' (''''lImunit, ( I~ Well; \11&1.: ~à...,1 p Pa,l\\a\ i\:s;~i,I{' ,u"'h 14 r'C(k......'l....,nn..."1\."T1~"·¡,,~,1 I' IllIhl", II ~h ""'h<~,1 11>_ t·h\J"·~":k"'''{·h"'t'>f Llnl,...l 17. .\lam,'{n."~Par1o:. II!. r\~I1\.'"., Hill¡. Of'<."¡ ';p~" I'J,S'iI¡I.-..:n'ch"ark ~(J. l)utllìn Sp"n, ull>und, 2\ s.I~"flh"'I"rmcrCrnrln l'l]I1. " I)"hllnf'nmm"ni"·.,,,iwf,-nk·r ~\ Io;,,,lh I'a,l . ~~. S~~n""~ ,'a", lJuhhnLlhral)..h'.1 ~t>, ~lar" \"'.....''¡uJ I'ar~ 27, 1\lI>Iin Hç~iIU~(""''''1 ~Ii, rm.:rakHiI.,t'I Pari. 2'1 T"",!I-airfddl'arl 311. [Juhlin ,>~morlcal...rand'w~"'rllo" '11}Uh!",I_ohr'l) '2. S I,·"fli,,~,.... :",l>Ii" S..nim {\""'" 3.1 lJuNin. in: >;~uu"n "10_ I" .~. Dul>linhlo;'i\¡,IIl·"N". 17 .I~ Juhlin tin: >;1iI11"t'I :'.;P. I ~ 'I, r)¡ourOO1)Il';l\'ICr1lu)~''''",1 I, III,hlmPk-~...m"nSlIIi"f\lt^Il! f';, General Plan Dublin The City sba1l utilize the 770 foot elevazion as a planning tool to provide a lraDSitionlbu£fer area between IU'ban development and agricultunùlopen space land uses east of the sphen: of influence line which do not require au urban level of public service and infrastructure. Urban land uses may be approved for areas beyoud the Development Elevazion Cap only when land use infonDation is available covering the potential impacts associaœd with natural resources, public health and sai:ty, visually sensitive resources, biologically sensitive habitat areas, iDfrastructure, fUture land uses and other issues, as reviewed through a General Plan Amendment. .~.~_........ ..~.... ..... ...~ ...... .... . . . . . . .. ....~ . . ...............~............;¡..~ - ....................~.............. ,w, '\ . . ......................... . ...·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·i . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..........., ................ -.............. ','.'. w....... w.... w'...e...e ,e......... w.. ,*,.. e,'. '. w.' of i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ex . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ........... "t! *.' ..... '.' ,',. we.............e .............' ..... ...... ~.. . . . . . . . . .. . .~ . . .. . . .', . . . . 'J ............... ............, . .~. --11._ ~ . . . . . . .. .............. ·:-PWICI ReIerve :·:·Z·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:!' ·:·Forces Traini~:~·.·:· :.:.:.:.:.:.~ . . . . . Area .... . ....~... . . . 4¡ ..... ...... ...... J ..... ........ ....... ..... ................ .....,.................. ......... . .'. ,...........................1 <0 ................. .... O···············SantaRIta ... i . ............11'... ...; ,a:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. Rehabilitation Center- ~............I . ! ........... ............. I ........... .~ . . . . . . . . . . . . ., ....................... ........ .... .........................' < ........... W· . . . . . . . . . . . . ::J:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ~ ,,,,. . . . . . . . . . . .ì ~.:. :.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:. ~ ~............ ~ ..:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.: O ........... .......... ......, ..... ~.. A. B. A new spec:iiic plan or aDI'"DdtI'-, to the existing Eastem Dublin Specific Plan will be required before any urban development is approved for those areas outside the Development Elevation Cap not c:ovcrcd by the preseøt Specific Plan. The Specific P1an(s) shall iDcIude new policies and action programs which further the goals and pÒlicies of the General Plan and are designed specifically for the Eastern Ext=ded Plannin¡ A1ea. Development of property with an approved urban land use designation UDder the Eastem Dublin Specific Plan that is Iocaœd both below and above the Development Elevation Cap may be considllred coDSÌslcDt with the Developmeøt Elevazion Cap so long as all other applic:able Getu:tal Plan, Specific Plan and other development policies are complied with. 1-2 Figure c. D. Extended Planning Area Rural Residentiål Agriculture Public Lands Amended November 2004 Page 14 1 mile (t) o ~- \. \ D ~ Development EI~vatlon Cap Eastern Extended Planning Area Amended November 2004 Legend CIty UmlII IpIItr. DI ~no. LiI. EnSP 8D1111d.ry fir.. AþDYI nO' I!Ienllon WIth tu. Þ...lDpmenl Pol",lIaI -...... . . . I I r/ / / /1 1-4 Figure 15 Page Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Amendment Dublin Ranch Annexation Area Project Application P A 02-028 The foJIowing are proposed amendments to the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan as part ofPA 02-028: CHAPTER 2: PLANNING AREA DESCRIPTION 2.3 Ownership Patterns Ownership patterns in the planning area are shown in Figure 2.4. There are ~44 recorded parcels in the planning area, which are owned by ~-27 different landowners. Landowners' names and size of holdings are listed in Figure 2.4. Ownership holdings range in size from 1.5 bW acres to 1,251 acres. This t~l'ure illustrates only the origillal parcels. prior to their beingsubdiÜded. Figure 2.4 Revise map to update ownership list and add missing property owners (Bragg and Sperfslage ). CHAPTER 3: SUMMARY 3.3.3 Land Use Categories Residential First paragraph: ...a total of 12,35612.'±2~ housing units... Commercial First paragraph: ... accommodate approximately lO:gmillion square feet of new commercial space. 3.4.1 Streets and Highways Second paragraph: ,--,---,-Tassajara Drive and Fallon Road ,>'.'ill be through routes from I 580 to Contra Costa County. Fallon Road will merge with Tassaiara Road and become a single through route into Contra Costa County. 3.6 Community Design Add to end of fifth paragraph: mi .'\g.liIL<';:':U!rl~~1Llb_c_·Iª5.:iuj iJLil YiUn(l.~ l ( \ j,Jbili(v or )'i hi)l! IC PLul cnvisiuns a socia1 alJd __--...__ ._ H_~____ _ _ _'w_________. ,__ l'IILl" ..,\j" ¡iIULI, ¡P{)QdLbic;,1Ll1lclC:IlÜUm III t~nt(Li \_,'I! Ii it.'111'.'. V' P:\ 160J4-40\office\Submitlals\¡':I)SP-GP Amendment\EDSP A 1-13-0S.doc 3.7.1 l::jght-N-ifl.e new schools (five () elementary_; 2 intermediate; I senior high) are provided by the Specific Plan. Approximately 1,300 acres MBst of the planning area eastern Dublin currently lies within the Livermore Valley Joint outside the Dublin Unified School District but is expected to be detached from that district and attached to the Dublin Unified School District prior to any development taking place within the area. Questions regarding \vhich jurisdiction should serve the planning area should serw the planning area should be resolved through cooperative efforts of the Dublin Unified and Li\'crmore Joint Unified school districts. CHAPTER 4: LAND USE 4.1 Purpose Second paragraph: .., buildout of the planning area would generate approximately 27 ,681 2:';,526 new residents, 12,3/1311,767 new dwelling units, and ;W,48429 ,646 jobs. P:\ 16014-40\office\SubmitlaLs\r:DSP~GP Amenùment\EDSP A]· J 3-0S.doc Table 4.1 Adjust table to reflect the Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area proposal. TABLE 4.1 EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE SUMMARY Land Use Description LAND AREA DENSITY YIELD COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL General Commercial 325.74 acres .25-.35 FAR 3.783 MSF Neighborhood Commercial 7~2.8* acres .30-.35 FAR 1.ID-l-020 MSF Campus Office 192.66 acres .35-.75 FAR 3.730 MSF Industrial Park 72.40 acres .25 FAR .788 MSF Subtotal 664.43.6 8.9l49.321 MSF RESIDENTIAL High Density 68.2 acres 35 du/ac 2,387 du Medium High Density H+.4148 .7 acres * 20 du/ac 2,M+-2.974 du Medium Density ~464.3 acres* 10 du/ac ~4.643 du Single Family 62Jd2.1 acres* 4 du/ac ~2.488 du Rural Residential/Agric. 410.8 acres .01 du/ac 4 du Subtotal 1+Ø9.S 1. 714.] ~12.496 du PUBLIC/SEMI-PUBLIC Public/Semi-Public %d98.2 acres* _24 FAR M49-1.027 MSF SCHOOLS Elementary School é9-k59.9 acres* é5.5 schools Junior High School 35.9 acres 1.8 schools Subtotal MS-Æ95.8 PARKS AND OPEN SPACE City Park 56.3 acres I park Community Park 126.7 acres 2 parks Neighborhood Park ~42.2 acres 1-6 Darks Neighborhood Square -H--d1O.5 acres 1-6 parks Subtotal ~235.7 acres -1+15 parks Open Space ~446.7 acres TOTAL LAND AREA 3,254.1 acres )uhll IU~UliChj\c .i rc\ i siiJI !S,lcl,rtl~IJ~:2()(I:'. 1,,'1 ( ìC11e '~lll)l;lIì -.; pc', IlcJ"'Jil\ II 'e" ,,!! IhLiL 1'·\iI2~(12K. P:\16OJ4-40\otÌÌce\Submittals\EDSP-GP Amendment\EDSPA 1-13-0S.doc 4.4.1 LOCATION AND DIVERSITY First paragraph - The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan designates -hft-W(m12LQc'l,ÜD-ª.!e]y J ,701 acres with a wide range of residentiaL.... Table 4.2- Modify figures in this table to reflect the Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area proposal. TABLE 4.2 EASTERN DUBLIN SPECIFIC PLAN POPULATION AND EMPLOYMENT SUMMARY Land Use Designation Development Sq Ft/Emp10yees Persons/d.u. Population Commercial -t-m+1,020 General Commercial 3.365 MSF 510 6,598 Neighborhood Commercial 1.021 MSF 490 ~2,081 Campus Office 4.625 MSF 260 17,787 Industrial Park 0.719 MSF 590 1 ,218 Public/Semi Public 1.049 MSF 590 1,778 TOTAL: 10.77810,767 29,48429,4 MSF 61 Residential High Density 2,387 2.0 4,774 Medium High Density 2-,M+2,974 2.0 ~5,948 Medium Density 1,8231,643 2.0 9,6469,286 Single Family ~2,488 3.2 -1,9-14 7,961 Rural Residential! Agric. 