HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.5 Annual Progress Report on the Status of the General Plan and Housing Element for Calendar Year 2020 (2)STAFF REPORT
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Agenda Item 4.5
DATE:March 16, 2021
TO:Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers
FROM:Linda Smith, City Manager
SUBJECT:Annual Progress Report on the Status of the General Plan and Housing
Element for Calendar Year 2020
Prepared by: Michael P. Cass, Principal Planner
State planning law (Government Code Section 65400) requires local jurisdictions to provide an
Annual Progress Report (APR) on the implementation of the General Plan Housing Element as well
as General Plan activities each year to the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (OPR) and
California Department of Housing and Community Development. This Staff Report, including
Attachment 1 (Housing Element APR Tables), serves as the City of Dublin’s APR for calendar year
Receive the Annual Progress Report and direct Staff to forward it to the Governor’s Office of
Planning and Research and California Department of Housing and Community Development.
This Staff Report is organized into the following sections: a) Background; b) Status of General Plan
activities; c) Progress towards meeting City’s Regional Housing Needs Allocation; and d) Status of
Housing Element actions and programs.
Each local government in California is required to adopt a comprehensive, long-term General Plan
for the physical development of the jurisdiction. The City Council adopted the General Plan in
1985 and has periodically adopted amendments.
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The Dublin General Plan groups the seven State-mandated elements and five optional elements into
the following five sections:
1) Land Use and Circulation Section:
Land Use Element (State-mandated)
Parks and Open Space Element (State-mandated)
Schools, Public Lands, and Utilities Element (Optional)
Circulation and Scenic Highways Element (State-mandated)
2) Housing Section:
Housing Element (State-mandated)
3) Environmental Resources Management Section:
Conservation Element (State-mandated)
Seismic Safety and Safety Element (State-mandated)
Noise Element (State-mandated)
Water Resources Element (Optional)
Energy Conservation Element (Optional)
4) Community Design and Sustainability Section:
Community Design and Sustainability Element (Optional)
5) Economic Development Section:
Economic Development Element (Optional)
A certified Housing Element is one of seven mandatory elements of the General Plan. Housing
Element law, enacted in 1969, mandates local governments update their Housing Element every
eight years to demonstrate how the jurisdiction has adequately planned to meet the existing and
projected housing needs of all economic segments of the community. The community’s housing
need is determined through the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) process. The City’s
current Housing Element covers the period of 2015-2023.
Local governments are required to provide an annual report to their legislative body, the
Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, and the California Department of Housing and
Community Development, on the status of the General Plan implementation as well as progress
made toward meeting its RHNA (Government Code Section 65400(a)(2)). This Staff Report,
including Attachment 1 (Housing Element APR Tables), serves as the City of Dublin’s APR for
calendar year 2020.
Status of General Plan Activities
This section of the report focuses on General Plan Amendments (GPAs) approved from January 1
to December 31, 2020. Under Government Code Section 65358(b), no mandatory element of the
General Plan may be amended more than four times per year, although each amendment may
include more than one change to the General Plan. One GPA was approved in 2020 as follows:
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Tassajara Road Alignment Project.On April 21, 2020, the City Council adopted
Resolution No. 31-20, approving a General Plan Amendment and an Eastern Dublin Specific
Plan Amendment related to the Tassajara Road Alignment Project. The GPA amends
Chapter 5 Land Use and Circulation Element by reducing the number of travel lanes from
six lanes to four lanes. The project reduces the ultimate right-of-way width of Tassajara
Road between North Dublin Ranch Drive to the Alameda-Contra Costa County limit line and
revises the alignment of Tassajara Road from Palisades Drive to the Alameda-Contra Costa
County limit line to allow for future construction of Tassajara Road as a four-lane arterial.
The new alignment will improve traffic safety within both the City of Dublin and in Contra
Costa County when future construction is completed.
Progress Towards Meeting City’s RHNA
The State of California periodically provides population growth and housing need estimates to
each regional Council of Government. The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), which is
the regional Council of Government in the Bay Area, is then charged with distributing, based on
projected local job and household growth, the regional housing need to counties and cities within
the ABAG region. Each local jurisdiction’s need is further categorized by income category. The goal
of the RHNA process is to ensure that local General Plans can accommodate projected future
household growth for all income levels in each jurisdiction. Housing production across all income
levels is needed to address the State’s existing challenges regarding housing supply and
Table 1 identifies the City’s RHNA for the 2014-2022 period. The City’s Housing Element is
required to demonstrate an ability to accommodate the City’s RHNA at the various income levels
through vacant or underutilized land designated to allow residential development and housing
Table 1. Dublin’s Current RHNA by Income Category
Income Category % of Area Median Income
Extremely and Very Low
0 – 50% of AMI 796 (34.8%)
Low Income 51 – 80% of AMI 446 (19.5%)
Moderate Income 81 – 120% of AMI 425 (18.6%)
Above Moderate Income 120%+ of AMI 618 (27%)
TOTAL 2,285
Source: Regional Housing Need Plan-San Francisco Bay Area 2015-2023, ABAG.
Table 2 illustrates the number of building permits the City has issued for new housing during the
current RHNA cycle.
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Table 2. Building Permits Issued During Current RHNA Cycle
RHNA 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total
to Date
Very Low 796 26 0 0 0 0 0 ---26 770
Low 446 39 0 0 0 0 0 ---39 407
Moderate 425 4 2 8 17 8 27 ---66 359
618 839 612 1,187 770 233 473 ---4,114 0
Total 2,285 908 614 1,195 787 241 500 ---4,245 1,536
Total Housing Production
The City did not approve any notable Planning entitlements for residential development projects
in 2020. However, the City did issue building permits for 500 dwelling units in 2020. Most notably,
the City issued building permits for Ashton at Dublin Station, a 220-unit multi-family project
located at the Transit Center. The City also continued to issue building permits for the Boulevard
and Tassajara Hills projects.
Affordable Housing Production
Of the building permits issued for 500 new dwelling units in 2020, 27 units were affordable units
at the moderate-income category. The affordable units include 22 units at the Ashton
development, as well as five accessory dwelling units as part of the Tassajara Hills development.
Accessory Dwelling Unit Production
Although accessory dwelling units (ADUs) are often considered “affordable by design,” HCD only
allows ADUs to count towards the affordable categories if the affordability can be demonstrated
through either a deed restriction guaranteeing affordable rents, documentation of proposed rental
rates, or through a survey of rental rates of comparable units. In 2020, the City issued building
permits for five ADUs that are deed-restricted for moderate-income households.
The City Council took a number of actions to address barriers to development of ADUs and junior
ADUs (JADUs) and to facilitate their production in 2020. On November 3, 2020, the City Council
adopted a revised Fee Schedule that exempted ADUs less than 750 square feet from paying impact
fees and modified the impact fees for ADUs 750 square feet or larger to be proportional to the
primary dwelling unit consistent with recent changes in state law. Additionally, on November 17,
2020, the City Council adopted an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to comply with recent
changes in state law, including changes to the development standards for minimum unit size,
setbacks, and parking for ADUs and the addition of regulations for JADUs.
To further incentivize and streamline the construction of ADUs, the City is developing ADU
prototype plan models, with a range of sizes and architectural styles. Additionally, the City is
developing an ADU Manual to guide applicants through the process of constructing an ADU. Both
the prototype plans and the ADU Manual are expected to be completed in summer 2021.
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Conformance with SB 35
In 2017, Governor Brown signed SB 35 into law, which established a streamlined approval process
for new housing applications that meet certain criteria. Local jurisdictions are subject to SB 35
when the number of units that have been issued building permits is less than the locality’s share of
the regional housing needs, by income category, for that RHNA reporting period. Based on housing
production during the current RHNA period, HCD has determined that the City of Dublin is subject
to SB 35. Since the City is making sufficient progress in the above moderate-income category, but
not the lower income categories, developers in Dublin may opt in the streamlined approval
process under SB 35 if their project has a minimum of 50 percent affordable units.
Conformance with SB 166
The City’s 2015-2023 Housing Element is required to demonstrate an ability to accommodate the
RHNA at various income levels through vacant or underutilized land designated to allow
residential development. In 2017, Governor Brown signed into law SB 166, which requires cities
to continually ensure that their housing element land inventories can accommodate the unmet
housing need. Under SB 166, a city must demonstrate that there is sufficient land identified to
meet the unmet housing need at each income level prior to approving any project with fewer units
by income category than identified in the housing element land inventory. If there is not sufficient
land identified, then a city must identify additional sites within 180 days of approving a reduced-
density project. AB 879 requires that jurisdictions report any sites that have been rezoned in
order to comply with SB 166 as a component of their APR. As a result of approving the Saint
Patrick Way project, the City had a shortfall in sufficient land to meet the unmet housing need and
identified the Transit Center Site D-1 to accommodate for the shortfall in units, starting with the
Annual Progress Report for 2018. The sites identified in the City’s 2015-2023 Housing Element,
along with the Transit Center Site D-1, remain sufficient to accommodate the City’s remaining
RHNA. The City did not identify or rezone any additional land to accommodate unmet housing
need in 2020.
Progress in Implementing Housing Element Programs
The 2015-2023 Housing Element identifies 22 housing programs. Table D in Attachment 1 lists in
detail the various programs implementing the Housing Element goals and policies, with their
current status using the format required by OPR and HCD. A summary of notable
accomplishments in 2020 toward implementation of Housing Element programs is provided
Program 1: Housing Rehabilitation Assistance.Continue to support the Alameda County
Community Development Agency to implement the Minor and Major Improvement
Programs (including accessibility grants) with the goal of assisting 32 households over
eight years.
Status:Minor home rehabilitation grants and home improvement loan assistance are
available to low-income households through existing Alameda County programs. Alameda
County Healthy Homes Department Minor Home Rehabilitation Program provides grants of
up to $3,000 to low-income homeowners for minor plumbing, carpentry, and electrical
repairs and can be used for railings, grab bars, toilets, water heaters, doors, locks, and
more. Renew Alameda County (AC) is a home improvement loan assistance program for
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low-income homeowners throughout the County. Renew AC aims to help keep existing
homeowners in their homes and maintain existing housing stock in a safe, livable condition.
On November 7, 2020, the City Council approved the Dublin Home Rehabilitation Program
to provide supplemental assistance to homeowners that may have received a grant or loan
through the County’s programs and need additional funding assistance or were turned
down because they were not able to meet all of the County’s criteria.
Program 2: Housing Choice Voucher Rental Assistance.Continue to support the
assistance of 350 lower income households each year throughout the planning period.
Continue to refer interested households and homeowners to the Housing Authority of the
County of Alameda.
Status:The Alameda County Housing Authority provided 407 vouchers to households who
rented in Dublin. The City continues to refer interested households and homeowners to
the Alameda County Housing Authority for program information and application
procedures. In addition, the City provided information on developments within the City
that accept Housing Choice Vouchers in the Tri-Valley Area Affordable Rental Housing
Flyer listing Dublin rental communities. With the new requirements under AB 1482, the
City has posted notices at City Offices and updated contact information on its website for
tenants’ rental assistance resources.
In May 2020, the City selected CityServe to receive a COVID-19 Community Relief Response
Grant of $50,500 from East Bay Community Energy to administer an emergency rental
assistance program. A total of $42,925 was distributed to help 27 households in the
community with an average rental assistance payment of $1,600 paid directly to rental
property owners. Additionally, Alameda County offered an Emergency Rental Assistance
Program utilizing Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) CARES Act funds and
assisted eight Dublin households in 2020.
The City was recently allocated $154,761 in CDBG CARES Act funds for rental assistance,
which is being administered by the City and will be included in the report for 2021.
