HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.09 Financial Report FY 05-06 CITY CLERK File # D~[2][Q]-[SJ~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 3, 2006 SUBJECT: Preliminary Financial Report For Fiscal Year 2005/2006 Report Prepared by Paul S. Rankin, Administrative Services Director and Fred Marsh, Finance Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1. Revenues and Budget Comparison (Period Ending 6/30/06) 2. Expenses and Budget Comparison (Period Ending 6/30/06) 3. Preliminary Financial Statements for the Month of June 2006 RECOMMENDATION: ~ Receive the Reports FINANCIAL STATEMENT: See Staff Report DESCRIPTION: This report provides the preliminary financial statements for Fiscal Year 2005- 2006. The Auditors have begun reviewing the financial statements. In the event of adjusting entries they will be noted as part of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and Audit, to be presented later this year. A. GENERAL FUND Summary of the Year End Fund Balances for the General Fund In preparing the 200612007 Budget, Staff presented to the City Council projected results from the 200512006 Fiscal Year. These projections were used in order to plan for the designation and use of certain unexpended funds as part of the 200612007 Budget. As presented in the 2006/07 Budget Message, several long term fiscal needs exist for the City and a more exact estimate of those costs will require additional study. The City Council deferred allocating the projected year-end surplus until the studies related to park and recreation and other facilities were complete. Given that the General Fund offers funding for discretionary expenditures, a separate schedule summarizing the changes in the General Fund balances is presented. The Table shows the following elements: 1) The Fund Balance Designations at the beginning of the 2005/2006 Fiscal Year; 2) the estimated use of reserves carried forward to Fiscal Year 2006/07 for capital projects approved as part of the budget; and 3) estimated additions to the fund balance reserves in specific designated categories. The additions to reserves for prepaid expenditures and long term advances were made in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Procedures due to the changes that occurred in these related assets during Fiscal Year 2005-2006. It should also be noted that the estimated carry forward to 2006/07 is an estimate and the final amount will be presented in a budget change request at a future meeting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPY TO: Page 1 of6 ITEM NO. !t. 9 G:\Audit\FY 2005-06\Agendas\agenda REV statement preliminary Year End Financials.doc i,J Balance at Estimated Use of Estimated Estimated Estimated Fund Balances Beginning of Fund Balance Additions To Fund Ending Fund ReservedJDesignated for: Fiscal Year Fiscal Year 05/06 Balance (*Prior Yr Balance (*orior vr adj) Adj) Prepaid Expenditures $14,144 $12,065 $2,079 Cemetery endowment $60,000 $60,000 Advance (Fire Impact Fees) $2,201,289 $307,691 $1,893,598 Economic Uncertainty $2,970,721 $2,970,721 Downtown Open Space $2,329,001 $605,799 ($344,968)* $1,378,234 Senior Center $307,694 $134,821 $172,873 CIP Carryovers $1,020,275 $1,020,275 $1,518,711 $1,518,711 Capital Improvement $2,635,621 $2,635,621 Culvert Maintenance $280,000 $18,115 $261,885 Affordable Housing . $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Public Art (Cash Deposit Transit Center) $125,000 $125,000 Authorized Expenditures $32,971,221 ($344,968) cr* $2,812,830 $36,129,019 Estimated Total Fund Balance $45,789,966 $1,297,840 $4,456,541 $48,147,741 In closing the 200512006 books a new designation was established for a cash deposit of $125,000 made as part of the Transit Center Development for the future placement of public art. In future reports these funds as well as a second required contribution of$125,000 will be reported as part of the Public Art Fund. The Public Art Fund will be used beginning in 2006107 to account for fees collected as part of the Public Art Program established by Ordinance 14-06, which becomes effective in October 2006. The projected General Fund surplus presented in the 2006/2007 Budget $2,985,369 net of funds required to be carried over for projects which were underway. The preliminary estimate is very close to this showing a total of $2,939,358. (Combination of the new Public Art designation [$125,000] with the addition to the designation for Authorized Expenditures [$2,812,830].) The table below provides a summary of the General Fund Budget; Final Budget (including the Final 2005/06 Budget Adjustments; and Actual Revenues and Expenditures. Adopted Variance Final Item Budget Final Budget Actual Budget and Actual Revenues $45,508,467 $45,787,916 $46,405,287 $617,371 Less: Operating Expenditures $42,748,737 $43,113,526 $40,176,451 $2,937,075 Capital Expenditures $4,525,725 $5,435,624 $3,085,324 $2,350,300 Transfers In $29,253 $29,253 $15,189 ($14,064) A. Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures ($1,736,742) ($2,731,981) $3,158,701 $5,890,682 Plus Use of Downtown Open Space Reserve $360,009 $360,009 $605,799 $245,790 Senior Center Reserve $319,707 $319,707 $134,821 ($184,886) CIP Carryover Reserve $764,439 $1,020,275 $219,349 ($800,926) Box Culvert Maintenance Reserve $20,092 $20,092 $18,115 ($1 ,977) Repayment of Fire Impact Fee Loan $445,800 $445,800 $307,691 ($138,109) Adjustment for Prepaid Expenditures $12,065 $12,065 B. Subtotal $1,910,047 $2,165,883 $1,297,840 ($868,043) Change in Fund Balance Set Aside For Authorized Expenditures $173,305 ($566,098) $2,812,830 $3,378,928 Public Art $125,000 $125,000 Capital Project Carryovers $1,518,711 $1,518,711 Total Chan!!es in Fund Balance Set Asides $173,305 ($566,098) $4,456,541 $5,022,639 Page 2 of6 Significant General Fund Estimated Revenue Variances The preliminary year end revenues in the General Fund (including a year end estimate for sales tax) overall exceeded the budget estimate by approximately $617,000 (1 %). These results were a combination of deviations both over and under the budget estimate. The following section describes the fluctuation by major revenue type. Property Taxes: + $1,059,000 (7% QYIT the budgeted projection) The assessed valuation of all residential and non residential properties located within the City limits increased by $861 million (16%) over the prior Fiscal Year. This was due to the large number of new properties added to the tax roll for the first time in Fiscal Year 2005-2006, as well as an increase in property values within the area. Sales Taxes: - $621,000 (4% under the budgeted projection) Sales taxes decreased in comparison to the amount collected in the prior year, due to lower car sales and a one time deduction in Fiscal Year 2005-2006 from the State Board of Equalization for sales taxes that were misallocated to the City related to prior sales tax periods. Real Property Transfer Tax: - $55,000 (7% under the budgeted projection) Real Property Transfer Taxes decreased in comparison to the prior year due to lower than expected proceeds from the sale of both residential and non residential properties, which resulted in lower transfer taxes collected from these types of real property transactions. Transient Occupancy Taxes: +$47,000 (7% over the budgeted projection) Transient Occupancy Taxes are higher than in the same period in the prior year due to higher than expected occupancy and room rates resulting from the recovering economy in the Bay Area. Franchise Taxes: +$163,000 (10% over the budgeted projection) Franchise Taxes are higher than in the same period in the prior year due primarily to higher revenues received from service providers for: garbage; and natural gas. PG&E billings for natural gas increased substantially and there was customer growth. In addition, monies were received from non exclusive garbage franchise agreements, which were not included as part of the original budget estimate. Licenses and Permits Revenue: +$762,000 (32% over the budgeted projection) Building Permits came in above the original budgeted projections, as the activity related to residential construction occurred at a faster pace than was originally anticipated. Due to the nature of this revenue, the expenses for inspections may actually be recognized in Fiscal Year 2006-2007. For example, a Building Permit obtained in Mayor June, will incur a majority of the related inspection expenditures in the following year. Interest Revenue: -$310,000 (18% under the budgeted projection) The recording of interest revenue is impacted by government accounting rules which require adjustments to revenue based on the year end market value of investments held in the City portfolio. The City's overall rate of return on its investments was higher than assumed in the budget estimate. However, the City is required to post a reduction to the revenue account based on market values. The year end accounting entry for changes in market value results in less interest revenue reported for 2005/06 than in 2004/05. Page 3 of6 The City's portfolio currently has some securities which were purchased when interest rates were lower than today's rates. They mature at various times over the next 3 years. As interest rates increase the market value of the security decreases. However, if held until maturity as is planned by the City, the full face value of the investment is received when the security matures. The accounting rules require entries which present what the impact would be if the City sold the securities on June 30, 2006. Rentals: -$18,000 (13% under the budgeted projection) Rental of City facilities were below the original budgeted forecast by approximately $18,000 due to lower than expected revenues from field and gym rentals. Inten:!overnmental: +$492,000 (93% ill! the budgeted projection) Intergovernmental Revenues exceeded original budgeted projections due to the early repayment by the State of a VLF Loan that was outstanding for Fiscal Year 2003-2004. This repayment was not assumed as part of the