HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3.5 T3 Energy Veh Donated c~rY CLERK File # D[l][3J~c>[1Jfll] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE January 15,2008 SUBJECT Acceptance of donation of T3 MotIon Clean Energy Patrol Vehicle from the HacIenda Crossmgs Report Prepclf ed by Kurt von Savoye LIeutenant RECOMMENDA TION~ Accept the donatIOn of a 13 Clean Energy Patrol VehIcle from the HacIenda Crossmgs 2 Direct staff to prepare formal acknowledgement to donor ATTACHMENTS T3 Photographs FINANCIAL STATEMENT None DESCRIPTION In a contmumg effort to proVide a safe and positive shoppmg and entertamment environment, the HaCienda Crossmgs Shoppmg Center has generously agreed to donate a T3 MotIOn Clean Energy Patrol Vehicle, valued at $10,705 42, to the Dublm Police Services If accepted the donated T3 Patrol Vehicle will be utilized by the Dubhn Police SerVices to enhance the department's ability to effectively patrol the HaCienda Crossmgs, while simultaneously helpmg to preserve our enVironment The T3 is a three wheeled hIgh-performance electnc vehicle featunng a zero-degree turmng radiUs and an mtUltlve steenng system which IS ideal for congested patrol areas Reachmg a maximum speed of 20 MPH, the vehicle's qUickness and agility is e\.pected to dramatically Improve officer response times withm the HaCienda Crossmgs Shoppmg Center It should enhance present patrols by allowmg officers to cover a greater geographical area, with mmlmal fatigue, whIlc still allowmg the normal traffic flow of pedestnans and velllcles The 13 will also provide a higher degree of ViSibility for officers patrolhng the HaCienda Crossmgs, allowmg them to better see, as well as be seen, wlthm the shoppIng center Because it l~ an all electnc vehicle, the T3 Clean Energy Patrol Vehicle fulfill~ these tasks with none of the hydrocarbon gas emiSSions produl-ed by tradItional pohce patrol vehicles When not 111 use, the vehicle Will be stored at the HaCienda Crossmgs Shoppmg Center Acceptance of the HaCienda Crossmgs' donatIOn of the T3 Clean Energy Patrol Vehicle will accomplish the goal of Improvmg officer mobihty and vlSlbilIty wIthm the HaCienda Crossmgs shoppmg center, whIle mmimlzmg any adverse impact on the environmcnt Because the HaCIenda Crossmgs IS donatmg the actual T3 vehIcle and assocIated eqUipment, no budget adjustment IS necessary Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council accept the donatIOn of the T3 MotIOn Clean Energy Vehicle, and direct staff to formally acknowledge the donor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COpy 'fO JI'fEM NO 3D~ Page 1 of 1 y IDP~'T -,IT 3 Agenda Slllemenl 2 doc <~ ~~jrff: