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Youth Advisory Committee Appointments
Report by: Diane Lowart, Parks & Community Services Director
~ Confinn Mayor's appointments to Youth Advisory Committee for
. \!:: the term of September 2005 through August 2006
DESCRIPTION: The tenn of office for the Youth Advisory Committee will expire in
August 2005. The openings for the upcoming term were advertised at the local middle and high schools,
on the City's website and press releases were sent to the Tri-Valley Herald, Valley Times and CTV.
As per the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure for the Youth Advisory Committee, the composition of the
Youth Advisory Committee is composed of a minimum of nine and a maximum of thirteen youth
members and two alternates. At least three must be from Middle School and six from High School.
AdditionaJJy, there are ¡<)ur non-voting adult members representing Dublin Police Services, Dublin
Unified School District, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, and the At-Large Community. The Mayor, with
the approval of the City Council appoints the youth members, the one at-large adult memher and the two
alternates. The remaining three adult members arc appointed by their representing agency/body.
Seventeen applications were received for the youth member positions although two were not eligible as
they were not Dublin residents. No applications for the adult at~large community member were received
so Staff will extend the application period. The Mayor recommends the appointment of the following 13
youth representing both the Middle School age group and the High School age group as shown below.
Brittany Lane
Justin Minor
Matt Pccota
Alicia Ahrens
Kcvin J ung
Morgan King, Jr.
Mike Peeota
Matt Spring
Jiaxuc He
Chen~Chen Phang
Andrew Tam
Caitlin MeLens
Amit Pandc
Wells Middle School
Wells Middle School
Wells Middle School
Dublin High School
Valley Christian High School
Venture/Dublin High School
Dublin High School
Dublin High School
Dublin High School
Dublin High School
Dublin lIigh School
Dublin High School
Dublin High School
COPIES TO: Applicants/Parks & Cnmmunity Services Cnmmission
ITEM NO. .3.(
G:\COUNCII ,\Agenda Statements\2005\&-16 yac appoÎntments.doc
The recommended youth alternates are Lauren DeMiguel and Megan Frantz.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council confinn the Mayor's
appointments to the Youth Advisory Committee for the tenn of September 2005 through August 2006.
City of Dublin ~G5
You T HAD V I 5 0 Rye 0 M M I T TEE \~3CO
ApPLICATION 2005 2006
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the ~pprov~1 of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re"appointment in August 2006. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The
deadline to submit an application is August 1, 2005 at
5:00pm. The Youth Advisory Committee meets once a month.
N~me 136+ to.. Ylty Lan e
Address11-=t 5 P r l' Yl C e .J') r.
City, St.:rr.u.w \ V1 C a
Sch 001
Please ~nsw"r the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
(In 2DOS·2006schoo/y.ar) l.1)._ ~I s m 1"Jd.I€ :;
.-$GhOO I '
(in 200S-2(JD6 school year) __1:..1:1... . 'I'
UUl 1 9 2005
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the pl~nning for one teen event, wh~t would it be? Piease explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 200S-2006 schooi year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youtll Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following çommittee5:
o Publicity & Promotions 0 Special Event Planning 0 March Madness 0 Dub Town Jam
Please return applic~tion materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 100 CiVIC Plaza. Dubiin C4 945'68
If you have any questions please call 925-556-4500.
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
~ ,,.
.. ;.,
2.ö"b ";j /¿)
1. on. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
a. My Mom found an application at the library and brought It home for me to
look at. I told her that I would like to do it.
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
a. I have a chance to make a difference in other people's lives and hopefully
give my opinion to the committee to change some laws.
3. Why are you interested in serving on this committee?
a. The reason I am interested on serving on this committee is that there are
too many people being hurt physically and emotionally within families and
kids don't have anyone they can talk to and trust.
b. I would like to see free after-school programs for students or fee waivers for
Mom's trying to get back on their feet after fleeing from domestic violence.
4. What skill do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth
Advisory Committee?
a. I have taken an active role in the Stockton community (where I am from)
working with the Women's Center of Stockton in raising money
b. I have taken part in making a fund raising CD to fight the violence for W.e.
of Stockton.
c. I feel that somebody has to stand up for children's rights if the courts won't.
d. I am good at talking with people especially if they are in a crisis state.
e. I have personal experience on the domestic violence subject.
f. I am devoted with passion to help change someone's life from being
destroyed from someone else's bad behavior.
g. I am a smart girl who has her priorities set straight.
h. I wish for peace, love, and understanding for my community.
i. I fight for what is right.
j. I believe in honesty and trustworthiness.
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one teen event, what would it be?
a. The event would be a fund raiser for domestic violence.
I. Set up a fund that would help my classmates understand their parents
and to teach them what good touch and bad touch is.
1. To show the symptoms of domestic violence and how to prevent
It from happening in their family.
b. I would like the committee to take an active stand against domestic violence
and hold a walk, or dance-a-thon.
6. What activities are you actively In for the school year 2005-2006?
a. I go to school and do my homework.
7. How would the activities in #6 effect you time commitment to the Youth Advisory
a. I would come home and do my homework as always and spend my extra
time working on the Youth Advisory Committee.
8. If you aren't selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in
being on another committee?
a. Yes
b. Publicity and Promotions
9. Please provide the name and phone number of the three references.
a. Abby Johnson 925-828-6227
b. Pansy Lam 510-866-2478
c. Roberto Carrillo 925-833-8552
C i t Y 0 f Dub I i n ~6.S '1v¡¡~
2005 - 2006
. :t
Thank you for exprE'ssing an intE'rest in serving on thE' Youth
Advisory CommittE'E'.