original budget estimate. Chan:!es for Services: +$497,000 (9% over the budgeted projection) Charges for Services exceeded the original budgeted projections as the City received a higher than expected amount for engineering plan check and inspection charges for services, due to the new development occurring in the City. Fines and Forfeitures: +$17,000 (13% over the budgeted projection) Fines exceeded the original budget projection due to an increase in the amount of court fines received over the prior Fiscal Year. Other Revenues: -$1,417,000 (78% under the budget projection) This deviation is primarily a difference in timing. The adopted budget had assumed that several capital projects involving reimbursement or the sale of property would result in revenues during 2005/06. This included the Fallon Road Interchange Project; Dougherty Road Underground Project; and potential sale of right of way in the downtown area. Significant General Fund Estimated Operating Expenditure Variances The City's General Fund operating expenses (excludes funds programmed for capital projects) were approximately $2.936 million (7%) less than the amount budgeted. The following breakdown examines major areas of savings by Program: General Government: - $659,000 (12% under the budget projection) Several factors contributed to budget savings in this category: including: a) Lower than expected expenditures for salaries and benefits, including a temporary vacancy in the City Manager's Office. b) The decision not to fill a position in Central Services; c) Expenditures for planning of the City's 25th Anniversary Event were not incurred; d) Legal services required for development projects were less than originally anticipated, due to changes in project timelines; e) Lower than expected expenditures incurred for insurance claims; and f) $54,500 of budgeted contingency funds were not needed during the year. Public Safety: -$909,000 (4% under the budget projection) The budget savings in this category resulted primarily from lower than anticipated expenditures for contract Police services. The personnel and benefit costs were not as high as projected, due largely to a delay in anticipated increased costs associated with enhanced retirement benefits for County Page 4 of6 Sheriffs Department personnel. Also, Fire Services were approximately $52,000 below the budget. In addition savings in various supply and services accounts also impacted these results. Transportation: -$67,000 (4% under the budget projection) The budget savings in this category resulted primarily from lower than anticipated costs in the Public Works Administration; Street Sweeping; and Landscape Maintenance budgets. Health and Welfare: -$10,000 (31 % under the budget projection) The budget savings in this category resulted primarily due to the fact that planned consultant assistance with the garbage rate review and rate model were not completed prior to year end; therefore, funds will need to be carried over to Fiscal Year 2006-2007. Culture and Leisure: -$454,000 (7% under the budget projection) The budget savings in this category resulted primarily from a delay in the City assuming the maintenance of Emerald Glen Park, Phase III as well as the grounds at the new Senior Center. This resulted in a lower amount of park maintenance expenditures. There were also budgetary savings as a result in salaries and others costs for programs that had lower than expected participation. Community Development: -$837,000 (10% under the budget projection) The budget savings in this category occurred due to lower than expected expenditures for salaries and benefits for the planning and building divisions, as a result of position vacancies, and lower than expected expenditures for building inspection and planning services. General Fund Capital Project Expenditure Variances The City's General Fund capital project expenditures were approximately $2.3 million (43%) less than the amount budgeted. This variance represents a combination of timing differences in the completion of these capital projects, and lower than expected expenditures incurred on some of the capital projects. Some of the unspent funds have already been reappropriated and accounted for in the adopted Fiscal Year 2006- 2007 budget. Staff is in the process of reviewing with the individual project managers whether a carry over appropriation is required. At the next City Council meeting, a 2006/07 Budget change will be presented to formally appropriate the funds for those projects that were not completed. B. SPECIAL REVENUE AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FUNDS There are 17 different Special Revenue Funds used to account for the revenue and expenditures that are legally restricted for specific purposes. There are 5 Assessment Funds that account for landscaping and lighting assessments and expenditures within the specific boundaries of each District. The final Audit and Comprehensive Annual Financial Report will provide details on the individual funds. For the purpose