4 3.2 13 TOTAL: 12,34312,496 27,68127,9 82 TABLE 4.3 CITY OF DUBLIN PROJECTED JOBS/HOUSING BALANCE PLANNED Dwelling Jobs ~mployed Balance2 Ratio3 AREA Units Residents' Existing City of 7,100 12,210 12,000 -210 1.02A: 1.0 Dublin4 Eastern Dublin 12,31312,49 29,181~ 19,99620,2 -9-4&&- 1.15:1.01 , - Specific Plan Area 6 9,461 44 9,217 .46: 1.0 Total 19,44319,59 41,694.1 31,99632,2 -9-#)8- 1.30:1.0 , - 6 1-'-.671 44 9,427 I Projections assume a ratio of 1.62 employed residents per household based on ABAG;s Proiections '90. 2 The "balance" refers to the number of employed residents in relation to the number of jobs (i.e., a positive number means there re more employed residents than jobs). 3 Ratio of jobs to employed residents. 4 Taken from ABAG's Proiections '90. P:\ 16OJ4-40\offìce\SubmÎ tlals\EDSP-GP Amendmcnt\EDSPA ¡-13-0S.doc 4.9 PLANNING SUBAREAS 4.9.5 VILLAGE CENTERS LAND USE CONCEPT At the end of the first paragraph, add: blthow¿h_Jl~[ast[)uJ?lin---,'irìeci1ìd)lan envisions (1 social andlllixcd use core at the Tassaiara Vil]aQc Center, cl.G.tiJl[.! topoglllphical and cnyironll1cntJl conditions limit the v ¡anility of this plan COIlÇ..l~Pt. Therefore, the Tassaiara VillaQc Center as originally envisioned is infc8sibk. Table 4.8 Revise this table as shown. TABLE 4.8 T ASSAJARA VILLAGE CENTER SUBAREA DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL Designation Acres Density DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL Neighborhood Commercial &e67.8 .30 FAR O++-J-.I02 msf Medium High Density Residential 2-+:-1-- 22 . .3 20 du/ac ~446 du Medium Density Residential '§1c-G29.6 10 du/ac -3-1-4-296 du Single Family Residential 17.6 4 du/ac 70 du Residential Subtotal -t-%.J77.3 1,-hl2,-8J 2 du Open Space -1--'7-0+2.0 -- -- -N e i b h b () r h em+--P-ft-I'k ~ --, ~ ~ - Nei~hb{tR-1uu':' ~. r .:.... ~ 1 , ,I .- TT"fTT' Park/Open Space Subtotal ~2.0 -- 2 parks fi:-I€-Hw-R tar) Schee-J- ++-:-& - I school -- ~.102 msf Total -:J-42.J79.3 commercial -l-,-l--J181 2 d u 2 parks 1 elementary school P:\] 6034-40\ofrice\Suhmittals\EDSP-GP Amendment\EDSPA 1-13·0S.doc Table 4.10 Revise table to reflect the elimination of Dublin Ranch West (Lin property only) from Tassajara Village and its uses included into Foothill Residential. TABLE 4.]0 FOOTHILL RESIDENTIAL SUBAREA DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL Designation Acres Density DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL rvlcdiul11 Hinh Densitv Residential 20.1 20 du/ac 402 du Medium Density Residential ~238.1 10 du/ac ~+238] du Single Family Residential 505.8 4 du/ac 2,023 du Rural Residential 410.8 .O]du/ac 4 du Residential Subtotal -h-l4~.+ 1.174.8 4-~4.810 du I Open Space ;;;-1-:4360.2 -- -- I Community Park 46.1 -- ] park Neighborhood Park 23.~25.3 -- ~-4 parks I Park/Open Space Subtotal 400.+431.6 -- 4-5 parks I Elementary Schoo] 16.1 -- 2 schools Junior High School 21.4 -- I school High School 55.3 -- I schoo] School Subtotal 92.8 -- 4 schools -- ~14,81 0 du I Total ] ,636.21 ,699.2 4-5 parks 4 schools Figures 4.1 and 4.2 - Maps revised to reflect proposed Dublin Ranch West land uses and related features. CHAPTER 5: TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION Program SA Residential Streets LOCAL RESIDENTIAL Add: Right-of-way: 46' or 56' with separated sidewalks (replacing 52') Cul-de-sacs Add: Right-of-way: 46' with monolithic sidewalks Program 5C- Tassajara Creek Trail Revise last sentence as: There should be a buffer with an approximate minimum width of ] 00 feet between the t-ÆlilLt1J1Q1' bauhand nearby development. P:\ I G034-40\c¡ lice\Submitlals\EDSP-GP Amcndmcnt\EDSP A 1-13-05 ,doc 5.5.2 Bicycle Parking Requirements Action Program: Bicycle Circulation Bike Path: G-oostRICt ;" bike path r;Jralk4-tB-+R€-Tl1~;~;aj~lr~j Gf€t*d~ç~lldil'c::JheJlaiIJllorlg Tassaiara Crl'Ck to be a multi-use trail sh<lrcd by pedestrians <lIJlLbicyclists. Bike Lanes: Add to end of sentence: or provided oil strecU~L<lshared llll¡!ti-usc traiL~~~Üb Ç'ilLªpprQyal for safety reasons. CHAPTER 6: RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 6.2 OPEN SPACE 6.2.4 OWNERSHIP AND MAINTENANCE From the standpoint of resource protection, it is preferable that undeveloped Rural Residential lands be assembled into a contiguous who]e that can the be managed an maintained by an agency with experience in open space management such as the East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD). The land could be dedicated to an agency or remain under private ownership, and management responsibilities contracted to an outside agency or deeded in a conservation easement to an organization with experience managing open space for natural resource protection. Program 6B: The City should explore options for ownership and management of areas set aside as open space. Depending. on the purpose of the open space. ()Ç)wnership of these areas by public agencies, such as the East Bay Regional Park District, is usua]]v preferred. In particular, the City should encourage East Bay Regional Park District to accept ownership of the Tassajara Creek open space trai I corridor. The Çeity should also work with the Park District to develop guidelines for management and uses in recreational open space areas. If tJ}Ç pUl]J_()5.LQLlhe oren space is natural rcsQWcc protection,agglçiQS_9Ll)rgani/ati()1]~\vilb experience ill sueh preserves, would be preferred. Policy 6-11: All stream corridors, as shown in Figure 6.2, shall be managed to encourage revegetaticmetJ with native plant species to enhance their natural appearance and improve habitat values. Active rRevegetation must be implemented by a professional rev egeta ti on/rç:dsm!1i 0 n special i st. ll~lþ ÌJ'lU 11 aIL~}gÇJ11Ç)ltsj1 0 LlJºb_e_(~'v çr§ççl}b.L<:LIǧLc)L~t!! ~JL1 ecoLQgÌsL P:\ 16034-40\offÎcc\Submilta!s\EDSP-GP Amelldment\EDSP A 1-] J-05 .doc 6.3.2 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Previously developed and I2r~\jDuslv_cultivated ª11!111ªlgm~"lands occupy the majority of the planning area. Because of their history of disturbance, these areas generally have few if any remaining native plant species associated with them, and have low habitat value. Annual grassland is by far the fì-€-M-most dominant habitat type-Þa~;ed on a¡:ea. However, this habitat is generally degraded by overgrazing and now consists of primarily introduced annual and perennials, and few native species. This habitat, which has been displaced by mior agricultural activities and current development in the lower elevations and flat plain areas, is now found primarily on the sides and ridge tops of the areas rolling hills. Program 6N: The use of roden tic ides unci h~rbicides within the project area should be restricted to avoid impacts on wildlife. The City shall require any poisoning programs to be done in cooperation with and under supervision of the Alameda County Department of Agriculture. Herbicides should be used only selectively within the project area, should be car~tl1JJ.Y_mmIied in accordance withth~Jllanufaclure's instructions, and used orrlyE)L_~ontrol Qf non~nC)tive pest plant species. RARE AND ENDANGERED SPECIES No rare or endangered plant species have been identified in the planning area~,-i:tI-tl1{-ttt-g-H-one ~;pecial ~;tatus plant, Con~don's tarplant (Ccntromadia porn'," ssp. COllgdollii), found in the p!annin~ area are--is on the California Native Plant Society (CNPS) Im,cllton'Q[Rarc and Em!ml'.!.cred nun!)' o(Ca/ifÒrnia (1994), and cate~orized as CNPS I B.I:f1UFHJ-f1-HlhesÙ,€-;- However, Com.>:don's tarplant is now known to occur more \videlv and in greater abundance lhª!1 was previouslv known. a-~number of special~status wildlife species (i.e., species that are listed (2I~)IQJ20sed as threatened or endan~ered, or are otherwise of conservation concern Þe+i-evæ-lübe€!o:;e to quali-tyHtg-ffw-l-i-s-t#1g-£!:; rare OF endang.ere4-due to declining populations__()r threats to current populations) are known to occur in the planning area or the immediate vicinity, including the red-legged frog (federally listed as threatened), C:aiifornia ti~er--,~ª1!11lFmdcr (federally listed as threatened), western pond turtle, golden eagle, northern harrier, burrowing owl, g¡-eat-b-Jtte-heHm, great-èg~'êf,-ítfH.l-A-ItteR-'+an--badgef and others. Figures 6.2 and 6.3 shows many of the location~ where such species bave been observçiL-\VBff' s-Î:-tefI-t!mffig the biBtegical as:;e:;~;ment of ÍlLthe planning area. Most ofthe northern portion of the planning area also represents suitable foraging habitat for the federally endangered San Joaquin Mt-kiLfox. +e--eat-e,-hliowever, no definitive confinnation of kit fox presence in the planning area has been found_(~2itc~\lçJl:~ive sllr~cys. Figure 6.1 ~ modify to show Project's change to parks and open space. Figures 6.2 and 6.3 - modify to show current environmental information on the Project site. Section 6.3.4 VISUAL RESOURCES TASSAJARA CREEK AND O/UFJ?INTERMITTENT STREAMS In addition to the foothills, the key visual elements in the planning area are Tassajara Creek and the \+lhio'Fintermittent streams that flow through the area. P:'1,16034-40\officc\Submittals\EDSP-GP Amendmcnt\EDSP A 1-] 3-0S.doc CHAPTER 7: COMMUNITY DESIGN Figure 7.28 Tassajara Village Concept Plan- Revise as illustrated. 