HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem I Grafton Place
File # DGJITJ[Q]-~~
M EETING DATE: August 14, 2007 5:00 p.m.
STUDY SESSION: Grafton Plaza, a multi-story mixed use
development located in Area H, Dublin Ranch including 4 low to
mid-rise podium buildings, 3 residential towers combined with
office uses, shopkeeper and live/work units, luxury condominiums,
a boutique hotel, day spa and associated open space recreation
areas and parking, proposed by the Lin family (PA 07-006).
Report Prepared by Michael Porto. Project Planner
The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (Figure 1) was adopted by the City of Dublin in January of 1994, and
established land use designations for approximately 3,300 acres of land east of the Camp Parks Military
Reserve. A large component of the plan (Dublin Ranch) was annexed to the City in 1995, including 1,037
acres owned by the Jennifer Lin Family and 304 acres owned by Pao Lin. The Pao Lin property
comprised planning Areas F, G and H of Dublin Ranch.
Applicant's Project Description.
Eastern Dublin Specific Plan - Residential Uses Permitted.
Receive Staff presentation and provide direction.
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Figure 4.1
Land Use Map
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Figure 1: Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Land Use Map
COPIES TO: Applicant
Property Owner
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G:\P A#\2007\07-006 The Plaza\Finat Study Session Plaza 8-8.doc
Upon annexation, the
Dublin Ranch properties
were prezoned to a
Planned Development
overlay zone. A portion
of Area H (Figure 2) is
the subject of this
application. Dublin
Ranch Area H IS
bordered by the
extension of Dublin
Boulevard on the north,
Area C of Dublin Ranch
to the east, 1-580 on the
south and property of the
Dublin Land Company (DiManto) to the west. Area H is approximately 70.8 acres (including the Dublin
Boulevard right of way) in size (Figure 3). This area has two land use designations; General Commercial
and Campus Office. The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan designated 35.9 acres as General Commercial and
36.7 acres as Campus Office
Between 2005 and 2007, several Parcel Maps have been processed for Area H which created the
following sites which exist today and are shown on Figure 3 below:
1. 12.2 acres Water Quality Basin
2. 16.0 acres Future Kaiser Hospital Parcel
3. 12.2 acres Lowes Home Improvement Warehouse
4. 11.1 acres Grafton Station Retail Pads A-C2
Figure 2: Areas F, G, H
2.8 acres
12.2 acres
Grafton Station Retail Pads D-E
Graton Plaza
Figure 3: Area H
In February 2000, the City Council reviewed and approved a General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific
Plan Amendment (GP and EDSP) and Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone for Area H, to increase the
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acreage to 43.9 acres designated as Campus Office and reduce the acreage of General Commercial to 16.4
acres. The remaining 10.5 acres is designated as either General Commercial or Campus Office. If the 10.5
acres were to be developed, the amendment required that the entire 10.5 acres either be General
Commercial or Campus Office, not a combination of both land use designations.
The GP/EDSP amendment allows the flexibility to develop Campus Office uses on land designated for
General Commercial uses pursuant to a Planned Development Stage 2 Rezoning / Development Plan
In addition, the amendments included that the midpoint of the density range of the floor area ratio (FAR)
for Campus Office uses would be increased from 0.35 in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan to 0.45. The
proposed increase is consistent with the maximum of the range of 0.60 FAR allowed in the General Plan.
This allowed the flexibility to exceed 0.45 FAR for some parcels; however, the amendment proposed that
average F ARs for all Campus Office (CO) parcels would not exceed 0.45 FAR.
Based on the above described amendment, the maximum development of Area H with both General
Commercial and Campus Office uses was capped at 1,244,945 square feet.
Under certain circumstances, the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan allows for mixed use developments
including residential uses within areas designated for General Commercial and Campus Office uses. The
Stage 1 Development Plan states that residential uses may be considered for Area H as long as certain
findings of the Stage 1 Planned Development Plan are met. These findings are stated in the original Area
H Development Plan and included for your review below:
1. Established traffic levels of service are not exceeded. Appropriate traffic study(s) may be
required to make the proper determination regarding traffic level of service; and
2. That the Project is consistent with the intent of the Specific Plan and does not result in
adverse environmental or service impacts; and
3. Residential uses may not occupy more than 50% of the developed area.
Existing Site Conditions and Uses for Area H
Since the GP/EDSP Amendment and Stage 1 Planned Development Rezone approval in February, 2000,
several subsequent actions have occurred on Area H. On October of 2005, The City Council approved a
Stage 2 Planned Development Plan and Site Development Review for the development of a Storm Water
Quality Control Basin to be located adjacent to 1-580 at the approximate geographic center of the
property. The 11.13 acre site is currently in the process of being developed into a state of the art regional
water quality control device.
The City Council, at the meeting of August 15, 2006, approved a Stage 1 Planned Development
Amendment and a Stage 2 Planned Development Plan along with a CEQA Addendum for development of
the Grafton Station retail shopping center. This action also served to create the necessary zoning for the
development of the Lowes Home Improvement Center previously approved through a Site Development
Review application by the Planning Commission on July 25, 2006. This action served to create
development standards for the 12.24 acre Lowes site and the future 11.11 acre Grafton Station retail site
and Parcel 3 (2.85 acres for future restaurant uses) located on the westerly edge of Area H.
Lastly, the Planning Commission, at the meeting of March 27,2007, approved a Conditional Use Permit
for a Minor Amendment to the Stage 2 Planned Development Plan and a Site Development Review for
the four proposed retail buildings to be located on the northwesterly portion of Area H known as Grafton
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The proposed Grafton Plaza project is located in Area H of Dublin Ranch.
The site is bounded by the south side of Dublin Blvd., east of Grafton
Station and north of the area of the Water Quality Pond. The site is
currently vacant and relatively flat. Dublin Boulevard street
improvements were constructed and a significant amount of fill material
was brought to the site to raise the property from the flood plain and to
create a flat area for the construction of the Water Quality Pond.
The site size is approximately 12.23 acres in size, excluding the Water
Quality Pond and 25.20 acres when the land area of the Water Quality
pond is included.
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Figure 4: Project Site
The General Plan and Eastern Dublin
Specific Plan Land Use designations for the
property are both Campus Office (CO) and
General Commercial (GC). As indicated
above, a Stage 1 Planned Development
Zoning was approved for Area H in 2000.
