HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.10 All America City Accpt Donation~~~ OF Dp~~ _ ~ C~ ~, ~G , ~9~~-~~~~ ,STAFFREPORT CITY CLERK `~~~~~/ - `c~~Ll~~l DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL F~le # ^0~00 ~0~ ~ ,. DATE: June 7, 2011 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers FROM: Joni Pattillo, City Manager. SUBJECT: Acceptance of Donations for All-America City Awards Competition, Approval of Budget Change and Authorization for Travel Prepared By: Linda IVlaurer, Economic Development Director " EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On April 6, 2011, the City of Dublin was named a finalist by the National Civic League for the 2011 All-America City Award Competition. In order to compete for the title as an All-America City, a delegation of elected officials; community members and City staff must travel to Kansas City, Missouri in June 2011 to compete for the prestigious award. Donations have been raised to send a delegation. Staff recommends that the City Council accept the donations, approve a Budget Change, and authorize the travel of a delegation out of state at the City's expense. FINANCIAL IMPACT: A budget change will be required to recognize both the contributions which were not part of the City Budget and the offsetting expenditures. The contributions to date total $60,000 which will be expended on costs associated with the All-America City Awards competition. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council 1) Adopt tfie Resolution Accepting the Donations for the All-America City Awards Competition and authorizing CityJTravel Expenses and Travel Out-of ~ State by City Officials, Staff and,Community Members to Represent the City of Dublin at the All America City Awards; and 2) Approve the Budget Change. ~- ~,~~~ Submitted by: Economic Development Director Reviewed by: Administrative Services Director Reviewed y: Assistant City Manager Page 1 of 3 ~TEM NO. ~! • I~ DESCRIPTION: On April 6, 2011, the National Civic League announced that, for the second year in a row, the City of Dublin was selected as a finalist for the 2011, All-America City Awards. To be considered for the honor, Dublin documented three community projects (School of Imagination, affordable housing and the City's sustainability efforts) that addressed two of the City's most pressing challenges: 1) the integration of diversity; and 2) creating community unification following a period of significant growth. The City has been invited to join 26 other communities from across the nation in Kansas City, Missouri on June 15-17, 2011 to compete for the prestigious award by telling #he City's story of positive community change to a jury of civic experts. Ten All-America Cities will be announced on June 17, 2011. Mayor Tim Sbranti and Councilmember Kasie Hildenbrand are serving~ again as the City's Delegation Committee. One major role of the Delegation Committee is to help raise the needed private funding to send a delegation to Kansas City, Missouri in June. The Committee, and members of the City Council, has raised $60,000 to date. Staff will publicly acknowledge the generosity of the donors at an upcoming City Council meeting once all donations have been ~ received. Further, Staff will prepare a formal acknowledgement to each of the donors thanking them for their contribution. - The $60,000 in contributions will enable the City of Dublin to send approximately 25 attendees to the event, including elected officials, City staff and members of the community to address the three projects being recognized by the National Civic League for this award. Since the contributions and expenditures were not a part of the adopted Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Budget, a Budget Change has been prepared for City Council approval (Attachment 1). In addition to City officials and City staff, the Delegation Committee has invited 20 community members to participate. In selecting community members, the Delegation Committee is taking into consideration the projects being presented in Kansas City and how the community member carr help share that story. This list includes invitations to the Citizen and Youth of the Year, as well as to community members able to participate in the Civic and Cultural Fair. In order to for the City to pay for expenses associated. with the community members participation; Staff would recommend that the City Council formally acknowledge that this is intended to be consistent with the City Travel policy contained in Resolution 231-05 (Attachment 2). Further, it is recommended that a simplified per diem meal expense payment be issued for community members selected to participate. The per diem payments will be paid based on the General Service