The purpose of the CommittE'e is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation ~nd promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approv~1 of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-appointment in August 2006. The twelve-month term
COmmences in September and terminates In AUgust. ,,J;be
deadline to submit an application Is August 1, 2ooš"ât
5:00pm. The Youth Advisory Committee meets once a month.
N~me ----.Justin Minor _._._~_
School (In 2005-2006 school YO"Wells Middle School
8th -
Add ress
----ªª90 Mulberry PlaC!""_
Dublin, CA 94568
Gr~de (In 2005-2006 school YO'T)
Ple~se answer the following questlolls on a separ~te sheet of p~per.
1. How did you find out ~bout the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4, What skills do you possess that would make you ~ strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be Involved in the planning for one teen event, what would It be? Ple¡¡se explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2.005-2006 school year?
7. How would the ~ctivities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following commlttE'es:
o Publicity & Promotions 0 Special Event PI¡¡nning 0 March Madness 0 Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phonE' number of three references.
Please return application Inaterials to: Youth Advisory Committô'r;, 100 CiVIC Plaza. Dub/In C4 94568
If you have any questions pleas~ c¡¡11 925-556'4500.
Justin Minor
8390 Mulberry Place
Dublin, CA 94568
1. I served as a council member during the 2004/2005 term,
2. VAC coordinates teen events and works with the city on various youth
3. When I served before, I had a wonderful experience planning the events
and working as a volunteer to provide activities for the youth of Dublin.
4. I am currently a committee member,l was in Le¡¡tdership during the
2004/2005 school year and I am in Boy Scouts,
5. The St. Patrick's Day Festival. I worked at this event last year and would
like to continue to help with this successful event.
6. During the 2005/2006 school year I will be in participating soccer,
wrestling and track, I am also in Boy Scouts. I wi1l be the Well's Middle
School mascot. I also participate in my church youth group and
confirmation class.
7. There shouldn't be a conflict because these are usually after school
8. Special Event Planning.
9. Lori Godwin
Denette Bell
Gynithe LaSalle
City of Dublin ~M
A D V ISO Rye 0 M M I T T E E&;~ ~
2005 .. 2006
Th¡:mk you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Ccmmlttee,
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with Implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-apPolntment In August 2006. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The
deadline to submit an application is August 1, 2005 at
5:00pm. The Youth Advisory Ccmmlttee meets once a month.
Name J'\oI.1+ F f<.(ofc\
Address (pI 0 7 LeJ..5}I!-IAi<-:1ml
City, Sd)A b : I) C A
School (In 200S-2oo6 school yeðr) we. / / <;
Te/I'" '5~de (In 200S-2006 school yeðr) /5
Phone '3 S i -()'-/ q I)
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2.. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved In the planning for one teen event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved In during the 2005-2006 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8, If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Ccmmittee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees:
o Publicity & Promotions 0 Special Event Planning 0 March Madness 0 Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth AdvIsory Committee, 100 Civic Plaza. Dublin C4 94568
If you have any questions please call 92.5-556"4500.
îŒfJ '4
Youth Advisory Committee
AI!Plication 2005-2006
Question # 1: My brother, Mike.
Question #2: I know that they develop new activities and
help with programs offered by the City of Dublin.
Question #3: I am involved in the City of Lights Volunteer
Program with the City of San Ramon and am a Volunteer
Junior Lifeguard for the San Ramon Aquatic Center. It
would be nice to be more involved in my hometown, Dublin.
Question #4: I am very dependable.
Get along with others well.
Enjoy helping the Community.
Question #5: If it was an existing event, I would like to help
with Capture the Cauldron. It is so much fun and I think it
could be even more fun. The teams need to have equal
members of older kids and the teams need to have more time
and organization to work out their strategies. It is a great
event just the way it is but it could be even better.
In had to plan my own event, I would plan a trip to Great
America or Marine World right after school starts so school
friends could have fun together just as soon as they get back
'G"b ~ Ip
to school. It would be late in the season for the theme parks
so the lines should be pretty short. Last year, I went for
Hal10ween and there were very short lines and I had lots of
fun at Marine W orId.
Question #6: Right now, I volunteer at the Dublin Library
twice a week and help with the Reading Game, volunteer at
the San Ramon Aquatic Center as a Junior Lifeguard and 1
volunteer once in a while for the San Ramon City Lights
Program. When school starts, I am a member of Wells
Symphonic Band, Jazz Band and may be in the Drum Line. I
am not involved in any sports teams.
Question #7: Once the Reading Game is done in August that
will be over. The Junior Lifeguard volunteer work will also
decrease when swim lessons stop. I will be volunteering for
the City of Lights but a schedule comes out of events and I
pick the events I want to volunteer for so I could check with
the Youth Advisory Committee first to see if anything is
going on. The school band performances, I have to go to
because I get a grade in school for the classes. Band
practices are usually always during class time or right after
school so I think that will be okay.
Question #8: I think I would like to be involved with
Publicity & Promotions because without publicity a great
event just won't be great.
qDt> '1 b
#9: Three references:
Mike and Sharon Goldstone, Neighbor
Rosemary Brassea, Friend
Lindsay Brecht
Pool Manager
San Ramon Aquatic Center
City of Dublin ~
A D V ISO Rye 0 M M I T TEE IO~%
2005 - 2006
, .