7.3 FOOTHILL RESIDENTIAL SETBACKS add" or as approved by the Community Development Director" at end of the sentence. BUILDING TYPES · -t-:i-s€-Encourage stepped foundations OPEN SPACE AND PUBLIC FACILITIES · On second bullet, add "or as approved by the Community Development Director." at end of sentence. · Revise third bullet as follows: Avoid lining open space corridors with private yard fences. Use walls or fences less than 4 feet high, slopes, berms, {J' taU opcn/vic\-v fencing and vegetation masses to separate public open space from private yards. Figure 7.33: Add "or as approved by the Community Development Director." at end of sentence. 7.5 CIRCULATION SYSTEM 7.5.2 Streets RESIDENTIAL COLLECTOR · 12' ::lQ.'Jrom curb line to right-of-way line includes 6' sidewalk and 6' ::lO'_planting. · I O'::15'Jandscape easement outside right-of-way RESIDENTIAL STREET · +G-2-5' from curb line to ROW line includes 5' monolithic sidewalk und 5' planting stf~ ClInopy tree~; Figure 7.49A Insert new street section being used for the project and is the City standard- street with monolithic sidewalks. P:\ 16OJ4-40\officc\Suomittals\EDSP-GP Amendmcnt\EDSPA 1-13-05.doc APPENDIX 3 The following tables were revised to remove the affected lands ofLin (Dublin Ranch West) from the Tassajara Village Center Subarea, and include them into the Foothill Residential Subarea. Tassaiara Villa2e Center Neighborhood Commercial ~Ú7.R .3 1-+~]OI,930 Medium High Density Residential H-o-+22.3 20 -*2-446 Medium Density Residential ~{n9.6 10 ~}296 Single Family Residential 17.6 4 70 Subtotal WY77.3 lOI.930~8-S -t-,I:-J1.812 (,.- ".~ C' .-ate -I-+:-+ Ff'~U 'I' Ncighborhood Park b Ne-ighhBfflBBd,sqttare ~ St:1-l}t-ma-J ~ Elementa~ ++-& Total -t4bJ 77.3 101,930112,285 -t-,I:-J1.81 2 Foothill Residential Mcdium High Dcnsity Rcsidcntial 20.1 70 402 ---- Medium Density Residential 2~238. ! 10 2,26+ 2,3 S ! Single Family Residential 505.8 4 2,0552,023 Rural Residential 410.8 .01 4 Subtotal 1, 142.71,174.8 4",m 4,810 Open Space ;+1-4358.3 Community Park 46.1 Neighborhood Park ~}d25.3 Subtotal 400.1429.7 Elementary School 16.1 Junior High School 21.4 High School 55.3 Total +~1,697.3 4,.+W4,81 0 [ GRAND TOTAL I ~~,198J3,564,743 [ 12,4562-+'7 II 3,382.5 P:\160:;4-40\oftice\Suhmittals\LDSP-GP Amendment\EDSPA 1-13-05.doc APPENDIX 4 Modify the following table to reflect the proposed Dublin Ranch West changes in land use: Owner/Land Use Category Acres Density Sq. Ft. Units #1 CHANG SU-O-LIN General Commercial 49.1 .25 534,699 Neighborhood Commercial 2.08 .3 MBW26.J36 Campus Office 39.4 .35 600,692 High Density Residential 7.0 35 245 Medium High Density 19~-935.2 20 ~J1~704 - Residential Medium Density Residential 2++-1-0-9192.4 10 ¥H-9I,924 Single Family Residential ~295.8 4.0 ~LlB3 Rural Residential 170.5 .01 1 Community Park 101.5 Neighborhood Park ++r.813.8 Neighborhood Square +.-J 1. 5 Open Space 282.2292.0 Elementary School ;;G.+ì28 .3 High School 20.6 Publ ic!Semi-Publ ic 1.9 , TOTAL 1,251.0 -1-,-1-7--1~ 1 , 1 6 1 ,527 3,8*4,056 Add the following properties to Appendix 4 Table: Owner/Land Use Category Acres Density Sq.Ft. Units #2(j BRAGG Medium High Density Residential 1.0 20 20 Neighborhood Commercial .6 .30 FAR 7,841 TOTAL 1.6 7,841 Owner/Land Use Category Acres Density Sq.Ft. Units #27 SPERFSLAGE Medium Density Residential 1.0 10 10 Open Space 2.2 TOTAL 3.2 10 I GRAND TOTAL 3,301.7 [] -l--tÜ~9'74,90311 0,964,442 L2-,38812,593 II P:\16034-40\office\Submittö.!s\EDSP-GP All1endmen1\EDSPA ¡-I)-OS.doc Program SA Residential Streets LOCAL RESIDENTIAL Add: Right-of-way: 46' or 56' with separated sidewalks (replacing 52') Cul-de-sacs Add: Right-of-way: 46' with monolithic sidewalks Program 5C- Tassajara Creek Trail Revise last sentence as: There should be a buffer with an approximate minimum width of 100 feet between the tffii+-top 0 f bank and nearby development. 5.5.2 Bicycle Parking Requirements Action Program: Bicycle Circulation Bike Path: Gmstruct ~~ b~h para1ld-to--1hc Ta:;:;ajarn Creek. Require the trail along Tassaiara Creek to be a multi-lIse trail shared by pedestrians and bieye1ists. Bike Lanes: Add to end of sentence: (]r provided off street ana shared multi-use 1r<:Jil with CitY--ªPJlroval for safety reasons. P:\ 16034-40\ollìce\Submiltals\EDSP-GP Amendment\EDSPA 1-] 1-05.doc ACREAGE' o toO 1200 ,.~ 114 V2 EASTERN DUBLIN Specific Plan 3301.84 o 80.14 306.04 189.12 135.62 48.90 27.2 71.56 19.19 700.4 4.17 48.78 39.8 8.81 1251 12.5 5.0 7.93 2.10 67.83 160.0 91.0 10.0 10.0 3.75 1.0 Ownership Patterns Revised: January 2005 14 Koller 15 Casterson 16 County of Alameda 17 United States of America 18 Dublin Land Company E9 o Homes TOTAL: 11 Raley 12 Gygi 13 East Bay Regional Park District Su-O-Un ... Mission Peak Redgewick Figure 2.4 19 20 21 TMI 22 Anderson 23 Righetti 24 Branaugh 25 Can1>beU 10 Zimmer Pao-Lln Jordan œ Vargas Herrera Haight Legend Silvera Plato Chang Moura OWNER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .,_.' 600 /,-. '-'-... ,-.~ ,) , L .- .,' (' -'-.~.=-"~ "-' /" .' /-../ /: ...-/ , ~" . .-.....,,./ , .- .......- .... " ,..J '. ~"~ro~~~~ . ¡ , , i ", \. \. -..... ,.. ,-, " , '-, /~ ··.~R,/ , / , !; (~.:' \ i ",/ "...../ .' ,".- _.j ,..r''' , ", , , , -. ~OC" ._' :r:~. ~ r' 7G: " '"."- , '-, ~,- ,. " " -.' , s ." ,..:f ..J' . ,($' -~,~, ~~"; .... ; .../1 ...... ,.... ........... ....- ; ~ ; ...... ._,' .-... ~'.:' r/ .'\'. " , '( , '. '-- '-' .: , I '" " " ..-.... r-..··../ -'-'- '. -) : ')1>., .to. o ,..~.. ·-,./M _ ... /" ,~ ¿,s" '..., ,<:(: .; I , ; '-. Õ~O'_...J / ... .1 '-. ..................., ......_..1 , '. ./""'" / , ~. .... ! ",/-, '-'~ i -...........- J'" ---,...:::~'-- '. .. ,/ ,.1 '-"-' ., aI:>' " "', ..,.......) / , r>#'/ , ~. " , / ....J' ~~'", '. ,'... , i "-. ¡ J ....~ ,.' .,/ .-...-'- ~~~ ~r:v , ,. ,. ,r' "., .....: ,.. '. ,. "-"-'. J..... .' , ':=::ï7-:', ......- .... , / / ,I' ...' / ".' ,0:;-..' .... '-. \, .".!;:I~ì.ì-. ,-..... J,,-::: __.., / .. " ./ \....._/:~ ,_..' so.a .', . ....... ."-.... '" , '.I '-...... , '-....~~ :..- '. , '.. ., ; , ;~-:: ,. / .- ..... ~\.. ,. '" . , / ., // r' ...... ", 110', ./,'!-. 1 -' , / , 700 , / ....... ./ , , :.... ~..\ ...~ ',. . , ~'\.,~" '. " "'-' " .J ....-....- ..I' , .-./'.'.. _.~... n .J . " i~~ .1 ,. , /.-' / , _./ /,~ i ",i ,,:/' <. _.../" _/ ....! ...." /' , ~," ,'. ...~- -' 21 20 ./ ".- / , / / : 1 - -·roo '.... ¡~ " , .' ./,: ., 1 .' .I , I I :6 \. . ~'.' / ~~-: _..'~ ,'/ ,--." . .r'<>~>, :- \.: -. .~.~.? / I ..... l , "', .....- ' ...... , ........ 1,:: .. fi":; I,': /!/::> :.' '. " , -"~'\..._./ ./' \;: '. /: \\L·"/ ., , _#,;' ,I " , , ./ " ,....-. , ...,......- ~6~~·..· , , . , _..~. " , , , , / ..' r 1 1 ;i\ ,....ij .: Õ¢OI ...6t;j( -.-' , ¡ /"1 .." , : " '.. SOG..· r-- --l --.J ,. ,;. I '.. ~"> I I í,; I '\"·<QOI ¡ C:: \ .' (....-, i c) , ", " 1 , , ._/_"1 r.~:. ,:>. ...//-... / .' \.., .........;; i ..,......./; .... . . . '~~,":' / ,./\ \ t......./t. " 'N_... ),r:P' «.:' ,.' ,.....-... -...... " ,19 \ i '1. ", '- ............-.- ,roo....; 1 1 'J 18 ""\ i ! ( I "1" I 'j J ~t ··13 S! /~. ~,,, it;'" . ""\ '- \. ··-·....·'1 I \L , . /', li/. (_hOD'" 1=\ \//( . I: >! . . \ ? j \, I .: ( 14 "" '. I.. ; r··_··_··_··~··_··~- '......... '. . I :l. I · . ..... ...... 1/ 15 · ..-."'L--. I ' · i · .~ /~ I ~ -- I .., : .~ .-, "- , ! " .,' (''' ,', n.... .....:::;;".1 ,,/' ~< ~_____. .,.0 . ~ ~"." ,-- . ~-. ; .:; , ....., : .~-.,..,..- . ' ,. . ' " '-~ ,,; . ____-;...-1" .,.' , i '. ' 1 ~_ C./ '~.! .' · '.' I' " .. . ,.....; .~.. ,:':" " .. '; , "X' .' ! / ' ' ". . , >'. '" // " / " ....:::; .:; ..~,,'\ . . , . , .p') ~I~: . ~/': ;. .:.../ ~:I I,.)t 1,1 '''', ! / I \\ .-:.-:::.) / I / / ... :..:..-.j .<:::::..' '" '..; " ~ 6'00 '. ., ß , '" ./ .' :j ('~' ',.' \ /...~.r..n..,.. ..... ,,", /..i \j 16 Note: Many parcels have been subdivided since this map was originially prepared. This map does not attempt to update the major changes in ownership due to subdivision .....- ..1 ·-t00.... ~( \ / ò¡j) ,-.-/ .'.....-;; ,.- /-' / .,. c ~'_n_'/ ; , '. ~Ä" , ~ '. ..; ~ ,1'600"/ . ''- ,/ ..../.-. '. r--" \ , ' 400 _.i::._-:..\ , , , ~...-./' '. :-600, ,. , , ,.f/ li,"') '~\'_' ,..';"\\ ........- í / / , , ", , '- ,..,.;' ! ~.i Streets Community Park City Park Open Space Regional Park General Commercial may be permitted by a Planned Development Zoning Process (see text for complete discussion) .. Will convert to Future Study ArealAgriculture where determined inconsistent with Livermore APA (see text for complete discussion) General location of Future Fallon Road connection to Dublin Boulevard. However, the exact alignment will be determined following further alignment studies. February 2005 NOTE: The internal system of local streets shown in this figure is illustrative only. 3,000 Feet 0.5 Miles "-__ Œ f.t¡~ Ò ~ ~ 9 0~~ R2 ('1LI FO\\"'I' Figure 4.1 Land Use Map ,000 0.2 Legend City of Dublin Parks RFT A Sphere of Influence East Dublin Specific Plan Residential Rural Residential/Agriculture (0.01 du/ac) Single Family (0.9 - 6.0 du/ac) _ Medium Density (6.1 - 14.0 dulac) _ Med-Hi Density (14.1 - 25.0 dulac) _ High Density (25.0 ... dulac) CommerclaUlndustrlal _ Generai Commerciel _ General CommerciaVCampus Office _ Neighborhood Commercial _ Campus 01liœ _ Industrial Park PubllclSeml-Publlc Facilities ~ Semi-Public Facilities _ PubliciSemi-Public Facilities School 0.3 I!:::JI r::::J r==-t and Open Space Neighborhood Square Neighborhood Park 2,000 0.4 Parka ~ ~ - - . ... ~ 500 o O.O!D. o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ......'", ,,-'" -'.....".,"".,..