Administration rate and will be adjusted for any City sponsored meals that are planned and scheduled in advance of the ~event. No further documentation would be submitted by the community members following the event. For City Officials, State law requires that all reimbursements be subject to actual costs. Therefore, City Officials and Staff_will follow the.Cify's policy on meal reimbursements as stated in Resolution 231-05: Staff has prepared a Resolution which documents the reimbursement policy (Attachment 3). NOTICING REQUIREMENTS/PUBLIC OUTREACH: Not applicable. Page 2 of 3 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Budget Change Form 2. City of Dublin Resolution 231-05 3. Resolution Accepting the Donations for the All- America City Awards Competition and authorizing City Travel Expenses and Travel Out-of State by City Council Staff and Community Members to Represent the City of Dublin at the All America City Awards 1648875.1 Page 3 of 3 ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ( v ~ ~0~0 /20'91 ~UDCE~' C~-IANCE FO~~ ~ CHANGE FORiVi # New i4ppropriations (City Council Approval Required): Budget Transfers: From Unappropriated Reserves From Budgeted Contingent Reserve _ (1001'1901-81101) Within Same Department Activity X From New Revenues Between Departments (City Council Approval Reqd) • . Other Name: Account #: Name: Account #: . . Name: Account #: Name: Account #: ASD/Fin Mgr 0 $ 37,000 $ 23,000 Date S~ZS~ to Signature. , ` REASON FOR BUDGET CHANGE ENTRY; This.budget change will recognize as revenue a contributions based on commitments to date, to offset the cost of participating in the All America City which was not included in the adopted Budget for Fiscal Year.2010/2011. As described in the Staff Report, an offsetting additional appropriation of $60,000 is proposed to underwrite the cost of representing the City at the final competition including related All America City recognition costs in conformance with the program sponsored by the National Civic League. Cit Mana er: ~~~~ ~~~'~~~ Date ~3~~~1 Y 9 Mayor: Posted By: G:IBudget Changesl3_201Q U133 6_7 11_AllAmericaCity.doc ~ Name: REVENUE: General Fund - Other Revenue - Donation / Sponsorship $ 60,000 Account #: 1001.000~.49121 , Proiect #: 110101 Name: EXPENDITURE: General Fund - City Council - Travel & Conferences ° `~-` Account #:.1001.1101.61503 Pro'ect #:~110101 Name: EXPENDITURE: General Fund - City Council - Community Promotion Supplies Account #: 1001.1101.61503 Project #: 110101 Signature / As approved at the City Caunci{ Nleeting on: Date 6!7/2011 Date ~ Signature ' Date. Signature i4TTACHI!/11EiV~' ~ ` ~ ~; ~ D ~~?-~ i a $. RESOLUTION NO. 231- OS A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN R IR f!! !~ R 7t ! k!t 14 Y4 ! 7t *!t ESTABLISHING A POLICY REGARDING OFFICIAL TRAVEL AND OTHER BUSINESS ~ AND REIlVII3URSEMENT OF EXPENSES ASSOC~ATED THEREWTTH WHEREAS, members of the City's legislative bodies and City employees perform official duties that require travel; and WHEREAS, the official duties that involve travel include training, conferences, meetings with ~ legislators and regulators, and meetings with staff and officials of surrounding communrties regarding matters of mutual importance; and V~HEREAS, the performance af such official duties facilitates the efFicient and sa.tisfactory completion "~ of City business and promotes a good relationship between the City and surrounding communities, the state government, and the federal government; and WHEREAS, members of legislative bodies and City employees incur expenses related to the performance of official duties, which may take place both within and outside of the City of Dublin; and WHEREAS, the California Government Code permits the City to reimburse employees and members of the City Council for expenses incurred in the performance of official duties; and WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted an ordinance authori~ing reimbursement for the members of the Planning Commission, Parks & Community Services Commission, Herita$e & CultUral Arts Commission, Senior Advisory Committee, and Youth Advisory Committee for expenses incurred in the performance of official duties; and WHEREAS, Assembly Bill 1234 (2Q05) requires the City Council tq prior to providing reimbursemem to members of City legislative bodes, adopt a policy regarding the reimbursement for expenses incuned by rnembers of legislative bodies in the perforn~ance of official duties; and ~ WHEREAS, this Resolution is intended (a) to satisfy the pertinent requirements of AB 1234 relating to reimbursement of expenses of inembers of legislative bodies; (b) to s~ fQrth a reimbursement policy applicable to employees; and (c) to establish other requirements related to travel expenses paid by the City. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Counci] of the City of Dublin does RESOLVE as fvllows: 1. Purpose. The purpose of this policy is ta ensure that the reimbursement of inembers of legislative bodies and Csty employees for expenses incurred in the performance of of~icia[ duties complies with the Califomia Government Code, including the recently enacted Assembly Bill 1234, which adds Sections 53232.2 et seq. to the Goyernment Code, to establish a reimbursement po[icy applicable to City employees, and to establish other requiremerits related to travel expense's paid by the City. _ . 2. Policy. Members of a legislative body and City employees may be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of official duties only as provided in this Policy. Reso No. 231-05, Adopted 12/20/OS Pa~e 1 of 5 ATTACHMENT 2 , 3 .g - ~ 3. Defirritions. The following definition shall apply to this policy: "Legisiative body" rneans the City Council, Planning Cammissioq Parks & Community Services Commission, Heritage & Cultural Arts Commission, Senior Advisory Committee, and Youth Advisory~Committee. 4. Types of Occurrences that Qualify for Reimbursement. Members of a legislative body and City employees may be reimbursed fvr actual and necessary e~enses incurred in the performance of official duties, including (a) attending conferences, (b) attending organized educational activities, (c) meeting with local, state, and federal legislators and offtcials regarding official city business, (d) meeting with staf~' and ot~icials of surrounding communities regarding matters of mutual concern, (e) attending City events, (~ participating in regional, state, and national organizations whose activities affect the City's interests, and (g) irnplementing a City-approved strategy for attracting and retaining businesses to the City, which will typically involve at least one staff member. 5. Government Rates. Airlines, hotels, and rental car companies often make special rates available to state; federal, and local governmen#s. These rates are presumed to be the most economical and reasonable rates for the purposes of this Policy. Thvse bvoking travel should consult available resources, such as www.catrave(smart.com, to determine the applicable government rates. 6. Transportation. a. Cost Comparison to Determine Mode of Transportation. When contemplating travel arrangements, memhers of a legislative body and City employees should choose the least expensive mode of travel. For example, in some cases, it may be less expensive for the City to reimburse members of a Iegislatiye body or an employee for mileage associated with vehicle transportation than to pay for air travel. Prior to rnaking trave} arrangements, the employee or member of the tegislative body shall compare the cost of traveling by the various modes of travel available and determine the most cost ef~ective mode given the official or employee's scheduling needs. Members of legislative bodies and City employees shall also consider cost- saving strategies such as car-pooling in the cost comparison. b. Air Travel. When possible, members of a legislative body and City employees should arrange for air travel to be paid for by the City, pursuant to Administrative Policy 09-2005 relating to credit card usage. The designated individual in each Department responsible for making travel arrangements, pursuant to Administrative Policy 09-2005, shall book the most_economical and reasonable mode and class of #ransportation available that is consistent with the official or employee's scheduling needs. If advance arrangements cannot be made due to lack of advance warning or other extenuating circumstances as approved by the City Manager or his or her designee before the expenses are incurred, members of a legislative body and City employees may be reimbursed for the expense of a roundtrip airplane ticket, so long as the claimant obtained three quotations for airfaze, including government and goup rates when available, and the amount of reimbursement sought does not exceed the least'expensive airfare that is consistern with the official or employee's scheduling needs. ~ c. Personal irehicle TraveL Members of a legislative body and City employees may be reimbursed for expenses incuned in traveling by personal vehicle on oi~icial business ax the Internal Revenue Service Mi~eage Rate. Members of a legislative body and City employees requesting such reimbursement shall file a Mileage Reimbursement Request form, which shall saxisfy the Documerrtation Requirements provided in Section 14 of this Reirnbursement Policy. Reso No. 231-OS, Adopted 12/20/OS Page 2 of 5 . ,~g d. Car Rental Reimbursement. Prior to requesting a rental car,_ officials and employees traveling on offzcial