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
member-s appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office wiil be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-appointment in August 2006. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The
deildline to submit iln ilppliçation is August 1, 2005 at
5:00pm. The Youth Advisory Committee meets once ~ month.
, ~/:;"l-.........
N~me A:l\C.\Ç'>--I\I-lVt:'.m
Address 7 ~~'Ç.\àitla..c.Q.,..t:k-Q(-
City, St. _:QUb~l 1\ ~ ,/\
School (In 2005-1006 school year)
qi.tV ,
Gr~de (In 2005-2006 school year) _ ,~¡
éh. ~ ~-_._-- »:
Please ~nswer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advi50ry Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving On this Committee'
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youtll Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the pianning fo,· one teen event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2005-2006 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees: J .
o Publicity & Promotions (¡) Special Event Planning 0 March r<:1adness i Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth AdviOiory CQmmittee, 100 Civic Plaza. Dublin 01 94568
If you h¡we any questions please call 925-556-4500.
\ 1Gb ';$(p
A I) 'ú a Ahrens
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City of Dublin . ~
You T HAD V ISO Rye 0 M M I T TEE '~q)~'~
ApPLICATION 2005 - 2006
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the committee Is to provide Input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address Issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-appointment in August 2006. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The
deadline to submit an application is Augu5t 1, 2005 at
5:00pm. The Youth Advisory committee meets once a month.
Nome lL...e If;v-. J \).V\~
Address 2d.!í.., L-", ~ fA IlIA'" ~1..Jd¡
City, St. D '-',I, :'"" ( Æ
School (In 2WS-2006scf¡oo/ yeiJ') V (A.! Ie-I C [A.Vi71-,· (,<. '--\
Grade (In 2005-2006 school yeiJ') I D-t "-
Phone q 25 ,- ,?O,;, -lPl IS
Please answer the fOllowing qoestions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory committee?
DIAGI:,^ veb1:+e...
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee? oJ. I. ' I' .-." \
.. f . ~(...I, 'í} Y,,"u-rLA (11.< "". v, ,,,
'T~;lA+Q.ç:.ter-..f- vi'¡-v"..¡o",-\--v-, ~'Ii'+~ v..I]I),I'ej· -rC,17 oj'. 11'" '
I I'" ftA¿ QM^,," pt.
3. Wy are you interested In serving on this Committee? . .
J...."..,b''''+.rrO feli)(...\-'I ¡VIQY'C (). ~.;J,^+ 'f¡,¡".'¡'v, [Äct;v:f;eS (jvJ lAe.J¡? -1-0, f (/'I V) I~
~",.~ ,{- \JI-q,¡¡.ðttl,
4. What skills 00 you possess, that WtUld. make you a S, trong ca",n, d"idate for ~he Youth AdVls9~Committee? I '( ',' I
J.-(ì'ît ¡)I VI ~')iE'- C;VIJ'- I.r+v-. -t"'V()¡q..C/.05",lte1,ot'lv'+~t 0\."[(/1A'f t7}(o'^f "'-",0'11' r¿Ve;,~
\J /.1I.I...f .'ÎO~~Ofl'Ve., C I\~,. A0J )..~I"'-",'ll''''''4-üE;~'''\A N-O(.C'.bv,^+f~f!(¡,0"'l'V\pr/OU5j
5. If you c ul( be Invólved In the planrting for one teen event, whatwouleJ It be? Please explain. j ,
6. Wh~ ;~~~s ~::~cu~t~y\n~~:j ~n~ W~b~~~~~e;I!:;;n~:;;~-2~¥tctd~:at ' tJ·~~~~í:;:;~
f>v~f 5(o",~j, '']:. (J..,..... IM\J ·111~.þ:;VIV¡ oá C1-kr- ú\.d-;"';+'/Jí -\--. f;,e. ~iAVOllf~d V~+l."
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
B<:Jj > ¿:11 lA.+S eVe DV!Iv.e'jJvj Aìq)lÆ15 rw-J.f'v..I¿ ~r o..J:¡;.r;e<; v.-Vt \J<.""':0\;.¡1·¡;'i'¡~i
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be Interested In serving on one of the V'-'ß) ".
following committees:
S Publicity & Promotions . Special Event Planning II March Madness .. Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 100 Civic Plaza. Dublin C4 94568
If you have ony questions please call 925-556-4500.
City of Dublin *,,~
2005 - 2006
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee Is to provide Input on youth
services, assist with Implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address Issues that effect youth In the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee Is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re"appointment In August 2005. The twelve-month term
commences in september and terminates In August. The
deadline to $ubmit an application i$ August 1, 2005 at
5:00pm. The Youth Advisory Committee meets once a month.
Name !1orcr"n Ki nl]. ì,... School (In 2ooS-2oo6 school ~r) Venture/Dublin
Add ress 8348 Creekside Drive Grade (In 2005-2006 school ~r) 10
City, St. Dublin. CI\. 94~hA Phone (925) 829-2816
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find oot about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one teen event, what would It be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved In or will be involved In during the 2005-2006 school year?
7. How would the activities In question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees:
)Q Publicity & Promotions ~ Special Event Planning 0 March Madness 0 Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Cammittee, 100 Civic Plaza. Dub/in C4 94568
If you have any questions please call 925-556-4500.
Attachment to: City of Dublin
Youth Advisory Committee
Application 2005-2006
Morgan King, Jr.
