HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 2.4 Proclamation Calif Earthquake Preparedness Month (2) C644 . •P"r"41?F.3'.-A-- -,. .___,I--..-0,-•40. ---____,-..-c. ,,-‘0,‘..:0 _,A4k,.., ...,____„,*€.-,,;;;;...,,,,A,..i,•,;-,,.,...:,'",:•.;;,•...tz,-- -.,-,--,•fie....a.%,. .,-F -,..-404...'"..:..x..:?,..,!. .-4-;,..145: -"400 ---. .. ..‘:ii''''• .c`iM,:.•54'.7,.:;''',. -..... •toz:00:4;t:.1%.„'-' ,., 41.,..:o.,-,0;•Sie.ft.i .....,,,,„,.._‘4,7 %,„:‘,,,...,..fi......,,v;,,,,,,,..04,...*,:, -,:c.,,,;a0,,,,,???:.,,,,,,,,::•,3.;,.....f.. ....,...„,„,.,..,40„.. 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'J_,..7.,,-;', -.1 \wit- .,..5.a; •••-.4 • \I.,, estimated $5. 6 billion. in damage; and . . .. . . , ,.. -.: ..... \ 4.71,PF. , . - . , ..- - . . - - ., , '.,,,1 `,,, , . ,..c.......( rIC..- ..;,!77.'')%t4 WHEREAS, Governor George Deukmejian has proclaimed April as California /k-''' ' --s” ".". ' • ,• ,. -.3ftz•il\ I i:' 4‘.-'.'5 '0A1•\ ' . Earthquake Preparedness Month and urges Californians to learn earthquake ' Ci " =--- ••••":''•,•:•• ,:::.,!•'• ::-,.=.---,'' P.--_-_, ' .- • . , ,y-A --..-_,..._ ••::.....!, ',,”:• :':-.7.: rct;--F3' . safety measures; and ' - ' ;. . - _ . : • •.4ti. •--:,-r-:::" -...,-1, ._ . - , \..Vi->:,,:".4A ,..'i' - : - ' , • , ., ' . ',. .. : " . ' : ! WHEREAS, loss of life and property can be .grea t tly reduced if appropriate - ,-:•%.,:w,..-,, ,a;........7,/ '11.3..t4'•:=••,,,A%, - • CSC.ill ‘‘14t•t:4,4• 4•#1.f ''''■ 'earth quake preparedness meas-ureiare•...Egkenlbe-fdre,e-during and after a -• damaging earthquake; and .•.--- %' - - ; • -• ' - ' - — ' - - - • /..414-.:,•.: 4 i:.,!- I • ..". ..1•4 .•:?'41_1•••••• "•--",',1". I''.1.44.. WHEREAS, lifesaving prodedureenwill ;be 'highlighted during the month of April as the Governor's Office of '..E'mergency. Services and other governmental /..‘,::::-.,7 •;;;,.•••• •,`O-i . ,,4A. •A ',:.‘i agencies provide earthquake safety information to citizens throughout the . .i..--If' -.-:-.-- + - , . , 7 • s ' ‘ -'• . ' _- ,.II . 1,..;, '':'5-'' - --''' ).-- . state, and , ,' - • : , : • , , - - . • • ' --..---\ 7"--;-:';'5-4 ,, :;;.;:: :-..-:,,-.. 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