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FiQUre 5: Grafton Plaza
The proposed development includes the following components:
Table 1: Proposed Development
USE Dwelling Unit # Square Footage
Boutique Hotel 100 Rooms
Spa + Retail + Sports Club 30,000 s.f.
Class 'A' Office 181,000 s.f.
Shopkeeper Units 24 Units
Live/Work Units 30 Units
Luxury Condos 20 Units
Tower & Podium Flats 675 Units
TOTAL 749 211,000 Retail & office
Residential Units square feet and 100
room hotel
Building Massing:
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Figure 6
NW Quadrant:Shopkeeper Units and Residential
Towers: "Tower 3" 19 stories (3 podium parking
edged with shopkeeper units and residential single
story units (flats), 16 levels of residential units),
"Tower 4" 16 stories (3 podium parking, and 13
levels of residential units). Shopkeeper units are
residential units that also allow for an area set
aside for commercial/retail use. This provides for
an atmosphere that creates more pedestrian
activity. In addition, it allows for a type of
residential unit that is different and does not
currently exist iil Dublin.
Total units: 191 + 24 shopkeeper units
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Figure 8
5 of 14
SW Quadrant: Boutique Hotel/Spa: 6 stories
(4 hotel; 1 spa; and 1 parking level). Luxury
Condominiums: 7 stories (2 podium parking;
and 5 condos).
Total units: 20 luxury condominiums + 100
hotel rooms
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Figure 7
NE Quadrant: Podium Flats over 30
Live/Work units (Live/Work units are
residential units that include a separate area
for office or other uses that typically have
little or no outside traffic to the home). This
type of residential unit has been approved,
but not yet built at the Groves at Dublin
Ranch: "Tower 2" 21 Stories (5 podium
parking levels edged with live work units, 16
levels of residential units)
Total units: 160 + 30 live/work units.
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Figure 9
SE Quadrant: Office building: 8
stories (3 parking podium levels
wrapped with flats over live-work
units; 5 office), "Tower 1" 20 stories
(3 podium parking levels, 17
residential levels)
Totals: 188 units + 181,000 SF of
Office use.
This Staff Report has been prepared to provide information to the City Council and Planning Commission
for the joint Study Session. Because the project would require an amendment to the Planned Development
zoning for Area H, and potentially General and Specific Plan amendments (although further analysis is
required to make such a determination), Staff will not commence formal processing of the project until
the City Council authorizes Staff to proceed with the project. Because of the complexity of the project,
however, Staff and the Applicant determined that a concept-based joint study session was the most
appropriate manner in which to proceed. The Study Session is an opportunity for the City Council and
Planning Commission (and the public) to discuss whether the project concept is one that should be further
studied and, if so, what particular aspects of the project concept should be altered or further explored.
Staff proposes to make a brief presentation regarding the proposal, and the Applicant will also make a
brief presentation regarding the merits of the proposal. Staff and the Applicant will then be available to
answer questions about the project. Input from the City Council and Planning Commission on several
important discussion topics (listed below) will aid Staff and the Applicant with the ultimate project
review, if Staff is directed to move forward with the Applicant's request.
Staff and the Applicant desire input on the following issues, each of which is discussed in more detail in
the sections that follow:
. Location/Mixed Use
. Height/Massing
. Densi ty/Intensi ty
. Affordable Housing
. Parks/Open Space
Appropriateness of the Location/Mixed Use:
The project site is bounded by Dublin Boulevard to the north, 1-580 to the south, the future Kaiser
development area to the east and the recently approved Lowes/Grafton Station development to the west.
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The site is geographically located mid-way between Fallon Road and Tassajara Road. The extension of
Grafton Street forms the project sites western boundary. The approved Water Quality Pond is located
between the development site and 1-580.
Most of the land uses south of Dublin Boulevard in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan boundary area are
comprised of General Commercial, Campus Office or Industrial Park land uses. The Applicant is
proposing to introduce a mixed use concept of land uses that would include limited commercial uses as
support to the proposed residential and office development. The residential development would be
comprised of several different types; standard condominium flats, luxury condominiums, live/work units
and shopkeeper units. Additionally, campus office development, a boutique hotel, day spa and restaurant
are also proposed on land that was proposed and approved for Campus Office development.
Directly across Dublin Boulevard from the site is the proposed "Promenade", a retail shopping street
comprised of small shops, restaurants and activity centers proposed in the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan to
become the "Town Center" area for the eastern portion of Dublin, including Dublin Ranch. Also, directly
across from the site are the Terraces condominiums. The Terraces development includes 636 high density
condominiums clustered around interiorly oriented central courtyards/open space. The density of this
development is 60 dwelling units to the acre. The Terraces buildings present a four-story front facade to
Dublin Boulevard with some entry doors facing Dublin Boulevard. Approximately half of this project is
still under construction.
Appropriateness of the location
The proposed project would place residential development south of Dublin Boulevard, a six lane arterial
street, in an area that is not adjacent a BART station. To the north of the project is the planned town
center (the Promenade). City parks with children's play areas and schools are also located across Dublin
Boulevard and through the Terraces. Residents of the Plaza project would need to cross Dublin
Boulevard to access the town center area and parks.
Mixed Use:
The project proposes a mixed use development of several types of residential units, retail/commercial
uses, an office building and a hotel with day spa. The project site is divided into 4 quadrants with four
tower elements ranging between 6 and 21 stories. Most of the towers are constructed over podium
parking structures. The podium is ringed with live/work, shopkeeper and residential flats to hide the
parking structures and to "activate" the streets. The preliminary concepts indicate that recreation
amenities, including pools and gardens, are located on the top floors of the podium structures for the
residents of the project.
J obs/Housing Balance:
Part of the foundation of the EDSP was to try and achieve a jobs/housing balance. It was anticipated that
most of the housing in the Plan area would be north of Dublin Boulevard and the job centers would be
south of Dublin Boulevard, adjacent 1-580. At present, much of the housing in Dublin Ranch has been
developed, but no job centers have been completed. This proposed project includes 181,000 square feet
of campus office, 30,000 square feet of spa and a hotel on 12.23 acres. However, the Plan allows for
239,000 square feet of campus office at a mid range calculation. This project would reduce the amount of
Campus Office by 58,732 square feet and increase the residential unit count in the Plan area by 749.