8348 Creekside Drive
Dublin, CA 94568
(925) 829-2816
Age: 14
1. City of Dublin Website
2. YAC lets teens give advice and suqqestions to others
regarding activities and,programs provided by City of
3 .
I enioy participating in my community, meetinq new
residents, introducinq residents to local activities,
special events. history, and rules.
The skills I would bring are: communication with my peers,
and orqanizinq group activities.
An event promoting the City of Dublin to new residents
with teens.
The activities I am currently involved in are: volunteer
for Imagine Theater, as a Director's Assistant, light & sOU0J
tech., backstage assistant.
My volunteer schedule is every 4-6 weeks. I volunteer
because I like to stay busy, and meet people. I would
have the option to give my time to this Committee.
Publicity & Promotions or Special Event Planning
9. References: Maureen Gatterman, 11556 Bay Laurel, Dublin
(925) 828-1545
Leslie Forsythe, 8325 'Creekside Dr., Dublin
(925) 803-5022
Dave Bewley, 11166 Brittany Lane, Dublin
(925) 829-4860
City of Dublin ~
You T HAD V I 5 0 Rye 0 M M I T TEE 110"63'"
ApPLICATION 2005 - 2006
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee Is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The tenn of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-appointment In August 2006. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates In August. The
deadline to submit an application is August 1, 2005 at
5:00pm. The Youth Advisory Committee meets once a month.
Name I"nl~c~t<, School (In 2005-2006 school year) Dv.bt'11 /{.3 1,
Address bl 0'1 /..A.~...........I T~_C7 Grade (In 200S-2(I(J6 school year) IO~
City, St. PvbL~ _ CA Phone (",,.) .~51-C"l~Ç
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one teen event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2005-2006 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees:
o Publicity & Promotions 0 Special Event Planning 0 March Madness 0 Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin C4 94568
If you have any questions please call 925-556-4500.
City of Dubhn
Y Ollth Adv1sory CornInittee
Application 2005-2006
Afplicant: Mike Pecota
1. Row did ybu find out about the Youth Advisory
Officer Neabeack was at an Alameda County Sheriff's Police
Explorers Meeting and told the Explorers about the Youth
Advisory Committee. After the meeting, I talked to Officer
Neabeack a little more and thought I would be very interested
in applying.
2. What do you kDOW about the Youth Advisory
I understand that they are very involved in the community of
Dublin and do some planning of teen events.
3. Why are you interested in serving OD this
Community Service is very important to me. I enjoy working
with the Dublin community through the Police Explorer's
Program and would like to be more active within the
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a
strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Co:mnrittee?
I know the City of Dublin very well and have lived here all of
my life. My parents have enrolled me in various programs
offered by the City of Dublin since I was quite small so I know
what has been offered by the Parks and Recreation
" .
Departments and have enjoyed everything that I have been
enrolled in. I am a lifeguard on staff for the City of San Ramon
and have been working on my leadership skills for a couple of
years now.
5. 1£ you could be involved in pl&nDing for one teen
event, what would. it be?
I would like to plan more events at the Stager Gym during
school breaks at Christmas and Easter. It is such a great
facility and I don't think teenagers use it enough.
6. What activities are you c1ll'rently involved in or will
be involved. in d1ll'ing the 2005-2006 school y(i%r?
I am a Police Explorer, Block Captain for the Neighborhood
Watch Program for Ledgewood Terrace and Hobstone Place
here in Dublin, a Staff Ufeguard with the San Ramon Aquatic
Center and a member of the Dublin High Jazz Band.
7. HoW' would. the activities in question #6 effect your
time corn:mitrnent to the Youth Advisory Committee?
I do have a lot to do; however, it isn't aU that much. Police
Explorers meet every other Wednesday from 6 to 7 p.m. and
there is some community service work involved both within the
City and away from Dublin. The Neighborhood Watch Program
is a program that I control within my neighborhood so I do all
of the scheduling for meetings and events and there are not
that many times a year that we meet. As for being a lifeguard,
I let the pool know what times and dates I am available and
they schedule my work around school and my other activities.
As for the Jazz Band, we will be getting a new band director so
until school starts I have no idea what is involved. The Jazz
Band Class is offered before school so that should not be a
problem with the Youth Advisory Committee.
l~rJb ~lP
8. If you are Dot selected to the Youth Advisory
Co:rnro.ittee, would you be iDterested iD serviDg OD ODe
of the folloWiDg committees: Publicity 8- PromotioDs,
Speci..al bveDt Plarming, March :Madness or Dub ToWIl
I will probably check them all out. I am unfamiliar with exactly
what is involved with the different committees.
9. Please provide the Dame S.Dd phoDe Du:mber of three
Officer Neabeack
AI Chavarria
Community Safety Assistant
Crime Prevention Unit - City of Dublin
833-6677 (office)
Chris Chamberlain
Recreation Supervisor - City of San Ramon
570-1940 (cell)
973-3231 (office)
City of Dublin
ApPLICATION 2005 - 2006
Thank you for expressing an interest In serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the COmmittee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth In the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and .adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re"appolntment In August 2006. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The
deadline to submit an application is August 1, 2005 at
5:00pm. The Youth Advisory Committee meets once a month.