business sha1~ consider whether a rental car is the least expensive means of transportation at the destination. When possible, members of a legislative body and City employees should arrange for car rentals to be paid for in advance by the City, pursua~t to Administrative Policy 09-2005 relating to credit card usage. The designated individual in each Department responsible for travel amangemems, pursuant to Administrative Policy 09-2005, shall book the most economical and reasonable rental rate that is available. If advance arrangemerrts cannot be made due to lack of advance warning or other extenuating circumsta.nces as approved by the City Manager or his or her designee befare the expenses are incurred, members of a legislative body and City employees may be reimbursed for the expense of car rerrtal, so long as the claima~t obtained three quotations for car rerrtal'rates, including government and goup rates when available, and the amount of reimbursement sought does not exceed the least expensive car ret~tal rate that is available. 7. Meals. a. Meals in Corrjunction with Travel. Members of a legislative bvdy and City ernployees may ~be reimbursed for e~enses incurred for meals consumed in conjunction with travel on official business. For travel within.California, a member of a legislative body or City employee may be reimbursed for meals in amaunts that do not exceed the following, which include tax and gratuity: Breakfast: $ 12 Lunch: $ 18 Dinner: $ 31 Incidentals ~ ~3 Total $ 64 ~ For travel outside of California, a member of a legislative body or City employee may be reimbursed for meals in amounts that do not exce,ed the above amoUnts or the per-meal amounts for the particular locale as published by the U.S. General Services Administration in the document entitled "Per Diem Rates," available at www.gsa.gov, whichever is higher. The meal reimbursement amoums set forth above shall be adjusted annually on October 1 to reflect any changes to the per-diem rates published by the U.S. General Services Administration. Notwithstanding the per-meal amounts set forth above and those published by the U. S. General - Services Administration; the member or employee may be reimbursed for meals in an amount that dces not exceed the aggregate amount of ineal allowances in a particular day for which the member or employee is eligible. , If a meal is provided by a conference or arganized educational activity, or otherwise included in the payment of registration fees, members of legislative bodies and City employees may not be reimbursed for meals purchased in lieu of, or in addition to, the provided meal.- b. Reimbursement for Other Meals. Where authorized by Section 4 of this Policy, members of a legislative body and-City employees may be reimbursed for their meals associated with the performance of o~icial duties at rates not to exceed the amounts set forth in Section 7(a) of this Policy. Meals ~or spouses, family members, and other tturd parties shall not be reimbursed: . Reso No. 231-05, Adopted 12I20/OS Page 3 of 5 ~~~ 8. I.o~dgrng. a. The City will pay for or reimburse for lodging expenses when travel on official city_ business reasonably requires an overnight stay. " ~ b. When possible, members of a legislative body and City employees should arrange for lodging expenses to be paid by the City, pwsuant to Administrative Policy 09-2005 relating to credit card usage. The designated individual in each Department responsible for making travel arrangements, pursuant to Administrative Policy 09-2005, shall book lodging at the most economical and reasonable rates for lodging that as in a location that is reasonable and convenient in relation to the official or employee's scheduling and official business needs. Far lodging in connection with a conference or organized educational activity, such lodging costs shall generally not exceed the maximum group rate pu6lished by the conference or activity sponsor, provided that lodging at the group rate is available to the member of a legislative body or City employee at the time of booking. c. If such advance amangements cannot be made due to lack of advance warning or other extenuating circumstances as approved by the Ci~y Manager or his or her designee before the ~penses are incuired, a member of the legislative body or City employee may be reimbursed for lodging expenses, so long as the amouirt of the reirnbursemerrt does not exceec~ the government or goup rates o~ered by a provider of lodging in a location that is reasonable and convenient in relation to the official or employee's official business needs or the maximum group rate published by the event or activity sponsor, whichever is higher. 