Appropriate mix of use
The Applicant has proposed an extensive range of uses including:
. 181,000 square feet of commercial office development
. 100 room boutique hotel with a day spa and restaurant
. 4 different types of residential units:
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o condominium flats
o luxury condominiums
o live/work units
o shopkeeper units
Do the City Council and Planning Commission feel that:
. The site is the appropriate location for a mixed use residential/commercial/office
. The development is appropriate for Campus Office designated land?
. The mixture of uses is sufficiently balanced?
. A reduction in the number of jobs and a change in ajob center area is appropriate?
. Spec~fic uses (retail, residential, office, commercial, etc.)
should be added or
One of the central issues that Staff is recommending the .City Council and Planning Commission discuss
is the height and massing of the proposed Project. Dublin's development to date has primarily been
characterized by lower buildings surrounded by parking fields and landscaping. The City Council has
made policy decisions to increase the height and massing of buildings adjacent the two BART stations.
The table below illustrates the current policies regarding height:
Table 2: Height Policies
Downtown West Eastern Eastern C-l Zoning C-2 Zoning C-O
Specific BART Dublin Dublin District District Zoning
Plan Area Specific Specific Specific District
Plan Area Plan Area Plan Area
Height 6-Stories 8-Stories 6-Stories lO-stories, 35-feet 45-feet 35-feet
Liinits (or 75 feet) transitioning
to 6-stories
at Dublin
The rationale for allowing for the increased height at the transit centers at the two BART stations was that
this area should be an area for increased density to capitalize on the proximity to BART. In addition, it
was important that views through the site to the hills and Dublin be preserved. In addition, when the
increased height was approved at the East Dublin BART station it was noted that one of the reasons was
to increase the amount of affordable housing that would be available in this location. It should be noted
that the proposed project site is not close to BART nor are the Applicants proposing to provide any
affordable housing.
Building height limits are usually established during the Stage 2 Planned Development (PD) Plan process.
Area H, the proposed project site, does not have a Stage 2 PD; therefore, there are no applicable design
concepts for this portion of Area H at this time.
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The Applicant's proposal is
conceptual; however, the
drawings indicate that the plan
is to try and reduce the massing
at Dublin Blvd. by stepping up
the height from 5 stories at
Dublin Blvd to the higher
towers. In some instances the
massing along Dublin
Boulevard would begin to step
away from Dublin Boulevard at
the third floor. The project is
ringed by shopkeeper units or
live/work units which would
provide a human scale to the
adjacent sidewalk. However,
the height of the towers would
likely be visible from' many
areas in Dublin.
There are three tower elements as a part of the project.
. Tower 1 is proposed to be 19 stories (3 stories of podium parking with 17 floors of residential
development above).
. Tower 2 proposed to be 21 stories (5 stories of podium parking edged with Live/work units
and 16 stories of residential development above).
. Tower 3 is proposed to be 19 stories (3 levels of podium parking edged with shopkeeper units
and residential flats with 16 stories of residential units above).
. Tower 4 which is proposed to be 16 stories is comprised of 3 levels of podium parking ringed
with live/work units and 16 floors or residential units above.
. Boutique hotel and spa are proposed to be 5 stories with subterranean parking.
. Luxury condominium tower is proposed to be 7 stories.
. The office building is proposed to be 5 stories of office over one floor of residential flats and
two floors of live/work units (a total of 8 stories with 2 stories of subterranean parking below
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When the City Council and Planning Commission consider the Project, it is important to consider that this
project will be of a different scale than the surrounding development. Consider the photographs below.
The two photographs show the Terraces project, which is across Dublin Boulevard from the proposed
Project and Dublin Gateway one of the newest office projects in the City. The next photographs show
projects of similar scale (21 stories) to the proposed Project. From an urban design perspective, one could
say that this project would either be out of scale with the existing development or, create a urban design
The Terraces
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Landscape Setback Adiacent to Dublin Blvd.
The proposed setback along Dublin Boulevard and the other surrounding streets, in relation to this project,
is currently unknown. Existing high density projects fronting Dublin Boulevard have setbacks that vary
between 15 and 20 feet to the structures with a minimum 5 foot landscape area. Generally speaking,
smaller setbacks and landscape areas do not create much of a buffer for either pedestrians or automobiles
to the building. A larger landscape setback would be more in scale with the size of the building and help
to reduce the impact of the size on Dublin Boulev,ard.
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View Corridors
While the project is conceptual, it is important to note that Staff has not been provided adequate
information to address the possible impact on the view shed from 1-580 or other parts of Dublin. The
EDSP policies are that views into the site and to the hills beyond should be protected by not developing a
wall of buildings along 1-580. Should this project go forward, the project would need to be designed to
ensure these policies are followed.
In addition to this general EDSP policy, there are also specific view corridor requirements. The view
corridor requirements of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan indicate two points of reference. One is at the
Tassajara over-crossing of 1-580 looking northeasterly and the second one at the Fallon over-crossing of 1-
580 looking northwesterly. The view cones from these two required vantage points do not intersect with
this proposed development.
Light. Shade, Shadow, Glare and Wind
Undoubtedly a project incorporating buildings of the height and mass proposed will create impacts.
Primarily issues of shade and shadow need to be considered as well as potential glare from the structures
themselves. The architecture shown in the Applicant's packet is conceptual. Actual architecture is not
proposed at this time. Design parameters can be formulated for the actual architectural designs as a part of
the Stage 2 Planned Development. A Site Development Review can then address these issues building on
the architectural guidelines in the Stage 2 Planned Development Plan in the future. The Applicant has
oriented the structures so that their short sides face the existing developments in Dublin, therefore,
reducing the impact of the towers. Unique micro-climates can be created in open areas, especially given
the winds in Dublin. The wind impact will need to be addressed.
Do the City Council and Planning Commission feel that:
. The proposed project height and massing is the appropriate for Dublin and this location in
. The scale of the structures adjacent to Dublin Boulevard and the interior streets in relation to
height is appropriate?
. The landscape setback should be studied to ensure that it is commensurate with the size of the
building to off set the impact of the building on the street?
. The orientation of the tower elements works with the proposal and the visual impacts to the
existing community?