Name MAli So?º- \ IV ~
AddressUJlJ~MU ~\P:l-tf:\ CT
City, St. ~Ç-..¡ . \ () J ~ ,t\
School (In 2005·2006 schoof yo.r) J2J..E:Llru n I f! rl
Grade (In 2005-2006 schoof year) lotV'
Phone C C(6L'; J ~ - 1060
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory COmmittee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one teen event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2005·2006 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Cornmittee, would you be Interested In serving on one of the
following comm ittees:
o Publicity & Promotions 0 Special Event Planning 0 March Madness 0 Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advi50ry Committee, 100 Civic Plaza. Dublin C4 94568
If you h'lVe any questions please call 925-556·4500.
2.DOb ?(p
City of Dublin Youth Advisory Committee Application
1. I found out about the Youth Advisory Committee from the newspaper a year ago. Then
signed up and served on YAC last year and hope to do the same again this year.
2. I know a lot about YAC. The Youth Advisory Committee Is a very good way to get
Involved and help the city plan events and reach out to Dublin's youth community.
3. I am very Interested in serving on this Committee. I love to get Involved and help make
the community a better place. It would be a great learning experience. I think I have a lot of
Ideas and know the issues that effect kids in Dublin and the Tri-Valley. I have always been
interested in Dublin; I always want to know what's going on and care about how to make It
better. Last year I had such a great time and learned so much that I want to do It again.
4. I know I have the right skills to serve the Youth Advisory Committee. I get good grades
and am a hard worker. I also am creative and have many ideas I'd like to share. I like to vOlœ
my opinion and am good at delegating. I think my most important strength is that I am a team
player and a good listener. I also am active in school leadership and am one of the Sophomore
Class Officers. Last year I was also the Vice-Chairman of Y AC so I know what is expected of me.
5. I'd like to be involved In planning as many events as possible. I really am interested in
planning Dub Town Jam like last year ( I was the Sub-Committee Co-Chair). I will help organize
and attend the teen nights such as bowling, the Youth Music Showcase, Capture The Flag and
everything else that would allow my to use all my skillS that I possess.
6. I will be Involved in a few activities during the 2004-2005 school year. I will be active in
school leadership including being one of the Sophomore Class Officers. I will also be playing
soccer for Dublin. I attend CCD (church youth group) at St. Raymond's which meets once a week.
I am looking forward to being involved in as many programs as possible to expand my horizons
and find out what I want to do In life.
7. The activities would not effect my commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee at ail.
The activities don't take away from my dedication to the Youth Advisory Committee; if anything
they allow me to be more in tune with Dublin's youth and find out what we need to do to make
Dublin more youth oriented.
8. If I am not selected to serve the Youth Advisory Committee I would be interested In
serving In any of the other committees. (Publicity & Promotions, Special Event Planning, Teen
Nights, and Dub Town Jam)
Patty Guadagnl
Nelghborl Family Friend
Close Family Friend
Claudia Ambrose
829- 1906
Gall Pau lsen
City of Dublin
ApPLICATION 2005 - 2006
Thank you for expressing an interest In serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with Implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with ~n opportunity
for re-appointment in August 2006. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates In August. The
deadline to submit an application is August 1, 2005 at
5:00pm. The Youth Advisory Committee meets once a month.
N~me J";Ì\xvE', \\e School
Address b"'7m> ~w.~ ç~ Grade
City, St.. \Ã.b\'0-.., C;4 "t'f$ 6~ Phone
Please answer the fOllowing questions on <I separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
(In 2005·2006 5d100/ year) _QJj\~ '-Þj ~ ~
(In 2005-2006 5d1ool ywr) ~L
(Cf51.Æ) r:;-(;O -\511£
4. What sklils do you possess that would malœ you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one teen event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently Involved in or will be involved in during the 2005-2006 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. ~f yare not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
fo wing committees:
Publicity & Promotions 0 Special Event Planning 0 March Madness 0 Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Yol.fth AdvIsory Commltœe, 100 Civic Plaza. DublIn C4 94568
If you have any questions please cali 925·556-4500.
· -
22-1{) 3 (p
City of Dublin Youth Advisory Committee Application
rIA-XV€- rtl-
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
For the past two summers I have been on the JLP (Dublin's Junior
Leader Program for the City's Recreation department), and the director of
the JLP program told us about the Y AC and encouraged us to join.
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
The Youth Advisory Committee is a committee of Youth from Dublin
who brainstonn, organize, and work together in order to plan programs such
as the Dub Town Jam, the March Madness Programs, and many other
programs that involve youth, such as the Day on the Glen. It is also very
much a forum that convenes to discuss the issues affecting today's youth and
the different issues that are special to our community.
3. Why are you interested in serving on this committee?
I am very interested in serving on this committee because I believe
that it's very important that the City plans the activities with the input of the
teens themselves, since who can better have suggestions for Dublin Teen
Activities than us teens? Also, I believe that the activities that the City plans
with the input from the Y AC are very important in the way that they help
Dublin teens to have pride in their City and stay out of trouble. It helps
Dublin in whole since Teens who are more involved in their community tend
to do better in school and stay out of trouble. It really helps to improve our
city as a whole. I a:n very good at organizing and planning, and believe that
I have much experience to bring to this committee. (please see below). I
think Dublin is a great city and it would be really fun to organize events in
Dublin that teens look forward to. I also love seeing things progress from the
brainstorming pile into a real, actual, concrete project/event. After you've
finished something, you feel pride looking at what you have accomplished
and how it affects others positively.
4, What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the
youth advisory committee?