Program 6: Affordable Housing Developers.Negotiate specific incentives package for
each project, with increased incentives for projects that include units for extremely low-
income households and persons with disabilities. Provide application/technical assistance
as needed. Timing of applications or technical assistance will depend on application
deadlines for funding sources. Provide assistance for affordable housing developers within
the planning period to facilitate the construction of 100 affordable housing units within the
planning period, with the goal of achieving 20 affordable units for extremely low income
households and/or persons with special needs (including persons with
disabilities/development disabilities). Annually contact developers to discuss affordable
housing opportunities.
Status:On September 1, 2020, the City Council adopted a resolution authorizing the City to
become an additional member of the California Community Housing Agency (CalCHA);
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supporting CalCHA’s issuance of tax-exempt bonds for the production, preservation, and
protection of essential middle-income rental housing; and authorizing the City Manager to
enter into Purchase Option Agreements with CalCHA for essential middle-income rental
housing created within the City limits. The CalCHA Program provides affordable housing
targeted at moderate and middle-income households earning between 81-120 percent of
the area median income (AMI).
On December 1, 2020, the City Council authorized the City Manager to negotiate and
prepare a Purchase and Sale Agreement for the transfer of approximately one acre of
property in the East Dublin Transit Center, located at the southeast corner of Iron Horse
Parkway and Martinelli Drive, commonly known as Site D-1, from the Surplus Property
Authority of Alameda County to the City of Dublin, or its designee, for an affordable housing
development. Once the property has transfer, Staff will work with an affordable housing
developer to facilitate development of the site.
In addition, the City has had discussions with Trumark Homes about potential affordable
housing opportunities on the East Ranch project site, which is currently undergoing
entitlement review for a market-rate residential development with approximately 573
Program 8: Inclusionary Zoning.Facilitate the construction of 100 affordable housing
units either through direct construction of through the Inclusionary Housing In-Lieu Fund
within the planning period.
Status:In July 2020, the City issued a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the
creation of affordable rental housing in Dublin. Approximately $10 million in funding is
available to support predevelopment, acquisition, and construction of affordable rental
housing. These funds would be allocated from the City’s Affordable Housing Fund and
Alameda County A-1 Bond funds allocated for projects in Dublin. The funding is intended to
help fill the financing gap between a project’s total development cost and other available
financing sources. Eligible projects must be new construction rental development and
target extremely-low-, very-low-, and or low-income households earning up to a maximum
of 80-percent area median income. The City received two proposals: a 77-unit project that
is part of a larger multi-phase project proposed by BRIDGE Housing at 6501 Golden Gate
Drive, and a 121-unit project proposed by Eden Housing at 7922 Dublin Boulevard. The
City Council directed Staff to work with BRIDGE Housing to refine their proposal, while also
continuing discussions with Eden Housing.
Additionally, in August 2020, the City submitted a State of California’s Local Housing Trust
Fund (LHTF) Program grant, totaling $3,333,333, for a proposed affordable housing project
on the 1.3-acre site located at 6541 Regional Street that the City will acquire through an
approved Community Benefit Agreement associated with the adjacent St. Patrick Way
Residential Project.Prior to submitting the grant application, Staff worked with Eden
Housing on a preliminary proposal to develop between 70 and 114 units of affordable
housing with a projected total development cost of between $46 million and $74 million.
This proposal together with a reservation of units from the Downtown Dublin
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Development Pool and a request to authorize the City Manager to submit the grant
application were presented to the City Council on July 21, 2020. At that meeting, the City
Council also directed Staff to issue a Letter of Intent to Eden to provide matching funds that
are required by the grant. The matching funds include the 1.3-acre site, valued at
approximately $5 million, plus $5 million from the Alameda County A-1 Bond.
Program 12: Second Dwelling Units.Market this program through an informational
brochure. The brochure will be available on the City website and at the Civic Center,
library, senior center, and other public locations. Facilitate the construction of 30 second
dwelling units within the planning period.
Status:A summary of the City’s progress toward implementing this program is provided
above under Accessory Dwelling Unit Production.
Program 13: Homeless Assistance.Continue to fund emergency shelter programs in the
Tri-Valley area to house residents in need of emergency shelter. Annually evaluate the
homeless service needs as part of the Community Support Grants program, with the
objective of assisting an average of 30 persons each year. Continue to participate in
regional collaborations to address homelessness.
Status:The City continues to provide financial support to a number of local organizations
that provide services and assistance to homeless people through the Community Support
Grants program and other funding sources, including:
Tri-Valley Haven’s Homeless and Family Support Services program offers assistance
to Dublin residents through Sojourner House (a family homeless shelter) and their
Food Pantry.
Eden Information and Referral's 2-1-1 service provides information and referrals. It
also serves as the Alameda County first point of contact of Coordinated Entry
System screenings and referrals.
CityServe of the Tri-Valley offers assistance for crisis-intervention and
homelessness prevention.
In 2019, the City signed agreements with the cities of Livermore and Pleasanton and
Alameda County to pool Homeless Emergency Aid Program (HEAP) funds in order for
CityServe to enhance their homeless outreach and services throughout the region. For the
2019-2020 contract, the City of Dublin contributed $107,620.
Program 19: Monitoring of Development Fees.As changes are made to development
fees, the City will evaluate their impact on housing development and adjust or mitigate as
appropriate (such as continuing to offer fee deferral and amortization (Program 16).
Status:On November 3, 2020, the City Council adopted a revised Fee Schedule that
exempts ADUs less than 750 square feet from paying impact fees and modified the impact
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fees for ADUs 750 square feet or larger to be proportional to the primary dwelling unit.
Other impact fees continue to be evaluated, as needed.
Program 20: Equal Housing Opportunity.Provide referrals to appropriate agencies for
services. Distribute fair housing information to public locations. Post information on the
City’s website. Distribute information to real estate agents, rental property
owners/managers, and financial institutions in Dublin. Participate in Alameda County’s
Impediments to Fair Housing Study through the Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) program.
Status:The City continues to provide referrals to appropriate agencies for fair housing
services through direct communication with residents (in person at the counter, via email,
and over the phone) and information on the City website. The City’s website includes links
to Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity (ECHO), the State of California Consumer Affairs
Office booklet “California Tenants: Guide to Residential Tenants and Landlord's Rights and
Responsibilities,” and the “Tri-Valley Human Services Pocket Guide.” The City, through
Alameda County, contracts with ECHO to provide fair housing services to Dublin residents.
The City participated in the update of Alameda County's Impediments to Fair Housing
Study through the Urban County HOME Consortium, which was adopted in January 2020.
Program 21: Green Building Guidelines.Continue to implement the provisions of the
Green Building Ordinance. Continue to update brochures that describe program
requirements and make them available to any interested parties and continue to provide
Green Building resources on the City’s website.
Status:The City continues to implement the Green Building Ordinance and update
brochures as needed and make them available on the City's website. In 2020, the City also
established a handout and procedures to streamline the review of electric vehicle charging
stations for commercial and industrial development.
Program 22: Energy Conservation.Implement applicable Waste Management and
Building Code regulations, provide Green Building training to City Staff, and distribute
energy conservation information to the public.
Status:In September 2020, the City Council adopted the Climate Action Plan 2030 and
Beyond (CAP 2.0), establishing the next phase of climate action planning and
implementation. Strategies of CAP 2.0 include 100 percent renewable and carbon-free
electricity, building efficiency and electrification, sustainable mobility and land use,
materials and waste management, and municipal leadership measures. CAP 2.0 establishes
the City’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and strive for carbon
neutrality by 2045, resulting in cleaner air, more versatile and flexible transportation, new
opportunities for economic growth, reductions in localized flooding risks, and greater
energy independence from fossil fuels.
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The City continues to require covered projects (including construction, demolition, and
renovation projects with total costs of $100,000 or greater) to submit a Waste Management
Plan to meet the City’s Construction and Debris Ordinance, which was adopted in 2008 and
amended in 2014. The regulations require the diversion of at least 65 percent for remodels
and 75 percent for new construction of construction waste away from landfills.
The City also continues to implement the Green Building Guidelines for Civic Buildings to
promote energy efficiency. Most recently, in February 2020, the City opened the Dublin
Public Safety Complex, a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified
zero-net-energy construction project.
Additionally, the City continues to work with StopWaste, the Bay Area Regional Energy
Network (BayREN), and East Bay Energy Watch to provide energy conservation to the
public via workshops and direct outreach. In July 2020, the City hosted a webinar with
StopWaste and BayREN about residential heating and cooling systems and indoor air
quality and educated the community about free technical support and up to $6,000 in
rebates offered through the BayREN Home+ program. East Bay Community Energy (EBCE),
the City’s community choice energy provider, launched the Resilient Home program, which
provides pre-negotiated pricing for rooftop solar from SunRun, with or without battery
storage. Resilient Home offers an additional $1,250 incentive if homeowners enroll their
battery with EBCE, sharing power during peak times when there isn’t an outage.
Finally, the City continues to offer subsidized permit fees on the installation of solar roof
panels for a variety of projects throughout the City of Dublin.
The Annual Progress Report is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15306 (Information Collection) as it was
limited to basic data collection strictly for information gathering purposes, which does not result
in a serious major disturbance to an environmental resource.
Strategy 3: Create More Affordable Housing Opportunities.
Objective E: Update the City’s General Plan Housing Element in accordance with state law and to
ensure an adequate supply of sites to accommodate the City’s Regional Housing Needs Allocation
for the period 2023-31.
The Annual Progress Report is not subject to a public hearing; therefore, a public notice is not
required. Public outreach is also not required as the progress report does not change any of the
guiding policies or programs in the General Plan. A copy of this Staff Report has been posted to the
City’s website. Additionally, the Annual Progress Report will be posted on the City’s website once
accepted by the City Council, and the City Council Agenda was posted.
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1) Housing Element APR Tables
Jurisidiction Name
Reporting Calendar Year
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
v 12_28_20
Optional: Click here to import last year's data. This is best used
when the workbook is new and empty. You will be prompted to pick
an old workbook to import from. Project and program data will be
copied exactly how it was entered in last year's form and must be
100 Civic Plaza
Please Start Here
General Information
Contact Information
Principal Planner
Mailing Address
Annual Progress Report January 2020
Attachment 1
Jurisdiction Dublin ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Note: "+" indicates an optional field
Reporting Year 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation
Units by
Units by
Streamlining Notes
2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10
Prior APN+Current APN Street Address Project Name+Local Jurisdiction
Tracking ID+
Unit Category
(SFA,SFD,2 to
Very Low-
Income Deed
Very Low-
Income Non
Non Deed
Non Deed
Units by Project
Units by project
Units by Project
Pursuant to GC
(SB 35
Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below 0 0 0 0 5 0 4 9 9 0 0
941-0180-088-00 7304 Limerick Lane ADU Detached BLDG-2019-02083 ADU R 12/16/2019 1 1 1 No
941-2774-032-00 11502 Marwick Drive ADU Above Garage BLDG-2020-00233 ADU R 2/6/2020 1 1 1 No
941-0192-049-00 7659 Burnham Way ADU Attached BLDG-2020-00379 ADU R 3/4/2020 1 1 1 No
941-0170-084-00 7723 Ironwood Drive ADU Detached BLDG-2020-00590 ADU R 4/29/2020 1 1 1 No
941-0112-067-00 7240 Hansen Drive ADU Attached BLDG-2018-02052 ADU R 9/25/2018
1 1 1 No
941-0185-095-00 8552 Bandon Drive ADU Detached BLDG-2019-00614 ADU R 4/17/2019 1 1 1 No
985-127-002-00 2793 Lahontan Way The Bluffs at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00077 ADU R 1/13/2020 1 1 1 No
985-127-002-00 2788 Lahontan Way The Bluffs at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00117 ADU R 1/22/2020 1 1 1 No
985-127-002-00 2748 Lahontan Way The Bluffs at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00121 ADU R 1/22/2020 1 1 1 No
985-127-002-00 2753 Lahontan Way The Knolls at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00971 ADU R 7/16/2020 1 1 1 No
985-127-002-00 2906 Delamar Drive The Knolls at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-01311 ADU R 9/9/2020 1 1 1 No
985-127-002-00 8260 Tract - No Address Tassajara Hills – Lot 371 PLOC-2020-00051 SFD O 4/13/2020
1 1 1 No Application number is PLPA-
985-0051-006-00 0 Tassajara Road At Dublin PLPA-2017-00061 5+O 10/13/2017 9 22 40 495 566 566 No Both for rent and ownership.
