HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.05 Park Furniture Replacement CITY CLERK File # D[1l]lDJ[QH~[5] AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 20,2006 SUBJECT: ATTACHMENTS: RECOMMENDATION: ~ FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Park I'urniture Replacement - Contract No 06-06, Change Order Report Prepared by Rosemarv Alex, Parks and Fm:ililies Development Coordinator I) Proposed Change Order ~ Approve Change Order #1 Ongmal Contract Amount Proposed Change Order Total Project Rudget (FY 05106) Project Budget (JiY 06/07) Total Project Budget Remaining Contingency $52,064,00 $72.613 ,00 $124,677 00 $57,27000 $79,87400 $137,144,00 $12,46700 DESCRIPTION: The Park Furniture Replacement Project was approved as part or the 2004-2005 Capital Improvement Program, The project extends over four fiscal years at thc following locations: 1) 2) 3) 41 5) Dolan Park Alamo Creck Park Stagecoach Park Shannon Park Kolb Park FY 2005-2006 1''1 2006-2007 FY 2006-2007 n 2007-2008 FY 2008-2009 On April 4, 2006 the City Council authorizcd Staff to solicit bids for furniture replacement at Dolan Park and subsequently awardcd the contract to Ross Recreation Equipment Company Incorporated on May 2, 2006 In an effort to garner improved pricing by increasmg the furniture purchase, Alamo Creck Park and Stagecoach Park were mcluded as an additive hid item, At its meeting of June 13, 2006 the Dublin City Council adopted the Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Budget. The Budget includes funds to complete the furniture replacement H-'r Alamo Creek and Stagecoach Park, In order to proceed with the purchase, a Change Order to the ongmal contract in the amount of $72,613 is COpy TO: Ross Recreation Equipment Company Incorporated Page I 01'2 ITEM NO. '1. 5' G:\COUNCIUAgenuu S.W.lemenb\20u6\6-2o Park PurnilLlrt:: CO ReplJrL.uO\:: needed. Approval of the Change Order will allow the contractor to immediately order the equipment with dclivcry and installatIOn in Fiscal Y car 2006-2007 RECOMMENDATION: Stair recommends that the City Council takc the lollowing action. A.pprove Change Order #1 wIth Ross Recreatum EquIpment Company Incorporated III the amount 01'$72,613 :hO d {o,: 3> CITY OF DUBLIN CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO.1 PROJECT: Park Furniture Replacement Contraet No. 06-06 TO: Ross Reereation Equipment Company Incorporated PAGEIOFl AGREEMENT DATED May 2, 2006 between Ross Recreation Equipment Company, Incorporated and tile City of Dublin You are hereby dit'fcred to make the herein dcsi;;ribed (,::h~lnges ti"om the scope of service::; or du the fi.lllowing described work not included in the scope of services on this contract'. NOTE: This clHulfe order h not effective until aDD roved by the Citv Malla-e-er D(~s(.:ripliuh of work to he done, eFltimate ofquantitic5~ i:md prices l.n he paId. Segregate between additiunal work at contract pril;l:, a.greed price and fOl'ce account. {Jnle~s otherwise statcd~ rate:; fi.,r remal of equipment cover only ::;ul;h time as equipment is actually used and no allowance will be made for idle time. ~1::mJl.gt;:.1~que~t.e<.J b\": The City of Dublin tnclude Additive Bid ltem#l into thE pmjcct ,cupe ufwork. Work will include the installatiun of sit. furniture at Stagecoach Park and Alamo Creek Park (attacheci. hereto). TlMF F.XTENSION: FORTY-FIVE (45) CALlcNDAR DAYS COST INCREASE ($72.6131 SlIBMITTED Fly . --- .