of this report only significant fluctuations are discussed. Gas Tax Expenditures were significantly less than the budget due to a change in the sequencing of the Annual Slurry Seal Program. This project was approximately $313,000 less than the amount budgeted. The program timing will result in additional expenditures in early 2007/2008. Traffic Congestion Relief Fund Revenues of approximately $182,000 were received and the budget did not assume the collection of these fees during Fiscal Year 2005-2006. The State reestablished this program as part of the passage of the State's Fiscal Year 2005-2006 budget. Funds are appropriated as part of the 2006/07 Annual Overlay Program. Page 5 of6 c. IMPACT FEE AND HOUSING IN LIEU FUNDS Traffic Impact Fee Revenues were significantly under budget as a result of project timing differences. The original budget included the receipt of an advance from developers during Fiscal Year 2005-2006 for the construction of the Fallon Road Freeway Interchange Improvements. This advance is not expected to be received until Fiscal Year 2006-2007, due to a delay in beginning of construction on the project. Traffic Impact Fee Expenditures were under budget due to the carryover of the Fallon Interchange Improvements, St Patrick Way construction and Dougherty Road widening projects to Fiscal Year 2006-2007. Since the CIP incorporates all projects that may be ultimately funded by Impact Fees it is common for deviations in this fund. Developers sometimes choose to pay directly for these improvements (and receive impact fee credits from the City). Therefore the City does not record the cost of the project as a City Expenditure. The City did make payments under several joint agency funding agreements including: a) $352,000 payment to the City of Pleasanton from Developer fees associated with Interchange Improvements originally funded by the City of Pleasanton; b) an $800,000 payment to the City of Pleasanton reducing the balance owed for advances made by Pleasanton towards roadway improvements in the City of Dublin; and c) a $1,250,000 payment to BART associated with funding the West DublinIPleasanton Bart Station. Public Facility and Park Dedication Fees were ahead of budget due to a higher than expected number of permits issued for new residential projects during Fiscal Year 2005-2006. Public Facility Impact Fee expenditures were under budget due to the City recognizing project savings on the completion of Phase ill improvements at Emerald Glen Park, as well as the carryover to subsequent years expenditures related to the design of a new aquatic center. Park Dedication expenditures were under budget due to a reallocation to the Public Facilities Fund of a portion of expenditures incurred for land acquisition for Fallon Sports Park. Housing in Lieu Fees were under budget as the fees estimated to be collected during Fiscal Year 2005-2006 for new residential projects were actually collected at the end of Fiscal Year 2004-2005. This was partially offset by In Lieu Fees collected for Non Residential projects, which were not included in the adopted budget for Fiscal Year 2005-2006. Expenditures in the Housing In Lieu Fund were $575,000 under budget due to a delay III implementing a first time home buyer loan program. D. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council receive these reports as authorized by Section 41005 of the California Government Code. Page 6 of6 1 tt'P City of Dublin 2005-2006YTD Revenues and Budget Comparison rm ... E()rJI1:~r~TiQq~IJ,(linKJIJ.Il~}(),J()()~ Sales Taxes ~101% I I I I I I I 107%1 I I i 96% I + 93% I 107%1 i 11 0 ~/o I 132% + i ; I I I Sf/o I I i I + ! 10904 ! I 11~% I I 22 0/0 I i ! I I Total General Fund Revenues Property Taxes Real Property Transfer Tax Transient Occupancy Taxes Franchise Taxes Licenses and Permits Interest and Rentals Intergovernmental from State Charges for Services Fines and Forfeitures Other Revenues 0% 30% 60% 90% 120% 150% 100% of Year Complete FY 2005/06 FY 2005/06 %of FY 2004/05 Budget YTD Actual Budget YTD Actual Property Taxes 15,716,461 16,775,906 1,059,445 107% 14,054,547 Sales Taxes * 14,984,884 14,363,863 -621,021 96% 14,152,987 Real Property Transfer Tax 745,600 690,404 -55,196 93% 831,003 Transient Occupancy Taxes 680,500 727,612 47,112 107% 663,632 Franchise Taxes 1,626,300 1,789,356 163,056 110% 1,559,900 Licenses and Permits 2,380,013 3,142,223 762,210 132% 3,520,141 Interest and Rentals 1,898,725 1,570,966 -327,759 83% 1,734,802 Intergovernmental 528,208 1,020,574 492,366 193% 568,598 Charges for Services 5,277,561 5,774,669 497,108 109% 5,548,124 Fines and Forfeitures 132,200 149,467 17,267 113% 143,316 Other Revenues 1,817,464 400,245 -1,417,219 22% 783,873 Total General Fund Revenues 45,787,916 46,405,285 617,369 101% 43,560,923 Dale Printed" 9/22/2006 1:36 PM to - 3 . ()~~ Lf.c, ATTACHMENT 1 City of Dublin 2005-2006 YTD Expenses and Budget Comparison For the Period Ending June 30, 2006 Total General Fund Expenses General Government Police Other Public Safety Transportation Health and Welfare Culture & Community Services Community Development Capital Improv. Projects DatePrinted:9/22120061:35PM Fire i I l i ~ 89% I I 88% I I ! i I i i I i 93 I I j I 9 i i l 9 ! I I I i 69%1 93 I I ! 