HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.09 Fallon/I-580 Reimb Svc tC~lY ClElR1K fa~e # D~~@]{~][Q] AG IE~ DA Sill" A ll"IEM IENll" cnrv COlllNC~l MIEIEll"~~G [)lArlE february 5, 20GB SUBJEC'f Approval of ReImbursable ServIces Agreement wIth the State Department ofCahfomm HIghway Patrol for the I-580lFallon Road Interchange Improvement Project Report Prepared by MelIssa Morton PublIc Works Dlrector A Tf ACHMlEN'fS Resolution Approvmg Reimbursable Services Agreement, together with ExhIbit "A," Agreement RECOMMlENDA 'fKON fJ A -~dOPt the resolutlOn approvmg the ReImbursable ServIces '1l. 'f"V Agreement wIth the State Department ofCahforma HIghway Patrol D for the 1- 580/Fallon Road Interchange Improvement Project lF1NANCKAL 81' A TEMENT The estimated cost for the State Department of CalIfornIa HIghway Patrol (CHP) services to enhance enforcement m the constructIon work zone IS $48,214 ThIS cost IS mcluded III the constructIon funds bemg advanced by the Lm Family and will be credIted agamst the reqmred Eastern Dubhn Traffic Impact Fees DESCIDP'fION The I.580lFallon Road Interchange Improvement project wIll reqmre c10smg lanes on the 1-580 mamlme dUrIng day- and mght-tIme constructlOn of the project The CHP typically prOVIdes enforcement servIces on Caltrans-sponsored construction projects to enhance enforcement m constructIOn work zones wIthm lane closures on the freeway mamlme In order to acqll1re these services for the City's proJect, the CIty must enter mto an agreement With the CHP m whIch the CHP will be reImbursed up to $48,214 for the actual cost of the services for the duratlOn of the project The Agreement (ExhibIt "A" to the ResolutIOn) has been reViewed by the CalifornIa HIghway Patrol and reqUires approval by the City Council Staff recommends that the CIty CounCIl adopt the resolutIOn approvmg the ReImbursable Services Agreement WIth the CHP for the 1-5801Fallon Road Interchange Improvement Project -------------------.~-----------._----------~-------------------------------._----------~-------------------- COpy 1'0 [~I ]I1'EM NO ~q 6 G \CIP\! 580 fallon Rd\ProJect Bld\agsl CliP agreemenl <lpproval doc 11' LJ RESOLUTION NO -08 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF 'fHlE CITY OF DUBLIN ************ REIMJIUJRSABlLE SERVICES AGlREEMENT WITH THE S1' A 'FE DEl? ARTMENT OF CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY P A TROlL FOR THE 1-580/FALLON ROAD IN'fERCHANGE IMPROVlEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the Interstate 5S0/Fallon Road Interchange Improvement Project wIll reqUlre closmg lanes on the 1-5S0 mallllme dunng day. and mght-tIme constructIOn ofthe project, and WHEREAS, the State Department ofCahfoffiIa HIghway Patrol (CHP) typically provides enforcement services on Caltrans-sponsored construction projects to enhance enforcement III constructlOn Vvork zones wIthm lane closures on the freeway mamlllle, and WHEREAS, m order to acqUIre these servIces for the City's proJect, the CIty of Dub 1m must enter mto a reImbursable services agreement WIth the CHP, and WHEIREAS, the estImated cost for the CHP servIces to enhance enforcement m the constructIon work zone of the 1-5801Fallon Road Interchange IS $4S,214 and constructIOn funds are available to pay for these services, NOW, 1'HERlEFORE, BE IT RESOLVlED that the City CouncIl of the CIty of Dub 1m does hereby approve the ReImbursable ServIces Agreement WIth the State Department ofCahfomIa HIghway Patrol BE 11' FlJRTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor IS authonzed to SIgn saId agreement, attached hereto as ExhIbit "A" PASSED, Al?PROVED AND ADOPTED thIS 5th day of February, 200S AYES NOES ABSENT ABSTAINING Mayor ATTEST City Clerk G l(lPI] 580 Fallon Rd\ProJect Bld\Re&o CHP Tram" Servlccs Agmt doc :r-+-~n= Lr q r:2/5/08 ~ I & 'IT'IT Al ccnrr 00 IE RfIT (! STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL ~1Qtf REIMBURSABLE SERVICES AGREEMENT CHP 465 (Rev 503) OPI 076 THIS AGREEMENT Reimbursable Services Control Log # R 073900350 made and entered Into thiS 5TH day of February 2008 by and between the State of Califorma acting by and through the Department of California Highway Patrol hereinafter called CHP and CITY OF DUBLIN heremafter called CONTRACTEE WITNESSETH By and In conslderatlon of the covenants and condItions herein contained CONTRACTEE and CHP do hereby agree to the following terms and conditions 1 When [;Z] traffic control or D secunty services for CONTRACTEE are required CHP agrees to provide uniformed personnel with motorcycles and/or patrol vehicles to assist with the TRAFFIC CONTROL 2 The term of th IS ag reement will be 04/01/2008 to 03/3112009 3 CHP Coordinator shall be JOHNNY JOHNSON telephone number (925) 828 0466 4 In the event of a disaster or unforeseen emergency thiS agreement may be canceled without prior notice by CHP 5 ThiS