HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 4.05 SeniorCenterChangeOrd CITY CLERK File # D!0J[Q][O]-~ AGENDA STATEMENT CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: September 20, 2005 SUBJECT: Dublin Senior Center Construction Management Services Change Order Report Prepared by Herma Lichtenstein, Parks and Facilities Development Manager ATTACHMENTS: 1) Proposed Change Order RECOMMENDAT~:. ! FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Approve Change Order #2 for Additional Services Original Contract Change Order #1 Change Order #2 Total Revised Contract Amount $178,025 $130,000 $17.787 $325,812 Sufficient funds are available within the project budget DESCRIPTION: On October 7,2003 the City Council approved an Agreement with the Zahn Group to provide Construction Management services for the Dublin Senior Center. In December of 2004 an agreement was reached with McCrary Construction to extend the project completion date. At that time the City approved Change Order #1 with the Zahn Group to allow for added expenses related to the time extension. The agreed upon time extension for the project was based on McCrary Construction's commitment to the City of Dublin to complete the Senior Center by mid-May 2005. They were unable to complete their work until the end of July, some 10 weeks later. The Zahn Group was able to adjust the budget to account for additional time from May 1 through mid-June; this request is for work provided to the City from mid-June through July 31,2005. The Zahn Group also spent more time than anticipated in reviewing subcontractor work. Specifically, the window subcontractor's delays which subsequently impacted all other subcontractors (flooring, painting, etc.) who needed to complete theÌ1- work in those areas. The Zahn Group monitored the subcontractors work and communicated regularly with McCrary Construction about impacts to the project and documented the issues for the City. RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of Staff that the City Council approve the Change Order #2 with the Zahn Group in the amount of$17,787. _~_______________________~~M_~_____________________________________________w_~.~_____________________________ COPIES TO: The Zahn Group G:ICOUNCILIAgenda Statemen¡,1200SI9-20 Zahn Change order_d}C~ \ ITEM NO. 4:t; \t6éÀ CITY OF DUBLIN CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO.2 PROJECT: Dublin Senior Center TO: The Zahn Group PAGEl OF 1 AGREEMENT DATED October 7, 2003 between The Zahn Group and the City of Dublin You 'arc hereby dìrected to ma.ke the herein dc/)cribcd changes from the scope of services or do the following described work not included jn the scope of services on this contract. NOTE: This chan2e order is not effective until a »)rovcd bv the CÎtv MRnRt:!'er Description ofwOI'k to be dot'le~ estimate of quantities; and prices to be paid_ Segregate betwecn additional work at contract pricc, agreed price a:1:'Id force account. Unless othelWìse stated, rates for rental of equipment cover only such time as equipment is actually used and no allowance will be made for jdll: time. Chan!!e reauested bv: The Zahn GronD The last jercetit:a~e /3hown is the net accumulated increase or decrease from the orÌ2'inal fee În the A~eemcnt. I. Zahn Group for a total not to exceed $17,787 based on their scope of work dated October 7, 2003, for the Construction Management services of the Dublin Seuior Center. The scope of the extra service includes additional time for site review and project schcdule extension. ESTIMATED COST INCREASE $17.787 SUBMITTED BY: /41- /" . l '.. '1'7" 06"- ( I /jierma Líchtenstein Date \"'~ Parks & Facihtes Develop. Manager APPROVAL RECOMMENDED BY APPROVED BY Rich Ambrose City Manager Date Janet Lockhart Mayor Date We.. the undersìgned contractor, have given careful consideration to the change proposed and hereby agree, jf this proposal is approved, that We: will provide. all equipment, furnish all materials, except as may otherwise be noted above, and perfonn all services necessary for the work above specified, and win accept as full payment therefor the prices shown above, Acccptcd Date Consultant By Title q-?O-OS 4.5 AmC'-hm~n+.L CITY OF DUBLIN EXHIBIT -An cHANGE ORDER FORM DATE~ PROJECT NAME: CIP #; CONrRACT NO. CHANGE ORDER NO. PERCENT coMPLETED cONTRACTOR; cONTRACT A'!'OUNT: 9/6/2005 ¡)ublin Senior Center 95930 #03·17 2 100% ZiIIhn aroup $176,025 cONTRACT CHANGE ORDERS: CHANGE o~DER #01, Acldltlonalsita ahd sc:neQ time $ CHANGE ORDER #01, Additional site an(:! schad time $ $ AMOUNT 130,000 17,707 147,787 coNTRACT CHANGE oRDERS: TOTAL of ALL CURRENT AND PRIOR cHANGE ORDERS: ADJUSTED coNTRACT AMOUNT; $ $ 147,787 325,812 pRoGRESS PAYMENTS MADE: PAYMENT #01 $ 3,803 PAYMENT #15 $ 12,738 PAYMENr 1/02 $ 10,754 PAYMENT #16 $ 14,769 PAYMENT #03 $ 22,692 PAYMENT #17 $ 1S,522 PAYMENT #04 $ 24,1599 PAYMENT #10 $ 18,359 PAYMENT 1/05 $ 25,629 PAYMENT #19 $ 15,863 PAYMENT #06 $ 13,111 PAYMENT #20 $ 10,866 PAYMENT #07 $ 11,461 PAYMENT #21 $ S,259 PAYMENr #08 $ 7,510 PAYMENT #22 PAYMENT #09 $ 22,177 pA YMENr #23 PAYMENT #10 $ 21,387 PAYMENr #24 PAyMENT #11 $ 8,424 PAYMENT #26 PAYMENT #12 $ 13,a01 PAYMENT #26 PAYMENT #13 $ 14,,271 PAYMENT #27 PA YMENr #14 $ 14,901 PAYMENT #28 $ 214,630 $ 93,395 ToTAL ACTUAL PAyMENTS: $ 308,025 ADJUSTED TOTAL CONTRACT: $ 326,012 REMAINING BALANCE oN CONTRACT: $ 17.787 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED DENIED DENIED DENIED SIGNArURE; Supervislt1{ City M8n8~l!Ir "Mayor Dapt He;el.d ::¿'Ö:)., AMOUNT