~ .. to
2~~ ~I.ø
I am able to see the big picture and plan what needs to be done. I am
also very good at spotting things that others don't, by thinking outside of
the box and canvassing information. I have developed many leadership skills
from my time working for the City of Dublin's Parks and Community
Services Fun in the Sun summer camps as a JLP, where I worked with
people of all ages. I also consider myself an open-minded person and will
consider each topic rather than flat-out rejecting it. I also work well in
teams, and am a good motivator. It is also very important to have a good
attitude, because that trickles down and affects everyone else in return. A
bad attitude not only takes away one person's ability to contribute, but also
takes away from the team and their morale.
From June 17th to July 7th this year, I did a free summer volunteer work
crew with the Student Conservation Association (SCA) in Moab, Utah
(desert) and Telluride, Colorado (alpine) volunteering for the Bureau of Land
Management's Desert Restoration Program. There we pulled out invasive
species, did desert restoration, and did trail work to make trails more
accessible to the elderly. Working in 105 degrees heat, 1 learned the true
meaning of morale and perseverance when we spent three days chiseling
out stone steps only to have to redo the whole thing after we found out it
did not meet the slope requirements. From this I also learned how important
it is to plan everything out precisely, but also be flexible in decisions, such
as when we attempted to conquer the 14,000 feet Mount Wilson (Wilson
Peak) only to have to give up due to early symptoms of Acute Altitude
sickness. Living in Tents in scorching temperatures and Alpine altitudes in
the backcountry for 22 days, team work became close to unmanageable
until we sat down and communicated our fears and worries to each other,
and planning became the ultimate goal as we tried to figure out how to
survive off what could fit into our backcountry backpacking packs while
still staying healthy.
I will never forget those three weeks and the skills I learned there that will
serve me in life and in the Youth Advisory Committee. Even though that
intense experience was done in a totally different realm, what I have learned
through that program can be applied to anything else I do. I know that I will
apply those and other interpersonal skills on the Youth Advisory
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one teen event, what would it
· .
I would want to be involved in the planning for the Day on the Glen,
which is an annual festivity that I attend, since it is a great place to watch
skaters (the skate park) and the local youth tennis tournaments are always an
interesting thing. I would want to help plan this because there are some parts
of it that are great, but can be improved (such as the navigation through
6. What activites are you currently involved in or will be involved in during
the 2005-2006 school year?
This will be my Junior Year of High School, and I will be involved in
DECA club and Animal Club. DECA is a international career development-
type program for high school students that is co-curricular with certain high
school courses, and students go to conferences where student learn about
different career options through workshops and project-like competitions. I
am also in Animal club at school, and occasionally volunteer at the Tri-
Valley Animal Rescue (TV AR animal shelter).
7.How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the
Youth Advisory Committee?
I do not believe that those activates will affect my time commitment.
This is because DECA club meets during lunch at school, and Animal club
also meets during lunch, albeit on different days. I also do not believe that
volunteering at the animal shelter will affect my time commitment, as it is
more of a come and go thing during open hours, and those hours are very
flexible. With DECA conferences, there are quite a few of them, and so
there are a variety of dates to choose from to attend that would not conflict
with the Y AC. J believe I have a very good amount of free time to
contribute to this board, as I am not that busy during the school year and
when need be am good at managing my time.
8.If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be
interested in serving on one o/the/ollowing committees?
Yes, I would be interested in serving on the publicity and promotions
Address: 4815 Winterbrook Avenue
City, St.: Dublin, CA
School (21J05...2006): Dublin High
Grade (2005-2006) : 11 th
Phone: (925) 551-3169
. .
City of Dublin Youth Advisory Committee Auulication
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
Originally, I had ~ard about Y AC through my sister, who served previously on the
committee during her high school years. Y AC events have also been publicized on posters
and flyers distributed around my school campus.
2. What do you know about the Y onth Advisory Committee?
Having had the opportunity to serve on YAC this year, I have seen the way this committee
endeavors to promote safe and meaningful activities for today's youth. The members of
Y AC collaborate on planning for events such as Dub Town Jam, Karaoke Night, and
March Madness, all of which provide a safe environment fur youth to build memories and
meet new people. In addition, the committee as a whole provides input on issues that
affect both younger children and teenagers in the city.
3. Why are you interested in serving on this committee?
Serving in Y AC this year has been a genuine pleasure and honor, and J look furward to
participating in it for another year. It was extremely rewarding to watch my peers having
fun at events which I, t~ other Y AC members, and our adult supervisors had worked
diligently on planning and promoting. Y AC truly does have a positive impact on many
young people, and I would be honored to continue being a part ofthat.
4. What skiDs do you possess that would make you II. strong candidate for the Youth
Advisory Committee?
I am extremely dedicated and committed to the activities I participate in. This year, as a
member of the committee, I went to all the meetings and activities I possibly could, and
also readily volunteered at Y AC events. My involvement in various school clubs and
extracurricular activities has further instilled in me discipline, creativity, and determination.
Also, being a part of the video bulletin team at my school has taught me the value oftearn
work and how to work efficiently in a group.
5. !fyou could be involved in the planning for one teen event, what would It be?
Dub Town Jam has always been a great fàvorite of mine. I take pleasure in watching kids
spend a carefree afternoon playing basketball, eating ftee food, or just chatting with their
Mends. Though preparing for a large-scaJe event like this takes up thought, I feel that it is
definitely rewarding in the end, especially when seeing everyone's smiles.
~ .
2if¡ 1fjV>
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved during the 2005-
2006 school year?
During the next school year, I will participate in my school's video bulletin and will also be
president of the Scholars of Society club.
