HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 8.3 DublinPrideWk 2003 CITY CLERK
File #
SUBJECT: Report on 2003 Dublin Pride Week Activities and
Acceptance of Donations to the City
Report Prepared by: doni Pattillo, Assistant City Manager
ATTACHMENTS: 1) Logo Design for Dublin Pride Week
2) 2003 Dublin Pride Week Brochure
RECOMMENDATION: 1) Receive the Dublin Pride Week Activities Report
3{, 2) Accept donations from Livermore-Dublin Disposal,
Th-Valley Herald, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin
San Ramon Services District, Zone 7 Water Agency, Dublin
Lions Club
3) Direct Staff to prepare formal acknowledgement
FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Sufficient fundS are included in the Fiscal Year 2002-2003 Budget
for the City's contribution to Dublin Pride Week. It is estimated that
the City will contribute $6,000; Livermore-Dublin Disposal will
donate $3,025 for school giveaways; Dublin Chamber of Commerce
will donate $350 for Cable Television Video "Spots on Dublin Pride
Week," Tri-Valley Herald will contribute a variety of advertising
and promotional services valued at $7,625; the Dublin San Ramon
Services District and the Zone 7 Water Agency will contributing in-
kind donations for the Winning Tee-Shirt Design; and the Dublin
Lions Club will donate a barbeque lunch for the Creek Clean-Up
DESCRIPTION: Dublin Pride Week is an annual event which strives to promote a
positive image for the City of Dublin. The overarching objective is to seek ways to provide individual
and/or group opportunities in action-based activities to help improve the community.
This year's Dublin Pride Week is scheduled to start on Saturday, April 26,' and conclude on Saturday, May
3, 2003. It had originally been planned to have Dublin Pride Week coincide with Earth Day on April
22nd. However, it was discovered that all of the Dublin Schools are scheduled for Spring Breaks during
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the week when Earth Day is scheduled. Since many of the Dublin Pride Week activities are designed for
maximum involvement by school age children, the decision was made to delay the event by one week.
The 2003 Dublin Pride Committee is a highly-charged and motivated group that has made several
enhancements to build on previous successful Dublin Pride Weeks. The Committee is made up of 17
members, and is comprised of representatives from:
City Council Dublin San Ramon Services District
City Staff Zone 7 Water Agency
Dublin Unified School District Boy Scouts
Livermore-Dublin Disposal Girl Scouts
Dublin Chamber of Commerce Women's Club
At the Committee's first meeting, the group developed a list of success indicators for this year's Dublin
Pride Week, which were incorporated in the proposed 2003 Dublin Pride Activities:
Increase the number of participants in the Dublin Pride Week activities
Quality Projects and Programs
Effective Outreach in a variety of communication medias (newspapers, cable, radio,
interne.t) with the desired objective of expanding the Community's awareness and increase
volunteerism for Dublin Pride Week
The Committee also developed a branding logo to be associated with Dublin Pride Week that the
Community would recognize in the future. The logo (Attachment 1) is shown with the following words,
"Our City, Our Home, 2003 Dublin Pride", and the slogan, "We've Got It." The Committee felt this logo
truly captured the feeling of the City of Dublin and spells out why this is such a special community.
Proposed 2003 Dublin Pride Activities are as follows:
I. Effective Outreach Campaign to increase the Community's awareness and increase
volunteerism for Dublin Pride Week
Dublin Police and the Dublin Chamber of Commerce will distribute to area businesses
promotional posters that have been designed and printed by the Tri-Valley Herald
Announcements will appear in school newsletters, the City's merchant newsletter,
Chamber of Commerce newsletter, and Dublin San Ramon Services District newsletter
Dublin Pride Week Banners will be flown throughout the City
Announcements will appear on reader boards
Public Service Announcement will be sent to the various radio stations
Press releases will be sent to area newspapers
[] City of Dublin Activity guide will announce Dublin Pride Week
New Activities for the 2003 Dublin Pride Week
Production of Video "Spots" on Cable Television to air on Channel 30
Placement on various lnternet sites
[] Development and placement of Dublin Pride Week Brochure (Attachment 2)
II. Expansion of School Children Participation in Dublin Pride Activities:
ca Dublin Pride promotional items will be given to each child attending school in Dublin.
c~ Dublin Pride Week Poster Week Poster Contest for grades K-12.
All participants will receive a certificate of appreciation
· Winners at each grade level will receive gift certificates
· Winning entries of contest will be displayed at the Civic Center
· Winning entries will also be displayed on the City's Internet site
· Grand Prize and first prize winners will be recognized at a City Council Meeting
· Contest winners will be printed in the Th-Valley Herald Newspaper
· Grand Prize will be used to create the 2004 Dublin Pride Week Poster
New Additions to for 2003
Blood Drive at the High School.
CanFood Drive.
Tee-Shirt Design Contest for older students:
· All participants will receive a certificate of appreciation;
· Grand Prize winner will receive a gift certificate and have their winning design on all
tee-shirts for the Creek Clean-up Volunteers.
· The two runners up will receive a gift certificate and have a printed tee-shirt with their
design on them.
· Grand Prize winner will be recognized at the a City Council meeting.
ca Assist with the Principal's Wish List for small project completions around the schools.
III. Community Improvement Projects
[] Creek Clean-up and Barbeque
[] Volunteers to work on Senior Household projects
New Additions .for 2003
[] E-Waste and Hazardous Material DroP-Off Event
Blood Drive at the High School
Canned Food donations
Individuals, families, community groups and businesses will be encouraged to purchase a
rose bush that will be part of the Rose Garden at the Emerald Glen Park
Bud budget for the 2003 Dublin Pride Week is as follows:
Contributions Anticipated Expenses
City $6,000 School Giveaways $7,000
Livermore-Dublin Disposal 3,025 Posters 250
Chamb er o f Commerce 350 Awards 750
Cable Television 700
Miscellaneous 675
TOTAL: $9,375 TOTAL: $9,375
In-Kind Donations:
Th-Valley Herald Poster Design and event publicity
Dublin San Ramon Services District Tee-Shirts for winning design
and Zone 7 Water Agency
Dublin Lion's Club Barbeque for Creek Clean-up Volunteers
Staff recommends that the Council receive the Dublin Pride Week Activities Report, accept donations
from Livermore-Dublin Disposal, Tri-Valley Herald, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Dublin San Ramon
Services District, Zone 7 Water Agency and Dublin Lions Club, and direct Staff to prepare a formal
What is Dublin Pride Week? DUBLIN PRIDE WEEK
Dublin Pride Week is a week packed with a Sponsored by:
variety of civic opportunities. It's time to
roll up our sleeves and make other cities
"green" with envy as we show our friends
and neighbors what we can do for our city. City of Dublin
Dublin Chamber of Commerce
How Can You Participate?
Take a look at the calendar of events listed Waste Management
in this brochure. Pick your task and then
simply volunteer to help out. Make it a
family affair. If there is no date or time ANG Newspapers
listed for the activity, please call (925) 833- Saturday, April 26 -
6650 to be added to the volunteer project Zone 7 Water Agency o.,~:~a~ur'~ a
interest list.
Dublin San Ramon Services District
Can Anyone Volunteer?
Dublin LionS Club
Yes, call your family, your friends, yotmg
and old. There is always something
someone can do to make a difference.
Remember, this is "Our City, Our Home"
Who Can I Call For Information?
Please cOntact the City of Dublin at (925)
833-6650 for ail questions. There will be
someone there happy to assist you.
Can I Find Information on Your
~ Yes, theCity of Dublin will continually
ffi update the website on all events. The
· -I website address is: www.ci.dublin.ca.us
, Senior Projects: Saturday, April 26 - BUSH" TO BE PLANTED AT EMERALD
Volunteers will be helping elderly citizens take care Senior Projects GLEN PARK NEAR THE TENNIS
of home maintenance projects such as painting, yard Canned Food Drive COURTS.
work, washing windows, etc. There are no special E-Waste & Hazardous Waste Collection ~
skills required just a willingness to help out.
Sunday, April 27 -
~. Community Blood Drive: Senior Projects
Blood supplies are in constant need of replenishment.
The Blood Mobile will be at Dublin High School Canned Food Drive
Cafeteria on Thursday, May 1st from 3:00 pm to
7:45 pm. Monday, April 28 -
Principal's Wish List & The cost to be an "owner" is $25.00 per
& Canned Food Drive: Canned Food Drive rosebush.
Youth groups will be collecting non perishable items Poster Contest Award ~ The community rose garden will hold up to
throughout Dublin Pride Week. Rosebush Planting ~ Emerald Glen Park 100 rosebushes. So if you are interested in
becoming an "owner", please place your
,~. T-Shirt Design Contest: Tuesday, April29- order early. Each rosebush will be
The City's Middle and High Schools will compete in Principal's Wish List numbered from #1 to #100.
a t-shirt design contest with the winning "artwork" Canned Food Drive .~ You will receive a special certificate
appearing on t-shirts which will be given out to the
creek clean-up volunteers. Rosebush Planting ~ Emerald Glen Park showing what number your rosebush will
& Poster Contest: Wednesday, April 30 - & When the garden is complete, there will be a
Dublin Pride Week Poster Contest for grades K-12. Principal's Wish List plaque placed at the site with everyone's
Contest winners artwork will be printed in the Canned Food Drive number and name on it.
Tri-Valley Herald and displayed at the City of Rosebush Planting ~ Emerald Glen Park
Dublin, Civic Center. NAME:
Thursday, May 1 -
~'. Creek Clean-Up and BBQ Principal's Wish List
Volunteers will meet at Ted Fairfield Park at 8:45 Canned Food Drive
a.m. on Saturday, May 3rd. Teams will disperse to Blood Drive at Dublin High School ADDRESS:
four designated locations for the clean-up and return
at noon for a free BBQ hosted by the Dublin Lions Rosebush Planting at Emerald Glen Park
Club. Friday, May 2 - PHONE:
,~ Rose Planting: Principal's Wish List
A community rose garden will be established at Canned FoodDrive Please enclose a check for $25.00
Emerald Glen Park. Interested parties may purchase Rosebush Planting at Emerald Glen Park Payable to the "City of Dublin"
a rosebush to be planted in the garden. Return check and completed form to:
Saturday, May 3 - City of Dublin
~. Principal's Wish List Creek Clean-Up & BBQ at Ted Fairfield Park Attn: Toni Walker
Schools will be impacted by the State's budget short- Canned Food Drive
fall, and there are many small projects that can be 100 Civic Plaza ~
completed at the schools such as: painting projects, Dublin, CA 94568
technology and a variety of other simple projects. (925) 833-6650 I Y'<;