~,,-' ~,.......- ~""--,..--..-.... ~-"....... Legend = Dublin Streets C City Boundary r:::J Planning Subareas May 2003 Revised: January 2005 3,600 Feet 0.5 , Miles ..~~ cfu þ.J/)z 6~,<t y e:~ 82 ~ e> '\'?- <1;,/ FOR~ Figure 4.2 Planning Subareas T assajara Gateway Town Center - Commercial Town Center - Residentia Fallon Gateway Fallon Village Center Industrial Park Foothill Residential County Center Hacienda Gateway Transit Center Tassajara Village Center NOTE The Internal system of toeal streets shown In thIs fIgure 'S illustratIve only ,800 0.25 A B C o E F G H J K ~ o o ..-..-..-..-..-.......-..-, I 'i . i i . i i ,. i I " u , .......-..-...:..-.....-..-,...... I I ! I j ;: I r·~1 if I ¡: :I ,. F ) , ç:) ¡t ,I I) I ',¡ "~ ì, Ÿ { '\ ~ II. \ G G ..-..-..-..-..-..-.. " " \ I I-~;(: ( I~~~o \\, C í" \, «-,J¡ " cr: L='<l(-,',~' 6 jr (\ :j II ~ ¿\., « 1 l II. f.I.. I "'".J ,/"/]1'-"""\, ..\\\ Ii /, " >1(''''",' <'j'''/d, ~J'-J"{ I ü ~ \n Il " < II J /' I ~~ ¡,;~-- ,:~Z /:~ i L"'~ loc/'tV~~:'~c- _~"'" \ ~J[<..) (q[F¡\~~' ...-.., I '. f '..A ,.-....... - ! I I i . I I A /' "",........--... -...."... .-...'.. .............""... .......".,....- .--..--..--....-....-....-....-.. ....,-..,9 ...".,...."...ir..,,- ill > <I: Z <I: ~ o <I: ¿ BRODER BLVD , ,', ;: Ii ,I Ii ( r Jl L , 'Ie "' il 'I { ;l ,: 'i II or _II II I, '1- _ _ IlBTf:iJ~ T Jl ;If -I ---II JJf,·- '~-1 c_ 'J' ¡""'j' Ii I I II I 'I' - -1- 11__ _6THS}J!, ,-Jfli I j. _II - --Ii , L___ L_l_nL ->l II~_jl~_~__4;_~A-VE 1 ·--1' -,- --. II H j ii [ II 1: II J Sf:.Ì:JJ. (({: I?!) II I' j¡ \: - 1 /' , '~;. ,~~O'.,~:~/~_ /\ \~;j- , r /:~~>'/J C,-__/ 'Ì:~'-<';'~~~' " ''\/'':I< :: ( // \ '-- r', ...... '" " r r' 6.1 Open Space Framework Figure / _ J , '-- / / . / ,. /~ . . ',; / ..... .r~~ '".:¿~.-1 ' r-' :-" .._/; ;,; / ; j /'!-~J ¿, . . '. " '-...:: r..·...-~'" .~. ' ,,' I' ..-. <.:: '.,. .' ,..-'fØ:"-; .. / <~. ". ;;;;.._ .7 . . 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" '1"0"1; R'::3\: , ( "... .{ ¡ EASTERN DUBLIN Sp c Plan December 2004 ecifi Revised / "-..' / ,.- , " / , - 4~::.~ e > ? .~ :f · · o 600 1200 ~ . 1/2 fM' E9 o ..... œ - The internal system of local streets shown in this figure is illustrative only. NOTE: 1-580 th the Transit Center planning the Transit Center planmng maps have not been updated w subarea. Please see Figure 4.1 for an illustration of subarea. Note: All Figure 7.28 Tassajara Village Concept Plan (Illustrative only) -------- ~ ~, 'ì J ! I ¡rh-"-"~ ~--------- I L__ -----_ _________ Key Plan ------1 i Ll ~ ~ 'L----l -+~--, v : I -, ---___....J EASTERN DUBLIN Specific Plan Revised: January 2005 81 Center Fallon Parkway ~ Tassajara Creek Corridor /' COMMUNITY DESIGN W !lOW I 1 r 5' I ~ 46' ROW Figure 7.49 Figure 7.49A Residential Street Residential Street Alternate 34' ROW 15' IC:IbId: Figure 7.50 Neighborhood Square Street t~ f I S' ï:T:l5' I r=:;:::¡ ROW Figure 7.51 Alley 163 Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area . Januarv, 2005 Stage 1 Planned Development Project Description Existing Site Conditions and Land Uses The Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area (City and DSRSD) is comprised of three landowners and parcels: Bragg, Lin, and Sperfslage. The Dublin Ranch West Annexation project consists of approximately 189 acres within the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment/Specific Plan (EDGP A/SP) area. An additional 11.6 acres at the northernmost tip of the Lin property extends into Contra Costa County and is not part of this application. At this time, the 189-acre portion is a part of Alameda County, and is outside the Dublin City limits. This Stage I Development Plan submittal is proposed to be processed concurrently with a General Plan/Specific Plan Amendment for the Lin Property, and a request for annexation to the City and DSRSD for all three of the properties. This proposal anticipates near term future development on the Lin parcel only. No development is anticipated in the short tenn for the Bragg or Sperfslage properties. Tassajara Road defines the eastern boundary of the project area until the road meanders north of the Bragg property. Moving northward of the Bragg parcel, the Fredrich, Vargas, and Tipper properties directly border the project area to the east. These smaller properties separate the Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area from Tassajara Road. Portions of Tassajara Creek and the county line define the northern limits of the area. To the west lies the Parks RFT A training facility and an EBRPD trail easement. Rural residences and an EBRPD staging area border the southern tip of the Dublin Ranch West Annexation area. Current uses on the adjacent properties consist of some combination of rural residential, an EBRPD staging area, a private school, and cattle grazing. The properties contain one occupied residence, numerous outbuildings, firewood sales, and a vacant schoolhouse. It is anticipated that the schoolhouse will be relocated to the future neighborhood park located within the Lin property or elsewhere in the City. The EDGP A/SP EIR identified a potentially significant historic dairy complex on the Lin property. A historic evaluation by William Self Associates found that this complex does not meet the criteria to be a historic resource recognized by the California Register and thus, is not historically significant. This report is included with this submittal. Two small riparian revegetation mitigation sites associated with Dublin Ranch Phase One also lie within the Tassajara Creek corridor on the Lin property. The Tassajara Creek corridor defined on the Lin property is comprised of two areas, the Tassajara Creek Management Zone which is generally the creekbed and the area between the top of banks, and accounting for approximately 38 acres, and the Private Open Space/Conservation Area which is generally the area between the top of banks and a minimum ofa 100' setback from the top of banks, and accounting for approximately 22 acres. A land trust will maintain the --,-------- -~.._---_._--- - -------------- ----------- Page I ------ -- . Stage I Development Plan Project Description Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area . Januarv, 2005 former, while a HOA or the same land trust will maintain the latter. The conservation area has been approved for mitigating environmental impacts to earlier phases of Dublin Ranch and is a permanent easement that underwent appropriate environmental assessment. While the approximately 60 acre overall conservation area is discussed and accounted for in these development applications for the GP/SP A, rezoning, and other planning entitlements, it is not part of this specific project. Only those potential impacts associated with the actual development application, including creek crossings, water quantity swales, and paths, that tàll within with the conservation area are studied under CEQA for this application. The majority of the Dublin Ranch West Annexation area is mildly sloping, with slopes of less than 30%. As the property extends west beyond Tassajara Creek, the ground elevates into rolling hills where some 30% slopes begin to appear and sporadically continue to the western boundary. Hillsides and valley lands are covered primarily with non-native grassland vegetation. Much of the riparian area has been degraded as a result of long-term cattle grazing. Tassajara Creek flows from north to south and either defines the project's eastern boundary or bisects the parcels. The width and depth of the creek and two tributary channels vary throughout the site. Riparian vegetation and oak trees are present along most of the creek's and tributary's length. The lowest elevation of the project area is approximately 405 feet above sea level, while the highest elevation is at approximately 705 feet. Preliminary and design level geologic and geotechnical investigations of the Lin property, undertaken by Berlogar Geotechnical Consultants in October 2001 and July 2002, concl ude that Dublin Ranch West is suitable for the development intended. Based upon the findings of the EDGP A/SP and its EIR, the same would be true for the Bragg and Sperfslage properties. Because of these findings and other investigations, it is believed that the project site is not located within a "Special Studies Zone" for active faults as defined by the State of California (1982) and that no fault zones exist on the Lin property. Additionally, investigations by Berlogar Geotechnical Consultants have been conducted to address the creek bank's stability; their evaluations support a 100' setback from top of bank as being adequate for the proposed project on Dublin Ranch West. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) FIRM community panel No.060705 0002 B (dated Revised November!, 2002) and No. 060001 0115C (dated Revised September 17, 1997) maps indicate that no 100-year flood zones are present on the properties. A HEC analysis prepared and provided by MacKay & Somps for Dublin Ranch West demonstrates that runoff from the 100 year storm event under existing conditions is contained well within the banks of the creek. -.--"-----....--.-.-----.--------.-- -.