7. How would the activities in #6 affect your time commitment to the Youth
Advisory Committee?
Because most of these activities take up time during school hours, such as during lunch,
my afternoons and weekends are left ftee to devote to the Youth Advisory Committee.
8. If you are Dot selected in the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested
in serving on one ofthe following committees:
o Publicity &. Promotions
"Dub Town Jam
o Special Even Planning
o Teen Nights
9. Please provide the name and phone number ofthree references.
Larry Carpenter
Abby Johnson
Koren Soule
833-3300 Ex!. 7021
833·3300 Ex!. 7033
833-3300 Ex!. 7034
C it y 0 f Dub I i n ~~"b~'"
2005 - 2006
t., . (+,
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee Is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-·aµpointment in August 2006. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates In August. The
deadline to submit an application is August 1, 2005 at
5:00pm. The Youth Advisory Committee meets once a month.
Name¡}y¡ "ofT ,J __ --JÒTVl
Address~.bl..Gr ':Sm4\1
City, St.__Jh b\; Y\ " (. A
School (¡n2005-2006schoolye~r) DiliíV\ 'H~\tt
Grade (In 2005-2006 sdlool ye~r) ) d-,.f\t\
Phone (175 '> 1)'51 1·bl~
Please answer the following questions9-1'î'a <"p"'?te ~¡'=t nf ~
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved In the planning for one teen event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What ~ctivities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2005-2006 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees:
o Publicity & Promotions 0 Special Event Planning 0 March Madness 0 Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 100 Ovic Plaza. Dublin 01 94568
If you have any questions pleose call 925-556-4500.
þ;.>-.,.". a...
'2't:'q, 31.1:>
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C i t Y 0 f Dub I i n '/63
ApPLICATION 2005 .. 2006
.' .. ...
Thank you for expressing an interest In serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with Implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address Issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-appointment In August 2006. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates In August. The
deadline to submit an application is August 1, 2005 at
5:00pm: The Youth Advisory Committee meets once a month.
Name C'att}¡n Mc'! ~p,()S
Address ~I~Î 1..pr'ÍgPI irYrl T-erVaC-fJ
City, st.J2.l..A.h\ (\'"'\ 1 (1 ø I ¡Jor n t CÀ
School (In200S.2006.<dwo1Y<"'r}.:DJbI¡n trig\-) 5th
Grade (In 200S-2006 scf¡ool year) ~7 -tl->
Phone (92~) 82Ç)- CATI
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you couid be Involved in the planning for one teen event, what would It be? Please explain.
6. What ad;¡Yitles are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2005-2006 school year?
7. HO~~uld the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees;
o Publicity & Promotions 0 Special Event Planning 0 March Madness 0 Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name ònd phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory CommIttee, 100 CIVIC Plaza. DublIn C4 94568
If you have any questions please œll 925-556-4500.
~, "'- ..
I. 1 know about the Youth Advisory Committee because J was on it last year for the
2004- 2005 school year.
2. Y AC is a group that is designed to let teens plan events and voice their ideas that
they have for the City of Dublin, and how Dublin can become a better place for
the youth to live.
3. 1 am interested in serving on this committee because I was apart of it last year and
I had such a great time and a lot of fun. I have many new ideas, and many ofmy
ideas were put into actions last year.
4. 1 speak my mind when I need to and I listen to other people's ideas as well. I am
not afraid to stand up and say if an idea will work or not or if it could be changed
into something better and more fun. I respect others and 1 am a good leader as
well as a follower.
5. This past year I was .on the Duh Town Jam committee and I had a lot oHun
planning it, and it was a big success. I am always up for trying new things but 1
would love to be apart of the committee that plans that event again.
6. 1 will be involved in varsity girl's basketball.
7. This activity will not alTeet more then a couple activities. Last year I think I
missed around three activities/meetings total.
8. I would love to help with the Dub Town Jam committee.
9. Mark Wainwright (925) 548-5614
Andy Marcoux (925) 829-7533
Chris Van Loon (925) 829"3575
· ~,ry;.J,) "1~<0I'~~t y 0 f Dub I i n ye:¿:"t;'"
r\~<f!Þ~; You T HAD V ISO Rye 0 M M I T TEE"
\¡,~",~ ApPLICATION 2005 - 2006
Thank you for expressing an interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with impl~mentatioll and promotion of youth
activities and ¡Jddress issues that effect youth in the communIty.
The Youth Advisory Committ~e is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor witll the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re-appointment in August 2006. The twelve-month term
commences in Se:>ptember and terminates In August. The
deadline to submit an appliçation is August 1, 2005 at
5:00pm. The Youth Advisory Committee meets once a month.
- Po^Y¡
Address ~-5t;1.1 ~ "11¿../ C .
City, St.I,}.Jb} (I ~
L/oy- Grade
Please answer the following questions On a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
(ln2U05-2006schooIY~i") H~bli"'1.~
(1rI2005-2006 school year) 2.. .
Œ.~)0)'C;S-·{ -0 6~1
Ç~f eJ:/0 C f,pJ
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
S. If you could be involved in the planning for one teen event, whilt would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be:> involved in during the 2005-2006 school year?
7, How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees:
o Publicity & Promotions 0 Special Event Planning 0 March Madness 0 Dub Town Jam
9, Please provide the nilme and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: Youth Advisory Committee, 100 Civic Plaza. Dublin C4 94568
If you have any questions pleilse call 925-556'4500.