agreement may be amended In wntlng by mutual consent of the parties hereto 6 The hours and miles Indicated In thiS agreement are for estimate purposes only Actual time and vehicle mileage will be charged ThiS Includes travel between the CHP DIVISion or Area office and the service location 7 The rates Indicated In thiS agreement are for estImate purposes only Any Increases In overhead mileage damaged uniforms pnvatery~owned safety equipment salaries and benefits are governed by collective bargaining agreement and/or statute In the event of a rate Increase, CONTRACTEE agrees to pay the Increased rates 8 In consideration for the above services and upon receipt of an Itemized inVOice CONTRACTEE agrees to reimburse CHP for the actual costs Incurred at the time services are provided Rates charged to CONTRACTEE ,shall In no event exceed the actual costs to the CHP to perform the requested services The following cost Information IS for estimate purposes only Sergeant hrs @ $ $ Officer 560 hrs @ $ 8372 $ Vehicle mileage 1.798 miles @ $ 074 $ Motorcycle mIleage miles @ $ $ Other expenses $ TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS (Estimate exceedmg $50 000 shall be forwarded on a CHP 78 Contract Request to Busmess ServIces Section Contract Services Unit) $ 46.88320 1.330 52 48.21372 9 CONTRACTEE agrees that additional charges which are directly related to the services provided may be assessed for CHP supplies additional equipment utilized damage to uniforms or property repaired or replaced at CHP s expense 10 Invoices for additional charges will be billed separately from other charges and will be accompanied by a memorandum containing a full descnptlon of the additional charges nllilIil~ A D CHP 465 (Rav 5 03) OPI1J76 (Front) Destroy PrevIous Editions To the Resolution 300~ 11 If the CH Pun Iformed employee h as reported to th e asslg ned location a nd has worked less th a n fou r (4) hou rs CONTRACTEE agrees to pay every assigned uniform employee a minimum of four (4) hours overtime Exception This does not apply to those cases when the hours worked are part of an extended shift 12 CONTRACTEE pnor to the scheduled assignment will not be charged for cancellations made more than 24 hours 13 CONTRACTEE agrees that If cancellation IS made Within 24 hours pnor to the scheduled assignment and the asslgned CHP Uniformed employee(s) cannot be notified of such cancellation, a minimum of four (4) hou rs overtl me Will be charged for each assigned un Iformed employee 14 CONTRACTEE agrees that If cancellation IS made Within 24 hours pnor to the scheduled assignment and the CHP employee IS notified of such cancellation CONTRACTEE Will only be charged a short notice cancellation fee of $5000 per assigned CHP uniformed employee 15 All cancellation notices to CHP must be made dUring norma! CHP business hours of 8 00 a m to 5 00 P m Monday through Friday excluding legal holidays Cancellation notices shall only be accepted by the appropriate CHP DIVISion or Area office 16 CHP agrees to make reasonable efforts to notify those CHP Uniformed employees of the cancellation 17 No additional gifts donations or gratUities may be accepted by the California Highway Patrol employees on their behalf or on behalf of the Department Informal squad fund or other local funds 18 A co unty, City diStrict, or other local pu bllc body must prOVide the state With a copy of a resolution order motion or ordinance of the local governing body which by law has authOrity to enter mto an agreement, authorlzmg execution of the agreement STATE OF CALIFORNIA Department of California Highway Patrol REQUESTOR S NAME ~~--J- S Ignatu re Slg nalu re """1"<::'\ \6-- M f'A""~......uo--:;:::' Pnnted Name Printed Name ~,rJ. Title Title t:>..J6_\N -3Qo Location Code Address City Slale lip Code Telephone Number r~ wRrr uge!by6tY/CoJntY~k~~ Approved as to form by Date ThiS agreement under $50 000 IS exempt from Department of General Services approval In accordance With the State Administrative Manual CHP 465 (Rev 503) OPI 076 (Back) Destroy PrevIous EditIOns 0465_503 frp Addendum #1 to Reimbursable Services Aareement R-073900350 Pursuant to Government Code Section 895 4 each party hereto agrees to defend indemnify and hold harmless the other party Its officers agents and employees from any and all claims, losses, SUitS or actions of every name kind and description brought for or on account of Injury (as defined In Government Code Section 810 8) to any person or entity occurnng by reason of any negligent or wrongful act or omiSSion by the indemnifYing party In the performance of this Agreement STATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY OF DUBLIN Department of California Highway Patrol ""'~ M Mueller Captain Janet Lockhart Commander Mayor City of Dublin Approved as to form and legality Elizabeth Silver City Attorney City of Dublin tivut