HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.01 Draft CC 05-02-2006 Min MINUTES OF THE Crn' COUNCIL OF THE Crn' OF DUBLIN RE6ULAR MEETIN6 - MA~ 2, 2006 A regular meeting of the Dublm CIty Council was held on Tuesday, May 2, 2006, m the Council Chambers of the DublIn CIVIC Center. The meetmg was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Lockhart. . ROLL CALL PRESENT: Council members Hildenbrand, McCormick, Oravetz and Zika, and Mayor Lockhart. ABSENT: None . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegIance to the flag was recIted by the Council, Staff and those present. . ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Introduction of New Emvlovees 7:00p.m. 31 (700-10) Police Chief Gary Thuman Introduced I-Ping Lm and letICIa Rowe as the new Office AssIstant II's m PolIce Services. The Council welcomed Ms. Lm and Ms. Rowe to the Dublm CIty Staff. . OUBLlN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING May 2, 2006 PAGE 143 ~ Proclamation Declaring Mav 2006 as "Disaster Prevared Month" 7:03 p.m. 3.2 (610-50) Mayor Lockhart read a proclamatIon declaring May 2006 as "DIsaster Preparedness Month" In the CIty of Dublin and encouraged all cItIzens to develop an emergency plan and gather the necessary supplIes to create a family emergency preparedness kit. Deputy Fire ChIef Sheldon GIlbert accepted the proclamation and advIsed that Alameda County Fire Department looked forward to partnerIng with the CIty of DublIn and the community thIs month to better prepare for disasters. Two Town Hall MeetIngs providing informatIon and demonstratIOns were being held: Monday, May 22"d at 7:00 p.m. In the Council Chambers, and Thursday, June pt at 1:30 p.m. at the Dublin Senior Center. . Public Comments 7:07 p.m. 3.3 No comments were made by any member of the pubhc at thIs time. . CONSENT CALENDAR 7:07 p.m. Items 4.1 through 4.6 On motion of Cm. Zika, seconded by Vm. Oravetz and by unanimous vote, the Council took the follOWIng actIons: Approved (4.1) Mmutes- None; Adopted (4.2 600-30) RESOLUTION NO. 52 - 06 APPROVING UTILITY RELOCATION AGREEMENT WITH PACIfIC BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY FOR THE I-580/FALLON ROAD INTERCHANGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLlJME 25 REGULAR MEETING May 2, 2006 PAGE 144 (f) Adopted (4.3 600-35) RESOLunON NO. 53 - 06 A WARDING CONTRACT NO. 06-06, PARK FURNITURE REPLACEMENT, TO RECREATION EQUIPMENT COMPANY, INC. and approved Budget Change m the amount of $25,960; Adopted (4.4 600-30) RESOLUTION NO. 54 - 06 APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH BERRYMAN & I-IENIGAR, INC., FOR CONSULTING SERVICES Received (4.5 330-50) Financial Reports for the Month of March 2006; Approved (4.6 300-40) the Warrant RegIster in the amount of $1 ,470,275.99. .. WRITI'EN COMMUNICATIONS - None .. PUBLIC HEARINGS Public Hearing Review of Medical Mariiuana Dispensaries. FA 05-041 7:08 p.m. 6.1 (560-60) Mayor Lockhart opened the public hearmg. Semor Planner ErIca Fraser presented the Staff Report and advised that At Its August 16, 2005 meetmg, the City Council adopted a 45-day moratorIUm on medICal marIjuana dIspensarIes wlthm the City. On September 20, 2005, the CIty Council extended the moratorIum for a perIod of 10 months and fifteen days to allow the CIty to evaluate medical marijuana dIspensarIes. At its September 20, Z005 meeting, the City Council requested that Staff research dIspensarIes and bring the matter to Council for dISCUSSIon. This report dIscussed dIspensaries and the optIons available to the CIty for the regulatIon DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING May 2, 2006 P,'\GE 145 ~ of medIcal marijuana dispensaries. The meetIng was publIshed In a local newspaper and posted In the three designated posting locations. Staff IdentIfied five optIons for the Council to consIder at tOnight's meeting: 1) Continue the moratorIum for one addItIonal year; 2) Allow dispensaries to locate under current Zoning; 3) Adopt a Zoning Ordinance; 4) Adopt both a ZOning Ordmance and a Regulatory Ordinance; and 5) Ban all medICal mariJuana dIspensaries through the Zoning OrdInance. Mayor Lockhart asked how many dIspensarIes were currently located m Hayward. Commander Gary Thuman advised that he dId not know the exact amount of dIspensarIes; however, he could provide that information to the Council after the meetmg. No testimony was entered by any member of the public relatIve to thIS Issue. Mayor Lockhart closed the publIc hearmg. em. Zika asked If, under the Compassionate Use Act, someone who belIeved they could benefit from medIcal marIJuana could grow their own on theIr