------------------ - --- Page 2 . Stage J Development Plan Project Description Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area . Januarv, 2005 Proposed Land Uses and Development Concept The development concept for the area strives to emphasize the natural beauty of the site by creating a community that blends into the existing environment. While the land uses attributed to the Bragg and Sperfslage parcels reflect those illustrated in the General Plan and Specific Plan, the Lin parcel is proposing a revised land use plan and designations, The proposed Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area plan includes low, medium, and medium-high density residential (including possible residential support uses), neighborhood commercial, a neighborhood park, public/semi-public, and open space that preserves the predominant natural features of the site including the Tassajara Creek environs and the western foothills. With a few notable exceptions, the proposed uses for this project are based on the land uses found in the Eastern Dublin General Plan Amendment and Specific Plan. However, these two documents propose several uses that are incompatible with some of the existing natural features of the site, namely Tassajara Creek and its tributaries. For Dublin Ranch West, the Specific Plan proposes approximately 25.3 acres of land development that would fall within Tassajara Creek or its tributary's corridors. Following these plans would require filling vast portions of Tassajara Creek and/or a tributary. The current plan proposes instead to allow for an open space corridor along the creek and its tributaries. In order to do this, those land uses that are incompatible with the creek corridors are eliminated or relocated. A General Plan/Specific Plan Amendment is included with this submittal to revise these land uses for the Lin property only. Additionally, two neighborhood parks, totaling 7.66 net acres will be relocated to the south of the property and split by Tassajara Creek; and approximately 1 net acre will be reserved for either public/semi-public or neighborhood park uses. A General Plan/Specific Plan Amendment is included with this submittal to revise these land use and design concept for the Lin property only. The overall conversion of approximately 5.5 developable acres on the Lin property (residential and commercial) to open space is a further benefit to the City and it's citizens, in addition to improving the project's land plan. This exchange is being made at a loss of property value to the property owners. Additionally, the Bragg and Sperfslage parcels included in this submittal are not illustrated as individual parcels or referenced specifically in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. Together these parcels equal approximately five acres. It is assumed that because of their small size they were overlooked as individual parcels in the Specific Plan process. The Specific Plan Land Use Map designates the area they are located as Neighborhood Commercial, Medium High Density Residential, Medium Density Residential, and Open Space. Because of this, it is proposed to designate 0.6 acre and 7,841 square feet of Neighborhood Commercial and 1.0 acre and 20 units of Medium High Density Residential to the Bragg parcel and 1.0 acre and 10 units acres of Medium Density Residential and 2.2 acres of Open Space to the Sperfslage parcel at this time. -------- -~-~,.- Page 3 - --- ---- ------- ----------.- Stage 1 Development Plan Proiect Description Dublin Ranch West Annexa/ion Area . Januarv. 2005 The chart below indicates the proposed land uses and densities for the project as compared to the approved land uses presented in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. Proposed Stage 1 PD East Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Plan Land Use Plan Gross Density Range Mid-point Gross Density Range Mid-point Acres Density Acres Density BRAGG PROPERTY Medium High Density Residential 1.0 14-25 du 20 du 1.0 14-25 du 20 du Neighborhood Commercial 0.6 6,534-15,681 sf 7,841 SF 0.6 6,534-15,681 SF 7,841 SF Subtotal 1.6 14-25 du 20 du 1.6 14-25 du 20 du 6,534-15,681 sf 7,841 SF 6,534-15,681 SF 7,841 SF UN PROPERTY Low Density Residential 18.8 16-112 du 75 du 20.0 18-120 du 80 du Medium Density Residential 54.6 333-764 du 546 du 64.1 391-897 du 641 du Medium High Density Residential 20.1 283-503 402 du 4.8 67-120du 96 du Neighborhood Park 8.8 N/A N/A 11.8 N/A N/A Neighborhood Square 0.0 N/A N/A 2.8 N/A N/A Open Space 79.9 N/A N/A 70.1 N/A N/A Elementary School 0 N/A N/A 9.7 N/A N/A Neighborhood Commercial 0.0 N/A N/A 0.8 8,712-20,908 sf 10,454 sf Public/Semi-Public 1.9 N/A N/A 0.0 N/A N/A Subtotal 184.1 632-1,379 du 1,023 du 184.1 476-1,137 du 817 du 8,712-20,908 sf 10.454 sf SPERFSLAGE PROPERTY Medium Density Residential 1.0 6-14 du 10 du 1.0 6-] 4 du 10 du Open Space 2.2 N/A N/A 2.2 N/A N/A Sublo/al 3.2 6-14 du 10 du 3.2 6-14du 10 du TOTAL 188.9 652-1.418 du 1.053 du 188.9 496-1,176 du 847 du 6,534-15,681 sf 7,841 SF 15,246-36.589 sf 18,295 sf The residential portion of the project is expected to be a mix of detached and attached units. These units will be designed to take advantage of the natural features of the site. The Dublin Unified School District has determined that the elementary school in this area is not needed as an educational facility and has officially relinquished the site. As part of the previously noted Council workshop, the Council agreed to exchange the school site for residential uses. Because of this, the site will be redesignated to Medium High Density residentiaL The Tassajara Creek open space area serves as a focal point for the neighborhoods within the project area. This corridor will function as a linear pedestrian, bicycle, and equestrian circulation route connecting neighborhoods, parks, schools, and surrounding open space. In addition, this open space will maintain and provide for wildlife habitat and passage. Within Dublin Ranch West, Tassajara Creek and its tributaries will be cleared of as much abandoned farm equipment -,_._~-_.~_._- - -------------- ------------------- Page 4 . Stage 1 Development Plan Project Description Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area . Januarv, 2005 and debris as is practical, cattle have been eliminated from the creek corridors, and selected areas will be revegetated. Portions of the Lin property, along the creek and tributaries, have been proposed as managed environmental areas, consistent with a Mitigation and Monitoring Plan associated with a Dublin Ranch wetland fill permit. The applicant has worked with various resource agencies regarding these mitigation measures to gain the agencies approvaL In addition to preserving this area, additional mitigation measures are included in the agency approved mitigation and monitoring plan, such as removing cattle and debris from the corridors. These areas will be evaluated and monitored by professional environmental consultants. Maintenance of these managed environmental areas will be privately funded. Due to the topography and existing vegetation, the majority of the Dublin Ranch Tassajara Creek corridor will be left in its current natural state, with the exception of localized revegetation and bridge crossings. According to the Stream Restoration Program (SRP), the presence of a single loaded frontage road eliminates the need for a separate creek maintenance road, if one is required. Two bridge crossings over Tassajara Creek are proposed for Dublin Ranch West to allow for adequate site circulation, while reducing environmental disruption to a minimum. The Stream Restoration Program recommends that the creek corridor setback should protect wildlife habitat from human disturbance and protect development from major flood events. Within Dublin Ranch West, the entire higher quality riparian habitat exists within the proposed creek preservation area. A 100' minimum setback along the creek and tributaries is proposed for this property to preserve the existing riparian corridor and provide a safe and efficient circulation and development plan. This setback is wide enough to ensure adequate areas for public safety and wildlife corridors. Storm water quality features are proposed within the Dublin Ranch creek preservation area. As noted before, the 100-year flood event is maintained within the creek channel itself and does not flow over the top of banks. Because no development is being proposed on the Bragg or Sperfslage parcels at this time, no setbacks or studies have been determined or prepared for these properties. Two neighborhood parks are proposed to be located in the southern area of Dublin Ranch West, and are located straddling Tassajara Creek. Besides providing recreational opportunities for both the project and surrounding neighborhoods, this siting creates a significant visual and physical open space in the community along Tassajara Road and Tassajara Creek, and assembles active and passive recreation uses together. Additionally, a public/semi-public parcel is located adjacent to, and south of, the western park. This parcel may be utilized for either public/semi- public or neighborhood park uses. Property along Tassajara Road is within the limits of the Tassajara Road Scenic Corridor. The Lin project follows the City's scenic corridor policies by encouraging views of the stream corridor and riparian vegetation. Additionally, much of the western hillside will be preserved to provide a backdrop to the units below and to allow for an open space corridor to extend through the project site. The majority of the ridgeline \vill also be maintained. Views of both features will be possible from Tassajara Road. The Bragg and Sperfslage properties will need to address these policies and guidelines when they are planned to be developed. "------ Page 5 . Stage ¡ Development Plan Project Description Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area· January. 