Housing Development Applications Submitted
Table A
Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas
(CCR Title 25 §6202)
Project Identifier Unit Types Proposed Units - Affordability by Household Incomes
Reporting Year 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas
Table A2
Annual Building Activity Report Summary - New Construction, Entitled, Permits and Completed Units
Streamlining Infill
Housing without Financial
Assistance or Deed
Term of Affordability
or Deed Restriction Notes
2 3 5 6 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Prior APN+Current APN Street Address Project Name+Local Jurisdiction
Tracking ID+
Unit Category
(SFA,SFD,2 to 4,5+,ADU,MH)
Very Low-
Income Deed
Very Low-
Income Non
Deed Restricted
Low- Income
Low- Income
Non Deed
Income Deed
Income Non Deed Restricted
Date Approved # of Units issued
Very Low-
Income Deed
Very Low-
Income Non Deed
Low- Income
Low- Income
Non Deed
Income Deed Restricted
Income Non Deed Restricted
Building Permits
Date Issued
# of Units Issued
Building Permits
Very Low-
Income Deed
Very Low-
Income Non
Low- Income
Low- Income
Non Deed
Income Deed
Income Non Deed Restricted
Certificates of
Occupancy or other
forms of readiness
(see instructions) Date
# of Units
Certificates of
Occupancy or
other forms of readiness
How many of
the units were
Extremely Low
Was Project
GC 65913.4(b)? (SB 35
Infill Units?
Assistance Programs
for Each Development
(see instructions)
Deed Restriction
Type(see instructions)
For units affordable without
financial assistance or deed restrictions, explain how the
locality determined the units were affordable
(see instructions)
Term of Affordability or
Deed Restriction (years) (if affordable in perpetuity
enter 1000)+
Number of
royed Units+
Demolished or
Destroyed Units+
stroyed Units Owner or
Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below 0 0 0 0 5 0 4 9 0 0 0 0 27 0 473 500 0 0 0 0 8 0 332 340 0 0 0 0 0
986-0061-001-00 5520 Stout Street Boulevard - Skyline BLDG-2018-02494 5+O 0 8 7/15/2020 8 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5521 Stout Street Boulevard - Skyline BLDG-2018-02497 5+O 0 10 3/12/2020 10 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5731 Greige Circle Boulevard - Downing BLDG-2019-00193 5+O 0 8 2/13/2020 8 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5711 Greige Circle Boulevard - Downing BLDG-2019-00194 5+O 0 8 8/10/2020 8 0 N 0
986-0058-101-00 986-0058-101-00 5451 Gracen Way Boulevard - Fillmore BLDG-2020-00416 2 to 4 O 0 4 8/4/2020 4 0 N 0
986-0058-102 986-0058-102 5431 Gracen Way Boulevard - Fillmore BLDG-2020-00417 2 to 4 O 0 4 8/4/2020 4 0 N 0
986-0058-110 986-0058-110 5956 Cannon Road Boulevard - Fillmore BLDG-2020-00418 5+O 0 6 8/24/2020 6 0 N 0
986-0060-030-00 5728 Kemper Place Boulevard - Hyde Park BLDG-2020-00749 5+O 0 6 8/24/2020 6 0 N 0
986-0060-030-00 5730 Kemper Place Boulevard - Hyde Park BLDG-2020-00750 5+O 0 6 8/24/2020 6 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5700 Greige Circle Boulevard - Downing BLDG-2020-00821 5+O 0 8 11/16/2020 8 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5720 Greige Circle Boulevard - Downing BLDG-2020-00822 5+O 0 8 11/16/2020 8 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5750 Greige Circle Boulevard - Downing BLDG-2020-00823 5+O 0 8 11/16/2020 8 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5500 Stout Street Boulevard - Skyline BLDG-2020-00833 5+O 0 8 10/28/2020 8 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5575 Dublin Boulevard Boulevard - Skyline BLDG-2020-00834 5+O 0 8 11/16/2020 8 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5555 Dublin
Boulevard Boulevard - Skyline BLDG-2020-00835 5+O 0 8 11/16/2020 8 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5525 Dublin Boulevard Boulevard - Skyline BLDG-2020-00836 5+O 0 8 11/6/2020 8 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5501 Dublin
Boulevard Boulevard - Skyline BLDG-2020-00837 5+O 0 8 11/16/2020 8 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5501 Stout Street Boulevard - Skyline BLDG-2020-01748 5+O 0 10 11/16/2020 10 0 N 0
986-0034-009-00 986-0034-009-00 5421 Campbell Lane Ashton at Dublin Station BLDG-2018-01390 5+R 0 22 198 5/13/2020 220 0 N INC 55 0
986-0061-001-00 5867 Cadence Avenue Boulevard - Wilshire BLDG-2017-00541 5+O 0 12/13/2017 0 7 2/6/2020 7 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5870 Cadence
Avenue Boulevard - Wilshire BLDG-2017-00545 5+O 0 12/13/2017 0 8 7/14/2020 8 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5802 Cadence Avenue Boulevard - Wilshire BLDG-2017-02352 5+O 0 12/13/2017 0 7 12/8/2020 7 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5892 Cadence
Avenue Boulevard - Wilshire BLDG-2017-02366 5+O 0 12/13/2017 0 8 11/10/2020 8 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5891 Cadence Avenue Boulevard - Wilshire BLDG-2017-02368 5+O 0 12/13/2017 0 7 7/16/2020 7 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5540 Stout Street Boulevard - Skyline BLDG-2018-01689 5+O 0 10/25/2018 0 8 4/4/2020 8 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5830 Midnight Place Boulevard - Downing BLDG-2018-01787 5+O 0 10/12/2018 0 8 2/27/2020 8 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5860 Midnight Place Boulevard - Downing BLDG-2018-01788 5+O 0 10/12/2018 0 8 3/24/2020 8 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5851 Midnight Place Boulevard - Downing BLDG-2018-01789 5+O 0 10/12/2018 0 8 2/4/2020 8 N 0
985-0117-122-00 985-0117-122-00 3903 Summit Road Grafton Plaza BLDG-2018-02058 5+O 0 10/19/2018 0 8 3/6/2020 8 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5902 Easton Road Boulevard - Fillmore BLDG-2018-02091 5+O 0 10/12/2018 0 8 9/11/2020 8 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5403 Horizon
Parkway Boulevard - Fillmore BLDG-2018-02092 5+O 0 10/12/2018 0 8 4/30/2020 8 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5402 Gracen Way Boulevard - Fillmore BLDG-2018-02195 5+O 0 11/1/2018 0 8 12/9/2020 8 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5583 Barrel Avenue Boulevard - Skyline BLDG-2018-02224 2 to 4 O 0 11/6/2018 0 4 4/16/2020 4 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5573 Barrel Avenue Boulevard - Skyline BLDG-2018-0229 2 to 4 O 0 11/6/2018 0 4 5/22/2020 4 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5563 Barrel Court Boulevard - Skyline BLDG-2018-02230 2 to 4 O 0 11/9/2018 0 4 6/3/2020 4 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5553 Barrel Court Boulevard - Skyline BLDG-2018-02231 2 to 4 O 0 11/9/2018 0 4 6/25/2020 4 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5510 Barrel Court Boulevard - Skyline BLDG-2018-02233 5+O 0 11/9/2018 0 8 11/9/2020 8 N 0
986-0060-030-00 5710 Iron Horse Parkway Boulevard - Hyde Park BLDG-2018-02522 5+O 0 12/17/2018 0 6 2/28/2020 6 N 0
986-0060-030-00 5750 Iron Horse
Parkway Boulevard - Hyde Park BLDG-2019-00040 5+O 0 1/25/2019 0 6 11/10/2020 6 N 0
986-0060-030-00 5650 Lexington Avenue Boulevard - Hyde Park BLDG-2019-00041 5+O 0 1/25/2019 0 6 12/22/2020 6 N 0
986-0060-030-00 5610 Central
Parkway Boulevard - Hyde Park BLDG-2019-00044 5+O 0 1/25/2019 0 6 12/18/2020 6 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5421 Gracen Way Boulevard - Fillmore BLDG-2019-00096 2 to 4 O 0 2/6/2019 0 4 11/5/2020 4 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5416 Melissa Lane Boulevard - Broadway BLDG-2019-00825 5+O 0 6/25/2019 0 10 7/23/2020 10 N 0
985-127-002-00 2769 Lahontan Way The Bluffs at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00074 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 2777 Lahonton Way The Bluffs at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00075 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 2765 Lahonton Way The Bluffs at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00076 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 1 10/13/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2793 Lahonton Way The Bluffs at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00077 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 1 10/16/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2799 Lahonton Way The Bluffs at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00078 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 1 10/7/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 7226 Lembert Hills
The Knolls at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00098 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 1 9/24/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 7218 Lembert Hills Drive The Knolls at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00100 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 1 10/26/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 7210 Lembert Hills
The Knolls at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00101 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 7206 Lembert Hills Drive The Knolls at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00103 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 7202 Lembert Hills
The Knolls at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00104 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 7195 Lembert Hills Drive The Knolls at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00105 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 7203 Lembert Hills
The Knolls at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00106 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 7207 Lembert Hills Drive The Knolls at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00107 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 7213 Lembert Hills
The Knolls at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00108 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 1 10/27/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 7219 Lembert Hills Drive The Knolls at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00111 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 1 9/22/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 7227 Lembert Hills
The Knolls at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00112 SFD O 0 1 1/31/2020 1 1 10/5/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2798 Lahontan Way The Bluffs at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00114 SFD O 0 1 2/13/2020 1 1 10/26/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2790 Lahontan Way The Bluffs at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00115 SFD O 0 1 2/13/2020 1 1 11/17/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2788 Lahontan Way The Bluffs at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00117 SFD O 0 1 2/13/2020 1 1 11/9/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2770 Lahontan Way The Bluffs at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00118 SFD O 0 1 2/13/2020 1 1 11/12/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2762 Lahontan Way The Bluffs at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00119 SFD O 0 1 2/13/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 2752 Lahontan Way The Bluffs at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00120 SFD O 0 1 2/13/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 2748 Lahontan Way The Bluffs at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00121 SFD O 0 1 2/13/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 2736 Lahontan Way The Bluffs at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00122 SFD O 0 1 2/13/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 2722 Lahontan Way The Bluffs at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00123 SFD O 0 1 2/13/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 2635 Mount Dana
The Glen at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00125 SFD O 0 1 2/13/2020 1 1 9/14/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2639 Mount Dana Court The Glen at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00126 SFD O 0 1 2/13/2020 1 1 9/14/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2665 Mount Dana
The Glen at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00127 SFD O 0 1 2/13/2020 1 1 10/21/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2669 Mount Dana Drive The Glen at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00128 SFD O 0 1 2/13/2020 1 1 10/20/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2673 Mount Dana
The Glen at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00129 SFD O 0 1 2/13/2020 1 1 10/9/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2677 Mount Dana Drive The Glen at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00130 SFD O 0 1 2/13/2020 1 1 10/9/2020 1 N 0
985-0123-025-00 985-0123-025-00 7380 Rosamond
Hills Court
The Glen at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00182 SFD O 0 1 7/7/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 7386 Rosamond Hills Court The Glen at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00183 SFD O 0 1 7/7/2020 1 0 N 0
985-0123-027-00 985-0123-027-00 7392 Rosamond
Hills Court
The Glen at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00184 SFD O 0 1 7/7/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 7398 Rosamond Hills Court The Glen at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00185 SFD O 0 1 7/7/2020 1 0 N 0
985-0123-022-00 985-0123-022-00 7360 Rosamond
Hills Court
The Glen at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00186 SFD O 0 1 7/7/2020 1 0 N 0
985-0123-023-00 985-0123-023-00 7368 Rosamond Hills Court The Glen at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00187 SFD O 0 1 7/7/2020 1 0 N 0
985-0123-024-00 985-0123-024-00 7372 Rosamond
Hills Court