own property for their own personal use. Ms. Fraser adVIsed yes, WIth a doctor's written prescrIptIOn. Cm. Zika referred to a Medical Marijuana Cooperative, and asked if the County could hIre a contractor to act as a compassionate caregiver on the County's property. Attorney Leah Peachey, CIty Attorney's Office, adVIsed that the short answer was no, and explained the particulars of State and Federal law. Although an exception m State law might possibly allow them to do so, the County would still be In VIOlation of Federal law's Controlled Substances Act. It was unlikely that the County would set up a lIcensed clinic health care facility or hospIce because of the Federal law. Vm. Oravetz thanked Staff for a well-balanced report and adVIsed that, in considermg thIS tOPIC, he conSIdered whether there was a legitimate medICal reason to use marijuana, whether Dublin needed a dIspensary, and the conflIct between State and Federal law. It was his personal opinion that medICal marIJuana was a viable resource for certain medICal condItions, but trouble ranging from theft to phYSIcal violence tended to follow marIJuana dIspensarIes. The mam reason he would support OptIon #5 to ban medical marijuana dispensaries m Dublm and not contmue the moratorium was the conflict DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING May 2, 2006 PAGE 146 (f) between State and Federal law. Perhaps the Council could reconsider the tOpIC after the differences between those two laws were resolved. Cm. McCormICk asked if the CItIes that had already banned dispensarIes had gotten a final Judgment upholdmg the ban. CIty Attorney Silver advIsed 1 9 cities had already banned medical marIjuana and 5 or 6 of those CIties had been sued. The City of Fresno was sued and the case was still pending but not actIve. It was her understanding that Fresno was redraftIng its ordInance to allow medical marijuana dIspensaries. The CIty of Concord enacted a banned on virtually all medIcal marijuana dIspensaries. AmerIcans for Safe Access sued Concord, but dropped the lawsuit after the CIty filed a demur. The other 3 laWSUIts were still pendmg. Cm. Zika referred to the recommended regulatIons and asked If the City could legally require checks or credIt card instead of cash, and how it would be enforced. Ms. Peachey advised that that partIcular regulatIon, as well as several others, was on the list of potentIal regulations which required further research. Cm. Hildenbrand stated that she supported OptIon #5 to ban medical marIJuana dispensaries m Du blm. Although she belIeved that there was a medIcal reason for patIents to receIve medIcal marijuana, there were facilItIes m Alameda County to accommodate those patIents. Until medIcal marIjuana was not considered an illegal substance, both in State and Federal law, she would not support dIspensaries until the legal and safety ISSUes to the community were resolved. Mayor Lockhart stated that the Staff Report outlmed both sides of the issue, and she came to the conclusion that, although she had her personal opimons, she was not m the position to deCIde the value of marIJuana. She could not decide the case law, because It was 111 the court's hands. It would be hypocrItical to put Into place an allowing Ordmance with so many regulations that people could not use It. She was also opposed to extendIng the moratorium because It did not resolve anything. Dublin was a small City, whIch meant a very small populatIon who would need or use medIcal marijuana. The County of Alameda currently allowed up to 3 dispensarIes in unincorporated areas, whIch would take only a few minutes to get to from DublIn. ThIS was a SOCIal services medIcal Issue, and the County was the Social Services provider. She would support the ban, even if there were a lawsUIt. A laWSUIt would be less costly than trymg to set up a facilIty and monitor it. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING May 2, 2006 Pi\(; E 147 (f) em. McCormIck stated that she had similar vIews about the proximity of other medical marijuana dIspensaries, but expressed concern about the portrayal of Dublm being uncarmg of those suffering. In her opinion, medIcal marijuana helped relieve the severe pain and suffering of some patIents. She would support the ban at this time; however, once the couJ'ts had made a decision, thIS Issue should come back before the Council for reconsIderatIon. At this tIme, In Dublin, and WIth the facilItIes available nearby, there was ample opportunity for patIents to get relief. Cm. Zika agreed and stated that, until the conflIct between State and Federal law was resolved, he would support a