2005 Project Access and Circulation Access to the properties will be from Tassajara Road, an existing two-lane road that extends northerly from 1-580 through Contra Costa County. Tassajara Road runs along most of the eastern boundary of the site. Ultimately Tassajara Road is scheduled to be a six-lane divided arterial. For Dublin Ranch West, two project entry roads from Tassajara Road will connect to bridges crossing Tassajara Creek and accessing the residential neighborhoods located to the west of the creek. Within Dublin Ranch West, a residential collector enters from the central portion of the property and will provide access to residential streets and neighborhoods. A secondary road connecting to Tassajara Road is proposed in the southern area of the property. This street will provide primary access to the parks, plus being a secondary emergency access route to the Dublin Ranch western neighborhoods. City and Fire Department Staff have reviewed and approved an emergency circulation route plan for the Dublin Ranch West property. As noted above, two roadways connecting to Tassajara Road will provide daily and emergency access for the project. The primary access for both circulation and emergency personal is from the centrally located residential collector that bisects the property. The second street that connects to Tassajara Road is a public street south of the central residential collector for park access. Additionally, this street will have an emergency access easement placed upon it to provide additional egress and entry during emergency situations for project residents. A creek frontage road, north of and connecting to the primary access road, provides secondary access within an interconnected street system to complete the elements of the emergency access plan. Proposed public street sections are comparable to those already approved or built in other areas of the Specific Plan. Private streets, with reduced rights of way and/or curb-to-curb widths maybe proposed as part of this development. Entries and circulation for the Bragg and Sperfslage properties are not discussed, as they are not being proposed for development at this time. In addition to sidewalks, pedestrian and bicycle access will be provided by a multi-use trail along the creek and other trail opportunities within the Dublin Ranch West project. Due to environmental constraints, no designated pedestrian/bicycle bridges will be provided over the creek or tributaries. Rather, trails will follow the outer perimeter of the creek and tributary corridor and utilize the two vehicular/pedestrian bridges. Discussions have been held with EBRPD to ascertain their plans for this area. EBRPD noted that they would accept a multi-use trail alignment along the western side of Tassajara Creek, within the associated open space areas. Pedestrian and bicycle circulation routes for the Bragg and Sperfslage properties will be studied and determined when they are proposed for development. Multi-use trails may also be utilized a maintenance roads for the creek and open space areas and for emergency access. -~-,~,-_.~---_.. -- -- Page 6 . Stage 1 Development Plan Project Description Dublin Ranch ¡Vest Annexation Area' Januarv.2005 Proposed Phasing Approach Although development is expected to begin within the Dublin Ranch West project, and proceed from east to west and south to north as access and utilities are extended through the site, two general development phases are planned. Phasing and development timing for this annexation area will depend largely on market demand. Storm drainage, sewer, and water backbone improvements may be constructed in phases and will provide service for each development phase. The Lin property would undergo bulk grading to accommodate the various residential areas of the property and achieve a balanced cut and fill condition. It is unknown when the Bragg and Sperfslage parcels will be developed, so their phasing is not discussed here. The City will determine phasing of the park. Sanitary, water and recyeled water services will be provided by the Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) in accordance with their Facilities Master Plans. Final locations and sizing of these facilities will be determined in conjunction with the recommendation of the DSRSD Facilities Master Plan. A couple of storm drainage outfalls into Tassajara Creek will be constructed as needed with the Dublin Ranch West project. Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance The implementation of the City's Inelusionary Zoning Ordinance with respect to the Dublin Ranch West project has been fulfilled with the approval of the Fairway Ranch housing development. Fairway Ranch will provide for the inelusionary housing requirement for all of Dublin Ranch. As the Bragg and Sperfslage properties are developed, they will have to meet the requirements of the City's lnelusionary Zoning Ordinance. Hazardous Waste Analysis Eckland Consultants conducted a Phase I environmental site assessment of the project area in July of 2001 to investigate on-site hazardous wastes or substances of Dublin Ranch West. Eckland's assessment indicates that the property is not known to be on a hazardous waste or substance area list. The study concluded that the property has a low likelihood that any hazardous or toxic substances exist on the site. It was suggested that prior to demolition, asbestos and lead-based paint surveys be implemented on the existing structures as required by code, that debris be removed from the site, and that existing septic and leach field systems should be pumped out and removed. Because no development is being proposed for the Bragg and Sperfslage properties, no environmental site analysis has been prepared for them at this time. ----- ----- --------------------------- - - Page ì . Stage 1 Development Plan Project Description Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area . January, 2005 Benefits and Costs This project will allow for the construction of residential dwelling units and neighborhood commercial uses, increasing the assessed value of the City. In addition, parks, open space, and multi-use trails wi]} be constructed and/or land dedicated for the use and pleasure of future residents and visitors. The provision of homes within the project area wi]} help facilitate a Citywide balance between jobs and housing. Future residents will strengthen the market for nearby commercial uses projected to occur in accordance with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. This in turn will substantially increase sales tax revenue for the City of Dublin. All infrastructure required for development of the proposed project and the project proponents would pay for all capital facility costs as development proceeds. As is typical of development requirements in Dublin, property-owners/project proponents would dedicate land required for roads, and parks; construct roads and parks; and contribute funds as required through the City's Traffic Impact Fee program, school fees, and park in-lieu fees as required. Along with this, normal expenditures for City services (fire, police, recreation, general administration, etc.) would be compensated by the development through required fees and property tax revenues. It is anticipated that property tax revenues, along with increased local sales tax attributed to the Project, will cover the public service costs. "._---~-------- -----,-- ~- Page 8 . Stage I Development Plan Project Description Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area . JanuGlT, 2005 Findings A. The prolJosal will be harmonious and comlJatible with existing and future develolJment in the surrounding area. Development of the project area will be harmonious with and relate to existing and future development. The site plan for the properties, where environmentally feasible, adheres to the General Plan's and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan's goals and policies. This will ensure that the project will be compatible, both in terms of land use and physical design, with adjacent development. The proposed mix of uses will blend with the neighboring developments to create a viable, cohesive community. The residential, open space, and neighborhood park uses will be compatible with the surrounding uses of Eastern Dublin as they come to fruition. B. The site is physical/v suitable for the tYlJe and intensitv of zoning districts being lJrolJosed. The project site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of zoning being proposed. The type and densities of proposed land use designations are identical to those pennitted by the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. Open space corridors buffer and preserve significant natural features. In doing so, the proposed land uses are sensitive to environmental constraints while still providing a community that