As the Project is a mixed use one, it creates a number of complex issues relative to measuring the
permitted density. Typically, as the EDSP does, non-residential development density is regulated by
minimum and maximum floor area ratios, and residential development density is regulated by units per
acre. Where residential uses are introduced into non-residentially designated land, it creates a number of
difficulties that Staff and the Applicant have been informally discussing and attempting to resolve. Rather
than asking the City Council to resolve those issues at the outset, which would have required a substantial
amount of Staff analysis, Staff determined that it would be most efficient to have the City Council and
Planning Commission look at the density of the Project in the abstract and as a concept.
Traffic impacts
The Eastern Dublin Specific Plan allows 50% of the developed area to be utilized for residential
development and further states that a decrease of traffic impacts for mixed-use projects is a necessary
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finding for allowing it. It would, therefore, seem appropriate that a traffic study be conducted that
analyzed the proposed project against the existing traffic analysis for the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. A
determination can then be made as to project impacts on the adjacent streets. The Eastern Dublin Specific
Plan and associated EIR assumed Campus Office uses. Therefore, the retail office components would be
expected to generate certain levels of traffic. However, residential units were not analyzed.
Do the City Council and Planning Commission feel that:
. The proposed number of residential units coupled with the other non-residential uses in the
Project in the configuration proposed by the applicant. are appropriate?
. The vertical placement of the residential units in 16 to 21 story towers is preferable to the
typical horizontal layout now experienced in Dublin?
Affordable Housing:
The Applicant has not proposed any affordable housing for the site. Section 8.68.030A of the City of
Dublin Zoning Ordinance, under "'General Requirements", states that any development over 20 units
"shall construct 12.5% of the total number of dwelling units within the development as affordable units,
except as otherwise provided by the Chapter". Applicants can pay in-lieu fees to satisfy a portion of this
obligation, but at least 7.5% of the units in a project must be affordable units. However, Section 8.68.040
allows the City Council to consider exceptions such as building a portion of the required units and paying
fees for the remainder of the required units, construction of affordable units either partially or totally off-
site, dedicating land to a City-designated local non-profit in-lieu of construction of all or a portion of the
units, credit transfers and lastly the Council may waive wholly or partially the requirements of the
Ordinance ifit can be determined that alternate methods meet the purpose of the Ordinance.
The Applicant will either have to comply with the Inclusionary Zoning Regulations by some combination
of constructing units and paying fees or proposing an alternate method of compliance.
Do the City Council and Planning Commission feel that:
. Affordable units should be included within the Project, or
. An alternate method of compliance would be appropriate?
Parks/Open Space:
The Applicant is not proposing any publicly dedicated park land or open space in this project. This will
increase the City's parkland deficit.
The approved land use for the site is Campus Office. Park land dedication is generally associated with
residential development. There was no residential development proposed for this site. Therefore, park
land has not been set aside for this site. The City of Dublin Parkland Dedication Ordinance sets a parkland
standard of 5.0 acres of park land for each 1,000 in population. The development of residential units on
this property would create the need for additional parkland since the additional population would reduce
the number of acres per thousand in population. Even if the Applicant does not or is not required to
dedicate park land as part of the Project, the Applicant would be required to pay fees in-lieu of dedication.
Does the City Council and Planning Commission feel that:
. Additional parkland. commensurate with the number of residential units. should be provided
on-site or off-site?
. Alternatives to provide parkland, be negotiated through the development review process as
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Public noticing for this project was expanded to include a broader radius than required and a '4 page
public hearing notice in the Tri- Valley Herald.
Based on the direction gathered at the Study Session, Staff will proceed with analyzing the appropriate
processing path necessary to move this proposal further. It is anticipated that Staff will bring this project
before the City Council shortly for direction regarding further processing, including potentially
establishing processing a priority level and potentially authorizing a General Plan and Specific Plan
Amendment Study.
If this project does go forward Staff will need to do a fiscal impact analysis to determine if the findings in
the EDSP can be made regarding fiscal neutrality. In addition, as a result of some of the requests by the
Applicant for special consideration, a voluntary development agreement would be appropriate.
The Applicant has made a proposal for a significant development on. a portion of land within Area H of
Dublin Ranch. It is important to get direction from the Planning Commission and the City Council with
respect to their desires when considering a project of this nature. Staff has restated the questions under the
various headings above for your consideration.
Location/Mixed Use
Do the City Council and Planning Commission feel that:
. The site is the appropriate location for a mixed use residential/commercial/office
. The development is appropriatefor Campus Office designated land?
. The mixture of uses is sufficiently balanced?
. A reduction in the number of jobs and a change in ajob center area is appropriate?
. Spec(fic uses should be added or eliminated/reduced?
Do the City Council and Planning Commission feel that:
. The proposed project height and massing is the appropriate for Dublin and this location in
. The scale of the structures adjacent to Dublin Boulevard and the interior streets in relation to
height is appropriate?
. The landscape setback should be studied to ensure that it is commensurate with the size of the
building to off set the impact of the building on the street?
. The orientation of the tower elements works with the proposal and the visual impacts to the
existing community?
13 of 14
Density/In tensity
Do the City Council and Planning Commission feel that:
. The proposed number of residential units coupled with the other non-residential uses in the
Project in the configuration proposed by the applicant. are appropriate?
. The vertical placement of the residential units in 16 to 21 story towers is preferable to the
typical horizontal layout now experienced in Dublin?
Affordable Housing
Do the City Council and Planning Commission feel that:
. Affordable units should be included within the Project?
. An alternate method of compliance would be appropriate?
Parks/Open Space
Does the City Council and Planning Commissionfeel that:
. Additional parkland. commensurate with the number of residential units, should be provided
on-site or off-site?
. Alternatives to provide parkland, be negotiated through the development review process as
Receive Staff presentation and provide direction.
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IDfJ' ~
Grafton Plaza. Dublin Ranch Area H . July 2007
Project Description
The Grafton Plaza mixed-use development project
is a Stage 2 Development Plan as defined by Section
8.32.030(A) of the Dublin Zoning Ordinance.
The Stage 2 PO submittal is based on and consistent with
the Stage 1 PO for Dublin Ranch Area H (PA 98-070),
approved by the Dublin City Council on March 21,2000.
This submittal includes a Stage 2 PO development plan;
data on site area; listing of permitted and conditional uses;
design standards covering site development, architecture,
landscape development and signage; proposed densities
and maximum number of square feet for proposed uses;
vehicular and pedestrian circulation plan; phasing plan;
prototypical street sections; and textual information
sufficient to establish consistency with the Dublin
General Plan and Eastern Dublin Specific Plan (GP/
EDSP) as amended.