9. Incidental Expense Reimbursement. Members of a legislative body and City empioyees may be reimbursed for actual and necessary incidezrtal e~enses incuned in connection with a conference, organized educational activity, or other performance of official duties. Incidental expenses include reasonable gratuities for hotel and airline employees, parking fees, cab fares, pubiic transportation costs, tolls, telephone calls relating to the performance of official duties, telephone calls of a gersonal nature, and other such incidental expenses. Reimbwsement for expenses incurred in placing telephone calls of a personal nature shall be limited to $10 per day for travel within California, and $20 per day far travel outside of California. 10. Conference Registration Fee Reimbursemenl. When possible, members of a legislative body and City employees should arrange for conference ar~d organized educational activity registration fees to be paid in advance ofthe conference by the City, pursuant to Administrative Policy 09-2005 relating ta credit card usage. If such advance arrangements cannot be made due to lack of advanee warning or other extenuating circumstances, members of a legislative body and City employees may be reimbursed for the expense of a conference or organized educational activity registration fee. _ 11. Eacperrses to Accommodate Disabiliiies. This policy shall nat be construed to limit the City's ability to reimburse members of a legislative bvdy and Ciiy employees far necessary expenses in excess of that which is otherwise permitted under this policy where such ad~itional expenses are necessary to accommodate. for a disability. , 12. Other Fxpenses All other actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of official duties that are not described in this Reimbursement Policy shall not be reimbursed unless approved before #he expense is incuned by the City Council. ~ 13. Prohibited F.xpense Reimbursements. Members of a legislative body and City employees shall not be reimbursed for expenses such as alcoholic beverages, spouse or family meals, entertainment expenses such as movie rental fees, theater tickets or sporting event fees, and fines for parking citations. . Reso No. 231-05, Adopted 12/20/OS Page 4 of 5 ~~B' 14. Dacumentation Requirements. The City Manager shall provide members of a legislative body and City employees with e~ense report forms to be filed by the member or employee for reimbursement for actual and necessary e~enses incurred in performance of official duties, The e~ense report form shall be used to document that the expenses for which reimbursement are sought are proper under this Policy. . Memhers of a legislative body a.nd City employees must file e~ense report forms within 1~4 calendar days of ince.~rring the e~ense: The expense report forms sha.ll be accompanied by iternized receipts documenting each earpense, except that detail regarding the nature of the expense provided in the expense report shall suffice for incidental e~enses for which receipts are not customarily given. All documents related to reimbursable e~enditures shall be considered public records suhject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act. 15. Brief Report to Legislative Body. Members of the legislative bodies shall provide brief reports on meetings attendec~ at the expense of the local agency at the next regular meeting of the legislative body iinmediately following the event for which reimbursement is sought. If more than one member of a legislative = body attends the evern, a report from one of the members that mentions the other's presence is sufficient. 16. Effect o, f Violation. A violativn of this Reimbursement Policy may result in the following penalties, including, but not limited to: l) loss of reirnbursement privileges; 2) restitution to the City; 3) civil penalties fvr, the misuse of public resources pursuant to Section 424 of the California Penal Code; and 4) prosecution for misuse of public resources pursuant to Section 424 of the Ca~ifornia Penal Code. 17. Revisions to Credit Card Policy. The City Manager sttall revise Administrative Policy 09-2005 (Credit Card Usage) to conform to the limits on expenditures for transportation, lodging, meals, and other expenses set forth in this policy. 18. Effective Date. This Resoiution shall take effect immediately. 