is both livable and naturally cohesive. Development patterns outlined in the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan concentrate higher density uses in the lowlands along Tassajara Creek and Tassajara Road, while the steeper portions of the site have been designated for lower density residential uses. The proposal duplicates these policies while eliminating those land uses that fall within the Tassajara Creek corridor on the Dublin Ranch West site. The preliminary geologic and geotechnical study completed for the Lin property states that Dublin Ranch West is suitable for its proposed uses. No earthquake faults are located on Dublin Ranch West. Berlogar Geotechnical Consultants also perfonned a creek bank evaluation report for Dublin Ranch West. Their work included site reconnaissance and review of historical site aerial photographs. They found no evidence of large-scale changes of the creek alignment within the past 50 years. Berlogar observed some creek bank retreat in the downstream direction, but noted this can be remedied by providing the 100 foot setback and controlling surface runoff. The 100-year flood event is maintained within the top of banks of the creek and tributaries. This is supported by FEMA community map panels No.060705 0002 B (dated Revised Novemberl, 2002) and No. 060001 0 115C (dated Revised September 17, 1997) that illustrate there are no flood hazards on developable areas of these properties. ------------ Page 9 . Stage I Development Plan Project Description Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area . Januarv. 2005 C. The Droposal will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or be detrimental to the Dublic health, safetv. and welfare. The proposed project is consistent with the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan's ordinances for public health, safety, and welfare. The project will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity, nor will it be detrimental to public health, safety or welfare. Additionally, no noxious odors, hazardous materials, or excessive noises will be produced. All landslides within the development area will be stabilized, removed, or avoided in accordance with design level geotechnical reports. Development in hillside areas is carefully regulated under the Specific Plan to insure that hazardous hillside conditions are avoided or remedied. FEMA community panel No.060705 0002 B (dated Revised November!, 2002) and No. 06000 I 0 115C (dated Revised September 17, 1997) indicate that no developable portions of the properties contain 100-year flood zones. None of the residential lots in the Dublin Ranch project will have direct driveway access onto a major arterial. D. The DroDosed uses for the site are consistent with the elements of the City of Dublin General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specifìc Plan. The Stage I Planned Development Rezone is consistent with the General Plan Amendment and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Plans, except for a few instances on the Dublin Ranch West property. These exceptions, however, follow the intent of the Plan's policies and goals. A General Plan/ Specific Plan amendment application for the Lin property has been included to address these changes. To be more environmentally sensitive and to be cohesive with the surrounding uses and policy direction in Dublin, the project has modified certain land uses and their locations. For instance, within Dublin Ranch West, uses that were previously located too close to or within Tassajara Creek and its tributaries have been eliminated and/or relocated. In doing so, this project is more consistent with current environmental policy and more sensitive to the residential trends and needs of the community of Dublin as a whole while still meeting the intent of City policy. E. The proiect satisfzes the purpose and intent of a "Planned DeveloDment" as outlined in Chapter 8.32 of the Municipal Code. . The proposed project is planned as a comprehensive community with distinct neighborhoods and will have development standards tailored to the specific needs of the site. . The proposed project design incorporates flexibility and diversity in the development of the property by providing a range of low, medium and medium- ----- ----- -------- Page]O . Stage] Development Plan Project Description _...._.~._- Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area . Januarv. 2005 high density housing types, neighborhood commercial (Bragg), open space, and neighborhood park. · A mix of uses are proposed which, when compared to the amendments proposed for the General Plan and the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan, is consistent with the intent and uses of these documents. · The project intends to protect the integrity of the residential and non-residential areas of the City of Dublin. The Tassajara Creek corridor has been designated as open space, along with the steeper portions of the western hillside, protecting the sensitive environmental and attractive features of the site. · Public facilities such as multi-use trails are proposed through the Dublin Ranch West site, as is a neighborhood park and a public/semi-public site. These amenities will be developed and sited so as to make them an efficient and integral part of the community and City as a whole. · The proposed community will blend with the natural features unique to the site through the use of design and planning. This will identify the site as a community whose offerings exceed what is available from conventional development. · This project will enhance the existing environment, offer coordinated and coherent housing opportunities, and create a desirability beyond what currently is designated on the Dublin Ranch West property by the General Plan and East Dublin Specific Plan_ The proposed community will be an asset to the City of Dublin. -- ~---- --_._..~---~-------------_._--_.----- ---- - Page / I . Stage / Development Plan Project Description Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area . Januarv. 2005 Permitted and Conditional Land Uses PD Single Family Residential Permitted Uses: Accessory structures and uses in accordance with Section 8.40.030 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance Community care facility/smaJl (permitted if required by law, otherwise as conditional use) Home occupation in accordance with Chapter 8.64 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance Private recreation facility (for homeowners' association and/or tenant use only) Second unit in accordance with appropriate regulations Dublin Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 8.80), if built by initial homebuilder Single family dweJling SmaJl family day care home per Chapter 8.08 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance Conditional Uses: Ambulance service Bed and breakfast inn Day care center Large family day care home Parking lot - residential Religious facility School/private Second residential unit if not built by initial homebuilder, in accordance with approved Stage 2 Planned Development. PD Medium Density Residential Permitted Uses: Accessory structures and uses in accordance with Section 8.40.030 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance Community care facility- small (permitted if required by law, otherwise as conditional use) Home occupations (per Chapter 8.64 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance) Multi-family dwelling Private recreation facility (for homeowners' association and/or tenants use only) Second unit in accordance with appropriate regulations in Dublin Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 8.80), ifbuilt by initial homebuilder Single family dwelling Smal] tàmily day care home per Chapter 8.08 of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance Conditional Uses: Bed and breakfast inn Boarding house Community center Permitrcd and Conditional Land U,es . Page 1 l-I_'-OSDI{ Wcq"Lalld USl's.doc Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area . Januarv. 