The Project Area is located within the City of Dublin and is bordered by land zoned General Commercial
(approved for Grafton Station Retail Center including a Lowe's site and six additional pads to accommodate
smaller retail uses) to the west; Dublin Boulevard as well as the Village Center (now known as The
Promenade) and high density neighborhoods of Area G to the north; 1-580 freeway and Northside Drive
to the south and land zoned Campus Office (owned by Kaiser Hospital and anticipated for a new hospital
campus) to the east. The Project Area consists of approximately 25.2 acres (including the water quality
basin that is under construction), and encompasses the last remaining portions of Area H of Dublin Ranch
requiring planned development approval.
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Grafton Plaza. Dublin Ranch Area H . July 2007
Dublin Ranch is located within the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan Area and comprises a total of 1,311
acres (when Dublin Ranch West/Wallis Ranch is included), all of which have been annexed to the City
of Dublin in 1995, with the exception of Wallis Ranch, which was annexed in 2005. These annexations,
which included the Grafton Plaza Project Area, also pre-zoned the affected lands to conform to the land
use designations established under the approved Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. Area H of Dublin Ranch
was later rezoned under PA 98-070. The most recent land use designations and intensities for the Project
Area were approved on March 21, 2000 (Ordinance 6-00) as part of the Stage I PD approval for Dublin
Ranch Area H.
The Project Area typically has very little variation in topography and gently slopes upward from the south
(adjacent to the regional water quality basin) to Dublin Boulevard. The exception is the water quality
basin, the bottom of which is approximately 25-30 feet below the surrounding ground elevation. The
lowest ele~ation within the Project Area's development site is at approximately 347 feet above sea level,
while the highest elevation is at approximately 351 feet. The site was recently filled to conform to existing
grades on adjacent parcels and to remove it from the 100 year flood zone. Drainage currently flows
generally in a north to south direction towards the water quality basin and the G-3 Channel. The Project
Area is without any existing tree cover and non-native grasses cover the majority of the area.
While the Project Area has predominantly been used historically for dry land farming and cattle grazing;
these uses are not currently occurring on the property and the site is vacant. Current land uses surrounding
the project are Dublin Boulevard and the Dublin Ranch High Density Residential neighborhoods of Area
G to the north; land zoned General Commercial (approved for Grafton Station Retail Center that will
include a Lowe's store and six additional pads to accommodate a total of 318,000 SF of retail uses) to the
west; land zoned Campus Office (owned by Kaiser Hospital and anticipated for a new hospital campus of
approximately 275 beds and 970,000 total square feet of hospital related uses) to the east; and Northside
Drive and Interstate 580 to the south.
Various biological studies have been undertaken within the Project Area and surrounding areas by H. T.
Harvey & Associates. The presence of the California red-legged frog and the California tiger salamander
was addressed in the Initial StudyIMitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for Dublin Ranch Planning
Area H (PA 98-070) previously prepared by the City of Dublin. Mitigation measures were designated and
approved as part of the Mitigated Negative Declaration. Two jurisdictional delineations conducted by Ted
Winfield & Associates identified the areas that are subject to the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
jurisdiction within the Project Area. These submittals were formally verified by the USACE on August
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Grafton Plaza. Dublin Ranch Area H . July 2007
18, 1999 and December 2, 1999. Mitigation measures were incorporated and implemented based on the
wetland fill permit issued by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) on May 23, 2003 and all other
resource agency permits are in place.
With respect to existing flood hazards, no portion of the Project Area is within a 100-year flood hazard
area. A Letter of Map Revision was issued by FEMA on May 3, 2007 confirming that the entire Project
Area is removed from the Special Flood Hazard Area.
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Dublin Ranch has developed into a
vibrant community with a diversified
population and a successful approach
to creating quality places and stylized
architecture. To build upon and
emphasize these elements, the Project
Area is situated at a prime location for
creating a landmark project like Grafton
Plaza. Located near the Tassajara Road!
1-580 interchange, in the Tassajara
Gateway planning area and adjacent
to the 1-580 freeway, this project will
become a significant focal point and
social hub to Dublin Ranch as well as a
key component of expanding and accentuating The Promenade. This project will redefine the commercial
core of Dublin Ranch and as a unique, vital, and well balanced district for a place to live, work and play
including the boutique retailing of The Prome'nade, convenient shopping and dining of Grafton Station, and
diversified shopping, services, employment and living provided by Grafton Plaza. The new opportunities
and activities provided by a stylish boutique hotel
with a contemporary restaurant and bar, a wellness
spa, and a sports club will help create a new
destination spot for both locals and visitors. This
project will also provide alternative living options
including sophisticated mid-rise condominiums,
which will thrive on the surrounding retailing and
other services located within Grafton Plaza, which
affords a wide range of activities for an urbane life
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Grafton Plaza. Dublin Ranch Area H . July 2007
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As Dublin Ranch matures, new opportunities may
present themselves for redefining or improving the
community, but very few occasions will provide the
location, uses or dedication to quality to create a
landmark that is able to tie into the surrounding urban
context like Grafton Plaza will. As new communities
such as Dublin Ranch develop, they often reach a point
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where the original master plan's vision evolves as new
opportunities surface and community needs change. As
lifestyle needs also change, the opportunities for new
living choices and community services become evident. The mixed-use development concept for Grafton
Plaza demonstrates how the flexibility built into a master plan vision is able to respond to these changing
needs and conditions.
Grafton Plaza is located within
Dublin Ranch Area H south of Dublin
Boulevard and east of Grafton Street.
This Mixed-Use development is
designed with four unique low
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generally arranged to create blocks.
interspersed with lush streetscapes.
public plazas and open spaces. This layout, in addition to the designated land uses and detailed design
guidelines, will provide places to shop, stroll, and meet family and friends in a vibrant, comfortable and
contemporary setting. Extending above each podium building will be varying height towers ofresidential,
office, and hotel uses which will create an exciting landmark silhouette. The pedestrian realm will be
highlighted within the project to reinforce the social and public emphasis of the project.