ban. In his opmlOn, medical marIJuana provIded much relIef to those In true need, and It was a County responsibility to assIst these patIents. The CIty Council commended Staff on a well-balanced, Impartial and fair Staff Report. Vm. Oravetz made a motion to ban all medical marIJuana dispensarIes wlthm the CIty of Dublin. Cm. Hildenbrand seconded the motion. CIty Attorney Silver advised that Staffs request was to receive Council consensus and direction to return to a future Council meeting with a draft Ordinance for the Council's conSIderatIon. On motIon of Vm. Oravetz, seconded by Cm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the Council dll'ected Staff to return to the CIty Council with a draft Ordinance banning medIcal mariJuana dispensarIes In the City of Dublm. CIty Attorney Silver advised that It was Staffs intent would be to brmg the Ordinance back so the Council could adopt it, and It would be effectIve before the moratOrIum terminated. Staff would try to bring thIS OrdInance before the Council at its June 6, Z006 meetIng. .. D1lBLlN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 2S REGULAR MEETING May 2, 2006 ..AGE 148 ~ UNflNISHED BUSINESS Approval of Public Farticipating Jurisdiction (ppJA) Astreement to Financially Suvvort the Tri-Vallev Housing: DDvortunity Center 7:48 p.m. 7.1 (600-40) HousIng Specialist Julta Abdala presented the Staff Report and advIsed that the City Council would conSIder adopting a ResolutIon to enter Into a PfjA to provide start up and operatmg funds to the TrI-Valley Housing Opportunity Center, which would function as a one-stop center for affordable hOUSIng questIons and assistance In the Tri-Valley. The PPJA included provIsIons for the CIty of Dublin to contribute $50,000 for InItial operatIng costs to the TrI-Valley Housing OpJXlrtunlty Center. The PfjA would be between the TrI-Valley Busmess Council EducatIonal Collaborative, the City of Dublm and the Cities of Danville, Livermore, Pleasanton and San Ramon. Mayor Lockhart asked why Danville's monetary commItment was dIfferent than the other Cities. CIty Manager Richard Ambrose adVIsed that all of the five Cities were committIng to $50,000 dUrIng a one-year period, except Danville. As a condItion to theIr participation, Danville opted to spread its $50,000 contributIon over a three-year period. Mayor Lockhart asked If the Tri- Valley HOUSIng Opportunity Center would be asking for more beyond thIS $50,000 commItment. CIty Manager Ambrose advised that thIS was a one-tIme start-up operation cost contributIon, and indICated that he was unaware if requests for additIonal money would be receIved. Cm. Hildenbrand asked when the permanent ExecutIve DIrector would be hired, and a busmess plan completed. Ms. Abdala adVIsed that the permanent ExecutIve Director had not yet been found; however, the agency had an excellent Temporary Executive DIrector. The business plan was almost complete. DUBLIN CIT\' COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGIJLAR MEETING May 2, 2006 PAGE 149 (f) On motIon of Cm. Hildenbrand, seconded by Cm. Zika and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 55 06 APPROVING THE PUBLIC PARTICIPATING JURISDICTION (PPJA) AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TRI-VALLEY BUSINESS COUNCIL EDUCATIONAL COLLABORATIVE, THE CITY OF DUBLIN, THE CITY OF PLEASANTON, THE CITY OF LIVERMORE, THE CITY OF SAN RAMON AND THE TOWN OF DANVILLE .. Proposed Geographic Information System (GIS) Public Website for MaDS and Information 7:56 p.m. 7.Z 050-30) GeographIC Information Speclaltst Tim Eisler presented the Staff Report and website demonstration, advising that the CIty of Dublin used GIS to provIde mappmg and parcel Information as part of regular Staff work. The GIS system was used by several departments. It was also a tool that was used WIth members of the publIc at CIty offices. The report proposed to have certam maps and mformation accessible from the Internet. The maps would proVIde informatIon such as Assessor Parcel Number and Street Addresses, but it would not provide property owner informatIon. Although ownershIp informatIon was public record, requestors could get that mformation through the County. ASSIstant City Manager JOnl Pattillo adVIsed that the maps selected for the website were those most often requested by the public. The Council agreed that the GIS webslte would be a great tool for the publIc. On motIon of Vm. Oravetz, seconded by em. McCormick and by unanimous vote, the City Council authoflzed Staff to proceed WIth the ImplementatIon of the PublIc GIS website, as proposed. .. OVBUN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING May 2, 2006 PAGE 150 ~ NEW BUSINESS Amendment to the City/County Agreement regarding the Enforcement of Conditions of Approval for the East County Hall of Justice (Alameda County Courthouse). FA 02-030 8:03 p.m. 8.1 (600-40) Senior Planner KrIstI Bascom presented the Staff Report and advIsed that, at its November 16, Z004 meeting, the CIty Council approved Alameda County's SIte Development Review application for the East County Hall of JustIce and also approved an assOCIated CIty/County Agreement regardIng the enforcement of the Conditions of Approval. The expIratIon date of the Site Development Review (SDR) was nearing, and the County was requestmg an 18-month extension. The proJect was proposed as a 208,408 square foot buildIng comprised of courtrooms, offices, and assOCIated facilitIes on approximately Z1.77 acres and would be located on the north sIde of Gleason DrIve between MadIgan and Arnold Road. Mayor Lockhart asked if the proJect would come back before the Council If they County was propoSIng any changes to the plan. Ms. Bascom advised that the amendment was for a tIme extenSIOn only. If changes were proposed, it would come back before the Council through a dIfferent process. Cm. McCormick asked what would happen If the Council refused to extend the tIme. CIty Attorney Silver stated that the Council could refuse, If It so chose. The Council was able to extend the SDR timeframe because the County was subJect to the CIty'S SDR reqUIrements as a result of the AnnexatIon Agreement that went back to the 1980s. Because the County was subject to Dublin's reqUIrements, the Council could waive parts of that agreement. That would, In essence, be what the Council would do If the Council agreed to extend the time, as requested. On motion of Cm. Zika, seconded by Vm. Oravetz and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 56 06 APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CITY/COUNTY AGREEMENT REGARDING THE ENFORCEMENT OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR THE EAST COUNTY HALL OF JUSTICE (ALAMEDA COUNTY COURTHOUSE), PA 02-030 DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING May 2, 2006 PAGE 151 ~ . Selection of Summer Concert Series Banner Design 8:07 p.m. 8.2 (950-40) HerItage & Cultural Arts Su pervlsor John Hartnett presented the Staff Report and advIsed that the City Council would conSIder several street banner desIgns to promote the City's annual Summer Concert Series. The Council discussed the pros and cons of each optIon, and agreed that the banner should be uncluttered and safe to read by drIvers passing by. On motion of Cm. Zika, seconded by Cm. McCormIck and by unanImous vote, the CIty Council selected Option #1 for the Summer Concert Series Banner Design. .. Request to Reallocate City of Dublin Owner Rehabilitation Funds to Community Deyelovrnent Block Grant ~rams for Fiscal Year Z006-2007 8:15 p.m. 8.3 (480-30) Housing SpecIalIst Julta Abdala presented the Staff Report and adVIsed that the CIty Council would conSIder the reallocation of $16,713 and $40,000 of CommunIty Development Block Grant Owner RehabilItatIon funds toward the renovatIon of the park play area at Alamo Creek Park to bring the play equipment mto compliance WIth State and federal safety criteria and ADA accessibility reqUIrements. Staff recommended that the Council authOrIze the Mayor to execute a letter to Alameda County Housing and Commumty Development (HCD) requestIng the reallocatIOn of $16,713 m DublIn's Fiscal Year Z005-2006 CDBG contribution to HCD Housing RehabilItation Program and $40,000 in HOUSIng Rehabilitation program Income for a total of $56,713 to the fiscal year Z006-Z007 CDBG program to provIde partial fundmg for Alamo Creek Park ADA accessibility improvements. Mayor Lockhart asked if the play equipment would be replaced If the fundmg was not available. City Manager Ambrose adVIsed that the play eqUIpment was scheduled in the 5-Year CapItal Improvement Program, and there was fundmg for it. However, CDBG funds DllBUN CITY COUNCIL MINllTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING May 2, 2006 PAGE 152 (il could be legItImately used for thIs proJect, and the CIty funding could be reallocated to other antIcIpated park projects m whICh addItIonal fundIng would be needed. Mayor Lockhart advised that she and Cm. Hildenbrand had been attendIng the School DIstrICt's Community of Character meetIngs and Indicated that the group, along with the CIty and community resIdents, had been workmg toward more clearly defining, within the next month, a program that would start in September 2006. There would be a request gOIng