2005 Day care center Large family day care home Large vehicle storage area (appropriately screened) Parking lot - residential Religious facility School/private Second residential unit if not built by initial homebuilder, in accordance with approved Stage 2 Planned Development. PD Medium-High Density Residential Pemitted Uses: Accessory structures and uses Community care facility- small (permitted if required by law, otherwise as conditional use) Home occupations (per Chapter 8.64) Multi- family dwelling Private recreation facility (for homeowners' association and/or tenants use only) Family day care home- small Conditional Uses: Bed and breakfast inn Boarding house Community care facility- large Day Care center Family day care home- large Parking lot Religious facility School/private PD Open Space Permitted Uses, including, but not limited to: Public or private infrastructure Private recreation facility- active or passive Recreation facility- passive Those uses allowed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under Section 404 and 1603 agreements. Trails and maintenance roads Trail staging area Other educational or recreational facilities Water quality, drainage, and other similar íàcilities, including swales and basins PD Park Permitted Uses, including, but not limited to: Community park uses Permitted and Conditional Land Uses . Page 2 [-I:ì-(J5DR\\'e:;I-I.;¡nd Ust':s.doc Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area . Januarv, 2005 Neighborhood park Recreational or educational facilities Trail staging area PD Public/Semi-Public Permitted Uses, including, but not limited to: Community Center/Clubhouse Community Facility Community park Cultural Center Day Care Center Farmer's Market Neighborhood park Neighborhood square Recreational or educational facilities Trail staging area Other educational or recreational facilities Other governmental and quasi-governmental offices as determined by the Community Development Director Incidential and accessory structures and uses Parking lot Private recreation facility- active or passive Private school Public or private infrastructure Recreation facility- passive Senior Center Those uses allowed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under Section 404 and 1603 agreements. Trails and maintenance roads Trail staging area Water quality, drainage, and other similar facilities, including swales and basins Youth Center Permitted and Conditional Land [hes . Page 3 1- ] _'·05DH \Ví::~I- Lmld I ;scs.doc Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area 5ta e I Develo ment Plan Medium Density Residential ------_l~~~~g~~____ \\ FBRPn 6034-40 STAGE 1 PD SITE PLAN 2005 Publici Semi-Public 1.9 ± ac. gross January. M RA '-~1 \ \ Potential Roadway Connection to - Tassajara Road \ R RRA , , ~iclseD , United States of America c/ SenlÍ-Public Lands \ Silveria os Medium High Density Residential 1.0± ac. gross :M M " \ L Mission Peak Homes ''-, OS ",- '" RRA Proposed PD Rezone Land Use Plan Midpoint I Density Densl Ran~e Stage Gross Acres Pub Land Use Summary Table Existing Eastern Dublin Specllic Plan Land Use Plan Gross Midpoint Density Acres Den5¡t~ Ranc:¡e Open Space 21.6 ± ac. gross Moura Agricultural Lands 16-112 333-764 283-503 75 546 402 18.8 54,6 20.1 8,8 79.9 1.9 84 18-120 39 I -897 67-120 2-20,908 8.71 80 641 96 0,454 20.0 64.1 4.8 11.8 2.8 70.1 9.7 0,8 Land Use LIn/Dublln Ranch West Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Medium High Density Residential Neighborhood F3rk Nel~hbortlOod 5'1uc3re Open Space Elementa¡y 5chool Neighborhood CommerCI.31 fubllc-/Seml-Fubllc ubtota Lin , EVN\ Trail \ \ \ " " " , " I ~ NOR T H 00' 200' ,379 14-25 6,534-15,681 14-25 6,534-15,681 632 ,023 20 7,84 20 1,0 0.6 1.6 476-1,137 8,712-20.908 14-25 6.534-15.68 14-25 6,534-15,68 817 0.454 20 7,84 20 84 1.0 0,6 1.6 Bragg Property Medium High Density Resident! Nel~hborhood CommerclJI Subtotal Sperfslage Property Medium DensIty Resldentl;!1 Open Space Subtotal 400' mAClCAy It: Som.s CIVIL ENGINEERING_LAND PLANNING_LAND SURVEYING Pll'!osonton, CA (925) - 225-0690 O' 10 6-14 --- ------- iO 6-14 ,0531 652-1,4 18 6,534-15,68 1.0 10 6-14 1,0 2.2 --~---- 2.2 3.2 10 6-14 3,2 - - 88.9 8471 4%-1,1761188.9 18,295 15,246-36,589 Total L_ -SlltplonRtv8.dw of America Lands 603 4 ~ 40\ plormlrlq\ 200 1 wolhs\~nne~ \ United States Sen1i-Pub1ic P;\ c/ plolhver Pub Ii 10:41 ty / I / I / / // I S / / / I : 0./ ~/ / I ~.. --/'"- ~ /~'" ( I ", . '-",,- / 1/, 1, I -, L , 'c. / ý. " OS ,'"" Homes MH ~ "'hl) ? M ) : ''-'' MissIOn Pc ---'. N... '.. c,,' //¡ualg ~. / ... / roperty "" ',.,/ : 4'" MH 'AdJolDlIíg P I known "". -...--~'A... .::-.---'-~-- I .§ \.1 L___, (h Sino un __ ~\ ""....... ~ ------- ---" ~ \J ( OWl11er-Ð a ~--1r'- ",> , ~. " I, ..,... t , " '0> /"'- ... --...---..... ~L.-,-_ ..--~.) . -........ \ I \ '\ Potential Roadw .. \ ' ': / ,-;ec' --", V '''. ". I \ " \ Conn,,".n '" : .. ./ -,.- ..- \ C .. ~. 'J " .. R ad bl' ! <.. ./.-........ \ N ~ q.,.. I \'. : 'I' ssaj'ara 0 I Pu IC / '", , . '.., , ", a , , ~<..;- _/~ (\ \~rich /í' ~"\ . 'urn 'High ))c~,_, I (- RRA '--Sem;,P'b'" /~/ /......./.... \ F..rv'-\.!, 'I ~. \. '.iV. 1.....e. d I. --'....).. tial. RRÄ..: RRA / ~ <:) acgross /,' / / '-," " \\ Rc....cn , I 'I ././ ...... / MH '\ MH I '-'\, > 0, ac, gco" , 't: / M, OS , Ò /,' h /.J "'" .J.. SIivcn. " , ,,~~ 2;' '/ / '/ Vargas:., ., '. "! M \ \ Nielsen /Q flY Lane, ~c \ ~ " ./ .... ---\. ~."" ,,~ 'I. , , , , 'ua I ',c, .1-9 \ __ '/ 'I -, ,. " 'I "'00 '" / /.. I "" 0 - ~', ' I.. \ 1 I Sch ! ,4;'" L."_ I ____"." ' " // . "- '-. ',., , -'" , '" '- I _ '~-T I / / '/M I - . '. , , . L...._,. _ , '_, I , /" ";' .. - f- ,Lt -- --\- ,~:::::.t~!,3[~':i R~;ojL.. _" _ 1._.. _ n ~'I';g, i i Oyg; : /' "..- -"-.. .... ",' , ; .' ~ J'/ ; '_, ,_ /". // ,\ ]) " "" " " \ \ EBRP --'-. # I I _. ", \, ~ - .... .. -- '\ \, , .- .. '" \ -<..=';/' I . ()r l>n-""'acc " .. ~ ,'·"P . .. ,,"' ~ grn_ ' .. .. , J M ;0 I Tipper ) I / I / / / .... Dublin Ranch West Annexation Area Stage I Development Plan NEIGHBORHOOD PHASING PLAN January, 2005 -Medium Densi Residential , , \ \ \ G034-40 ... ----Ádi~i~ing Property Owner-phasing unknown Ea:ôt-3Ir f EBRPD \ \ '. \ \ Neighborhood Commercial O.6± ac. gross Tassajara Cf(~ck - Open Space 43.L± ac. gross RRA Moller I. United States of America Publici Semi-Public Lands mACICAY & SIIDPS CIVIL ENGINEERING_LAND PlANNING-lAND SURVEYING Pleosanton, CA (925) - 225-0690 ~ NORTH 0' '00' 200' 400' , ,;-'- ar, gross -- ....... ....... -- II ~i r / ---- ~ \ ~ \1 î ~ Ç;1..~. ~~ ?' \.-'¡ ;:::. ?' 7', ('J ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 o '@; ~'1, â Lin -~- -........ " '"'. \ \..., ,. \ Moura Agricultural ) Lands : í , ! , , /)-........\ ,/ , _/' / United States of America Publici Semi-Public Lands -phosinC1-rev04.dW1 P:\ 16034 -40\plonning\ZOO 1 woJljs\Anntx\p- sta ptoŒvtl 10:56:32 -"'-2005 Dublin Ranch West Stage I Development Plan MASTER NEIGHBORHOOD LANDSCAPE PLAN (;034-40 ¡ i ¡ ¡ f Cìygi } i I--__.J ~, '\ ,;;;'ØjJen s~ce, 2.2± ac. grÖ§s \ EßRPD Planting to provide \ intermittant views of ~ Tassajara Creek per scenic corridor policies LJ IIICKAY & SOIDPS CIVIL ENGINEERING_LAND PlANNING_LAND SURVEYING Pleasonton, CA (925) - 225-0690 \ \ January, 2005 Publici - Semi-Public .9 ± ac. gross Easement ------------ -*N~-t~~ -Landscaping improvements to be timed with the construction of Tassajara Road. . NOR T H O' 100' 200' 400' - \ \ Potential Roadway Connection to Tassajara Road M EBRPD T ra I I I i I I I I L -~i --- 1 --1~- RRA --~------------ M , ¡ ----, 1 1 Bragg\ \ \ "- \ "- , Medium'ßigh Density ~\. lièsidential '-- . '--, ,/1.0± ac. gross ~ :( ~,: ~ -\ I \ RRA.: I \ , ",I SllvetIa 1\1 ~\ Multi-use Trail.v\ i 1 ¡ \ ---- ---------- ----- / / / / / / / ( '" ) / / ( "" -landscape_rev 7 .dwg ',,- Moller P,\ 16034 -40\plonn;ng\200Iwollis\Annex\p-stoge RRA ptollive /' // 0:40:22 -21-2005 North Dublin Properties 2tage. I Development Plan STREET SECTIONS Feh'uary 2004 I h034-40 IACKAY & somps E" WEST EAST J' ) ]0 ~<j ~ 6 ~oo ~ If;- '" ~ \? -J L 18' 6' 6' 8' 12 12' 12 16 12' 12' 12 ª 6' 6' 18 PARKWAY STRIP - -- - -.J-BIKEITRAVELITRAVELITRAVEL MEDIAN/ TEAVE~TRAVELITRAVELIBIKj L - PARKWAY STRIP SIDEWALK- -- -.l LANE LANE LANE LANE TURN LANE LANE LANE LAN "- - SIDEWALK J ,LANE 44' '-- I PUBLIC SERVICE/- 44 oooo- - PUBLIC SERVICE/ LANDSCAPE EASEMENT 139' LANDSCAPE EASEMENT ROW ROW 1. T ASSAJARA ROAD - 139' ROW N.T.S. EXISTING WEST EAST J ~",~}f~l > )I..r:;~"¡F';) ~ \ "VU'- 0 , /J0Ò [) <j sJ'J 'D ffZ, Q r!J?ft Q IJ (f5 ~ ~¿ , ¿~~ÒG>\)Q; ~ ~Q ~ Q " ~, ~v /~091' --0 fi ~ 1_ IS' 16' 12' 12' 1_..-1~ 8' 6' 6' 18' PARKWAY STRIP - - --=--. - . TEAVE TRAVELTRA~~LI~IKE L - PARKWAY STRIP SIDEWALK- - - - j LANE LANE LANE LAN "- - SIDEWALK J 44' PUBLIC SERVICE/- ---- L - PUBLIC SERVICE/ LANDSCAPE EASEMENT 139' LANDSCAPE EASEMENT ROW 1. INTERIM T ASSAJARA ROAD 139' ROW N.T.S ------ --".-..-- -~~._---_..- North Dublin Properties Stage I Development Plan STREET SECTIONS Febcuary 2004 I G034-40 P ARKWA Y STRIP MIN._ SIDEWALK ~~~~ 1_ ~ ~ PUBLIC SERVICE/ _ _ j - LANDSCAPE EASEMENT ROW 72' 8' I 8' 5' LI_ MIN. -PARKWAY STRIP '- - -SIDEWALK , \,----- - PUBLIC SERVICE/ ROW LANDSCAPE EASEMENT 3. TYPICAL RESIDENTIAL COLLECTOR - 72' ROW N.T.S. 8'* 5' PUBLIC SERVICE/ - - ~~-I LANDSCAPE EASEMENT I SIDEWALK - - J ROW 36' 5' 6' ~- SIDEWALK I I \J¡'_ PUBLIC SERVICE/ 46' I LANDSCAPE EASEMENT ROW * 6' PSE WITHIJ\' MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 4. TYPICAL RESIDENTIAL STREET- 46' STREET ROW (Public) N.T.S. mACKAY & somps Dublin Ranch West 5ta~e Development Plan SCENIC VIEW IMAGES VIEWPOINT LOCATIONS G034-40 2004 December G034-40 / Dublin Ranch West Stage I Development Plan MASTER INFRASTUCTURE PLAN JANUARY, 2005 LEGEND: ZONE 2 - - - - - EX. ZONE -- ZONE3W - --" - - EX. ZONE ZONE 2 R] - - - - - EX. ZONE -,,-~.,-- SEWER - -. -. - - EX. SEWER WATER PRESSURE ZONE LIMIT - - - - PROmcr BOUNDARY *NOm: NO MAJOR STORM DRAIN FACILlTIBS PROPOSED. EXISTING CRE] TO BE USED TO CONVEY RUNa: / / WATER TANK / / ¡: I \ I I I I I I --1 - .aKAy. .IIPS CIVIL ENGINEERlNGoLAND PLANNINGolAND SURVEYING 51429 rRNjK1.1N DR., PLEASANTOH, CA. 94586 (925) 225-0890 * NORTH NTS I II I' k t "-'"'\. \ \ ) , , L-, \ ~ '; RFfA I . I I i . ! I ¡ ¡ P:' 16~-40\p¡.nning'EXH- ~STR-INrRA-PUl. rev' .dwg cgoldodl , 0:00:47 2-10-2005 Dublin Ranch West Stage I Development Plan BEFORE AND AFTER SCENIC VIEW IMAGES G034 -40 2004 December. Dublin Ranch West e Development F'lan BEFORE AND AFTER SCENIC VIEW IMAGES 2004 G034-40 Dublin Ranch West Stage I Development Plan BEFORE AND AFTER SCENIC VIEW IMAGES December. 2004 J G034-40 '.~"."~_...-