2005-2006 Youth Advisory Committee Application
Name: Amit Pande
Address: 8671 Fenwick Way
City, SI: Dublin, cA
Schpol:DlJblin High
Grade: 12
Phone: 925-556-0641
1. How did you find out about the Y.A.C?
I have served on the Y.A.c. for the past two years.
2. What do you know about the Y.A.C?
The Y.A.C. is a conunittee comprised of middle and high school students who plan, organize,
and oversee various events for the city of Dublin (such as the Dub Town Jam and Day at the
Glen). The YA C. meets once a month for meetings at the Civic Center.
. 3. Why are you interested ill serving on this Conunittee?
I have had good experiences with the Y.A.C over the past two years, and I would like to
spend one more year helping out the City of Dublin before I leave for college.
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Y.A.C?
I have experience from previous years (which has also built leadership), I am responsible and
always show up for all meetings and events, and over the years, I have continued to become"
better people-person.
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one teen event, what would it be?
I would like to help plan out the Dub Town Jam because I had a lot of fun at the eVellt last
year. Last year, we held a 3-on-3-basketball tournament, but it wasn't well publicized. This
year. I hope to let more people know about the event, because I know there are a lot of people
who would like to parttclpate.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2005-2006
school year?
Varsity Cross-Country, Track and Field, Jazz Band, Advanced Placement classes {whic!r will
occasionally require after school study sessions), and Interact Club.
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time connnitment to the Y.A.C?
Most of these activities take place before 5pm on weekdays, so they shouldn't conflict with
the Y.A.C. meetings or events.
8. If you are not selected to the Y.A.c., would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees?
I would be interested in serving on the Publicity and Promotions and March Madness.
9. Three References:
· Donald Hopkins {Family mend) 925-803-1527
· Soot! Mç¡nm (Family Friend) 925-829-2040
· Glen Walder (Cross country coach) 925-828-6954
City of Dublin A,( 3Y
You T HAD V I 5 0 Rye 0 M M I T TEE ~h1]t -
ApPLICATION 2005 - 2006 ~
Th;:mk you for expressing an Interest in serving on the Youth
Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide input on youth
services, assist with implementation and promotion of youth
activities and address issues that effect youth in the community.
The Youth Advisory Committee is made up of youth and adult
members appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City
The term of office will be for twelve months with an opportunity
for re"appolntment in August 2006. The twelve-month term
commences in September and terminates in August. The
deadline to submit an application is August 1, 2005 at
5:00pm. The Youth Advisory Committee meets once a month.
School (In 2005·2006 school reiJr) DUb' ffi \\~
Grade (In 200S-20OÓ school reiJr) ~~YY()
Phone(S£FY)B~(D -6\(\ lp
City, St.
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How did you find out about the Youth Advisory Committee?
2. What do you know about the Youth Advisory Committee?
3. Why are you interested in serving on this Committee?
4. What skills do you possess that would make you a strong candidate for the Youth Advisory Committee?
5. If you could be involved in the planning for one teen event, what would it be? Please explain.
6. What activities are you currently involved in or will be involved in during the 2005-2006 school year?
7. How would the activities in question #6 effect your time commitment to the Youth Advisory Committee?
8. If you are not selected to the Youth Advisory Committee, would you be interested in serving on one of the
following committees:
o Publicity & Promotions 0 Special Event Planning 0 March Madness 0 Dub Town Jam
9. Please provide the name and phone number of three references.
Please return application materials to: YO(lth Advi~ory Committee, 100 Civic Plaza. D(1biin DI 94568
If you have any questions please call 925-556-4500.
, .
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City of Dublin
Youth Advisory Committee
Application 2005·2006
Name: Megan Frantz
Address: 7811 Crossridge Road
City, State: Dublin, CA
School: Dublin High
Grade (2005-2006): 11"
Phone: (925) 833-9572, (cell) (925) 216-5812
1. I found out about the Youth Advisory Committee from Diane Lowart, who sent me
a reply letter about the student representative of the Parks and Committee
Services Commission and suggested I apply for this
2. I know that the Youth Advisory Committee is a committee made up of 13 middle
and high school teens, who provide input on youth services and programs,
address issues that affect the youth, assist wit the promotion of youth activities,
and generate an annual report on the progress.
3. I am interested in serving on this Committee because it sounds like a very
rewarding volunteer program and I am very interested in helping Dublin youth get
the most out of the activities and programs the city provides and also to help the
city create programs that meet the needs of Dublin's youth_
4. Skills that I posses that would make me a strong candidate is my creativity and
my persistence.
5_ If I could be involved in the planning for one event, I would want it to be Dub
Town Jam because hearing about it this passed year it has made me more
Interested on what it takes to plan and created an event like this one.
6. Activities that I am involved in would be sports; I play tennis, soccer, and I am on
the swim team for my high school. I am also very active in my church, and I go to
Confirmation meetings every Monday night.
7. Sports would effect the most of my time, because there is practice after school
for one or two hours, and then once a week there is a match, or a game, or a
swim meet. The Confirmation for my church program would not be a much as
effect because one is allowed to miss 5 meetings if other events conflict with it.
8. If not selected for Youth Advisory Committee I would be interested in serving on
the Special Event Planning.
9. Three References:
(1) My next-door neighbor Shannon Behm: (925) 553·0587
(2) My other neighbor Tina Bennet: (925) 833-6989
(3) My current boss (I am a lifeguard at the Dublin Swim Center): Vivian Lao
(925) 833·6649