The Glen at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00188 SFD O 0 1 7/7/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5833 Huntley Avenue Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2020-00190 SFD O 0 1 2/10/2020 1 1 12/14/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5829 Huntley Avenue Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2020-00191 SFD O 0 1 2/10/2020 1 1 12/15/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5823 Huntley Avenue Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2020-00192 SFD O 0 1 2/10/2020 1 1 12/15/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5819 Huntley Avenue Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2020-00193 SFD O 0 1 2/10/2020 1 1 12/15/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5821 Corbin Street Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2020-00194 SFD O 0 1 2/10/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5817 Corbin Street Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2020-00195 SFD O 0 1 2/10/2020 1 1 12/21/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5809 Corbin Street Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2020-00196 SFD O 0 1 2/10/2020 1 1 12/21/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5803 Corbin Street Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2020-00197 SFD O 0 1 2/10/2020 1 1 12/21/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5937 Abbott Street Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00314 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5638 Beale Place Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00315 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5632 Beale Place Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00316 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5628 Beale Place Boulevard - Mulholland LDG-2020-00317 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5625 Beale Place Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00318 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5629 Beale Place Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00319 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5637 Beale Place Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00320 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5643 Beale Place Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00321 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5938 Abbott Street Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00386 SFD O 0 1 3/19/2020 1 1 11/18/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5668 Bele Avenue Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00387 SFD O 0 1 3/19/2020 1 1 11/18/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5672 Beale Avenue Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00388 SFD O 0 1 3/19/2020 1 1 11/18/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5678 Beale Avenue Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00389 SFD O 0 1 3/19/2020 1 1 11/20/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5686 Beale Avenue Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00390 SFD O 0 1 3/19/2020 1 1 11/20/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5692 Beale Avenue Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00391 SFD O 0 1 3/19/2020 1 1 11/20/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5997 Lombard Street Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00393 SFD O 0 1 3/19/2020 1 1 11/20/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2920 Delmar Drive The Bluffs at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00431 SFD O 0 1 4/10/2020 1 1 12/15/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5649 Beale Avenue Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00489 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2020 1 0 N 0
(CCR Title 25 §6202)
Note: "+" indicates an optional field
Housing with Financial Assistance
and/or Deed Restrictions Demolished/Destroyed UnitsProject Identifier
Unit Types Affordability by Household Incomes - Completed Entitlement Affordability by Household Incomes - Building Permits Affordability by Household Incomes - Certificates of Occupancy
4 7 10
Reporting Year 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas
(CCR Title 25 §6202)
Note: "+" indicates an optional field
986-0061-001-00 5655 Beale Avenue Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00490 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5661 Beale Avenue Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00491 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5667 Beale Avenue Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00492 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5673 Beale Avenue Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00493 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5679 Beale Avenue Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00494 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5687 Beale Avenue Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00495 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5695 Beale Avenue Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00496 SFD O 0 1 8/19/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5832 Huntley Avenue Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2020-00508 SFD O 0 1 6/26/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5838 Huntley Avenue Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2020-00509 SFD O 0 1 6/26/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5883 El Dorado Lane Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2020-00510 SFD O 0 1 6/26/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5877 El Dorado Lane Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2020-00511 SFD O 0 1 6/26/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5871 El Dorado Lane Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2020-00512 SFD O 0 1 6/26/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5865 El Dorado Lane Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2020-00513 SFD O 0 1 6/26/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5822 Huntley Avenue Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2020-00514 SFD O 0 1 6/26/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5828 Huntley Avenue Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2020-00515 SFD O 0 1 6/26/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5889 Abbott Street Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-202-00615 SFD O 0 1 6/11/2020 1 1 12/18/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5617 Mulholland Place Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00616 SFD O 0 1 6/11/2020 1 1 12/11/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5609 Mulholland
Place Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00617 SFD O 0 1 6/11/2020 1 1 12/18/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5601 Mulholland Place Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00619 SFD O 0 1 6/11/2020 1 1 12/15/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5859 Columbus
Street Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2020-00623 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5853 Columbus Street Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2020-00624 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5837 Columbus
Street Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2020-00625 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5833 Columbus Street Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2020-00626 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5825 Columbus
Street Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2020-00627 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5819 Columbus Street Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2020-00628 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5813 Columbus
Street Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2020-00629 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5807 Columbus Street Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2020-00630 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5801 Columbus
Street Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2020-00631 SFD O 0 1 8/4/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5855 Lombard Street Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00627 SFD O 0 1 6/11/2020 1 1 12/18/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5685 Mulholland
Avenue Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00679 SFD O 0 1 6/11/2020 1 1 12/21/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5677 Mulholland Avenue Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00680 SFD O 0 1 6/11/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5899 Greenburg
Road Boulevard - Newbury BLDG-2020-00712 SFD O 0 1 8/10/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5671 Mulholland Avenue Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00739 SFD O 0 1 7/9/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 2737 Lahontan Way The Knolls at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00969 SFD O 0 1 9/4/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 2745 Lahontan Way The Knolls at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00970 SFD O 0 1 9/4/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 2753 Lahontan Way The Knolls at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00971 SFD O 0 1 9/4/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 2759 Lahontan Way The Knolls at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00972 SFD O 0 1 9/4/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 2763 Lahontan Way The Knolls at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00973 SFD O 0 1 9/4/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 2881 Delamar Drive The Bluffs at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00978 SFD O 0 1 9/4/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 2889 Delamar Drive The Bluffs at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00979 SFD O 0 1 9/4/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 2897 Delamar Drive The Bluffs at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00980 SFD O 0 1 9/4/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 2905 Delamar Drive The Bluffs at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00981 SFD O 0 1 9/4/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 2913 Delamar Drive The Bluffs at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-0092 SFD O 0 1 9/4/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 2921 Delamar Drive The Bluffs at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00983 SFD O 0 1 9/4/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5648 Fallbrook Court Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00997 SFD O 0 1 10/22/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5636 Fallbrook Court Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-00999 SFD O 0 1 10/22/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5630 Fallbrook Court Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-01000 SFD O 0 1 10/22/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5626 Fallbrook Court Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-01002 SFD O 0 1 10/22/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5635 Fallbrook Court Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-01004 SFD O 0 1 10/22/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5639 Fallbrook Court Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-01005 SFD O 0 1 10/22/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5645 Fallbrook Court Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-01006 SFD O 0 1 10/22/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5653 Fallbrook Court Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-01008 SFD O 0 1 10/22/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 7399 Colton Hills Drive The Bluffs at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-01042 SFD O 0 1 9/4/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 2912 Delamar Drive The Knolls at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-01310 SFD O 0 1 10/1/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 2906 Delamar Drive The Knolls at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-01311 SFD O 0 1 10/1/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 2892 Delamar Drive The Knolls at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-01312 SFD O 0 1 10/1/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 2888 Delamar Drive The Knolls at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-01313 SFD O 0 1 10/1/2020 1 0 N 0
985-127-002-00 2880 Delamar Drive The Knolls at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-01315 SFD O 0 1 10/1/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5696 Fallbrook Court Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-01400 SFD O 0 1 10/15/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5680 Fallbrook Court Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-01401 SFD O 0 1 10/15/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5662 Fallbrook Court Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-01402 SFD O 0 1 10/15/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5658 Fallbrook Court Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-01403 SFD O 0 1 10/15/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5652 Fallbrook Court Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-01404 SFD O 0 1 10/15/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5661 Fallbrook Court Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-01405 SFD O 0 1 10/15/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5673 Fallbrook Court Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-01406 SFD O 0 1 10/15/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5612 Fallbrook Court Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-01408 SFD O 0 1 11/4/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5606 Fallbrook Court Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-01411 SFD O 0 1 11/4/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5600 Fallbrook Court Boulevard - Mulholland BLG-2020-0112 SFD O 0 1 11/4/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5605 Fallbrook Court Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-01414 SFD O 0 1 11/4/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5609 Fallbrook Court Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-01415 SFD O 0 1 11/4/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5613 Fallbrook Court Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-01416 SFD O 0 1 11/4/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5615 Fallbrook Court Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-01418 SFD O 0 1 11/4/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5621 Falbrook Court Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-01419 SFD O 0 1 11/4/2020 1 0 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5623 Fallbrook Court Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2020-01420 SFD O 0 1 11/4/2020 1 0 N 0
941-0180-088-00 941-0180-088-00 7304 Limerick Lane ADU Detached BLDG-2019-02083 ADU R 1 9/21/2020 1 1 9/21/2020 1 0 N 0
941-2774-032-00 941-2774-032-00 11502 Marwick Drive ADU Above Garage BLDG-2020-00233 ADU R 1 11/30/2020 1 1 11/30/2020 1 0 N 0
941-0192-049-00 941-0192-049-00 7659 Burnham Way ADU Attached BLDG-2020-00379 ADU R 1 7/9/2020 1 1 7/9/2020 1 1 11/23/2020 1 N 0
941-0170-084-00 941-0170-084-00 7723 Ironwood Drive ADU Detached BLDG-2020-00590 ADU R 1 11/13/2020 1 1 11/13/2020 1 0 N 0
941-0112-067-00 941-0112-067-00 7240 Hansen Drive ADU Attached BLDG-2018-02052 ADU R 0 12/14/2018 0 1 6/17/2020 1 N 0
941-0185-095-00 941-0185-095-00 8552 Bandon Drive ADU Detached BLDG-2019-00614 ADU R 0 12/18/2019 0 1 8/18/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2793 Lahontan Way The Bluffs at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00077 ADU R 1 1/31/2020 1 1 1/31/2020 1 1 10/16/2020 1 N INC 55 0