(dA,\I'-' I'E,J,-,f 6 t, "'~. n;ili.le Low;;..r- "-" Date Parks & Community St:tvil;es Director "PPROV"I, RFn 'MMENDELlIJY APPROVED BY Richard ( . ^mbrose Date City Man<:lgcr Janet Lockhart Dale Mayor We, the underSigned contractor, have given cardu'l ~:or1$idel'atil)ll to the change proposed and herehy agree, if this proposal is ~pproved, to all terms. ofthis change order, and to provide ull equipment and furnish all materials CX.i.:~;pl lJS may othetwise be noted above1 and to pcrfoml all s(''Tviccs m~ccss;.uy for thl; work ahove :;:;pecified. Llnd to al~ccpt a::; full p~wr'lient the prices and time extensiuns shown above for ,my ~l.T1d all cu~t and time impacts> resulting from this chNnt:~~ l)rdl~r o\cccpti...xj, Date Contractor RO!:is Rt,lL.:i'ea!.ion hquipment Company In(;orporated By Title I 'D ~p' <- "OW "-IS' ATTACHMENT #1 DATE.; PROJECT NAME: CIP#: CONTRACT NO. CHANG~ o~OE~ No. PERcENT COMPLETED CONTRACTOR: CONTRACT AMOUNT 10DIi CONTINGENCY AMOUNT CONSTRUCTION BUOGET CITY OF DUBLIN EXHIBIT "A" CHANGE ORDER FORM 1;;/6/200Ei Park Furniture RcplElC:cml:!nl 95631 #06-06 1 0% Ross Recreation Equipm~nl Company 1m: $52,064 $$,200 $57,270 CONTRACT CHANQE OROERS: CHANGE ORDE;R #01 Additive Bid Item #1 AMOUNT 72,013,00 TOTAL OF ALL CURRENT AND PRIOR CHANGE OROE~S: ADJUSTED CONTRACT AMOUNT REMAINING CONTINGENCY PROGRESS PAYMENTS MADE: PAYMENT #0'1 PAYMENT #02 PAYMENT #0$ PAYME;NT#04 PAYMENT #05 PAYMENT #06 PAYMENT #07 PAYMENT #iJ8 PAYMENT #09 PAYMENT #10 PAYMENT #11 ToTAL ACTUAL PAYMENTS, ADJUSTED TOTAL CONTRACT: REMAINING BALANCE ON CONtRACT RECOMMENDATION: SIGNATURI::. ApPRuVED DENIED ..---- /:~ ,,",J (,i~ Supet...i!:;if1\"l tJ~pt H~l:ld cONr~AcT CI-IANOE QRDERS: $72,613.00 $124,1;i77.DO ($67407.00) PAYMENT#12 PAYMENT #13 pAYMENT #14 F"AYMENT#15 PAYMENT #16 PA vMENT #17 PAYMENT #18 PAYMENT#19 PAYMENUZO PAYMENT #21 PAYMENT #22 $124.677.00 $124.677,00 APPROVED OENIED City Manager APPROVE[' DENIED 2 D( 3 AMOUNT M.w(lt 3,,{3 PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF DUBLIN FOR THE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT ENTITLED PARK FURNITURE REPLACEMENT CONTRACT NO. 06-06 J NAME OF BIDDER ROSS RECREATION EQUIPMENT co.. INC. BUSINESS ADDRESS 100 BRUSH CREEK ROAD, #101. SANTA ROSA, CA 95404 TELEPHONE NO 707-538-3800 The work for which this proposal is submitted is for construction in accordance with the special provisions (including the payment of not less than the minimum wage rates) and the contract annAH,d hereto, the project specifications described below, and also in accordance with the Department of Industrial Relations - General Prevailing Wage Rates in effect on the date the work is accomplished, Price shall be a lump sum for the project as identified in the specification, appendix, and plan sheets. The price bid shall include all material and labor needed to provide a complete and functional installation as provided in the Specification. The undersigned, as Bidder, deciares that the only persons or parties interested in this proposal ,"S principals are those named herein; that this proposal is made without collusion with any other p",rson, firm, or corporation, that he has carefully examined the location of the proposed work, the annexed proposp.d form of contract, and the plans therein referred to, and he proposes and agrees if this proposal is accepted that he will contract with the City of Dublin in the form of the scope of the contract annexed hereto, to provide all necessary machinery, tools, apparatus, and other means of construction, ~nd to do all the work and furnish all the materials specified in the contract, in the manner and time therein prescribed, and according to the requirements of the Engineer as therein set forth, and that he will take in full payment therefor the following lump sum price, to wit: Total Base Bid' FIFTY-TWO THOUSAND SIXTY-FOUR ($ 52,064.00 ) dollars Additive Bid Items Additive Bid Item #1: Add Park Furniture for Stagecoach Park and Alamo Creel< Park SEVENTY~'l'WQ THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED THIRTEEN Total Additive Bid Item #1 dollars ($ 72,613.00 Total Base Bid and Additive Bid Item #1 ON!c,1l'lJNB'RUllD 'rW~N'rY.;.lFODR THOUSAND SlX HITNllRED __dollars SEVr;NTY-SEVEN DOl,LARS ($ 124,677.00 Page P-1