9001c i 7% i i -~..'" I I ~1JI)! ! I ~Io ! 199% i % % I I % ATTACHMENT 2 CITY OF DUBLIN'S PRO FORMA FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 2006 Prepared by The Finance Department September 22, 2006 (Used for Audit) 31Jl:? ATTACHMENT 3 4-tfb 13 CITY OF DUBLIN BALANCE SHEET FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30Jun2006 GENERAL SPECIAL SPECIAL CAPITAL TRUST! TOT A L S REVENUE REVENUE ASSESSMENT IMPROVEMENT AGENCY ---MEMORANDUM ONLY--- FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS FUNDS FUND CURRENT PRIOR ASSETS CASH (51.173.465) 3.699.452 572 .637 36.674.323 210.634 (10.016.419) (8.246,304) CASH WITH FISCAL AGENT 181.893 181.893 .175,727 AMOUNT HELD IN ESCROW 1. 762.000 1. 762.000 661.000 INVESTMENTS AT COST 109,788.509 109.788.509 101. 952.797 RECEIVABLES: TAXES ACCOUNTS 1. 954 . 064 385.421 3.415 917.206 3.260.107 2.930.895 INTEREST 790.834 790.834 732.959 ASSESSMENTS DUE FROM OTHERS 1. 970.771 1. 970.771 2.497.553 INVENTORY AT COST PREPAID ITEMS 2.079 2.079 14.144 FIXED ASSETS LOANS RECEIVABLE 4,731. 534 4.731. 534 4,596.534 AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED 1. 083.500 1. 083.500 1. 213.500 TOTAL ASSETS 63,332.791 4,084.874 576.052 44.085,064 1.476.027 113.554.808 106.528,806 LIABILITIES/FUND EQUITY DEPOSITS FOR PRIVATE DEVEL (877.512) (877.512) (854.992) DEPOSITS FOR AB1600 FEES (659.837) (659.837) (334.209) DEPOSITS OTHERS (2.322.126) (2.322.126) ( 2 . 562 . 277 ) PAYABLES: ACCOUNTS (9.257.889) (423,057) (37.570) (1.076.086) (10.794.602) (8.837.076) INTEREST PAYROLL (821.330) (821. 330) (1.097.911 ) DUE TO OTHERS (314.940) (77.173) (1,893,598) (2,285.710) (2.592,218) DEFERRED REVENUE (130,491 ) (130.491) (127.768) DEBT INSTRUMENTS PAYABLE (1.201. 000) (1.201. 000) (1,331. 000) TOTAL LIABILITIES (14.384.123) (500.230) (37,570) (2.969.684) (1.201. 000) 09.092.607) (17.737.451) FUND BALANCES (48.948.668) (3.584.644) (538.482) (41.115,380) (275,027) (94.462.200) ( 88.791. 355) TOTAL FUND E (48.948.668) (3.584.644) (538.482) (41.115,380) (275.027) (94.462.200) ( 88 . 791. 355 ) TOTAL LIABILITIES/EQUITY (63,332.791) (4.084,874) (576.052) (44.085.064) (1.476.027)(113.554.808)(106,528.806) CITY OF DUBLIN (3f;[) 13 BALANCE SHEET FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30Jun2006 INTERNAL ENTERPRISE FIXED ASSETS GENERAL LONG TOT A L S SERVICE FUND GROUP OF TERM DEBT ---MEMORANDUM--- FUNDS ACCOUNTS ACCOUNT GROUP CURRENT PRIOR ASSETS CASH 10.259.163 10.259.163 8.988.658 CASH WITH FISCAL AGENT AMOUNT HELD IN ESCROW INVESTMENTS AT COST RECEIVABLES: TAXES ACCOUNTS 2.077 INTEREST ASSESSMENTS DUE FROM OTHERS INVENTORY AT COST PREPAID ITEMS FIXED ASSETS 49.252.891 338.673.144 387.926.035 383.667.186 LOANS RECEIVABLE AMOUNT TO BE PROVIDED 61.667.661 61.667.661 63.728.304 TOTAL ASSETS 59.512.054 338.673.144 61.667.661 459.852.859 456.386.225 LIABILITIES/FUND EQUITY DEPOSITS FOR PRIVATE DEVEL DEPOSITS FOR AB1600 FEES DEPOSITS OTHERS PAYABLES: ACCOUNTS (31.062) (31. 062) (61.973) INTEREST PAYROLL DUE TO OTHERS DEFERRED REVENUE DEBT INSTRUMENTS PAYABLE (61. 667.661) (61.667.661) (63.728.304) TOTAL LIABILITIES (31.062) (61.667.661) (61.698.724) (63.790.277) FUND BALANCES (59.480.992) (338.673.144) (398.154.135)(392.595.948) TOTAL FUND E (59.480.992) (338.673.144) (398.154.135)(392.595.948) TOTAL LIABILITIES/EQUITY (59.512.054) (338.673.144) (61.667.661) (459.852.859)(456.386.225) THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING &]l3 REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2005 THROUGH 06/30/2006 G ENE R A L REV E N U E FUN D CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y.T.D. VARIANCE *******REVENUES******* PROPERTY TAXES 15,716.461. 00 16.775.905.94 (1.059.444.~4) 14.054.547.16 14.054.547.16 SALES TAX 14.984.884.00 14,363.863.47 621.020.53 14.152.987.24 14.152.987.24 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER TAX 745.600.00 690.404.35 55.195.65 831,003.24 831.003.24 HOTEL TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX 680.500.00 . 727.611.60 (47.111.60) 663.631.67 663.631. 67 FRANCHISE TAXES 1. 626.300.00 1.789.355.75 063.055.75) 1. 559 . 900 . 22 1. 559.900.22 LICENSES & PERMITS 2.380,013.00 (762,210.22) 3.520.140.84 . 3,520.140.84 FINES & FORFEITURES 132,200.00 149,467.45 07.267.45) 143.316.33 143.316.33 USE/MONEY & PROP-INTEREST 1. 757.524.00 1.447,812.35 309,711.65 1. 608.966.40 1. 608.966.40 USE/MONEY & PROP-RENTALS 141. 201. 00 123.154.10 18.046.90 125.835.40 125.835.40 INTERGOVERNMENTAL 528,208.00 1. 020.574.22 (492.366.22) 568.598.34 568.598.34 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 5.277.561. 