985-127-002-00 2788 Lahontan Way The Bluffs at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00117 ADU R 1 2/13/2020 1 1 2/13/2020 1 1 11/9/2020 1 N INC 55 0
985-127-002-00 2748 Lahontan Way The Bluffs at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-00121 ADU R 1 2/13/2020 1 1 2/13/2020 1 0 N INC 55 0
985-127-002-00 2753 Lahontan Way The Knolls at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2020-00971 ADU R 1 9/4/2020 1 1 9/4/2020 1 0 N INC 55 0
985-127-002-00 2906 Delamar Drive The Knolls at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2020-01311 ADU R 1 10/1/2020 1 1 10/1/2020 1 0 N INC 55 0
986-0061-001-00 5716 Sterling Street Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2017-02211 SFD O 0 0 1 3/16/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5815 El Dorado Lane Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2017-02214 SFD O 0 0 1 11/13/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5788 Huntley Avenue Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2017-02215 SFD O 0 0 1 11/17/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5782 Huntley Avenue Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2017-02216 SFD O 0 0 1 11/3/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5776 Huntley Avenue Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2017-02218 SFD O 0 0 1 10/28/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5762 Huntley Avenue Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2017-02221 SFD O 0 0 1 10/28/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5819 El Dorado Lane Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2017-02228 SFD O 0 0 1 11/10/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5966 Hadley Road Boulevard - Sunset BLDG-2017-02553 SFD O 0 0 1 5/11/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5468 Gracen Way Boulevard - Sunset BLDG-2017-02554 SFD O 0 0 1 5/11/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5967 Sterling Street Boulevard - Newbury BLDG-2018-01967 SFD O 0 0 1 2/12/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5975 Sterling Street Boulevard - Newbury BLDG-2018-01968 SFD O 0 0 1 2/12/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5983 Sterling Street Boulevard - Newbury BLDG-2018-01969 SFD O 0 0 1 2/12/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5991 Sterling Street Boulevard - Newbury BLDG-2018-01970 SFD O 0 0 1 2/28/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5999 Sterling Street Boulevard - Newbury BLDG-2018-01971 SFD O 0 0 1 2/28/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5709 Beale Avenue Boulevard - Newbury BLDG-2018-01972 SFD O 0 0 1 3/30/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5703 Beale Avenue Boulevard - Newbury BLDG-2018-01973 SFD O 0 0 1 3/30/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5996 Lombard Street Boulevard - Newbury BLDG-2018-01974 SFD O 0 0 1 3/12/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5990 Lombard Street Boulevard - Newbury BLDG-2018-01975 SFD O 0 0 1 3/10/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5984 Lombard Street Boulevard - Newbury BLDG-2018-01976 SFD O 0 0 1 3/6/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5978 Lombard Street Boulevard - Newbury BLDG-2018-01977 SFD O 0 0 1 3/6/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5952 Rosewood
Road Boulevard - Lincoln BLDG-2018-02000 SFD O 0 0 1 3/6/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5970 Rosewood Road Boulevard - Lincoln BLDG-2018-02001 SFD O 0 0 1 2/25/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5986 Rosewood
Road Boulevard - Lincoln BLDG-2018-02002 SFD O 0 0 1 3/2/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5778 Juniper Way Boulevard - Lincoln BLDG-2018-02003 SFD O 0 0 1 4/10/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5786 Juniper Way Boulevard - Lincoln BLDG-2018-02004 SFD O 0 0 1 3/3/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5891 Beechwood Loop Boulevard - Lincoln BLDG-2018-02005 SFD O 0 0 1 2/21/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5885 Beechwood
Loop Boulevard - Lincoln BLDG-2018-02006 SFD O 0 0 1 2/21/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5882 Beechwood Loop Boulevard - Lincoln BLDG-2018-02007 SFD O 0 0 1 2/11/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5892 Beechwood
Loop Boulevard - Lincoln BLDG-2018-02008 SFD O 0 0 1 2/11/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5880 Greenburg Road Boulevard - Newbury BLDG-2018-02138 SFD O 0 0 1 6/16/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5886 Greenburg
Road Boulevard - Newbury BLDG-2018-02141 SFD O 0 0 1 6/9/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5892 Greenburg Road Boulevard - Newbury BLDG-2018-02143 SFD O 0 0 1 6/9/2020 1 N 0
Reporting Year 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas
(CCR Title 25 §6202)
Note: "+" indicates an optional field
986-0061-001-00 5898 Greemburg Road Boulevard - Newbury BLDG-2018-02145 SFD O 0 0 1 6/9/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5759 Juniper Way Boulevard - Lincoln BLDG-2018-02331 SFD O 0 0 1 7/2/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5763 Juniper Way Boulevard - Lincoln BLDG-2018-02332 SFD O 0 0 1 7/2/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5767 Juniper Way Boulevard - Lincoln BLDG-2018-02333 SFD O 0 0 1 7/2/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5755 Juniper Way Boulevard - Lincoln BLDG-2018-02334 SFD O 0 0 1 7/8/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5751 Juniper Way Boulevard - Lincoln BLDG-2018-02335 SFD O 0 0 1 7/8/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5750 Juniper Way Boulevard - Lincoln BLDG-2018-02336 SFD O 0 0 1 5/28/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5758 Juniper Way Boulevard - Lincoln BLDG-2018-02337 SFD O 0 0 1 5/20/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5766 Juniper Way Boulevard - Lincoln BLDG-2018-02338 SFD O 0 0 1 4/10/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5772 Juniper Way Boulevard - Lincoln BLDG-2018-02339 SFD O 0 0 1 4/10/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5907 Abbott Street Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2018-02612 SFD O 0 0 1 1/21/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5933 Abbott Street Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2018-02614 SFD O 0 0 1 2/20/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5929 Abbott Street Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2018-02616 SFD O 0 0 1 1/10/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5925 Abbott Street Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2018-02617 SFD O 0 0 1 4/10/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5831 Corbin Street Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2019-00131 SFD O 0 0 1 4/14/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5827 Corbin Street Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2019-00132 SFD O 0 0 1 8/4/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5880 Nugget Way Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2019-00133 SFD O 0 0 1 3/16/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5886 Nugget Way Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2019-00134 SFD O 0 0 1 3/16/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5989 Lombard Street Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2019-00199 SFD O 0 0 1 7/21/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5985 Lombard Street Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2019-00200 SFD O 0 0 1 6/2/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5981 Lombard Street Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2019-00201 SFD O 0 0 1 3/24/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5977 Lombard Street Boulevard - Mulholland BDG-2019-00202 SFD O 0 0 1 6/18/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5973 Lombard Street Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2019-00203 SFD O 0 0 1 5/7/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5969 Lombard Street Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2019-00204 SFD O 0 0 1 5/11/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5965 Lombard Street Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2019-00205 SFD O 0 0 1 6/4/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5961 Lombard Street Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2019-00206 SFD O 0 0 1 3/6/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 7291 Lembert Hills Drive The Knolls at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2019-00304 SFD O 0 0 1 4/16/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5839 Corbin Sreet Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2019-00412 SFD O 0 0 1 5/22/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5835 Corbin Street Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2019-00414 SFD O 0 0 1 4/14/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5892 Nugget Way Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2019-00415 SFD O 0 0 1 5/20/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5898 Nugget Way Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2019-00416 SFD O 0 0 1 4/22/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5885 Columbus
Street Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2019-00417 SFD O 0 0 1 5/21/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5879 Columbus Street Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2019-00418 SFD O 0 0 1 4/22/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5873 Columbus
Street Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2019-00419 SFD O 0 0 1 4/28/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5867 Columbus Street Boulevard - Huntington BLDG-2019-00420 SFD O 0 0 1 5/19/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5869 Nugget Way Boulevard - Lincoln BLDG-2019-00446 SFD O 0 0 1 6/24/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5855 Nugget Way Boulevard - Lincoln BLDG-2019-00447 SFD O 0 0 1 6/24/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5837 Nugget Way Boulevard - Lincoln BLDG-2019-00449 SFD O 0 0 1 8/17/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5920 Abbott Street Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2019-00568 SFD O 0 0 1 3/10/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5928 Abbott Street Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2019-00569 SFD O 0 0 1 7/7/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5908 Abbott Street Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2019-00573 SFD O 0 0 1 5/5/2020 1 N 0
986-0061-001-00 5916 Abbott Street Boulevard - Mulholland BLDG-2019-00574 SFD O 0 0 1 1/10/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2986 Delamar Drive The Bluffs at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2019-00643 SFD O 0 0 1 9/11/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2978 Delamar Drive The Bluffs at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2019-00644 SFD O 0 0 1 3/6/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 7267 Lembert Hills Drive The Knolls at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2019-00792 SFD O 0 0 1 9/14/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 7275 Lembert Hills
The Knolls at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2019-00793 SFD O 0 0 1 1/31/2020 1 N 0
985-0116-073-00 985-0116-073-00 4211 Panorama Drive Onyx at Jordan Ranch BLDG-2019-00797 SFD O 0 0 1 12/7/2020 1 N 0
985-016-077-00 985-016-077-00 2080 Confidence
Way Onyx at Jordan Ranch BLDG-2019-00798 SFD O 0 0 1 11/24/2020 1 N 0
985-0116-078-00 985-0116-078-00 2076 Confidence Way Onyx at Jordan Ranch BLDG-2019-00800 SFD O 0 0 1 11/24/2020 1 N 0
985-0116-079-00 985-0116-079-00 2020 Confidence
Way Onyx at Jordan Ranch BLDG-2019-00801 SFD O 0 0 1 11/25/2020 1 N 0
985-0116-079-00 2068 Confidence Way Onyx at Jordan Ranch BLDG-2019-00802 SFD O 0 0 1 12/2/2020 1 N 0
985-0116-079-00 2062 Confidence
Way Onyx at Jordan Ranch BLDG-2019-00804 SFD O 0 0 1 6/25/2020 1 N 0
985-0116-082-00 985-0116-082-00 2058 Confidence Way Onyx at Jordan Ranch BLDG-2019-00805 SFD O 0 0 1 6/25/2020 1 N 0
985-0116-083-00 985-0116-083-00 2052 Confidence
Way Onyx at Jordan Ranch BLDG-2019-00806 SFD O 0 0 1 6/25/2020 1 N 0
985-0116-079-00 2050 Confidence Way Onyx at Jordan Ranch BLDG-2019-00807 SFD O 0 0 1 6/25/2020 1 N 0
985-0116-085-00 985-0116-085-00 2046 Confidence
Way Onyx at Jordan Ranch BLDG-2019-00808 SFD O 0 0 1 4/15/2020 1 N 0
985-0116-086-00 985-0116-086-00 2040Confidence Way Onyx at Jordan Ranch BLDG-2019-00809 SFD O 0 0 1 4/15/2020 1 N 0
985-0116-087-00 985-0116-087-00 2036 Confidence
Way Onyx at Jordan Ranch BLDG-2019-00810 SFD O 0 0 1 4/21/2020 1 N 0
985-0116-088-00 985-0116-088-00 2032 Confidence Way Onyx at Jordan Ranch BLDG-2019-00811 SFD O 0 0 1 4/15/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2779 Cathedral Rock
The Glen at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2019-00999 SFD O 0 0 1 6/16/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2787 Cathedrl Rock Way The Glen at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2019-01000 SFD O 0 0 1 2/10/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2795 Cathedral
Roack Way
The Glen at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2019-01001 SFD O 0 0 1 1/31/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2782 Cathedral Rock Way The Glen at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2019-01002 SFD O 0 0 1 3/9/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2751 Cathedral Rock
The Glen at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2019-01384 SFD O 0 0 1 4/16/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2755 Cathedral Rock Way The Glen at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2019-01385 SFD O 0 0 1 4/3/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2761 Cathedral Rock
The Glen at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2019-01386 SFD O 0 0 1 4/14/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2767 Cathedral Rock Way The Glen at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2019-01387 SFD O 0 0 1 4/2/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2771 Cathedral Rock
The Glen at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2019-01388 SFD O 0 0 1 7/28/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2638 Mount Dana Court The Glen at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2019-01451 SFD O 0 0 1 5/1/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2636 Mount Dana
The Glen at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2019-01452 SFD O 0 0 1 5/1/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2630 Mount Dana Court The Glen at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2019-01455 SFD O 0 0 1 5/6/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2620 Mount Dana