At the southern terminus of Grafton Street there
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will be a mixed-use low-rise podium building
(Building D) with two mid-rise towers above the
podium. Located above the 2-story podium will
be a stylish 4-story boutique hotel with 100 guest
rooms featuring expansive views of the Tri-
Valley. On the same podium deck to the east will
be a 5-story tower with 20 luxury condominiums
also designed to take advantage of valley views.
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Grafton Plaza. Dublin Ranch Area H . July 2007
At the podium deck level, the hotel tower and the
condominium towers will share an outside open terrace
and pool deck area. At the street and central plaza level
the hotel will have an open lobby that will connect to
25,000 square feet of associated retailing and restaurant
space. Also connected to the hotel facility is a sports club and wellness spa, which is located at the second
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floor of the podium and will be shared by the hotel, spa and residential condominiums.
The mid-rise building (Building C) located at the
intersection of Dublin Boulevard and Grafton
Street is comprised ofa podium building with two
residential towers. The podium component will be
a maximum of 3-stories and will be edged with
24 shopkeeper units. Tower 3 will be a 16-story
signature-designed residential building with a
direct access entry from the central plaza. Tower 4
will be a 13-story residential building that will also
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have an entry lobby from the plaza with a porte cochere
-.r.... ~ and motor court. These two tower buildings will provide
~ a total of 191 residential units. A gateway feature on the
podium level at the Grafton Street and Dublin Boulevard
intersection will complement and reflect the gateway
entry tower of the Grafton Station project to the west.
With Building B, a high quality pedestrian realm and street activity is achieved by the inclusion of
shopkeeper units that face the street edges and visually
shield the parking areas of the podium from public view.
Building B is located at the northeastern comer of the
project. Because Dublin Boulevard is not considered
a true pedestrian street due to its width and significant
traffic volumes, the shopkeeper units create a human
scaled and interesting commercial and retail appearance
along Dublin Boulevard and will provide small businesses
with street exposure. Town home units are located above
the shopkeeper units, which will help to further screen the
upper levels of the parking podium and provide "eyes on
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Grafton Plaza. Dublin Ranch Area H . July 2007
the street". Exterior open space and recreational facilities for the use of the residents are located on the top
level of the podium. A custom-designed pool deck will be located at the edge of the podium which will
help shield the courtyard areas from prevailing winds and provide great views while sitting and relaxing
at the pool. The location of the residential towers has been designed to maximize the view corridors for
the residents.
along Dublin Boulevard and at the east end of the
building. Tower 2 is a 16-story residential tower with
a total of 160 units located above the 5-story podium.
This building is designed for the business professional
looking for a more urban living environment and
offers the widest variety of unit types. These units
will shield the parking areas of the podium level, particularly as viewed from Dublin Boulevard. The live/
Tower 2 at the western edge of Building B is very
similar to Towers 3 and 4 but will provide podium
level flats as well as live/work units at the street level
work units will complement the design features of the existing residential podium buildings located across
Dublin Boulevard by utilizing stoops and front entry ways. Live/work units are a great living unit option
for people who desire a more creative and entrepreneurial life style. The 30 live/work units will also help
provide an increased level of street activity but do not require pedestrian traffic for the work component
to be successful.
Building A, located adjacent to the future Kaiser hospital site to
the east and the water quality basin to the south, is a 5-story Class
A office building with a total of 181,000 square feet. The office
building is incorporated together with a residential tower (Tower
1) to the west with both towers sitting above a 3-story parking
and live/work podium structure. The 17-story residential tower
is incorporated into the core of the podium structure with the
entry lobby at grade facing the Central Plaza. Tower
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1 will provide a total of 188 units that will vary in
size and shape. The massing of the tower terraces
back at the 14th floor to provide architectural interest
as well as a slimming appearance to the building.
Live/work units at the ground level and podium flats
above again shield the parking podium as viewed
from the surrounding streets.
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Grafton Plaza' Dublin Ranch Area H . July 2007
I the major public gathering area for shoppers,
employees, visitors and residents. Along with
the elevated podium decks, semi-public exterior
spaces have been provided to create additional
recreational and gathering areas for the privacy
and needs of the residents. These podium areas
will be designed to incorporate small intimate
gatherings as well as larger gatherings of up to
50 people. Each podium deck will have its own
pool area and clubhouse area. Wind protection and solar use will be been considered in the placement and
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The ground level design and arrangement of
these four buildings will provide numerous and
varied public open spaces and provide a focus
on the Central Plaza. The Central Plaza will be
design of these amenities. The units that are located at the podium deck level will typically be town homes
and will have the advantage of a large accessible private patio area. Additional open spaces and plazas are
sited throughout the project, providing a variety of active and passive areas for people watching, dining,
and relaxation.
Grafton Plaza will be a unique and exciting place that fosters community pride as well as provide a place
for local residents to call home. The concept driving Grafton Plaza is based on creating an "experience
like no other". Developing a mixed-use core, which supports adjacent developments, will have its primary
focus on quality and the creation of a vibrant district for residents, shoppers, and employees. Placing a
strong emphasis on quality development, sound land use decisions, and a significant public realm makes
this an opportunity to promote smart growth and sustainable design. Mixed-use projects such as Grafton
Plaza are one of the most responsible ways to efficiently develop land, reduce travel trips, create a strong
sense of community, and take advantage of shared utilities, services, and parking.
The Stage 1 PD approved by the City in March 2000 placed a Campus Office (CO) designation on the
Project Area. The PD approval specifically permitted mixed use developments under the CO designation
including residential uses subject to a Stage 2 PD and provided that certain conditions were met. Those
conditions included meeting specific community housing needs; not exceeding established traffic service
levels; creating a pedestrian oriented environment; maintaining consistency with the Specific Plan intent
without resulting in adverse environmental or service impacts; and capping residential uses at not more
than 50% of the developed area. Grafton Plaza meets all of these conditions.
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Grafton Plaza. Dublin Ranch Area H . July 2007
Based on the FAR standards in the approved Stage 1 PD, a total of 493,578 square feet of Campus Office
development is permitted within the Project Area (which includes the water quality basin parcel). The
proposed project is consistent with the type, location and size of the uses identified under the Campus
Office designation in the current version of the Eastern Dublin Specific Plan. The current mixed use
proposal includes a Class A office building; a boutique hotel with a restaurant and associated retail spaces;
a spa and sports club; both live/work and shopkeeper units fronting on many of the surrounding and
internal streets and offering a new type of business and Ii ving option; and a variety of other residential
living options including luxury condominiums, podium flats and tower residential units. A more specific
breakdown of these types of uses and their components is included in the Development Program section
of this narrative.