00 5 ,774.668 .80 (497,107.80) 5,548.124.34 5.548.124.34 OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 1.817.464.00 400.245.24 1.417.218.76 783.873.45 783.873.45 TOTAL REVENUE 45,787.916.00 46.405.286.49 (617,370.49) 43.560,924.63 43,560.924.63 *******EXPENDITURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: CITY COUNCIL 300.704.00 246.713.83 53.990.17 224.070.48 224,070.48 CITY MANAGER 997.923.00 960.957.13 36.965.87 919.976.69 919.976.69 CENTRAL SERVICES 545.720.00 429.560.48 116.159.52 362.244.59 362.244.59 CITY ATTORNEY 824.252.00 623,049.58 201,202.42 631.963.18 631.963.18 ADMIN SERVICES 1.648.603.00 1,544,223.93 104,379.07 1.433.876.94 1.433.876.94 BUILDING MANAGEMENT 734.657.00 709,411.15 25,245.85 668.646.21 668.646.21 INSURANCE COST CENTER 422,038.00 353.414.23 68.623.77 508.448.41 508,448.41 ELECTIONS COST CENTER 2.890.00 2.244.10 645.90 12.265.33 12.265.33 NON-DEPARTMENTAL 62.221. 00 10.230.71 51. 990.29 68,155.13 68.155.13 ACTI V ITY TOTAL 5,539.008.00 4,879,805.14 659.202.86 4,829.646.96 4,829.646.96 PUBLI C SAFETY POLI CE 11.360,249.00 10.519.026.18 841.222.82 9.837.842.27 9.837,842.27 CROSSING GUARDS 82.140.00 79.558.58 2.581.42 71.407.04 71.407.04 ANIMAL CONTROL 225.854.00 225,853.07 .93 208.369.91 208.369.91 TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LIGHTIN 18.110.00 12.608.33 5,501. 67 8.587.87 8.587.87 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS 67.557.00 59.513.44 8.043.56 68.023.15 68.023.15 FIRE SERVICES 8.902.188.00 8.850.278.23 51. 909.77 8.207.944.38 8.207.944.38 ACTIVITY TOTAL 20.656.098.00 19.746.837.83 909,260.17 18.402.174.62 18.402.174.62 TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC WORKS 808.577.00 783.632.70 24.944.30 723,562.41 723,562.41 STREET MAINTENANCE 30.314.00 30.314.00 15.908.28 15,908.28 STREET SWEEPING 152.302.00 135.923.35 16.378.65 140.783.85 140,783.85 STREET TREE MAINTENANCE 119.577.00 119.576.15 .85 99 .195 .45 99,195.45 STREET LANDSCAPING MAINTENAN 735.124.00 709.557.73 25,566.27 682.756.30 682.756.30 ACTI V ITY TOTAL 1. 845.894. DO 1.779.003.93 66.890.07 1. 662 . 206.29 1. 662 . 206.29 HEALTH & WELFARE WASTE MANAGEMENT 19.315.00 8.829.31 10.485.69 71,474.64 71.474.64 CHILD CARE 15.000.00 15.000.00 15.000.00 15,000.00 SOCIAL SERVICES HOUSING PROGRAMS THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING '01~ REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2005 THROUGH 06/30/2006 G ENE R A L REV E N U E FUN D CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y.T.D. VARIANCE ACTI V ITY TOTAL 34.315.00 23.829.31 10.485.69 86,474.64 86,474.64 CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES LIBRARY SERVICES 628.271.00 618.993.45 9.277.55 577.734.07 577.734.07 CULTURAL ACTIVITIES 233.515.00 233.515.51 ( .51) 125.102.04 125.102.04 HERITAGE CENTER 163.333.00 158.806.33 4.526.67 125.641.44 125.641. 44 DUBLI N CEMETERY 49.958.00 36.321. 70 13.636.30 40.573.15 40.573.15 PARK MAINTENANCE 1. 712 . 065 . 00 1. 390 . 353 . 67 321.711.33 1. 450 . 064.58 1. 450 . 064 . 58 COMMUN ITY TV 66.407.00 63.060.91 3.346.09 61. 809.00 61. 809.00 RECREATION ADMIN 708.174.00 686.496.76 21.677 .24 608.760.76 608.760.76 PLAYGROUNDS 275.357.00 243.464.19 31. 892.81 247.214.27 247.214.27 SHANNON CENTER 342.706.00 328.750.40 13.955.60 301. 071.12 301. 071.12 PRESCHOOL 105.458.00 108.039.36 (2.581. 36) 82,639.86 82.639.86 TEENS PROGRAM 159.835.00 143.225.92 16.609.08 87.306.66 87.306.66 ADULT SPORTS 109.230.00 83.918.06 25.311.94 92.694.01 92.694.01 YOUTH SPORTS 153.617.00 142.237.92 11.379.08 118.533.39 118.533.39 COMMUN ITY GYM 43.459.00 40.429.40 3.029.60 42.887.87 42.887.87 EMERALD GLEN ACTIVITY CENTER SPECIAL EVENTS 364.601. 00 377.607.25 (13.006.25 ) 331. 898 .19 331. 898 .19 SENIOR CENTER 365.728.00 421.034.20 (55.306.20) 253.121.20 253.121. 20 RECREATION INSTRUCTION 183.023.00 166.976.26 16.046.74 174.492.75 174,492.75 AQUATICS 429.221. 00 411.688.61 17.532.39 393.660.59 393.660.59 PARKS/FACILITIES MANAGEMENT 308.494.00 293.642.66 14.851. 34 261.928.57 261.928.57 ACTIVITY TOTAL 6.402.452.00 5.948,562.56 453.889.44 5.377.133.52 5.377,133.52 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING 2,685.164.00 2.218.620.09 466.543.91 2.414.972.53 2.414.972.53 BUILDING SAFETY 3.214.615.00 2.908.309.60 306.305.40 2 .399.434.25. 2.399.434.25 ENGINEERING 2.380.352.00 2.380.371.77 (19.77) 2.304.691. 55 2.304.691. 55 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 355.628.00 291.110.11 64.517.89 272.379.63 272.379.63 ACTI V ITY TOTAL 8.635.759.00 7.798.411.57 837.347.43 7.391.477 .96 7.391.477.96 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS GENERAL CIP PROJECTS 1.383.213.00 606.778.83 77 6.434. 17 633,849.26 633.849.26 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS 884 . 276 . 71 780.954.81 103,321. 90 403.110.09 403.110.09 PARKS 1. 680 .115.00 643.107.49 2.630.020.78 2.630.020.78 STREET CONSTRC/IMPROVEMENTS 1.488.019.00 660.581.62 827.437.38 980.260.11 980.260.11 ACTI V ITY TOTAL 5.435.623.71 3.085.322.77 2.350.300.94 4.647.240.24 4.647.240.24 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 48.549.149.71 43.261. 