to both the School DIstrIct and to the CIty at some point in the near future to help kICk off this program. The program really related to low income families and children, such as latch-key kIds or those WIth poor role models, which might make it qualify for CDBG funding. While there were no figures at thIS tIme, she asked if there were any way to preserve a percentage or to actually name what this money would go for at a future date. Dublin mIght be able to help thIS proJect, while still having funds readily available for the park project. CIty Manager Ambrose adVIsed that the CIty would first need to understand exactly what services were being requested or funded, so Staff could contact the County to ascertain whether CDBG funds could be used. There were faIrly strIngent reqUIrements with respect to that fund. One of the difficulties was that the program was not completely fleshed out. Mayor Lockhart stated that the program was wlthm four weeks finalization and with budget estImates. Ms. Abdala advised that these funds had some time available. There were three national objectives for which CDBG funds could be used, includIng dIrect and documented benefit to low and very low Income families. Mayor Lockhart adVIsed that she was not askIng the Council to pre-approve the program, but was asking if there was a way to preserve the opportUnity to brIng that program to the Council to see If It were any opportunity to provide some fundmg for It at some pomt m the near future. Ms. Abdala adVIsed that the $16,713 was reqUIred to be spent or some justification gIven to the County before the end of Fiscal Year 2006-07. The $40,000 was to be used prIOr to new money. When making a request, though, it would have to be lIsted in the funding request. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINllTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING May 2, 2006 PAGE 153 ~ Mayor Lockhart clarIfied that, If something happened wlthm the next few months, the Council could resolve the Issue of whether or not this would be fundIng that would be appropriate for CDBG fundmg. CIty Manager Ambrose advIsed yes, and indicated that the Council could make a motIon to table this item until such tIme that Staff was asked to bring It back at the same time the group made Its program presentation to the Council. On motion of Vm. Oravetz, seconded by Cm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the CIty Council directed Staff to table this Item until such time the Commumty of Character group made its presentation to the Council. .. Establish Policy for Integrated Fest Management (IpM) 8:Z6 p.m. 8.4 (1030-20) CIty EngIneer Mark Lander presented the Staff Report and adVIsed that the CIty'S NatIonal Pollutant DIscharge ElImination System (NPDES) PermIt required mUnicipalItIes to address the impaIrment of urban streams due to pesticide and herbICIde usage. The goal of the Integrated Pest Management PolIcy was to reduce or substItute pestIcide use with less tOXIC alternatIves. Cm. McCormick asked if there were plans to make Dublin a pestIcIde-free zone. Mr. Lander IndIcated that the policy was close to pestICIde-free by discouragmg the use of pestICIdes if there were other methods available. It was not there yet, but mIght come In the future. Cm. McCormIck asked about the potential to mandate developer's to follow the IPM. Mr. Lander adVIsed that it was not somethmg that the City currently mandated. It should be faIrly SImple for the developer's to Implement, but he was uncertam how to Staff would track complIance. It would take further study by Staff. em. McCormick stated it was an important Issue and should apply to the entire City, and asked that It be Included in this policy. DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING May 2, 2006 P,\CE 154 ~ City Manager Ambrose advised that Staff would need to study the issue m terms of Implementation and mOnitorIng. As developer's sell the property, mdividual homeowners buy it. Mayor Lockhart suggested approving what was before the Council tOnight and dIrect Staff to come back with a feasibiltty report on a possible second phase. CIty Manager Ambrose asked what the Council's target would be. The Council discussed the target and agreed that Staff should study the feasibility of applyIng the policy to publIc spaces on private property, such as common areas in homeowner's associations, and includmg a compliance trackIng plan. An educatIon program component mIZht be a good idea, as well. On motion of Cm. Zika, seconded by Cm. Hildenbrand and by unanimous vote, the City Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 57 - 06 