Planning for this project was initiated in September 2004 and a range of potential land use options were
explored. The mixed use development concept has been studied during the past two and a half years. The
proposed mid-rise mixed use project encompasses a central plaza concept and provides an opportunity to
create a more vertical and unique project that is consistent with the vision of "diversity creates destination".
The destination became the central plaza and mixed uses, which will act as the social living room to the
community, much like Pioneer Square or the Pearl District in Portland, Oregon. Since no mid-rise housing
alternatives are currently available in the Tri-Valley area, a shift to a luxury lifestyle will raise the bar for
architectural and community design and create a demand for new services. The hotel, residential, and
associated recreational and hospitality components will be designed to support this luxury focus and meet
a lifestyle and housing need that does not otherwise exist in the area.
A primal)' design intent of the development program is that all buildings will have ground floor activation
and different supporting uses that will complement one another. There are two mid-rise podium structures
with residential above, one podium structure with
residential and office above and one podium structure
with a boutique hotel and high-end luxul)' condominiums
above. The spaces between the buildings create public
open spaces and entry lobbies for all the di fferent uses.
Pedestrian and vehicle circulation and parking will be
provided to serve each building and provide connectivity
between the different buildings. On-site subterranean
and above ground podium parking will be integrated into
each of the individual buildings. Fire and emergency
access to all of the buildings will be a key consideration
in finalizing the ultimate building designs.
USE TYPE # of Units S.F.
Boutique Hotel 100 Rooms 25,000 S.F.
Spa + Sports Club 30,000 S.F.
Class "A" Olfice 181,000 S.F.
Shopkeeper Units 24 Units 16,000 S.F.
Work Space
Live/Work Units 30 Units 16,000 S.F.
Work Space
Luxury Condos 20 Units
Tower & Podium 675 Units
TOTAL 749 Units 287,000 S.F.
Project Summary
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Grafton Plaza. Dublin Ranch Area H . July 2007
The unit designs in the towers will range from small open studio plans to two story penthouses. The
typical live/work unit will be two floor levels with approximately 825 S.F. of designated workspace per
unit located on the ground floor. The shopkeeper units will have a separate entry for retail uses at the
street level as well as have a primary entry for upper level residential uses. These units may be two or
three stories and have a tall floor to ceiling height at the ground floor. The typical podium flats will be two
or three bedrooms with at least two bathrooms. There will be some two-story town homes on the upper
podium levels with direct access to the podium exterior open space and amenities. These units will have
a more conventional design and will vary in size from approximately 1,550 S.F. to 1.900 S.F. The typical
open loft or flat units will have a finished kitchen, one or two bathrooms and will vary in size from 900
S.F. to 1,600 S.F. The penthouses will be two stories with a possible unique loft element.
Primary access to the Project Area from other areas of Dublin, Pleasanton or Interstate 580 will be from
Dublin Boulevard. Residents and visitors will access the site off Dublin Boulevard via an extension
of Grafton Street (a private street extending south of Dublin Boulevard) or another north/south private
street located along the eastern perimeter of the Project Site. These streets will connect with a proposed
east/west street between the mixed use development and the water quality basin, which will create a
continuous street loop around the development area. A bus stop is proposed to be located nearby on
the south side of Dublin Boulevard, just east of Grafton Street. Parking for residents, customers and
guests will be primarily located in above ground and subterranean garages located under the residential
podiums, hotel and office building. A limited amount of on-street diagonal and parallel parking spaces
will be provided on the surrounding private streets for short term parking demand.
Vehicular and truck access to the interior core of the site will be via a driveway loop that will have
access from the south and east of the private loop street system surrounding the development area. This
internal driveway will serve as the primary entry/exit to the parking garages as well as an emergency
vehicle access route serving the surrounding buildings. Based on this, parking will be prohibited in most
locations along this driveway. Truck access to the hotel and office building will also be via this driveway.
Trucks making deliveries to various uses within the mixed-use project will not be allowed to use Grafton
Street. Special paving and roundabouts will be used in this driveway loop to emphasize the pedestrian
nature of these areas and provide an enhanced appearance.
Pedestrians will be able to utilize the linear landscaped central plaza, and other courtyards and walkways
extending through the Project Area. Street circulation systems have been designed with safety,
convenience and visual quality in mind, and, at the same time, address pedestrians' and bicyclists' needs.
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Grafton Plaza. Dublin Ranch Area H . July 2007
Pedestrian connections between various retail locations within the project and to adjacent areas such as
Grafton Station and The Promenade north of Dublin Boulevard have been incorporated into the overall
land plan.
Proposed street sections are comparable to those already approved or built in other areas of the Eastern
Dublin Specific Plan area, with additional sections being incorporated to address site-specific design
needs. Street sections and lane configurations at Project Area intersections are based on the findings
and recommendations of the traffic analysis for this proposed project. All streets and driveways south
of Dublin Boulevard within the Project Area (including the extension of Grafton Street) will be privately
owned and maintained by a property-owners association and will be based on a slightly modified section
from the City of Dublin's street design standards.
The Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) will provide water, wastewater and recycled water
service to the Project Area. These services are planned in accordance with the DSRSD Eastern Dublin
Facilities Master Plan (or subsequent revisions) that include the proposed Project Area. It is anticipated
that existing water storage reservoirs and pumping stations will provide water service for the Project Area
through buildout. The Project Area will be served by Pressure Zone 1 potable water. There is an existing
Zone 1 main located within Dublin Boulevard, which includes stubs to serve the Project Area. One of
the stubs is located on the east side of the proposed Project Area and the other one is at the intersection of
Grafton Street and Dublin Boulevard. Both stubs will be extended south, one along Grafton Street and the
other along the north/south private street located along the eastern boundary of the Project Area and both
will be utilized to serve the project. Final locations and sizing of these facilities will be in accordance with
the design standards and recommendations of DSRSD.
Sewer service for the Project Area will require connection to DSRSD's existing sewer system and sewer
treatment will occur at DSRSD's treatment plant. A gravity sewer main exists within Dublin Boulevard
and includes two existing stubs to the Project Area which will be utilized. Final sizing and location of on
site sewer facilities will be determined in conjunction with DSRSD.