The Glen at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2019-01456 SFD O 0 0 1 8/4/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2626 Mount Dana Court The Glen at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2019-01457 SFD O 0 0 1 5/15/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2616 Mount Dana
The Glen at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2019-01458 SFD O 0 0 1 7/21/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2615 Mount Dana Court The Glen at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2019-01459 SFD O 0 0 1 7/15/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2619 Mount Dana
The Glen at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2019-01460 SFD O 0 0 1 7/15/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2623 Mount Dana Court The Glen at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2019-01462 SFD O 0 0 1 5/26/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2627 Mount Dana
The Glen at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2019-01463 SFD O 0 0 1 8/17/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2631 Mount Dana Court The Glen at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2019-01464 SFD O 0 0 1 8/17/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 7283 Lembert Hills
The Knolls at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2019-01486 SFD O 0 0 1 4/27/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2953 Delamar Drive The Bluffs at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2019-01576 SFD O 0 0 1 10/13/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2961 Delamar Drive The Bluffs at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2019-01578 SFD O 0 0 1 10/2/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2969 Delamar Drive The Bluffs at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2019-01581 SFD O 0 0 1 8/21/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2977 Delamar Drive The Bluffs at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2019-01583 SFD O 0 0 1 10/21/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 297 Delamar Drive The Bluffs at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2019-01584 SFD O 0 0 1 8/26/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2962 Delamar Drive The Bluffs at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2019-01585 SFD O 0 0 1 7/14/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2952 Delamar Drive The Bluffs at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2019-01586 SFD O 0 0 1 8/18/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 7250 Lembert Hills
The Knolls at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2019-01587 SFD O 0 0 1 7/9/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 7242 Lembert Hills Drive The Knolls at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2019-01590 SFD O 0 0 1 9/22/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 7232 Lembert Hills
The Knolls at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2019-01592 SFD O 0 0 1 8/24/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 7235 Lembert Hills Drive The Knolls at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2019-01593 SFD O 0 0 1 8/14/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 7243 Lembert Hills
The Knolls at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2019-01596 SFD O 0 0 1 7/13/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 7251 Lembert Hills Drive The Knolls at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2019-01598 SFD O 0 0 1 7/14/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 7259 Lembert Hills
The Knolls at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2019-01599 SFD O 0 0 1 8/7/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2938 Delamar Drive The Bluffs at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2019-01613 SFD O 0 0 1 10/15/2020 1 N 0
985-127-002-00 2986 Delamar Drive The Bluffs at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2019-00643 ADU R 0 0 1 9/11/2020 1 N INC 55 0
985-127-002-00 7267 Lembert Hills Drive The Knolls at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2019-00792 ADU R 0 0 1 9/14/2020 1 N INC 55 0
985-127-002-00 7283 Lembert Hills
The Knolls at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2019-01486 ADU R 0 0 1 4/27/2020 1 N INC 55 0
985-127-002-00 2977 Delamar Drive The Bluffs at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2019-01583 ADU R 0 0 1 10/21/2020 1 N INC 55 0
985-127-002-00 7235 Lembert Hills
The Knolls at Tassajara
Hills BLDG-2019-01593 ADU R 0 0 1 8/14/2020 1 N INC 55 0
985-127-002-00 7243 Lembert Hills Drive The Knolls at Tassajara Hills BLDG-2019-01596 ADU R 0 0 1 7/13/2020 1 N INC 55 0
0 0 0 N
0 0 0 N
0 0 0 N
0 0 0 N
0 0 0 N
0 0 0 N
0 0 0 N
0 0 0 N
0 0 0 N
0 0 0 N
0 0 0 N
0 0 0 N
0 0 0 N
0 0 0 N
0 0 0 N
0 0 0 N
Reporting Year 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation
(CCR Title 25 §6202)
1 3 4
RHNA Allocation
by Income Level 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total Units to
Date (all years)
Total Remaining
RHNA by Income
Deed Restricted 26
Non-Deed Restricted
Deed Restricted 39
Non-Deed Restricted
Deed Restricted 27
Non-Deed Restricted 4 2 8 17 8
Above Moderate 618 839 612 1187 770 233 473 4114
908 614 1195 787 241 500 4245 1536
Note: units serving extremely low-income households are included in the very low-income permitted units totals
Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas
This table is auto-populated once you enter your jurisdiction name and current year data. Past year
information comes from previous APRs.
Please contact HCD if your data is different than the material supplied here
Table B
Regional Housing Needs Allocation Progress
Permitted Units Issued by Affordability
Total RHNA
Total Units
Income Level
Very Low
Reporting Year 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation
Date of Rezone Type of Shortfall
2 4 5 6 7 9 10 11
APN Street Address Project Name+
Tracking ID+
Date of Rezone Very Low-Income Low-Income Moderate-Income Above Moderate-
Type of Shortfall Parcel Size
General Plan
Designation Zoning Minimum
Density Allowed
Density Allowed
Capacity Vacant/Nonvacant Description of Existing
986-0034-013-01 5201 Ironhorse Pkwy Transit Center Site
None 5/15/2018 102 57 No Net Loss 2.46 Campus Office Planned
195 159 Vacant County Surplus Property
Note: "+" indicates an optional field
Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas
(CCR Title 25 §6202)
Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below
Project Identifier RHNA Shortfall by Household Income Category Sites Description
Sites Identified or Rezoned to Accommodate Shortfall Housing Need
Table C
Jurisdiction Dublin
Reporting Year 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)
1 2 3 4
Name of Program Objective Timeframe in H.E Status of Program Implementation
Program 1: Housing
Continue to support the Alameda
County Community Development
Agency to implement the Minor and
Major Improvement Programs (including
accessibility grants) with the goal of
assisting 32 households over eight
Minor home rehabilitation grants and home improvement loan assistance are
available to low-income households through existing Alameda County programs.
Alameda County ealthy Homes Department Minor Home Rehabilitation Program
provides grants up to $3,000 to low-income homeowners for minor plumbing,
arpentry, and electrical repairs and can be used for railings, grab bars, toilets,
water heaters, doors, locks, and more. Renew Alameda County (RAC) is a home
improvement loan asistance program for low-income homeowners throughout the
County. RAC aims to help keep existing homeowners in their homes and maintain
existing housing stock in a safe, liveable condition.
On November 7, 2020, the City Council approved the Dublin Home Rehabilitation
Program to provide supplemental assistance to homeowners that may have
received a grant or loan through the County's programs and need additional
funding assistance or were turned down because they were not able to meet all of
the County's criteria.
Following is a summary of grants and loans that were provided throughout the
current Housing Element cycle:
Minor Home Repair Grants-4 ($3,160)
Accessibility Improvement Grants-1 ($4,301.50)
Exterior Paint Grants-0
Housing Rehabilitation Loans-0
Total-5 ($7,461.50)
Minor Home Repair Grants-1
Accessibility Improvement Grants-1 ($5,000)
Exterior Paint Grants-0
Housing Rehabilitation Loans-0
Total-2 ($5,000)
Minor Home Repair Grants-0
Accessibility Improvement Grants-0
Exterior Paint Grants-0
Housing Rehabilitation Loans-1 ($39,500)
Total-1 ($39,500)
Minor Home Repair Grants-6 ($12,697.76)
Accessibility Improvement Grants-0
Exterior Paint Grants-0
Housing Rehabilitation Loans-0
Renew Alameda County-0
Total-6 ($12,697.76)
Minor Home Repair Grants-7 ($26,850)
Renew Alameda County-0
Minor Home Repair Grants-0
Renew Alameda County-0
Minor Home Repair Grants-18 ($42,707.76)
Accessibility Improvement Grants-2 ($9,301.50)
Exterior Paint Grants-0
Housing Rehabilitation Loans-1 ($39,500)
Renew Alameda County-0
Total-21 ($91,509.26)
Objective: 32
Program 2: Housing
Choice Voucher
Rental Assistance
Continue to support the assistance of
350 lower income households each year
throughout the planning period.
2015-2023 The Alameda County Housing Authority provided Housing Choice Voucher to 407
households who rented in Dublin in 2019.
Continue to refer interested households
and homeowners to the Housing
Authority of the County of Alameda.
The City continues to refer interested households and homeowners to the
Alameda County Housing Authority for program information and application
procedures. In addition, the City provided information on developments within the
City that accept Housing Choice Vouchers in the Tri-Valley Area Affordable Rental
Housing Flyer listing Dublin rental communities. With the new requirements under
AB 1482, the City has posted notices at City Offices and updated contact
information on its website for tenants’ rental assistance resources.
In May 2020, the City selected CityServe to receive a COVID-19 Community Relief
Response Grant of $50,500 ffrom East Bay Community Eergy to administer an
emergency rental assistance program. A total of $42,925 was distributed to help
27 households in the community with an average rental assistance payment of
$1,600 paid directly to rental property owners. Additionally, Alameda County
offered an Emergency Rental Assistance Program utilizing Community
Development Block Grant (CDBG) CARES Act funds and assisted eight Dublin
households in 2020.
The City was recently allocated $154,761 in CDBG CARES Act funds for rental
assistance, which is being administered by the City.
Housing Programs Progress Report
Describe progress of all programs including local efforts to remove governmental constraints to the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing as identified in the housing element.
Table D
Program Implementation Status pursuant to GC Section 65583
Housing Element Implementation
(CCR Title 25 §6202)
Program 3: Code
Continue to enforce local ordinances
relating to property maintenance and
substandard housing both proactively
and on a complaint basis.
There are two areas of Code Enforcement: Planning Code Enforcement and
Building Code Enforcement. Planning Code Enforcement enforces violations of
the Dublin Municipal Code Property Maintenance and Graffiti Ordinances, as well
as the Zoning Ordinance. Common property maintenance violations include
weeds, inoperable vehicles, junk and debris, deteriorated paint, dilapidated
fences, overgrown/dead vegetation, attractive nuisances, and graffiti. Property
maintenance violations are enforced proactively and on a complaint basis.
Building Code Enforcement actively patrols City streets enforcing Building Code
Violations, such as contractors or homeowners working without required building
permits. In addition, Building Code Enforcement responds to anonymous callers,
concerned citizens, and other contractors reporting any activity connected to
illegal construction. Enforcement officers spend time educating the public on the
importance of obtaining required building permits.
Conduct approximately 2,000 residential
inspections during the planning period.2015-2023
The following residential inspections were conducted (these numbers are based
on the number of new open residential code enforcement cases):
Planning CE-320
Building CE-115
Planning CE-232
Building CE-54
Planning CE-231
Building CE-57
Planning CE-201
Building CE-60
Planning CE-188
Building CE-43
Planning CE-92
Building CE-42
Planning CE-1,264
Building CE-371
Objective: 2,000
Remaining: 365
Perform annual review of City
ordinances.Annual The 2020 annual review of City ordinances did not result in any changes
pertaining to property maintenance and substandard housing.
Program 4: Condominium
Conversion Ordinance Monitor conversion activities annually.Annual There were no residential condominium conversions during Calendar Year 2020.
Program 5: Mixed Use
Facilitate the construction of 100 high-
density residential units within mixed-
use developments within the planning
2015-2023 No building permits or certificates of occupancy were issued for high-density
residential units within mixed-use developments in 2020.
Program 6: Affordable
Negotiate a specific incentives package
or each project, with increased
incentives for projects that include units
for extremely low income households
and persons with disabilities.
2015-2023 The City is in conversations with Eden Housing and BRIDGE Housing for
additional affordable housing development in Dublin.
Provide application/technical assistance
as needed. Timing of applications or
technical assistance will depend on
application deadlines for funding
On September 1, 2020, the City Council adopted a resolution, authorizing the City
to become an additional member of the California Community Housing Agency
(CalCHA); supporting CalCHA’s issuance of tax-exempt bonds for the production,
preservation, and protection of essential middle-income rental housing; and
authorizing the City Manager to enter into Purchase Option Agreements with
CalCHA for essential middle-income rental housing created within the City limits.
The CalCHA Program provides affordable housing targeted at moderate and
middle-income households earning between 81-120 percent of the area median
income (AMI).
Provide assistance to affordable
housing developers within the planning
period to facilitate the construction of
100 affordable housing units with the
goal of achieving 20 affordable units for
extremely low income households
and/or persons with special needs
(including persons with
disabilities/developmental disabilities).