773.11 5.287.376.60 42.396.354.23 42.396.354.23 EXCESS REVENUE (EXPENDITURES) (2,761.233.71) 3.143.513.38 (5.904.747.09) 1.164.570.40 1.164.570.40 TRANSFERS IN FROM OTHER FUNDS 475.053.00 15.188.59 459.864.41 27.230.91 27.230.91 TRANSFERS OUT FROM OTHER FUNDS REVENUES OVER(UNDER) EXPENDITURES (2.286,180.71) 3.158,701.97 (5.444.882.68) 1.191. 801. 31 1.191. 801. 31 THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING 'i51J I? REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2005 THROUGH 06/30/2006 S P E C I A L REV E N U E FUN D S CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y.T.D. VARIANCE ********REVENUES******** PROPERTY TAXES 117.680.00 115.763.98 1.916.02 112.532.03 112.532.03 SALES TAX/OTHER TAXES 360.500.00 443.195.51 (82.695.51) 364 .477 . 71 364 .477 . 71 FINES & FORFEITURES 156.000.00 190.869.24 (34.869.24) 149.341. 93 149.341. 93 USES/MONEY & PROPERTY 99.757.00 108.314.70 (8.557.70) 102.932.29 102.932.29 INTERGOVERNMENTAL FROM STATE 1. 014.231. 00 1.094.513.46 (80.282.46) 2.354.339.65 2.354.339.65 INTERGOVERNMENTAL FROM COUNTY 340.440.00 355.919.00 (15.479.00) 332.344.00 332.344.00 INTERGOVERNMENTAL FROM FEDERAL 92.539.00 122.330.00 (29.791. 00) 56.796.80 56.796.80 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1. 350 .461. 00 1.315.435.57 35.025.43 OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 409.500.00 420.867.00 (11.367.00) 170.482.39 170.482.39 TOTAL REVENUE 3.941.108.00 (226.100.46) 4.718.425.45 4.718.425.45 *******EXPENDITURES******* PUBLIC SAFETY: POLI CE 121.043.00 105.670.43 15.372 . 57 105.952.40 105.952.40 TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LTG 234.700.00 225.650.30 9.049.70 173.175.14 173.175.14 DISASTER PREPAREDNESS FIRE SERV ICES' 270.120.00 267.350.23 2.769.77 251.091.21 251. 091. 21 ACTI V ITY TOTAL 625.863.00 598.670.96 27.192.04 530.218.75 530.218.75 TRANSPORTATION: STREET MAINTENANCE 351.687.00 335.939.86 15.747.14 272.390.25 272.390.25 STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 5.564.00 4.823.96 740.04 ACTIVITY TOTAL 357.251.00 340.763.82 16.487.18 272.390.25 272.390.25 HEALTH & WELFARE: WASTE MANAGEMENT 1.874.906.00 1. 822 . 693 . 60 52.212.40 1. 383.964.16 1. 383.964.16 SOCIAL SERVICES 60.427.00 60.427.00 44.927.00 44.927.00 HOUSING PROGRAMS ACTI V ITY TOTAL 1. 935.333.00 1.883.120.60 52.212.40 1.428.891.16 1. 428.891.16 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: ENGINEERING 6.000.00 6.000.00 6.000.00 6.000.00 ACTI V ITY TOTAL 6.000.00 6.000.00 6.000.00 6.000.00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: GENERAL CIP PROJECTS COMMUNITY PROJECTS 39.556.00 39.556.00 14.850.00 14.850.00 PARKS 57.270.00 50.349.43 6.920.57 321. 717.00 321. 717.00 STREET CONSTRUCTION/IMPROVEMENT 1.670.803.00 1.257.617 .38 413.185.62 149.554.78 149.554.78 ACTIVITY TOTAL 1.767.629.00 1.347.522.81 420.106.19 486.121.78 486.121.78 TOT A L EXPENDITURES 4.692.076.00 515.997.81 2.723.621. 94 2.723.621.94 EXCESS REVENUE (EXPENDITURES) (750.968.00) (8.869.73) (742.098.27) 1. 994.803.51 1.994.803.51 TRANSFER IN FROM OTHER FUNDS TRANSFERS OUT TO OTHER FUNDS 88.737.00 21. 788.59 66.948.41 1.336.274.58 1. 336 . 274 . 58 REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES (839.705.00) (30.658.32) (809.046.68) 658.528.93 658.528.93 THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2005 THROUGH 06/30/2006 q 1J iJ;! S P E C I A L ASS E SSM E N T FUNDS CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y.T.D. VARIANCE ********REVE NU ES******** SPECIAL BENEFITS ASSESSMENTS 664,610.00 645.230.59 19,379.41 744,099.49 744,099.49 USES/MONEY & PROP-INTEREST 15,478.00 17,139.71 0,661. 71) 14,748.10 14,748.10 OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 5,000.00 5.603.48 (603.48) TOTAL REVENUE 685,088.00 667,973.78 17,114.22 758,847.59 758,847.59 *******EXPENDITURES******* PUBLI C SAFETY: TRAFFIC SIGNALS & STREET LIG 278.600.00 262,370.43 16,229.57 231,533.62 231,533.62 ACTI V ITY TOTAL 278.600.00 262,370.43 16,229.57 231. 533.62 231. 533.62 TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC WORKS 2.415.00 2.095.50 319.50 1. 591. 29 1. 591. 29 STREET TREE MAINTENANCE 34.231. 00 19,407.11 14.823.89 18,466.76 18,466.76 STREET LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 356,039.00 329.352.28 26,686.72 317,657.53 317,657.53 ACTI V ITY TOTAL 392,685.00 350,854.89 41. 830.11 337,715.58 337,715.58 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING 13.100.00 11,357.60 1. 742 .40 7,139.94 7,139.94 ACTIVITY TOTAL 13,100.00 11.357 .60 1. 742 .40 7,139.94 7.139.94 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS 32,920.00 18,106.69 14,813.31 STREET CONSTRUCTION/IMPRVMNT 75,000.00 75,000.00 ACTI V ITY TOTAL 107,920.00 93,106.69 14,813.31 TOT A L EXPENDITURES 792.305.00 717,689.61 74,615.39 576,389.14 576.389.14 EXCESS REVENUE (EXPENDITURES) 007.217.00) (49,715.83) (57,501.17) 182,458.45 182.458.45 REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES 007,217.00) (49.715.83) (57,501.17) 182.458.45 182,458.45 THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2005 THROUGH 06/30/2006 CAP I TAL IMP R 0 V E MEN T FUN 0 S CURRENT BUDGET CURRENT ACTUAL PRIOR FISCAL YEAR PRIOR Y.T.D. VARIANCE ********REVENUE******** USES/MONEY & PROP-INTEREST OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE: 865.623.00 19.267.625.00 17.259.910.43 18.546.075.74 (420.542.31) 1.221.970.50 1.221.970.50 2.007.714.57 14.361.927.97 14.361.927.97 1.587.172.26 15.583.898.47 15.583.898.47 *******EXPENDITURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: NON-DEPARTMENTAL 493.396.00 75.050.34 418.345.66 1. 