There is an existing recycled water main along Dublin Boulevard, which includes an existing stub to serve
the Project Area at the intersection of Grafton Street and Dublin Boulevard. This stub will be extended
south along Grafton Street and will be utilized to serve Project uses.
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Grafton Plaza. Dublin Ranch Area H . July 2007
The Project Area is within the Zone 7 Drainage Study Area, therefore, its expected flows are anticipated
and planned for by Zone 7 and the project's facilities will be sized appropriately. The actual size and
final locations of the proposed storm drain facilities will be determined in conjunction with preparation of
improvement plans.
Specific storm water quality treatment requirements applicable to this project have been fully resolved
per a Transmittal of Order (R2-2003-0032) from the San Francisco Bay Region Regional Water Quality
Control Board (April 22, 2003). The runoff to be treated will be discharged into the regional water quality
basin located within the southern portion of the Project Area and eventually discharged to the G-3 Channel
south of 1-580.
Although there will be a public plaza and open spaces incorporated into the design of the project, at
this point there is no clear indication whether these features will meet the City's parkland dedication
requirements. The current proposal is to pay in lieu fees as established by the City's Public Facil ities Fee
Program at the time of development covering the requirements for neighborhood and community parks.
The current Grafton Plaza development program proposes all residential units to be market rate units and
docs not include incorporating affordable housing units within the project. The applicant is proposing
to pay in lieu fees under the City's Inclusionary Zoning Regulations to meet the affordable housing
requirement for this project.
With respect to the City's Public Art Program, it is not determined whether the public art requirement will
be met by acquiring and installing a public art project within or in the vicinity of the development site or
whether an in lieu fee will be paid for the public art contribution instead of meeting the requirement on
site. It is anticipated that a final determination will be made on this item as the project proceeds through
the City's design review process.
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Eastern Dublin Specific Plan
Residential Uses Permitted
Note: The Plan allows some low and medium density residential uses within the
Livermore AP A, at the time of prezoning, the residential designations are inconsistent
with the AP A, and the residential designations will convert to 'Future Study Area' with
an underlying rural residential/agriculture destination.
The 'Future Study Area' designation is an indication of the City of Dublin's interest in
the area and the need for additional studies of environmental constraints, future land
uses, infra- structure, and other issues. No land use determinations would be made in
this designation until more information is available to determine the most suitable type
of development or preservation for the area.
General Commercial (.20 to .60 Floor Area Ratio). Accommodates a range of regional-
and community-serving retail, service, and office uses. Mixed use projects incorporating
retail, service, and/or office uses are encouraged, with residential uses also allowed as
part of the mix when location and design ensure compatibility.
Note: There is one area indicated on the amended land use map, located on the south-
west quadrant of Area H of Dublin Ranch that could develop as either general
commercial or campus office uses. This flexibility'has been provided in this area to
respond to changing market conditions that may occur in the future. The shift from
general commercial (the underlying land use designation) to campus office would be
permitted if the established traffic levels of service are not exceeded. Appropriate traffic
studies may need to be conducted in order for the City to make the proper
determination regarding traffic levels of service. The development of either general
commercial or campus office uses will be established at the Stage 2 Planned
Development application process.
Neighborhood Commercial (.25 to .60 Floor Area Ratio). Provides for the creation of
community- and neighborhood- oriented commercial centers that serve the retail,
service, and entertainment needs of eastern Dublin. Mixed-use projects incorporating
combinations of commercial, service, office, and/ or residential uses are strongly
Campus Office (.25 to .80 Floor Area Ratio). Provides an attractive, campus-like setting
for office and other non-retail commercial uses that do not generate nuisances related to
emissions, noise, odors, or outdoor storage and operations. Ancillary uses which
provide support services to businesses and employees are permitted. nder special
CIrcumstances e.g., were a mlXe -use eve opment wou ecrease potential traffic
generation and/or contribute to greater social interaction and more vital live/work
environment), residential uses may be permitted as part of a master planned mixed use
development. In such developments, the residential component would not be ermitted
to occupy more than 50% of the developed area oor area ratio of up to 1.2 may be
grante at t e Iscrehon 0 t e Ity ounCI or e 37-acre parcel adjacent to the eastern
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Dublin BART station in the southwest quadrant of Hacienda Drive and Dublin
Boulevard. A 5-acre hotel site is anticipated within this 37-acre parcel. The precise
location of the hotel site will be established through the planned development
application process.
Note: There are several areas indicated on the land use map that could develop as either
general commercial or campus office uses. This flexibility has been provided in these key
areas to respond to changing market conditions that may occur in the future. The shift
from campus office (the underlying land use designation) to general commercial would
only be permitted if the established traffic levels of service are not exceeded.
Appropriate traffic studies may need to be conducted in order for the City to make the
proper determination regarding traffic levels of service.
General Commercial/Campus Office (GC/CO)(.20 to .80 Floor Area Ratio). Provides
flexibility in permitting a range of regional and 'community-serving retail and office
uses. Mixed use projects incorporating retail, service and office uses are encouraged.
Mixed Use (MU)(.30to1.0 Floor Area Ratio). Provides for the combination of medium to
medium high density residential housing and at least one non-residential use, such as
office or retail. Office or retail uses could include uses such as stores, restaurants,
business and professional offices, and entertainment facilities. The floor area ratio is for
the combined commercial and residential uses.
Industrial Park (Maximum .35 Floor Area Ratio). Accommodates a wide variety of
minimum-impact, light industrial uses, provided these activities do not produce
offensive levels of noise, dust, glare, or odor. Residential uses are not permitted within
this designation. There are no minimum FAR requirements for the Industrial Park
designation. Higher FARs may be approved at the discretion of the City Council if
proposed uses meet one or more of the following criteria:
. Unique project characteristics which result in reduced impacts relative to other
uses in the same area (e.g., lower traffic generation);
. Unique project building requirements (e.g., warehouse uses that have large land
coverage requirements but low employment densities);
. Extraordinary benefits to the City.
Public/Semi-Public Facilities (Maximum .50 Floor Area Ratio). Provides for the
development of governmental or institutional type uses. The designation generally
applies to parcels of land owned by a public entity or governmental agency. Sites
designated as Public/Semi Public are not restricted to public uses and can be approved
for joint development (i.e. a private development on a publicly owned parcel of land or a
public/semi-public facility built on a privately owned parcel).