On December 1, 2020, the City Council authorized the City Manager to negotiate
and prepare a Purchase and Sale Agreement for the transfer of approximately one-
acre of property in the East Dublin Transit Center, located at the southeast corner
of Iron Horse Parkway and Martinelli Drive, commonly known as Site D-1, from the
Surplus Property Authority of Alameda County to the City of Dublin, or its
designee, for as an affordable housing sitedevelopment. Once the property has
transfer, Staff will work with an affordable housing developer to facilitate
development of the site.
Annually contact developers to discuss
affordable housing opportunities. 2015-2023
In 2020, the City met with several affordable housing developers to discuss
potential affordable housing development projects and opportunities in Dublin on
both publically and privately-owned properties. In addition, the City has had
discussion with Trumark Homes about potential affordable housing opportunities
on the East Ranch project site, which is currently undergoing entitlement review
for a market-rate residential development with approximately 573 units.
Program 7: Density
Review and, as necessary, revise the
Density Bonus Ordinance to ensure
compliance with State law within two
years of adoption of the 2015-2023
Housing Element.
Completed. In November 2019, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 14-19,
amending the Density Bonus Regulations (Chapter 8.52) of the Dublin Municipal
Code to comply with State law. No further amendments in 2020.
Continue to implement the Density
Bonus Ordinance and provide
information on the Ordinance to
developers and other interested parties.
2015-2023 The City continues to implement the Density Bonus Ordinance and provide
information to developers and other interested parties.
Provide information on the City's
affordable housing incentives, such as
density bonus and fee deferment or
amortization, on the City's website by
The City provides information on the City's affordable housing incentives at:
http://www.dublin.ca.gov > Government > Departments > Community
Development > Housing > Affordable Housing Development Information
Program 8: Inclusionary
Facilitate the construction of 100
affordable housing units either through
direct construction or through the
Inclusionary Housing In-Lieu Fund
within the planning period.
In July 2020, the City issued a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the
creation of affordable rental housing in Dublin. Approximately $10 million in
funding is available to support predevelopment, acquisition, and construction of
affordable rental housing. These funds would be allocated from the City’s
Affordable Housing Fund and Alameda County A-1 Bond funds allocated for
projects in Dublin. The funding is intended to help fill the financing gap between a
project’s total development cost and other available financing sources. Eligible
projects must be new construction rental development and target extremely-low-,
very-low-, and or low-income households earning up to a maximum of 80-percent
area median income. The City received two proposals: a 77-unit project that is part
of a larger multi-phase project proposed by BRIDGE Housing at 6501 Golden Gate
Drive, and a 121-unit project proposed by Eden Housing at 7922 Dublin Boulevard.
The City Council directed Staff to work with BRIDGE Housing to refine their
proposal, while also continuing discussions with Eden Housing.
Additionally, in August 2020, the City submitted a State of California’s Local
Housing Trust Fund (LHTF) Program grant, totaling $3,333,333, for a proposed
affordable housing project on the 1.3-acre site located at 6541 Regional Street that
the City will acquire through an approved Community Benefit Agreement
associated with the adjacent St. Patrick Way Residential Project. Prior to
submitting the grant application, Staff worked with Eden Housing on a preliminary
proposal to develop between 70 and 114 units of affordable housing with a
projected total development cost of between $46 million and $74 million. This
proposal together with a reservation of units from the Downtown Dublin
Development Pool and a request to authorize the City Manager to submit the grant
application were presented to the City Council on July 21, 2020. At that meeting,
the City Council also directed Staff to issue a Letter of Intent to Eden to provide
matching funds that are required by the grant. The matching funds include the 1.3-
acre site, valued at approximately $5 million, plus $5 million from the Alameda
County A-1 Bond.
Additionally, the City issued building permits for 27 affordable units in 2020. The
City has exceeded the goal of 100 affordable units.
Program 9: Commercial
Linkage Fee
Facilitate the construction of 50
affordable housing units within the
planning period (10 extremely low/very
low, 15 low, and 25 moderate income
Commercial Linkage Fees are collected from developers upon issuance of
building permits for commercial development and are placed in the City’s
Affordable Housing Fund along with in-lieu fees collected from developers for
residential development.
Program 9: Commercial Linkage Fees
Commercial Linkage-$45,830.00
Commercial Linkage-$3,462.00
Commercial Linkage-$359,928.47
Commercial Linkage-$11,878.78
Commercial Linkage-$191,696.96
Commercial Linkage-0
Commercial Linkage-$612,796.21
Assist 5 moderate income households
with first-time homebuyer loans.2015-2023
The City did not issue any first-time homebuyer loans during the 2020 calendar
Provide funding towards
homeownership training and foreclosure
prevention services, rental assistance
programs, and the Alameda County
Homeless Management Information
Homeowner education for Dublin residents is available with periodic free trainings
from ECHO Housing, serving Alameda County with a grant from the US
Department of Housing and Urban Development. Foreclosure prevention services
are available from Alameda County's AC Secure Program, funded by Measure A-1.
The City continued to support the Alameda County Homeless Management
Information System (HMIS) through the Affordable Housing Fund. HMIS is
managed by EveryOne Home, a community based organization formed in 2007
under the fiscal sponsorship of the Tides Center. EveryOne Home manages the
County’s in-house HMIS in the collection and reporting of the homeless count and
other data collection.
First Time Hombuyer Loans:
Moderate Income Loans-0
Moderate Income Loans-1
Moderate Income Loans-0
Moderate Income Loans-1
Moderate Income Loans-2
Moderate Income Loans-0
Moderate Income Loans-4
Program 10: Housing Type
and Size Variations
Require that developers provide a
diversity of housing type and size on a
case-by-case basis to meet the City’s
housing needs throughout the planning
The City's General Plan, various Specific Plans, and the Planned Development
zoning process facilitate diversity of housing types and sizes to meet the City's
housing needs. The City also created a new housing and size type be establishing
regulations for junior accessory dwelling units, which are units that are no more
than 500 square feet contained entirely within the walls of a single-family
Program 11: First-Time
Homebuyer Programs
Assist 20 income-qualified first-time
homebuyers during the planning period.
Strive to provide assistance to
approximately 10 above moderate
income and 10 moderate income
The City issued the following First-Time Homebuyer Loans:
Above Moderate-0
Above Moderate-0
Above Moderate-0
Above Moderate-0
Above Moderate-0
Above Moderate-0
Above Moderate-0
Above Moderate-10
Above Moderate-10
Continue to distribute FTHLP
application packets at the Civic Center,
City website, and locations that provide
housing services.
Information regarding the City's First-Time Homebuyer Loan Program is available
at the Civic Center and through local housing service organizations. The City also
provides information on the FTHLP on the City's website at:
http://www.dublin.ca.gov > Government > Departments > Community
Development > Housing > First Time Homebuyer Loan Program
Additionally, the City website provides information on other homebuyer
assistance programs, such as the City's below market rate (BMR) homeownership
program, Mortgage Credit Certificates (administered for the City of Dublin by
Alameda County), and California Housing Finance Agency (CalHFA) loan
programs. Information on these programs is available at:
http://www.dublin.ca.gov > Government > Departments > Community
Development > Housing
Program 12: Second
Dwelling Units
Market this program through an
informational brochure. The brochure
will be available on the City website and
at the Civic Center, library, senior center
and other public locations.
Information regarding the City's second unit regulations is available at the Civic
Center and on the City's website at:
http://www.dublin.ca.gov > Government > Departments > Community
Development > Planning > Documents, Forms & Resources > Brochures > Second
Unit Regulations
Although accessory dwelling units (ADUs) are often considered “affordable by
design,” HCD only allows ADUs to count towards the affordable categories if the
affordability can be demonstrated through either a deed restriction guaranteeing
affordable rents, documentation of proposed rental rates, or through a survey of
rental rates of comparable units. In 2020, the City issued building permits for five
ADUs that are deed restricted as for moderate-income households.
The City Council took a number of actions to address barriers to development of
ADUs and junior ADUs (JADUs) and to facilitate their production in 2020. On
November 3, 2020, the City Council adopted a revised Fee Schedule that exempted
ADUs less than 750- square feet from paying impact fees and modified the impact
fees for ADUs 750- square feet or larger to be proportional to the primary dwelling
unit consistent with recent changes in state law. Additionally, on November 17,
2020, the City Council adopted an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to comply
with recent changes in state law, including changes to the development standards
for minimum unit size, setbacks, and parking for ADUs and the addition of
regulations for JADUs.
To further incentivize and streamline the construction of ADUs, the City is working
with RRM Design Group to develop eight ADU prototype plan models, with a range
of sizes and architectural styles. Additionally, the City is developing an ADU
Manual to guide applicants through the process of constructing an ADU. Both the
prototype plans and the ADU Manual are expected to be completed in summer
Facilitate the construction of 30 second
dwelling units within the planning
Following is a summary of building permits issued for affordable ADUs during the
current Housng Element cycle:
Affordable ADUs-0
Affordable ADUs-12
Affordable ADUs-22
Affordable ADUs-18
Affordable ADUs-8
Affordable ADUs-5
Affordable Units-65
Objective: 30
Program 13: Homeless
Continue to fund emergency shelter
programs in the Tri-Valley area to house
residents in need of emergency shelter.
Annually evaluate the homeless service
needs as part of the Community Support
Grants program, with the objective of
assisting an average of 300 persons per
The City continues to provide financial support to a number of local organizations
that provide services and assistance to homeless people through the Community
Support Grants program and other funding sources, including:
Tri-Valley Haven’s Homeless and Family Support Services program offers
assistance to Dublin residents through Sojourner House (a family homeless
shelter) and their Food Pantry.
Eden Information and Referral's 2-1-1 service provides information and referrals.
They also serve as the Alameda County first point of contact of Coordinated Entry
System (CES) screenings and referrals.
CityServe of the Tri-Valley offers assistance for crisis-intervention and
homelessness prevention.
Continue to participate in regional
collaborations to address
The City continues to participate in regional efforts to address homelessness. In
2019, the City signed agreements with the cities of Livermore and Pleasanton and
Alameda Couty to pool Homeless Emergency Aid Program (HEAP) funds in order
for CityServe to enhance their homeless outreach and services throughout the
region. For the 2019-2020 contract, the City of Dublin contributed $107,620.
Program 14: Tri-Valley
Housing Committee
Participate in at least one affordable
housing fair annually throughout the
planning period.
The City participates in quarterly meetings of the Tri-Valley Affordable Housing
Committee. Committee meetings featured presentations from housing-related
organizations and facilitated the exchange of information and ideas among
participating jurisdictions. The City is also a member of the East Bay Housing
Organization and promotes Affordable Housing Weeks activities in April. The City
also participates with the Tri-Valley Anti-Poverty Collaborative.
Program 15: Residential
Monitor housing development on an
ongoing basis to ensure that the sites
identified in the Residential Sites
Inventory are developed at densities
appropriate for fulfilling the City's RHNA
and identify additional sites as
Annual The City monitors housing development annually to ensure adequate sites remain
available to meet the RHNA obligation.
Annually evaluate the land availability to
meet the remaining RHNA. Ensure
adequate capacity exists to
accommodate the RHNA of 2,285 units
(796 very low, 446 low, 425 moderate,
and 618 above moderate units).
The City evaluates land availability annually to ensure adequate sites remain
available to meet the RHNA obligation. The City has met its above market rate
RHNA requirements as of 2017.
Program 16: Fee
or Amortization
Continue to offer the deferment or
amortization of fees as an option to
interested parties.
2015-2023 The City continues to offer deferment or amortization of fees as an option to
interested parties.
Provide information on the City's
affordable housing incentives, such as
density bonus and fee deferment or
amortization, on the City's website by
Information regarding the City's affordable housing incentives is available on the
City's website at:
Program 17: Universal
Continue to make the brochure and
other related information available on
the City's website and at the public
2015-2023 Information regarding the City's Universal Design Ordinance is available on the
City's website and in printed materials at the Civic Center.