19. Severability Clause. T'he provisions of this Resolution are severable and if any provisioq clause, sentence, word or part thereof is held illegal, invalid, unconstitutional, or inapplicable to any person or circumstances, such illegality, invalidity, unconstitutionality, or inapplicabilrty sha11 not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions, clauses, semences, sectivns, words or parts thereof of the ordinance or their applicability to other persons or circumstances. PASSED, A-PPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 20th day of December 2005; by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Hiidenbrand, McCormick and Zika, and Mayoi Pro Tem Oravetz NOES: None ABSENT: Ma.yor Lockhart ABSTAIN:. None AT ST: City Clerk ~~~ Mayor Pro Tem Reso No. 231-OS, Adopted 12l20/OS Pa~e 5 of 5 ~~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. XX- 11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBLIN ~*******~. ACCEPTING THE DONATIONS FOR THE ALL-AMERICA CITY AWARDS COMPETITION AND AUTHORIZING CITY TRAVEL EXPENSES AND TRAVEL OUT OF STATE BY CITY OFFICIALS, STAFF, AND COMMUNITY MEMBERS TO REPRESENT THE CITY OF DUBLIN~ AT THE ALL=AMERICA CITY AWARDS WHEREAS, the City of Dublin has been named a finalist for the 2011 All-America City Awards Competition; and WHEREAS, the City of Dublin wishes to compete for the title as a 2011 All= America City and must send a delegation to Kansas City, MO in June 2011; and _ WHEREAS, participation in the All-America City competition will benefit the City by raising the community's profile nationwide and, if successful, could result in additional investment and economic benefit to the City 6y attracting new development, businesses and residents; ~ WHEREAS, the Delegation Committee, comprised of Mayor Sbranti and Councilmember Hildenbrand, have been leading the efforts to raise private funds to send a delegation; and ~ WHEREAS, through their efforts and the efforts of other City Council members, approximately $60,000 has been raised to fund the travel and experses of an approximate 25- member delegation, comprised of City officials, City staff and community members; and WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes that the City will incur expenses and provide legitimate expense payments for community members, selected by the Delegation Committee, who are not City Officials or employed as City Staff; and WHEREAS, under Resolution 231-05, the City Council established the City's policy for official business travel and reimbursement expenses, including a section of the Policy that allows the City Council to authorize "Other Expenses" not otherwise described in the Policy, provided that action is taken in advance of incurring the expense; and ~ WHEREAS, the City Council desires to establish a procedure for the processing of expense payments and reimbursements incurred by community members representing the City as part of the All America Cities delegation; and WHEREAS, City officials and City staff attending the event in Kansas City, MO will be subject to the City Policy as described in f~esolution 231-05: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Dublin does hereby accept the donations for the All-America City Awards competition. ATTACHMEIVT 3 ~ ~ ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that except as provided below with respect to meal reimbursements for community members, the City Council authorizes the use of funds donated for the All-America City Awards competition to pay for travel expenses, including out of state travel, incurred by City Staff, City Councilmembers and community members to represent the City of Dublin at the All-America City Awards, in a manner consistent with Resolution 231-05. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council approves of the following procedures for the payment of travel expenses for community members traveling as part of the 2011 All-America Cities delegation: ~ 1. Meal Reimbursements - In lieu of reimbursements, a per diem payment shall be made in advance of the conference, payable to each community member delegate. a. The payment shall be calculated based on the Federal Government General Service Administration (GSA) daily per diem rate for Kansas City. b. Said rate will be adjusted for certain City sponsored meals that are pre- scheduled for the participant to attend. The amount of the adjustment shall be based upon the GSA rate for that particular meal. For example if the daily rate for Kansas City is $61 per day of which $10 is allocated to breakfast and the City sponsors a scheduled breakfast, the amount of per-diem for,that day ~ would be reduced $51. c. Additional documentation shall not be required for the per-diem amounts disbursed to community members. 2. Prohibitions: Consistent with Resolution 231-05, community members shall not be reimbursed for any of the prohibited expenditures contained in Section 13 of Resolution 231-05, such as alcoholic beverages, spouse or family meals, entertainment expenses such as: movie rental fees, theater tickets, or sporting event fees; and fines for parking citations. ~ PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 7t" day of June 2011 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Mayor