ESTABLISHING A POLICY ON INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT (TPM) And dIrected Staff to return to the Council WIth feasibility study to apply the policy to public spaces on private property, such as common areas In homeowner's assocIatIons, mcludlng a compliance tracking plan. Cm. McCormICk requested that the report come back before the Council before November. .. OTHER BUSINESS Brief INFORMATION ONLY reports from Council and/or Staff, including Committee Reports and Reports by Council related to medings attended at City e>:pense (AD 1234) 8:36 p.m. City Manager Ambrose remInded the Council and community of the contmued DublIn Pride Week activities thIS weekend, Including the MartIn Canyon Creek trail walk. CIty Manager Ambrose adVIsed that the Bray Commons Art in the Park receptIon would be on May Z411l, at 5 - 7 p.m., m the Civic Center lobby. The maquettes from each of the DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLt/ME 25 REGIJLAR MEETING May 2, 2006 PAGE 155 (i) artIsts would be on dIsplay and cItIzens would have the opportunity to vote on their favorite. CIty Manager Ambrose advised that there would be a TrI-Valley Council meeting on May 25, Z006, which would be hosted by the Town of Danville. CIty Manager Ambrose polled the Council on theIr availabiltty for the July 5th and July 18th Council meetmg, as summer vacation plans were being made. The Council reviewed their schedules and determIned that three Councilmembers would be available for the July 5th meetmg and four available at the July 18th meetmg. However, SInce the July 5th meeting was dIrectly after a holIday, the Council agreed to cancel the July 5th City Council meetIng. Cm. McCormIck advised that she had nothmg to report. Cm. Zika advised that he recently had the honor of helping to distribute certIficates of recognItIOn to over 100 seniors who gave over 6,000 volunteer hours at the SenIor Center. Cm. Hildenbrand advised that she attended the April Chamber Luncheon, wIth "Bay Area Back Roads," Doug McConnell as the guest speaker. It was very mterestIng and enjoyable luncheon. Cm. Hildenbrand read the followmg poem by Dougherty Elementary School 3rd Graders about llV1ng In Dublin: "Dublin is a wonderful place to live; the people here love to give. KIds m DublIn are very smart; they pamt really fantastIc art. Dublin is a place where posItIve attitude is shown; kIds lIsten to theIr teachers without a groan. So come and lIve here, won't you please; there are a lot of people to help If you lose your keys. So I can tell you for sure, all rIght, Dubltn is really a beautiful sIght." The Council commended the Dougherty Elementary School 3rd Graders for an excellent poem. Vm. Oravetz advIsed that the Livermore Amador Valley Transit AuthOrIty (LAVTA) would be holdIng a publIc hearIng at ItS first meeting m June regarding potential Wheels Bus schedule changes. Mayor Lockhart dIstributed pins reminding everyone that April was "Child Abuse Prevention Month," and advised that the Alameda County Child Abuse Prevention DUBLIN CITY COlJNCIL MINllTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING May 2, 2006 PAGE 156 ~ Council and Supervisor Gail Steele supported programs honorIng children who dIed a VIOlent death and promoting child protectIon and safety. Mayor LockhaIi adVIsed that there was a Dublm Representative vacancy on the LAVTA Wheels Accessible AdVISOry CommIttee. It was a two-year commitment begmnmg in July. ApplIcatIons were available from Wheels, the Dublin CIty Clerk and the DublIn webslte at www.cI.dubIIn.ca.us. The Council discussed and commended Staff for an excellent and productIve Volunteer Clean-up event last Saturday, whIch was part of DublIn Pride Week. There were over 120 volunteers, including Staff. The BBQ lunch proVIded by the Dublin Host LIOns Club was much appreciated, as well. Mayor Lockhart adVIsed that she would like to adJourn the meeting m memory of Gene Strom, owner of World of Shoes, who recently passed away. Mr. Strom was a long-tIme Dublin business owner, and an important member of the communIty. Mayor Lockhart asked the communIty to keep good thoughts for a young gIrl who was mvolved In a recent swimmmg pool aCCIdent and was still fightIng for her lIfe. Pool safety was of the utmost importance, espeCIally when children were present. .. @JOURNMENT 11.1 There bemg no further business to come before the Council, the meetIng was adjourned at 8:50 p.m., In memory of Gene Strom. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk ~ DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL MINUTES VOLUME 25 REGULAR MEETING May 2, 2006 PAGE 157 ~.'."''' W