Program 18: Emergency
Shelters and Supportive
and Transitional Housing
Review and amend, if necessary, the
Emergency Shelters Ordinance within
two years of the adoption of the 2015-
2023 Housing Element.
In 2019, Planning Division staff reviewed the emergency shelters provisions of the
Zoning Ordinance to ensure compliance with State law and determined no
amendments were necessary.
Review and amend, if necessary, the
transitional and supportive housing
provisions of the Zoning Ordinance
within two years of adoption of the 2015-
2023 Housing Element.
In 2019, Planning Division staff reviewed the transitional and supportive housing
provisions of the Zoning Ordinance to ensure compliance with State law and
determined no amendments were necessary.
Program 19: Monitor
Development Fees
Monitor development fees to ensure
they are reasonable and do not unduly
contrain development, while protecting
the quality, health, and public safety of
the community.
On November 3, 2020, the City Council adopted a revised Fee Schedule that
exempts ADUs less than 750-square feet from paying impact fees and modified the
impact fees for ADUs 750-square feet or larger to be proportional to the primary
dwelling unit. Other impact fees continue to be evaluated, as needed.
Program 20: Equal
Provide referrals to appropriate
agencies for services.2015-2023
The City continues to provide referrals to appropriate agencies for fair housing
services through direct communication with residents (in person at the counter,
via email, and over the phone) and information on the City website. The City’s
website includes links to Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity (ECHO), the
State of California Consumer Affairs Office booklet “California Tenants: Guide to
Residential Tenants and Landlord's Rights and Responsibilities,” and the “Tri-
Valley Human Services Pocket Guide.” The City, through Alameda County,
contracts with ECHO to provide fair housing services to Dublin residents.
Distribute fair housing information to
public locations. 2015-2023 Fair housing information continues to be available to the public on the City’s
website, and in the form of pamphlets and brochures at the public counter.
Post information on the City website.2015-2023
Fair housing information is available to the public on the City’s website
(http://www.dublin.ca.gov/216/Resources-Reference-Materials). The website
includes links to Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity (ECHO) and to the State
of California Consumer Affairs Office booklet “California Tenants: Guide to
Residential Tenants and Landlord's Rights and Responsibilities.”
Distribute information to real estate
agents, rental property
owners/managers, and financial
institutions in Dublin.
Real estate agents, rental property owners/managers and financial institutions are
directed to the City’s website for fair housing information or are referred to
outside agencies, as appropriate. Throughout the year, Housing Staff meets with
developers, real estate agents, and landlords to discuss the City's housing
programs, which may include information on the 211 County-wide social services
hotline and ECHO's services. In addition, information is distributed to property
managers during the annual rental monitoring site visits.
Participate in Alameda County’s
Impediments to Fair Housing Study
through the CDBG program.
The City participated in the update of Alameda County's Impediments to Fair
Housing Study through the Urban County HOME Consortium, which was adopted
in January 2020.
Program 21: Green
Continue to implement the provisions of
the Green Building Ordinance. 2015-2023 The City continues to implement the Green Building Ordinance.
Continue to update brochures that
describe program requirements and
make them available to any interested
parties and continue to provide Green
Building resources on the City's
The City continues to update brochures as needed and make them available on
the City's website. In 2020, the City also established a handout and procedures to
streamline the review of electric vehicle charging stations for commercial and
industrial development.
Program 22: Energy
Implement applicable Waste
Management and Building Code
regulations, provide Green Building
training to City staff, and distribute
energy conservation information to the
In September 2020, the City Council adopted the Climate Action Plan 2030 and
Beyond (CAP 2.0), establishing the next phase of climate action planning and
implementation. Strategies of CAP 2.0 include 100 percent renewable and carbon-
free electricity, building efficiency and electrification, sustainable mobility and
land use, materials and waste management, and municipal leadership measures.
CAP 2.0 establishes the City’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions and strive for carbon neutrality by 2045, resulting in cleaner air, more
versatile and flexible transportation, new opportunities for economic growth,
reductions in localized flooding risks, and greater energy independence from
fossil fuels.
The City continues to require covered projects (including construction,
demolition, and renovation projects with total costs of $100,000 or greater) to
submit a Waste Management Plan to meet the City’s Construction and Debris
Ordinance, which was adopted in 2008 and amended in 2014. The regulations
require the diversion of at least 65 percent for remodels and 75 percent for new
construction of construction waste away from landfills.
The City also continues to implement the Green Building Guidelines for Civic
Buildings to promote energy efficiency. Most recently, in February 2020, the City
opened the Dublin Public Safety Complex, a Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design (LEED) certified zero net energy construction project.
In 2020, Building & Safety Division Staff received training on LEED Project
Management and CalGreen Title 24 Part 11.
Additionally, the City continues to work with StopWaste, the Bay Area Regional
Energy Network (BayREN), and East Bay Energy Watch to provide energy
conservation to the public via workshops and direct outreach. In July 2020, the
City hosted a webinar with StopWaste and BayREN about residential heating and
cooling systems and indoor air quality and educated the community about free
technical support and up to $6,000 in rebates offered through the BayREN Home+
program. East Bay Community Energy (EBCE), the City’s community choice
energy provider, launched the Resilient Home program, which provides pre-
negotiated pricing for rooftop solar from SunRun, with or without batter storage.
Resilient Home offers an additional $1,250 incentive if homeowners enroll their
battery with EBCE, sharing power during peak times when there isn’t an outage.
Finally, the City continues to offer subsidized permit fees on the installation of
solar roof panels for a variety of projects throughout the City of Dublin.
General Comments:
Reporting Period 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation
Description of Commercial
Development Bonus
Commercial Development Bonus
Date Approved
3 4
APN Street Address Project Name+Local Jurisdiction
Tracking ID+
Very Low
Above Moderate
Description of Commercial
Development Bonus
Commercial Development Bonus
Date Approved
Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below
Units Constructed as Part of Agreement
Commercial Development Bonus Approved pursuant to GC Section 65915.7
Table E
Note: "+" indicates an optional field
Project Identifier
1 2
(CCR Title 25 §6202)
Cells in grey contain auto-calculation
Annual Progress Report January 2020
Jurisdiction Dublin ANNUAL ELEMENT PROGRESS REPORT Note: "+" indicates an optional field
Reporting Period 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)Housing Element Implementation Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas
(CCR Title 25 §6202)
Extremely Low-
Income+Very Low-Income+Low-Income+TOTAL UNITS+
Extremely Low-
Very Low-
Income+Low-Income+TOTAL UNITS+
Rehabilitation Activity
Preservation of Units At-Risk
Acquisition of Units
Mobilehome Park Preservation
Total Units by Income
Table F
Please note this table is optional: The jurisdiction can use this table to report units that have been substantially rehabilitated, converted from non-affordable to affordable by acquisition, and preserved, including mobilehome park preservation, consistent with
the standards set forth in Government Code section 65583.1, subdivision (c). Please note, motel, hotel, hostel rooms or other structures that are converted from non-residential to residential units pursuant to Government Code section 65583.1(c)(1)(D) are
considered net-new housing units and must be reported in Table A2 and not reported in Table F.
Activity Type
Units that Do Not Count Towards RHNA+
Listed for Informational Purposes Only
Units that Count Towards RHNA +
Note - Because the statutory requirements severely limit what can be
counted, please contact HCD to receive the password that will enable you
to populate these fields.The description should adequately document how each
unit complies with subsection (c) of Government Code
Section 65583.1+
Units Rehabilitated, Preserved and Acquired for Alternative Adequate Sites pursuant to Government Code section 65583.1(c)
Annual Progress Report January 2020
Jurisdiction Dublin
Reporting Period 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)
Housing Element Implementation
2 3 4
APN Street Address Project Name+Local Jurisdiction
Tracking ID+
Realistic Capacity
Identified in the
Housing Element
Entity to whom the site
transferred Intended Use for Site
Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below
Note: "+" indicates an optional field
Cells in grey contain auto-calculation
(CCR Title 25 §6202)
Table G
Locally Owned Lands Included in the Housing Element Sites Inventory that have been sold, leased, or otherwise disposed of
Project Identifier
NOTE: This table must only be filled out if the housing element sites
inventory contains a site which is or was owned by the reporting
jurisdiction, and has been sold, leased, or otherwise disposed of
during the reporting year.
Jurisdiction Dublin
Note: "+" indicates
an optional field
Reporting Period 2020
(Jan. 1 - Dec.
Cells in grey contain
Designation Size Notes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
APN Street Address/Intersection Existing Use Number of
Parcel Size (in
Summary Row: Start Data Entry Below
Parcel Identifier
Housing Element Implementation
(CCR Title 25 §6202)
Table H
Locally Owned Surplus Sites
Jurisdiction Dublin
Reporting Year 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)
Current Year
Deed Restricted 0
Non-Deed Restricted 0
Deed Restricted 0
Non-Deed Restricted 0
Deed Restricted 27
Non-Deed Restricted 0
Income Rental Ownership Total
Very Low 0 0 0
Low 0 0 0
Moderate 0 0 0
Above Moderate 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0
Cells in grey contain auto-calculation formulas
Total Units Constructed with Streamlining
Total Housing Applications Submitted:
Number of Proposed Units in All Applications Received:
Total Housing Units Approved:
Total Housing Units Disapproved:
Total Units
Housing Applications Summary
Use of SB 35 Streamlining Provisions
Note: Units serving extremely low-income households are included in the very low-
income permitted units totals
Number of Applications for Streamlining
Building Permits Issued by Affordability Summary
Income Level
Very Low
Above Moderate
Units Constructed - SB 35 Streamlining Permits
Number of Streamlining Applications Approved
Total Developments Approved with Streamlining
Jurisdiction Dublin
Reporting Year 2020 (Jan. 1 - Dec. 31)
Total Award Amount
Task $ Amount Awarded $ Cumulative Reimbursement
Funding Notes
Project Initiation $15,000 None
Analyze Regional Housing Needs As $60,000 Other SB 2
Community Engagement $47,500 Other SB 2
Draft Housing Element $52,500 None
General Plan Amendments $50,000 Other SB 2
CEQA Compliance $35,000 None
Public Hearings $25,000 None
Final Housing Element $15,000 None
Summary of entitlements, building permits, and certificates of occupancy (auto-populated from Table A2)
Current Year
Deed Restricted 0
Non-Deed Restricted 0
Deed Restricted 0
Non-Deed Restricted 0
Deed Restricted 5
Non-Deed Restricted 0
Current Year
Deed Restricted 0
Non-Deed Restricted 0
Deed Restricted 0
Non-Deed Restricted 0
Deed Restricted 27
Non-Deed Restricted 0
Current Year
Deed Restricted 0
Non-Deed Restricted 0
Deed Restricted 0
Non-Deed Restricted 0
Deed Restricted 8
Non-Deed Restricted 0
Above Moderate
Total Units
Completed Entitlement Issued by Affordability Summary
Income Level
Very Low
Above Moderate
Total Units
Building Permits Issued by Affordability Summary
Income Level
Very Low
Total Units
Certificate of Occupancy Issued by Affordability Summary
Income Level
Very Low
Above Moderate
Other (Please Specify in Notes)
Other (Please Specify in Notes)
Other (Please Specify in Notes)
Other (Please Specify in Notes)
Other (Please Specify in Notes)
Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) Reporting
(CCR Title 25 §6202)
In Progress
Please update the status of the proposed uses listed in the entity’s application for funding and the corresponding impact on housing within the region or jurisdiction, as applicable, categorized based on the eligible uses specified in Section
50515.02 or 50515.03, as applicable.
Task Status
In Progress