670.531. 92 1. 670.531. 92 CITY ATTORNEY 56.510.00 56.509.63 .37 35.736.39 35.736.39 ACTI V ITY TOTAL 549.906.00 131.559.97 418.346.03 1. 706.268 . 31 1.706.268.31 PUBLIC SAFETY: TRANSPORTATION: HEALTH & WELFARE: HOUSING PROGRAMS 903.030.00 327.654.70 575.375.30 219.420.35 . 219.420.35 ACTIVITY TOTAL 903.030.00 327.654.70 575.375.30 219.420.35 219.420.35 CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES: RECREATION ADMINISTRATION ACTI V ITY TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING ACTI V ITY TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS GENERAL CIP PROJECTS 83.600.00 59.380.81 24.219.19 624.943.39 624.943.39 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENTS 36.771. 00 36.771. 00 PARKS 1l.337.007.00 2.234.876.75 6.285.687.19 6.285.687.19 STREET CONSTRUCTION/IMPROVEMENT 37.647.069.00 6.359.251.49 31.287.817.51 3.309.862.62 3.309.862.62 ACTIVITY TOTAL 49.067.676.00 15.520.762.55 33.546.913.45 TOT A L EXPENDITURES 15.979.977 .22 10.571. 890.78 10.571.890.78 EXCESS REVENUE (EXPENDITURES) (29.887.368.00) 2.572.698.52 (32.460.066.52) TRANSFER IN FROM OTHER FUNDS 59.484.00 6.600.00 52.884.00 1.309.043.67 1. 309 . 043.67 TRANSFERS OUT TO OTHER FUNDS 445.800.00 445.800.00 REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES( 2.572.698.52 (32.852.982.52) 6.321. 051. 36 6.321. 051. 36 \(:1))",12; LI VARIANCE tl B'OI? THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2005 THROUGH 06/30/2006 T R U S T / AGE N C Y FUN D CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y.T.D. VARIANCE ********REVENUES******** SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 242.044.14 (242,044.14) 228,280.46 228,280.46 USES/MONEY & PROP-INTEREST 9.505.83 (9.505.83) 5.612.63 5,612.63 TOTAL REVENUE 251. 549.97 (251. 549.97) 233.893.09 233,893.09 *******EXPENDITURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: NON-DEPARTMENTAL 231.038.00 231. 731. 25 (693.25) 232.571.18 232,571.18 ACTI V ITY TOTAL 231.038.00 231.731.25 (693.25) 232.571.18 232,571.18 PUBLIC SAFETY: TRANSPORTATION: HEALTH & WELFARE: CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS TOT A L EXPENDITURES 231.038.00 231. 731. 25 (693.25) 232.571.18 232.571.18 EXCESS REVENUE (EXPENDITURES) (231.038.00) 19.818.72 (250.856.72) 1. 321. 91 1. 321. 91 REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES (231. 038.00) 19.818.72 (250.856.72) 1. 321. 91 1. 321. 91 THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2005 THROUGH 06/30/2006 I ;)fJ~bI7 I N T ERN A L S E R V ICE FUN D S CURRENT CURRENT PRIOR PRIOR BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE FISCAL YEAR Y.T.D. VARIANCE ********REVENUES******** USES/MONEY & PROP-INTEREST 297.089.00 267.035.82 30.053.18 245.407.37 245,407.37 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1. 796 . 096 . 00 1. 790 . 982 . 80 5. 113.20 1. 642.441. 30 1. 642,441. 30 OTHER SOURCES OF REVENUE 23.400.00 927.690.94 (904.290.94) 4.841. 986.98 4.841.986.98 TOTAL REVENUE 2.116.585.00 2.985.709.56 (869.124.56) 6.729.835.65 6.729.835.65 *******EXPENDITURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES NON-DEPARTMENTAL 2.092.680.00 2,390.061. 37 (297.381. 37) 2.467.397.02 2,467.397.02 ACTI V ITY TOTAL 2.092.680.00 2.390.061. 37 (297.381.37) 2.467.397.02 2.467.397.02 PUBLIC SAFETY: FIRE 65.561.00 46.269.84 19.291.16 59.862.86 59,862.86 ACTIVITY TOTAL 65.561. 00 46.269.84 19.291.16 59.862.86 59,862.86 TRANSPORTATION: HEALTH & WELFARE: CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: TOT A L EXPENDITURES 2.436.331. 21 (278,090.21) 2.527.259.88 2.527.259.88 EXCESS REVENUE (EXPENDITURES) (41. 656.00) 549.378.35 (591.034.35) 4.202.575.77 4.202.575.77 TRANSFER IN FROM OTHER FUNDS TRANSFERS OUT TO OTHER FUNDS REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES (41.656.00) 549.378.35 (591.034.35) 4.202.575.77 4.202.575.77 ********REVENUES******** USES/MONEY & PROP-INTEREST TOTAL REVENUE ********EXPENDITURES******* GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTIVITIES: NON-DEPARTMENTAL FINANCE ACTIVITY TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY: HEALTH & WELFARE: CULTURE & LEISURE SERVICES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS: TOT A L EXPENDITURES EXCESS REVENUE (EXPENDITURES) TRANSFERS IN FROM OTHER FUNDS TRANSFERS OUT TO OTHER FUNDS REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES CURRENT BUDGET THE CITY OF DUBLIN STATEMENT SHOWING REVENUES VERSUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2005 THROUGH 06/30/2006 E N T E R P R I S E FUN 0 CURRENT ACTUAL VARIANCE PRIOR FISCAL YEAR PRIOR Y.T.D. "3tJb l.?/ VARIANCE